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Question Paper Unit f221 01 Molecules Blood and Gas Exchange

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Wednesday 9 January 2013 Morning



Molecules, Blood and Gas Exchange

* F 2 1 0 7 2 0 1 1 3 *

Candidates answer on the Question Paper.

Duration: 1 hour

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Answer all the questions.

(a) The following biological molecules are all found in the human body.




State one molecule from the list above that:


contains the element nitrogen;

...................................................................................................................................... [1]


has ester bonds;

...................................................................................................................................... [1]


can be broken down into monosaccharides;

...................................................................................................................................... [1]


is not made of polypeptide chains.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

OCR 2013

(b) All living cells have cell surface membranes. In 1972, Singer and Nicolson proposed a model
for the arrangement of molecules in cell surface membranes which was called the fluid
mosaic model.
Fig. 1.1 represents the structure of a phospholipid molecule which is found in cell surface

Fig. 1.1

Describe the arrangement of phospholipid molecules in the fluid mosaic model of the cell
surface membrane.
You may use the space below for a diagram.

...................................................................................................................................... [2]

With reference to the Singer and Nicolson model, explain the meaning of the term
fluid mosaic.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 8]

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Fig. 2.1 shows the external structure of the human heart.


a coronary artery

Fig. 2.1
(a) Information about each of the blood vessels labelled A to D in Fig. 2.1 is shown in the table


Blood vessel


deoxygenated blood leaves the heart through this vessel

blood enters the right atrium through this vessel

blood leaves the left ventricle through this vessel

oxygenated blood returns to the heart through this vessel

Using the information in the table and in Fig. 2.1, name blood vessels A to D.
A ........................................................................................................................................
B ........................................................................................................................................
C ........................................................................................................................................
D ................................................................................................................................... [4]


One of the coronary arteries is shown in Fig. 2.1.

What is the role of the coronary arteries?
...................................................................................................................................... [1]

OCR 2013

(b) The heart beats continuously throughout life.
The sequence of events that takes place in the heart during one heart beat is described as
the cardiac cycle.
Describe the sequence of events that takes place during the cardiac cycle.
In your answer, you should use appropriate technical terms, spelled correctly.
.............................................................................................................................................. [5]
[Total: 10]

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During a lesson on First Aid, a student was asked about the emergency procedure for reducing
blood loss from a deep wound.
(a) The student made the following statements about how they would carry out the procedure.

Place a pad on the wound.

Press down firmly and secure the pad in place.

If the wound is in a limb, raise the limb above the level of the heart.

If blood continues to soak through, do not remove the first pad but place a second pad on


Suggest two other statements that might have been included in the emergency
...................................................................................................................................... [2]


Suggest why the first pad is not removed if blood continues to soak through it.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) When a blood vessel is damaged, a series of reactions occurs and the blood clots. The clot
consists of blood cells trapped in a mesh of protein fibres.
Fig. 3.1, on the insert, shows a highly magnified photograph of a blood clot as it appears
under a microscope.

The actual diameter of the erythrocyte, labelled in Fig. 3.1, is 8 m.

Using the line between points X and Y on the photomicrograph, calculate the
magnification of the erythrocyte.
Show your working. Give your answer to the nearest whole number.

magnification = .......................................................... [2]

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The fibres shown in Fig. 3.1 are made of protein.

Name this protein.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]


The protein found in the fibres shown in Fig. 3.1 has primary and secondary levels of
protein structure.
Outline what is meant by the primary and secondary structure of a protein.
Details of the bonds involved are not required.
primary ..............................................................................................................................
secondary ..........................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Scientists have recently developed bandages that can prevent excessive blood loss.
These bandages contain chemicals that can speed up blood clotting.
Using your knowledge of the blood clotting process, suggest how these chemical bandages
could speed up blood clotting.
.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
[Total: 9]

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The tissue lining the respiratory tract contains cells that secrete the glycoprotein that is found in
(a) Complete the sentences below about the production of mucus.

Mucus is produced by cells which are found in

epithelial tissue that lines the respiratory tract.
Organelles within these cells work together to produce the mucus. Firstly, protein is
synthesised by the . This protein is then transported
in to the . Here
the protein molecules are modified by adding to form
The completed glycoprotein molecules are then transported towards the cell surface
membrane where they are secreted into the extracellular environment by the process of


(b) Mucus also contains water and solutes. This ensures that the mucus is sticky enough to trap
bacteria, but fluid enough to be removed from the respiratory tract.

Describe how the mucus and bacteria are removed from the respiratory tract.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]


Describe how the water molecules found in mucus leave the cells lining the respiratory
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 12]

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Question 5 begins on page 10


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In order to check a persons health, a doctor may arrange for a blood sample to be taken from a
patient. This blood sample will then be sent to a hospital laboratory for analysis.
(a) Describe the procedure for taking a blood sample from a patient.
In your answer, you should use appropriate technical terms, spelled correctly.
.............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(b) Blood contains several different types of leucocyte (white blood cell).
Fig. 5.1 shows two leucocytes, X and Y.
These cells are not drawn to the same scale.

leucocyte X

leucocyte Y
Fig. 5.1


Name leucocytes X and Y.

X ........................................................................................................................................
Y ................................................................................................................................... [2]

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Leucocyte X appears to have granules in the cytoplasm. These granules are lysosomes.
Describe the role of lysosomes in leucocyte X.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Certain types of medication can affect the number and types of leucocytes in the blood. It is
important for doctors to monitor the leucocyte counts of their patients.

Name a piece of apparatus that could be used to count the number of leucocytes in a
blood sample.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]


Both leucocytes and erythrocytes can be counted using the apparatus in (c)(i).
When preparing erythrocytes for counting, the blood sample is diluted with a fluid, such
as Dacies fluid, to a dilution factor of 1 in 200. No stain is used. For leucocytes, this
procedure is modified in several ways.
Give one reason for each of the following modifications for counting leucocytes:
dilution factor is changed to 1 in 20 ...................................................................................
a different diluting fluid is used ..........................................................................................
a stain is added to the diluting fluid ....................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 12]

OCR 2013

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Some students were carrying out an investigation to compare the heart rates of two athletes.
They measured the pulse rates of the athletes during exercise and at rest.

Both athletes were aged 17 years.

One of the athletes was recovering from injury and had not been in training for three months.

(a) Describe how pulse rate can be measured manually.

.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

OCR 2013

(b) Fig. 6.1 shows a bar chart of the results obtained by the students.

at rest


during activity

athlete who has not
trained for 3 months

athlete in training

Fig. 6.1

The students forgot to write down the dependent variable on the y-axis in Fig. 6.1. Write
an appropriate label for the y-axis.
...................................................................................................................................... [1]


Draw a bar, on Fig. 6.1, to show a value for the pulse rate during exercise of the athlete
who has not been in training.
The answer to this question should be drawn on Fig. 6.1.



Using Fig. 6.1, and with reference to heart function, suggest an explanation for the
difference in resting heart rate of the two athletes.
...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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Both athletes were aged 17 years.

State two other factors that should have been taken into account by the students to
ensure the validity of the data.
1 ........................................................................................................................................
2 ........................................................................................................................................
...................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 9]


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number(s) must be clearly shown in the margins.
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