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Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperinflation Therapy Walsh Chapter 12

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The document discusses the history and various techniques of airway clearance therapy including both traditional and newer methods as well as potential complications.

Some of the traditional airway clearance techniques discussed include postural drainage, percussion, chest wall vibration, and coughing.

Some of the newer airway clearance techniques discussed include forced expiration technique, positive expiratory pressure therapy, high-frequency chest compression, insufflator-exsufflator, high-frequency chest wall oscillation, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, and autogenic drainage.



Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy


History and Current Status of Airway Clearance Techniques Physiological and Pathophysiological Considerations Traditional Airway Clearance Therapy Techniques Postural Drainage Percussion Postural Drainage and Percussion Vibration of the Chest Wall Airway Clearance Therapy Behavioral Issues Adverse Consequences Cough Forced Expiration Technique Coughing and Forced Expiration Technique Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy Autogenic Drainage Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy and Autogenic Drainage High-Frequency Chest Compression High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation Effectiveness of Techniques Complications of Airway Clearance Therapy Hypoxemia Airway Obstruction and Respiratory Arrest Intracranial Complications Rib Fractures and Bruising Airway Trauma Selection of Patients for Airway Clearance Therapy Conditions in Which Airway Clearance Therapy May Not Be Benecial Conditions in Which Airway Clearance Therapy May Be Benecial Contraindications Length and Frequency of Therapy Therapy Modication Monitoring During Therapy Evaluation of Therapy Documentation of Therapy Hyperination Therapy Incentive Spirometry Intermittent Positive-Pressure Breathing Indications, Contraindications, and Complications Equipment Assessment of Therapy Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation Indications, Contraindications, and Complications Assessment of Therapy Future of Airway Clearance Therapy

After reading this chapter the reader will be able to: 1. Explain the indications and risks of airway clearance techniques 2. Apply the various techniques of airway clearance 3. Understand how to avoid complications associated with airway clearance techniques 4. Understand the role of hyperination therapy and its relationship to proper airway clearance

Airway clearance technique (ACT) Cough Hyperination therapy Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy



SECTION I Section Title producing secretions, we should do something about it. Although most studies have focused on the primary outcome of sputum production, it is not clear whether or not sputum volume is an appropriate indication or outcome of airway clearance. There is a perception that airway clearance may not help, but it wont hurt either. This attitude can lead to inappropriate orders and inadvertent complications. Many airway clearance techniques are not benign, particularly if they are not used as intended.

Traditional airway clearance techniques (ACT) are designed to remove secretions from the lungs and include postural drainage, percussion, chest wall vibration, and coughing. Newer techniques considered part of ACT are maneuvers to improve the efcacy of cough, such as the following: The forced expiration technique (FET) Positive expiratory pressure (PEP) therapy High-frequency chest compression (HFCC) Insufatorexsufator (e.g., Cough Assist) High-frequency chest wall oscillation with Cough Assist Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation Specialized breathing techniques, such as autogenic drainage (AD) Because all these techniques share the same goal removal of bronchial secretionsthe term bronchial drainage is often employed to describe them collectively. This term may be preferable to ACT because it highlights the aims, rather than the means, of treatment. This chapter is devoted to describing and analyzing bronchial drainage techniques and how they should be applied to the infant or pediatric patient with lung disease or respiratory impairment.

Physiological and Pathophysiological Considerations Airway Clearance Mechanisms

Ciliary movement and cough are the two primary airway clearance mechanisms. Expulsion of mucus requires turbulent ow from the peripheral airway toward the trachea. The airway undergoes compression that creates moving choke points or stenosis that catch mucus and facilitate expiratory airow propelling the mucus downstream13 (Figure 12-1). This mechanism requires narrowing of the airway, but complete obstruction will inhibit this transfer. Children, particularly infants, are prone to complete airway obstruction that can lead to atelectasis and the elimination of expiratory ow. This result is particularly true in the heterotaxy population. Infants and children have high chest wall compliance because they have less musculature, ossication, and stiffness of their rib cage than adults.14 They also have a lower


Postural drainage was used as early as 1901 in the treatment of bronchiectasis.1 In the 1960s and 1970s we saw an increase in the use of ACT.2 It was introduced in many U.S. hospitals concurrent with a wave of mounting criticism of intermittent positive-pressure breathing (IPPB) therapy. Many institutions found that the routine use of IPPB was replaced with the routine use of ACT. Beginning in the late 1970s, experts in the eld began to point to the lack of evidence to support the routine use of ACT in pulmonary disorders such as pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.3 However, despite a steady stream of criticism, the use of ACT appears to have increased dramatically.4-12 The clinician must evaluate the possible usefulness of airway clearance in the face of low-level evidence and intervene only when the benet clearly outweighs the risk. Traditional airway maintenance, airway clearance therapy, and principles of their application are similar for neonates, children, and adults. In the pediatric patient, distinct differences in physiology and pathology limit the application of adult derived airway clearance and maintenance modalities. One of the major obstacles in device research, particularly airway clearance or maintenance modality, is proper blinding and equipoise. The lack of scientic rigor, among other issues, has led to a deciency of high-level evidence. Yet airway maintenance and clearance therapy take a great deal of the clinicians time. Many clinicians feel that if the patient is

Phase 1 Turbulent expiratory airflow

Phase 2 Turbulent expiratory airflow

Phase 3 Turbulent expiratory airflow

FIGURE 12-1 Compression of the airways creates moving choke points or stenosis that facilitate mucus expulsion. Narrowing of the airway is required, but complete obstruction will inhibit this transfer.

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy pulmonary compliance and greater elasticity than adults, leading to a lower functional residual capacity (FRC) compared with their total lung capacity, which promotes premature airway closure.15 The bronchus will collapse as pleural pressure exceeds intralumen airway pressure. This collapse is avoided by opposing forces that make up the rigidity of the airway structure, specically smooth muscle in the peripheral airways and cartilage in the central airways. In infants, especially premature infants, the airway cartilage is less developed and more compliant than that of older children and adults.16 This increased yielding leads to greater airway collapse at lower changes in pleural and airway pressure. Common neonatal disease states reduce pulmonary compliance and produce bronchial wall edema, enhancing the risk of airway collapse. The clinical picture of airway collapse often prompts ACT or bronchodilator orders. This airway collapse can be further exaggerated when chest percussion is performed or bronchodilators administered. Bronchodilators cause a decrease in smooth muscle tone, leading to increased collapsibility. This is why continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or PEP can be therapeutic in patients with airway collapse, because it tends to improve their FRC and establishes a fundamental airway clearance mechanism of producing air behind the secretions. Efforts to increase FRC can be valuable tools in your airway clearance arsenal. Airway resistance is disproportionately high in children at baseline. Small changes in airway diameter such as caused by edema, secretions, a foreign body, or inammation can lead to drastic changes in resistance. This decrease in airow limits the childs ability to expel secretions and may contribute to the work of breathing. Furthermore, the upper airway, particularly the nose, can contribute up to 50% of the airway resistance, which is only compounded by nasal congestion.17 Interalveolar pores of Kohn and bronchiolar-alveolar canals of Lambert are compensatory mechanisms that contribute to the aeration of gas exchange units distal to obstructed airways in older children and adults. (Figure 12-2)


Yet these are missing in infants, in whom these collaterals are not well developed. This can hinder airway clearance and lead to large areas of atelectasis.

Traditional Airway Clearance Therapy Techniques

Traditional ACT has four components: (1) postural drainage, (2) percussion, (3) vibration of the chest wall, and (4) coughing.

Postural Drainage
Postural drainage attempts to use gravity to move secretions from peripheral airways to the larger bronchi, from which they are more easily expectorated. The patient is placed in various positions, each designed to drain specic segments of the lung, and may be supported by rolled towels, blankets, or pillows. Figures 12-3 and 12-4 illustrate postural drainage positions used in infants and children.13 Other versions incorporating minor variations have also been published.2,19,20 Postural drainage can be performed with or without percussion or vibration. When accompanied by percussion or vibration, each position is maintained for 1 to 5 minutes, depending on the severity of the patients condition. When percussion or vibration is omitted, longer periods of simple postural drainage can be performed.

Percussion is believed to loosen secretions from the bronchial walls. While the patient is in the various postural drainage positions, the clinician percusses the chest wall, using a cupped hand (see Figure 12-5). The areas to be percussed are illustrated in Figures 12-3 and 12-4. Clinicians should not percuss over bony prominences; over the spine, sternum, abdomen, last few ribs, sutured areas, drainage tubes, kidneys, or liver; or below the rib cage. The ideal frequency of percussion is unknown; however, some reports recommend a frequency of 5 to 6 Hz (300-360 blows per minute), whereas others recommend slow, rhythmic clapping.19,21 Several devices can be used for percussion, including soft facemasks as well as those commercially designed, such as palm cups and mechanical percussors (Figure 12-6). Infants and children may have percussion performed in the lap of the clinician. However, if the patient is mechanically ventilated or has multiple tubes and intravenous lines in place, it may be preferable to perform therapy with the patient in the bed. Catheters, tubes, and indwelling lines are easily dislodged in infants and young children, and appropriate care must be taken.

Obstructing mucus

Canal of Lambert

Postural Drainage and Percussion

Pore of Kohn

FIGURE 12-2 The location of collateral airways such as the interalveolar pores of Kohn and bronchiolar-alveolar canals of Lambert.

Many investigations have been conducted to determine the relative importance of percussion, vibration, and postural drainage. In a study designed to determine the


SECTION I Section Title


FIGURE 12-3 Postural drainage positions for infants and younger children.. A, Apical segment of the right upper lobe and apical subsegment of the apicalposterior segment of the left upper lobe. B, Posterior segment of the right upper lobe and posterior subsegment of the apicalposterior segment of the left upper lobe. C, Anterior segments of right and left upper lobes. D, Superior segments of both lower lobes. E, Posterior basal segments of both lower lobes. Postural drainage positions for infants. F, Lateral basal segment of the right lower lobe. Lateral basal segment of the left lower lobe is drained in a similar fashion but with the right side down. G, Anterior basal segment of the right lower lobe. The segments on the left side are drained in a similar fashion but with the right side down. H, Right middle lobe. I, Left lingular segment of lower lobe.

contribution of these maneuvers to clearance of mucus, there was no demonstration of improvement in clearance of mucus from the lung when percussion, vibration, or breathing exercises were added to postural drainage.22 These investigators also showed that FET was superior to simple coughing and when combined with postural drainage was the most effective form of treatment.23 Other studies24-26 have reported the following: 1. Percussion without postural drainage or cough produced minimal change in the clearance of mucus.

2. When compared with simple postural drainage, chest percussion actually reduced the amount of sputum mobilized. 3. Manual self-percussion did not increase the amount of sputum expectorated compared with simple postural drainage in a group of patients with cystic brosis (CF).

Vibration of the Chest Wall

Vibrations represent an additional method of transmitting energy through the chest wall to loosen or move bronchial

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy


18 18





FIGURE 12-4 Postural drainage positions for the child or adult. The model of the tracheobronchial tree next to or above the child illustrates the segmental bronchi being drained. The stippled area on the childs chest illustrates the area to be percussed or vibrated. A, Apical segment of right upper lobe and apical subsegment of apicalposterior segment of left upper lobe (area between the clavicle and top of the scapula). B, Posterior segment of right upper lobe and posterior subsegment of apicalposterior segment of left upper lobe (area over the upper back). Postural drainage positions for the child or adult. The model of the tracheobronchial tree next to or above the child illustrates the segmental bronchi being drained. The stippled area on the childs chest illustrates the area to be percussed or vibrated. C, Anterior segments of right and left upper lobes (area between clavicle and nipple). D, Superior segments of both lower lobes (area over middle of back at tip of scapula, beside spine). E, Posterior basal segments of both lower lobes (area over lower rib cage, beside spine). F, Lateral basal segment of right lower lobe. Segment on left is drained in a similar fashion but with the right side down (area over middle portion of rib cage). G, Anterior basal segment of left lower lobe. Segment on right is drained in a similar fashion but with the left side down (area over lower ribs, below the armpit). H, Right middle lobe (area over right nipple; below breast in developing females). I, Left lingular segment of lower lobe (area over left nipple; below breast in developing females).


SECTION I Section Title All percussion and vibration devices should be cleaned after each use and between patients.


A Collapse of the right upper lobe after extubation is a common complication in the premature infant, and routine treatment of premature infants after extubation is common.28,29 However, most treatments are not required because little respiratory compromise is seen with a singlelobe collapse. Treatment may be given to the right upper lobe only and need not be prolonged, nor does it require the routine use of percussion. A treatment length of 5 minutes is sufcient, and vibration is applied to the right upper lobe in one of the three standard drainage positions every 4 to 6 hours for 24 to 48 hours.29 The most benecial treatment is likely frequent position changes and weaning of sedatives that return the patients natural sigh, movement, and cough. Patients with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal stula often require assistance in mobilizing thick secretions. Aspiration of oropharyngeal secretions, leading to atelectasis or pneumonia, is common. If surgical repair has been performed, deep endotracheal suctioning (beyond the tip of the endotracheal tube) is contraindicated because the suction catheter may reopen the closed stula. Likewise, nonintubated patients should rarely have the catheter advanced more than 7 cm because this makes removal of secretions more difcult. On occasion, tracheal suction under direct vision with a laryngoscope is necessary. If the stula has been closed, Trendelenburg (headdown) positioning may be used. This is especially helpful if the patient has difculty clearing oral secretions by swallowing. These patients should not be routinely placed at on their backs because this promotes aspiration of oral secretions. Given that a thoracotomy has been performed to repair the defect, use of a small mechanical vibrator may be preferable to chest percussion. The clinician must be careful to avoid excessive movement (extension or extreme turning) while treating the infant. Esophageal atresia is repaired by performing an anastomosis of the distal and proximal esophagus. Excessive head movement may result in its disruption. Many other patients often require ACT in the neonatal intensive care unit. Usually, such patients have been intubated for some time and have responded to prolonged intubation with excessive production of secretions.

FIGURE 12-5 A, Cupped hand position for percussion. B, Device for infant percussion. From Hockenberry M, Wilson D: Wongs nursing care of infants and children, ed 9, St. Louis: Mosby, 2011.

FIGURE 12-6 Percussion being performed on a child with a pneumatic percussor.

secretions. Unlike in percussion, the clinicians hand does not lose contact with the chest wall during the procedure. Vibrations are performed by placing both hands (one over the other) over the area to be vibrated and tensing and contracting the shoulder and arm muscles while the patient exhales. To prolong exhalation, the patient may be asked to breathe through pursed lips or make a hissing sound. As with percussion, the ideal frequency is unknown, although some recommend 10 to 15 Hz.27 It is unclear how well clinicians are able to perform vibrations at this frequency. Several mechanical vibrators are commercially available. Some models of mechanical percussors or vibrators are appropriate only for the newborn or premature infant, whereas other models are appropriate for the larger child. When evaluating such devices, the clinician should consider whether the appearance and sound of the device will be frightening and whether the amount of force is appropriate for the size of the patient.

Behavioral Issues
When missing the key component of cooperation, airway clearance becomes much more difcult. The potential for harm during airway clearance modalities increases as transpulmonary pressure swings increase.13 When forceful crying occurs during airway clearance, these swings create an environment suitable for lung damage. All efforts to decrease crying, such as facilitated tucking or modied

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy ACT, should be incorporated. In modalities that administer pressure to aid airway clearance, less pressure should be administered to a noncooperative child. For older patients, a multidisciplinary approach can increase airway clearance quantity and quality by 50%.30 This approach, utilized by Ernst et al., involves allowing for patient selection of airway clearance protocol, creating a reward system for the patient, and scheduling priority given to airway clearance.30 When performing ACT on young children, the clinician must make a special effort to secure the patients condence and cooperation. Spending a few moments to gain the childs condence is well worth the effort. Assigning the same clinician to treat the child as often as is practical may be useful in establishing a rapport. Likewise, allowing the child as much control over the situation as possible, such as deciding which lobes will be treated rst, may increase the childs sense of control and reduce hospitalization-related anxiety. Having a parent available during therapy, especially when the child is unfamiliar with ACT, is useful as well. ACT may be extremely uncomfortable for the postoperative patient, and routine use of ACT in these patients may actually promote atelectasis. Some patients, however, suffer from excessive secretions or mucous plugging and atelectasis. Performing ACT in these patients can be difcult. Adequate analgesia is essential, and attempts should be made to schedule ACT shortly after pain medication is administered. Coughing is also a considerable source of discomfort in pediatric patients postoperatively. Cough efcacy can be improved if the patient is taught to splint the wounds when coughing. Holding a pillow over the incision may also be useful in minimizing movement of the incision when coughing.


Several conditions common to the full-term or preterm newborn suggest that these infants may be at risk for increased complications from ACT; therefore, modication of routine ACT procedures is advisable. Because the newborn has high chest wall compliance, the loss of lung volume caused by chest wall compression (e.g., from percussion) may be greater in the infant than in the adult.31 For this reason, some institutions routinely omit chest wall percussion in neonatal ACT treatments, opting instead for the use of small vibrators. Because an infants chest wall is not as thick as an adults and the infants ribs are more cartilaginous, a gentler touch is required during therapy.32 Hypoxemia has been reported after ACT in the newborn.33-36 Handling infants, for whatever reason, often results in hypoxemia. It is therefore essential that oxygenation be monitored during ACT in infants. Routine application of ACT in the preterm infant has been associated with an increased risk of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH).37 The preterm infant is unable to adequately regulate cerebral blood ow, and changes in blood

pressure often lead to increased intracranial pressure and volume, with rupture of immature blood vessels. Trendelenburg positioning and chest wall percussion would seem likely to increase cerebral blood ow and to reduce venous return, further increasing the risk of IVH. Therefore these procedures should be used sparingly, if at all, in infants at risk. If possible, ACT should be withheld from infants at high risk for IVH (i.e., very premature infants in the rst few days of life). Critically ill newborns are unable to adequately maintain body temperature and are therefore routinely placed in incubators or under radiant warmers. Caregiver interventions of any kind, including ACT, interfere with maintaining temperature stability, especially for infants in closed incubators. Treatment time with these patients should be kept to a minimum, usually between 5 and 10 minutes. If a patient is in a temperature-regulated environment, special attention must be given to preventing heat loss during therapy. The trachea and bronchi of the newborn appear especially vulnerable to damaging effects from endotracheal tubes and suction catheters. Consequences of deep endotracheal suctioning include the development of bronchial stenosis and granulomas. Avoiding deep endotracheal suctioning minimizes risks.38 Therefore, when suctioning intubated infants after ACT, the suction catheter should not be routinely advanced beyond the end of the endotracheal tube. If there is evidence of persistent secretion retention despite adequate suction of the endotracheal tube, the suction catheter can be carefully and slowly advanced 1 or 2 cm beyond the tip of the endotracheal tube. Many infants in the neonatal intensive care unit are sensitive to handling. This is especially true of the preterm infant as well as the full-term infant with pulmonary hypertension, who may develop hypoxemia or bradycardia in response to excessive stimulation. Many clinicians believe that clustering as many caregiver interventions as possible can minimize the adverse consequences of handling, thereby leaving the infant undisturbed for longer periods. Minimizing excessive light and sound associated with therapy is also desirable.

All ACT sessions should end with a period of deep breathing and coughing. Patients with minimal lung disease should be able to clear the lungs after one or two attempts. Those with severe lung disease or neuromuscular weakness may need more prolonged coughing periods or coughing assistance (e.g., tussive squeezes, insufator exsufator, abdominal compression). Prolonged periods of unproductive coughing should be avoided because they may tire the patient. The clinician should emphasize effective, productive coughing. Infants may require nasopharyngeal suction to stimulate a cough, whereas patients with articial airways may require endotracheal suctioning.


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The following procedures are sometimes incorporated into ACT treatments, or used independently, with the aim of promoting bronchial drainage: (1) FET, (2) PEP therapy with Cough Assist, (3) AD, and (4) automatic high frequency chest wall compression HFCWC/high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO).

Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy

PEP therapy uses an expiratory resistor, coupled with the patients active expiration, to generate positive airway pressure throughout expiration. This prevents dynamic airway collapse and improves clearance of mucus.50 It is widely used in Europe, and increasingly in the United States, as an adjunct or substitute for conventional ACT in the treatment of CF or bronchiectasis, and to a lesser extent in postoperative patients. Various devices are available to serve as expiratory resistors: anything from simple highresistance 2.5 Endotracheal tube (ETT) adapters attached to a mask or mouthpiece, to a Flutter (Axcan Pharma, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, PQ, Canada), acapella (blue; Smiths Medical, Weston, Mass), or Quake device (Thayer Medical, Tucson, Ariz) that requires hand motion and breathing coordination. PEP therapy is essentially the same as the blow bottles that have been used to prevent postoperative atelectasis.51 Both PEP therapy and FET are advocated as forms of simple self-treatment for patients with CF. PEP therapy is better tolerated by children than conventional IPPB.

Forced Expiration Technique

FET is also known as huff coughing. This maneuver requires the patient to forcibly exhale, from middle to low lung volumes, with an open glottis. This is repeated several times, after which the patient coughs to remove any loosened mucus.39 It requires extreme cooperation and cannot be performed on infants or young children. FET can be used alone or in conjunction with other forms of therapy. It is designed to prevent dynamic airway collapse by preventing the explosive pressure changes associated with coughing.8,39 Studies have documented that patients with long-standing lung disorders characterized by destruction or weakening of the bronchial wall, such as CF and bronchiectasis, have ineffective coughing secondary to dynamic airway compression while coughing.40 The developers of this technique now use the term active cycle of breathing to refer to FET. They emphasize the importance of interspersing huff coughs with periods of deep, relaxed breathing. This helps prevent bronchospasm and ensures sufcient lung volume to promote an effective cough.

Cough Assist
The insufatorexsufator, or Cough Assist, has shown to be benecial in patients with neuromuscular weakness by simply supporting their cough effort. This blower-driven device provides positive airow and pressure to increase their FRC and allow air distal to the mucus. The increase in FRC allows their weak muscles the best advantage possible to create a cough. Then it creates a negative ow and pressure to help simulate a cough.52 Streigl et al. demonstrated in an infant lung model with a tracheostomy tube that insufation time of 1 second or more is required for the insufattorexsufator to achieve equilibration of alveolar pressure to insufation pressure. They also discovered that longer exsufation time does not signicantly alter maximum expiratory owrate.52 Vienello et al.53 showed that the insufatorexsufator in conjunction with traditional chest physiotherapy therapy (CPT )may improve the management of airway secretions. Manual Rib Cage Compression. Manual rib cage compression (MRCC), or tussive squeezes as some may call them, can be used to increase the expiratory ow rate and facilitate the expectoration of mucus. Although most studies have not shown a benet,54-57 a recent publication has brought to light that the procedure may be to blame.58 In order for MRCC to be effect, the expiratory ow rates generated must be higher than inspiratory ow rates. Daniel Marti and colleagues58 were able to demonstrate in animals that hard and brief MRCC synchronized with early expiratory phase was superior to soft and gradual rib cage compression applied late in the expiratory phase. If the goal is to mimic a cough for those who cannot cough for themselves, it must be similar. Coughs are violent bursts of ow that exceed inspiratory ow rates and are

Coughing and Forced Expiration Technique

Over the years, a number of investigators have demonstrated that the single most important component of ACT is vigorous coughing.41-45 Simple postural drainage has been reported to improve secretion clearance, whereas the addition of percussion did not.42 Several other studies in patients with CF and other chronic lung diseases likewise support the notion that vigorous coughing, especially when used in conjunction with FET, may be as effective as postural drainage and percussion.43,44,46 Many clinicians, however, are reluctant to abandon postural drainage, percussion, or vibration in favor of simple FET, especially in patients needing lifelong assistance with secretion removal, such as those with CF. A 3-year prospective study in children with CF demonstrated that conventional ACT, performed twice a day, was more effective than FET used at the same frequency.47 Patients performing FET in this study had an average age of slightly younger than 12 years. In contrast, patients in studies that showed FET to be successful were older.44,46 This suggests that forms of self-care may be more effective in adolescents than in younger children, who perhaps require more supervision. Likewise, comparison of studies on the efcacy of exercise as pulmonary therapy in CF suggests that self-therapy is more effective in older patients.48,49

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy

Unstick Collect Evacuate




FIGURE 12-7 Graphic illustration of the depth of successive breaths by lung volumes, using the autogenic drainage technique. ERV, expiratory reserve volume; HUFF, huff maneuver; PRED, predicted; RV, residual volume; TV, tidal volume.

extremely effective in the strong patient. The MRCC must be similar in order to be effective.

Autogenic Drainage
AD is a series of breathing exercises designed to mobilize secretions in patients with bronchiectasis or CF.59-61 To loosen secretions from the smallest airways, the patient begins breathing in a slow, controlled manner, rst at the expiratory reserve volume level. The volume of ventilation is then increased, with the patient breathing in the normal tidal volume range but exhaling approximately halfway into the expiratory reserve volume. This moves secretions from the peripheral to the middle airways. Finally, the depth of inspiration is increased, with the patient inhaling maximally to total lung capacity and exhaling as before about halfway into the expiratory reserve volume. Figure 12-7 graphically illustrates the autogenic drainage technique. Advocates of AD claim that its simplicity (no devices or clinicians are needed) and efcacy make it an ideal form of self-treatment for patients with CF.

Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy and Autogenic Drainage

PEP therapy and AD, have been shown to be highly effective. PEP therapy, especially, has been shown by a number of researchers to be benecial in mobilizing secretions and preserving pulmonary function in patients with CF, and with FET it was marginally superior to simple FET and postural drainage.62-69 Less information is available on AD, although a few reports indicate it is highly effective and that compliance is improved.59-61,70

FIGURE 12-8 Patient wearing an inatable vest during highfrequency chest compression therapy in the hospital. (Used with permission of Electromed, Inc.)

High-Frequency Chest Wall Compression

Commercially available devices have been developed that compresses the entire chest wall at high frequencies by means of a snug-tting inatable vest connected to a highperformance air compressor (Figure 12-8). Intermittent

chest wall compression produces brief periods of high expiratory airow, which loosens and mobilizes mucus from bronchial walls.71 The device is widely used in patients with CF. HFCWC has also been evaluated in a long-term study. After a 22-month period of using HFCC as the sole form of ACT, patients experienced a small but signicant improvement in pulmonary function. In contrast, after a similar period on conventional manual ACT, pulmonary function declined somewhat.71 HFCWC does not require the patient to perform postural drainage (known to be


SECTION I Section Title loose from the airways, nor does chest wall vibration. Of the therapies that do workpostural drainage, PEP, AD, FET, and the HFCC systemall attempt to prevent or compensate for dynamic airway collapse. Postural drainage attempts to move mucus passively, by force of gravity, past the damaged, collapsible portions of the airways and toward less diseased, more rigid central airways. The remaining therapies attempt to prevent dynamic airway collapse while at the same time producing high expiratory air velocity at low lung volumes. This develops the shearing forces required to mobilize sputum.4 A novel explanation for the efcacy of simple postural drainage is suggested by Lannefors and Wollmer,74 who demonstrated improved mucous clearance in the dependent lung of patients undergoing postural drainage. For most patients, lung volumes and airway diameter are reduced in the dependent lung but ventilation is increased. These factors result in increased air movement at high velocity, which increases turbulence and shearing in small airways and results in greater mobilization of mucus. Deep breathing associated with vigorous exercise has also been shown to be an effective technique for mobilization of secretions in patients with CF.75,76 To accommodate the increased ventilatory demands of exercise, rate and depth of breathing are increased and active exhalation may occur. Hence, vigorous exercise produces a ventilatory pattern that, like AD or FET, increases air velocity at low lung volumes and promotes sputum mobilization. Take a deep breath and youll feel better. This is a sound piece of advice that was given long before the advent of incentive spirometry or IPPB. Taking a deep breath to total lung capacity, either by sighing or yawning, is a normal, unconscious maneuver performed periodically to keep the lungs inated and to avoid ventilationperfusion mismatch.77 When the breathing pattern becomes one of tidal ventilation without periodic maximal ination, atelectasis ensues within a few hours.78 Variations in the normal pattern of breathing may result in respiratory complications and an increase in postoperative morbidity and mortality. Changes in the breathing patterns of pediatric patients are most often caused by increased sedation, narcotics, pain, uid overload, parenchymal lung damage, fear and anxiety, and abdominal or thoracic surgery. It has been estimated that 10% to 40% and even as many as 70% of patients undergoing abdominal or thoracic surgery experience postoperative pulmonary complications,79,80 consisting of atelectasis, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, and hypoxemia. These conditions are believed to be caused by reduced diaphragmatic movement (especially after upper abdominal surgery), changes in chest wall muscle tone, and secretion retention, all of which result in decreased lung volumes.81 The modalities and methods used to increase a childs lung volume can be classied as (1) voluntary, using the patients own effort and initiative to sustain a deep breath (incentive spirometry); and (2) applied, providing

effective for sputum mobilization) and incorporates rapid percussion (generally demonstrated to be ineffective). What accounts for this seeming paradox? HFCC compresses the chest at frequencies up to 22 Hz, which is much higher than can be generated by manual percussion (5-8 Hz). Furthermore, compression is usually applied only on exhalation. In the initial studies with HFCWC, the developers of this device measured expiratory volumes and ows and selected the frequencies that resulted in the highest values for these variables. High expiratory airow is maintained with HFCC, even at low lung volumes. The result is multiple, brief periods of high expiratory air ow (or more precisely air velocity), similar to huff coughing or FET.72 High expiratory air velocity at low lung volumes produces the greatest airmucus interaction and hence mucus mobilization. HFCWC does not directly dislodge mucus from the bronchial wall, as conventional percussion is thought to do, but instead simulates multiple coughs or FETs by generating high expiratory air velocities. Because the compressive phase of HFCC is brief (as short as 0.02 second at a frequency of 22 Hz) and the glottis remains open during therapy, it is unlikely that dynamic airway collapse occurs, as happens with natural coughing in patients with bronchiectasis or CF. Manual percussion bears little resemblance to HFCWC. In contrast to HFCWC, manual percussion is rarely, if ever, adjusted to produce optimal expiratory airow to simulate cough or FET. In addition, it is given during inspiration as well as expiration, which may limit the deep breathing that is essential for producing high expiratory air velocities. Finally, manual percussion is applied only to a small portion of the chest wall at one time, which may be insufcient to generate adequate expiratory ows.

High-Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation

High-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) is similar to HFCC with the exception that the device provides positive (compression/push) as well as negative pressure (pulls) oscillations to the chest wall. It that has not been well studied nor compared to HFCC, but likely has similar results to HFCC.53,73 Plioplys et al.73 showed a reduction in pneumonias and respiratory-related hospitalizations in a study of seven quadriplegic cerebral palsy patients. This negative extrathoracic pressure swing may prove to be more benecial in infants and toddlers, who are more prone to airway collapse.

Effectiveness of Techniques
Proponents of conventional ACT techniques often describe the problem that ACT aims to treat as abnormal (excessive, thick, tenacious) secretions. Although this is partially correct, therapies that would seem to attack this problem directly have proved disappointing. Manual, lowfrequency chest percussion does not seem to jar mucus

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy the patient with a positive-pressuregenerated breath to achieve an increase in lung volume (IPPB). In this chapter these methods of lung volume expansion therapy are discussed as they relate to the pediatric patient.


changes may be warranted. Positional changes during ACT may also result in hypotension or hypertension.

Several studies report that chest percussion, rather than postural changes, is responsible for ACT-associated hypoxemia.35,82-84 These studies suggest that chest percussion causes signicant abnormalities, and unless counterbalanced by removal of a substantial quantity of mucus and improvement in ratios, the net change will be a deterioration in relationships and hypoxemia.


Numerous studies have demonstrated that ACT can be detrimental, especially when applied in patients with little or no sputum production. Reported complications of ACT range from rare reports of complete airway obstruction and respiratory arrest to bronchospasm and hypoxemia.

Both human and animal studies have shown an increase in atelectasis when ACT was given.81,92 Vigorous chest percussion has been noted to produce pressure swings in the chest of up to 30 cm H2O. Such pressures generated by intermittent compression or percussion of the chest wall would seem sufcient to expel appreciable quantities of air from the lung, especially if chest wall compliance is high. Chest wall vibration, in contrast to percussion, has been associated with hypoxemia in some studies.34-36,93,94 This reects the fact that vibration may or may not be associated with chest wall compression, depending on the techniques or equipment used, whereas chest percussion invariably causes chest wall compression.

The most commonly cited adverse effect of ACT is hypoxemia. Several studies have reported hypoxemia in infants receiving ACT.33-36 Hypoxemia has also been documented in studies of adolescent and adult patients receiving ACT and was reported to occur more often in patients with preexisting cardiovascular complications, with minimal sputum production, and when mucoid rather than mucopurulent secretions were present. It occurred in patients with good pulmonary function and also when supplemental oxygen was being used.82-87 Tachypnea and tachycardia may occur in patients who experience hypoxemia during ACT. There may be a variety of reasons why ACT often causes hypoxemia. Among the proposed mechanisms are ventilationperfusion abnormalities caused by postural changes, atelectasis, bronchospasm, alterations in cardiac output and oxygen consumption, and incomplete expectoration of mobilized secretions. In addition, each of the ACT techniques may contribute to hypoxemia to differing degrees.

An additional explanation for the association of chest percussion with hypoxemia is the observation that chest percussion can cause bronchospasm in susceptible patients, especially when sputum production is minimal. Administering bronchodilators before therapy may be desirable, especially when ACT is applied in patients with reactive airway disease.

Most studies of the effects of posture on oxygenation in adults would suggest that putting the diseased portion of the lung uppermost, as in postural drainage therapy, improves oxygenation.88-90 This is a consequence of improved perfusion of the healthy, dependent lung tissue at the expense of the diseased, elevated lung segments. Thus, at least for patients with localized, unilateral lung disease, abnormalities secondary to postural changes are an unlikely explanation for ACT-associated hypoxemia in patients outside of infancy. Infants, however, have better oxygenation when the affected side is dependent (i.e., the good lung is up).91 This may in part be the result of higher baseline pulmonary artery pressures, which would mitigate the effects of gravity on pulmonary blood ow. Hence, alterations in relationships as a direct result of postural changes are a possible explanation for CPT-associated hypoxemia in infants. Patients with generalized lung disease may respond differently to postural changes, however, and careful monitoring of oxygenation with position

Increased Oxygen Consumption

Oxygen consumption is increased during ACT.95,96 If signicant shunting is present, or if an increase in cardiac output is not produced, increased oxygen consumption can be manifested by decreased PaO2 (partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood).

Gastroesophageal Reux
Gastroesophageal reux (GER) is a common cause of respiratory problems in infants and children, and ACT is often ordered for patients who have GER. One study found that in patients with GER, ACT resulted in a vefold increase in reux episodes compared with periods when ACT was not given.97 This increase in GER was seen even though treatments were withheld up to 3.5 hours after the infants last feeding. The study did not link the increase in reux episodes to any particular aspect of ACT, such as head-down positioning. GER may cause severe esophagitis, bronchospasm, or pneumonia and has been linked to apnea and sudden infant death syndrome.98 Therefore ACT should be


SECTION I Section Title in place can be accidentally extubated during ACT, especially if they are being mechanically ventilated. The ventilator tubing or endotracheal tube, or both, are easily pulled during position changes, and extubation may result. When turning the patient, condensation in the ventilator tubing can be inadvertently drained into the patients airway, which may result in bronchospasm and respiratory distress. Special attention should also be given to patients who receive ACT during the rst 24 hours after a tracheostomy because hemorrhage may occur if therapy is given too vigorously.32 Therefore, for patients in intensive care units or those with articial airways in place, suction equipment as well as a manual resuscitator and mask should be readily available, preferably at the patients bedside.

given only when the benets of treatment clearly outweigh the risks of aggravated GER. Although withholding treatment as long as possible after an infants feeding is advisable, it clearly will not eliminate the risks involved.

Airway Obstruction and Respiratory Arrest

Although ACT can be an effective means of removing bronchial foreign bodies in children, it may also result in acute upper airway obstruction and death.99 This is especially true when the foreign body consists of organic material, such as seeds or nuts, that may increase in size (secondary to water absorption) after a period of time in the lung. Vomiting and aspiration may also occur during ACT, especially if therapy is given soon after the patient has eaten. Therefore at least 1 hour should be allowed after the last meal or feeding before beginning ACT. Patients receiving continuous feedings through gastric tubes should have the feedings turned off at least 30 minutes before therapy. More time may be needed in patients with a history of vomiting or reux. For patients in whom feedings cannot be interrupted, Trendelenburg (head-down) positioning should not be used.


ACT is ordered for a multiplicity of conditions, including acute respiratory infections, postoperative complications, CF, and asthma, to name a few. Evidence is increasing, however, that ACT is required in only a limited number of conditions, all of which are characterized by chronic excessive sputum production.

Intracranial Complications
Studies in preterm infants have reported that certain positions of the infants head may increase intracranial pressure and that routine application of ACT, especially in the rst few days of life, can signicantly increase the risk of IVH.37,100 ACT procedures in the child or adult with a recent head injury can also increase intracranial pressure.101 Because of these concerns, many institutions do not place premature infants or patients with head injuries in the Trendelenburg position during ACT.

Conditions in which Airway Clearance Therapy May Not Be Benecial

Various studies in children and adults have demonstrated that ACT may not be benecial in certain conditions.

In studies of the effects of ACT in children hospitalized with severe exacerbation of asthma, no difference was found in the rate of improvement of pulmonary function, even in the most severe cases.89 Other studies in adults with reactive airway disease have shown that chest percussion can cause bronchospasm and hypoxemia.84,103,104 Selected patients with asthma may benet from ACT, especially when copious secretions or obstructive atelectasis are present. However, bronchospasm and hypoxemia should be well controlled before treatment. ACT is no substitute for adequate treatment with bronchodilating agents. It is also essential that a patient with asthma be well hydrated before ACT is begun.

Rib Fractures and Bruising

Rib fractures have been reported as a complication of chest percussion in preterm infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia.102 The infants in this study suffered from rickets secondary to long-term parenteral nutrition. Improvement in nutritional therapy for preterm infants, however, should make rickets a rare nding in the infant with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Infants with the rare condition osteogenesis imperfecta are also at high risk of rib fractures. Bruising may occur in some patients, especially in the very small premature infant and the child with vitamin K deciency. Most patients are more comfortable if percussion or vibration is performed with the skin covered by a pajama top or T-shirt. If the patient is not wearing pajamas or clothing, a lightweight blanket or towel should be placed on the chest and back. Excessive padding, however, should be avoided.

Although bronchiolitis is characterized by increased secretions, studies have reported ACT to be of minimal value. CPT made no difference in the length of hospital stay or the severity or duration of symptoms in patients with bronchiolitis, even when associated pneumonia or atelectasis was present.105 It also produced no benecial changes in lung mechanics or work of breathing in patients with bronchiolitis.106 The failure of CPT to produce an effect in

Airway Trauma
In all patients, extreme care must be taken to maintain a proper airway. Infants and children with articial airways

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy bronchiolitis most likely results from the fact that the disease affects the smaller, peripheral airways, where ACT techniques are generally not effective.8


Cystic Fibrosis
ACT has been widely employed as a mainstay of treatment for the pulmonary complications of CF. In fact, much of our knowledge of ACT comes from studies conducted in patients with CF.47,111,113 Current issues in the application of ACT in these patients include the following questions: 1. Which techniques are most effective? 2. How can self-care be promoted? 3. How can compliance with therapy be improved? Effective techniques are those that foster high expiratory air velocity at low lung volume, such as FET, PEP therapy, HFCC, vigorous exercise, and AD. Postural drainage is also a useful adjunct to PEP therapy or FET. Although little evidence is available to support the routine use of manual chest percussion in the treatment of CF, and although some CF centers (especially in Europe) have abandoned the routine use of manual chest percussion, most CF treatment centers in the United States still consider it an integral component of ACT. Many patients will expect percussion to be a part of their ACT treatments, especially when hospitalized. Therefore elimination of chest percussion from routine ACT treatments should not be carried out arbitrarily. Radical changes in ACT practice for patients facing a lifelong battle with excessive pulmonary secretions should be made only after careful deliberation and consultation with the pulmonary physicians responsible for their care. The issue of promoting self-care is especially important when dealing with patients with CF and their families. Patients with CF differ from most patients receiving ACT in that they need to employ some technique or techniques for removal of bronchial secretions on a daily basis for the rest of their lives. Current practices, especially those that require the routine application of chest percussion by a second person, often give the message that ACT is a passive technique, that it is something that is done to rather than by the patient. This may promote passivity and dependence on parents or other caregivers. As a result, compliance is often poor and treatments become a frequent source of arguments in families of patients with CF, with difculties increasing as the patients grow older.46,114 Also, because ACT must be administered by a parent two or more times a day, it may interfere with normal adolescent developmental processes, such as increasing autonomy and separation from parents. Therefore increasing the patients ability to perform self-care is essential. All patients with CF, especially as they approach adolescence, should be well instructed in one of the forms of self-care, such as PEP, AD, FET with or without postural drainage, or HFCC. Vigorous exercise, such as running or swimming, is also an effective form of self-therapy in well-motivated patients. The techniques selected will depend on patient preference and learning ability, the preferences of the attending physician, and, in the case of certain technologies, the ability to arrange nancing. Patients and their families often report improved compliance with self-care over

Several studies have evaluated the role of CPT in pneumonia and have reported that CPT either had no effect or actually delayed resolution, especially in young adults.105,107, 109

Postsurgical Patients
In a study of a group of closely matched pediatric cardiac surgery patients, Reines and colleagues108 reported that those treated with ACT had twice the incidence of atelectasis as did the control group (68% vs. 32%), which received deep-breathing instruction, coughing, or suction as appropriate. Moreover, atelectasis was more severe and the duration of hospitalization was prolonged in the ACT group. Percussion to the right upper lobe every 1 to 2 hours for 24 hours after extubation is a common practice in many neonatal intensive care units. This practice is based on a report by Finer and associates109 that claimed a dramatic reduction in the risk of right upper lobe atelectasis after extubation when ACT was given. However, it is unclear from the study if suctioning alone or ACT was responsible for the results.

Conditions in which Airway Clearance Therapy May Be Benecial

In contrast to the reports criticizing its effectiveness, ACT has been shown to be benecial in patients with acute and chronic conditions characterized by excessive secretion production or mucous plugging of large airways that does not clear with coughing or suction. Excessive secretions usually means 30 ml of sputum per day in adults. Obviously, lesser amounts would qualify as excessive secretions in children. ACT is also useful in the treatment of obstructive atelectasis. Figure 12-9 illustrates the process of evaluation of the pediatric patient for ACT.

Acute Lobar Atelectasis

The majority of patients with acute atelectasis secondary to mucous plugs respond with one ACT treatment.28,112,113 If patients fail to respond to several ACT treatments, the atelectasis most likely is caused by conditions not amenable to ACT and therapy should be discontinued. The presence of an air bronchogram, suggesting no mucous obstruction of the airways, has been shown to predict a poor response to ACT.28,113 Although a period of ACT after resolution of the atelectasis may be warranted, prolonged ACT should not be necessary. As discussed earlier, ACT is not useful in preventing the return of atelectasis, except in patients with large amounts of secretions.


SECTION I Section Title

Airway Clearance Protocol Provider orders Airway Clearance

Evaluate Indications: Difficulty with secretion clearance with sputum production Evidence of retained secretions Mucus plug induced atelectasis Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, or cavitating lung disease


Does contraindication or potential hazard exist?


Address any immediate need and contact provider


Does the patient have neuromuscular disease or weakness?


Select method based on: Patient preference/comfort/pain avoidance Observation of effectiveness History with documented effectiveness Methods may include: Manual chest percussion, vibration and positioning High frequency chest wall oscillation Intrapulmonary percussion Oscillatory PEP

Select method based on: Patient preference/comfort/pain avoidance Observation of effectiveness History with documented effectiveness Methods may include: Cough assist Intrapulmonary percussion CPAP/IPPB

Administer therapy no less than QID and PRN, supplemented by suctioning for all patients with artificial airways

Re-evaluate pt every 24 hours and 24 hours after discontinues

Assess outcomes: goals achieved? Optional hydration and decreased sputum production Breath sounds that progress from diminished to adventitious with rhonchi cleared by cough Patient subjective impression of less retention and improved clearance Resolution/improvement in chest X-ray Improvement in vital signs and measures of gas exchange If on ventilator, reduced resistance and improved compliance

Care plan considerations: Discontinue therapy if improvement is observed and sustained over a 24-hour period Patients with chronic pulmonary disease who maintain secretion clearance in their home environment should remain on treatment no less than their home frequency Hyperinflation therapy should be considered for patients who are at high risk for pulmonary complications

FIGURE 12-9 Algorithm for evaluating and providing airway clearance.

parent-administered ACT, and treatment-related conicts are minimized.46 Follow-up and consistency are essential when teaching bronchial drainage techniques. Reteaching may be necessary at intervals, and most patients with CF and their families are interested in learning new developments

in ACT. Families often need assistance in adapting ACT practices to changing life circumstances, such as the patient entering school, traveling, entering college, and leaving home. Figure 12-8 demonstrates the use of HFCC while the child continues daily activities of life. Having a younger child play a game or continue

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy some type of fun activity can be vitally important to ensure compliance. Patients with advanced CF often have hemoptysis. ACT is usually withheld until the bleeding is controlled because vigorous coughing may aggravate the bleeding or dislodge clots. Likewise, ACT may need to be withheld in patients with pneumothorax, another common complication of advanced CF. Patients with end-stage disease may be especially reluctant to cooperate with ACT, especially the Trendelenburg positioning that is required. Supplemental oxygen may allow some patients with advanced disease to tolerate postural drainage. Withholding percussion may also improve the patients ability to maintain the Trendelenburg position. Some investigators have reported that PEP therapy is better tolerated than postural drainage and percussion in patients with end-stage disease.50


Proven Cystic fibrosis - no one specific A-CT superior

Possible Reduction in reintubation rate post-extubation in neonates CPT

Probable Neuromuscular disease hyperinflation therapy (Cough Assist, IPV) Atelectasis during mechanical ventilation IPV

Minimal to no benefit Asthma Bronchiolitis Neonatal RDS Acute resp. failure Post-op atelectasis

FIGURE 12-10 Effectiveness of airway clearance techniques.

Neuromuscular Disease or Injury

ACT is often used in many patients with neuromuscular injury or disease, and survival is often improved when ACT, coughing, turning, and deep breathing are incorporated into routine care (see Chapter 33, Neurological and Neuromuscular Disorders).10,115-117 The goal is to return the patient with neuromuscular disease or injury to airway clearance that is as normal as possible. This may require hyperination type of therapies to return FRC levels to normal or assist with the patients natural cough. Prolonged postural drainage is often especially helpful. However, patients with acute head injury should have well-controlled intracranial pressures before ACT is initiated.

Frank hemoptysis, empyema, foreign body aspiration, and untreated pneumothorax are often considered contraindications to all components of ACT. Withholding ACT, especially percussion, is sometimes recommended when the platelet count is low (less than 50,000 cells/mm3). ACT is also usually withheld in the immediate postoperative period after tracheostomy, tracheobronchial reconstruction, and selected other conditions in which postoperative movement is extremely dangerous. Chest percussion should not be performed directly over fractured ribs, areas of subcutaneous emphysema, or recently burned or grafted skin. Some conditions may require modication of therapy or omission of certain components of ACT.

Lung Abscess
Some patients with lung abscesses, especially older children, may be successfully treated with ACT.118 Fearing that discharge of large amounts of infected material may spread the infection and lead to acute respiratory distress, some clinicians are reluctant to use ACT in the treatment of lung abscess.27 Likewise, hemoptysis is a common complication in patients with lung abscess, and ACT may increase this risk. These concerns must be balanced against the knowledge that alternative treatments for lung abscess, such as lung resections, are also risky. Though there is not enough evidence to denitively evaluate the role of ACT in many acute childhood diseases, it has become routine care for the CF patient. ACT appears likely to be of benet in the maintenance or prevention of respiratory-related neuromuscular disease complications and is probably of benet in treating atelectasis in mechanically ventilated children. ACT appears to be of minimal to no benet in the treatment of acute asthma, bronchiolitis, neonatal respiratory distress, or those requiring mechanical ventilation for acute respiratory failure, and it is not effective in preventing atelectasis in the immediate postoperative period. Caution should be used given that the conclusions are based on very limited data (Figure 12-10).


Treatments for patients with CF or bronchiectasis should be performed for at least 30 minutes, with many patients beneting from therapy lasting 45 minutes or longer. Patients with severe dyspnea may require rest periods, which will further prolong therapy. Most pediatric respiratory care departments limit routine ACT treatments to 15 to 20 minutes.119 ACT is rarely needed more than every 4 hours, although selected patients may benet from more frequent suctioning or coughing. ACT orders should be evaluated at least every 48 hours for patients in intensive care units, at least every 72 hours for acute care patients, or whenever there is a change in a patients status.120

Regardless of your approach, standardization supported by clinical practice guidelines or protocols may be of assistance. Figure 12-11 is an example of a protocol used to guide therapy.


SECTION I Section Title this technique results in increased expiratory air velocity at low lung volumes, improving mucus mobilization.


Patients in an intensive care unit who require ACT should have continuous monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2), heart rate, and respiratory rate. Breathing pattern, skin color, and breath sounds should also be noted.120 Patients not in an intensive care unit who require high oxygen concentrations or who have a condition presenting a high risk of respiratory or cardiac failure should also have these variables monitored. Other patients with mild respiratory distress should have pulse and respiratory rate as well as breathing pattern, skin color, and breath sounds measured before and after therapy. This is especially true for younger patients who cannot verbalize complaints of distress. Routine monitoring of heart rate and respiratory rate for patients with chronic respiratory disorders, such as CF, is probably not warranted and may inadvertently give the message that ACT is harmful. When performing percussion or vibration on patients who are connected to cardiopulmonary monitors, the alarm on the monitor may become activated because of interference from the percussion or vibration. It is best to refrain from turning the monitor alarms completely off.

FIGURE 12-11 Child using incentive spirometry device.

Many patients require modication of therapy because of medical or surgical procedures. Percussion may be extremely painful for patients postoperatively, and the use of manual vibration or mechanical vibrators is sometimes better tolerated. Also, clinicians should be careful to avoid percussion over implanted devices, such as ventricular peritoneal shunts or implantable venous access devices (often used in patients with CF). Percussion is also omitted in patients with brittle bonesfor example, in those with rickets or osteogenesis imperfecta. Many patients may not tolerate Trendelenburg positioning. Included in this group are those with severe GER, recent intracranial trauma or surgery, increased intracranial pressure, abdominal distention or ascites, compromised diaphragm movement, uncontrolled hypertension, and severe cardiopulmonary failure.120 With careful monitoring, simple side-to-side positioning may be attempted in these patients. The patient with a gastrostomy tube or chest tube, or both, may also require modications in drainage positions. Patients receiving ACT often have a disorder affecting only one lobe. These patients do not need ACT in all 11 positions but rather an abbreviated ACT treatment that uses postural drainage positions for the affected lobe only. Infants and small children are unable to perform maneuvers such as FET or AD. Some clinicians have attempted to mimic these techniques with gentle chest wall compression during the expiratory phase, allowing the child to exhale to less than functional residual capacity. Like AD or FET performed in cooperative older patients,

Because the goal of ACT is to promote the removal of excessive bronchial secretions, the single most important variable in evaluating the effectiveness of ACT is the amount of secretions expectorated with therapy; however, this cannot be done in a vacuum and the basics should not be forgotten. The hydration status of the patient, and whether or not the patients lungs are acidic, can play a huge role in the success of airway clearance.121,122 Mucus changes from sol to gel if the lungs are acidic. Changes in sputum production, breath sounds, vital signs, chest radiographic ndings, blood gas values, and lung mechanics may indicate a positive response to the therapy.120 The removal of excessive bronchial secretions is not always associated with an immediate change in blood gases, breath sounds, or lung mechanics. Patients with advanced CF, for example, almost always have audible rales before and after therapy, whereas pulmonary function and blood gas determinations change little. Patients undergoing mechanical ventilation may have measurements of lung mechanics as well as noninvasive blood gas monitoring data readily available. If so, the clinician should note any changes associated with therapy. Deterioration in these variables, especially if unaccompanied by removal of secretions, suggests that therapy should be modied or discontinued.

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy


When charting ACT treatments, the clinician should describe the techniques used (e.g., postural drainage, percussion, and AD), which lobes were treated, and what positions the patient was placed in. If certain segments or positions are omitted, this should be documented, as well as the reason why this was done. The clinician should also note if suctioning was performed. To document the response to therapy, pretreatment and posttreatment breath sounds, vital signs, and the amount and quality of sputum expectorated should be noted.

Incentive Spirometry
Incentive spirometry, also referred to as sustained maximal inspiration, was introduced in the early 1970s in an effort to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications.92,123 It was designed to encourage patients to improve their inspiratory volumes while visualizing their inspiratory effort. Forced expiratory maneuvers using devices such as blow bottles, blow gloves, and balloons have been prescribed in the past to prevent postoperative complications; however, they have been associated with the development of atelectasis and do not result in the same physiological effects as incentive spirometry.124-126 Although it is still debated which methods are most effective for the prevention and management of postoperative pulmonary complications, it is estimated that incentive spirometry is prescribed in 95% of all U.S. hospitals for prophylaxis and treatment of postoperative atelectasis.127-131 The objectives of incentive spirometry are to prevent or reverse atelectasis, improve lung volumes, and improve inspiratory muscle performance (including use of the diaphragm).124

and understand the procedure and to be able to breathe volumes exceeding his or her normal tidal volume. Incentive spirometry is contraindicated in patients who cannot cooperate or follow instructions concerning the proper use of the device. The child may be uncooperative, physically disabled, or simply too young to effectively perform the maneuvers. Alternative methods such as walking, getting up in a chair, frequent changes in position, and singing, to name a few, may help to improve lung volumes and should then be considered.132,133 The majority of problems that patients experience with incentive spirometry are the result of inadequate supervision or instruction, or both. These two factors account for a large number of ineffective treatments.134 Hyperventilation may occur in the patient who performs the maneuvers too rapidly, and he or she may complain of lightheadedness or tingling in the ngers. The patient may also complain of fatigue during the procedure. These complaints can be alleviated by coaching the patient to slow down and rest between each maneuver. Pain from surgical incisions is often encountered postoperatively and can be decreased by splinting the surgical area with a pillow during deep breathing and coughing. Airway closure and bronchospasm may occur if the patient exhales forcefully to less than functional residual capacity before taking a deep inspiration. Again, this can be avoided with proper coaching by the clinician. Hypoxia may develop if the patients oxygen therapy is interrupted, especially when a mask is used. This can be prevented by using a nasal cannula during therapy.

The original Bartlett-Edwards incentive spirometer operated on a pistonbellows principle and was designed to fall open by gravity at a preset volume. A battery-operated light was activated when the patient inhaled from the spirometer and the preset volume was reached. To keep the light on, the patient had to continue to inhale. The light went off when the patients glottis closed or total lung capacity was reached.135 There are many different types and brands of incentive spirometers, including disposable and nondisposable devices. They are classied according to how inhalation is activated: (1) volume oriented or (2) ow oriented. Most of the current volume-oriented incentive spirometers are based on the original Bartlett-Edwards spirometer. A volume is preset as a goal, and the patient is instructed to inhale until the preset goal is reached. The spirometer volume is measured according to the amount of volume displaced during the inhalation. Flow-oriented spirometers operate by using a oating ball or bar that is raised by the negative ow generated with inspiration. The more rapid and forceful the inspiratory ow, the higher the ball rises. Although differences in the inspiratory work of breathing among the various incentive spirometers have been reported, in terms of clinical outcome the differences

Indications, Contraindications, and Complications

Clinical conditions that may benet from incentive spirometry are listed in Box 12-1.124 Clinical symptoms often include fever, increased work of breathing, tachypnea, hypoxia, and evidence of atelectasis on the chest radiograph. For incentive spirometry to be effective in the pediatric patient, he or she must be able to cooperate

Box 12-1

Indications for Incentive Spirometry

Abdominal surgery Thoracic surgery Surgery in patients with pulmonary disease Atelectasis Restrictive lung defects associated with quadriplegia Restrictive lung defects associated with a dysfunctional diaphragm


SECTION I Section Title that incentive spirometry is as effective in reducing the incidence of atelectasis in children who have undergone cardiac surgery.143

among the devices appear to be negligible.136,137 The device used will vary from one institution to another and may even vary among patients within the institution. Regardless of the type, the operators instructions should be read and universal precautions followed.138 The number of maneuvers to be performed per session should be either prescribed by the physician or set by departmental policy. Several sources have suggested 5 to 10 effective breaths per treatment as an adequate frequency.124 The patient should cough during the session whenever it is felt necessary and then again when the maneuvers have been completed. The postoperative patient may need assistance with splinting of the incision during coughing as well as during deep breathing. A pillow or folded blanket can be placed over the incision area. The inspiratory volume goal may be increased when the patient reaches the preset goal repeatedly. Breath sounds should be assessed after coughing, and the incentive spirometer should be left within the patients reach before the clinician leaves the room. The patient should be encouraged to perform the maneuvers independently between scheduled sessions. The frequency of sessions varies with the patient and may be prescribed as often and specically as once per hour or as variably as three times per day.21,22


IPPB is the intermittent, short-term delivery of positive pressure to a patient for the purpose of improving lung expansion, delivering aerosolized medications, and assisting ventilation.144 Since its inception in 1947 and its introduction into the medical arena in 1948, IPPB has been one of the most controversial topics in respiratory care.145 It was one of the most popular therapeutic modalities prescribed in the 1960s and 1970s and was regarded as the panacea to all pulmonary ailments. Not until the American College of Chest Physicians conference on oxygen therapy in September 1983, when both its overuse and its doubtful efcacy were discussed, did IPPB decline as a treatment modality.146 Today newly practiced modalities, such as bilevel positive airway pressure and incentive spirometry, have rendered the prescription of IPPB more selective than in the past.147,148

Assessment of Therapy
Documentation of the patients response during therapy should include the following: Heart rate Respiratory rate Breath sounds Inspiratory volume or ow achieved Number of goals achieved Description of cough and sputum production Patient effort and tolerance How many maneuvers the family has tried/agreed to get the patient to do per hour Any patient complaints or adverse reactions, or both, and the corrective action taken Therapy is considered effective if atelectasis is prevented or resolved and inspiratory muscle performance is improved.124 Clinical signs of this would include a decreased respiratory rate, normal temperature, normal pulse rate, normal or improved breath sounds that were previously absent or diminished, a normal chest radiograph, improved oxygenation, and increased vital capacity and peak expiratory ows.124 Although there have been numerous studies evaluating the therapeutic value of incentive spirometry, it is difcult to compare them because of the variation in patients and study design.139 However, a number of studies have indicated that incentive spirometry, along with other deep breathing maneuvers, is effective in reducing pulmonary complications when used correctly.129,131,140-142 A study comparing the efcacy of postoperative incentive spirometry between children and adults concluded

Indications, Contraindications, and Complications

Clinically, IPPB (Figure 12-12) is given to provide a signicantly larger inhaled volume at a physiologically advantageous inspiratory to expiratory pattern than the patient can produce with spontaneous ventilation. If this goal is met, there should be improvement in the cough mechanism, distribution of ventilation, and delivery of medication.149 In the pediatric population, however, the hazards and potential complications that can result from its use render it unpopular and ineffective among infants

FIGURE 12-12 Intermittent positive-pressure breathing (IPPB) therapy being administered to a child, with a respirometer attached to the exhalation valve for exhaled volume monitoring.

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy and children.150 It is indicated most often in the older patient who needs increased lung expansion but has failed to respond to other modes of treatment, such as incentive spirometry, chest physiotherapy, deep-breathing exercises, and bilevel positive airway pressure. This includes patients with neuromuscular disease or chest wall deformity that inhibits maximal inspiratory efforts. Medication can also be delivered via IPPB to these patients. However, studies have continued to report that the delivery of medications via IPPB depends on the technique and that the rst mode of choice for aerosolized medication therapy should be a small-volume nebulizer or metered-dose inhaler.151-153 The absolute contraindication to IPPB is a tension pneumothorax; however, there are other factors that should be considered carefully before IPPB therapy is recommended. Because the effectiveness of applying IPPB therapy hinges on the cooperation of the patient, any infant or child who most likely would not cooperate and who has difculty coordinating deep breathing should not be considered for this therapy. (Asynchronous breathing as well as breathing against the high positive pressure could result in increased work of breathing.) According to the American Association for Respiratory Cares clinical practice guideline for IPPB, other clinical contraindications include increased intracranial pressures (greater than 15 mm Hg); recent facial, oral, or skull surgery; tracheoesophageal stula; recent esophageal surgery; active hemoptysis; active, untreated tuberculosis; radiographic evidence of blebs; hemodynamic instability; nausea; and swallowing of air.144 Because IPPB is so rarely used in pediatrics, it is possible that the clinician may be inexperienced in administering the therapy and unable to provide optimal respiratory care. When this situation arises, the objective of providing a safe, effective treatment may be unattainable, and it is in the patients best interest not to have the treatment administered. Complications associated with IPPB therapy are listed in Box 12-2.144,154,155 This list demonstrates the need for an


experienced clinician to administer the therapy and to monitor the patient and the equipment closely. Should adverse reactions occur, the treatment should be discontinued and the physician notied of the situation.

The equipment used during an IPPB treatment includes the IPPB device, the circuit, the patient application device, and the volume measuring device. Although the addition of a humidier is not essential, it is recommended in patients with mucus retention. The most popular IPPB devices used in pediatric patients are the Bird series (Cardinal Health, Dublin, Ohio), the Puritan Bennett series (Puritan Bennett, Boulder, Colo), and the Monaghan 515 (Monaghan Medical, Plattsburgh, NY). The devices vary in design and in ow, volume, and pressure capabilities.156 The patient application devices are dependent on the patients needs and include a mouthpiece, lipmouth seal, mask, or endotracheal tube/tracheostomy adapter. A nose clip should be available for the patient who uses either a mouthpiece or lip seal. The volume measuring can be obtain by a spirometer. Suctioning equipment should be available, as should containers for collecting or disposing of sputum.144

The patient and equipment should be monitored closely during therapy. The heart rate and respiratory rate should be obtained before, during, and after each treatment. Breath sounds should be assessed before and after each treatment and any time the patient complains of respiratory difculty or chest pains. With the goal of therapy being to generate a tidal volume during IPPB that is at least 15 ml/kg or to exceed one third of inspiratory capacity, it is essential that tidal volume be monitored.157 To determine whether lung volume is being augmented, the patients tidal volume should be monitored before (spontaneous breathing) and several times during therapy. The exhaled gas is measured during therapy at the exhalation valve with either a respirometer or spirometer. If the tidal volume delivered during IPPB therapy is not greater than that during spontaneous breathing, the therapy is of little, if any, value to the patient. The patients peak ow should also be monitored before and after treatment.

Box 12-2

Complications Associated with Intermittent Positive-Pressure Breathing

Bronchospasm Gastric distention and ileus Nosocomial infection Decreased venous return Hyperventilation Hypoventilation Impaction of secretions Fatigue Air trapping Volutrauma, pneumothorax Hemoptysis

Assessment of Therapy
Document the following with each IPPB treatment: Heart rate Respiratory rate Breath sounds Pressure used (beginning and end of therapy) Tidal volume obtained (before and during therapy) Machine controls used (i.e., sensitivity, ow) Fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) values Medication aerosolized Peak ow


SECTION I Section Title patients or may be set to continuous percussion for use in intubated patients. IPV may be applied via mouthpiece, mask, articial airway, or through a ventilator. If you take a least aggressive to most aggressive approach, the primary indication for a combination therapy like IPV is a patient refractory to traditional bronchial hygiene methods. Other indications are similar to other airway clearance procedures, such as patients with atelectasis, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and bronchopneumonia. Patient who have aggressive secretion-producing disease coupled with muscle weakness are likely the best candidates. Contraindications are not that different than positive pressure and airway clearance and include untreated pneumothorax, hemoptysis, active tuberculosis, and fractured ribs or unstable chest

Description of cough and sputum production Patient cooperation and tolerance Duration of therapy Any patient complaints or adverse reactions and the corrective action taken IPPB therapy is believed to be effective if the therapeutic goals are met, including the following: An augmented tidal volume during IPPB (15 ml/kg or more than one third of the inspiratory capacity) An increase in peak ow or forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) A more effective cough Secretion clearance Improved breath sounds An improved chest radiograph144 When compared with other aerosol delivery devices, IPPB in the pediatric patient is both equipment and labor intensive.104 With this in mind, perhaps thought should be given not to whether IPPB is effective in delivering aerosols but rather to whether IPPB is the most effective method of delivery.119 However, although there are other less expensive and less invasive lung expansion maneuvers, there remain patients who fail to respond to these maneuvers but who do benet from IPPB. If there are no observable benets from the therapy, however, its use cannot be justied.

The patient and equipment should be monitored closely during therapy. The heart rate and respiratory rate should be obtained before, during, and after each treatment. Breath sounds should be assessed before and after each treatment and any time the patient complains of respiratory difculty or chest pains, with the goal of therapy being to clear secretion and improve the efciency of breathing.


Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) is a technique that utilizes hyperination therapy and airway clearance therapy in one. The IPV device uses high-frequency oscillatory ventilation to produce percussion. The percussions are high-ow jets of gas that are delivered to the airways by a ow interrupter called a Phasitron. Activation of the Venturi system within the Phasitron creates bursts of gas at frequencies of 100 to 300 bursts per minute within a tightly controlled ratio of gas delivery and passive exhalation. The relationship between the gas bursts and exhalation determines the intrapulmonary wedge pressure. It is this wedge pressure that may provide mobilization and clearance of pulmonary secretions.

Assessment of Therapy
Document the following with each IPV treatment: Heart rate Respiratory rate Breath sounds Pressure used (beginning and end of therapy) Machine controls used Medication aerosolized Peak ow (if applicable) Description of sputum production Patient cooperation and tolerance Duration of therapy Any patient complaints or adverse reactions and the corrective action taken IPV therapy is believed to be effective if the therapeutic goals are met, including the following: Secretion clearance Improved breath sounds Improved gas exchange Medication delivery An improved chest radiograph158

Indications, Contraindications, and Complications

IPV is designed to both treat active pulmonary disease and to prevent the development of disease caused by secretion retention. Specic goals of therapy include promoting the mobilization of bronchial secretions, improving the efciency and distribution of ventilation, providing an alternative delivery system for bronchodilator therapy, providing intrathoracic percussion and vibration, and providing an alternative system for the delivery of positive pressure to the lungs. The Phasitron may be manually triggered during IPV therapy in nonintubated, spontaneously breathing

Hyperination therapy maybe the only airway clearance a patient needs.

CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy



The future of airway clearance will center on normalization of physiological airway clearance mechanisms. This will be accomplished by new and novel drug and device therapies such as hypertonic saline or such simple devices as the Cough Assist (Emerson), which helps neuromuscular patients mimic a stronger cough. Because of the understood benets of deep breathing and coughing, paralytics in acute lung injury are no longer common practice. Gene therapy for CF is just around the corner. Advances in technology will continue to give us tools that allow us to accomplish the basics while reducing the overall physical size and power consumption. Many of these new devices will provide a user-friendly interface that can be utilized by nonhealth care providers in the home care setting. This will allow us to customize our therapy for the best outcome depending on the social, economic, and educational needs of the patient and family.

You are assigned to treat a 10 year old with CF who is struggling with secretion management. You are requested by the physician to assess and treat the patient with what you feel is the most appropriate ACT. After further assessment, you determine that the patient is hypoxic, requiring a dry high-ow oxygen device; has inspissated secretions and adventitious breath sounds; and is fatiguing. What should be your rst actions? 1. Provide humidity as soon as possible. 2. Determine the patients home regiment and what has worked in the past. 3. Consider an ACT with hyperination therapy to support fatiguing muscles. 4. Call physician to report fatigue. A. 4, 2, 1, 3 B. 4 only and wait for direction C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 2, 3
See Evolve Resources for answers.

The primary use of ACT should be limited to those who cannot clear their airway secretions. The most effective ACT is that which mimics or supports normal physiology. ACT should target symptoms. See the table here for a list of ACTs to best target various symptoms.
Symptom Weak or poor cough Possible cause Neuromuscular disease Initial ACT Combination ACT and hyperination therapy. Clinician choice as to which therapy creates the highest expiratory ow rate. This requires increasing the FRC. Wean sedation if possible and support with hyperination therapy. Support pain management and encourage deep breathing and coughing with mobilization if possible. Hydration and chest physical therapy. Solve external force issues if possible. PEP for obstructions that lead to atelectasis. CPT for those obstructed secretions that lead to distal hyperination. Treat infection or possible cause of sputum production and support with chest physical therapy.

Oversedation Pain
Inspissated secretions Airway collapse that leads to retained secretions Expectorating a large volume of secretions

Poor humidication External forces or

defects within the airway Infection

All ACT should have an objective outcome to determine effectiveness and be reevaluated frequently.

See Evolve Resources for answers.
1. Many institutions found that the routine use of IPPB was replaced with routine use of ACT in what two decades? A. 1900s and 1910s B. 1920s and 1930s C. 1960s and 1970s D. 1980s and 1990s

2. Postural drainage was used as early as: A. 1901 B. 1911 C. 1940 D. 1953 3. When doing percussion therapy, what is the recommended frequency? A. 1 to 2 Hz B. 3 to 4 Hz C. 5 to 6 Hz D. 7 to 8 Hz


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5. Kirilloff LH, et al: Does chest physical therapy work? Chest 88:436, 1985. 6. Sutton P: Chest physiotherapy: time for a reappraisal, Br J Dis Chest 82:127, 1988. 7. Selsby: Chest physiotherapy may be harmful in some patients, BMJ 298:541, 1989. 8. Selsby, Jones JG: Chest physiotherapy: physiological and clinical aspects, Br J Anaesth 64:621, 1990. 9. Pavia D: The role of chest physiotherapy in mucus hypersecretion, Lung 168(suppl):614, 1990. 10. Stiller KR: Chest physiotherapy for the medical patient: are current practices effective? Aust N Z J Med 20:183, 1990. 11. Eid N, et al: Chest physiotherapy in review, Respir Care 36:270, 1991. 12. Lewis RM: Chest physical therapy: time for a redenition and a renaming, Respir Care 37:419, 1992. 13. Oberwaldner B: Physiotherapy for airway clearance in paediatrics, Eur Respir J 15(1):196204, 2000. 14. Papastamelos C, Panitch HB, England SE, Allen JL: Developmental changes in chest wall compliance in infancy and early childhood, J Appl Physiol 78(1):179184, 1995. 15. Lai-Fook SJ, Hyatt RE: Effects of age on elastic moduli of human lungs, J Appl Physiol 89(1):163168, 2000. 16. Penn RB, Wolfson MR, Shaffer TH: Developmental differences in tracheal cartilage mechanics, Pediatr Res 26(5): 429433, 1989. 17. Hall GL, Hantos Z, Wildhaber JH, Sly PD: Contribution of nasal pathways to low frequency respiratory impedance in infants, Thorax 57(5):396399, 2002. 18. Hough: Physiotherapy in respiratory care: a problem solving approach, London, 1991, Chapman & Hall. 19. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: Consumer fact sheet: an introduction to chest physical therapy, Bethesda, MD, 1992, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 20. Mellins RB: Pulmonary physiotherapy in the pediatric age group, Am Rev Respir Dis 110(2 suppl):137, 1974. 21. Sutton PP, et al: Assessment of percussion, vibratory shaking, and breathing exercises in chest physiotherapy, Eur J Respir Dis 66:147, 1985. 22. Sutton PP, Parker RA, Webber BA: Assessment of the forced expiration technique, postural drainage and directed coughing in chest physiotherapy, Eur J Respir Dis 64:62, 1983. 23. van der Schans CP, Piers DA, Postma DS: Effect of manual percussion on tracheobronchial clearance in patients with chronic airow obstruction and excessive tracheobronchial secretion, Thorax 41:448, 1986. 24. Murphy MB, Concannon D, FitzGerald M: Chest percussion: help or hindrance to postural drainage, Ir Med J 76: 189, 1983. 25. Webber, et al: Evaluation of self-percussion during postural drainage using the forced expiration technique, Physiother Pract 1:42, 1985. 26. Faling LJ: Chest physical therapy. In Burton GG, Gee GN, Hodgkin JE, editors: Respiratory care: a guide to clinical practice, ed 3, Philadelphia, 1991, JB Lippincott, pp 625654. 27. Marini JJ, Pierson DJ, Hudson LD: Acute lobar atelectasis: a prospective comparison of beroptic bronchoscopy and respiratory therapy, Am Rev Respir Dis 19:971, 1979. 28. Finer NN, Boyd J: Chest physiotherapy in the neonate: a controlled study, Pediatrics 61:282, 1978. 29. Ernst MM, Wooldridge JL, Conway E, et al: Using quality improvement science to implement a multidisciplinary behavioral intervention targeting pediatric inpatient airway clearance, J Pediatr Psychol 35(1):14-24. doi: jsp013 [pii] 10.1093/jpepsy/jsp013. 30. OBradovich HM, Chernick V: The functional basis of respiratory pathology. In Chernick V, editor: Kendigs disorders of the

4. When providing vibration chest physiotherapy, what is the recommended frequency? A. 6 to 7 Hz B. 8 to 9 Hz C. 10 to 15 Hz D. 20 Hz 5. The four components of traditional159 ACT are: A. Postural drainage, percussion, vibration, and coughing B. FET, IS, IPPB, and HFFC C. PEP, position, AD, and resistance D. Hydration, percussion, deep breathing, and FET 6. Premature infants may be at risk for increased complications from ACT. Why? A. The high chest wall compliance of premature infants can cause loss of lung volume. B. ACT is associated with IVH. C. Prolonged handling can interfere with the temperature-regulated environment of these patients. D. A, B, and C are correct. 7. What hyperination therapy was introduced in the 1970s to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications? A. Deep breath and cough B. Incentive spirometry C. CPT D. PEP 8. ACT is required in only a limited number of conditions, all of which are characterized by which of the following? A. Chronic, excessive sputum production B. Disease state C. Patient age and disease state D. None of the above 9. Treatments for patients with CF or bronchiectasis should be performed for at least ________ and reevaluated every ______ for acute care. A. 10 minutes, 24 hours B. 15 minutes, 48 hours C. 20 minutes, 96 hours D. 30 minutes, 72 hours 10. What are the contraindications for ACT? A. Frank hemoptysis B. Empyema C. Foreign body aspiration D. All of the above

R e f e renc es
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CHAPTER 12 Airway Clearance Techniques and Hyperination Therapy

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