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12 Pinholes

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Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

Assistance for decisions P. 154 Sand control P. 181

Pinhole porosity surface blowholes Differentiation is made between hydrogen pinholes, hydrogennitrogen pinholes and pinholes due to CO-slag reactions. Characteristic features Pores or small blowholes with a smooth surface. Sub-surface blowholes often contain a thin graphite lm. There is no differentiation between hydrogen and hydrogen-nitrogen pinholes. Pinholes due to CO-slag reaction also have smooth surfaces. The size of sub-surface blowholes can vary considerably. Blowholes occur in conjunction with oxygen-rich slag. Incidence of the defect Pinholes can appear individually or over an area. All areas of the casting can be affected. However, pinholes are more common in areas of the casting located away from the gate. Hydrogen and hydrogen-nitrogen pinholes occur in both grey and SG iron castings. Pinholes due to CO-slag reaction only occur in grey iron castings.

Explanations Hydrogen and hydrogen-nitrogen pinholes The formation of pinholes progresses in several stages: 1. The surface reaction of water vapour with other elements in the iron gives rise to metal oxides and atomic hydrogen which diffuses into the molten metal. Similarly, nitrogenhydrogen compounds dissociate on the hot metal surface and diffuse into the molten metal. Dissociation of molecular nitrogen and hydrogen does not take place at the prevailing casting temperatures. 2. Due to enrichments in the slag, the metal oxides react with the carbon in the melt to form CO molecules which are precipitated from the melt and form micro-blowholes. 3. Hydrogen, and sometimes nitrogen, diffuse from the liquid metal into the CO micro-blowholes and increase their size. Pinholes due to CO-slag reaction These occur due to the reaction of heavily oxidizing, molten slags (mostly MnO / MnS-rich slags) with the carbon in the melt to form CO. Later in the process, hydrogen can also diffuse into these blowholes.

Fig. 32:

Large areas of surface blowholes/pinholes on a grey iron casting. Scale: 10 mm = 4 mm


Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

Possible causes Metallurgical Ferrous metals Nitrogen content in the melt too high due to the charge composition. Proportion of oxides, hydroxides (rust) and other impurities in the charge materials too high Aluminium content in the melt too high Manganese and sulphur contents in the melt too high Clay-bonded sand Nitrogen content in the sand too high Moisture content of the sand too high Lustrous carbon production in the moulding sand too low Fig. 33: Section through the surface of a grey iron casting in the area of pinhole formation. Pinhole formation is promoted by surface oxidation, recognizable in the formation of ferrite. Scale: 10 mm = 0.08 mm Resin-bonded sand Nitrogen content in the core sand too high Proportion of nitrogen/hydrogen compounds in the core binder too high Gating and pouring practice Pouring passages too long Too much turbulence and slag formation during pouring

Remedies Metallurgical Use charge components with low nitrogen content, e.g. reduce the quantity of steel scrap. Use scrap and return material free of rust, water and oil impurities. Use circulating materials free of impurities adhering to sand and feeder auxiliaries. Use charge materials and especially inoculants and circulating materials with low aluminium and titanium contents. Deoxidize melts as well as possible. Avoid excessive supply of titanium or aluminium. Reduce the formation of slag, and particularly the formation of slags containing manganese sulphide, by adjusting the manganese and sulphur content. Clay-bonded sand Reduce nitrogen content in the sand. Reduce the quantity of inowing nitrogen-containing core sand. If necessary, add new sand to the circulating sand. Reduce the moisture content of the sand. Lower the bentonite content. Improve development of the moulding sand. If necessary, reduce inert dust content. Keep amount of lustrous carbon carrier at the minimum level. With an oxidizing atmosphere in the mould cavity, if necessary increase the quantity of lustrous carbon producer in the moulding sand. Avoid adding too much. Resin-bonded sand Reduce the amount of binder. Use binder with lower nitrogen content. Improve core venting, dress core if necessary. Add iron oxides to the core sand mixture. Gating and pouring practice Increase pouring temperature Reduce ow rate into the mould Avoid turbulence when pouring.


Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

Background information A distinction is made between pinholes caused by hydrogen, nitrogen-hydrogen and sub-surface blowholes due to slag / CO reactions. Mechanism of pinhole formation Blowholes/pinholes arise in a melt under the following conditions: P = P0 + 2 r P P0 Fig. 34: Section through a surface pinhole in a grey iron casting, hydrogen-nitrogen defect recognizable by the graphite lm and the partial decarburization of the surface zones. Scale: 10 mm = 0.05 mm s r Necessary gas pressure to form a blowhole Atmospheric + metallostatic pressure Surface tension of the melt Radius of the blowhole
Surface tension [N / cm]

In the formation of CO bubbles, the surface tension of the melt is proportional to the work to be expended. According to Frenkel and Thompson, the intensity I of pinhole formation is described by the following equation:


Ak kT

The inuence of surface tension on the formation of pinholes has been investigated. Higher surface tension suppresses pinhole formation.1 Surface tension at 1400C
10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000

No pinholes

Calculations of the gas pressure at which blowholes/pinholes can occur shows that the melt must be considerably over-saturated with gases such as nitrogen and / or hydrogen. Sub-surface blowholes can form on solid reaction products in the melt at considerably lower gas pressures (phase boundaries). Similarly, where CO bubbles are formed through the reaction of oxides with the carbon in the melt, the dissolved gases (nitrogen, hydrogen) diffuse into the molecular gas pockets and form pinholes. Sufcient oxygen enrichment near the surface of the melt is necessary for the formation of CO bubbles. According to Gibbs, the formation of molecular CO blowholes is determined through the work to be expended: Ak = 4 r 3

2,000 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

No pinholes Pinholes


Aluminium content [%]

Fig. 35: Inuence of aluminium content on surface tension and pinhole occurence in grey cast iron.


Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

Surface tension at 1400C


Surface tension [N / cm]

8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 0


No pinholes

In addition to pure CO pinholes, molecular CO bubbles can be regarded as the nucleus for hydrogen and hydrogen-nitrogen pinholes. Hydrogen pinholes

Titanium Sulphur


Hydrogen is primarily introduced into a melt through the reaction of strong oxygen binding agents in the melt, e.g. aluminium, magnesium and titanium, with water vapour. Me + H2O MeO + 2H The atomic hydrogen is immediately absorbed by the melt. Water vapour is produced by moist refractories, rust-containing input materials and the binding clays used in the moulds, and is also present in the mould cavity air during pouring. Table 1 shows how long a melt absorbs hydrogen from the lining of a cupola. Tapping time 7.00 7.20 7.40 9.00 11.00 12.00 14.15 Hydrogen content [ppm] 5.6 4.2 3.0 2.2 1.8 1.4 1.6





Total of additives present [%] S No pinholes S Pinholes Te No pinholes Te Pinholes Ti No pinholes Ti Pinholes

Fig. 36:

Micrograph of a slag / gas defect in a grey iron casting. Scale: 10 mm = 0.1 mm

Fig. 37: Inuence of sulphur, titanium and tellurium content on surface tension and pinhole formation in grey cast iron. Pinholes due to CO-slag reactions In the formation of this defect, low-viscosity silicate slags rich in manganese oxide and enriched with manganese sulphide react with the carbon in the melt and form CO. With high manganese and low silicon contents, the manganese reduces silica from slags and the refractory lining, forming highly liquid manganese oxide slags. High sulphur contents enable the formation of MnS, which is enriched in the slag and makes the slags even more reactive.2





No defects


Cold blast test cupola, tap weight in each case 400 kg. Cupola diameter 140 cm Acid furnace lining The furnace was lined 24 hrs. previously.

Sulphur [%]





Manganese [%]

Fig. 38: Inuence of manganese and sulphur content and pouring temperature on the formation of pinholes.


Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

The precipitation of hydrogen is unlikely in a homogeneous melt. Where oxide nuclei or CO bubbles form, precipitation is more likely, due to the low pressure required. At high temperatures and pressures, the molecular hydrogen formed reacts with the carbon in the melt and forms methane, which breaks down to form graphite and hydrogen: Cdissolved + 2H2 CH4 CH4 Cgraphite + 2H2 Whilst the dissolved carbon reacts with hydrogen, the precipitated graphite is not dissolved by the superheated hydrogen in the formation of methane. As a result of these processes, hydrogen pinholes nearly always contain a thin graphite lm. The bubbles are surrounded by a pearlite-free ferrite layer. Hydrogen pinholes are normally round. Contrary to this, nitrogen pinholes have a dendritic shape. The explanation lies in the different rates of diffusion of the gases. Pure nitrogen blowholes/ pinholes contain no graphite lm. Avoidance of hydrogen pinholes Hydrogen is absorbed by an iron melt where the amounts of reactive elements are too high. Cast iron melts should be free of magnesium and, above all, aluminium. Aluminium contents as low as 0.01 0.1 % can lead to dangerous hydrogen absorption. Excessive titanium contents, as particularly found in circulating materials, promote the formation of pinholes. Since absorption of hydrogen usually occurs through the formation of water vapour, the content in the molten metal of hydroxides, rust, mould moisture, water combined in the clay etc. should be kept as low as possible.

The formation of pinholes can also be avoided if there is sufcient lustrous carbon producer in the mould. The reducing atmosphere prevents the formation of CO bubbles. Various authors have highlighted that admixtures of pit coal dust and other lustrous carbon producers can help to prevent pinholes.3 5 Nitrogen-hydrogen pinholes In addition to hydrogen pinholes, nitrogen-hydrogen pinholes occur where nitrogen-containing binding agents are used. Such defects are primarily generated through the use of binders containing urea. The nitrogen-hydrogen radicals are broken down near the surface of the melt, which immediately absorbs them in the atomic state. These surface blowholes often have a graphite lm and a ferrite seam like the hydrogen pinholes. They form in a similar way to that described under hydrogen pinholes. Many reports have been published on these pinhole phenomena. Avoidance of nitrogen-hydrogen pinholes These pinholes can occur where there is a high nitrogen content in the melt resulting from the use of charge materials such as steel scrap or nitrogen-containing carburizing compounds. Here, too, a crucial contribution is made by the combined action of gases from the mould cavity and the mould. High nitrogen contents in the melt (over 100 ppm), in the carburizing agent, in the core binder and in the bentonite-bonded sands should be avoided. The use of increased proportions of lustrous carbon producers in the moulding sand to achieve a reducing atmosphere has also proved to be effective. In the case of cores, the addition of iron oxides and barium sulphate will help to prevent this defect.

Fig. 39:

Blowholes/pinholes over the complete surface of a grey iron casting. Scale: 10 mm = 8 mm


Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

Pinholes due to CO-slag reactions Under certain conditions, oxygen-rich slags can react with the carbon in the melt to form CO. Liquid iron oxide-rich slags also react this way: FeO + C Fe + CO The pinholes may be observed on the surface of the casting but are sometimes not visible until it is machined. All slags formed during melting and pouring can become highly uid through enrichment with FeO or MnO, and then react with carbon to form blowholes/pinholes. Pinholes of this type mostly have slag inclusions in the pockets, such inclusions often containing MnS precipitations. The large inuence of MnS on the formation of the pinhole can be traced back to the liquefaction of the slag and thus its increased reactivity. Hydrogen also negatively inuences this defect. Avoidance of slag-CO surface pinholes In order to avoid this surface defect, it is necessary to increase the pouring temperature, reduce the sulphur content and restrict the manganese content. BCIRA recommends foundries to keep to a 0.7 % manganese content. Other authors recommend that the manganese content be kept no higher than 0.4 % of the Si content. It is also recommended that the melt be given little opportunity to oxidize. Turbulence during lling should be avoided and liquidmetal ow paths kept short. As water vapour has a strongly negative effect, the bentonite content in the moulding sand should be as low as possible.

References 1 Hernandesz, B.; Wallace, J. F. Mechanismus der Randblasenbildung in Gueisen mit Lamellengraphit AFS 1979 Research Reports, Des Plaines / Il 1979, P. 39 52 (English) Henke, F. Mangan im Gueisen Giess.-Prax. 1970, P. 281 294 Dawson, J. V.; Kilshaw, J. A.; Morgan, A. D. Art und Entstehung von Gasblasen in Gueisenteilen Mod. Cast. 47, 1965, P. 144 160 Bauer, W. Einu der chemischen Zusammensetzung und der Formstoffe auf Gasblasenfehler im Gueisen Gieerei-Rundschau 31, 1984, P. 7 13 Giess.-Prax. 1984, P. 198 205 Fujio, S.; Yamada, J.; Mizuno, K.; Yamauchi, Y.; Tanimura, H. Vermeidung von Pinhole-Bildung bei Gueisen mit Kugelgraphit Imono 56, 1984, P. 212 218 (Jap. w. Engl. summary)

Additional references Orths K.; Weis W.; Lampic, M. Verdeckte Fehler bei Gustcken aus Gueisen Giess.-Forsch. 27, 1975, P. 103 111 Orths K.; Weis, W.; Lampic, M. Gesetzmigkeiten und Zusammenwirken von Regelgren bei der Entstehung verdeckter Fehler bei Gueisen Giess.-Forsch. 28, 1976 , P. 15 26 Greenhill, J. M. Fehlerdiagnose in Gueisenstcken Foundry 99, 1971, P. 56 60 (English) Author not named Guoberchen verdeckte Blschen im Zusammenwirken mit MnS-Ausscheidungen Mod. Castings 1978, P. 53 Gittus, J. Randblasen im Gueisen mit Kugelgraphit BCIRA Journal 5, 1933, P. 394 & P. 603 Dawson, J. V.; Smith, L. W. L. Pinholes-Bildung in Gusseisen und ihre Abhngigkeit von der Wasserstoffabgabe aus dem Formsand BCIRA Journal 6, 1956, P. 226 Dawson, J. V. Untersuchungen ber die Randblasenbildung in Gueisen BCIRA Journal 8, 1960, P. 805 811 Murray, W. G. Randblasen in Gueisen mit Kugelgraphit Brit. Foundryman 55, 1962, P. 85 93 Pidgeon, C. L. Einu der Zusammensetzung von Grnsandformen auf die Bildung von Pinholes BCIRA Journal 11, 1963, P. 319 335 Dawson, J. V. Pinholes BCIRA Journal 10, 1962, P. 433 437 Vogel, D. Beabsichtigte Erzeugung von Pinholes im Gueisen mit Kugelgraphit und seine Entstehung Staatl. Ing. Schule Duisburg 1964, Diplomarbeit Berndt, H. Die Pinhole-Bildung von Gueisen mit Lamellengraphit bei Verwendung von Hot-Box-Kernen Gieerei 52, 1965, P. 548 555 Berndt, H.; Unger, D. Prfung von Formsandmischungen f. das Hot-Box-Verfahren Gieerei 53, 1966, P. 96 105 Nipper, H. A.; Knig, R.; Gries, H. Zur Begasung u. Entgasung von schmelzssigem Gueisen Buderus techn. Bl., Febr. 62, P. 60 Patterson, W; v. Gienanth Dipl.-Arbeit ber Nadelstichporositten im Gueisen TH Aachen, May 1962 Author not named Pinholes im Graugu Foundry, 1965, P. 162


Description of defects: Pinholes


Description of defects: Pinholes

Chen, F.; Keverian, J. Einu v. Stickstoff auf die Randblasenbildung bei Stahlgu Mod. Cast. 50, 1966, P. 95 103 Frommhagen, A. Pinholes in Graugustcken Giess.-Prax. 1964, P. 123 126 Schitikow W. S.; Schulte G.; Gederewitsch, N. A.; Tschebotar L. K. Die Pinholesbildung in GGL Lit. Proisv. 1973, P. 18 Gieereitechnik 22, 1974, P. 320 Kokonov, A. T. Einu der Desoxidation auf die Pinholesbildung bei Stahlgustcken beim Gieen in kunstharzgebundene Formen Lit. proisv. 1979, P. 9 Carter, S. F.; Evans, W. J.; Harkness, J. C.; Wallace, J. F. Einugren bei der Pinhole-Bildung in Gueisen mit Lamellengraphit und Gueisen mit Kugelgraphit Amer. Foundrym. Soc. 87, 1979, P. 245 268 (English) Giess. Prax. 1980, P. 219 246 VDG Fachbibliographie Nr. 352 Wasserstoffgehalte im Gueisen (67 literature references) VDG Fachbibliographie Nr. 74 Gase im Gueisen (78 literature references)

Berndt, H.; Unger, D.; Rde, D. Die Bedeutung der Eisenoxidzugabe zum Formstoff Gieerei 59, 1972, P. 61 71 Author unknown Ein Fall von Randblasen (Pinholes) in der Oberche von GG Fonderie, Fondeur aujourdhui 1986, P. 27 Poyet, P.; Elsen, F.; Bollinger, E. Einu von Zustzen an Eisenoxid zum Formsand in der Stahlgieerei Hommes et Fonderie 161, 1986, P. 11 22 (French) Hner, K. E. Zum Einu des Stickstoffs auf die Gasblasenbildung im Stahlgu Gieerei 62, 1975, P. 6 12 Middleton, J. M. Einige Pros und Contras zu tongebundenen Formsanden Proc. Annu. Conf. Steel Cast. Res. & Trade Assoc. Harrogate 1970, Vol. 1, 1970 Pap. 6, P. 8 Habibullah, P. Allgemeine Betrachtungen ber Blasenbildung bei Stahlgustcken infolge der Metall-Formstoff-Reaktion 43me Congrs International de Fonderie, Bucuresti 1976 Paper No. 13., 7 P. (English) Yamauchi, Y.; Yamada, J.; Mizuno, K.; Fujio, S.; Tanimura, H. Pinholes bei Gustcken aus Gueisen mit Kugelgraphit (Nagusand) und Manahmen zu deren Vermeidung 4th International Conference for Licensees of the GF Converter Process, Schaffhausen 1981, Paper No. 7, P. 14

Levi, L. I.; Grigorjan, S. A.; Dybenko, I. V. Einu von Mn auf den Stickstoffgehalt im Gueisen und dessen Bestimmungsverfahren Izvestija vyssich. ucebnych. zavedenij, cernaja metallurgija 1977, P. 155 157 (Russian) Strong, G. R. Stickstoff in Tempergu Ein Literaturberblick Trans. Amer. Foundrym. Soc. 85, 1977, P. 29 36 (Engl.) Winterhager, H.; Koch, M. Untersuchungen zur Vakuumentgasung von AluminiumSchmelzen. Gieerei 65, 1978, P. 505 510 Stransky, K. Thermodynamische Bedingungen fr die Pinhole-Bildung in Stahlgu Slevarenstvi 28, 1980, P. 373 377 (Czech) Mechanisms of Pinhole Formation in Gray Iron AFS Gray Iron Research Committee 5-C AFS Research Reports 1979, P. 37

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