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Bakery Cleaning Procedures

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Bakery Cleaning Procedures Plant Layout

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Clear the Decks

1. Empty all trash containers into designated receptacles. 2. Take empty boxes to the recycling area. 3. Remove any packaging supplies and other nonessential items from the akery.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks Packaging Machines

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

MultipleCompartment Sink
efore using and at the end of every !ork period" clean the sink" scrap baskets and splash backs as follo!s# 1. $ill all sinks to a lo! level !ith a hot solution of %i&uid 'etergent. 2. rush-!ash inside and outside of all sinks" drain table and splash back.

3. 'rain and rinse sinks. (pray saniti)e all compartments.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

1. akers should !ipe all mixers after each use.

2. *ash the housing and frame !ith %i&uid 'etergent" rinse and then saniti)e !ith +uat Rinse.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Walls Behind Mixers and Sink

1. *alls get particularly soiled in mixing and sink areas. ,se%i&uid 'etergent solution and !ipe dry !ith a clean to!el.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Free ers!"etarders
1. *ash outside surface and handles !ith hot %i&uid 'etergent. (pecial attention should be given to the back of the handles

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Work Bench Tops

1. (crape do!n !ith metal scraper" including sides. (!eep !ith bench brush" then !ash !ith a solution of hot !ater and %i&uid 'etergent" rinse and saniti)e !ith +uat Rinse.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Work Bench Shel#es$ Legs and Frames

1. (!eep !ith a bench brush. 2. *ipe do!n !ith hot %i&uid 'etergent and a clean to!el.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Spice Ca%inet and Scaling Bench

1. *ipe do!n !ith a clean to!el and %i&uid 'etergent solution. -ll containers should be removed from the top of the spice cabinet and !iped off. .lean the top of the cabinet !ith detergent solution. 2. The same procedure is to be used for the scaling bench as !as used for the !ork benches.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

&ngredient Bins
1. .lean daily by using a metal scraper and !et to!el. 2. Every three months" empty and clean the inside.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Micro'a#e (#ens
1. *ipe dp!n exterior !ith %i&uid 'etergent. 2. .lean inside as needed throughout the day !ith %i&uid 'etergent. Rinse and spray saniti)e !ith +uat Rinse.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Can (pener Manual Bench Type

1. Remove the opener by lifting the shank out of the base. 2. (oak the shank assembly in the !ash compartment sink. (crub all parts !ith a stiffbristled brush. /ive special attention to the blade of the can holding mechanism. 0f blade is ridged" rotate it so strips of metal !ill not fall into food. 3. Rinse !ith clear !ater and saniti)e !ith +uat Rinse. 1. (crub base using the same saniti)ing solution as above. %ubricate regularly as recommended by the manufacturer.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

)and Tools
1. (oak in hot detergent solution in the !ash compartment sink and then scrub. 2. Rinse" saniti)e and allo! to air dry.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Mixing Bo'ls$ *ttachments$ Sheet Pans

1. (crape do!n and !ash !ith hot%i&uid 'etergent. 2. Rinse in clean !ater" saniti)e !ith +uat Rinse and allo! to air dry. 3. 2ixing bo!ls need to air dry before storing to prevent rusting. 1. (heet pans are to be stacked on their sides on the drain board and then stacked on a pan dolly.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

1. *ash !ith detergent solution and saniti)e.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Proo+ Box
1. 3roof box doors and handles should be cleaned daily !ith a to!el. 2. $loor of proof box should be mopped daily !ith hot %i&uid 'etergent. 3. *alls inside the box need !eekly !ashing !ith %i&uid 'etergent. Rinse !ell" then saniti)e.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Sheeter$ "ounder$ Di#ider

1. rush and !ipe off sheeter" rounder" divider" housing and handles.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Decorating Station
1. The ma4ority of this area !ill be kept clean by the decorator. 2. The shelves need to be kept clean at all times. 3. 0cing tubes must be cleaned thoroughly. 1. .lean the floor area and !ash the cake storage rack.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Wrapping Station
1. E&uipment should be !iped do!n daily !ith %i&uid 'etergentsolution.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

1. (!eep floor thoroughly" including the corners and along base-boards. 2ove everything on !heels and other easily moved e&uipment to thoroughly clean under and behind those areas. 2. 2op the floor thoroughly !ith a floor cleaner solution. -llo! the solution to remain on the floor for a fe! minutes before remopping. 3. ,sing hot !ater rinse" go back over the floor" rinse it" and mop it dry. 1. (aniti)e the floor !ith a second mop soaking in saniti)er solution.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks


1. .lear drains of any debris and scrub !ith $ood (ervice 'egreaser. 'o not use this brush for anything other than drains. 2. Treat drains !ith 2icro'igestant!hen department is least active.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

Daily Tasks

Cleaning Tools
1. *ash" rinse" saniti)e and air dry scrapers" brushes" to!els" mops and buckets.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

,-uipment Speci+ic Tasks

Bake (#ens
Weekly Spray Cleaning Procedure - &nterior 1. 3reheat oven to 1567$ - turn heat off. 2. *hile oven surfaces are still !arm" spray interior !alls !ith strong solution of hot !ater and degreaser solution and let soak in. 3. %et solution stand on soil for t!o to five minutes to permit chemical cleaning action to take place. 1. aked-on grease or carboni)ed food soil may need to be loosened !ith a stiff brush or scraper.

5. ,se a damp cloth to pick up the dissolved and loosened soil. 8. Rinse !ith clear !ater and let air dry.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

,-uipment Speci+ic Tasks

Bake (#ens
Weekly Spray Cleaning Procedure - ,xterior 1. (pray outside of the oven !ith a !arm solution of degreaser. 2. ,se a damp cloth to pick up the dissolved and loosened soil. 3. Rinse !ith clear !ater. 1. *ipe dry !ith a clean" dry cloth. 5. 9eep the sides" front and back of the oven clean at all times to avoid odors.

Bakery Cleaning Procedures

,-uipment Speci+ic Tasks

.ertical Cutter - Mixer

Manual Cleaning Method 1. 'isconnect electrical po!er from unit to avoid accidents. 2. Take out removable parts and the cover. *ash in multiplecompartment sink" using a hot solution of %i&uid 'etergent. 3. Rinse !ith clear !ater and dip in a +uat Rinse saniti)ing solution. -llo! to air dry. 1. $ill bo!l half full !ith hot solution of %i&uid 'etergent. rush clean inside and outside of bo!l. *ipe clean all other surfaces. 5. Tip bo!l to remove solution" rinse !ith clear !ater and fill !ith !arm +uat Rinse saniti)ing solution. Rinse all surfaces !ith this solution" tip bo!l to remove solution and !ipe dry inside of bo!l allo!ing other surfaces to air dry.

Quat soln ppm = 200

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