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Cracking in Concrete LR R14 PDF

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The key takeaways are that cracking occurs due to tensile stresses exceeding the concrete's strength and it is important to understand the cause of cracks and their effects in order to select the appropriate repair method.

The document describes different types of cracks like plastic shrinkage, drying shrinkage, corrosion, thermal cracks etc. and their causes like bleeding, segregation, corrosion of reinforcement, freeze-thaw cycles etc.

It is important to evaluate cracks thoroughly to identify concerns about structural integrity, design issues, aesthetics or durability. The type, status, size, shape and location of cracks provide useful information about their effects.


Evaluating Cracking in Concrete

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


WHY CRACKS FORM IN CONCRETE STRUCTURES Concrete provides structures with strength, rigidity, and resilience from deformation. These characteristics, however, result in concrete structures lacking the exibility to move in response to environmental or volume changes. Cracking is usually the rst sign of distress in concrete. It is, however, possible for deterioration to exist before cracks appear. Cracking can occur in both hardened and fresh, or plastic, concrete as a result of volume changes and repeated loading. This involves tensile stresses being loaded onto the concrete, the cracks occurring when the force exceeds its maximum tensile strength. We at Bluey Technologies maintain that it is important to understand the reasons why cracking occurs, the type of crack formed, and cracks effects on structural stability. Once you understand these points you can take the appropriate action. This may mean leaving the crack alone, injecting the crack with an appropriate material, or applying other suitable repair methods. EVALUATING CRACKS CAUSES AND STATUS It is important to identify the primary concern in regard to any cracking. The main concerns are whether the cracks are affecting structural integrity, caused by inappropriate design, aesthetically unacceptable, or reducing durability. You can only identify the primary concern after evaluating a crack thoroughly. IMPORTANT POINTS TO EVALUATE The type of cracking provides useful information to help understand a cracks effects on structural stability. Figure 1 presents a summary of the different types of concrete cracks and their possible causes.

A cracks status is critically important. Active cracks may require more complex repair procedures that may include eliminating the actual cause of the cracking in order to ensure a successful long-term repair. Failure to address the underlying cause may result in the cracks repair being short-term, making it necessary to go through the same process again. Dormant cracks are those not threatening a structures stability, but those responsible for the structure must address durability issues and take appropriate action if aesthetics are a priority. A cracks environmental conditions inuence the extent to which it affects its structures integrity. Greater exposure to aggressive conditions increases the possibility of structural instability. Cracks sizes range from micro-cracks that expose the concrete to eforescence to larger cracks caused by external loading conditions. Noting cracks sizes, shapes, and locations can aid in determining their initial causes. Figure 2 illustrates the types of cracks and their primary causes in relation to their location. Figure 1: Types of cracks and their causes CRACKING IN PLASTIC CONCRETE Cracks that form in plastic concrete can be categorised as either plastic shrinkage cracking or plastic settlement cracking. Both of these types result from the bleeding and segregation process that occurs when fresh concrete is placed. Such cracks usually appear from one to six hours after concrete placement.

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Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


Shrinkable aggregates PHYSICAL Drying shrinkage Crazing Corrosion of reinforcement CHEMICAL Alkali-aggregate reactions Cement carbonation shrinkage TYPES OF CRACKS AFTER HARDENING Freeze/thaws cycles External seasonal temperature variations THERMAL External restraint Early thermal contradiction Internal temperature gradients

Accidental overload STRUCTURAL Creep Design loads

Early frost damage Plastic shrinkage TYPES OF CRACKS BEFORE HARDENING PLASTIC Plastic settlement CONSTRUCTIONAL MOVEMENT Formwork movement Sub-grade movement

Figure 1: Types of cracks and their causes

Evaluating Cracking in Concrete 3

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


PLASTIC SHRINKAGE CRACKING As the concretes heavier particles settle due to gravity, they push the water and lighter particles toward the surface. This is called bleeding. If you fail to monitor the temperature, wind, and humidity conditions properly the evaporation rate of the surface water may exceed the bleed rate, drying out the concretes supercial layer and therefore shrinking it due to dehydration. The concrete beneath the surface layer is still well hydrated, however, and maintains its volume. This applies opposing tensile forces to the lower part of the drying concrete on the surface, causing a cracked concrete prole. These plastic shrinkage cracks are usually shallow and only from 1 to 2 mm in width, which means you cannot repair them with the injection method. They may, however, self-heal through continual cement hydration or by the precipitation of calcium carbonate from the concrete. If the cracks are wider than 2 mm and do not self-heal, it is important that you repair them with a suitable coating or ood-grouting product to stop them from penetrating the full depth of the concrete slab. If they do become active their reaction to stresses may result in further cracking that weakens the structure either directly or by exposing its reinforcement steel to contaminants that will in time corrode it.

PLASTIC SETTLEMENT CRACKING The settlement process is a major factor in concretes strength at different levels as it forms. Plastic settlement cracking can occur as a result of such restraints to the consolidation of the fresh concrete as the use of steel reinforcing bars or formwork. Figure 2 illustrates how plastic settlement cracks form. As the concrete bleeds, the water works its way to the surface. Sedimentation then occurs as the aggregate and cement move downwards under the force of gravity. This separation forms a weaker layer of concrete near the surface. If such restraints as steel reinforcing bars are close to the surface and insufciently covered with concrete the concrete bends back around the restraint and cracks at the apex. Deeper sections of concrete lead to greater separation between the sediment and the water, so it is important to ensure that you cover all supercial restraints adequately to reduce the amount of cracking.

Bluey Technologies

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


Figure 2: Schematic representation of plastic settlement crack formation Plastic settlement cracks may also occur in forms involving a sudden change in the concretes depth, as it settles more in the deep sections than the shallow ones, forcing cracking at the point of change. A good example of this is wafe troughs, in which the depth changes constantly across the length of the form.


CRACKING IN HARDENED CONCRETE Cracking in hardened concrete can result from any one of many causes. These causes include (a) drying shrinkage, which is the main cause, (b) thermal stresses, (c) chemical reactions, (d) weathering, which involves heating and cooling and is linked to thermal stresses, (e) the corrosion of steel reinforcing, (f) poor construction practices, (g) construction and structural overloads, (h) errors in design and detailing, (i) externally applied loads, and (j) poor loading and storage practices. It is important to understand the factors that inuence the above causes of cracking in order to eliminate the cause and select the correct repair method. The following sections explore the causes of cracking in hardened concrete in more depth.

DRYING SHRINKAGE This is the main cause of cracking in hardened concrete. This cracking takes place near the restraints due to volume changes in the concrete. When concrete is exposed to moisture it swells and when it is exposed to air with relatively low humidity it shrinks, such air drawing water out of its cement paste, which is cement and water. If the shrinkage could occur without restraint no cracking would result, but in most cases the requirements of structural support makes this impossible. This cracking is the result of a combination of factors that inuence the magnitude of the tensile stresses that cause it. These factors include the amount and rate of shrinkage, the degree of restraint, the modulus of elasticity, and the amount of creep. Additional

Evaluating Cracking in Concrete

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


factors to be aware of include the type of aggregate, water content, binder type, and the concretes mix proportions and mechanical properties. The amount and type of aggregate and the cement paste are the main inuences on the amount of drying shrinkage. To minimise the amount of shrinkage it is best to use a stiff aggregate in high volumes relative to the cement paste. The rate of shrinkage increases with the volume of cement paste. The aggregate provides internal restraints to shrinkage. Similarly, increases in the ratio of water to cement in the cement paste increase the level of shrinkage by increasing the potential for volume loss through water evaporation.
Drying Shrinkage

The optimum condition for preventing drying shrinkage is a relative humidity of 100%. This is rarely possible, so sealing the concrete surface to prevent moisture loss can control the amount of shrinkage, and the use of suitably spaced contraction joints and proper steel detailing allows shrinkage to occur in a controlled manner. Bluey Technologies BluCem range contains shrinkage-compensating cements that you can also use to control the degree of concrete shrinkage.

A greater volume of stiff aggregate reduces concrete shrinkage, as the aggregate provides restraints. This reduces the tensile stresses and thereby minimises concrete cracking.
Original Concrete Volume Drying Shrinkage

Reducing the volume of aggregate increases the movement in the concrete during shrinking, as the aggregate provides less restraint. This increases drying shrinkage and consequently the tensile stresses causing concrete cracking. Figure 3: The effects of aggregate volume on concrete shrinkage
Original Concrete Volume

Bluey Technologies

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


CHEMICAL REACTIONS As the outside of the concrete cools more quickly than the inside it shrinks, and the pressure caused by the inner sections lack of shrinkage produces tensile stresses that, when exceeding the concretes tensile strength, cause the concrete to crack to relieve the pressure Chemical reactions in concrete can be due to the materials used to make it or materials that may have come into contact with it after it has hardened. The cause of the cracking is the expansive reactions between the aggregate and the alkalis in the cement paste. The chemical reaction occurs between active silica and alkalis, producing an alkali-silica gel as a by-product. The alkali-silica gel forms around the surface of the aggregate, increasing its volume and putting pressure on the surrounding concrete. This increase in pressure can cause the tensile stresses to increase beyond the concretes tensile strength. When this occurs the concrete cracks to relieve the pressure. CORROSION OF STEEL REINFORCING Figure 4: The effects of thermal stresses on cracking in hardened concrete structures Three conditions must be present for metals to corrode. These are an oxygen supply, moisture, and an electron ow within the metal. Eliminating or limiting any of these conditions eliminates or reduces corrosion of concretes steel reinforcement, thereby reducing the risk of cracking. Concrete usually provides passive protection to the steel as it forms a protective oxide coating around it in an alkaline environment. However, corrosion may occur if carbonation alters the concretes levels of alkalinity. Corroding reinforcement steel produces iron oxides and hydroxides as by-products. As these form on the steelworks surface its volume increases. This increase in volume increases the pressure on the concrete and causes radial cracking as the concrete fails under the tensile stresses. It is important to address these cracks because as they become larger oxygen and moisture have a greater chance of



THERMAL STRESSES Volume differentials are likely to develop in the concrete when different temperatures occur across a concrete section. The concrete then cracks when the tensile stresses imposed by a change in volume differential exceed that of its tensile strength. Thermal stresses usually cause cracking in mass concrete structures, the main cause of the temperature differentials being the inuence of the heat of hydration on volume change. The heat of hydration is the amount of heat released during the cements hydration, causing a temperature differential to occur between the concrete structures centre and exterior as a result of either greater exterior cooling or greater heat hydration in the centre (see Figure 4). Either situation puts increased pressure on the exterior as the heat tries to escape from the core.

Evaluating Cracking in Concrete

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


POOR CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES Numerous poor construction practices can initiate cracking in concrete structures. The following table presents these poor practices.

POOR PRACTICE Adding water to concrete to increase its workability Increasing cement content to offset a decrease in strength from adding water

EFFECT OF PRACTICE Reduces concrete strength Increases settlement Increases the temperature differential between interior and exterior sections of the structure Increases the cement pastes volume

FACTOR CAUSING CRACKING Increased drying shrinkage and plastic settlement cracking Increased dry shrinkage Thermal stresses

Inadequate curing

Lack of concrete hydration Decreases strength

Increased shrinkage at a time when the concrete is at low strength Concrete cracks from its load before it has developed enough strength to support itself

Lack of support forms, inadequate consolidation, and incorrect placement of construction joints

Increases settlement Insufcient support for the setting concrete Joints open at points of high stress

Bluey Technologies

Evaluating Cracking In Concrete


CONSTRUCTION OVERLOADS It is important to pay close attention to the way you load, transport, and unload pre-cast concrete, and how you secure it in place. At any one of these stages the pre-cast concrete modules can become subject to stresses that overload their structure. If these stresses occur in the concretes early ages they may result in permanent cracks. You need to employ lifting procedures that disperse the load across the structure in order to reduce the risk of overload stresses. Pre-tensioned beams may present cracking problems at the time of stress relief, especially in beams that are less than one day old. You need to pay particular attention to the storage of materials and operational equipment during the construction phase, as these may generate loads that exceed those that the structure was designed to withstand. ERRORS IN DESIGN AND DETAILING Numerous problems can occur due to incorrect design and detailing, including increased concentrations of stress from poorly designed re-entrant corners, cracking due to inadequate reinforcement, and excessive differential movement from improper foundation design. It is therefore important to ensure that the design and detailing are specic to the particular structure and the loads to which it will be exposed. Overlooking these points may result in cracking, causing a major serviceability problem. EXTERNALLY APPLIED LOADS Most concrete structures are susceptible to external loads that induce tensile stresses through their concrete members. It is important to deal with these loads in the most effective way, so try to disperse the load evenly across the individual members to reduce the risk of uncontrolled cracking. Factors that can reduce cracks widths are an increased amount of steel reinforcement and larger concrete sections to disperse the loads more evenly. THE DESIRED OUTCOME OF CRACK REPAIRS Once you understand the cause and signicance of the cracking you need to apply the appropriate repair method or methods. You should select the repair method based on an evaluation of the crack and the repairs objective or objectives. Such objectives include (a) restoring or increasing strength, (b) restoring or increasing stiffness, (c) improving functional performance, (d) providing watertightness, (e) improving the concrete surfaces appearance, (f) improving durability, and (g) preventing the development of a corrosive environment for the reinforcement. For detailed guidelines for the preparation and application of crack-repair methods related to Bluey Technologies products please refer to the relevant documentation. IMPORTANT NOTE Bluey Technologies offers this document as a standard guide for evaluating cracking in concrete. It remains the responsibility of the engineer or client to determine the correct methods of evaluation. Bluey Technologies accepts no liability, either directly or indirectly, for any losses suffered in connection with the use or application of our products, whether in accordance with any advice, specication, recommendation, or information it has provided or otherwise.

Evaluating Cracking in Concrete

The technical information and application advice given in this publication is based on the present state of our best knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as to a products suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by Commonwealth or State Legislation. The owner, their representative or the contractor is responsible for checking the suitability of products for their intended use. NOTE: Field service where provided, does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by Bluey Technologies Pty Ltd either verbally or in writing may be followed, modied or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not Bluey Technologies Pty Ltd are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specic application. Bluey Technologies Pty Ltd

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