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2 SAP Security Interview Questions

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. Can we convert Authorization field to Org, field A. Authorization field can be changed to Organization field using PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREA E or !

PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREA E "se #E$% or #A$% to run the abo&e re'ort.

Organizational le&el fields should onl( be created before (ou start setting u' (our s(ste). If (ou create organizational le&el fields later* (ou )ight ha&e to do an i)'act anal(sis. he authentication data )a( ha&e to be 'ost'rocessed in roles. he fields +Acti&it(+* +AC , + and + ransaction code+* + CD+ cannot be con&erted into an organizational le&el field.

In addition* all affected roles are anal(zed and the authorization data is ad-usted. he &alues of the authorization field .hich is no. to beco)e the organizational le&el field are re)o&ed and entered into the organizational le&el data of the role. /ote0 able for Org Ele)ent1 "#ORG Refer to /ote $2$%34 for )ore detail. Q. How many profiles can be assigned to any user master record. A. 5a6i)u) Profiles that can be assigned to an( user is 7 $32. able "#R89 :Profile assign)ents for users;. his table contains both infor)ation on the change status of a user and also the list of the 'rofile na)es that .ere assigned to the user. he field PROF# is used for sa&ing the change flag :C < user .as created* 5 < user .as changed;* and the na)e of the 'rofiles assigned to the user. he field is defined .ith a length of $4=8 characters. #ince the first t.o characters are intended for the change flag* $49% characters re)ain for the list of the 'rofile na)es 'er user. >ecause of the )a6i)u) length of 32 characters 'er 'rofile na)e* this results in a )a6i)u) nu)ber of $32 'rofiles 'er user. Q. Can you add a composite role to another composite role? A. /o Q. How to reset A!" password from oracle database. A. Logon to (our database .ith orasid as user id and run this s?l delete from sapSID.usr02 where bname='SAP*' and mandt='XXX'; comm t; @here )andt is the client. /o. (ou can login to the client using sa'A and 'ass.ord 'ass Q. #hat is difference between role and profile. A. A role act as container that collect transaction and generates the associated 'rofile. he 'rofile generator :PFCG; in #AP #(ste) auto)aticall( generates the corres'onding authorization 'rofile. De&elo'er used to 'erfor) this ste' )anuall( before PFCG .as introduced b(#AP. An( )aintenance of the generated 'rofile should be done using PFCG. Q. #hat is user buffer? A. @hen a user logs on to the #AP RB$ #(ste)* a user buffer is built containing all authorizations for that user. Each user has their o.n indi&idual user buffer. For e6a)'le* if user #)ith logs on to the s(ste)* his user buffer contains all authorizations of role "#ER_#5I C_ROLE. he user buffer can be dis'la(ed in transaction #"=D. A user .ould fail an authorization checE if0

he authorization ob-ect does not e6ist in the user buffer he &alues checEed b( the a''lication are not assigned to the authorization ob-ect in the user buffer he user buffer contains too )an( entries and has o&erflo.ed. he nu)ber of entries in the user buffer can be controlled using the s(ste) 'rofile 'ara)eter


Q. A! ecurity &'codes A. Fre?uentl( used securit( 1codes #"83 CreateB Change "ser #"83 CreateB Change "ser PFCG 5aintain Roles #"38 5ass Changes #"83D Dis'la( "ser #"I5 Re'orts # 83 race #"=$ Authorization anal(sis Clic( here for all ecurity &'codes

End User Transaction Code Menu Path SU3 System --> User Profile--> Own Data System --> Utilities --> Display Authorization Check Purpose Set address/defaults/parameters


Display last authority check that failed


Tools --> Administration --> Monitor Display user buffer --> User Buffer

Role Administration Transaction Code Menu Path PFCG Purpose

Tools --> Administration --> User Mai tai roles usi ! the Profile Maintenance --> oles Ge erator " o e# Compare user master i dialo!$ %his fu ctio ca also be called i the Profile Ge erator& !n"ironment --> Mass compare %he 'ob for user master compariso is& PFCG(%)M*(D*P*+D*+C, -to .elease /$0 .12U%UP34



Tools ##$ Administration ##$ User Mass Ge eratio of Profiles Maintenance ##$ oles ##$ !n"ironment ##$ Mass %eneration

User Administration

Transaction Code Menu Path SU03 Purpose

Tools --> Administration --> User Mai tai Users Maintenance --> Users Tools --> Administration --> User Display Users Maintenance --> Display Users Tools --> Administration --> User User mass mai te a ce Maintenance --> User Mass Maintenance Tools ##$ Administration ##$ User Ma ually create profiles Maintenance ##$ Manual Maintenance ##$ !dit Profiles Manually Tools --> Administration --> User Ma ually create authori6atio s Maintenance --> Manual Maintenance --> !dit Authorizations Manually





Profile Generator Configuration Transaction Code Menu Path .730 Tools ##$ CCMS ##$ Confi&uration ##$ Profile Maintenance IMG Activity: !nterprise 'M% --> Basis Components --> System Administration --> Users and Authorizations --> Maintain authorizations and profiles usin& Profile %enerator --> (ork on SAP check indicators and field "alues Select: Co y SAP chec! I"#s and field values Same as for SU55& Select: Change Chec! Indicators Purpose Mai tai system profile parameters$ -auth/ o(check(i (some(cases8 ,4$


) stallatio 3$ ) itial Customer %ables Fill Up!rade 5a$ Preparatio & Compare 9ith S2P :alues 5b$ .eco cile affected tra sactio s 5c$ .oles to be checked 5d$ Display cha !ed tra sactio codes


Mai tai Check ) dicators Mai tai %emplates

Trans ort

Transaction Code Menu Path SCC; Tools ##$ Administration ##$ Administration ##$ Client Administration ##$ Client Copy ##$ )ocal Copy Tools ##$ Administration ##$ Administration ##$ Client Administration ##$ Client Copy ##$ emote Copy Tools ##$ Administration ##$ Administration ##$ Client Administration ##$ Client Transport ##$ Client !*port Purpose ;ocal clie t copy -9ithi o e system< bet9ee differe t clie ts4


.emote Clie t Copy -bet9ee clie ts i differe t systems4 Data e>cha !e o:er a et9ork - ot files4$


Clie t tra sport -bet9ee clie ts i differe t systems4 Data e>cha !e usi ! a data e>port at operati ! system le:el$

" o e#

Tools ##$ Administration ##$ User Mass tra sport of roles Maintenance ##$ oles ##$ !n"ironment ##$ Mass Transport Tools ##$ Administration ##$ User Upload/Do9 load of .oles Maintenance ##$ oles ##$ ole ##$ Upload+Download Point ,Tools ##$Administration ##$ Transports ##$ Transport Mana&ement System %ra sport of Check i dicators Transport Mana&ement System

" o e#


System configuration Transaction Code Menu Path .730 Tools $$% CCMS $$% Confi&uration $$% Profile Maintenance Purpose Mai tai system profile parameters$ -auth/ o(check(i (some(cases 8 ,4$


Descriptio of system profile parameters Tools --> Administration --> Administration --> Transaction Code Administration ;ock tra sactio codes from e>ecutio


Authori&ation '()ect

Transaction Code Menu Path SU50 Purpose

Tools ##$ ABAP (ork.ench ##$ ;ist of authori6atio fields De"elopment ##$ Other Tools ##$ Authorization O./ects ##$ 0ields Tools ##$ ABAP (ork.ench ##$ ;ist of authori6atio ob@ects -) itial De"elopment ##$ Other Tools ##$ scree lists by ob@ect class4 Authorization O./ects ##$ O./ects


Audit Transaction Code Menu Path S*?/ Purpose

Tools $$% Administration $$% User ) formatio System for S2P ./3 Maintenance $$% 'nformation 2uthori6atio s System " o e# 2udit ) formatio System


Ta(le maintenance Transaction Code Menu Path SM30 -%ables B(C.G< B(DD2%4 Ta(le Grou Transaction Code Menu Path S*/3 Purpose Purpose

System ##$ Ser"ices ##$ Ta.le Create table authori6atio !roups Maintenance ##$ !*tended Ta.le -B(C.G4 Maintenance Mai tai assi! me ts to tables -B(DD2%4

ABAP (ork.ench ##$ Mai tai -Display4 2rea Me us De"elopment ##$ Other Tools ##$ Area Menus Common Transaction Codes for *asis Administration

2;03 S2P 2lert Mo itor S*3/ Utilities for Dictio ary %ables SSM0 Me u Mai te a ce a d %est


Database 2lert Mo itor S*35

2C2C// .epository ) fo SSM3 System

S2P a d Compa y Me u admi istratio System %race


Dperati ! System 2lert S*30 Mo itor Mo itor Call Distributio S*3?

2C2P// .u time 2 alysis 2C2P// *ditor




Setup/%u e Cuffers Performa ce S2P statistics< Eorkload Select Database 2cti:ities SG; %race


Mo itor Curre t Eorkload


Ge erate %able Bie9



Performa ce& Upload/Do9 load *arly Eatch .eport


./3 Docume tatio




2C2P// De:elopme t Eorkbe ch Mai tai Messa!es



Users ;o!!ed D



Dperati ! System Mo itor 2pplicatio Mo itor +et9ork Mo itor


Do9 load to *arly Eatch Directories


Mai tai System ;o! Messa!es Mai tai %ra sactio Codes D li e 1elp& F3 1elp Ser:er Call *>te ded 1elp






Display %able Cuffer -*>p sessio 4



+et9ork 2lert Mo itor %able Call Statistics Display De:eloper %races 2pplicatio Mo itor 2pplicatio 2 alysis 2C2P// .u time *rror 2 alysis ;ocal %ra sactio Statistics


Display Shared Memory S103 -*>pert mode4 Customi6e S2PDSCD; S)CH desti atio ;ocal File System Mo itor .emote File System Mo itor *arly Eatch Data Collector ;ist S;DC



) stallatio Check



;o!ical Databases -%ree Structure4 %ra slatio & 2pplicatio 1ierarchy ;ock %ra sactio s









2 aly6e *>clusi:e ;ock SM05 Eaits

System Messa!es



2 aly6e %ables a d ) de>es


User D:er:ie9


%2D). Co siste cy Check Performa ce Mo itor Me u Mai tai User .ecords Mai tai 2uthori6atio Profiles Mai tai 2uthori6atio s Mass Cha !es to User Master .ecords Mass Cha !es to User Master .ecords Mai tai 2uthori6atio Fields Mai tai 2uthori6atio Db@ects 2uth Db@ects Usa!e i %ra sactio s Mai tai Profile Ge erator %ables Copy S2P to Customer Prof Ge %ables D:erall 2uthori6atio Checks Mai tai User Defaults


Parameter Cha !es i DC *arly Eatch Profile Mai te a ce D:er:ie9 of Cackup ;o!s


Display a d Delete ;ocks Display Up!rade .ecords System ;o!









Database SM33 2dmi istratio Cale dar Sho9 DC2 2ctio ;o!s SM35

%able Mai te a ce



Catch ) put Mo itori ! SU30


Profile Ge erator I 2cti:ity Groups


Cack!rou d 'ob Scheduler



'ob Scheduli ! Mo itor SM3F

Cack!rou d 'ob D:er:ie9



+et9ork Graphics for S2P ) sta ces


Gueue Mai te a ce %ra sactio



Prese tatio < Co trol S2P ) sta ces


'ob 2 alysis



Mai tai S2P ) sta ces SM50

Eorkprocess D:er:ie9 SU5/


2lert %hresholds Mai te a ce


;ist of S2P Ser:ers



S2P 2lert Mo itor


Display/Mai tai Dperatio Mode Sets



Mai te a ce of Profile SM6/ Parameters

.elease of a *:e t



Profile Parameters


Cack!rou d Processi ! SU53 2 alysis %ool SystemJ9ide Eork Process D:er:ie9 'ob Scheduli ! SU55

Mai tai User 2ddress Mai tai User Parameters 2 aly6e 2uthori6atio *rror Display list of User 2uthori6atio s 2C2P// Berificatio


Mai tai %ra sactio Codes 2rchi:e Ma a!eme t






Computer 2ided %est %ool


'ob 2dmi istratio



Clie t Copy

SMGE Gate9ay Mo itor



%able 1istory

SM;G ;o!o Groups

SBMC Start Bie9 Mai te a ce 9ith Memory SE%0 Co fi!ure Eorkflo9 %race SEU? %ech ical %race D /Dff SEU= Display %ech ical %race SEUD Dia! ostic %ools SEU* ) itiate *:e t SEUF Eorkflo9 Mo itor


Data Modeler


Display D9 'obs


Matchcode Db@ects -test4 %ra sports a d Correctio System * :iro me t 2 aly6er %ra sport Utilities %ra sport System Status Display Eorkbe ch Dr!a i6er Customi6er Dr!a i6er


S2Poffice& 2rea Me u



Spool a d .elated 2reas Dutput Co troller %emSe Directory %emSe 2dmi istratio

S*05 S*03 S*0F

SP03 SP33 SP35

S*0= S*30


Dutput Co troller Spool 2dmi istratio

SEU1 %est Method SEED S9itch o Eork )tem *rror Mo itori ! S,+% Display Sy ta> %race Dutput Call Statistics


2C2P// Dictio ary Mai te a ce 2C2P// Dictio ary Display

SP2M S2P Patch Ma a!er



Spool 2dmi istratio J test



Mai tai %ech ical Setti !s -%ables4

SPDD Display Modified DD)C %U05 ob@ects

2cti:e ) sta ce Profile parameters

Q )ist few security &ables Clic( here for security tables

Q How to create users? E6ecute transaction #"83 and fill in all the field. @hen creating a ne. user* (ou )ust enter an initial 'ass.ord for that user on the !o"on data tab. All other data is o'tional. Clic( here for turotial on creating sap user id Q #hat is the difference between * O+,%C and * O+&%C? he table "#O>F_C defines .hich authorization checEs are to be 'erfor)ed .ithin a transaction and .hich not :des'ite author t#$chec% co))and 'rogra))ed ;. his table also deter)ines .hich authorization checEs are )aintained in the Profile Generator. he table "#O> _C defines for each transaction and for each authorization ob-ect .hich default &alues an authorization created fro) the authorization ob-ect should ha&e in the Profile Generator.

Q #hat authorization are re-uired to create and maintain user master records? he authorization ob-ects are re?uired to create and )aintain user )aster records0 #_"#ER_GRP0 "ser 5aster 5aintenance0 Assign user grou's

#_"#ER_PRO0 "ser 5aster 5aintenance0 Assign authorization 'rofile S&'S()&A'*0 "ser 5aster 5aintenance0 Create and )aintain authorizations

Q )ist .$/ *ser &ypes

1. 2. 3. 4.

D alo" users are used for indi&idual user. ChecE for e6'iredBinitial 'ass.ords Possible to change (our o.n 'ass.ord. ChecE for )ulti'le dialog logon A Ser+ ce user 1 Onl( user ad)inistrators can change the 'ass.ord. /o checE for e6'iredBinitial 'ass.ords. 5ulti'le logon 'er)itted S#stem users are not ca'able of interaction and are used to 'erfor) certain s(ste) acti&ities* such as bacEground 'rocessing* ALE* @orEflo.* and so on. A )eference user is* liEe a #(ste) user* a general* non1'ersonall( related* user. Additional authorizations can be assigned .ithin the s(ste) using a reference user. A reference user for additional rights can be assigned for e&er( user in the )oles tab.

Q #hat is a derived role?

Deri&ed roles refer to roles that alread( e6ist. he deri&ed roles inherit the )enu structure and the functions included :transactions* re'orts* @eb linEs* and so on; fro) the role referenced. A role can onl( inherit )enus and functions if no transaction codes ha&e been assigned to it before. he higher1le&el role 'asses on its authorizations to the deri&ed role as default &alues .hich can be changed after.ards. Organizational le&el definitions are not 'assed on. he( )ust be created ane. in the inheriting role. "ser assign)ents are not 'assed on either. Deri&ed roles are an elegant .a( of )aintaining roles that do not differ in their functionalit( :identical )enus and identical transactions; but ha&e different characteristics .ith regard to the organizational le&el. Follo. this linE for )ore info

Q #hat is a composite role?

A co)'osite role is a container .hich can collect se&eral different roles. For reasons of clarit(* it does not )aEe sense and is therefore not allo.ed to add co)'osite roles to co)'osite roles. Co)'osite roles are also called roles. Co)'osite roles do not contain authorization data. If (ou .ant to change the authorizations :that are re'resented b( a co)'osite role;* (ou )ust )aintain the data for each role of the co)'osite role. Creating co)'osite roles )aEes sense if so)e of (our e)'lo(ees need authorizations fro) se&eral roles. Instead of adding each user se'aratel( to each role re?uired* (ou can set u' a co)'osite role and assign the users to that grou'. he users assigned to a co)'osite role are auto)aticall( assigned to the corres'onding :ele)entar(; roles during co)'arison. 0ollow the lin( to learn more

Q. #hat does the different color light mean in profile generator? A.

Q. #hat are the different tabs in !0C1? A.

Q #hat does user compare do? If (ou are also using the role to generate authorization 'rofiles* then (ou should note that the generated 'rofile is not entered in the user )aster record until the user )aster records ha&e been co)'ared. Gou can auto)ate this b( scheduling re'ort FCG_ I5E_DEPE/DE/CG on a dail(.

. Can we convert Authorization field to Org, field A. Authorization field can be changed to Organization field using PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREA E or !PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREA E "se #E$% or #A$% to run the abo&e re'ort.

Organizational le&el fields should onl( be created before (ou start setting u' (our s(ste). If (ou create organizational le&el fields later* (ou )ight ha&e to do an i)'act anal(sis. he authentication data )a( ha&e to be 'ost'rocessed in roles. he fields +Acti&it(+* +AC , + and + ransaction code+* + CD+ cannot be con&erted into an organizational le&el field.

In addition* all affected roles are anal(zed and the authorization data is ad-usted. he &alues of the authorization field .hich is no. to beco)e the organizational le&el field are re)o&ed and entered into the organizational le&el data of the role. /ote0 able for Org Ele)ent1 "#ORG Refer to /ote $2$%34 for )ore detail. Q. How many profiles can be assigned to any user master record. A. 5a6i)u) Profiles that can be assigned to an( user is 7 $32. able "#R89 :Profile assign)ents for users;. his table contains both infor)ation on the change status of a user and also the list of the 'rofile na)es that .ere assigned to the user. he field PROF# is used for sa&ing the change flag :C < user .as created* 5 < user .as changed;* and the na)e of the 'rofiles assigned to the user. he field is defined .ith a length of $4=8 characters. #ince the first t.o characters are intended for the change flag* $49% characters re)ain for the list of the 'rofile na)es 'er user. >ecause of the )a6i)u) length of 32 characters 'er 'rofile na)e* this results in a )a6i)u) nu)ber of $32 'rofiles 'er user. Q. Can you add a composite role to another composite role? A. /o Q. How to reset A!" password from oracle database. A. Logon to (our database .ith orasid as user id and run this s?l delete from sapSID.usr02 where bname='SAP*' and mandt='XXX'; comm t; @here )andt is the client. /o. (ou can login to the client using sa'A and 'ass.ord 'ass

Q. #hat is difference between role and profile. A. A role act as container that collect transaction and generates the associated 'rofile. he 'rofile generator :PFCG; in #AP #(ste) auto)aticall( generates the corres'onding authorization 'rofile. De&elo'er used to 'erfor) this ste' )anuall( before PFCG .as introduced b(#AP. An( )aintenance of the generated 'rofile should be done using PFCG. Q. #hat is user buffer? A. @hen a user logs on to the #AP RB$ #(ste)* a user buffer is built containing all authorizations for that user. Each user has their o.n indi&idual user buffer. For e6a)'le* if user #)ith logs on to the s(ste)* his user buffer contains all authorizations of role "#ER_#5I C_ROLE. he user buffer can be dis'la(ed in transaction #"=D. A user .ould fail an authorization checE if0

he authorization ob-ect does not e6ist in the user buffer he &alues checEed b( the a''lication are not assigned to the authorization ob-ect in the user buffer he user buffer contains too )an( entries and has o&erflo.ed. he nu)ber of entries in the user buffer can be controlled using the s(ste) 'rofile 'ara)eter auth$number%in%userbuffer.

Q. How to find out all roles with &'code *23? A. Gou can use #"I5 H Roles b( co)'le6 criteria or R#"#R848 to find out this. Go to the #election b( Authorization ,alue. In Ob-ect 3 'ut #_ CODE and hit enter. And 'ut #"83 in ransaction code and hit e6ecute :clocE .ith checE; button. I use authorization ob-ect* as (ou can use this to test an( ob-ect. Gou can also get this infor)ation directl( fro) table* if (ou ha&e access to #E3D or #E3D/. E6ecute #E3D/ able AGR_32=3 Ob-ect #_ CODE ,AL"E :lo.; #"83

Q. How to find out all the users who got *23 ? A. Gou can use #"I5 H"ser b( co)'le6 criteria or :R#"#R882; to find this out. Go to the #election b( Authorization ,alue. In Ob-ect 3 'ut #_ CODE and hit enter. And 'ut #"83 in ransaction code and hit e6ecute :clocE .ith checE; button. I use authorization ob-ect* as (ou can use this to test an( ob-ect. Q. How to find out all the roles for one composite role or a selection of composite roles? A. E6ecute #E3D/ able AGR_AGR# Co)'osite roles Gou can 'ut )ulti'le co)'osite roles using the )ore button

Q. How to find out all the derived roles for one or more 4aster 5!arent6 roles? A. E6ecute #E3D/ able AGR_DEFI/E

"se either agr_na)e field or Parent_agr field. Q. How can 7 chec( all the Organization value for any role? A. E6ecute #E3D/ able AGR_32=2


('e in the role here and hit e6ecute. .

Gou can al.a(s do.nload all the infor)ation to s'readsheet also using

Q. How do 7 restrict access to files through A)33? A. First create an alias. Go to t1code AL33 H configure H create alias. Let sa( .e are tr(ing to restrict alias DIR_ E5P .hich is Bt)'. O'en PFCG and assign t1code AL33* and change the authorization for #_DA A#E as )entioned belo. Acti&it( $$ Ph(sical file na)e Bt)'BA Progra) /a)e .ith #earch Cel' A Q. How can 7 add one role to many users? A. #"38. If (ou ha&e less than 3D users then (ou can 'aste the userids. If (ou ha&e )ore than 3D users I ClicE on Authorization data and clicE on ne6t to users and

u'load fro) cli'board . Cit the change button and go to the role tab and add the roles to be assigned and hit sa&e. Q. #hat are the +est practices for loc(ing e8pired users J A. LocE the user. Re)o&e all the roles and 'rofiles assigned to the user. 5o&e the) to ER5 "ser grou'. Q. How can be the password rules enforced ? A. Pass.ord rules can be enforced using 'rofile 'ara)eter. Follo. the linE to learn )ore about the profile parameter. Q. How to remove duplicate roles with different start and end date from user master? A. Gou can use PRG/_CO5PRE##_ I5E# to do this. Please refer to note %D=%93 for )ore info. Q. How come the users have authorization in !0C1, but user still complains with no authorization? A. 5aEe sure the user )aster is co)'ared. 5a( be the there is a user buffer o&erflo. Also checE the 'rofile1 Follo. the instruction belo.. #"I5 H "ser b( co)'le6 criteria. Put the userid of user .ho is ha&ing issue. E6ecute Double clicE on the user id and e6'and the tree. #elect the 'rofile in ?uestion and see if the authorization is correct or not. If not do the role reorg in PFCG and see if that hel's. Q. How can 7 have a display all roles. A. Co'( sa'_all and o'en the role and change the acti&it( to 8$ and 8% Q. How can 7 find out all actvt in sap? A. All 'ossible acti&ities :AC , ; are stored in table &AC& :transaction #5$8;* and also the &alid acti&ities for each authorization ob-ect can be found in table &AC&9 :transaction #E3D;. Q. How to find all the users who got access to change and create users? Gou can find all users .ho ha&e access to create or change users using #"I5 E6ecute ransaction #"I5 Go to 1 "sers b( Co)'le6 #election Criteria HH"sers b( Co)'le6 #election Criteria or (ou could run re'ort R#"#R882 using #A$% or #E$% Fill in the screen as sho.n belo.* and e6ecute the ?uer(. here are cou'le of other authorization : #_"#ER_AGR* #_"#ER_GRP and #_"#ER_PRO; (ou )ight .ant to checE as .ell. On the other hand (ou could -ust gi&e the user #"83D* .hich is dis'la( user )aster.

Q. #hat is A!? A. #AP is the na)e of the co)'an( founded in 3K42 under the Ger)an na)e :#(ste)s* A''lications* and Products in Data Processing; is the leading ERP :Enter'rise Resource Planning; soft.are 'acEage. Q. :8plain the concept of ;+usiness Content< in A! +usiness 7nformation #arehouse? A. >usiness Content is a 're1configured set of role and tasE1rele&ant infor)ation )odels based on consistent 5etadata in the #AP >usiness Infor)ation @arehouse. >usiness Content 'ro&ides selected roles .ithin a co)'an( .ith the infor)ation the( need to carr( out their tasEs. hese infor)ation )odels essentiall( contain roles* .orEbooEs* ?ueries* Info#ources* InfoCubes* Ee( figures* characteristics* u'date rules and e6tractors for #AP RB$* )( >usiness A''lications and other selected a''lications. Q. #hat is 7=: ? A. International De)onstration and Education #(ste). A sa)'le a''lication 'ro&ided for faster learning and i)'le)entation. Q. #hat is A! .$/? A. A third generation set of highl( integrated soft.are )odules that 'erfor)s co))on business function based on )ultinational leading 'ractice. aEes care of an( enter'rise ho.e&er di&erse in o'eration* s'read o&er the .orld. In RB$ s(ste) all the three ser&ers liEe 'resentation* a''lication ser&er and database ser&er are located at different s(ste). Q. #hat are presentation, application and database servers in A! .$/? A. he a''lication la(er of an RB$ #(ste) is )ade u' of the a''lication ser&ers and the )essage ser&er. A''lication 'rogra)s in an RB$ #(ste) are run on a''lication ser&ers. he a''lication ser&ers co))unicate .ith the 'resentation co)'onents* the database* and also .ith each other* using the )essage ser&er. All the data are stored in a centralized ser&er. his ser&er is called database ser&er.

Q. #hat should be the approach for writing a +=C program? A. Con&ert the legac( s(ste) data to a flat file and con&ert flat file into internal table. ransfer the flat file into sa' s(ste) called Lsa' data transferM. Call transaction:@rite the 'rogra) e6'licitl(; or create sessions :sessions are created and 'rocessed *if success data .ill transfer;. Q. #hat are the ma>or benefits of reporting with +# over .$/? Q. #ould it be sufficient >ust to #eb'enable .$/ .eports? A. Perfor)ance N Cea&( re'orting along .ith regular OL P transactions can 'roduce a lot of load both on the RB$ and the database :c'u* )e)or(* disEs* etc;. Oust taEe a looE at the load 'ut on (our s(ste) during a )onth end* ?uarter end* or (ear1end N no. i)agine that occurring e&en )ore fre?uentl(. Data anal(sis N >@ uses a Data @arehouse and OLAP conce'ts for storing and anal(zing data* .here RB$ .as designed for transaction 'rocessing. @ith a lot of .orE (ou can get the sa)e anal(sis out of RB$ but )ost liEel( .ould be easier fro) a >@. Q. #hat is the difference between O)A! and =ata 4ining? A. OLAP 1 On line Anal(tical 'rocessing is a re'orting tool configured to understand (our database sche)a* co)'osition facts and di)ensions. >( si)'le 'oint1n1clicEing* a user can run an( nu)ber of canned or user1designed re'orts .ithout ha&ing to Eno. an(thing of #PL or the sche)a. >ecause of that 'rior configuration* the OLAP engine LbuildsM and e6ecutes the a''ro'riate #PL. 5ining is to build the a''lication to s'ecificall( looE at detailed anal(ses* often algorith)icQ e&en )ore often )isa''ro'riate called Lre'orting. Q. #hat is ;:8tended tar chema< and how did it emerge? A. he #tar #che)a consists of the Di)ension ables and the Fact able. he 5aster Data related tables are Ee't in se'arate tables* .hich has reference to the characteristics in the di)ension table:s;. hese se'arate tables for )aster data is ter)ed as the E6tended #tar #che)a. Q. =efine 4eta data, 4aster data and &ransaction data A. 5eta Data0 Data that describes the structure of data or 5etaOb-ects is called 5etadata. In other .ords data about data is Eno.n as 5eta Data. 5aster Data0 5aster data is data that re)ains unchanged o&er a long 'eriod of ti)e. It contains infor)ation that is al.a(s needed in the sa)e .a(. Characteristics can bear )aster data in >@. @ith )aster data (ou are dealing .ith attributes* te6ts or hierarchies. ransaction data0 Data relating to the da(1to1da( transactions is the ransaction data. Q. #hat is +e8? A. >e6 stands for >usiness E6'lorer. >e6 enables end user to locate re'orts* &ie. re'orts* anal(ze infor)ation and can e6ecute ?ueries. he ?ueries in .orEbooE can be sa&ed to there res'ecti&e roles in the >e6 bro.ser. >e6 has the co)'onents0 >e6 >ro.ser* >e6 anal(zer* >e6 5a'* >e6 @eb. Q. #hat are variables? A. ,ariables are 'ara)eters of a ?uer( that are set in the 'ara)eter ?uer( definition and are not filled .ith &alues until the ?ueries are inserted into .orEbooEs. here are different t('es of &ariables .hich are used in different a''lication0 Characteristics &ariables* Cierarchies and hierarch( node* e6ts* For)ulas* Processing t('es* "ser entr(BDefault t('e* Re'lace)ent Path. Q. #hat is A#+?. #hat is its purpose? A. A@> stands for Administrator #or(+ench. A@> is a tool for controlling* )onitoring and )aintaining all the 'rocesses connected .ith data staging and 'rocessing in the business infor)ation .arehousing. Q. #hat is the significance of O= in +7#? A. An OD# Ob-ect ser&es to store consolidated and debugged transaction data on a docu)ent le&el :ato)ic le&el;. It describes a consolidated dataset fro) one or )ore Info#ources. his dataset can be anal(zed .ith a >E6 Puer( or Info#et Puer(. he data of an OD# Ob-ect can be u'dated .ith a delta u'date into InfoCubes andBor other OD# Ob-ects in the sa)e s(ste) or across s(ste)s. In contrast to )ulti1di)ensional data storage .ith InfoCubes* the data in OD# Ob-ects is stored in trans'arent* flat database tables. Q. #hat is :8tractor? A. E6tractors is a data retrie&al )echanis)s in the #AP source s(ste). @hich can fill the e6tract structure of a data source .ith the data fro) the #AP source s(ste) datasets. he e6tractor )a( be able to su''l( data to )ore fields than e6ist in the e6tract structure.

Q. How do 7 change the name of master $ parent role (eeping the name of derived$child role same? 7 would li(e to (eep the name of derived $child role same and also the profile associated with the child roles. A. First co'( the )aster role using PFCG to a role .ith ne. na)e (ou .ish to ha&e. hen (ou ha&e to generate the role. /o. o'en each deri&ed role and delete the )enu. Once the )enus are re)o&ed it .ill let (ou 'ut ne. inheritance. Gou can 'ut the na)e of the ne. )aster role (ou created. his .ill hel' (ou Eee' the sa)e deri&ed role na)e and also the sa)e 'rofile na)e. Once the ne. roles are done (ou can trans'ort it. he trans'ort auto)aticall( includes the Parent roles. #hat is the difference between C 5Chec(6 and * 5*nmaintained6? A. >acEground0 @hen defining authorizations using Profile Generator* the table "#O>F_C defines .hich authorization checEs should occur .ithin a transaction and .hich authorization checEs should be )aintained in the PG. Gou deter)ine the authorization checEs that can be )aintained in the PG using ChecE Indicators. It is a ChecE able for able "#O> _C. In "#O>F_C there are 9 ChecE Indicators. R C5 :ChecEB5aintain; 1 An authorit( checE is carried out against this ob-ect. 1 he PG creates an authorization for this ob-ect and field &alues are dis'la(ed for changing. 1 Default &alues for this authorization can be )aintained. R C :ChecE; 1 An authorit( checE is carried out against this ob-ect. 1 he PG does not create an authorization for this ob-ect* so field &alues are not dis'la(ed. 1 /o default &alues can be )aintained for this authorization. R / :/o checE; 1 he authorit( checE against this ob-ect is disabled. 1 he PG does not create an authorization for this ob-ect* so field &alues are not dis'la(ed. 1 /o default &alues can be )aintained for this authorization. R" :"n)aintained; 1 /o checE indicator is set. 1 An authorit( checE is al.a(s carried out against this ob-ect. 1 he PG does not create an authorization for this ob-ect* so field &alues are not dis'la(ed. 1 /o default &alues can be )aintained for this authorization.. Q. #hat does user compare do? A. Co)'aring the user )aster0 his is basicall( u'dating 'rofile infor)ation into user )aster record. #o that users are allo.ed to e6ecute the transactions contained in the )enu tree of their roles* their user )aster record )ust contain the 'rofile for the corres'onding roles. Gou can start the user co)'are 'rocess fro) .ithin the Profile Generator :"ser tab and "ser co)'are 'ushbutton;. As a result of the co)'arison* the 'rofile generated b( the Profile Generator is entered into the user )aster record. /e&er enter generated 'rofiles directl( into the user )aster record :using transaction #"83* for e6a)'le;S During the auto)atic user co)'are 'rocess :.ith re'ort 'fcg_ti)e_de'endenc(* for e6a)'le;* generated 'rofiles are re)o&ed fro) the user )asters if the( do not belong to the roles that are assigned to the user. If (ou assign roles to users for a li)ited 'eriod of ti)e onl(* (ou )ust 'erfor) a co)'arison at the beginning and at the end of the &alidit( 'eriod. Gou are reco))ended to schedule the bacEground -ob 'fcg_ti)e_de'endenc( in such cases Q. Can wildcards be used in authorizations? A. Authorization &alues )a( contain .ildcardsQ ho.e&er* the s(ste) ignores e&er(thing after the .ildcard. herefore* AA> is the sa)e as AA. Q. #hat does the !0C1%&74:%=:!:?=:?C@ clean up? A. he TPFCG_ I5E_DEPE/DE/CGT bacEground re'ort onl( cleans u' the 'rofiles :that is* it does not clean u' the roles in the s(ste);. Alternati&el(* (ou )a( use transaction TPF"DT.

Q. #hat happens to change documents when they are transported to the production system? A. Change docu)ents cannot be dis'la(ed in transaction T#"I5T after the( are trans'orted to the 'roduction s(ste) because .e do not ha&e the Tbefor in'utT )ethod for the trans'ort. his )eans that if changes are )ade* the T"#R38T table is filled .ith the current &alues and .rites the old &alues to the T"#C38T table beforehand. he difference bet.een both tables is then calculated and the &alue for the change docu)ents is deter)ined as a result. Co.e&er* this does not .orE .hen change docu)ents are trans'orted to the 'roduction s(ste). he T"#R38T table is auto)aticall( filled .ith the current &alues for the trans'ort and there is no o'tion for filling the T"#C38T table in ad&ance :for the histor(; because .e do not ha&e a Tbefor in'utT )ethod to fill the T"#C38T table in ad&ance for the trans'ort. Q. #hat is the difference between the table buffer and the user buffer? A. he table buffers are in the shared )e)or(. >uffering the tables increases 'erfor)ance .hen accessing the data records contained in the table. able buffers and table entries are ignored during startu'. A user buffer is a buffer fro) .hich the data of a user )aster record is loaded .hen the user logs on. he user buffer has different setting o'tions .ith regard to the TauthBne._bufferingT 'ara)eter. Q. #hat does the !rofile 1enerator do? A. he Profile Generator creates roles. It is i)'ortant that suitable user roles* and not 'rofiles* are entered )anuall( in transaction T#"83T. he s(ste) should enter the 'rofiles for this user auto)aticall(. Q. How many authorizations fit into a profile? A. A )a6i)u) of 3=8 authorization fit into a 'rofile. If the nu)ber of authorizations e6ceed this )arEer* the Profile Generator .ill auto)aticall( create )ore 'rofiles for the role. A 'rofile na)e consists of t.el&e :32; characters and the first ten :38; )a( be changed .hen generated for the first ti)e. Q. #hat authorization ob>ects are needed for !0C1? A! &ransport Authorization &o release &as( %&.A? !.& AC , <9$* 8$* 4= GPE< A#U Other t('e0CLCP Client rans'orts C"# Custo)izing Re?uests D RA @orEbench Re?uests 5O,E Relocation trans'orts PA C Preli)inar( Corrections and Deli&eries PIEC Piece lists A#U asEs RA/ rans'ort of co'ies %=A&A :& PROGRA5<#APL# RF* #APL#LOG AC , <$9 FILE/A5E<A &o release Customizing .e-uests %&.A? !.& GPE<C"# AC , <9$* 8$* 4= %=A&A :& PROGRA5<#APL#C #_RELEA#E* #APL#LOG* #APL# RF AC , <$$* $9 FILE/A5E<A %.0C FC_ GPE<F"GR RFC_/A5E<# PA AC , <3DQ

Authorization ob>ect needed for !0C1 access %* :.%A1. AC _GRO"P< A :Gou can restrict b( role* if 'ro'er na)ing con&ention is used; AC , <83* 82* 8$* D9 other fields belo. 83 Create or Generate 82 Change 8$ Dis'la( 8D Delete 8% Dis'la( change docu)ents 23 rans'ort 22 Enter* Include* Assign $D E6tended )aintenance =K Distribute D9 Generate D% 5odel 4% Assign 4K Assign Role to Co)'osite Role DL Do.nload "L "'load %* :.%1.! CLA##< AC , <22Q 8$ Other acti&it( 83 Create or Generate 82 Change 8$ Dis'la( 8= LocE 8D Delete 8% Dis'la( change docu)ents 22 Enter* Include* Assign 29 Archi&e D% 5odel 4% Assign %* :.%&C= CD< A : ransaction in role; %* :.%!.O PROFILE< A AC , <83* 8D Other acti&it( 83 Create or Generate 82 Change 8$ Dis'la( 8D Delete 84 Acti&ate* generate 8% Dis'la( change docu)ents 22 Enter* Include* Assign 29 Archi&e %&CO=: CD<PFCGQ #hat is client 222 in A! .$/? Client 888 is defined as the #AP standard and the custo)er cannot change it. his client ser&es as a co'( te)'late for the creation of further clients.

#hat are the different type of wor( process ? he .orE 'rocess in #AP RB$

Dialog :D;0 each dis'atcher needs at least 2 dialog .orE 'rocesses :not sho.n abo&e; #'ool :#;0 at least 3 'er RB$ #(ste) :)ore than 3 'er dis'atcher allo.ed; "'date :,;0 at least 3 'er RB$ #(ste) :)ore than 3 'er dis'atcher allo.ed; >acEground :>;0 at least 2 'er RB$ #(ste) :)ore than 3 'er dis'atcher allo.ed; En?ueue :E;0 e6actl( 3 'er RB$ #(ste) :onl( 3 E .orE 'rocess is re?uired and allo.ed;

How do you start A! .$/? o start RB$* run the shell scri't startsap fro) the ho)e director( of user VsidHadm. startsap starts the sa'oscol 'rocess* .hich is the statistics collector for o'erating s(ste) resource data* if it is not (et running.

startsap calls the scri't startdb* .hich starts the database if it is not alread( started. startsap then starts the central instance. he RB$ #(ste) ad)inistrator can start additional instances and a''lication ser&ers. o start the instances inde'endentl( of the database* use the scri't startsap. startsap has the o'tions0 startsap r,0 startsap db0 startsap all0 ChecEs if the database is runningQ if it is* onl( the instance is started #tarts onl( the database Default entr(Q starts both the database and the RB$ instance

7n what se-uence are profile parameter read? RB$ 'rocesses read the a''ro'riate 'ara)eters fro) a C source in the RB$ Eernel

he default 'rofile BusrBsa'BV#IDHB#G#B'rofileBDEFA"L .PFL is readQ 'rofile &alues alread( defined in the C source are re'laced .ith the &alues in the default 'rofile he instance 'rofile BusrBsa'BV#IDHB#G#B'rofileBV#IDH_VinstanceH_Vhostna)eH is readQ 'rofile &alues alread( defined in the default 'rofile or in the C source are re'laced .ith the &alues defined in the instance 'rofile his 'rocedure ensures that s(ste) 'ara)eter &alues reflect the instance 'rofile and the &alues in the default 'rofile and the C source.

#hat are the step involved before stopping .$/ system? >efore sto''ing an( RB$ s(ste) ste's are basic ste's to be 'erfor)ed.

>efore the RB$ #(ste) is sto''ed* the RB$ #(ste) ad)inistrator should checE the0 ChecE if an( bacEground -obs fro) an( a''lication ser&er are acti&e or ha&e been triggered e6ternall(. "se transaction S-,. ChecE if the bacEground .orE 'rocess > C is running in an( a''lication ser&er. ChecE if an( u'date records are o'en .hen the s(ste) is sto''ed* the records are rolled bacE and set to status init. At startu'* the records are 'rocessed again. he ad)inistrator )ust decide .hether to interru't the -obs or .ait until the( are finished. Gi&e s(ste) users ad&ance .arning of the s(ste) shutdo.n. o create a s(ste) )essage* (ou can use transaction S-02. >efore shutting do.n the s(ste)* use transaction S-0/ to checE .hether users are still logged on* and asE the) to log off. he RB$ #(ste) ad)inistrator and ad)inistrators of e6ternal s(ste)s should also infor) one another about data transfers bet.een their res'ecti&e s(ste)s.

How do you chec( the wor( process from *?7,? "se the co))ands. o checE all the .orE 'rocesses0 's 1ef W gre' V#IDH W gre' d.

o checE the )essage ser&er0 's 1ef W gre' V#IDH W gre' )s o checE the #AP O# collector0 's 1ef W gre' sa'os How do you display the server name? o dis'la( the ser&er na)e* use transaction S-01. Infor)ation about the 'rocess t('es is also dis'la(ed. For further infor)ation* select one of the instances and choose Processes. Alternati&el(* to dis'la( the s(ste) 'rocesses* use transaction S-22. How do you display all active users in your system? o dis'la( the o&er&ie. of all acti&e users on the instance .here (ou are logged on* use transaction S-0/. For a user o&er&ie. of the .hole s(ste)* call transaction A!03. . What happens to locks when the enqueue server is restarted? A. If the( ha&e not been sa&ed to disE in the bacEu' file* the( .ill be lost. he locEs that are inherited b( the u'date tasE .hen CO447& #O.A is e6ecuted after CA)) 0*?C&7O? .. 7? *!=A&: &A A are sa&ed to the disE. he locEs are sa&ed to disE .hen the u'date re?uest beco)es &alid* that is* .ith the CO447& #O.A. Each ti)e the en?ueue ser&er is restarted* the locE entries sa&ed on the disE are reloaded to the locE table. A locE is sa&ed to disE at the 'oint at .hich the bac%up fla" is set.

Q. The enqueue server is a single-point-of-failure in the SAP System. an ! guarantee high availa"ility for the #nqueue Server? A. o guarantee this (ou )ust use the standalone En?ueue #er&er .ith the Re'lication #er&er. his is described in the docu)entation #tandalone En?ueue #er&er. #AP note =29%3D contains the 'rere?uisites that )ust be fulfilled for using the standalone En?ueue #er&ers .ith the Re'lication #er&er. Q. Where is the lock ta"le stored? A. In the )ain )e)or( :shared )e)or(; of the en?ueue ser&er. All .orE 'rocesses on the en?ueue ser&er has access to the table. E6ternal a''lication ser&ers e6ecute their locE o'erations in the en?ueue 'rocess on the en?ueue ser&er. Co))unication in this case taEes 'lace &ia the rele&ant dis'atchers and the )essage ser&er. Q. an locks e$ist directly after startup? A. Ges* the sa&ed locEs* .hich .ere inherited b( the u'date tasE* are reloaded to the locE table during startu' :see first ?uestion;. Q. %ow fast are lock operations? A. In .orE 'rocesses on the en?ueue ser&er* a fe. 388 )icroseconds. In .orE 'rocesses of e6ternal a''lication ser&ers (ou ha&e to include net.orE co))unications and 'rocess changes. De'ending on CP" and net.orE load this a)ounts to a fe. )illiseconds. Q. What should ! do first if a pro"lem arises? A. "se the diagnosis functions0 sm3B E6tras X Diagnosis and then sm3B E6tras X Diagnosis in u'date If a 'roble) is re'orted* bacE u' the trace files de&_.A* de&_dis'* de&_e?A and checE the #(slog. Q. The following message is displayed in the diagnosis details in S&'() )oc( management operation mode 7nternal loc( management in same process What does this message mean and what are the other options? A. +Internal locE )anage)ent in sa)e .orE 'rocess+ in the diagnosis function )eans that (ou are logged onto the en?ueue ser&er and (our .orE 'rocess can access the locE table straight a.a(. Gou do not ha&e to delegate en?ueue re?uests to an en?ueue 'rocess on a re)ote en?ueue ser&er. If (ou are logged onto an a''lication ser&er that is not an en?ueue ser&er* the diagnosis function .ill 'ro&ide (ou

.ith the na)e of the en?ueue ser&er. Each #AP #(ste) has e6actl( one a''lication ser&er that functions as an en?ueue ser&er. his en?ueue ser&er )aintains the locE table* .hich is located in a shared )e)or( seg)ent. All of the .orE 'rocesses on the en?ueue ser&er can access the locE table. All .orE 'rocesses on other a''lication ser&ers delegate their en?ueue re?uests to a s'ecial en?ueue .orE 'rocess on the en?ueue ser&er. his 'rocedure is configured auto)aticall(. he 'ara)eter line +rdis'Ben?na)e <Va''lication ser&er na)eH+ in the default 'rofile DEFA"L .PFL indicates .hich a''lication ser&er is currentl( acting as the en?ueue ser&er. @hen an a''lication ser&er detects that its na)e )atches the na)e of the en?ueue ser&er* it creates the locE table and all of its .orE 'rocesses 'rocess en?ueue re?uests inline. If an a''lication ser&er detects that its na)e does not )atch the na)e of the en?ueue ser&er* it sends all en?ueue re?uests to the en?ueue ser&er. @orE 'rocesses of the t('e +en?ueue+ guarantee that inco)ing re?uests are 'rocessed i))ediatel(. One en?ueue 'rocess is usuall( sufficient. In &er( large #AP #(ste)s .ith )an( a''lication ser&ers* a second 'rocess can be beneficial. Co.e&er* it is not e6'edient to define )ore than t.o en?ueue 'rocesses. If the transaction #5=8 1H YCP"Z sho.s that onl( the first en?ueue 'rocess is being used* the bottlenecE is due to so)ething else. Q.Why is an enqueue work process required in a central system? *on+t all work processes have the same access to the shared memory and thus to the lock ta"le? A. Although the en?ueue 'rocess is not used in a central s(ste)* it does not do an( har). #ince al)ost all custo)ers install an a''lication ser&er sooner or later* 'roble)s .ill ine&itabl( arise if the en?ueue 'rocess is )issing. For this reason* the en?ueue diagnosis function .ill out'ut an error if an en?ueue 'rocess has not been configured. Q. Are the locks in the lock ta"le also set at the data"ase level? !f not, data"ase functions could "e used to process o"-ects locked in the SAP system. A. LocEs are not set on the database. he locE table is stored in the )ain )e)or( of the en?ueue ser&er. Q. !s a lock ta"le "uilt if an enqueue work process is not started on the enqueue server in the instance profile? A. Ges* because the .orE 'rocesses on the en?ueue ser&er use the locE table directl(* and not &ia the en?ueue 'rocess. he latter is onl( res'onsible for locE re?uests fro) e6ternal a''lication ser&ers. ..%ow can ! find out who is currently holding the ungranted lock? !n other words, how can check the program after an #/.0#0# to determine which use is currently holding the lock so that ! can let him or her know? A. @hen the E/P"E"E_... function )odule is returned* the na)e of the locE o.ner is listed in #G1 5#G,3. Q. an ! use special characters in my lock argument 1especially the 2at3 sign 1455? A. he [at\ s()bol is used as a .ildcard in #AP locEs :en?ueues;. In other .ords* it can stand for an( other character during collision checEs. For e6a)'le* the 'ara)eter &alue 32$9=] locEs the ?uantities 32$9=8 to 32$9=K* 32$9=a to 32$9=z* and 32$9=A to 32$9=!* and all other &alues .ith an( s'ecial character in the Dth character 'osition. his is described in detail in the section LocE Collisions. In order to 're&ent the .ildcard )echanis) fro) being acti&ated in #AP locEs .hen it is not re?uired* (ou need to ensure .hen en?ueue function )odules are called that Ee( &alue 'ara)eters do not contain an( .ildcard characters. If Ee( &alues that (ou .ant to use to locE indi&idual entities do contain .ildcard characters* (ou ha&e to re'lace the .ildcards .ith different characters before the en?ueue is called. Q. With a single-process system as an enqueue server, we have reached 6 S* 7enchmark users. an this num"er "e increased "y using a multiprocessor system 1message server on the same machine as the enqueue server5? an we assume that scaling is linear 1num"er of P0s 8 6 S* users5? %ow many processes are advisa"le if message servers, dispatchers, one dialog, and two enqueue processes are to run on the system? A. A significant increase in the en?ueue ser&er through'ut can be e6'ected b( using se&eral 'rocessors. he CP" load on the en?ueue ser&er is distributed relati&el( e&enl( bet.een )essage ser&er* dis'atchers* and en?ueue .orE 'rocesses* .hich )eans that u' to $ 'rocessors can be occu'ied si)ultaneousl(. Dis'atchers and )essage ser&er re'resent the bottlenecE .ith the en?ueue. Linear scaling can be e6'ected for u' to $ 'rocessors* e&en if locE re?uests are so fre?uent that )essage

ser&er* dis'atchers* and .orE 'rocesses are occu'ied si)ultaneousl(. Due to as(nchronous s(ste) 'rocesses :for e6a)'le* s(ncer;* using )ore 'rocessors can further enhance through'ut.

Q. The Syslog often contains messages such as 9#nqueue) total wait time during locking) (:;; seconds9. %ow should ! analy<e this pro"lem? =r is the entry not critical? 1There are no records of terminations or timeouts.5 A. he )essage is out'ut for infor)ation 'ur'oses onl( but )a( indicate 'arallel 'rocessing errors .ith A>AP 'rogra)s. he s'ecified .ait ti)e is the ti)e that has ela'sed since startu' due to the use of the @AI 'ara)eter .hen the en?ueue function )odule .as called. he @AI 'ara)eter enables a locE atte)'t to be re'eated a nu)ber of ti)es* for e6a)'le* so that the u'date tasE does not ha&e to be cancelled .hen a locE is set te)'oraril( b( other 'rogra)s. he .orE 'rocess re)ains bus( bet.een the locE atte)'ts. .. 0ser cannot connect to SAP A. ChecE #AP logon settings* 'ing the host* checE )essage ser&er* checE dis'atcher* etc .. 0ser cannot print A. #ee if the user has 'ro'er authoriztion. checE #AP user setu'* checE #PAD* checE s'ools* checE uni6 ?ueue or 'rint ?ueue at the os le&el* etc .. Why do you get 9>etProcess?ist failed) @;;;A;;:9 error while starting SAP console management A. Gou ha&e selected one of the Process List nodes in the tree. hen (ou closed 55C and clicEed +Ges+ in the dialog +#a&e console settings to #AP55CJ+. /o. .hen (ou o'en again the 55C and those 'rocesses are not started* (ou get this error. #olution0 #tart 55C and select #AP #(ste)s in the tree. hen close it and choose +Ges+ in the dialog +#a&e console settings to #AP55CJ+. /o. (ou .onTt get this anno(ing error on e&er( start.

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