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Probability Sampling

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Probability Sampling

A probability sampling method is any method of sampling that utilizes some form of random selection. In order to have a random selection method, you must set up some process or procedure that assures that the different units in your population have equal probabilities of being chosen. Humans have long practiced various forms of random selection, such as picking a name out of a hat, or choosing the short straw. These days, we tend to use computers as the mechanism for generating random numbers as the basis for random selection.

Some Definitions
efore I can e!plain the various probability methods we have to define some basic terms. These are"

N # the number of cases in the sampling frame n # the number of cases in the sample NCn # the number of combinations $subsets% of n from & f # n'& # the sampling fraction

That(s it. )ith those terms defined we can begin to define the different probability sampling methods.

Simple Random Sampling

The simplest form of random sampling is called simple random sampling. *retty tricky, huh+ Here(s the quick description of simple random sampling"

Objective" To select n units out of N such that each NCn has an equal chance of being selected. Procedure" ,se a table of random numbers, a computer random number generator, or a mechanical device to select the sample.

A somewhat stilted, if accurate, definition. -et(s see if we can make it a little more real. How do we select a simple random sample+ -et(s assume that we are doing some research with a small service agency that wishes to assess client(s views of quality of service over the past year. .irst, we have to get the sampling frame organized. To accomplish this, we(ll go through agency records to identify every client over the past /0 months. If we(re lucky, the agency has good accurate computerized records and can quickly produce such a list. Then, we have to actually draw the sample. 1ecide on the number of clients you would like to have in the final sample. .or the sake of the e!ample, let(s say you want to select /22 clients to survey and that there were /222 clients over the

past /0 months. Then, the sampling fraction is f # n'& # /22'/222 # ./2 or /23. &ow, to actually draw the sample, you have several options. 4ou could print off the list of /222 clients, tear then into separate strips, put the strips in a hat, mi! them up real good, close your eyes and pull out the first /22. ut this mechanical procedure would be tedious and the quality of the sample would depend on how thoroughly you mi!ed them up and how randomly you reached in. *erhaps a better procedure would be to use the kind of ball machine that is popular with many of the state lotteries. 4ou would need three sets of balls numbered 2 to 5, one set for each of the digits from 222 to 555 $if we select 222 we(ll call that /222%. &umber the list of names from / to /222 and then use the ball machine to select the three digits that selects each person. The obvious disadvantage here is that you need to get the ball machines. $)here do they make those things, anyway+ Is there a ball machine industry+%. &either of these mechanical procedures is very feasible and, with the development of ine!pensive computers there is a much easier way. Here(s a simple procedure that(s especially useful if you have the names of the clients already on the computer. 6any computer programs can generate a series of random numbers. -et(s assume you can copy and paste the list of client names into a column in an 7897- spreadsheet. Then, in the column right ne!t to it paste the function #:A&1$% which is 7897-(s way of putting a random number between 2 and / in the cells. Then, sort both columns ;; the list of names and the random number ;; by the random numbers. This rearranges the list in random order from the lowest to the highest random number. Then, all you have to do is take the first hundred names in this sorted list. pretty simple. 4ou could probably accomplish the whole thing in under a minute. <imple random sampling is simple to accomplish and is easy to e!plain to others. ecause simple random sampling is a fair way to select a sample, it is reasonable to generalize the results from the sample back to the population. <imple random sampling is not the most statistically efficient method of sampling and you may, =ust because of the luck of the draw, not get good representation of subgroups in a population. To deal with these issues, we have to turn to other sampling methods.

Stratified Random Sampling

Stratified Random Sampling, also sometimes called proportional or quota random sampling, involves dividing your population into homogeneous subgroups and then taking a simple random sample in each subgroup. In more formal terms" Objective" 1ivide the population into non;overlapping groups $i.e., strata% &/, &0, &>, ... &i, such that &/ ? &0 ? &> ? ... ? &i # &. Then do a simple random sample of f # n'& in each strata. There are several ma=or reasons why you might prefer stratified sampling over simple random sampling. .irst, it assures that you will be able to represent not only the overall population, but also key subgroups of the population, especially small minority groups. If you want to be able to talk about subgroups, this may be the only way to effectively

assure you(ll be able to. If the subgroup is e!tremely small, you can use different sampling fractions $f% within the different strata to randomly over;sample the small group $although you(ll then have to weight the within;group estimates using the sampling fraction whenever you want overall population estimates%. )hen we use the same sampling fraction within strata we are conducting proportionate stratified random sampling. )hen we use different sampling fractions in the strata, we call this disproportionate stratified random sampling. <econd, stratified random sampling will generally have more statistical precision than simple random sampling. This will only be true if the strata or groups are homogeneous. If they are, we e!pect that the variability within;groups is lower than the variability for the population as a whole. <tratified sampling capitalizes on that fact. .or e!ample, let(s say that the population of clients for our agency can be divided into three groups" 9aucasian, African;American and Hispanic;American. .urthermore, let(s assume that both the African;Americans and Hispanic;Americans are relatively small minorities of the clientele $/23 and @3 respectively%. If we =ust did a simple random sample of n#/22 with a sampling fraction of /23, we would e!pect by chance alone that we would only get /2 and @ persons from each of our two smaller groups. And, by chance, we could get fewer than thatA If we stratify, we can do better. .irst, let(s determine how many people we want to have in each group. -et(s say we still want to take a sample of /22 from the population of /222 clients over the past year. ut we think that in order to say anything about subgroups we will need at least 0@ cases in each group. <o, let(s sample @2 9aucasians, 0@ African;Americans, and 0@ Hispanic; Americans. )e know that /23 of the population, or /22 clients, are African;American. If we randomly sample 0@ of these, we have a within;stratum sampling fraction of 0@'/22 # 0@3. <imilarly, we know that @3 or @2 clients are Hispanic;American. <o our within; stratum sampling fraction will be 0@'@2 # @23. .inally, by subtraction we know that there are B@2 9aucasian clients. Cur within;stratum sampling fraction for them is @2'B@2 # about @.BB3. ecause the groups are more homogeneous within;group than across the population as a whole, we can e!pect greater statistical precision $less variance%. And, because we stratified, we know we will have enough cases from each group to make meaningful subgroup inferences.

Systematic Random Sampling

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to achieve a systematic random sample"

number the units in the population from / to &

decide on the n $sample size% that you want or need k # &'n # the interval size randomly select an integer between / to k then take every kth unit

All of this will be much clearer with an e!ample. -et(s assume that we have a population that only has &#/22 people in it and that you want to take a sample of n#02. To use systematic sampling, the population must be listed in a random order. The sampling fraction would be f # 02'/22 # 023. in this case, the interval size, k, is equal to &'n # /22'02 # @. &ow, select a random integer from / to @. In our e!ample, imagine that you chose D. &ow, to select the sample, start with the Dth unit in the list and take every k;th unit $every @th, because k#@%. 4ou would be sampling units D, 5, /D, /5, and so on to /22 and you would wind up with 02 units in your sample. .or this to work, it is essential that the units in the population are randomly ordered, at least with respect to the characteristics you are measuring. )hy would you ever want to use systematic random sampling+ .or one thing, it is fairly easy to do. 4ou only have to select a single random number to start things off. It may also be more precise than simple random sampling. .inally, in some situations there is simply no easier way to do random sampling. .or instance, I once had to do a study that involved sampling from all the books in a library. Cnce selected, I would have to go to the shelf, locate the book, and record when it last circulated. I knew that I had a fairly good sampling frame in the form of the shelf list $which is a card catalog where the entries are arranged in the order they occur on the shelf%. To do a simple random sample, I could have estimated the total number of books and generated random numbers to draw the sampleE but how would I find book FGD,>05 easily if that is the number I selected+ I couldn(t very well count the cards until I came to GD,>05A <tratifying wouldn(t solve that problem either. .or instance, I could have stratified by card catalog drawer and drawn a simple random sample within each drawer. ut I(d still be stuck counting cards. Instead, I did a systematic random sample. I estimated the number of books in the entire collection. -et(s imagine it was

/22,222. I decided that I wanted to take a sample of /222 for a sampling fraction of /222'/22,222 # /3. To get the sampling interval k, I divided &'n # /22,222'/222 # /22. Then I selected a random integer between / and /22. -et(s say I got @G. &e!t I did a little side study to determine how thick a thousand cards are in the card catalog $taking into account the varying ages of the cards%. -et(s say that on average I found that two cards that were separated by /22 cards were about .G@ inches apart in the catalog drawer. That information gave me everything I needed to draw the sample. I counted to the @Gth by hand and recorded the book information. Then, I took a compass. $:emember those from your high;school math class+ They(re the funny little metal instruments with a sharp pin on one end and a pencil on the other that you used to draw circles in geometry class.% Then I set the compass at .G@H, stuck the pin end in at the @Gth card and pointed with the pencil end to the ne!t card $appro!imately /22 books away%. In this way, I appro!imated selecting the /@Gth, 0@Gth, >@Gth, and so on. I was able to accomplish the entire selection procedure in very little time using this systematic random sampling approach. I(d probably still be there counting cards if I(d tried another random sampling method. $Ckay, so I have no life. I got compensated nicely, I don(t mind saying, for coming up with this scheme.%

Cluster (Area) Random Sampling

The problem with random sampling methods when we have to sample a population that(s disbursed across a wide geographic region is that you will have to cover a lot of ground geographically in order to get to each of the units you sampled. Imagine taking a simple random sample of all the residents of &ew 4ork <tate in order to conduct personal interviews. y the luck of the draw you will wind up with respondents who come from all over the state. 4our interviewers are going to have a lot of traveling to do. It is for precisely this problem that cluster or area random sampling was invented. In cluster sampling, we follow these steps"

divide population into clusters $usually along geographic boundaries% randomly sample clusters measure all units within sampled clusters

.or instance, in the figure we see a map of the counties in &ew 4ork <tate. -et(s say that we have to do a survey of town governments that will require us going to the towns personally. If we do a simple random sample state;wide we(ll have to cover the entire state geographically. Instead, we decide to do a cluster sampling of five counties $marked in red in the figure%. Cnce these are selected, we go to every town government in the five areas. 9learly this strategy will help us to economize on our mileage. 9luster or area sampling, then, is useful in situations like this, and is done primarily for efficiency of administration. &ote also, that we probably don(t have to worry about using this approach if we are conducting a mail or telephone survey because it doesn(t matter as much $or cost more or raise inefficiency% where we call or send letters to.

ulti!Stage Sampling
The four methods we(ve covered so far ;; simple, stratified, systematic and cluster ;; are the simplest random sampling strategies. In most real applied social research, we would use sampling methods that are considerably more comple! than these simple variations. The most important principle here is that we can combine the simple methods described earlier in a variety of useful ways that help us address our sampling needs in the most efficient and effective manner possible. )hen we combine sampling methods, we call this multi!stage sampling. .or e!ample, consider the idea of sampling &ew 4ork <tate residents for face;to;face interviews. 9learly we would want to do some type of cluster sampling as the first stage of the process. )e might sample townships or census tracts throughout the state. ut in cluster sampling we would then go on to measure everyone in the clusters we select. 7ven if we are sampling census tracts we may not be able to measure everyone who is in the census tract. <o, we might set up a stratified sampling process within the clusters. In this case, we would have a two;stage sampling process with stratified samples within cluster samples. Cr, consider the problem of sampling students in grade schools. )e might begin with a national sample of school districts stratified by economics and educational level. )ithin selected districts, we might do a simple random sample of schools. )ithin schools, we might do a simple random sample of classes or grades. And, within classes, we might even do a simple random sample of students. In this case, we have three or four stages in the sampling process and we use both stratified and simple random sampling. y combining different sampling methods we are able to achieve a

rich variety of probabilistic sampling methods that can be used in a wide range of social research conte!ts.

Nonprobability Sampling
The difference between nonprobability and probability sampling is that nonprobability sampling does not involve random selection and probability sampling does. 1oes that mean that nonprobability samples aren(t representative of the population+ &ot necessarily. ut it does mean that nonprobability samples cannot depend upon the rationale of probability theory. At least with a probabilistic sample, we know the odds or probability that we have represented the population well. )e are able to estimate confidence intervals for the statistic. )ith nonprobability samples, we may or may not represent the population well, and it will often be hard for us to know how well we(ve done so. In general, researchers prefer probabilistic or random sampling methods over nonprobabilistic ones, and consider them to be more accurate and rigorous. However, in applied social research there may be circumstances where it is not feasible, practical or theoretically sensible to do random sampling. Here, we consider a wide range of nonprobabilistic alternatives. )e can divide nonprobability sampling methods into two broad types" accidental or purposive. 6ost sampling methods are purposive in nature because we usually approach the sampling problem with a specific plan in mind. The most important distinctions among these types of sampling methods are the ones between the different types of purposive sampling approaches.

Accidental" #ap$a%ard or Convenience Sampling

Cne of the most common methods of sampling goes under the various titles listed here. I would include in this category the traditional Hman on the streetH $of course, now it(s probably the Hperson on the streetH% interviews conducted frequently by television news programs to get a quick $although nonrepresentative% reading of public opinion. I would also argue that the typical use of college students in much psychological research is primarily a matter of convenience. $4ou don(t really believe that psychologists use college students because they believe they(re representative of the population at large, do you+%. In clinical practice,we might use clients who are available to us as our sample. In many research conte!ts, we sample simply by asking for volunteers. 9learly, the problem with all of these types of samples is that we have no evidence that they are representative of the populations we(re interested in generalizing to ;; and in many cases we would clearly suspect that they are not.

Purposive Sampling
In purposive sampling, we sample with a purpose in mind. )e usually would have one or more specific predefined groups we are seeking. .or instance, have you ever run into

people in a mall or on the street who are carrying a clipboard and who are stopping various people and asking if they could interview them+ 6ost likely they are conducting a purposive sample $and most likely they are engaged in market research%. They might be looking for 9aucasian females between >2;D2 years old. They size up the people passing by and anyone who looks to be in that category they stop to ask if they will participate. Cne of the first things they(re likely to do is verify that the respondent does in fact meet the criteria for being in the sample. *urposive sampling can be very useful for situations where you need to reach a targeted sample quickly and where sampling for proportionality is not the primary concern. )ith a purposive sample, you are likely to get the opinions of your target population, but you are also likely to overweight subgroups in your population that are more readily accessible. All of the methods that follow can be considered subcategories of purposive sampling methods. )e might sample for specific groups or types of people as in modal instance, e!pert, or quota sampling. )e might sample for diversity as in heterogeneity sampling. Cr, we might capitalize on informal social networks to identify specific respondents who are hard to locate otherwise, as in snowball sampling. In all of these methods we know what we want ;; we are sampling with a purpose.

6odal Instance <ampling

In statistics, the mode is the most frequently occurring value in a distribution. In sampling, when we do a modal instance sample, we are sampling the most frequent case, or the HtypicalH case. In a lot of informal public opinion polls, for instance, they interview a HtypicalH voter. There are a number of problems with this sampling approach. .irst, how do we know what the HtypicalH or HmodalH case is+ )e could say that the modal voter is a person who is of average age, educational level, and income in the population. ut, it(s not clear that using the averages of these is the fairest $consider the skewed distribution of income, for instance%. And, how do you know that those three variables ;; age, education, income ;; are the only or even the most relevant for classifying the typical voter+ )hat if religion or ethnicity is an important discriminator+ 9learly, modal instance sampling is only sensible for informal sampling conte!ts.

7!pert <ampling

7!pert sampling involves the assembling of a sample of persons with known or demonstrable e!perience and e!pertise in some area. Cften, we convene such a sample under the auspices of a Hpanel of e!perts.H There are actually two reasons you might do e!pert sampling. .irst, because it would be the best way to elicit the views of persons who have specific e!pertise. In this case, e!pert sampling is essentially =ust a specific subcase of purposive sampling. ut the other reason you might use e!pert sampling is to provide evidence for the validity of another sampling approach you(ve chosen. .or instance, let(s say you do modal instance sampling and are concerned that the criteria you used for defining the modal instance are sub=ect to criticism. 4ou might convene an e!pert panel consisting of persons with acknowledged e!perience and insight into that field or topic and ask them to e!amine your modal definitions and comment on their

appropriateness and validity. The advantage of doing this is that you aren(t out on your own trying to defend your decisions ;; you have some acknowledged e!perts to back you. The disadvantage is that even the e!perts can be, and often are, wrong.

Iuota <ampling

In quota sampling, you select people nonrandomly according to some fi!ed quota. There are two types of quota sampling" proportional and non proportional. In proportional &uota sampling you want to represent the ma=or characteristics of the population by sampling a proportional amount of each. .or instance, if you know the population has D23 women and J23 men, and that you want a total sample size of /22, you will continue sampling until you get those percentages and then you will stop. <o, if you(ve already got the D2 women for your sample, but not the si!ty men, you will continue to sample men but even if legitimate women respondents come along, you will not sample them because you have already Hmet your quota.H The problem here $as in much purposive sampling% is that you have to decide the specific characteristics on which you will base the quota. )ill it be by gender, age, education race, religion, etc.+ Nonproportional &uota sampling is a bit less restrictive. In this method, you specify the minimum number of sampled units you want in each category. here, you(re not concerned with having numbers that match the proportions in the population. Instead, you simply want to have enough to assure that you will be able to talk about even small groups in the population. This method is the nonprobabilistic analogue of stratified random sampling in that it is typically used to assure that smaller groups are adequately represented in your sample.

Heterogeneity <ampling

)e sample for heterogeneity when we want to include all opinions or views, and we aren(t concerned about representing these views proportionately. Another term for this is sampling for diversity. In many brainstorming or nominal group processes $including concept mapping%, we would use some form of heterogeneity sampling because our primary interest is in getting broad spectrum of ideas, not identifying the HaverageH or Hmodal instanceH ones. In effect, what we would like to be sampling is not people, but ideas. )e imagine that there is a universe of all possible ideas relevant to some topic and that we want to sample this population, not the population of people who have the ideas. 9learly, in order to get all of the ideas, and especially the HoutlierH or unusual ones, we have to include a broad and diverse range of participants. Heterogeneity sampling is, in this sense, almost the opposite of modal instance sampling.

<nowball <ampling

In snowball sampling, you begin by identifying someone who meets the criteria for inclusion in your study. 4ou then ask them to recommend others who they may know who also meet the criteria. Although this method would hardly lead to representative samples, there are times when it may be the best method available. <nowball sampling is

especially useful when you are trying to reach populations that are inaccessible or hard to find. .or instance, if you are studying the homeless, you are not likely to be able to find good lists of homeless people within a specific geographical area. However, if you go to that area and identify one or two, you may find that they know very well who the other homeless people in their vicinity are and how you can find them

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