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NO MORE Staff Manuals

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NO MORE Staff Training Manuals:

Real Tools to Help Staff Succeed

John Erdman Camp Wesley Woods Townsend, Tennessee

Hermann Ebbinghaus - Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology

Five Moments of Need

Acquisition of Knowledge (Training) 1. When learning for the first time (New) 2. When wanting to learn more (More)

Application of Knowledge (Performance Support )

3. When trying to remember and/or act upon ( Apply) 4. When something goes wrong (Solve) 5. When something changes (Change)

Conrad Gottfredson and Bob Mosher - Innovative Performance Support

Conrad Gottfredson and Bob Mosher - Innovative Performance Support

Three Nested Concepts

Job Aids Performance Support Systems Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management


Effectively Using Organizational knowledge

Michael Polanyi Personal Knowledge

Knowledge Management
Intellectual Capital
Human Capital (Individual) Expertise Experience Capability Capacity Creativity Adaptability Social Capital (Staff) Interactions Relationships Networks Patterns Language

Organizational Capital (Camp)

Processes Database Intellectual Property Flexibility

Camp Knowledge

Human: How do I get kids excited about camping out? Social: Which supervisor is the best source of help in dealing with a camper behavior problem? Organizational: What is the camps policy on social media and campers?

Performance Support Systems

Integrated resources and tools to help the user perform a task

Types of Performance Support Systems

Electronic Performance Support System

Knowledge Management System

Enterprise Social Network

Learning Management System

Job Aid

Effective Performance Support

Convergence Simple Relevance

Allison Rossett and Lisa Schafer Job Aids & Performance Support

Job Aid
Repository of information, processes, or perspectives

that is external to the individual and

that supports work and activity by directing, guiding, and enlightening performance.
Allison Rossett and Jeannette Gautier-Downes A Handbook of Job Aids

Purpose of Job Aids

Make data useful Who, what, where, when, and/or which Organized by user frame of reference, function, or subject-matter Examples - phonebook, directory

Guide actions How Show steps in order Examples - flowchart, instruction manual

Make suggestions Why Accommodate new, difficult, or ambiguous situations Example Travel guide

Categories of Job Aids

Before During Task After




How will I..?


How did I do?

Allison Rossett and Lisa Schafer Job Aids & Performance Support

Camp Wesley Woods Off-Site Transportation Pre-Departure Checklist 1. Have the following items on the vehicle been checked: - Brakes - Lights - Tires - Mirrors - Seat belts - Fuel level - Horn - Windshield wipers - Emergency flashers 2. Does the vehicle have the following emergency items: - Fire extinguisher - Reflectors - First aid kit - Vehicle registration and insurance card - A copy of the Transportation Emergency Procedures - At least one fully charged cell phone 3. Do you have: - A written roster of everyone in the vehicle - Health forms for everyone in the vehicle 4. Have you completed an off-site trip form and checked-out with the office? 5. Have you conducted the required passenger safety orientation?

Camp Wesley Woods Program Planning Checklist Program Goals What are the campers/students/participant outcomes this program will achieve? How does the programs structure support these outcomes? How will the programs activities help achieve these outcomes? Alignment with Camps Mission How does this program proactively reach out to campers/students/participants? How does this program help campers/students/participants to connect with one another and the camp? In what ways will campers/students/participants grow physically? emotionally? intellectually? spiritually? Alignment with Camps Values Is this program consistent with who we are as a Christian camp? Is this program focused primarily on the needs of the campers/students/participants? Is this program safe and does it promote good health? Is the program both fun and active? As we plan and conduct the program are we being good stewards of the camps resources? Is this the best program possible given the goals and available resources?

Adapted from Robert Mager and Peter Pike Analyzing Performance Problems

Welcoming People The WESTERN Way W - Warm smile & greeting E - Eye contact S - Shake hands T - Tell them who you are E - Express how you feel R - Repeat their name N - Notice and mention something special about them

Attending Skills Campers level Eye contact Posture Physical response Verbal response

Our Values
Christian Mission Driven Those We Serve First Relationships Oriented Safe & Healthy Fun & Active Practice Stewardship Committed to Excellence Servant Leadership

Camp Wesley Woods Outdoor Education Program Instructor Self Reflection Did I begin effectively? (Attention, motivation & overview) Did I effectively engage the students ? (Question + wait time + name) Did I effectively motivate the students? (Level of concern, success, knowledge of results, interest &feeling tone) Did I effectively plan and manage the class logistics? (Location, materials, environment & distractions) Did I effectively manage student behavior? (Take charge, clear expectations, positive, focused on what to do) Did I finish effectively? (Summary, remotivation & closure)

Did the students achieve the objectives for the class? (Cognitive, psychomotor & affective)

Types of Job Aids

Step-by-Step Worksheets Checklists Decision Tables Flowcharts Diagram/Map Array

Job Aid Formats

Cards Sheet Poster Bulletin Board Document Manual Props App

Job Aids and Performance Support Allison Rossett and Lisa Schafer

A Handbook of Job Aids Allison Rossett and Jeannette Gautier-Downes

Job Aids Basics Joe Willmore

Innovative Performance Support : Strategies and Practices for Learning in the Workflow Conrad Gottfredson and Bob Mosher

NO MORE Staff Training Manuals:

Real Tools to Help Staff Succeed

John Erdman Camp Wesley Woods Townsend, Tennessee

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