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Biot Willis 1957

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from the Journal

of Applied

Mechanics for December,

19G?, pages 594-601,

with permission of Copyright Owner)

The Elastic Coeffkients Theory

of the

of Consolidation

BY M. A. BIOTl The theory of the deformation of a porous elastic solid containing a compressible fluid has been established by are deBiot . In this paper, methods of measurement scribed for the determination of the elastic coefficients of the theory. The physical interpretation of the coefficients in various alternate forms is also discussed. Any combination of measurements which is sufficient to fix the properties of the system may be used to determine the coefficients. For an isotropic system, in which there are four coefficients, the four measurements of shear modulus, jacketed and unjacketed compressibility, and coefficient of fluid content, together with a measurement of porosity appear to be the most convenient. The porosity is not required if the variables and coefficients are expressed in the proper way. The coefficient of fluid content is a measure of the volume of fluid entering the pores of a solid sample during an unjacketed compressibility test. The stressstrain relations may be expressed in terms of the stresses and strains produced during the various measurements, to give four expressions relating the measured coefficients to the original coefficients of the consolidation theory. The same method is easily extended to cases of anisotropy. The theory is directly applicable to linear systems but also may be applied to incremental variations in nonlinear systems provided the stresses are defined properly. 1



HE theory of the deformation of a porous elastic solid containing a viscous compressible fluid was established by Biot in several earlier papers (1, 2, 3, 4).a In reference (1) the isotropic case is considered, and in reference (2) the theory is generalized to anisotropic materials. General solutions to the elastic equations are established in reference (3). The theory of wave propagation in such systems is examined in reference (4). Gassman (5, 6) has examined the properties of open and closed porous elastic systems corresponding to the case of constant pore pressure (u = 0) and constant fluid content ({ = 0), respectively. The elastic properties of a porous solid were considrared by Gee&ma (7) who described methods for their measurement with jacketed and unjacketed compressibility tests, in the

case of a homogeneous and isotropic porous matrix. Hughes and Cooke (8) described measurements of pore volume and porosity in jacketed compression tests, which would apply to a system containing an incompressible fluid completely filling the pores. In the present paper methods of measurement are described for the determination of the elastic coefficients of references (1, 2, 3, 4). The physical interpretation of the elastic coefficients in various alternate forms is also discussed. In Section 2 it, is shown that the elastic coefficients A, N, Q, and R may be expressed in terms of four directly measurable coefficients p, K, 6, y, and the porosity factor f. It is pointed out that under certain assumptions the coefficient y does not need to be measured if we know 4he fluid compressibility c and already have measured 6 and f. Other elastic coefficients p, X, (Y, and M are discussed in Section 3. They may be expressed in terms of the measurable coefficients cc, K, 6, and y without referenceto porosity. Use of the constants p, h, 01, and M are more convenient in application to consolidation problems, i.e., when the inertia forces are neglected, while A, N, Q, and R have been introduced in connection with wave propagation (4). In addition to these four measurements it is possible to measure directly the constant a! by a fifth and entirely independent measurement. This redundant information results from the fact that it, is possible to define five physically different, coefficients, two of which must be equal as a result, of the assumption that we are dealing with a conservative elastic system. The redundancy thus provides a check on the validity of this assumption. In Section 4 the case of transverse isotropy is considered using a different method and different measurements, and the case of general anisotropy is discussed in Section 5. The measurements described are directly applicable to linear systems. They also will apply to incremental variations in nonlinear systems such as those having unconsolidated porous materials, provided the stresses are defined properly. This will be discussed in Section 6. 2 THE ISOTROPICCASE case (2) are

The stress-strain relations for the isotropic gz2 = 2Ne,, au, = 2Ne,,

+ Ae + QE + Ae + QE

Mem. ASME. 2 Shell Development Company, Exploration and Production Research Division, Houston, Texas. Now Research Scientist at Missile Systems Division, Lockheed Aircraft Company, Palo Alto, Calif. a Numbers in parentheses refer to the Bibliography at the end of the paper. Presented at the Applied Mechanics Division Summer Conference, Berkeley, Calif., June 13-15, 1957, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETYOF MECHANICALENGINEERS. Discussion of this paper should be addressed to the Secretary, ASME. 29 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y., and will be accepted until January 10, 1958, for publication at a later date.. Discussion received after the closing date will be returned. NOTE: Statements and opinions advanced in papers are to be understood as individual expressions of their authors and not those of the Society. Manuscript received by ASME Applied Mechanics Division, January 22, 1957. Paper No. 57-APM-44. 1

1Consultant, Shell Development


New York,

N. Y.

a** = 2Ne,, + Ae + Qe atlz = Ne,, a,, = Ne,, UW = Ne,, u = Qe + Re in which the Uii are the forces acting on the faces of a unit cube of porous material, and on the fluid portions. The average displacement, vector of the ponents u,, uy, u,, and that of the fluid U,, strain components are then given by I solid portions of the u is the force acting solid has the comU,, U,. The solid

. . . . . . . . . . . . [l]

. . etc.
e = e,, +

t? =
. . ..[21 1


Kp 3 i . . . . . . . . . . [7]

e,, = e,, = e,, = --

eyp+ e,,

The fluid dilatation e is given by

From Equations [l] we obtain the two relations

_p =

+bUu +A..
ay a2

. . . . . . . . . . [31



AK~ + QE .... ...


It should be pointed out that this expression is not the actual strain in the fluid but simply the divergence of the fluid-displacement field which itself is derived from the average volume flow through the pores. In Equations [l] attention is called to the fact that the properties of linearity alone would lead to five distinct elastic coefficients. The assumption that there exists a potential energy for the fluid-solid system reduces to four the number of independent elastic coefficients. This is the reason why the constant Q which appears in the last Equation [l] is the same as in the three first equations. An equivalent way of formulating this property is by stating that the matrix of elastic coefficients is symmetric with respect to the main diagonal. This symmetry property appears throughout whep dealing with both isotropic and anisotropic media, and is further illustrated by Equation [30] and in the treatment of anisotropic media in Sections 4 and 5. The symmetry property is the reason for the redundancy in the measurement of the elastic coefficients. As will be pointed out, it is possible to derive the quantityf(Q + R)/R from two independent physical measurements. Four independent measurements, in addition to the porosity f, are required to fix the four elastic coefficients A, N, Q, and R. Satisfactory combinations of measurements may be made in a variety of different ways, but the most convenient appears to be the combination of measurement of shear modulus, jacketed and unjacketed compressibility of the porous solid, and an unjacketed coefficient of fluid content. The shear modulus p of the bulk material is equivalent to N, which is therefore obtained directly. In the jacketed compressibility test, a specimen of the material is enclosed in a thin impermeable jacket and then subjected to an external fluid pressure p. To insure constant internal fluid pressure,the insideof the jacket may be made to communicate with the atmosphere through a tube. The conventional jacketed test is usually performed on a dry specimen, and in that case such precaution is of course not necessary. However, the dry specimen may not exhibit the same properties as the saturated one. As an example of this we may cite the case where the elastic properties result from surface forces of a capillary nature at the interface of the fluid and the solid. The dilatation of the specimen is measured and a coefficient of jacketed compressibility K is determined by K = -:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [4]

0 = -QK~ + Re
Eliminating e and p gives 1 -=



- -$............... WI

thus indicating that the quantity A - (&2/R) is equivalent to the Lam4 coefficient x of the porous material under conditions of constant pore pressure. In the unjacketed compressibility test, a sample of the material is immersed in a fluid to which is applied a pressure p. When the fluid pressure has penetrated the pores completely, the dilatation of the sample is then measured and an unjacketed compressibility coefficient 6 is determined by 6 = -e.. P

.. ...

. . . . . . . . [lo]

In this case the pressure acts both on the solid portion (1 - f) and the fluid portion f of the surfaces of the specimen giving

u =





The strains are given by

e,, = eyy = e,, = e = -6P

. . . . . . . . . . WI


And we obtain from Equations [I] the relation

1(Q+),= [+N+ (A :)]8.... [13]

giving with Equation [S]

(Q+ >

....... ..._._. 1141

In this test the entire pressure of the fluid is transmitted to the solid portions of the surfaces of the specimen. Therefore uzz; = uyy =
CT,, =

An independent and redundant measurement of this expression is furnished if we consider the quantityf(e - e), which is denoted by { in Section 3, and represents the volume of tluid which enters the pores of a unit volume of bulk material. If, during a jacketed compressibility test the interior of the jacket is connected to the atmosphere by a tube the fluid volume passing through this tube is equal to f(e - E). Putting u = 0 in the last Equation ]l] yields

-p. . . . . . . . . . . . . ]51

Furthermore, the pore pressure remains essentially constant u = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [6] In a.dditionthe solid strains will be

Since we also have measured the solid strain e, this again yields the value of the quantity

(Q + R)f R
Measurements of changes in pore volume and porosity in a

jacketed test have been made by Hughes and Cooke (S), which are equivalent to measurements of f( e - e). To fix the properties of the system, one additional measurement is required which must involve the fluid strain. There is apparently no standard test which would provide a satisfactory measurement, and we must therefore define a new elastic coefficient. Again we consider the volume of fluid which enters the pores of a unit volume of porous material, f(e - E), but in this case with reference to an unjacketed compressibility test. We may define a coefficent y of fluid content by

that no air be trapped in the pores near the surface. The volume of fluid injected per unit pressure will be the sum of the solid compressibility 6,. the volume of fluid which has entered the pores y, and a fixed quantity depending upon the elastic properties of the chamber and the fluid. The porous material is then removed from the chamber and its volume replaced by fluid. The volume of fluid injected per unit pressure is again measured and in this case will be the sum of the same fixed quantity as in the previous measurement, and the fluid compressibility c representing the new unit volume occupied by the fluid. Therefore the difference between the volumes injected with and without the porous material in the chamber will be given by AV = 6 + y - c.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [22] If the fluid compressibility c is then measured independently, the coefficient of fluid content y may then be determined. There are of course ways of avoiding this additional measurement of the fluid compressibility, which is not directly relevant, but the procedures involved appear to be more elaborate. For the special case in which the material of the porous matrix is homogeneous and isotropic and the fluid completely saturates the pores, it is possible to determine the coefficient of &id content y directly from the fluid compressibility c. Considering the unjacketed test, the pore space in this special case will undergo the same strain as the solid matrix. Therefore the porosity f of the material will not undergo any strain and, if the fluid completely saturates the pores, the fluid dilatation will be given by e = -cp... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [23]

for an unjacketed compressibility test. This gives for the fluid strain e = -y*f+e.. f .......... . . .I171


- f- p + 6p. ..........

. . . [181

Expressions [II] and [IS] substituted into the last of Equations

[l 1 give
f = &6 + R6 + R f.. ............ [19] Summarizing the measurements N=/.L

This gives for the coefficient of fluid content y = f(c - 6). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[24] This relation will be strictly valid only for materials such that the pore volume and the bulk volume remain in constant ratio; i.e., the porosity does not vary when the specimen is subjected to fluid pressure in an unjacketed test. This of course will be true if the material of the porous matrix is homogeneous, isotropic, and elastically linear. However, this is not a necessary condition, and we may visualize cases where the matrix material is heterogeneous but behaves approximately like a homogeneous solid so that it undergoes ap proximately the same strain as the pores in an unjacketed test. Therefore Relation [24] may provide a satisfactory approximation for y in many cases. On the other hand, one also could imagine a porous matrix which is statistically isotropic but does not behave in isotropic fashion when considered from the standpoint of the individual pores. Further remarks concerning the validity of Relation [24] will be made in Section 6 in connection with its application to incremental stresses. 3 ELASTIC COEFFICIENTSWITHALTERNATIVEVARIABLES As shown in reference (3), it is possible to introduce as alternative variables the total forces acting on the surfaces of a unit cube T*, = Q,, +o

f=Q6+R6+R; J
These equations are easily solved for N, A, Q, and R to give their values in terms of the measured parameters N=/.L 2

1 -_




f ys6-$

The coefficient of fluid content y may be determined by the following experiment: A unit volume of porous material containing fluid is placed within a closed chamber which has been filled with fluid. Fluid is then injected into the chamber under pressure and the voIume of injected fluid is measured. Care must be exercised that the pores of the specimen are completely saturated with the same fluid or mixture of fluids as existed in the original system. In particular for a liquid-saturated solid it is important

Tvu =

+a =vv

r*. = a,* + o rv* = a,* r*, = =,.+ r*y = =*v

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1251

the fluid pressure p, and the fluid content, already mentioned

f = f(e

E). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [26]

{ = (Ye.....................


We use the Lamb coefficients /J and4

h=A-$ ................_.[27]
and two new coefficients &f+
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[28]

With these variables and coefficients Equations [l] may be written TZL+ CUP= 21.4,
7yy + ap =

Since the fluid pressure remains constant, the significance of CY may be seen to be the ratio of change in pore volume to dilatation in a jacketed teat. If the interior of the jacket is connected with the atmosphere by a tube we may measure the quantity f by the amount of fluid which is flowing through this tube. This will furnish the value of cr. If we designate the external pressure on the jacket by p, we have r,z = -P, r=,, = 0, . . . etc. 1 p=o . . . . . . . [34] e=

+ Xe

2cLe,,+ Xe

giving with Equations 1291the relation 1 -= K $+A..

r,, +

ap = 2ue,, + Xe
TV. = pe,.
7 8s = pe,, 7.Y = pe,# ) . . . . . . . . . . . [29]


*.. . . 1351

In the unjacketed test rz* = -P, 7 = 0, P = P e = -lip . . etc I

1 b=Gp+ae

giving with Equations [29] -_(l -a)p= Hence 6 = (1 Q!=


. . . . . . . [36]

An alternate form of these equations is obtained by solving t,he last equation for p and substituting in the first three. We find r,, = 2pe,, + (X + ck%f)e ruu = 2pe,, + (A + &M)e -


. . . . . . . . .._

1371 [38]

crMr arMr

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.. = 2ue,, + (A + dM)e 7w = pe,,

. . . .._[30]

( >

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7,s = ccc*, T+u = cLc=, P= --crMe + Ml


These equations express the total stress components rii and the pore pressure p in terms of strain components e,j, e, and c. We note that, because the same coefficient -&I appears in the first three equations and the last, the matrix of coefficients is symmetric. This again results from the existence of an elaetir potential energy with p and r acting as conjugate variables. The elastic potential per unit volume is expressed as 1

which provides a further interpretation of the coefficient CY which is physically different from that given by Equation [33]. That they yield equal values for LY results from the symmetry of the coefficient matrix in Equations [30] and this in turn is a consequence of the assumption that there exists an elastic potential energy for the fluid-solid system. An alternative interpretation of the coefficient cywhich does not depend on the existence of a potential energy and is equivalent to Equation [39] is given by the first three of Equations 1291. In this case (Yrepresents the proportion of fluid pressure which will produce the same strains as the total stress. The coefficient M may be determined from the coefficient of fluid content y for the unjacketed t.est. In this case !: = yp = 3 p 1 yfS-$ CUSP. . . . . . . . . . . . . [40]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411

Equations 1301are equivalent to

rii =


giving for M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [32]


aw t

Another alternate way of writing Equations [29] is by introducing a stress 7 defined as r*, ,- T,* + P 1

We note also from Equations 1301that X + cr*M plays the role of a Lam6 constant X for 1 = 0; i.e., for a closed system. As before, /.Jmay be measured directly as the modulus of shear. In the jacketed compressibility test, p = 0, giving for the fluid content 4 p and X are designated by S and N in references(2) and (3). 5 Expression [31 J is identical with that introducedin reference(1) in connection with the derivation of the property of symmetry of the coe5cients. The notations c and 0 were used instead of p and I.


Tz, + v*


ZT -




T*v - -a,,


The total stress T is then represented as a superposition of hydrostatic pressure p, the same as in the Auid pores and a residual component r which acts only in the solid matrix. With this definition the first three Equations [29] are replaced by r,, - (1 cu)p = 2pe,, + Xe

coefficients. It will therefore require eight independent measurements to fix the values of the coefficients. Consider the matrix




- (1 - cr)p = 2pe,, + Xe
ar)p = 2ye, + Xe 1

. . . . . . . [43]

7, - (1 -

As shown in references (1) and (3) the elastic coefficients p, 1, cy,and M may all be determined without reference to the porosity f. Furthermore if the Darcy equation for volume flow is used, all the equations of consolidation theory may be developed without reference to porosity. It is interesting to examine the limits of the coefficient CL Consider first the last of Equations [l] (T = Qe + Rs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[44] If a positive fluid force u is applied to the system at the same time that e is held fixed, a positive fluid strain e must result. Therefore R must be positive. Alternatively, if the fluid force is held constant and a positive solid force is applied, e must be positive. In addition there must be a net increase in the porosity, requiring a negative fluid strain E. Therefore, Q also must be positive. Since both Q and R are positive, it may be seen from the relation

and let its inverse be represented by adg dug ggb h h


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1461

Also let

I I.
m hhmn

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [471

1 -=s N 1 -_=t

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ]431 1

The inverse stress-strain relations will then be

( >.................

es, = e,, =

au&Z, +

duu,, + gum+ hJ


euY = da,, +
PJ,, +

au,, + gu,, + hu
gu,, + bu,, + mu

that a! cannot be smaller than f. Alternatively, since the unjacketed compressibility 6 cannot be less than zero, it follows from the relation

eu,= tuvu.
erz = tu,,
% = suz,,
E = ha,, + ha,, + mu,, + nu in which there are nine coefficients but only eight independent ones because of the original relation (P = A + 2N).

.................. (1-t >


that (Ycannot be greater than unity. If the unjacketed compressibility 6 is very small compared to the jacketed compressibility K, we may approximate the value of a! by putting a! = 1. This will be true in some cases for a watersaturated gel or clay (1, 2). 4 may be written (2)

For this material under conditions of constant pore pressure, it will be possible to measure two separate Youngs moduli by 1 be,, -_=-=--_a Er aa,, 1 -= %
au,, ES -b

For the case of transverse isotropy _- the stress-strain

be,, _ duV,,

.... I

. . . . 1591

oZ* = Pe,,

+ Aerv + Fe,, + Me + Fe,, + ME + Ce,, + QE

clul = Aezz + Pe,, ffzz = Fe, gllz = Leyr gz.z = Lezz Q.Y = Nezy u = Me,, + Me,, + Fe,,

Three separate Poissons ratio also exist and may be measured

. . . . . . . [451
-Y1 =

d = - = a


+ Qe,, + Re

in which P = A + 2N and there are eight independent elastic

. . . . . . 1511

and the fluid are incompressible corresponds to (Y = 1, M = m. In reference (1) several other coefficients are used. E, G, and Y have their conventional significance as measured with constant pore pressure. The coefficient (Yhas the same significance as in Equations [29]. The coefficient His given by I/(K - 6). The coefficients Q and R of reference (1) should not be confused with Q and R of Equations [l]. In reference (1) Q is equivalent to M and R is given by l/(-y 6 + a).

6As pointed out in reference

(1) the case where the solid matrix

= &g

G There are only four independent coefficients between the two moduli and the three ratios. From the last two of Equations 1511
V2 -=V,

The ten measured


El vl~t 6, y


. . . . . . . . [59]



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1521
by a


have been used.

Only eight of these are independent VP -=_ & V1 El

The coefficients a, b, d, and g may thereby be determined minimum of four measurements. Two shear moduli also may be measured by 1 -= ( : PLt = (Z) ) : i%) = t 1 ..


and since 11 may be determined from the relation P = A + 2N. An alternate form of the coefficients of course could be easily written in terms of the variables p and !: instead of o and e. These new coefficients will not involve the porosity f. 5 The stress-strain (2) COMPLETE ANISOTROPY may be expressed in matrix form by

Because of the original relation in Equations [45] of P = A + 2N, the first modulus ~1 does not represent an independent measurement and could be determined from the other measurements. In an unjacketed compression test


uzz = uyy =
giving the relation8 ezo =

6,s =


u =


f)p' 1

. .1541

. . . . . . [60]

Kf - l)(a + d + 8) - fhlp = 4IP

%u = Kf - l)(a + d + 9) - fhlp = 4%~ ezz= Kf - l)(g + B + b) - fmlp = -82p

in which & represents the change in the two equal principal axes and 82 the change in the third principal axis of the ellipsoid of revolution formed by a unit sphere of material strained under unit pressure in an unjacketed compression test. This measurement permits the two additional coe&Gents h and m to be determined. For a final measurement the coefficient of fluid content y may be used, giving for the fluid strain e = Kf l)(h + Jr + m) -&I = -5 p (213, + 61)~.

in which Cii = Cri. Eliminating E by means of the last equation

us. = uu* = UCz =

.. ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

. ... ... ...

.. ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

... . ... ...

1 . . . [611

. . . .[56]

uzy =

from which the coefficient n may be determined. These measurements give for the Matrix 1471

in which the 21 terms (G-F) . . . . . . . . (c+3 . . . . . . 1621




[F_ ($2)


. ..

(j-) (2) [$ - (7)

( -;,->I

are the classical coefficients of anisotropic elasticity, as would be measured with a constant pore pressure (u = 0). Seven additional measured quantities are then required to fix the properties of the system. Six of these may be obtained from an unjacketed compressibility test. An original unit sphere of the


and the two relations


1 PI




The individual values of the coefficients in the Matrix may be found by the inversion of the Matrix [571.


For the porous material will be deformed into a triaxial ellipsoid. general case in which the principal axes of the ellipsoid are not parallel to the co-ordinate axes, the six coefficients of strain as a function of pressure may be measured as


$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [63 1

s,, = - e,,

linearly related to the stresses. We will now examine how the relations between stress and strain may be expressed if the porous solid-fluid system is still elastic but nonlinear. In particular we are interested to know if the results of the foregoing sections are directly applicable to the linearized problem when we consider small incremental stresses and strains in the vicinity of a prestressed condition. We shall restrict ourselves to the case where the prestress is isotropic. We consider an initial state 1 which is unstressed. The state of prestress denoted as 2 results from the application of isotropic stressesin the fluid and the solid. We consider the forces acting on the solid portion of the material per unit area of the bulk material in state 2. This being an isotropic stat.e of stress these forces are represented by the matrix

0 Alternatively it would be possible to measure the mutually perpendicular principal strains of the specimen

[ 0

&= -% &=-e
P' P'


Similarly the forces acting on the fluid portion per unit area of bulk material are represented by

u 0 0 1
u 0 0 6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1671


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [SS]

and three angles describing their orientation and to express the co-ordinate strains in terms of these. For the special case in which the principal axes of the ellipsoid are paralle1 to the co-ordinate axes, the coefficients 6,,, a,,, and 6, are given directly by the principal strains and coefficients 6,,, S,,, and 6,, are zero. For a final measurement the coefficient of fluid content y may again be used, permitting the fluid dilatation in t,he unjacketed compressibility test to be given by
E = p

The prestressed state 2 is now considered as a new initial state and small incremental deformations eii are superimposed leading to state 3. The incremental strain tensor is defined in terms of the incremental displacements g and 0 of the solid and the fluid measured from state 2 as origin. The incremental strains give rise to a new state of stress obtained by adding incremental components Aui, and Au. We represent the solid stress in state 3 by forces acting on the solid portion of the material per unit area in state 2. They are

u + Au,,

u + Au,,


p - (61 + 6, + 6*)p


1 ... ..

Aa,, Au,,
u + Au 0

0 0 Au 0

u + Au=,.


The forces acting on the fluid in state 3 per unit area in state 2 are

. I


u +

. . . . . . . . . 1701

Therefore the strains in the unjacketed test may be expressed in terms of seven measured coefficients and the fluid pressure. The stresses again will be CZZ= oyy = o,, = -(l - f)p UU# = um = a,, = 0

u + Au I

. . . . . . . . [@I

1 and by substitution into Equation@ [60] seven equations relating the original coefficients and the measured coefficients will be obtained. These relations together with the 21 relations between the Expressions [62] and the classical coefficients permit the original coefficients to be determined. Again we may remark that a diierent set of coefficients not involving explicitly the porosity can be derived easily by introducing the variables p and c. 6 ELASTIC COEFFICIENTS FOR INCREMENTAL DEFORMATIONS OFA PRESTRESSED MATERIAL In the foregoing we have assumed the strains to be small and

u = --fp

We now assume that the incremental stresses and strains are small enough so that they are related linearly. The material in state 2 remains isotropic and therefore the incremental stressstrain relations are isotropic. This requires that they be of the form Aa,, = 2Ne,, + Ae + Qe AUK,,= 2Ne,, + Ae + Qe

I , . . . ...*...


= 2Ne,* f

Ae + Qe

Auvr = Ns,, = Ne,

Au,, = Ne,, Au = Qe + RE

We see that hased on isotropy alone there are five elastic coefficients for incremental stresses and strains. These coefficients

are functions of the initial stresses u and 6. In order to simplify the writing we may without loss of generality consider an incremental stress which is also isotropic. We put Au,, = AuUU = Aa_ = Au p is (1 + 1/re)2 and for p it is (f f Af)( 1 + /,e)*. Af the increment of the porosity factor. Hence u+u+Au+Au= -(p+Ap)(I+$e)* We note \

1 ezr = eyy = e,, = - e 3 AuyS = Au, = Au,, = o /

. . . . . . . .[72]


Au = - (P + Ap)(f + Af)

evg = err = ezy =

Equations [71] become

Retaining only incremental terms of the first order, Equations [78] are written AU + AU = - Ap - + pe . . . ..I791 AU = -fAp - pAf - t fpe


(++++Qtj Au = Qe + RE J

. . . . . . . . . 1731

We assume the existence of an elastic potential energy for incremental deformations in the vicinity of the prestressed state 2. If W denotes this potential energy per unit volume of the material in state 2 we may write dW = (a + Au)de + (a + Au)de.. . . . . . . . [74] This being an exact differential we have $(Aut, hence from Equations [73j Q = Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[76] The matrix of elastic coefficients in Equations 1711is therefore symmetric and there are only four distinct coefficients. We must bear in mind that the quantities Au and Au are not the forces acting per unit area of the final deformed st,at,e 3 but per unit area of the prestressed state 2. Therefore, they are not represented by actual fluid pressures in a test but are related to them through the incremental deformations. Let us imagine a jacketed test with an initial state of stress such that the fluid pressure inside the jacket. is p, while a fluid pressure p is applied outside. Our purpose here is to point out an important difference between the test with prestress and the test without prestress. In the case of prestress, it is not as simple to evaluate the quantities Au and Au in terms of the fluid pressure as for the case without prestress. This can be seen as follows. Denoting byfthe porosity in the prestressed state 2 we may still write as before u + u = -p u = -fp = $ (Au). . . . . . . . . .


We see that Au and Au are not exactly equal to (1 - f )Ap and The correction terms, in general, will be small but never-fAp. theless will vanish only if the initial stress is zero. With these limitations the results of the previous sections may be applied to incremental deformations except for a reservation regarding the validity of Expression [24] for the coefficient of Ruid content y. We have remarked that, for the unstressed initial state, this expression holds if the material of the porous matrix is homogeneous and isotropic. This is a sufficient condition only if p = p, i.e., if the initial pressureson the solid and on the pores are the same. If these initial pressures are not equal, then equal increments of t.hese pressures may produce a change in porosity thereby invalidating Relation [24 ]_ BIBLIOGRAPHY
1 General Theory of Three-Dimensional Consolidation. by M. A. Biot, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 12, 1941, pp. 155-165. 2 Theory of Elasticity and Consolidation for a Porous Anisotropic Solid, by M. A. Biot, Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 26, 1955, pp. 182-185. General Solutions of the Equations of Elasticity and Consolida:ion for a Porous Material by M. A. Biot, JOURNALOP APPLIED MECHANICS,Trans. ASME, ;ol. 78, 1956, pp. 91-96. 4 Theory of Propagation of Elastic Waves in a Fluid Saturated Porous Solid, Parts I and II, by M. A. Biot, Journa.l of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 28, no. 2, 1956, pp. 168-191. 5 Elastic Waves through a Packing of Spheres, by Fritz Gassman, Geophl/sics,vol. 16. 1951, pp. 673-685. 6 Ueber die Elastizitiit porijser Medien. by Fritz Gaasman, Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturfmschenden Gesellschaft in Ziirich, vol. 96. 1951, pp. l-23. 7 The Effect of Fluid Pressure Decline on Volume Changes of Porous Rocks, by J. Geertsma, paper presented before the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Los Angeles, Calif., October, 1956. The Effect of Pressure on the Reduction of Pore Volume of Co8nsolidated Sandstones by D. S. Hughes and C. E. Cooke, Jr.,
Geophysics, vol. 18, 1953,Lp 298-309.

If we now apply incremental fluid pressures Apand Ap, these fluid pressures are applied to changing areas. The new area for

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