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2 2 Domain and Range

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Domain and Range of Continuous Functions Shake, Rattle and Roll

SUGGESTED LEARNING STRATEGIES: Shared Reading, Marking the Text, Visualization, Interactive Word Wall



My Notes
Roller coasters are scary and fun to ride. Wooden roller coasters shake and rattle as part of the thrill of the ride. Below is the graph of the heights reached by the cars of the wooden roller coaster, Thunderball, over its first 1250 feet of track. The graph displays a function because each input value has one and only one output value. You can see this visually using the vertical line test. Study this graph to determine the domain and range.
y 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 250 500 750 Distance Along the Track (feet) 1000 1250 x Height Above Ground (feet) Thunderball Roller Coaster Graph

An ordered The verticalpair lineshows test isthe a relationship two visual checkbetween to see if a graph values, written in a speci represents a function. Forca order using parentheses function, every vertical line notation comma plane drawn in and the a coordinate separating the two values. will intersect the graph in at most one point. This is equivalent to having each domain element associated with one and only one element of the range.

ACADEMIC VOCABULARY An independent variable is the variable for which input values are substituted in a function. A dependent variable is the variable whose value is determined by the input or value of the independent variable.

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The domain gives all values of the independent variable: distance along the track in feet. These values are graphed along the horizontal or x-axis. The domain can be written in set notation as: {all real values of x: 0 x 1250} Read this notation as: the set of all real values of x, between 0 and 1250, inclusive. The range gives the values of the dependent variable: height above the ground in feet. The values are graphed on the vertical or y-axis. The range can be written in set notation as: {all real values of y: 10 y 110} Read this notation as: the set of all real values of y, between 10 and 110, inclusive. The graph above shows data that are continuous. The points in the graph are connected, indicating that domain and range are sets if real numbers with no breaks in between. A graph of discrete data consists of individual points that are not connected by a line or curve.

Unit 2 Linear Functions



Domain and Range of Continuous Functions

Shake, Rattle, and Roll


My Notes
1a. Use set notation to write the domain and range for the graph below. Does this graph appear to represent a function? Justify your answer. Are the data discrete or continuous? Why?
y 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 x

d 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Bath Water Depth

Depth of bath water (in.)

11 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Minutes since bath began


SpringBoard Mathematics with Meaning Algebra 1

2010 College Board. All rights reserved.

1b. The graph below shows the relationship between t, the length of time of the bath (from the time water starts running through the time the tub is drained) and d, the depth of the water in the bath tub. The graph represents function d (bath water depth). What are the dependent and independent variables? Explain. Use set notation to write the domain and range of function d. Are the data discrete or continuous and why?

Domain and Range of Continuous Functions

Shake, Rattle, and Roll
SUGGESTED LEARNING STRATEGIES: Marking the Text, Questioning the Text, Think Aloud



My Notes

1 Give the domain and range of the function f (x) = _______ graphed (x - 2)2 below.
y 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 11 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x

Notice the result when x = 2 is substituted into f (x). 1 1 f (2) = _______ = __ (2 - 2)2 0 Division by zero is undened in mathematics.

Step 1:

Study the graph. The sketch of this graph is a portion of the function 1 . represented by the equation f (x) = _______ (x - 2)2

Look for values for which the domain causes the function to be undefined. Look how the graph behaves near x = 2. 1 can be written: Solution: The domain and range for f (x) = _______ (x - 2)2
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Step 2:

Domain: Range:

{all real values of x : x 2} {all real values of y : y > 0}

a. Give the domain and range of the function f (x) = 8 + 2x x2 graphed below.
y 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 5432 11 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 x

Unit 2 Linear Functions



Domain and Range of Continuous Functions

Shake, Rattle, and Roll
SUGGESTED LEARNING STRATEGIES: Create Representations, Group Discussion


My Notes
TRY THESE (continued)

b. Give the domain and range for the equation y = 2x 1. Explain whether this equation represents a function and how you determined this.

The domain is restricted to avoid situations where division by zero or taking the square root of a negative number would occur.

Technology Time Work with a partner to investigate the equations listed in the chart using graphing technology. Every equation given here is a function. Determine the domain and range for each function from the possibilities listed below the chart. Select the appropriate domain from choices 16 and record your answer in the Domain column. Then select the appropriate range from choices af and record the appropriate range in the Range column. When the chart is complete, compare your answers with those from another group. Function 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. y = -3x + 4 y = x2 - 6x + 5 y = 9x - x3 y = |x + 1| y = 3 + x 4 y = __ x Possible Ranges: a) all real numbers b) all real y, such that y 0 c) all real y, such that y -4 d) all real y, such that y 0 e) all real y, such that y 1 f) all real y, such that y 3


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Possible Domains: 1) all real numbers 2) all real x, such that x -2 3) all real x, such that x 0 4) all real x, such that x 2 5) all real x, such that x 0 6) all real x, such that x 0 80
SpringBoard Mathematics with Meaning Algebra 1

Domain and Range of Continuous Functions

Shake, Rattle, and Roll




Write your answers answers on on notebook notebook paper. paper.Show Showyour work. 4. The graph below shows five points that your work. make up the function h. Give the domain and the range for the function h. 1. Give the domain and range for the function graphed below. Explain why this graph represents a function.
y 5 4 3 2 1 11 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 y 4 3 2 1 3 2 11 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6

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Yards Left to Walk

2. A student calculates how far away a lightning strike is, based on when the thunder is heard. The student makes the 1 km/sec as the average table below using __ 3 speed of sound under rainy conditions. If the thunder is only heard when the lightning strike is within 15 km of the listener, what are the domain and range for this model? Is this relation a function? How do you know? Time until thunder 1 is heard (sec) Distance from 1 __ lightning strike (km) 3 2 2 __ 3 3 1 4 5 6

5. Jeff walks at an average rate of 125 yards per minute. Marks house is located 2000 yards from Jeff s house. The graph below shows how far Jeff still needs to walk to reach Marks house. Give the domain and range for this model. Is this model a function? Explain.
y 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 Jeff Walks to Marks House

1 1 __ 2 2 1 __ 3 3

3. Give the domain and range of the function f (x) = 4x 5.

4 6 8 10 12 Minutes Walking



Unit 2 Linear Functions



Domain and Range of Continuous Functions

Shake, Rattle, and Roll



Write your answers on notebook Show your work. 7. 6. Capital letters sketched in thepaper. coordinate plane may or may not be functions. Pick one letter that represents a function and two that do not. Use the vertical line test as part of the explanation for your selections.
MATHEMATICAL Describe at least three R E F L E C T I O N different methods for

determining if a relation is a function. Which method do you prefer and why?


SpringBoard Mathematics with Meaning Algebra 1

2010 College Board. All rights reserved.

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