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FINAL - Etiquette Julie Market Research Report

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A Marketing Research Study of Julie Blais Comeaus Target Audience

ADM4325 Promotional Planning Practicum Submitted on November 12, 2013

Introduction ....................................................................................... 2 Research Objectives ........................................................................ 2 Research Methodology .................................................................... 2 Overview of Data ............................................................................... 3 Data Analysis .................................................................................... 6 Buying Habits & Etiquette Perceptions ............................................... 6 Analyzing Continuous Data ............................................................... 13 Limitations & Critique of Survey ................................................... 19 Conclusion ...................................................................................... 20

Confidence and Credibility Thats the subtitle of entrepreneur and etiquette expert Julie Blais-Comeaus debut into the publishing world. Tasked with building a promotional plan that will push Julies new book to bestseller status, to our team, these words mean so much more. Solid data is necessary to give our recommendations credibility, and to give Julie the confidence to implement these recommendations given her tight marketing budget. The purpose of this research study is to determine what strategies will be most effective in promoting Julie and her new book to her target market of students and recent graduates. The research seeks to understand the target markets attitudes toward etiquette as a behavior, and their interest in etiquette as a learning topic. Furthermore, information was sought regarding factors related to the consumption of books and professional development information in general.

Based on the questions presented in the survey and the mandate of creating a promotional plan for a book on etiquette, our research objectives are as follows: Is there a category need for etiquette books; and if so, which groups perceive a greater need for improvement in terms of etiquette (based on age, field of study, gender)? Which areas of etiquette do students and graduates perceive themselves to be most adept in, and which areas require improvement? What are the most common sources of professional development information for students, and which mediums do they use to absorb the aforementioned content? What are the most important factors that consumers take into consideration when deciding to purchase a book?

After formulating these research objectives, the survey was distributed, and the results were analyzed to provide greater insight in order to create an effective promotional plan.

The survey was composed as a collaborative effort between all of the students within the Promotional Planning Practicum course. After creating a draft and revising it multiple times, the finalized survey was made available online using the Qualtrics software. The etiquette survey was primarily distributed through email and social media (Facebook & Twitter)both methods involved sharing the Qualtrics link with our student peers. Our tweets promoting the survey were re-tweeted and favourited by Telfer School of Management. After 10 days of data collection, we were able to obtain 212 responses (note, due to some incomplete surveys, the total number of valid responses for some questions is lower).

Using SPSS, basic frequency analyses and mean calculations were done to get an overview of the data. We also performed Independent one sample t-tests and ANOVA to compare responses within different categories. We examined a series of correlation matrices and used multiple linear regressions to determine the importance of some professional behavior and interest options on overall behavior and interest categories.

Below are graphs and tables that outline the demographic details of respondents. Note that some variables were regrouped for the analysis to allow for a more even distribution of responses.

As can be seen, the majority of survey respondents were females and individuals between the ages of 18-21.

Furthermore, nearly two-thirds of the survey respondents were registered in and attending university, while only 8% of respondents are currently in college. Due to the social circles of the survey distributors, nearly 50% (88 respondents) are currently enrolled in a business/management program; 26 students are enrolled in a social sciences-related program; and 25 are enrolled in an arts program. Due to the lack of an even distribution across the field of study, there wasnt enough data to do a reliable analysis with that variable. In addition to these demographics, we also noted that the surveyed sample is extremely price sensitive and has an active digital life. Many of the respondents owned a plethora of multimedia devices, and use these devices to consumer literature as well as professional development information, as demonstrated below:
How much would you be willing to pay for this book on etiquette?

Please indicate which of these devices you personally own. (Check all that apply)

Please indicate the formats that you have used to read a book. (Check all that apply)

Do you use any of the following sources for self-improvement/professional development information? (Check all that apply)

As illustrated with this graph, reaching Julies target market via a digital strategy will be key given the popularity of mobile devices. Chi-square analysis revealed that there is a significant difference with regards to the usage of news articles and blogs depending on the respondents age. From the data collected, we can say that people aged over 26 use these two sources significantly more than people under 25. With regards to social media, it is no surprise that people under 25 use this source significantly more than people over 26. Similarly, current students are using social media as a source more than graduates, while graduates use news articles and blogs more frequently. This is an interesting finding, as Julie will need to focus her digital strategy using specific channels, depending on the message. For example, older respondents who need practical advice in a work environment may benefit more from a news article. However, recent graduates looking for a job may search for job networking advice using social media.

6 DATA ANALYSIS Buying Habits & Etiquette Perceptions

Various factors were compared with the ultimate goal of achieving our research objectives and to provide insight for our promotional plan. We wanted to discover significant differences between our respondents in relation to their buying habits and etiquette perceptions. The following comparisons reveal some information that was obvious prior to the survey, but serve as a confirmation nonetheless. It is worth noting that although statistics can prove that there are differences among respondents, we cannot conclude causation of these differences.

Females are significantly more likely to buy an etiquette book than males, in addition to being more likely to read an etiquette book or Julie's book if it were provided at no cost. As demonstrated in the graph below, more specifically, females are more likely to buy Julie's book than males.
Likelihood of Buying Etiquette Julie's Book 4.0000
3.5000 3.0000 2.5000 2.0000 1.5000 1.0000 Male Female 1.6923 2.0851

Considering that the scale is out of 4 (1 being very unlikely to buy, 4 being very likely to buy), we must remember that overall, all respondents are unlikely or very unlikely to purchase this book on etiquette. Although females are more likely, they still remain "unlikely to buy" in the grand scheme. This relates to our intended strategy of emphasizing category need for our promotional plan. Although there is a clear gender difference, this can be related to our literature research finding from the Print Measurement Bureau, which stated how females generally read more than males. Our data analysis also revealed that visual appeal was a significantly more important deciding factor for females when deciding to purchase a book than males. However, none of the other choices from this question proved to vary significantly between genders. Similarly, most behavioral ratings and interest in learning about professional skills ratings were not significantly different between males and females.

The relevant differences are highlighted below. As demonstrated, females often rated higher on the 4-point scale:

Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations

I behave in a proper manner when in a work environment




2.25 Female

2.5 Male





Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations I behave in a proper manner when in a work environment

Male 3.24

Female 3.52

Please indicate how interested you are in learning how to

Behave in a proper manner when in a work environment Contribute meaningful information when in a meeting Exhibit confidence during a first impression

0 Female


Please indicate how interested you are in learning how to Exhibit confidence during a first impression Contribute meaningful information when in a meeting Behave in a proper manner when in a work environment

Male 2.43 2.55 2.11

Female 2.87 2.97 2.56

Older respondents, particularly above 25, are significantly more likely to read and buy a book on etiquette. As noted below, the likelihood to buy Julie's book also increased significantly with age:

4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1

Please indicate how likely you are to purchase this book (Rating 1-4)

Age 18-21 22-25 26+

22-25 Age


Please Indicate how likely you are to purchase this book (Rating 1-4) 1.7 1.9 2.4

We can speculate that this higher rating is attributed to more work experience and a better appreciation for etiquette given higher exposure to the workplace, more disposable income/less price sensitivity, or more free time to read. Older respondents also rated higher on their current behavior, as seen below.

Respondents' perception of etiquette behavior (Rating 1-4)

4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 18-21 22-25 Age 26+ 3.33 3.40 3.21 3.56 3.69 3.55 2.93 3.11 3.52 3.52 3.57 3.43

Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations:-I interact professionally in a meeting. Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations:-I dress appropriately in a professional setting. Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations:-I behave in a proper manner when in a work environment. Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations:-I eat and drink the right way when socializing with professionals.

This raises an interesting paradox: older respondents are more likely to purchase an etiquette book, but believe that they already behave professional in certain situations. They have a higher interest for the book, but less of a need. For our promotional plan, we will take into consideration that although the younger students and graduates rate

themselves lower on current professional behavior, their purchase intent is low. This is a challenging yet useful finding, since it relates to the bigger challenge of creating category need for the younger "up and coming" market.

Education Status
Responses regarding post-secondary education were similar to those found with age; those who are not currently registered at college or university are significantly more likely to read a book on etiquette if it were available at no cost.
Are you currently registered in a post-secondary institution?


Registered University / College



1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 If it were available at no cost to you, how likely!will you read a book on etiquette?

Similarly, respondents who chose "graduated" or "not applicable had a mean rating of 2.2 out of 4, compared to university/college students' rating of 1.8 on likelihood to purchase Julie's book.
Are you currently registered in a post-secondary institution? Graduated/NA


Registered University / College









How likely!will purchase this book on etiquette?

Once again, likeliness of purchasing the book remains low, but there is a notable difference. For our marketing strategy, it is worth noting these differences when considering different marketing strategies for Julie's book for current students versus graduates.


Participation in Professional Development Events

As anticipated, respondents who have attended a networking event, a professional development workshop, or a career convention rated significantly higher on purchase intent to buy an etiquette book and Julie's book, in addition to being more likely to read the book if provided at no cost. These respondents also rated significantly higher on some behavior ratings, as shown below.

Considering that workshops and guest-speaking events are a critical part in Julie's business, these events should be promoted in conjunction with her book. It is possible that respondents who have attended and will attend these events are more proactive in developing their skills and therefore more likely to take such measures, including reading self-help books.

11 Likeliness to Buy
Comparing levels of purchase intent (very unlikely, unlikely, and likely/very likely) against other data revealed some additional insights. Respondents with high purchase intent consistently rated higher on interest to learn all professional skills. They also rated themselves higher on some behavioral questions, such as "I Interact professionally in a meeting." Interestingly, these respondents also rated format as a significantly more important factor when deciding to purchase a book. Therefore, those who are more interested in purchasing an etiquette book are influenced by the format of the book, while those who are less interested in buying the book in the first place are less concerned with format. Consequently, this is useful because depending on whom the marketing strategy is focused on, format may or may not be an important factor to emphasize.

How likely are you to buy a book on etiquette?

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Importance of book format [paper, PDF, e-book, mobile] (Rating 1-7) Very unlikely
How likely are you to buy a book on etiquette? Very unlikely Unlikely Likely/very likely


Likely/very likely

Importance of book format [paper, PDF, ebook, mobile] (Rating 1-7) 4.1618 4.2459 5.3704


How likely are you to buy this book on etiquette?

5.3684 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Importance of book format [paper, PDF, e-book, mobile] (Rating 1-7) Very unlikely Unlikely Likely/very likely 3.7872 4.254

We also examined the different sources that respondents use for professional development information to see how their responses varied. For example, respondents who use blogs, social media, school-based resources, and live events as a source are more likely to read an etiquette book at no cost - which is not surprising. However, they are also more likely to buy Julie's book. Therefore, perhaps people who use sources for information have a higher interest in acquiring more knowledge.

Source for Professional Development information Live Social Events Media Blogs

2.0513 1.7882 2.0000 1.7407 2.1923

1.5000 2.0000


2.5000 Yes No




How likely are you to buy this book on etiquette?

Once again, these people are more likely to purchase Julie's book, but only with an overall rating between 2 and 2.2, which is still on the unlikely spectrum of the scale.


As previously mentioned, many of the findings from this analysis proved to be rational and intuitive. For example, those who spent more time each month reading material for professional development (5 hours +) were more likely to read the book if available at no cost and to buy Julie's book. They also rated higher on various professional behavior and interest ratings. Notably, these avid readers value advice from friends significantly more than those who read less than five hours a month.
4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0 hours 1 to 4 hours 5 hours + How many hours per month do you!read material for professional development (excluding for school or...

If it were available at no cost to you, how likely!will you read a book on etiquette?

2.94 2.00 2.37

This could be useful when taking into consideration channels of distribution for Julie's book. If she is to sell her books in book stores, where more avid readers are present, the importance of word of mouth promotion is ever more important for these consumers. The same conclusions can be drawn from "How many self-improvement/professional development books read in past year" as this also measures volume of reading amongst respondents. Conversely, weekly time spent on personal reading does not have a significant impact on likelihood to purchase Julie's book. The distinction therefore lies in the type of books people read (self-improvement vs. leisure). Lastly, but not surprisingly, respondents who have spent more money on books in past year (aside from course textbooks) are more likely to purchase Julie's book.

Analyzing Continuous Data

The survey divided all the major continuous variables into four sections. The first section included the most important questions in the survey: (1) Would you read the book if it were free; and (2) Would you buy the book. These were the quintessential questions of the survey. While the general consensus from respondents was no to both questions, the data collected in each has helped predict other patterns from other three sections. The three following sections will be the basis for the proceeding analysis:

! ! ! The important factors when deciding to purchase a book The interest levels for etiquette education. The etiquette behaviour habits of surveyors

Important Factors When Deciding to Purchase a Book

The factors used in this section were: 1) Availability, 2) Recommendations, 3) Format, 4) Topic, 5) Price, 6) Endorsement, 7) Length, 8) Author Reputation, 9) Online Reviews, 10) Loyalty, 11) Popularity, 12) Advice from Friends, 13) Visual Appeal. Julie herself should take each of these factors into account when she is deciding how to focus her book because most are manageable and can be influenced. For instance, Julie is the one who decides the price of her book, which can have a large impact on its success. Although she herself cannot endorse the book, Julie is able to influence people to positively endorse the book and promote her brand image. Advice from friends and recommendations as well as visual appeal and length were highly correlated1, meaning that respondents did not see a major difference in the sets of factors. Since visual appeal and the length are so similar this might give a large indicator into what buyers want to see when they are shopping for books. The visual appeal and length of a book are generally viewed as two separate categories, but it might seem that when a user is looking at books attractiveness, the length is a significant factor. This cannot currently be changed for Julies book, but it is an important distinction to make when buyers are deciding to make the purchase, and could influence her future books. When deciding how to market any specific book, it is important to realize what factors are the most important. Therefore, we took two different approaches for this analysis, and we believe each approach was insightful for a for Julie's promotional plan. Firstly, using factor analysis we are able to reduce all our variables from twelve factors to four stages. The stages refer to the order a buyer might take when deciding how or why to purchase a book. The coloured values indicate the importance of the original questions in each stage, the higher the number the more important it is2.

1 2

Highly correlated for the rest of the report will refer to a correlation higher than .5 Anything above .5 is highly important and is marked in yellow, anything above 0 is marginally important and marked in green. All other values were left blank signifying that they were not important.

Please indicate the importance of the following when deciding to purchase a book.
Visual Appeal Length of book Popularity Loyalty Endorsement Author reputation Format (paper, PDF, mobile, e-book) Availability to contact author Online reviews Price Advice from friends Topic Recommendations

.696 .646 .639 .565 .561 .480 .464 .429 .416 .365 .277 .199 .062

-.282 -.184 .239 -.413 .202 .204 -.179 -.067 .393 -.340 .722 .038 .799

.029 .261 -.015 -.141 -.509 .201 .398 -.518 -.312 .226 .227 .517 .145

-.295 -.305 .272 -.092 -.008 .570 -.212 .279 -.019 -.074 -.264 .583 -.283

1. Stage 1 - All factors are important, because when first deciding to pick a book nothing should be left out, but the most important factor is the books attractiveness (visual appeal and length). 2. Stage 2 - Less factors are important, but now we see that advice from friends and recommendations are now the most important. 3. Stage 3 - Topic is now the most important factor with several less important factors accompanying it. 4. Stage 4 - Topic and author reputation are now the only significant factors and should therefore be the centre of focus3. If we follow this process, it gives us a concrete indication on what Julie should focus on in the future. As noted, everyone focuses on the attractiveness of a book, its popularity, etc. They then begin focusing on recommendations from those close to them. Lastly, when all else is considered the topic becomes the most important and is the ultimate deciding factor. This process can be used to decide what buyers are looking for when they are looking for books to purchase. Throughout all four stages, the only two factors that remained important were the author's reputation and topic. Using a different approach (regression), we were able to look at the importance of these factors in terms of whether or not the respondent would read the book.

Popularity of the author and availability to contact the author are auxiliary to the reputation of the author specifically.


Available at no cost to you versus Book factors

Once again, topic is the most important factor when deciding to purchase a book. The issue that plagues Julies' business is the fact that most people do not think they require literature on etiquette. That is why so many people stated that they would not buy the book, because the topic did not interest them. In our final presentation we plan to create a need for what Julie is offering, and in doing so increase her chance of selling to her audience.

Interest Levels for Etiquette Education

Respondents were asked to indicate how likely [they] are in learning how to act in certain professional settings. Our findings indicate that the responses in this section were highly correlated4. This could mean many things, but we can draw two possible conclusions: 1. Surveyors did not see the difference between all the different choices in this question 2. Surveyors see the difference, but were equally uninterested in all of them, and as such gave them all similar scores Since not many people were interested in the subject matter (etiquette), and since the topics within the interest question were all different, it is more likely that the answers were correlated because surveyors see the difference between each choice, but were equally uninterested in all of them, and as such gave them all similar scores. Therefore, emphasis needs to be put on changing the perceptions that are hindering the worldwide success of Julies' business. This trend was followed through in the factor analysis where all the importance factors were weighted virtually the same from .7 to .9.

All values (except 3) were greater than .5 and as such are deemed highly correlated.











The largest perception barrier to overcome is that people do not think they require etiquette education, and this is why many people are so uninterested in the subject matter.

Available at no cost vs. Interest levels

0.300 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 -0.050 -0.100

Follow up approp riately after making a Total 0.243

Interac t professi onally in a meetin g. 0.118

Commu nicate effectiv ely with technol ogy. 0.071

Exhibit confide nce during a first impress ion. 0.054

Eat and drink the right way when socializ 0.021

Build extensi ve professi onal networ king 0.018

Behave in a proper manner when in a work 0.016

Dress approp riately in a professi onal setting. -0.018

Contrib ute meanin gful informa tion when -0.057

This particular model shows us that how you interact in a meeting and the way in which you follow up with the person afterwards were the most important for respondents. Interestingly, how to dress appropriately and contribute meaningful information in a meeting were deemed unimportant. This might be because people don't believe they need to learn this, and can manage to do so on their own. While the data is not concrete it does give us an indication of what this batch of potential consumers are looking for in the market. Our conclusion is once again that the topic is currently not important for many people, and we need to create a sense of importance for etiquette education.

Etiquette Behavior Habits of Surveyors

Respondents were also asked to indicate how [they] behave in certain professional settings. As previously discussed, most respondents are uninterested in etiquette education, but behaviours are different than interest in learning. For instance, while looking at the correlation factors see values that are not as correlated with one another, but instead factors that go hand in hand as compliments to each other. Complimentary skills help Julie because if they are deemed important, she can then decide to focus more on them in her books or when she speaks. One of the interesting correlations was regarding respondents making [their] first impression. During the first impression, respondents viewed whether [they] dressed appropriately (.545) and whether [they] contributed meaningful information (.523) as highly similar attributes. This relationship is important to note given that Julies messages should focus on bringing these elements together. In doing so, Julie would not only cover her material, but also link them together in a meaningful manner! Using factor analysis, we are able to reduce all our eight behaviours to two stages. The stages refer to the order in which Julie might want to cover her content when speaking to an audience or writing an article or blog. The coloured values indicate the different importance of the original questions in each stage; the higher the number, the more important it is.
Please indicate how you behave in these professional situations:I exhibit confidence during a first impression. I dress appropriately in a professional setting. I interact professionally in a meeting. I behave in a proper manner when in a work environment. I contribute meaningful information when in a meeting. I follow up appropriately after making a professional contact. I eat and drink the right way when socializing with professionals. I build extensive professional networking contacts. I communicate effectively with technology. 1 .781 .762 .734 .684 .680 .649 .632 .627 .573 2 .058 -.317 -.370 -.515 .307 .575 .029 .583 -.255

1. Stage 1 - Everything is relatively important in the first stage and as such Julie should focus on educating her audience about all the behaviours. In this stage we see that exhibiting confidence is the most important behaviour for respondents. 2. Stage 2 - Only two behaviours are important to respondents. These two behaviours, building extensive professional contacts and following up appropriately with that contact, should be emphasized.

Julie has a vast amount of knowledge, but as demonstrated above, it is important to structure the discussion around important factors depending on the audience. For this reason and many more we feel the book is probably not her best tool to educate, but rather the brand (and in essence Julie herself). The book is static while Julie can change at any opportunity based on the need of her audience. Nonetheless, the book serves as a tangible and helpful resource that needs to be promoted in conjunction with her speaking activities. Lastly, through regression we were able to view how people actually perceived themselves in terms of etiquette behaviour situations.

Available at no cost versus behaviour

.350 .300 .250 .200 .150 .100 .050 .000 -.050 -.100 -.150 -.200

I build I I eat I I dress extensi contrib and behave appropr ve ute drink in a iately professi meanin the proper in a onal gful right manner professi networ informa way when in onal king tion when a work setting. contact when in socializ environ values .295 .276 .027 .017 .016

I follow up appropr iately after making a professi -.035

I commu nicate effectiv ely with technol ogy. -.051

I exhibit confide nce during a first impress ion. -.107

I interac t professi onally in a meetin g. -.139

As is to be expected, many people thought very highly of themselves in terms of dressing appropriately, as well as building extensive professional networking contacts. However, although many people were uninterested in learning about etiquette, when it was phrased in terms of behaviour, many people have very low views of themselves in terms of those same skills. This simply amplifies the point that while many people may not see the value in having these skills at face value, they do know that there is value in having them in the work place (or in meetings, or interviews, or job searching). The need is there, Julie simply has to take advantage of it.


First, an anticipated limitation was that our data set was composed of primarily students from Ottawa. Consequently, this resulted in most of the participants being University of Ottawa or Carleton students, between the ages of 19 to 29. The data was most likely affected by this small variation in age. For example, price and/or purchase related results

could be more biased since students tend to be more price-sensitive. In addition, students may have been in a rush to complete the survey for us as a favor, and therefore did not take the time to answer the questionnaire sincerely. Next, Julie's intent is to gain nationwide and eventually worldwide recognition. This data set was concentrated in Ottawa, which may not be representative of Canadians as whole. In addition to these limitations, there are elements or additional questions that we could have included in our questionnaire to increase the reliability and completeness of our data. First, perhaps there could have been a question asking if respondents are currently employed or looking for a job, to measure their employment intentions in the near future. This could confirm that graduates or students looking for full time employment are more interested in self-improvement books, therefore influencing where Julie should promote her book and what kind of benefit it could provide for these job-seekers. Next, we could have asked what year the student is currently in if he/she is attending university or college. This would have been difficult to word given the variation in length of programs, but it could have been useful to gauge peoples interests depending on if their studies are just beginning or nearly complete. Last, the likeliness ratings to read and buy an etiquette book and Julie's book were influenced by the four-point scale. Since there was no neutral option, respondents were forced to pick one side of the spectrum, either likely or unlikely. As anticipated, most respondents chose the negative side of the scale, causing a large variation in data between the two sides. Nonetheless, we believe that this information is telling and emphasizes how students and recent graduates are not interested in purchasing a book that they think they do not need.

As a result of this study, we have gained a greater understanding of Julies target market necessary to develop an effective promotional plan. Our findings have revealed consumer purchase intentions, attitudes towards etiquette, and behaviour regarding the consumption of books and professional development content. In answering each of the research objectives identified at the beginning of this study, valuable conclusions have been drawn which will form the basis of the campaign. The most notable of these conclusions, and a recurring theme throughout the study, is the lack of a perceived category need in Julies target market. The low purchase intent for Julies book and etiquette books in general and the low levels of interest in learning about etiquette clearly show that university students and graduates do not see the value of etiquette in their lives. This is present even in spite of lower perceived personal etiquette behavior, as we see in younger consumers. This is why we have decided that the focus of our promotional campaign should be to generate category need and stimulate category trial among Julies target market. Since there is very little we can do to convince someone to buy a book on a topic they dont

see value in, we must sell the subject of etiquette itself and the many benefits of the knowledge it provides. As weve seen in the analysis, its possible that the more exposure one has to the effects of etiquette as in graduates who have more experience, and those who attend networking events the more interested they are in learning more about it. We believe that by developing a hunger for etiquette knowledge in Julies target market, sparked by messaging that emphasizes, as Julie so expertly puts it in her workshops, the Whats in it for me? of practicing personal etiquette, Julie can not only reach her goal of becoming a bestselling author, but enhance the success of her business overall.

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