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Epoxy Method 2

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport


Issue Status & Description Prepared by Technical o ice !anager Reviewed by Pro"ect #$ !anager Approved by Pro"ect !anager

Document 0105-MS-07 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C

Rev. 1 0 0 0

Issue Date

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

1.0 2.0 3.0 Introduction H !"t#$ S!% t& !nd En'iron( nt R )ourc ). *.1. *.2. *.*. 4.0 M!n+o, r E-ui+( nt M!t ri!"

M t#odo"o.& /.1 /.2 /.* M!t ri!"). In)+ ction R -u )t) A++"ic!tion M t#od

0.0 3.0

S -u nc o% 1or2) M !)ur ( nt)

A++ ndi4 A S!% t& 5 H!6!rd) Contro" A++ ndi4 7 A++ ndi4 7 S -u nc +roc dur D!t! )# t %or M7T (!t ri!" !nd SI8A (!t ri!"

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

1.0 1.1

INTROD9CTION This Method Statement desc i!es the p oced" e to !e #o$$o%ed and the se&"ence o# ope ations #o this section o# the %o 's( %hich dea$s %ith the pe #o mance o# the epox) sc eed o mo ta *5 mm thic'.+ to !e app$ied on the conc ete #$oo s o# the speci#ied !"i$dings acco ding to the p o,ect speci#ications and d a%ings.


This Method Statement is p epa ed and iss"ed in acco dance %ith the gene a$ p oced" e Control of Documents and Data.


-e.isions o# this doc"ment %i$$ !e iss"ed in acco dance %ith the gene a$ p oced" e Control of Documents and Data %hen the main text changes o %hen an appendix is added. -e.ised appendices #o s"!stit"tion %i$$ !e iss"ed sepa ate$) and( %he e app op iate( %i$$ inc$"de a sepa ate sched"$e o# contents.


HEALTH$ SAFETY AND EN:IRONMENT A$$ necessa ) meas" es and p eca"tion %i$$ !e ta'en so that the a!o.e ope ations comp$) %ith the e&"i ed sa#et) eg"$ations and p oced" es as desc i!ed in the p o,ect /S0 p$an.




M!n+o, r

The e&"i ed manpo%e %i$$ !e dep$o)ed to assist on the c$eaning( mixing mate ia$( app$ication and a$$ e$ated %o 's *.2 E;9IPMENT

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport Mechanica$ g inde o sand !$aste Mechanica$ mixe Ai comp esso . B "shes and o$$e s. T o%e$s. *.* M!t ri!" P ime 1 The app o.ed mate ia$ Maste top 1200 M *B) MBT+ %ith $o% .iscosit) and so$.ent # ee epox)- p ime %i$$ !e "sed as a p ime ( o e&"i.a$ent mate ia$ S23A 4566- 74 *B) S23A+( see the data sheets in appendix *C+

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

0pox) sc eed1 The app o.ed mate ia$ Maste top 1240 M *B) MBT+ %i$$ !e "sed as epox) mo ta ( it is a M"$ti component epox) sc eed consists o# th ee components 6- mate ia$ S23A 4566- 71 *B) S23A+ ma) !e "sed as an e&"i.a$ent mate ia$( see the data sheets in appendix *C+ Sea$e 1 Maste top 1200 M *B) MBT+ o e&"i.a$ent mate ia$ S23A 4566- 74 *B) S23A+ %i$$ !e "sed as sea$e ( see the data sheets in appendix *C+


M t#odo"o.&< A#te #inishing the conc ete c" ing and the s" #ace !ecome .e ) d )( the epox) mo ta %i$$ !e app$ied as #o$$o%s as pe Const "ction -e.ised 8 a%ings1


M!t ri!"). The Mate ia$s %i$$ !e "sed as pe desc i!ed in C$a"se 3.3


In)+ ction R -u )t) The Cont acto %i$$ s"!mit !e#o e sta ting the 0pox) mo ta %o ' inspection e&"est #o position o# the %o 'ing a ea.


APPLICATION METHOD /.*.1 Sur%!c +r +!r!tion

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport A= L ' ""in. contro" %or )ur%!c durin. concr t +ourin. The "ppe s" #ace #o #$oo conc ete m"st !e #inished !) c$ass 91 as pe spcs c$a"se 3.12.3 *a+ . The conc ete s" #ace #o $a ge a ea %i$$ !e $e.e$$ed and #inished !) he$icopte o simi$a e&"ipment. 7= L ' ""in. contro" %or )ur%!c !%t r concr t ) ttin. The conc ete #$oo sha$$ !e $e.e$$ed p io to app$) the epox) sc eed. The a eas %ith highe conc ete $e.e$ sha$$ !e chipped and emo.ed. -epai ing *i# needed+ o# ma,o de#ects sha$$ !e ca ied o"t. S" #ace sha$$ !e mechanica$$) g inned *i# needed+ to emo.e a$$ the $oose pa tic$es "nti$ getting a so"nd conc ete s" #ace. C$eaning sha$$ !e ca ied o"t "sing the comp essed ai o ind"st ia$ .ac""m. 2n case o# #ai #ace #inishing( a ea sha$$ !e mechanica$$) ! "shed in o de to inc ease the mechanica$ !ond %ith the epox) sc eed. /.*.2 Li(it!tion %or ,or2in. !r !)

A= A++"ic!tion on concr t )ur%!c ,it#out >oint)< The %ho$e a ea %i$$ !e di.ided to sma$$ a eas %ith dimension depending on the ate o# %o 's( n"m!e o# eso" ces and setting time. The co$d ,oint *,oint d" ing the const "ction+ !et%een each s"!-a ea %i$$ not appea ed a#te %o ' comp$etion d"e to the chemica$ !onding p ope ties #o the epox) mo ta mate ia$s. 7= A++"ic!tion on concr t )ur%!c inc"udin. >oint)<

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport 4o $a ge a eas( %hich inc$"de conc ete ,oints as pe the %o 'shop s$a! on g ade( the app$ication a ea #o epox) mo ta %i$$ depend on the a ea !et%een these ,oints. The position and detai$ o# these ,oints %i$$ !e pe #o med as pe const "ction d a%ings and the ,oints to !e #i$$ed %ith ,oint sea$ant. /.*.* S9RFACE PRIMING

The s" #ace to !e c$eaned !e#o e p ime app$ication. The !ase and eacto o# the p ime sha$$ !e mixed togethe and app$ied on the s" #ace !) ! "sh o o$$e . ;ait #o 30 min"tes a#te p iming p io to $a) the epox) sc eed. /.*./ Scr d !++"ic!tion

The !ase and eacto sha$$ !e mixed togethe to a "ni#o m consistenc)( and then added to the agg egate *#i$$e mate ia$+ in the mixe . Mixing sha$$ contin"e #o 5 min"tes. The mixt" e sha$$ !e p$aced in the a ea s" o"nded !) g$ass *o stee$+ st ips as !attens %ith a.e age thic'ness 5 mm. Compacting and $e.e$$ing the s" #ace sha$$ !e ca ied o"t "sing meta$ st aightedge and s" #ace #inishing sha$$ !e cond"cted "sing meta$ t o%e$s. /.*.0 SEALING

A#te the sc eed getting ha d( the epox) sea$e can !e app$ied to the s" #ace to get a g$oss) and ha d s" #ace.

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport /.*.3 C9RING

The sc eed ma) !e $e#t #o 7 da)s p io to open it #o t a##ic in o de to g"a antee a high pe #o mance. S -u nc o% 1or2) C$eaning. P ime App$ication. 0pox) Mo ta App$ication. Sea$ing App$ication 0.0 M !)ur ( nt) Meas" ements #o 0pox) sc eed *5 mm thic'+ %i$$ !e acco ding to the ,oint meas" ements and cont act d a%ings. The inte im and #ina$ e.a$"ation o# &"antities a#te comp$etion o# %o 's %i$$ !e done simi$a $).

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

APPENDIX A S!% t& !nd H!6!rd)

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

Se&"ence p oced" e
S -u nc +roc dur < . ;o ' 2nspection to !e s"!mitted #o sta ting "p o# the epox) mo ta %o 's a#te c$eaning and s" #ace p epa ation. S"!mitta$ #o #ina$ inspection o# the #inished s" #ace

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New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

D!t! )# t %or M7T (!t ri!" !nd SI8A (!t ri!"

Technical Proposal New Terminal Building in Khartoum International Airport

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