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Basics of X-Ray Diffraction

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Hyperne Interactions 154: 107119, 2004. 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Basics of X-ray Diffraction

1 Institut fr Mineralogie und Lagerstttenlehre, Rheinisch Westflische Technische Hochschule,

52056 Aachen, Germany 2 Physik-Department E15, Technische Universitt Mnchen, 85747 Garching, Germany Abstract. X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the most comprehensive tool to identify minerals in complex mineral assemblages. The method is briey described with special emphasis on clay and ceramics. As an example, an investigation of graphite-containing pottery sherds by XRD is presented. By comparing the measured XRD data with the patterns simulated by the Rietveld method, the graphite content of such samples could be determined. Key words: X-ray diffraction, Rietveld simulation, graphite, graphite clays, black pottery.

1. Introduction X-ray diffraction (XRD) is an important tool in mineralogy for identifying, quantifying and characterising minerals in complex mineral assemblages. Its application to ancient ceramics, which are a mixture of clay minerals, additive minerals and their transformation products yields information on the mineral composition of objects. Details of production processes, like ring temperatures and kiln atmospheres as well as applications of slips or glazes may thus become transparent. This chapter gives some basic background information about the physics of the X-ray diffraction process and its application to pottery clays and ceramics. While it is relatively easy to determine which minerals a specimen contains from the positions and rough intensities of the diffraction peaks, it is much more difcult to give the contents of individual minerals quantitatively, because for the latter one needs to model the intensities of the peaks in the X-ray diffraction pattern accurately. This is a difcult task into which many parameters enter. It is, however, within the reach of computer based approaches such as Rietveld analysis [1], the basic concepts of which will be described. As an example we have chosen an Xray study of pottery sherds in which graphite was tentatively identied by scanning electron microscopy [2]. The task of XRD was therefore to identify this mineral and, if possible, to quantify the content of it in individual sherds. Before we outline the theory of X-ray diffraction, two concepts need to be explained: what is a unit cell and how can diffracting lattice planes be handled in a convenient way. Crystalline minerals only few minerals like obsidian are not crystalline are uniquely characterised by their chemical composition and



Figure 1. The hexagonal structure of graphite: Carbon sheets built from rings of 6 carbons atoms stack along the z axis. The unit cell (solid lines) contains 4 atoms (plotted in lighter shades). The carbon atom C1, for instance, has the coordinates (0, 0, 0), C2 (0, 0, 1/2), C3 (1/3, 2/3, 0) and C4 (2/3, 1/3, 1/2).

the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in their structure [3]. The smallest unit that contains all the necessary structural and chemical information to uniquely dene a mineral is called a unit cell (Figure 1). A macroscopic crystal then consists of a three dimensional, ordered arrangement of such unit cells. The sets of three coordinates mentioned in Figure 1 refer to the coordinates of the individual atoms in the unit cell along the x , y , and z axis. The unit cell has the dimensions a, b and c along these axes. The position of the carbon atom C3, for instance, at (1/3, 2/3, 0) is obtained by starting from the origin (0, 0, 0) and going 1/3 of the unit cell dimension a along the x axis and 2/3 of b along the y axis, while z stays at zero. These coordinates are called fractional. For determining absolute distances, the geometry of the unit cell, i.e., the lengths of the cell dimensions a , b and c and the angles between the axes must be known. For graphite, a = b = 2.456 , c = 6.696 , and the x axis intersects the y axis at an angle of 120 while the z axis is perpendicular to both x and y . The absolute distance between the two carbons at (0, 0, 0) and (1/3, 2/3, 0) is then 1.418 . The representation of planes of atoms is also straightforward. First, the intersections of the lattice plane with the x , y , and z axis are determined. For reasons that need not be explained here, the reciprocal values of the coordinates of the intersections are calculated and then converted to integer numbers h, k and l by appropriate multiplication. The hkl triples are called the Miller indices of a plane or a face. An example: a plane intersects the x axis at 1/3 a , the y axis at 1/2 b and the z axis at 2 c. The reciprocals are then (3, 2, 1/2), which, by multiplication with 2 to obtain integer values, nally gives (641). Planes parallel to an axis intersect at



innity, the reciprocal of which is zero. A (100) plane is therefore parallel to the y and z axes and intersects the x axis at 1 a . 2. Theory of diffraction The interaction of waves with periodic structures produces diffraction effects if the wavelength and the periodicity of the crystals, are of similar magnitude. Xrays may easily be produced with wavelengths matching the unit cell dimensions of crystals, but electrons or neutrons of appropriate energy can also be used for diffraction experiments on crystals. Considering that atoms have diameters of the order of ngstrms (1 = 1010 m), unit cells have dimensions of several . This implies that crystals with sizes of microns or larger consist of billions of unit cells, which repeat periodically in all three dimensions, i.e., they possess long-range order. This kind of order distinguishes crystalline materials from amorphous ones, e.g., glasses, which have only short-range order. Since the quality of diffraction effects in XRD depends strongly on the strict and undisturbed periodicity of atoms, any kind of deviation from the ideal order will show in the X-ray diffraction diagram. Even small crystallite size is a deviation from the theoretically innite perfect crystal. Other deviations from the ideal order may be replacements of atoms by others (common in solid solutions), slight geometric deviations of atoms from their ideal position due to internal strain (e.g., from incomplete annealing or massive grinding), or larger two or three dimensional aberrations (e.g., dislocations or stacking faults). 2.1. THE ATOM FORM FACTOR Electromagnetic waves with wavelengths of the order of 1010 m are called Xrays. The electric eld of such waves interacts with the charges of all electrons of an atom, which then emit an almost spherical wave with the same wavelength as the incident radiation. The amplitude of this outgoing wave is proportional to the number of electrons in the atom, and, hence, to the atomic number. Light elements with few electrons, e.g., carbon or oxygen, are therefore poor scatterers for X-rays, whereas heavy elements such as lead are good scatterers. Detection limits are severely inuenced by this effect. The amplitude of the scattered wave is described by the atom form factor f . Due to interference within individual atoms, especially larger ones, the amplitude of the outgoing wave and hence the atom form factor varies also with the scattering angle 2 (Figure 2). 2.2. DIFFRACTION AND BRAGG S EQUATION Without any diffraction effects, the incidence of a primary X-ray beam onto a sample volume would produce scattering in all directions. Diffraction redistributes intensity from the whole scattering sphere into distinct directions. Therefore,



Figure 2. Geometric derivation of Braggs law: Constructive interference occures when the delay between waves scattered from adjacent lattice planes given by a1 + a2 is an integer multiple of the wavelength .

intensity peaks arise in certain directions, whereas in directions between peaks the intensity decreases drastically. The intensity integrated over the sphere, however, remains constant due to energy conservation. In what directions do we observe such peaks, also called reections? One way of describing these directions is the notion of scattering lattice planes and interference between the wavelets scattered by neighbouring lattice planes. Figure 2 illustrates this situation. Constructive interference and hence a so called Bragg reection is obtained when the path of the wavelet scattered of the lower of the two planes is longer by an integer number of wavelengths than that of the wavelet scattered off the upper plane. A reection will thus occur when n = 2d sin . (1)

This is the so-called Bragg equation, where is the wavelength of the radiation, n is an integer number, is the angle between the lattice planes and the incident beam and d is the distance of the lattice planes for which the peak occurs. 2.3. THE INTERFERENCE FUNCTION One might argue that small deviations from the ideal Bragg angle (Figure 2) should also produce signicant intensity, as long as the phase delay is not far from and therefore constructive interference still occurs to some extent, although not at maximum intensity. Indeed, this is the case in sufciently small crystals. In large crystals, whenever at an angle 2 the phase delay is not exactly , a position somewhere in the crystal can be found that gives rise to a phase delay of /2 and hence destructive interference. Therefore, in large crystals even minor deviations from the ideal Bragg angle lead to cancellation by interference and therefore sharp peaks result. For small crystals, however, the peaks broaden. This inuence of crystal size is modelled by the interference function S= (sin hN)2 , N(sin h)2 (2)



Figure 3. Plot of interference function S against the continous variable h for N = 5 and N = 15. Note that the area under the peaks remains constant irrespective of N .

where N is the number of unit cells in the crystal and h the index of the reection (see below). In natural samples, the ripples occurring at non-integer values of h (Figure 3) are never observed, because minerals always have a particle size distribution, which smooths the ripples. The interference function is calculated individually for the directions along x , y , and z, respectively, and the results multiplied to give the interference function Y for the crystallite. 2.4. THE STRUCTURE FACTOR As a next step we have to put the diffraction by crystals on a quantitative basis in order to understand why different kinds of structures, i.e., different mineral phases show unique sets of diffraction peaks and why these peaks have characteristic relative intensities. Two quantities need to be considered, when waves interact: their amplitude and their relative phase. Both parameters make up a complex number. The process of interference of waves scattered by atoms at different positions within a unit cell and with different amplitudes reduces to simply adding all these complex numbers to give the structure factor F as F (hkl) =

fn exp(i



fn (cos

+ i sin

n ).


The summation goes over all n atoms in the unit cell and the fn are the atom form factors of these n atoms. n is given by

= 2(hxn + kyn + lzn )


in which xn , yn , and zn are the fractional coordinates of atom n within the unit cell and h, k and l are the Miller indices of the respective set of lattice planes giving rise to the reection. Equation (3) gives the amplitude of a diffracted wave, but experimentally we observe the intensity, which is proportional to |F (hkl)|2 .



As an example, we calculate the structure factor of the 002 reection of graphite. Since all atoms are identical, we may set fn equal to unity as long as we are not interested in absolute intensities. Furthermore, since h = k = 0 and l = 2, Equation (4) reduces to = 2 2z = 4 z. Inserting this into Equation (3) yields F (002) = cos(4 0) + i sin(4 0) + cos 4 1 2 + i sin 4 1 2 1 2 1 , 2

+ cos(4 0) + i sin(4 0) + cos 4 = 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0, = 4.

+ i sin 4

Recalculating the example for 001 shows that F (001) = 0. This means that the 001 reection does not occur because of extinction. This occurs because between the waves reected by the hexagonal planes Figure 1 containing atoms C1 and C3 and those reected by planes at c/2 containing atoms C2 and C4 there is a phase shift of /2. The two sets of waves therefore cancel by destructive interference. 2.5. THE LORENTZ AND THE TEMPERATURE FACTOR Our aim to model the XRD pattern of a mineral requires us to consider additional factors. One of these is the Lorentz factor, which takes into account that in a powder the amount of crystals that contribute to the measurable intensity varies with the diffraction angle . The Lorentz factor is frequently combined with the polarisation factor [4]. Moreover, the atom form factor f , introduced in Section 2.1 requires a structure-dependent modication. With increasing temperatures the atoms vibrate more and more strongly around their ideal positions. Hence, their power to scatter waves is slightly reduced and this reduces the intensities, again dependent on . This effect is described by temperature factors for each kind of atom in the unit cell. 2.6. EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS The X-rays penetrate the sample to some extent. It is therefore necessary to have an innetely thick sample, where the contribution to the intensity from the rear side of the sample is negligible. In practice this means a sample loading of more than about 20 mg/cm2 . For thinner samples, the peak intensity is reduced from the intensity I0 for an innitely thick sample to intensity I according to 2 g I , = 1 exp I0 sin (5)

where is the effective mass absorption coefcient in cm2 /g [5] and g is the sample thickness in units of g/cm2 . The product g can be measured easily by



Figure 4. Determination of the mass absorption of a thin sample. First, 2 is set on a strong peak of a Si (or quartz) plate and I0,st is measured. After inserting a thin sample into the beam Ist is measured. See Equation (6) for evaluating g .

putting a silicon or quartz specimen as an intensity standard into the goniometer. The intensity I0,st of a strong peak of this standard at a Bragg angle st is then measured. After placing the sample for which g is to be determined above the standard into the goniometer, the now reduced intensity Ist of the standard peak is measured (Figure 4). The ratio of both count rates yields g according to g = ln(Ist /I0,st). (6)

Entering g into Equation (5) then allows a point-by-point correction of the counts obtained with the thin sample to a theoretical, innitely thick sample. 2.7. THE RIETVELD METHOD When studying complex mixtures of minerals, one would like to use X-ray diffraction not only to determine which minerals a sample contains, but also to give the relative concentrations of the individual minerals. Rietveld programs [1] use all factors mentioned above to simulate the X-ray diffraction pattern of a sample composed of a mixture of minerals. For each mineral, the Bragg angles and the intensities must be calculated. Then the total experimental diffraction pattern can be modelled by adjusting the concentrations of the individual components appropriately. In this approach the user rst has to identify all minerals in a sample, a task which need not be done by using the Rietveld routine. Then, all the necessary structural information (symmetry and dimensions of the unit cell, positions of atoms) has to be gathered from existing data bases and entered into a starting le. After guessing the approximate composition of the sample, rough estimates of the prole parameters that determine the width and shape of the individual Bragg reections are needed. With all this information, the Rietveld program is able to simulate the XRD pattern from the given starting parameters. This simulation, however, will deviate more or less from the measured scan. The purpose of Rietveld programs is, therefore, to tune individual parameters such as the content of individual minerals, the prole function parameters or the unit cell dimensions to obtain better agreement between simulation and measurement. This optimisation is called tting and



is done in iterative cycles, because we deal with a highly non-linear system to be optimised. Rietveld programs need to know, how good a t is. This can be calculated by adding up the squared differences between the measured diffraction pattern and the simulated one. By normalising this gure, one obtains a measure called Braggs Rwp , which tells us how good the current parameter set is able to simulate a measured pattern. The smaller the Rwp , the better. It is not possible, however, to nd a parameter set for which Rwp = 0 (i.e., perfect agreement between simulation and measurement), because the counting statistics in measured scans limit Rwp to a minimum value called Rexp . The ratio of Rwp /Rexp, called the goodness-of-t, gives a good indication about the obtained optimisation level relative to the theoretically best one. 3. An example: graphite in ancient ceramics Graphite is sometimes found as a constituent of ceramics. It causes a black and sometimes even shiny appearance [6]. Rarely it was added as a mineral by the ancient potters. More often, non-crystalline carbon black seems to have deposited on ceramics in the kiln and may have transformed at least partly into crystalline graphite. The identication of crystalline graphite in ceramics by XRD is a ne example where not only the presence of peaks has to be considered, but also their relative intensities need to be taken into account quantitatively, not only if one wishes to determine the graphite concentration quantitatively, but even to be able to identify graphite in the ceramic material at all. The major problem with graphite in ceramics is that its best diagnostic peak, the 002 reection, coincides with the most intense peak 101 of the omnipresent quartz (Table I). The unambiguous identication of graphite is further hampered by low intensities of the other graphite peaks except 101 with Irel = 17%. The 101 reection of graphite at 2.03 is not overlapping with any quartz peak, but with peaks of other minerals common in ceramics, such as phlogopite and biotite (Table I). One therefore needs to take into account the intensities of the reections for a unique identication of graphite in ceramics. 3.1. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 3.1.1. Sample description Samples 19/936 and 19/652 stem from the Celtic oppidum of Manching, Germany [7]. Sample 39/323 is a black replica pottery produced during eld rings in Huaca Sialupe, Peru [6]. Samples 19/936 and 19/652 were made from so called graphite clays, which are man-made mixtures of ordinary pottery clays with graphite, which in the present case came from the graphite deposit near Kropfmhl, Lower Bavaria, Germany. The sample of black replica pottery (39/323) is a piece of ceramics with surface carbon introduced during the ring process by soot deposition. Its black



Table I. d values, hkl indices and relative intensities of XRD-peaks of quartz and muscovite, which are close to graphite peaks Quartz d [] 4.254 3.343 2.456 2.281 2.236 2.127 1.979 hkl 100 101 110 102 111 200 201 Irel 27 100 11 2 4 8 5 Muscovite d [] hkl Irel Graphite d [] hkl Irel

3.339 3.338 2.137 2.123 2.044

024 006 135 043 044

60 65 49 4 12

3.348 2.127 2.027 1.795 1.674 1.539

002 100 101 102 004 103

100 3 17 3 6 5

and shiny appearance has been enhanced by polishing the ceramic surface prior to the ring process with special polishing stones. Soot may deposit on the polished clay in form of graphite. In the replica ceramics, hexagonal graphite platelets were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) [2, 8]. Total carbon analyses give 115 2 mg Cg1 for the graphite ware 19/936 from Manching, 110 1 mg Cg1 for 19/652 and 41 1 mg Cg1 for the black replica pottery, 39/323. For XRD analyses, the samples were ground under acetone and sieved to <20 m. Larger particle sizes must be avoided, since otherwise the number of particles in the specimen used for the diffraction experiments becomes too low to give reproducible intensities. The X-ray scans were run on a Philips PW 1040 goniometer using Co K radiation. The divergence slit of the goniometer was chosen small enough to avoid beam overow, which would decrease the intensities of peaks at smaller diffraction angles 2 , when some of the primary beam tends to pass by the sample holder. The precision with which mineral phases can be quantied and characterised increases with the improvement of the counting statistics. All scans were therefore step-scanned with 10 seconds counting time per step to give maximum intensities of the strongest quartz peak of more than 60 000 counts. The angle increment was chosen as 0.02 2 to give more than 7 data points for the sharp proles of quartz. Total scan times were therefore half a day. Samples 19/652 and 19/936 were tted with the RIETAN computer program [9]. The parameters that were rened are the zero angle of the instrument, the background and for each phase the concentration, the prole parameters of the modied Pseudo-Voigt function [10], the unit cell parameters (except for quartz) and the particle orientation function. All other structural parameters (positions of atoms, temperature factor, site occupancies) were held constant.



In the case of the black replica pottery 39/323 the amount of sample material was insufcient to give a thick specimen. A thin sample was prepared by depositing a slurry of the nely ground sample material dispersed in ethanol onto a mylar lm. The absorption was measured as outlined in Section 2.6 and the scanned pattern recalculated using Equation (5). This scan was tted with the RIETAN program [11] in the regions of 1936 2 and 4244 2 with the relative line intensities xed for each phase.

3.2. RESULTS In the graphite ware specimen 19/936, quartz, mica, K-feldspar and an intermediate plagioclase were identied as main components by the MacClayFit procedure. The intensity ratio of the two quartz peaks 100 and 101 deviated, signicantly from its ideal ratio of 0.187 (cf. Table I), which indicates the presence of graphite, the 002 of which overlaps almost completely with the 101 of quartz. The t from 1482 2 with additional graphite converged at Rwp = 11.97% with a goodness-of-t (GOF ) of 1.96 (Figure 5). The rened contents were: graphite 0.13(2), quartz 0.31(1), muscovite 0.35(1), microcline 0.13(1) and anorthite 0.09(1) g/g. An inspection of the residuals shows that peaks have not been tted well at 15.4, 20.5 and 23 2 (Figure 5). The peak at 15.4 2 = 6.71 would correspond to the 001 peak of graphite, which, has zero intensity in ideal graphite. Irregular stacking of the graphite layers (see Figure 1), however, would inhibit perfect extinction of the 001 reection. Hence, this broad peak indicates a poor quality of the graphite. The mineralogy of sample 19/652 is similar to that of sample 19/936. The t converged at Rwp = 12.1% and a GOF of 1.93. Rened contents were: graphite 0.087(36), muscovite 0.50(1), anorthite 0.13(1), microcline 0.056(5) and hematite 0.048(4) g/g. For graphite, a pronounced anisotropic peak broadening yielded a mean coherence length whereas the coherence length perpendicular to c of only 6 nm, whereas the coherence length along the c axis was found to be 850 nm. This indicates considerable stacking faults. The black replica pottery contained quartz and muscovite as the main phases plus additional phases such as feldspars, which were not identied in detail but tted as a free phase. The t without graphite converged to Rwp = 6.206% and a GOF of 1.77, whereas the addition of the 002 peak of graphite improved the t quality slightly to 6.087% and a GOF of 1.74. Although the number of rened parameters were 88 and 91, respectively, this improvement is far from signicant according to the F -test, which describes the standard deviations. Furthermore, the DurbinWatson d statistics indicated severe serial correlations between consecutive residuals, which invalidates the comparison of the Bragg Rs [12]. Considering that the halfwidth parameters of the graphite peak resulted to be unrealistically low graphite would have a 002 peak even sharper than that of quartz we conclude that graphite could not be identied unambiguously in this sample. Its content was below the detection limit either because of the relatively low total carbon content



Figure 5. XRD-patterns of a black replica pottery (39/323) and of graphite ware from Manching (19/936). Measured values are shown as +, solid lines represent patterns for the individual single phases (top) or the sum of all phases (bottom). Residuals are shown below each scan. The graphite 002 peak (Irel = 100) in 39/323 is tted with the MacClayFit program and shown in gray. The plot of the graphite ware (19/936) shows the result of a Rietveld treatment. The contributions of graphite, quartz and muscovite to the peak at 31.1 2 are noted in the plot.



Figure 6. X-ray diffraction patterns of crystalline pyrolytic graphite and of a soot sample from the pipe of a stove in which wood had been burnt. The aluminum peaks (Al) are from the sample holder.

of only 0.04 g/g or, more probably, because most of the carbon in this sample is non-crystalline. Non-crystalline carbon yields only very broad intensity maxima that cannot be detected in the spectra of ceramics. This can be seen in Figure 6 which shows the X-ray diffraction patterns of crystalline pyrolytic graphite and of a soot sample from the pipe of a stove in which wood had been burnt.

3.3. DISCUSSION The rened graphite contents agree reasonably well with the chemically determined amounts only for the two samples where well crystallised graphite from an ore deposit was added to the clay. Thermal transformation of carbon-containing precursors such as plant materials to carbon yields more or less disordered phases, which exhibit substantial peak broadening. Additionally, carbon is a poor scatterer for X-rays. Both factors constrain the ability of X-ray diffraction to identify and quantify carbon in archaeological samples to specimens which are rich in carbon (>0.1 g C g1 ) and which contain well crystalline graphite. The broad diffraction maximum of non crystalline carbon cannot be detected by common Rietveld programs [13]. Nevertheless, the examples presented here show that, with proper care, quantitative determination of mineral phases like graphite in ceramics are presently within reach. The combination with other, independent methods like chemical carbon analyses and scanning electron microscopy, will increases the reliability with which minor phases in ceramics can be identied and to some extent also quantied.

Acknowledgement Part of this work was funded by the German Research Council. We are very grateful for this support.



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5. 6.


8. 9. 10. 11.

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