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ENEE 425 Digital Signal Processing

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ENEE 425 Digital Signal Processing

Information Sheet Fall 2002

Instructor: Babis Papadopoulos Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering A.V. Williams Building, Room 1423 e-mail: tel: (301) 405-3743 oce hours: Wednesdays 12pm, AVW 1423 (regular oce hours) Tuesdays 23pm, AVW 2328 (group discussion)

Teaching Assistant: Peerapol Tinnakornsrisuhpap e-mail: tel: (301) 405-8823 oce hours: (TBA) , AVW 1369. The sta will be very available during their oce hours and you are encouraged to come by to see us during the times indicated. While in an emergency Peerapol may be willing to meet briey with you outside these hours, please be sensitive to the fact that he is also taking courses, writing a thesis, etc.

Course Synopsis: ENEE 425 is a senior-level introduction to the fundamentals of deterministic discretetime signal processing. The concepts and techniques we will develop are very versatile and powerful, and form the basis for an enormous class of algorithms used in an extraordinarily diverse range of applications. At the same time, everyone contemplating taking ENEE 425 should understand that this is an intense, fast-paced, and demanding subject. However, assuming you come with the right background (i.e., prerequisites) and are ready to make the serious commitment that the subject demands, it can be a very rewarding experience. The development of the material that forms the basis of ENEE 425 has historically been driven mostly by applications. However, we emphasize that our focus on the course will not be on the applicationswhich form the basis for entire courses of their ownbut on the common problem solving framework that they share. Nevertheless, we will cite various relevant applications as we develop the material and sometimes extract simplied examples from these contexts. Prerequisites: ENEE 322 is an ocial and essential prerequisite for ENEE 425. In general, ENEE 425 assumes uency with signals and systems, of the form provided by an introductory-level course on signal and system theory such as ENEE 322, complex variables and some basic linear algebra. Equally important to the specic prerequisites, a certain level of maturity, dedication, and commitment to understanding the concepts in depth is expected of all who take the subject. Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30pm4:45pm, EAB 0307. Attendance to lectures is assumed, but not formally recorded. Lectures work best when they are interactive, so your participation is important and strongly encouraged. Asking questions both in class and in oce hours is a sign of engagement in the material, not an expression of weakness. Required Text: A. V. Oppenheim & R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1999. The majority of students that have (taken this course in the past and) used the above text as the required text have felt that, although fairly fast paced, the book serves as an excellent textbook for ENEE 425. References: A list of references on discrete-time signal processing, background material, and advanced topics is appended at the end of this handout. Course Handouts: Course handouts will be typically distributed at the beginning and/or end of lectures. Peerapol will have extra copies in case you did not pick a copy in class. Copies of these handouts will also be available on the course web site. 2

Problem Sets: There will be quasi-weekly problem set assignments. Each problem set will include a collection of required problems (to be handed in), a random subset of which will be graded each week. Some assignments will also include one or two, often (but not always) more challenging, optional problems. You can make use of these optional problems when you think you might benet from (and you have time for) extra practice with the material. Although these are not to be turned in, solutions to these problems will be provided along with the regular problems. Problem sets must be handed in by the end of the class in which they are due. Note that problem set solutions will be available at the end of the due date lecture. Consequently, it is dicult and unfair to seriously evaluate late problem sets. You are expected to do all the assigned problems. While the grade you get on your homework is only a minor percentage of your nal grade, working through (and, yes, often struggling with) the homework is a crucial part of the learning process. As such, it will invariably have a major impact on your understanding of the material and, in turn, your exam performance and nal grade. Moderate collaboration in the form of joint problem solving with one or two of your classmates is permitted provided that you struggle with the problems on your own prior to interacting with classmates. the write-up you submit is your own. In making the exams and in assigning a nal grade we will assume that you have worked all the problems. Exams: There will be three exams, all of which will take place in EAB 0307. The exam dates are as follows: Exam 1: Exam 2: Final Exam: Wednesday, October 16, 3:304:45pm; Wednesday, November 20, 3:304:45pm; Wednesday, December 18, 1:30pm3:30pm.

All exams will be closed book. However, you will be allowed to bring one 8.5 11-inch sheet of notes (both sides) to Exam 1, two 8.5 11-inch sheets of notes (both sides) to Exam 2, and three 8.5 11-inch sheets of notes (both sides) to the nal exam. Good exam problem suggestions from the class are always welcome (and come with an obvious benet to you if your problem is chosen). In the case of a dispute involving an exam grade, a written request to regrade must be submitted including a full explanation of the nature of the dispute.

Course Grade: The nal grade in the course is based upon our best assessment of your understanding of the material and your class participation during the semester. Roughly, the weights used in grade assignment are: Exams 1 and 2: 25% each Final exam: 40% Homework: 10% However, other factors, such as interaction with the sta and participation in lecture, can make a signicant dierence in the nal grade. In general, the process of assigning a nal grade involves a lot of discussion among the sta and very often a careful review of the nal exam is involved to examine the kinds of mistakes that were made. Although the focus of the course is learning, not grades, we know that the nal grade is important to you, and we want you to know that we take the process seriously. Disabilities: If you have a disability, you should contact Dr. Papadopoulos at your earliest convenience. Photograph: To help us quickly get up to speed in matching names to faces, we will need to have a photo of each student in the class. We would like to have your photo in before Problem Set 1 is graded and returned. In the rst couple of weeks, Peerapol will be taking pictures right after class. You can also email us electronic (e.g., scanned) photographs. Course Web Site: You may obtain electronic copies of course handouts in pdf format at the course web site: These handouts include problem sets, problem set solutions, and administrative announcements.

Course Syllabus: I. Review of discrete-time signals and systems (2-3 lectures) signals and systems; notation, properties discrete-time LTI systems and properties; LCCDEs frequency domain representations; DTFT; frequency response II. The z -transform (3 lectures) denition and relation to DTFT; region of convergence the inverse z -transform; z -transform properties III. Sampling of continuous-time waveforms (5 lectures) Nyquist theorem; ideal C/D and D/C converters; A/D and D/A converters DT processing of CT signals multirate signal processing IV. Transform analysis of LTI systems (3-4 lectures) system functions for systems described by LCCDEs magnitude and phase distortion; group delay all-pass and minimum-phase systems V. System structures (2 lectures) signal ow graph representations structures for FIR and IIR LTI systems VI. Filter Design Techniques (4 lectures) DT IIR lter designs from continuous-time lters FIR lter design; windowing; optimum approximations VII. The discrete Fourier transform (4 lectures) discrete Fourier series representations and properties discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and properties convolution using the DFT VIII. The fast Fourier transform (34 lectures) ecient computation of the DFT decimation-in-time and decimation-in-frequency FFT algorithms 5

Tentative Schedule
Homework Out Due 1 Lectures Lecture Material Review of DT signals and systems; notation LTI sys. and properties; Fourier representations The z -transform; ROC Properties of the ROC; the inverse z -transform z -transform properties Sampling; Nyquist theorem; aliasing DT processing of CT signals CT proc. of DT signals; rate change via DT proc. Multirate signal processing A/D and D/A converters Transform analysis of LTI systems Rational system functions Exam 1 (through Lecture 10) All-pass and minimum-phase systems Block diagram/signal ow graph representations Structures for IIR and FIR systems DT IIR lter design from CT lters DT FIR lter design by windowing Generalized linear phase sys.; optimum FIR lters Alternation theorem; Parks-McClellan algorithm Discrete Fourier series and its relation to DTFT The discrete Fourier transform Exam 2 (comprehensive through Lecture 19) Properties of the DFT; circular convolution Linear convolution using the DFT Ecient computation of the DFT Decimation in-time and in-frequency FFT DFT computation via convolution TBA Final Exam (comprehensive; 1:303:30pm)

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Topic Ch. 1, Secs. 2.02.2 Secs. 2.32.9 Secs. 3.03.1 Secs. 3.23.3 Secs. 3.43.5 Secs. 4.04.2 Secs. 4.34.4 Secs. 4.54.6 Sec. 4.7 Sec. 4.8 Secs. 5.15.2 Secs. 5.25.4 Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. Secs. 5.55.6 6.06.3 6.36.5 7.07.1 7.27.3 5.7, 7.4 7.47.5 8.08.3 8.48.5

Sec. 8.6 Sec. 8.7 Secs. 9.09.2 Secs. 9.39.4 Secs. 9.6 TBA

References: Background material 1. A. V. Oppenheim and A. S. Willsky, Signals & Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1998. Classic introductory-level text on signal and system theory. 2. R. N. Bracewell, The Fourier Transform and its Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1986. Accessible text on signal and Fourier analysis. 3. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Introduction to Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1990. Introductory-level text on complex calculus. 4. G. Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1990. Standard reference on linear algebra. 5. R. A. Horn and C. R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Cambridge, 1985. Excellent reference on linear algebra and matrix theory; a classic. Advanced texts in signal processing 1. L. R. Rabiner and B. Gold, Theory and Application of Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1975. A classic early reference. 2. P. P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Prentice-Hall, 1993. Excellent and accessible text on lter banks and multirate system theory. 3. S. Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory, Prentice-Hall, 1996. Advanced text on adaptive lter design in the context of statistical signal processing. 4. C. Therrien, Discrete Random Signals and Statistical Signal Processing, PrenticeHall, 1992. Very accessible reference on statistical signal processing. 5. J. S. Lim, Two-Dimensional Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1989. Accessible text on two-dimensional signal processing, with an image processing avor. 6. R. E. Blahut, Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing, Addison-Willey, 1985. 7. T. W. Parks and C. S. Burrus, Digital Filter Design, Wiley, 1987. Texts on advanced application-oriented topics 1. D. H. Johnson and D. E. Dudgeon, Array Signal Processing: Concepts and Techniques, Prentice-Hall, 1993. 2. L. R. Rabiner and R. W. Schafer, Digital Processing of Speech Signals, PrenticeHall 1978. 3. N. S. Jayant and P. Noll, Digital Coding of Waveforms, Prentice-Hall, 1984. 4. E. A. Robinson and T. S. Durrani, Geophysical Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1985.

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