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The document outlines 7 steps to making money online fast with no budget or email list. The steps are finding products to promote, setting up websites, driving traffic, monetizing sites, scaling up, creating joint ventures, and becoming a sought after expert.

The 7 steps are: 1. Find products to promote 2. Set up websites 3. Drive traffic 4. Monetize sites 5. Scale up 6. Create joint ventures 7. Become a sought after expert

The document warns that while the steps seem simple, each step must be followed in order for the process to work.

David Perdew at The 60-Day Experiment

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Disclaimer of Warranty / Limit of Liability

7Steps to Making Money OnlineFAST! is the sole opinion and creation of the author. The author of this material used his best efforts in preparing this material, and makes no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, completeness or the contents of this e-book. The author disclaims any warranties expressed or implied! for any particular purpose, or any conse"uences arising from the use of this material. The author shall in no e#ent be held liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, conse"uential, or other damages. $nd nothing in this special report may be construed as a guarantee of financial reward. %our results will be different. The author grants permission to anyone reading this special report to pass it along without charge to friends, family, e-mail lists, or to post on websites as a free item. It can be stored electronically or distributed in a printed format. It may be held in membership sites as well as personal libraries. It can be given away as a bonus. You can get a branded copy of this report here: http://www.The6 !ay"$stepsbranded.htm. You may %&T sell this report. No changes may be made to the content or the links in the eBook. And by distributing or storing this eBook, the reader agrees to these terms. &opyright ' (006, )aximi*e &ommunications, +nc., $ll ,ight ,eser#ed David Perdew
The 60-Day Experiment

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

here's one question every newbie internet marketer asks . . .over and over and over.

What are the steps I should take to make money online fast -with zero budget and no list? Just like you, aske! everyone met" #urus, newbies, people makin$ money online, people %ust startin$ out. t&s the question all be$inners have. 'n! the answer seems to be a (losely $uar!e! se(ret. )ntil now* +inally, aske! a master marketer that question in ,ront o, a $roup o, -0 stu!ents. 'n! to my surprise, he lai! out a (lear .-step pro(ess. /ou&ll be astoun!e! how simple the answer is. The key to $ettin$ the ri$ht answer is to ask the ri$ht question o, the ri$ht tea(her. 0ark 1en!ri(ks is that rare tea(her more willin$ to share
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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

knowle!$e an! help you su((ee! than prote(tin$ his tur,. n 'u$ust 2006, !urin$ a ,ree seminar in 'tlanta, he lai! out the answer to that spe(i,i( question ,or everyone to hear. 3/ou (an hear 0ark&s 20-minute answer to my question as he walks the 'tlanta $roup throu$h the pro(ess on the nearly -0 hours o, questions an! answers re(or!e! over ,our !ays in 'tlanta an! 4altimore by $ettin$ the in,o-pa(ke! au!io to the seminars.5 6n(e a$ain, the question" What are the steps a newbie should take to make money online fast -- with zero budget and no list? /ou know you&ve aske! this question yoursel, an! are !yin$ to hear the answer too, so without !illy-!allyin$, let&s $et to it. One warning: Do NOT be fooled by the simplicity of these answers. Each step followed in this order is the key to making money online.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 1:
Find people who want to buy something... 7hat !oes this mean8 t&s a hu$e min! shi,t. Think about it. , you&re like me, you probably thou$ht that you ha! to write the best e4ook or (reate so,tware that people (an&t live without base! on your personal knowle!$e. +or a newbie, that&s the ,astest roa! to ,ailure. Do NOT create a product first! ma$ine how !emorali9in$ it will be to spen! a bi$ (hunk o, time an! even more money (reatin$ somethin$ you think people want only to ,in! that*well, you were wron$: That&s when most newbies quit an! !e(lare there&s no money to be ma!e on the nternet: /et, some people seem to a(tually make six ,i$ures a year. 're they lyin$8 7hat !i! they !o8 ind a market first! /our personal knowle!$e is an in(re!ibly valuable asset that shoul! be (herishe!. 'n! yes, it will help you ,in! potential markets. 4ut it also (olors your %u!$ment. Don&t ,all in love with your personal ni(he interests. 4e open min!e!. #oo! marketers, a((or!in$ to 0ark, start with market resear(h, !is(overin$ (ommon problems an! provi!in$ the simple solutions. 0ark !es(ribes it as ;,in!in$ a pon! ,ull o, ,ish.< 6n(e you ,in! a pon!, then you must ,i$ure out what they are hun$ry ,or.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

7here are the pon!s8 7here !o lar$e $roups o, like-min!e! an! passionate people han$ out8 =ear(h en$ines are a $oo! pla(e to start. 7hen you ,in! what people are sear(hin$ ,or, you (an !rill !eeper to tar$et spe(i,i( $roups. 1ere are a ,ew a!!itional resour(es" Google Zeitgeist > #oo$le makes available the sear(h statisti(s that are automati(ally $enerate! base! on millions o, sear(hes (on!u(te! on #oo$le over a $iven perio! o, time - weekly, monthly, an! annually > ,or ,ree. Forum research > 7here !o avi! parti(ipants in a ni(he han$ out8 +orums an! news$roups o, (ourse. That&s where they !isplay their ,rustrations, hopes an! !esires. 'n! that&s where relationships are built. 4ut belon$in$ to too many ,orums an! mana$in$ all the (onversations (an be overwhelmin$. ?ot to mention that trollin$ throu$h ,orums (an waste a lot o, time. That&s why use @ussell 4runson&s +orum +ortunes so,tware to mana$e my ,orum involvement. t helps me keep tra(k o, the ,orums want to investi$ate as well as the (onversations &m involve! in or tra(kin$. 'n! it will !eliver all that in,ormation to my !esktop without lo$$in$ in to ea(h ,orum in!ivi!ually. Keyword search > use the ,ree tool Good Keywords to !ive into ni(hes to vali!ate the si9e an! !e!i(ation o, a ni(he. 7hen a ni(he looks interestin$, then pull up Keyword Elite > another $reat tool > to quali,y the in,ormation more (ompletely in(lu!in$ !is(overin$ relate! keywor!s, tra,,i( patterns, an! (ompetitors.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

The key to ,in!in$ lu(rative ni(hes is to be(ome ,luent in the lan$ua$e spoken by the people in the ni(he. ?o ,orei$n ton$ue is ne(essary. 1an$ aroun! the $roup lon$ enou$h to learn the %ar$on thou$h an! the lan$ua$e the members use to !es(ribe the problems an! solutions. Aisten ,or the emotions. ',ter you know enou$h to know what you !on&t know, it&s time to ask the ri$ht questions to $et insi$ht into their ,ears, hopes, !reams an! !esires. Aearn who they are an! what makes them ti(k. Then ask them what they want. 'n! there&s a $reat tool ,or that too. Check it out here.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 2:
Find something they want to buy to sell it to them... ',,iliate marketers !o very well when they know how to per,orm Step 1 properly. 6n(e you&ve ,oun! a hun$ry market, it&s pretty simple to ,in! pro!u(ts to relieve that hun$er. Bli(k4ank is a simple sour(e ,or !i$ital a,,iliate pro!u(ts ,or almost any ni(he. /ou shoul! never use Bli(k4ank thou$h without knowin$ how to prote(t your ven!or an! a,,iliate links. This ,ree spe(ial report ,rom 0ark 1en!ri(ks walks you throu$h the pro(ess step by step > without spen!in$ a ni(kel by the way. 4y ,ar, the simplest sour(e to ,in!, promote an! mana$e your a,,iliate pro!u(ts is with a new tool (alle! the Bli(k4ank '((ount 0ana$er. Bli(k here to see a vi!eo o, this tool in a(tion. 4rie,ly, with this tool, you (an input a keywor! su(h as ;parent< an! $et a (omplete look at what&s available on Bli(k4ank. =ort it by popularity, re,erral per(enta$e, pri(e or (ommission. 6r (hoose a (ate$ory an! ,in! !eep in,ormation about the pro!u(ts in that (ate$ory in(lu!in$ instant a,,iliate links an! the ability to (li(k throu$h to the ven!or&s web pa$e. 6ther a,,iliate pro$rams exist, su(h as Bommission Jun(tion an! CayDotBom, but Bli(k4ank is a $reat pla(e to start.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 3:
Put together a minimal business infrastructure... 6kay, you&ve ,oun! a market an! you&ve $ot a pro!u(t. ?ext, you must buil! the in,rastru(ture that allows you to (ommuni(ate, mana$e an! pro,it ,rom your market. =impler is better at this sta$e o, your business. 3=imple is usually better at any sta$e o, a business.5 7hat !o you nee! to make money, appear pro,essional an! start your business8 D5 A domain name > this is your ;!oin$ business as< moniker. 25 A hosting account > a thir!-party (ompany to han!le all the te(hni(alities involve! in keepin$ your !omain up. E5 An autoresponder > this is your (ommuni(ation (hannel. t allows you to (reate ;a list< an! buil! a relationship with those in!ivi!uals. Ceople ten! to $et stu(k here. Te(hni(al issues s(are many ,olks who aren&t te(hni(ally in(line!. The $oo! news is that you !on&t have to be te(hni(al at all. n ,a(t, you !on&t want to be. /ou&re the marketer, not the system a!ministrator. =o, we&ll ta(kle these thin$s with my re(ommen!ations. &ve sear(he! lon$ an! har!, use! the support ,olks re$ularly, an! these (ompanies are the winners ,or me.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Domains: 7hen lookin$ ,or a new !omain, !o two thin$s" 1op over to ?ame4oy.(om an! sear(h ,or various available !omains base! on the wor!s relevant to my pro!u(t. This servi(e is ,ree. They&re hopin$ to sell you a !omain on(e you ,oun! it. 'n! you (an buy it there, but !on&t. 0ost a,,iliate marketers re$ister a !omain o, their own to re!ire(t to an a,,iliate sales pa$e. +or example, am sellin$ a pro!u(t that mentione! earlier (alle! +orum +ortunes. sear(he! ,or a !omain on ?ame4oy.(om with the wor!s ;,orum mana$er< in the !omain an! (ame up with ;)ltimate+orum0ana$er.(om<. ',ter ,in! a !omain like, $o to * ?ameBheap.(om an! re$ister my !omain there. They !o a $reat %ob o, mana$in$ !omains. 3't this writin$, have DDD !omains re$istere! with ?ameBheap.(om.5 Their re$istration an! maintenan(e panels are simple an! easy to use. @e$istration is FG.GG. 34ut here&s a hint" Do a #oo$le sear(h ,or ;?ameBheap (oupon< an! you&ll ,in! the (urrent promotional (oupon that will kno(k o,, nearly a bu(k ,rom that pri(e too.5 7hy !on&t use #o!a!!y.(om8 ha! G0 !omains there. %ust $ot si(k o, all the upsells whenever trie! to !o anythin$ there. !on&t have that issue with ?ameBheap.(om.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Hosting: ?ow that you&ve $ot a !omain, you&ll nee! a host. This is not as (ompli(ate! as it soun!s. There are thousan!s o, hosts out there pri(e! ,rom F2 per month to F200 or more per month. 's an a,,iliate marketer > that&s what you are now > you&ll nee! a host with some spe(i,i( (riteria" D5 Host an unlimited number o domains! 7hy8 #uess what > a,ter you put up your ,irst ni(he market !omain an! be$in sellin$ pro!u(ts spe(i,i( to that market, you&ll want to !o another. 6n(e you have two in(ome pro!u(in$ !omains, you now have the elusive multiple streams of income we hear so mu(h about. 'n! you&ll be hooke!. /ou&ll want more streams an! ,ast. 25 As much storage space as you can get! 0ore spa(e equals more room to loa! pro!u(ts, !omains an! websites. 0y host o,,ers H0 $i$abytes o, spa(e (urrently. That&s a ton. E5 As much bandwidth as you can get! This is probably more important than stora$e spa(e. 4an!wi!th is the amount o, !ata trans,er. )h-6h: 7hat&s data transfer! 1ere is a very simpli,ie! explanation. 7hen you ,ill up your (ar, you sti(k the hose in the $as tank an! ,iller-up: 's the $as ,lows throu$h the pump, the ,low is monitore! as the $allon in!i(ator ti(ks o,,. 's more $allons ,low throu$h, the (ost in!i(ator spins 3,aster an! ,aster these !ays:5

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

t&s the same with !ata trans,er. 's the !ata ;,lows< ,rom your web server to people who visit, the ;$allons< ti(ker (li(ks o,,. 't some point, the (ost in!i(ator be$ins spinnin$ too. 4ut most hosts $ive you a bi$ bu(ket o, !ata trans,er be,ore they be$in (har$in$ you ea(h month. , your visitors are buyin$ lots o, pro!u(ts, ex(ess ban!wi!th usa$e is a $reat problem to have. , not, it&s (ostly. =o $et as mu(h up ,ront as you (an. 't this writin$, my host $ives III #i$s o, Trans,er. -5 "nlimited email accounts! /ou must have e-mail. ' $oo! host will make your e-mail mana$ement a bree9e. /ou (an mana$e as many e-mail a!!resses as you want. ma!e the mistake o, (reatin$ about 2H e-mail a!!resses when ,irst starte!. ?ow, try very har! to !rive everythin$ to one a!!ress an! mana$e that one very (are,ully. 6, (ourse, my host o,,ers unlimite! e-mail a!!resses. H5 Great support! This is essential. , you are an overni$ht su((ess 3it (oul! happen:5, you&ll nee! a person behin! the host who will help you qui(kly an! personally. 0y host has the best support in the business. /our host is a very important relationship. 0ake sure you (hoose (are,ully an! with the re(ommen!ations o, someone you trust > like me. Autoresponders: , you&re %ust startin$ out, $o with the simple solution > a thir!-party autorespon!er. Two (ompanies !ominate the market"

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

D=hoppin$Bart.(om 3or 0arketer&s Bhoi(e5 '7eber 7hat is an autorespon!er8 'n! why !o you nee! one8 1ere&s a qui(k example" 1ave you sent an email to a (ollea$ue at work an! re(eive! an automati( reply ba(k with the ,ollowin$ messa$e" "Thanks for your e#mail. $%m out of the office from &date' to &date'. (lease contact &someone else'.) That&s a very simple one-time autorespon!er. 7hat you want is a sequential autorespon!er, or one that sen!s your messa$es on a re$ular basis to people who have opte! in or subs(ribe! to your list. 7hy8 's people subs(ribe to your list, you&ll have loa!e! 20 to D00 sequential messa$es over a lon$er perio! o, time to automati(ally buil! your relationship. The main reason 3that counts5 ,or usin$ a thir!-party autorespon!er is !eliverability. 4oth '7eber an! D=hoppin$Bart.(om live an! breathe email marketin$. Their ,ull-time %ob is mana$in$ relationships with the =Cs like '6A, 0=?, #oo$le, Earthlink an! /ahoo to ensure that e-mail ,rom their servers are !elivere!. 'n! they&re pretty $oo! at it avera$in$ more than IG per(ent !eliverability. 0akin$ your emails interestin$ enou$h to be opene! is your %ob. 4ut be(ause they (reate those relationships with !o9ens o, =Cs, you !on&t have to.
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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 4:
Your first transaction? on!ince prospects to gi!e up their name and e-mail address... Aet&s review. D5 /ou&ve ,oun! a $roup o, people who are passionate about a topi(. )sin$ all your newly a(quire! resear(h skills, you&ve roame! aroun! in the ,orums an! other $atherin$ pla(es listenin$ an! learnin$ what&s important to those people. 25 Then you sear(he! throu$h the a,,iliate pro$rams, parti(ular Bli(k4ank, to ,in! in,ormation an! pro!u(ts that solve the problems o, your tar$et market. E5 'n! then, you&ve set up a basi( system that allows you to (onta(t the people, present the in,ormation an! (apture their in,o. 7hat&s next8 Aet&s buil! a list: ',ter all, buil!in$ a list is the surest way to (reate a business. t&s an a(tual asset that (an be sol!. Everyone says it > be(ause it&s true > but the money is in the list. =o, everything you !o shoul! be $eare! towar! buil!in$ a list. 4ut why woul! your prospe(t $roup want to hear ,rom you8 Do they know you, like you, or trust you yet8 ?ope. /ou haven&t establishe! a relationship with these ,olks yet. /our $oal is to $et permission to talk to them so you (an o,,er them your pro!u(ts as part o, the valuable (ontent you !ispense. This (ontent be(omes the ,o(us o, your on$oin$ (onversation. /ou have to make the invitation to the (onversation irresistible. /ou have to ex(han$e somethin$ o, value to $et permission to be$in the

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

(onversation. Then, it&s up to you to keep the (onversation relevant an! respe(t,ul. 7hen you re(eive an o,,er o, a ,ree spe(ial report 3like this one5, ,ree a!mittan(e to a members-only website, or an opportunity to !ownloa! a bun(h o, ,ree tools, you&re bein$ invite! to parti(ipate in a (onversation. /ou mi$ht run into what is (alle! a ;squee9e pa$e< now. That&s when a prospe(t is o,,ere! an opportunity to $et more in,ormation by ,irst inputtin$ their e-mail a!!ress an! name. #ettin$ that in,ormation is the entire ,o(us o, the pa$e. /ou (an see a sample here. 3#o ahea!, si$n up > who !oesn&t want E0 $i,ts:5 =ome people o,,er a very low-pri(e! pro!u(t to en(oura$e a monetary transa(tion, so sales (oul! happen !urin$ this step. The a!vanta$e o, o,,erin$ a low-pri(e! item ,irst is that you establish ,rom the be$innin$ that you&re operatin$ a (ommer(ial business, an! i!enti,yin$ buyers versus ,reebie-seekers. This is a tri(ky pro(ess where you walk the ,ine line between (reatin$ personal relationship an! business relationship. 0ark 1en!ri(ks spent three !ays with more than -0 people $oin$ over this pro(ess an! usin$ this metho! to buil! trust between you an! your tar$et au!ien(e. 4e sure to (he(k out his massive listbuil!in$ pro$ram.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 5:
"et your offer in front of your target audience# 's part o, 0ark&s listbuil!in$ pro$ram re(ommen!e! earlier, he outlines (learly how to !rive tra,,i(. Ea(h o, these seven steps are (ru(ial to your su((ess, but $ettin$ your o,,er in ,ront o, the tar$et au!ien(e is key. , you !on&t have the ability to brin$ the people to your pro!u(t, you&ll never make a sale. There are so many metho!s to $et tra,,i(, it makes me tire! %ust to think about it. 4ut ea(h an! every one*over time*must be a!!resse!. There are two (lasses o, tra,,i(" free an! paid. 4oth are vali! an! worth pursuin$. ree traffic is a $reat way to start, but paid traffic* !one (orre(tly, (an brin$ a mu(h more tar$ete! an! serious prospe(t who&s alrea!y a(tively seekin$ what you&ve $ot. 'lthou$h &m not $oin$ into ea(h o, these here 3that&s what the listbuil!in$ pro$ram is ,or5, you&ll $et a $oo! i!ea o, ways to start buil!in$ tra,,i( to your site. 1ere&s a qui(k list o, the many tra,,i( !evi(es.
T affi( So) (es ay er !lic" eBay #$ine Ad%ertising *SS Di e(to ies &oint 'entures Blogging (ffline )ar"eting Testi+onials Affiliate romotions Sales ,ente s -ivea!ays Pod(asting Fo )+s .ns)/s( i/e s A ti(les T affi( 01(2anges Sea (2 0ngines 3ideo P ess *eleases ,o4*egist ation B anda/le *epo ts Telese+ina s S5)ee6e Pages T2ank 7o) Page

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

So(ial 8et!o king 3i al Ma keting

#'# 0 o Pages

in!i(ate! the pai! ,orms o, tra,,i( $eneration with a re! ,ont. Even thou$h money !oesn&t (han$e han!s until a,ter transa(tions take pla(e, marke! %oint ventures an! a,,iliate promotions as pai! tra,,i( $eneration. =ome woul! !isa$ree sin(e it !oesn&t ;(ost you anythin$ up,ront.< 1owever you think o, it, !on&t ,or$et to !o it. 's you (an see, buil!in$ tra,,i( (an be > no, it = > a ,ull-time %ob.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 6:
$fter the in!itation is accepted# # follow-up% follow-up% follow-up. ma$ine that you&ve met someone you really like. 7oul! you ,inish the evenin$ by sayin$, "+ell* that was fun. Too bad we%ll never see each other again. ,ave a nice life.) 6, (ourse not. That woul! be stupi!: /ou&! make another !ate to $et to$ether. /ou&! ,ollow up with that person as o,ten as possible without be(omin$ obnoxious. 's you meet more an! more people online who share your interests an! who want to parti(ipate in your (onversation, you must ,ollow-up with them re$ularly. 4ut it&s essential to write to ea(h person in!ivi!ually. 'n autorespon!er with personali9e! broa!(astin$ (apabilities makes that possible. Crovi!in$ valuable an! a(tionable (ontent 3as my ,rien! 0ark says5 not only stren$thens the relationship, but puts money in your wallet as you buil! a !eeper relationship. The key to buil!in$ a responsive list (omes !own to buil!in$ !eep relationships. Bonvert that ,irst (onversation into a trustin$ ,rien!ly an! personal relationship an! you&ve $ot a loyal, li,elon$ (ustomer.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Ai,elon$ (ustomers are the ones who (limb the sales la!!er with you be$innin$ with your FH pro!u(ts an! movin$ up to the FD000 pro!u(ts as they $et to know you, like you an! trust you. /our $oal shoul! be to (ontinually buil! as many relationships with prospe(ts as possible an! (onvert more an! more o, them into li,elon$ (ustomers. 4uil!in$ your list is the key to your su((ess.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 7:
&ouble your profit by creating your own products... 7ait a minute: Di!n&t we say in the be$innin$ o, this report that (reatin$ your own pro!u(ts was a hu$e mistake8 =o, what&s !i,,erent now8 7ith several a,,iliate pro!u(t in(ome streams in pla(e, you su!!enly have an a!vanta$e over other marketers. /ou know what your tar$et market will buy. /ou&ve i!enti,ie! their passion. /ou&ve proven that they will buy multiple items on the same or similar topi(s. 'n! you&ve built a relationship that (ontinues to improve be(ause you&re $ivin$ them what they want. The next step > and a very powerful one* indeed -- is to be$in (reatin$ your own pro!u(ts base! on what you know the (ustomers are alrea!y buyin$. 1avin$ your own pro!u(ts to sell (reates a bun(h o, new opportunities" D5 /ou !on&t have to sear(h hi$h an! low ,or an appropriate pro!u(t. /ou know what your (ustomers want. 25 /ou (an keep D00 per(ent o, the pro!u(t sales pri(e. /ou !on&t have to pay the pro!u(t owner H0 per(ent or more. E5 /ou '@E the pro!u(t owner, so you (an exten! your rea(h by (reatin$ your own a,,iliate pro$ram an! have others sellin$ /6)@ pro!u(ts. /ou retain H0 per(ent o, T1E @ sales.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

-5 1avin$ (reate! the ,irst one, you (an (ontinue (reatin$ a!!itional pro!u(ts an! be(ome a respe(te! authority in that ,iel!. H5 /ou (an mana$e the (reation o, many pro!u(ts sin(e you&re an authority now. like to outsour(e pro%e(ts to @ent'Bo!er. Cro$rammers, writers, !esi$ners > they (an !o the heavy li,tin$ an! you (an mana$e the (reation an! retain ownership. That&s (alle! working smarter, not har!er:

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

Step 8 -- The REAL Moneymaker:

'wo lists are better than one# /ou&ve (omplete! all seven steps. ?ow, you&ve $ot pro!u(ts, sales pa$es an! even a ,ew a,,iliates. =ales are stea!y. 's we buil! our list the sales in(rease. /ou (an see the pro(ess is workin$, but maybe it&s not as ,ast as you&! hope!. ',ter all, you (an only !o so mu(h with your subs(ribers. 4rin$ out the se(ret weapon > someone else&s list. , we (an (onne(t with players similar to ourselves in similar markets an! (reate a %oint venture !eal, $rowth (an %ump exponentially. @emember that host that we (hose (are,ully8 ?ow&s the time to (onta(t them to warn about in(rease! ban!wi!th nee!s, be(ause you&re about to %ump into a new lea$ue o, tra,,i( an! sales. 7hat is a %oint venture8 There are seminars, books an! entire (ourses !evote! to %oint ventures. &ll re,er you to 0ark 1en!ri(ks& listbuil!in$ (ourse ,irst be,ore take a (ra(k at !es(ribin$ JJs. )sually, JJs are spe(ial an! may have these (hara(teristi(s" They are probably time-limite! 6,ten, they have spe(ial !is(ounts They may have spe(ial bun!les )sually, the partners $et spe(ial (ommission rates

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

'n! the partners probably have lar$er lists The keys to su((ess,ul %oint ventures" D5 7hat (an you !o ,or them8 Don&t ask people to promote your pro!u(t without ,irst o,,erin$ to promote theirs. 25 , you !on&t have a bi$ list, !o somethin$ unique ,or the partner. 6,,er a hi$her (ommission. Do 'AA the setup work ,or them. 0ake it easy. E5 #et personal. 0ake phone (onta(t an! i, you (an, meet the %oint venture partner personally. =eminars are $reat pla(es to !o that. -5 #et involve! in %oint venture sites. Breate relationships. 1ere&s a (ouple o, $oo! ones" 0ark 1en!ri(ks& JJDealmaker 0ike +ilsaime&s JJ-?etwork 0ike 0er9&s JJ-?oti,y H5 Bonta(t the people you want to !o %oint venture !eals with. Do this only a,ter you&ve teste! your sales material an! know your (onversion results. /our (onta(t letter shoul! spe(i,y" sales (onversion rate ,rom a test list !ollar amount that the test returne!

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

examples o, how mu(h money a list o, D0,000 3or some other si$ni,i(ant number ,or this partner5 (oul! be expe(te! to $enerate

There you have it > ,inally, a !etaile! answer to your burnin$ question" What are the steps I should take to make money online fast -with zero budget and no list? +ollow 0ark 1en!ri(ks& seven steps an! on(e the sales are ,lowin$, be(ome one o, the most sou$ht a,ter %oint venture experts in your in!ustry.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

$bout (ark )endricks* #reat tea(hers an! mentors are har! to ,in!. &m relu(tant to tell you about 0ark. $uess &m a little sel,ish. only want to share his wis!om an! mentorin$ to a point* The ,a(t is that they !on&t (ome any more quali,ie! than 0ark. 1e&s been online sin(e be,ore we even knew it was (alle! ;bein$ online.< 'n! ,rom !ay D, he&s been sellin$ on the net. 1is nternet-=u((ess-=ystem is the $ol! stan!ar! ,or online marketer trainin$ be(ause o, his knowle!$e, his willin$ness to share it, an! his ability to help newbies $et $oin$ ,ast. This report woul! not have been possible without 0ark&s ,ine tea(hin$. , you !o nothin$ else, $et on 0ark&s list an! plan to atten! his next ,ree seminar where he answers questions ,or 2 soli! !ays. ' ,ew o, his top-not(h pro!u(ts are" /ou 'sk Them =urvey =o,tware Bli(k4ank '((ount 0ana$er 7eeken! =eminars D2E 7ysi7y$ 1T0A E!itor #ran!0aster o, Aistbuil!in$ 'n! ,inally, nternet-=u((ess-=ystem trainin$

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

$bout &a!id Perdew* Just as 0ark is a $reat tea(her, &m a really $oo! stu!ent. love learnin$ an! love to !is(over new thin$s. 1avin$ been online sin(e DIG. > yes, ba(k in the !ays when we a((esse! news$roups via 0= D6= 3ask your !a! what that is*5, &ve always love! the i!ea o, (omplete in!epen!en(e. +inan(ial, personal an! emotional. That&s why two years a$o, starte! The 60-Day Experiment. 's learn !i,,erent aspe(ts o, online marketin$ an! online business, lea! !emonstrate live an! in real-time the business (reation pro(ess. 7e ,o(us on (reatin$ a business usin$ all that have learne! ,rom 0ark an! many o, the other online mentors. 0u(h o, it is ,rom 0ark 1en!ri(ks. 4e(ause you&ve ma!e it to the en! o, this report, here&s (li(k here an! you&ll re(eive an! instant FDH0 o,, the ,irst 60-Day Experiment (ourse.

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7 Steps to Making Money Online FAST!

By David Pe de!

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