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GOD Talk Discussion 17

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GOD Talk Discussion 17

by Reverend Robert Bart

Born Again – Part 1

The Faith which GOD Has Given to us, when exercised, establishes a
Pleasing Relationship with Him. Continuous exercising of it brings us into a
Communion with Him, causing us to become Sanctified, or Holy. Being
“Born Again” is the extension of our Faith, in which we allow The SPIRIT
Of GOD to Guide our actions, thereby effectuating a spiritual
metamorphosis within us. In other words, we adopt an attitude whereby we
allow GOD’s SPIRIT to Transform us from being self centered, to being
GOD centered. We conclude that His Will for our lives should have pre-
eminence over our own will. It is the conscious decision to trust Him with
our destiny and with our security. In The Holy Bible, JESUS Teaches us:
“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the
kingdom of God.” (Jn 3:3) Also: “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is
born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That
which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is
spirit.” (Jn 3:5, 6) Therefore, being “born again” is not a mindset or a choice
of religion, it is our willful Entering In to the Destiny which Almighty GOD
Has Purposed for us.
Let’s take a step back and look at these concepts from a somewhat
metaphysical point of view. If we conclude that Divine Creation is an axiom,
it presupposes that GOD Had a Desire to Bring Forth beings like unto
Himself (Themselves). This fact is documented in Scripture. (Gen 1:26)
That is, we were Created in Their Image and Likeness (GOD Is A Triune
Being), as Their Sacred Children, to be Sanctified by Their Presence, and to
have dominion over the natural world. Consequently, we have children (in
an intimate expression of Love), for the same reason. As it is GOD’s Desire
to Nurture and Bless Their Creation, so it is our desire to provide these
things for our children. (Lu 12:32; Eph 1:3-14; Php 2:12-13) Please, take a
few moments to meditate on these truths, as time permits.
Also, please consider this discourse by Dr. Edward DeVries:
“God's very name implies His triune existence. The Hebrew name for God
used in all known manuscripts is ELOHIM, so Genesis 1:1 could read, "In
the beginning ELOHIM created the heaven and the earth." The word
ELOHIM means three in one. The word ELOHIM has both a singular and a
plural usage in Hebrew, uniquely; the two usages are always simultaneous.
The word ELOHIM can never be used in the plural form without implying
the singular and vice-versa. Note also, that all Hebrew letters have a numeric
value; all Hebrew words also have value. ELOHIM is an interesting word in
that it has two values, three and one. It is no wonder that when God,
ELOHIM, said in Genesis 1:26, "And God said, Let us make man in our
image, after our likeness," that He then created man to be a triune being. Just
as God is composed of three, so is man. Man is composed of a body, a soul,
and a spirit. We all know man to be one being, not three, in spite of his
triune composition. The body is separate from the soul which is separate
from the spirit; however they still make one man.”
For more on this subject by Dr. Devries, read “Doctrine of the Trinity” in its
entirety online at:

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