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Naturopathic Remedies in Russia

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The text discusses naturopathic remedies from Russia including turpentine baths and clay cleansing.

Turpentine baths involve using turpentine oil to stimulate capillaries and improve blood flow. They are said to boost immunity, nervous system function, and nonspecific resistance. They help restore normal cell and tissue health.

Clay cleansing involves using various colored clays externally and internally to detoxify the body, supply minerals, and heal conditions. It is said to rejuvenate cells and draw out toxins. The process may initially cause pain but is said to deeply cleanse the body.

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

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Topic: Naturopathic remedies in Russia (Read 5350 times)

Dagobah Resident Posts: 754

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

on: March 01, 2007, 01:03:00 AM
I. Zalmanov terpentine oil baths Turpentine, a yellow to brown semifluid oleoresin volatile essential oil, C10H16, obtained by steam distillation or other means from from the sapwood of conifers, especially pines is composed of terpenes, mainly the monoterpenes alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Alternative names are wood turpentine, spirit of turpentine, oil of turpentine and gum turpentine or turps. Semifluid mixtures of organic compounds consisting of resins dissolved in a volatile oil, turpentines can be distilled into the volatile oil of turpentine and the nonvolatile rosin by steam distillation. The oil, a mixture of monoterpenes, chiefly pinene, from which camphor is manufactured, is a colourless, odorous, flammable liquid that does not mix with water but is a good solvent for many substances. Turpentine oil is obtained by boiling resin at 155 degrees Celsius in large tubs. It has a potent odor. When pure, it is a colorless, transparent, oily liquid with a penetrating odor and a characteristic taste. Turpentine has been used medically since ancient times. Extracts from the doctor Mazur`s book Turpentine baths. Zalmanov's Doctrine Our organism consists of cells and it is necessary "to inspire" them to a life. Length of capillaries in muscles of the normal person is 100 000 km, renal blood vessels is 60 km, the general surface of the capillaries which are passing on the external side of a skin, and consequently especially accessible, is 6 300 2. Influencing superficial capillaries, emulsions deepen the action. Turpentine emulsion from the galipot of the coniferous trees, stimulating millions receptors, it is capable to open again the closed capillaries, to restore the supply of the withered cellular islands. Turpentine baths clean a capillary network as a whole that means tens of thousand kilometers of capillaries of the smallest blood vessels which providing to each cell of an organism with oxygen and all necessary nutrients. Capillary baths step by step, from a session to a session open the closed capillary vessels, restore a feeding by blood elements of dried cell islands, regulate the supply to them of vivifying oxidizing oxygen, provide tissues drainage for slags excretion, that is they restore normal, healthy life of cells, tissues, bodies and whole human organism. A huge advantage of the oleoresin baths is an influence on a capillary network of our organism as a whole. There are three types of Zalmanov's capillary baths: white, yellow and mixed. Such division is connected to the appearance of a mix which is used for a bath. Baths with white emulsion promote to raise blood pressure. Baths with yellow emulsion lower blood pressure. Taking the mixed baths, it is possible to regulate your pressure up to the necessary level. Temperature of water in the bath raises up to 40-42 degrees not at once, but gradually, approximately 1 degree per 2 minutes. Zalmanov's capillary baths considerably raise immunity (specific resistibility), but also, they activate functions of the central and vegetative nervous systems. Zalmanov's capillary baths alongside with increase in immunity considerably raise also nonspecific resistibility of an organism.]List of Indications for turpentine baths application

Application: The standard dosage on one bath is 15-30 ml of emulsion. It is possible to increase a dosage at 5 ml for each subsequent bath, but not exceeding 100 ml. It is better to take baths before a dream and in 1, 5 hours after meal. It is necessary to plunge completely, up to a chin. Duration of taking a bath is about 10-15 minutes; the temperature of water is 37, with gradual

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Naturopathic remedies in Russia

increase up to 39-40. The light tingle is evidence of real effect. Detailed technique of Zalmanov baths preparation here Recommendations: 1. Yellow emulsion is used at the high pressure. A layer of natriolienate and sodium ricinate covers the surface of water. Owing to this fact there is an accumulation of animal heat, there is an accelerated combustion metabolites in blood, in lymph, in extra cellular liquids. It promotes dissolution of every possible pathological deposit, causes activity in a venous part and an arterial loop of capillaries. Pigmentation and indurations of skin disappear. The good result may be observed at thromboses, exastoses, rheumatism, neuritis. It also helps skin to secrete through sweat chloride sodium and urea. It has strong anesthetizing action, strengthens the muscles. Perspiration after a bath it is not accompanied by increase of breath that means the absence of tachycardia 2. White emulsion is used to raise of arterial pressure, at a stenocardia, for regulation of work of kidneys, functional recovery of muscles and blood supply, at arthritis, neuritis, prolonged diseases. It causes the big disclosing capillaries, rhythmic reductions - systoles of the capillaries, the mild rise of arterial pressure, and increase in inflow of oxygen, reduction of rigidity of muscles and roll. It also opens the closed pulmonary capillaries. 3. The mixed baths are used at normal pressure, and in order to regulate the pressure. Combining the formulation of mix white and yellow emulsions, it is possible to achieve favorable arterial pressure. Owing to various combinations these emulsions, the mixed baths have an extensive field of influence on a human organism. Medical Action: Prevents from fast biological ageing, has an anesthetizing action, promotes acceleration of metabolism, regulates arterial pressure, central and vegetative nervous systems, enhance stability to catarrhal and to infectious diseases, stimulates functions sexual glands. The general normalizing influence of turpentine baths promotes the rejuvenation of an organism. The skin gets smoothness and elasticity, its temperature increases, joints become more flexible, breath is intensive, peripheral blood circulation revives. Activity of heart rises, the rhythm is leveled. The brain becomes more susceptible. Associations are fast and certain. The emotional and intellectual life revives. The indifference is replaced with the interest to life. Immunity becomes stronger. Contra-indications: Individual intolerance Zalmanov's white and yellow turpentine bath solutions can be found in on-line stores

Alien baboon killing with some secret keys

Dagobah Resident Posts: 754

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

Reply #1 on: April 14, 2007, 06:08:20 PM
COMPLETE CLEANSING OF ORGANISM (by N. Semenova) Stage I. Cleansing of Intestines Cleansing of intestines is a first and the most important step to restore health. Often even enema for six month daily is not enough to sufficiently cleanse intestines or to get rid from constipation. Eating daily pearl-barley for breakfast helps to restore intestinal peristaltic. Better to let pearl-barley stay in water overnight, and in the morning wash it out and cook in fresh water. Everybody needs to friendicate with enema young, elderly, fat, slim. During the first week you should do it once a day, in the morning or in the evening, depending what time is more convenient to you. The second week every other day, third week every second day, the fourth week every third day, since the fifth week- once a week. An enema once a week should become an immutable rule of a life. Many would like to avoid enema because of various superstitions, unwillingness to deal with it, fear of unpleasant sensations. They are ready to poison themselves, being afraid to get rid of unpurities which lead to numerous diseases: to a stomach and 12-intestinal ulcers; liver cirrhosis, chronic arthritis, cancer, varicose veins, stones in kidneys and liver, a hemorrhoids, skin diseases, nervous and mental diseases. For washing intestines use only water of a room temperature. Either warm nor cold water are suitable. Never use mineral waters for enema; using mineral water only aggravates your condition. Necessarily acidify water for enema with natural lemon juice or apple vinegar: usually one table spoon in 2 litres of water is enough. During one or two weeks you should necessarily eat a garlic every the morning on an empty stomach and without bread; and one more - two hours after a supper. Garlic is a fine natural antibiotic which destroys harmful micro flora, that rescuing us from a dysbacteriosis; garlic also contains Germanium which strengthens valve system of our organism. To beat off a pungent smell, it is enough to eat a slice of the bread moistened in vegetable oil, or to chew a parsley, a pinch of tea. Do not try to

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Naturopathic remedies in Russia

change enema for Shank-Prakshalana fashionable procedure which is a privilege of those who has healthy heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. Stage II. Cleansing from Parasites Silicium (silicon) is converter of energy and one of the main elements in our organism. If there is no silicium, organism can not acquire about 70 other elements. Integral grain, beetroot, carrot, other edible roots, crude cereals, and a skin of chickens are sources of silicium. Deficiency of silicium is widespread. Unsufficient silicium is a serious reason for many illnesses, for example, an atherosclerosis. An insult and a heart attack are natural results of such deficiency. The most active devourer of silicium in our organism are intestinal worms and fungi. They disconnect organs and systems and lead to chaos - illnesses. Cleansing of organism without getting rid from parasites in intestines, liver, blood is practically useless. Parasitic illnesses are a certificate of human body degradation, chemical disorder in blood, steady decrease of immune defenses. Parasites broken the essence of dynamic balance in our organism. Asthma has a parasitic nature, its reason are ascarids and hepatic parasites suckers who tear alveolar tissue. Diabetes also have parasitic roots, it is caused by parasites living in a pancreas. Ecsema and psoriasis are illnesses caused by lack of silicon which is destroyed by parasites. Varicose veins are consequence of Trichomoniasis (trich). Trichinellas are found out even in a myocardium. Lambliosis can cause dyodenitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis and cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder wall). Several kinds of parasites - from mono-cellular to several meter long usually can live in a gastroenteric path. Means of combatting parasites should be natural, with a wide spectrum of action. It allows to attack them fast, effectively and without side-effects. Degelmentization (preventive measure for elimination of vermins) should go simultaneously with cleansing of intestines. It is recommended also to pass to separate nutrition at the same time. During first six days of dehelmentization it is necessary to drink a herbal infusion prepared from: bark of oak; bark of Frangula alnus; Artemisia abstintium leaves and Tanacetum vulgare flowers taken in equal proportions. Bark of oak and bark of Frangula besides anti-parasitic properties restore intestinal mucous membranes; , a wormwood and a tansy taken in equal proportions. More complex very effective naturopathic antiparasitic mix Versuhelmin. Versuhelmin tablets are sold here. Adults should take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day with meals for seven days (first cycle). The second cycle should be repeated in 14 days. You could do this mix yourselves. (quantity per 1 tablet): Cassia acutifolia leaves 15 mg; Frangula alnus bark 25 mg; Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract 2,5 mg; Cucurbita pepa seeds 25 mg; Betula pendula leaves 25 mg; Allium sativum (garlic) 5 mg; Artemisia abstintium leaves 100 mg; Tanacetum vulgare flowers 50 mg; Inula helenium roots 15 mg; Hypericum perforatum leaves with flowers 50 mg; Achillea millefolium leaves 25 mg; Laminaria japonica 15 mg. Oak and Frangula bark have antiparasitic properties and also help to heal fine wounds of intestinal mucous. In evening add one tea-spoon of antiparasitic herbs mixture to 0,5 L of boiling water, and drink 0,5 glass of infusion in the morning on an empty stomach. It will destroy many intestinal parasites, and also worms in lungs, pancreas, liver. You should clean intestines with enema every day during cleansing from parasites. To heal wounds on mucous it is advisable to drink pumpkin seed or linen seed oil 1 tea-spoon 3 times a day before each meal. If you have prostatitis it is advisable to use a water-melon oil instead, it restores prostate after destroying parasites. Cleansing can be accompanied by pains in pancreas. In this case it is advisable to use topinambur tablets - - 2 tablets twice a day. On the seventh day of cleansing from parasites a medicine with wide antiparasitic spectrum should be taken. In the morning it is necessary to eat on an empty stomach 300 g of crude pumpkin seeds, and after two hours to drink a laxative (epson salt or other). During the whole day each 2-2,5 hours it is necessary to make cleansing enemas (total 6-8 enemas). Frequent enemas are necessary to expel worms and parasites from intestines as soon as possible so products of their disintegration wouldnt get into mucous. Dont drink any liquids on the seventh day. It is possible to eat bread, different porridges, apples. During period of disposal of worms do not eat meat and milk products as they stimulate growth of parasites. Do not aggravate your condition by drinking alcohol and smoking. Expelling monocellular parasites living in blood, for example, toxoplasmosis is tricky. Its treatment with antibiotics and chemical preparations is nor effective. You can save yourself only by cleansing blood. Complete dehelmentization is necessary. And as soon as the liver is cleansed from parasites and its ability to filter blood increases in 8-10 times toxoplasmas one day. Pure blood is a high-grade electrolyte capable to kill fine parasites - leptospyras, toxoplasmas, hepatites viruses. The best way to not admit parasites into your organism - to eat food products which possess antiparasitic properties - sauerkraut, horse-radish, radish, cowberry and other wood berries. It is necessary to

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Naturopathic remedies in Russia

constantly use spices of plant origin: pepper, bay leaf, clove, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, saffron, garlic, fennel, parsley, mustard. Flax seeds are deadly almost for all kinds helmintes (ascarides can be killed by adding to flax seeds 2% cloves. Flax seeds should be roasted and slightly crushed in a coffee grinder. It is added to soups, porridges and cold dishes. It does not lose its properties during 6 months. And pharmaciaa over-the-counter syrups from eleuteroccocus, ginseng, Aralia mandshurica, Schisndra chinnsis are not effective. Though these plants possess antiparasitic properties, a sugar syrup stimulates growth of Candida fungi. Cooking Recipes protecting organism from parasites. A pearl-barley porridge. Carefully wash pearl-barley in flowing water and let it stay overnight in 1:4 (v/v). In the morning discard water, wash once again and fry on a frying pan. Then pour pearl-barley in a saucepan with prepared in advance vegetable broth seasoned by spices (black pepper, coriander, ginger, saffron, cloves, cinnamon, dried fennel leaves and fennel seeds, parsley); use 1 volume of pearl-barley to 3 volumes of broth. Cook on slow fire without mixing. Carrot salad from with a pickle. For 800 g of carrots take 200 g pickles and a glass of tomato juice. Remove a thin skin and seeds from cucumbers, if they are large. Cut cucumbers in fine cubes, fill in with tomato juice, add black pepper and allow to stay. Finely chop carrots and add prepared pickle sauce. Herbal tea. Take equal amounts of Echincea, Hypercum perfortum (herba Hyperici), Organum vulgre (herba Origani) to prepare stock mix of antiparasitic herbal tea. Put one tea-spoon of a mix in a glass of boiling water, allow to stay for 30 minutes and drink, adding a honey to taste. Stage III. Cleansing of joints. After cleansing of intestines and antiparasitic measures it is necessary to cleanse joints. Such sequence allows to avoid an allergy and other possible toxic influences. Not many of us are proud of their joints; usually we lament swelling and creaking joints which hurt badly during rainy weather. These problems are a result of their obvious not well-being, their uncleanness, to put it mildly. It is possible to apply the following technique to cleanse joints: boil 5 g of bay leaves in 300 ml of water for 5 minutes. Dont close a lid during boiling so volatile oils would evaporate, otherwise (when boiling with a closed lid) they would irritate kidneys. Then pour everything in a thermos which for the first 20 minutes should be left open. After 3-4 hours you should filter liquid. You should drink that potion within 12 hour period, please drink in small sips, otherwise it is possible to provoke a gastric, uterus or kidneys bleeding. This procedure should be repeated for three days. Cleansing of joints should be done one in three month periods in the first year, and then it is enough to repeat procedure once a year. During joints cleansing procedures daily enemas and a vegetarian diet are obligatory. Thus you will get rid of sediments of salts in joints, weather pains, chronic pain in joins. Stage IV. Cleansing of liver. From this thread: Liver cleansing is considered the most difficult and responsible stage. Part of billirubin disposed off every 120 days remains in blood, settles on walls of bilious channels, forming stones. The bilious channels clogged by stones promote regeneration of a hepatic tissues, what leads to painful cirrhosis, bilious-stone desease. Fortunately, there is a natural and painless way of liver cleansing and removal of stones. Preparation (the first stage) to the basic procedure begins a week in advance. It is necessary to eat only vegetarian products (porridges, bread, vegetables, fruits), and during the last three days of preparatory week to drink exclusively fresh squeesed, alive apple juice, preparing 2-3 litres of juice at once. You should drink apple juice 3-6 times a day up to two glasses at once. The second stage is liver cleansing procedure. Approximately at 7 pm, when according to a daily biorhythms, your liver starts to relax, it is necessary to lay down in bed on your side and to put a bottle with hot-water on liver area. During procedure it is strongly advisable not to stand up. On a small bed-side table you should prepare in advance: a glass with 200 g of extra vergine olive oil; a glass with 200 g of freshly squeezed lemon juice (three average size lemons would suffice); a watch or clock. Exactly in 15 minute intervals you should drink three table spoons of olive oil and there and then three table spoons of lemon juice until both glasses become empty. When glasses become empty, do not rush to stand up and dont rush to remove hot-water bottle; lie on your side for couple of hours in the same position. Usually emission of stones begins in early morning and lasts for the whole day. To avoid poisoning symptoms from 11 pm start to make cleansing enemas. You should make totally 8-10 enemas. As intestines will continue releasing toxins and slags for about a week, it is necessary to make daily enemas. Light, better vegetarian diet is recommended during that period. Liver cleansing is a serious procedure but absolutely necessary for everybody even for those to whom bilious gland has been removed. You should

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not be afraid of cleansing, its harm is far smaller than surgical operation, and operation will not liminate slags - the main reason of many diseases. Many who tried to cleanse liver suffered failure as it is necessary to scrupulously and consistently observe all instructions. And please do not neglect nuances of procedure. In the first year of organism cleansing it is necessary to cleanse liver every three months, and then once a year. Stage V. Cleansing of kidneys. Water-melon diet is one of the simplest and most effective ways of cleaning of kidneys. Therefore it is necessary to arrange cleansing of kidneys during water-melon season - in September-October. You should eat only water-melons and black bread for entire week. Besides that, daily, at 3 am, when kidneys become active, sit down in a hot bath and, while sitting in it, eat the whole water-melon with black bread! Kidneys will relax, and kidneys will start to release sand slags. To some people it occurs from the first procedure. You can dare to urinate directly into bath tab water. Somebody needs to repeat water-melon week after 2-3 weeks break. For women this procedure is practically painless, men can have pains in urine tract. Other method of kidneys cleansing: herbal tea plus Abies oil. Prepare a mix for a herbal tea: crush 50 g of each herb: Hypercum perfortum (Herba Hyperici), Organum vulgre (herba Origani), sage, Melssa officinlis and . Polgonum aviculre (Herba Polygoni avicularis). Through week drink this as a tea. On the seventh day start to add into herbal tea five drops of Abies oil and, after stirring, drink it through a straw (1/2 of a glass 30 min prior meals three times a day). You should drink through a straw as oil can damage teeth enamel. Within several days kidneys sand will start to emerge like brown oily spots. However, dissolved oxalates, urates and phosphates can leave absolutely imperceptible. Stage VI. Cleansing of lymphosystem. It is strongly advisable to cleanse lymphosystem in a bath-house (like Russian, finnish, Turkish). Cleansing of lymphosystem is a simple and pleasant procedure which can be accomplished in just three days. Before going to sauna drink a dessertspoon of Glauber salt (laxative) dissolved in 0,5 glass of water. And when strong sweating begins you should start to gradually fill loss of water by prepared-in-advance mix of water and fruit juices (1 kg of lemons; 3,5 kg of grapefruits and 3,5 kg of oranges). This quantity of citrus fruits is distributed for three days to drink daily 900 g of orange juice, 900 g of grapefruit juice and 200 g of lemon juice. Dilute juices with two litres of thawed water. Juices should be natural, fresh, not pre-packaged! It is recommended to perform Lymmphatic system cleansing each three months during the first year, and the once a year thereafter. Two litres of thawed water and two litres of citrus juices is everything you should eat during cleansing of lymphatic system. Stage VII. Cleansing of blood system. Clearing of blood system is a final stage of complete organism cleansing. Our blood vessels are covered from within with cholesterol slugs and calcium stratifications. To restore the order in circulatory system you will need two glasses of natural honey, a glass of Anthum seeds (Fructus Anethi graveolentis), two table spoons of ground Valeriana root (Rhizomata cum radicibus Valerianae). Place a mixture in the big thermos and fill to 2 litres with boiling water. Let it stay for 24 hours, and then drink 1 table spoon 30 min before each meal. That's all. The essence of complete organism cleansing method is that the cleansed organism will start to eliminate defects in work of its parts itself. The majority of diseases are just consequences of the wrong approach to life overfilled with wastes of gastro enteric path, slags in organism, and chaotic diet.

Alien baboon killing with some secret keys

Dagobah Resident Posts: 754

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

Reply #2 on: August 09, 2007, 02:58:37 PM
if someone is at war with everything not 'me', thoughts coming are like this: Cleansing our Furnaces by Georgi Malakhov Effectiveness of cleansing consists in correct preliminary procedures smoothening of organism. During 3-4 days preceding cleansing every day make warm water procedures (3-4 times total), end each one with a cold shower. The last smoothening water procedure should be done a day before liver cleansing. During preparatory period eat a lot of vegetables and drink fresh juice (20-50g beetroot juice and 200-250 g of apple juice) and do enema every evening. This way your preparation to liver cleansing will be ideal.

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Naturopathic remedies in Russia

The day of liver cleansing Cleansing according to this method should be done prior to full Moon (10-13th day of Moon cycle). In the morning do enema, then drink fresh made juice and eat a light breakfast. Dinner should be light and non-abusive too, 1-2 hours after dinner start warming liver region with a hot-water bottle, keep it with you. Start procedure of liver cleansing at 7 pm. Warm olive or mustard oil (if you want to expel nasty parasites taking refuge in your liver as a part of their life cycle) to 30-35 C. Dosage depends on organism and on how you react to oil. You have 2 glasses in front of you one with warm oil, another with lemon juice. Drink 1-2 mouthfuls of oil. And the same amount of juice. Repeat in 15-20 min intervals until both glasses become empty. Totally you should drink 100-300 ml of oil and juice. You can make some procedures that will strengthen the effect. In 1,5-2 hours after you finished with oil-juice, sit down on your heels, close the left nostril and breath through the right one. Put some chili pepper in the mouth, and Kyznetsov applicator with metallic needles on the liver region. That will facilitate heating of organism and energy flow towards liver. Additionally imagine that when you breath out, you direct hot air steam toward liver, breath slowly and calmly (4-6 in minute), and work with your diaphragm. Bulge out your belly when you breath in and take belly in when you breath out. Breath this way for 15-30 min, rest for one hour and repeat. When you rest, put a magnet, or a magnet applicator where your furnace is seated. All above cited procedures heat, enzymatic activity, increased blood flow, increasing of potential of erythrocytes, powerful supply of free electrons from applicator will enable you to crash down, melt and force out trash you have accumulated in liver. From 11 pm to 3 am when biorhythm of liver and gall-bladder is maximal, all merchandise you have accumulated in liver, start to go out. Usually in the morning, more merchandise comes out. Make an additional enema then. Rest a bit and start your new afresh day with non-obtrusive light meal. First meal preferably, should consist of 0,5L of fresh made juice (carrot and beetroot apple = 1 : 5). Juice will give an additional wash to your liver. Then you can start with salads, porridge on water, and re-enter normal life. If you are confident in yourself, the next day you can do the second liver cleansing. In the morning do an enema, one more at mid-day, during day drink only fresh juices and herb tea with honey. At 2 pm start first warming of liver and cleanse it as stated above. The next morning do cleansing enema and eat well-cooked rice with melted butter. For dinner you may prepare stewed vegetables with melted butter, and use sea-cabbage as a salt. The next week dont do any cleansing procedures, Shank Prakshalana just eat, enjoy yourself newborn and relax. The next one or two-day liver cleansing do in 2 weeks, better if done before the next full Moon. When cleansing, reading mythology books might help (smile)

Alien baboon killing with some secret keys


Naturopathic remedies in Russia

Reply #3 on: August 09, 2007, 05:44:44 PM
I have some thoughts to note regarding the recipes:

Quote from: Semenova Posts: 1,664 per aspera ad astra

Stage I. Cleansing of Intestines Often even enema for six month daily is not enough to sufficiently cleanse intestines or to get rid from constipation. Sure, if you don't stop eating, it never will be clean!

Quote from: Semenova

Everybody needs to friendicate with enema young, elderly, fat, slim. But there are also other methods to cleanse the intestine. Enemas only reach the lower colon. I have no experience with enemas and the like but wanted to know which is the most effective method. So I followed a few links starting from the topic Fasting, Gluten, MSG, Soy, Blood Type Diet, then 8)"The health Benefits of Fasting", then the link "Colon Cleansing", then "First time cleansing" which leads to, a family company. Martha Volchok, a natural

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Naturopathic remedies in Russia

herbalist, driven by own suffering in the past, developed a way to effectively clean the whole intestine in a 5 day fast, 8 day program, assisted by natural herbs. The pictures of excreted mucous build-ups on the website really shocked me, so beware, but they speak for themselves. Read also the many positive email responses. Seems really to work! I quote this correspondence from the blessedherbs site because the person describes that convential enemas didn't help:

From: "P.N. Date: June 9, 2006 1:04:47 PM EDT To: Subject: Please Include my Email on Your Site To Everyone at Blessed Herbs: In trying not to sound like the same "told story", I have to just speak my peace on your product. I was an individual that went beyond the average skeptic. When I bought your product, I was at my wit's end with my digestive tract. Nothing out of everything I was doing was getting my bowel movements the way they're supposed to be. I mean I tried everything...drinking only water for a week, doing a warm sea salt water flush, doing a lemon cleanse, massaging my digestive tract (via my tummy) hoping to get my bowels stimulated, among a laundry list of other things. With the warm sea salt water flush, I had a diarrhea type response, that burned the you-know-what out of my you-know-where and the smell almost stayed in the bathroom walls. But after the flush, I was at the point where I would have a movement only once every 5 to 7 days. So, being fed up and just disappointed in my body, I decided to try my luck with your product. [...] And the things that were moved out were absolutely mind blowing. ABSOLUTELY MIND BLOWING. I had 6-7 movements on days 3, 4, and 5 that were extremely HUGE, and to date, I have at least 1 to 2 a day [...] Sincerely, P.N. Altadena, CA I will try this method in october, together with a week gluten free with "Breads and Cakes to die for"!

Quote from: Semenova

Stage II. Cleansing from Parasites Silicium (silicon) is converter of energy and one of the main elements in our organism. Huh? Silicon is not even listed in the most abundant elements in the body, see:

Quote from: /wiki/Abundance_of_the_chemical_elements

Element Percent by mass Oxygen 65 Carbon 18 Hydrogen 10 Nitrogen 3 Calcium 1.5 Phosphorus 1.2 Potassium 0.2 Sulfur 0.2 Chlorine 0.2 Sodium 0.1 Magnesium 0.05 Iron, Cobalt, Copper, Zinc, Iodine <0.05 each Selenium, Fluorine <0.01 each

Stage IV. Cleansing of liver. Exactly in 15 minute intervals you should drink three table spoons of olive oil and there and then three table spoons of lemon juice until both glasses become empty. The liver cleansing is really an old and widespread remedy. Today, there a few re-inventions. Seems to me that this russian liver cleansing recipe differs a bit from that of Dr. Hulda Clark. Clark uses laxatives before the procedure to empty the intestine, and then ditto afterwards for

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Naturopathic remedies in Russia

a fast evacuation of the liver stones, so that toxins and cholersterol from the stones are not re-absobed. Additionally, the olive oil and lemon/grapefruit juice is shook very well to produce an emulsion, which has an extremely large oil surface. This large surface is necessary for the stimulation of the liver and gallbladder to maximally open their gates, thereby flushing out all solid matter. The emulsion, about 250ml, is drunk at once. Clark has also a differnt timetable for the recipe. I tried it myself and it works. I'm 26 and I produced several hundret small (2-4 mm) green/yellowish liver stones. They swim on top of the water. Hope that I could clarify some things... Edit: Typos

"The Way is basically taking up your cross, bearing it under trials and tribulations, and getting crucified. Just understand that these are metaphors though the pain and suffering is very real." -Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Dagobah Resident Posts: 754

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

Reply #4 on: August 10, 2007, 05:58:10 PM Quote from: Semenova
Stage II. Cleansing from Parasites Silicium (silicon) is converter of energy and one of the main elements in our organism. Clay, which contains silicon, is an adsorbent that draws toxins to itself, adsorbs up to 32- 40 times its weight in toxins. According to Malakhov, silicon and fresh juices are used to eliminate microparasites living in the blood plasma.. Silicon ions create electrically charged colloidal systems, which attract, hold, and eliminate microparasites. Its like an oligodynamic effect when ions bind to active centers of many bacteria, viruses like to a magnet and microparasites are adsorbed into silicon colloidal solutions in blood and intestines and eliminated. According to Malakhov, One of the best ways to fill up silicon is drinking kaolin. When organism has enough silicon, liver cleansing is more successful solid calcium stones can be dissolved. Its also advisable to drink silicon water during fasting as silicon adsorbs and carries away toxins. Daily dosage is 1 teaspoon in 150 ml of stream water, better to make a solution in the evening and drink after you wake up in the morning. Usually 1 course lasts for 3 weeks. Next courses every month for 10 days. According to Semenova method, people in complete organism cleansing were drinking up to 250 g of kaolin in 2 weeks. Silicon is also contained in psilum and also in fresh made cucumber and pepper juices. These juices Malakhov recommends to combine with carrot juice _ Using any type of earth internally, even well known therapeutic healing clays, is quite a daunting proposition for those unfamiliar with the nature of specialty clays. However, there is no doubt that the informed use of clays internally, coupled with dietary modifications, can accomplish healing and system support to a degree that no other substance can. This claim does has some scientific backing ( see our page on bentonite ), but the effects of clay internally remain largely unstudied and even often misunderstood. Furthermore, each and every clay is unique, and different clays may respond in the body differently. Our experience over the years shows that it is far wiser to find clays that agree with the human system, and use them all, rather than trying to find to find good clays to replace ones already being used. Uses of bentonite, montmorillonite, and illite ingested orally: To assist in the removal of toxic substances in the digestive system o Bacterial food poisoning, organic and inorganic toxicity To cleanse the colon and promote proper bacterial balance in the intestines To begin the process of detoxification of the liver To stimulate liver function As a part of short term cleansing programs used to promote good health Critical to support external healing clay treatment ( pelotherapy ) Removal of heavy metals and recovery from chemical therapies and radiation With special long term treatments, to increase T-cell count and fix free oxygen in the blood stream o Reduction of free radical damage ( thus anti-aging ) o Improved immune system function o Improved cellular respiration Improved digestive efficiency _

8 din 10

08.06.2013 15:20

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published an article on clay eating and detoxification (Timothy and Duquette 1991). Among the many examples listed by the authors, the following are some of the more striking evidence for body purification through the use of clay. When the Pomo Indians of California consumed clay with traditional bitter and toxic types of acorns, the clay absorbed the poisons and eliminated the bitterness. The Indians were able to survive on a staple food that, without clay, would have posed a serious potential threat to their health. In an experiment performed under laboratory conditions, rats voluntarily ate clay in response to gastrointestinal problems induced by poisoning. Further examples cited chimpanzees who ate clay after ingesting plant foods loaded with toxins. The article concluded that clays could adsorb dietary toxins, bacterial toxins associated with gastrointestinal disturbance, hydrogen ions in acidosis, or metabolic toxins such as steroidal metabolites associated with pregnancy. All these conditions result in a host of common symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea in short, symptoms of toxic overload. _ _

Quote from: Data

Seems to me that this russian liver cleansing recipe differs a bit from that of Dr. Hulda Clark. Clark uses laxatives before the procedure to empty the intestine, and then ditto afterwards for a fast evacuation of the liver stones, so that toxins and cholersterol from the stones are not re-absobed. Additionally, the olive oil and lemon/grapefruit juice is shook very well to produce an emulsion, which has an extremely large oil surface. This large surface is necessary for the stimulation of the liver and gallbladder to maximally open their gates, thereby flushing out all solid matter. The emulsion, about 250ml, is drunk at once. Clark has also a differnt timetable for the recipe. Oh, I read about Clarks method, that should be one which is called a triple Artemisia, green parts of walnuts in vodka and cloves. There is a Russian modification of Clarks method by A. Afanasief where he uses Tanacetum vulgare instead of green parts of walnuts. And Artemisia should be chewed and ingested as powder, not in solution (you can put it into the small piece of bread and spalm honey to be more at ease with sensations). Enema is compulsory too. I think the difference in liver cleansing to make an oil-lemon juice emulsion and drink it all at once or not to mix two components and drink slowly mouthful after mouthful with intervals lays in a danger to vomit all this 200-300 ml of emulsion if you drink it all at once if your organism doesnt take it this way. Malakhov stresses on that that in his practice so many people were throwing out that he uses more gentle method. But its good to know both of them, the more the better, to be able to choose what is better for your organism, osit.

There is a nice antiparasitic recipe with Coniaque and castor oil too, its suited also for kids. It's so easy how kids always playing in their sandboxes and touching everything are infected by parasites. For adults: In the morning before breakfast drink 50 g of good quality Coniaque and the same amount of castor oil. Merchandise becomes drunk and paralysed, unable to connect to the intestine walls. The same procedure should be repeated the next day, if you still have merchandise coming out, repeat procedure for as long as necessary. For kids: Procedure is a bit different. At 1-2 am, when daily activity of merchandise is at maximum, wake up your kid and give him coniaque (like 2 table spoons) 1:1 with something very sweet like honey, marmalade. The total volume should not exceed 4-6 table spoons. Hungry merchandise is coming out to eat sweet meal, then they drop drunk from Coniaque and remain as free-drunken bastards in the cavity. In 20-30 min give your kid a castor oil. Dosage is individual depending on the age of your kid, 15 30 g, the aim is that kid shoud go into the bathroom before stuff attach to intestines again. Repeat procedure the next day and until your kid will be merchandise-free. In many cases during first couple of days nothing is coming out, and then starts showing up en masse on the 2-3 night.

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Dagobah Resident Posts: 754

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 12:31:58 PM
Hi, everybody! I'm reading 'Nourishment and Cleanse according to Bogdanova' by Bogdanova, a-well-written

9 din 10

08.06.2013 15:20

Naturopathic remedies in Russia

pedia how to treat your veicle, cleanse organs and systems with herbs, minerals and other gifts nature provides. Amomgst hundreds of recipes she gives she also advocates organism cleansing using clay (well, it comes in many colors) externally as well as internally. Clay rejuvenates cells, supplies organism with minerals and microelements in their most adsorbable form, it adsorbs toxins, poisons, exess acids 40X it's weight. Clay works as a natural electrophoresis in the body. External applications: for arthritis, polyartritis, peumatism, infections, traumas, abscesses, varicosis, legs swelling, mastitis, hematomas, osteochondrosis, vertebral colon, muscles diseases, some digestive organs and hynecological diseases (she doesnt specify which ones). Bogdabnova writes that several first sessions of clay applications can be accompanied by pain, sometimes severe, but you should withstand pain and rejoice this means clay started working on your body! Actually, clay will help to heal everything that swells, is inflamed, festered or damaged otherwise in your body. Internal usage: start with teaspoon of clay per glass of water in the morning after you wake up and in the evening before going to bed, continue so for one week. Next week increase clay to 1 teaspoon per glass of water. Third week one tablespoon per glass water and drink the glass quickly, in one [?]. Fourth week - 2 tablespoons per glass of water. The most interesting phrase in clay cleanse is that according to Bogdanova,

Quote from: Bogdanova

after clay purifies your physical body, it starts to cleanse your subtle body

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