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2b Format of Marketing Plan

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Group project Report & Presentation

Project on Designing a Marketing Plan

I. Project Brief
Each team needs to select any company and its brand in India. Students are required to follow below instructions: Recommend appropriate one-year marketing plan of one brand of the particular company. Determine your assumption of marketing ob ecti!es" and financial ob ecti!es. #ake sure that the marketing plan is suitable with the product$s target market.

II. Marketing plan guideline

1. Executive Su ar! %& page'

". Situation #nal!sis$ Market Summary #arket (rowth %&-) pages' E*plain market and segment growth o!er past periods and the forecast market and segment growth. E*plain any factors affecting the market and segment growth. #arket +rends %&-) pages' E*plain the nature of market and segment trends that will affect the brand$s performance. #arket ,eeds %& page' -naly.e the target market$s current needs and e*plain how the brand can satisfy the needs. #arket Demographics %&-) pages' Describe the brand$s current target market in terms of demographic" geographic" and beha!ior factors. SWOT Analysis %)-/ pages' Strengths 0eaknesses 1pportunities +hreats Competition Analysis %2omparison tables" graphs" and charts are needed' %)-3 pages' Describe direct and indirect competitors in terms of: o +arget markets ser!ed o 4roduct attributes o 4ricing o 4romotion o Distribution including the distributor network o Ser!ices offered Product Offering %)-/ pages' Describe the company$s product for the following details: o 4roduct -ttributes o 4ricing o Distribution o 4romotion o Ser!ices 1ffered o 2urrent product life cycle Keys to success %& page'

Identify the important keys to success of the brand

%. Marketing Strateg! Mission %& page' Marketing Objectives %& page' Specify the marketing ob ecti!es for the coming year in terms of o market share o customers %number5percentage growth' o le!el of brand5company awareness o product trials inancial Objectives %& page' Specify the financial ob ecti!es for the coming year in terms of o Sales growth o by !olume and growth percentage o by segments o 4rofitability growth o Ratios %use common financial ratios and other metrics associated with marketing in the industry' Target Market %& page' +arget market: identify current target market. If you ha!e plan to change target market" identify your ob ecti!e and details of your plan. Positioning %2omparison graph is needed' %& page' Describe current market positioning of the brand. If you ha!e plan to change market positioning" identify ob ecti!es and details of your plan. Marketing Strategies %&-) pages' E*plain your marketing strategy to accomplish the ob ecti!es as you set in details. Marketing Mi! %/-3 pages' E*plain in details regarding the suggested marketing mi* %product" price" place" and promotion' to accomplish the ob ecti!es o 4roduct: identify your plan related to e*isting products or new products by specifying features5attributes offered" category of product" branding strategy" packaging" and labeling. o 4ricing: identify pricing strategy for the e*isting 5 new products. It should indicate factors influencing pricing strategy such as costs" competition" customer e*pectation" and economic situation. o Distribution: identify distribution plan for the product %s' in details including ob ecti!e of the plan" type of channels. o 4romotion: describe how the product will be promoted. Integrated marketing communication consists of si* ma or areas 6 ad!ertising" sales promotion" public relations and personal selling" direct marketing and e!ent marketing 6 though not all may be used. +imetables for promotion are important since certain types of promotions %#ost information in this section can be shown in tables and graphs.' Specify promotional ob ecti!es and cost for each I#2 tool planning to use. o Include e*tra / 4s in case of Ser!ice 4roduct &. 'inancials (Tables, graphs, and charts are required) %)-/ pages' Past Trend and uture Projections Sales and Market S(are ). *ontrols %&-) pages' "mplementation -n implementation chart %on monthly basis' of your action plan must be prepared Contingency Planning


'or at and content consideration

1. #ppendices

Support information" graphs" and pictures can be placed under appendices to a!oid pro!iding too much information in the main part of the marketing plan. +hey can be classified into different appendices according to their rele!ance or type of the information. ". References +o a!oid plagiarism" all sources of information need to be properly cited in this part.

III. ,(e Project and -ocu ents$

Each group is required to strictly follow the following requirements:

Do not e*ceed 78 pages %e*cluding -ppendi* section'. +he additional pages will be automatically disregarded. 9se only :-rial; style with the font si.e <&)" &.7 line spacing" gutter of 8.=7;" left and right margins of &; %ensuring space on the left margin for binding'. 4ro!ide citations when secondary information or data are used. >ailure to cite the source of information will result in &? deduction from total pro ect scores. 2aution should be made to check the spelling and grammar of your report as marks are reser!ed for it.

I.. ,ea /s Responsi0ilities

Students are required to form a group of @ %more members in the group are not acceptable'. +he team assignment is to formulate one-year comprehensi!e marketing plan co!ering period of #pril1 "21% 3 Marc(1 "21&. #eet the submission deadlines regardless of reasons.

.. Mark #llocations
+his group semester pro ect is going to be a part of your internal marks in the semester performance. +he specific mark allocations are stated below: Particulars 4ro ect 4aper %0ritten Report' Research Design A Data 2ollection 4resentation 4eer #ember E!aluation 4eer (roup E!aluation ,otal 4 /8? )8? /8? &8? &8? 1224 Marks /8 )8 /8 &8 &8 122


.I. Project Presentation$

-ll teams are required to be prepared at the time of presentation the date and time will be announced in ad!ance by the faculty. Since the pro ect is the group$s effort" the presentation does require all group members$ participation. >ailure to be present and participate in the presentation regardless of reasons" will result in the team members$ presentation marks be deducted to :8;. Each team is required to use :4ower4oint; software in their presentation and to finish the presentation within )8 minutes time followed by &8 minutes B A -. -s appointment would be arranged only at the time of presentation date !ia chit system 6 hence no group will get time to know when their term is going to come. Prof. .ikra Parek(1 >aculty" #arketing -pplications and 4ractices prof.!

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