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BS Assignment Brief

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CHIRAG DHOLAKIA 5 7 & BUSINESS STRATEGY 2nd Apri 2!"# 7$% M&' 2!"#

RULES & REGULATION ( &)i&ri*+ is presenting somebody elses work as your own. It includes: copying information directly from the Web or books without referencing the material; submitting joint coursework as an individual effort; copying another students coursework; stealing coursework from another student and submitting it as your own work. Suspected plagiarism will be investigated and if found to have occurred will be dealt with according to the procedures set down by the ollege.



!he aims of this unit is to build on learners e"isting knowledge of the basic tools of #usiness analysis such as (ESTLE and draw it together so that the learners think strategically. !he analysis tools needed for the process of *$r&$,)i- p &nnin). $earners will learn how to apply *$r&$,)i- p.*i$i.nin) $,-%ni/0,* to the analysis of a given organi%ation and prepare a strategic plan based on analysis. &inally' learners will compare the roles and responsibilities for *$r&$,)' i+p ,+,n$&$i.n and E1& 0&$, resource re(uirements for the implementation of a new strategy for a given )rgani%ation. !his is the final assignment for this unit. In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against each criterion.

Cri$,ri& r,2,r,n-, 3L,&rnin) O0$-.+,4 5 (&**

T. &-%i,1, $%, -ri$,ri& $%, ,1id,n-, +0*$ *%.6 $%&$ *$0d,n$ i* &7 , $.8

T&*9 E1id,n-, N..

*.* e"plain strategic conte"ts and terminology , missions' visions' objectives' goals' core competencies $)* +nderstand the process of Strategic planning

" R,p.r$

*.- review the issues involved in strategic planning *.. e"plain different planning techni(ues -.* produce an organi%ational audit for a given organi%ation


" 2

$)- #e able to formulate a new Strategy

-.- carry out an environmental audit for a given organi%ation -.. e"plain the significance of stakeholder analysis ..* analy%e possible alternative strategies relating to substantive growth' limited growth or retrenchment


2 #

$). +nderstand approaches to Strategy evaluation and Selection

R,p.r$ ..- select an appropriate future strategy for a given organi%ation /.* compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation /.- evaluate resource re(uirements to implement a new strategy for a given organi%ation #

: R,p.r$

$)/ +nderstand how to implement a chosen strategy

/.. discuss targets and timescales for achievement in a given organi%ation to monitor a given strategy.

Cri$,ri& r,2,r,n-, 3L,&rnin) O0$-.+,4 ; M,ri$ Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions <M"= Select2design and apply appropriate methods2techni(ues <M2=

T. &-%i,1, $%, -ri$,ri& $%, ,1id,n-, +0*$ *%.6 $%&$ *$0d,n$ i* &7 , $.8 0ffective judgments have been made omple" problems with more than one variable have been e"plored 1n effective approach to study and research has been applied. 1 range of methods and techni(ues have been applied 1 range of sources of information has been used !he selection of methods and techni(ues2sources justified !he design of methods2techni(ues justified omple" information2data have been synthesi%ed and processed. 1ppropriate learning methods2techni(ues applied 1ppropriate structure and approach has been used oherent' logical development of principles2concepts for the intended audience 1 range of methods of presentation has been used and technical language accurately used ommunication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar conte"ts ommunication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media has been used

E1id,n-, R,p.r$



3resent and communicate appropriate findings <M#=

Cri$,ri& r,2,r,n-, 3L,&rnin) O0$-.+,4 ; Di*$in-$i.n +se critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions <D"=

T. &-%i,1, $%, -ri$,ri& $%, ,1id,n-, +0*$ *%.6 $%&$ *$0d,n$ i* &7 , $.8 onclusion has been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified !he validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria Self criticism of approach has taken place 4ealistic improvements have been proposed against characteristics for success 1utonomy2independence demonstrated Substantial activities' projects or investigations have been planned' managed and organi%ed 1ctivities have been managed !he unforeseen has been accommodated !he importance of interdependence has been recogni%ed and achieved

E1id,n-, R,p.r$


!ake responsibility for managing and organi%ing activities <D2=

5emonstrate convergent' lateral and creative thinking <D#=

Ideas generated and decisions taken Self evaluation has taken place onvergent and lateral thinking have been applied 3roblems have been solved Innovation and creative thought has been applied 4eceptiveness to new ideas is evident 0ffective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar conte"ts


L,&rn,r d,- &r&$i.n8 I -,r$i2' $%&$ $%, 6.r9 *07+i$$,d 2.r $%i* &**i)n+,n$ i* +' .6n &nd r,*,&r-% *.0r-,* &r, 20 ' &-9n.6 ,d),d. L,&rn,r *i)n&$0r,8 D&$,8

ASSIGNMENT BRIEF In*$r0-$i.n* 67ou are re(uired to produce an academic report of /888 words 9:26 *8;< covering all the (uestions given below. 67ou are re(uired to follow the formal presentation format. 67ou are re(uired to reference sources by using =arvard 4eferencing Style. 6!he colleges regulations concerning cheating' collusion and plagiarism apply to this assessment. 6 !his assignment must be completed individually' in print' and must be bound with front and back covers. Select an .r)&ni>&$i.n of your choice that consist of SBU 9Strategic #usiness +nits< department and outline a strategic plan' detailing the following strategic elements. T&*9 "8 *.* 0"plain Strategic onte"ts and terminology and give e"amples of each terminology wrt your chosen organi%ation *.- 0"plain the problems wrt to chosen organi%ation' involved in strategic planning and how best problems be solved *.. 0"plain each of the strategic planning techni(ues as per the unit content. >ow' tell us about your company usages of any strategic planning techni(ues and why are they using it? <A**,**+,n$ Cri$,ri& "."? ".2? ".#@ Gr&din) Cri$,ri& M"? M2? M#@ D"? D2? D#=

T&*9 28 -.* @ive 2 create an organi%ational audit in details for your chosen firm. -.- 1naly%e the environmental audit for a given organi%ation. Aake conclusions. -.. 0"plain' give significance and how your chosen organi%ation uses 9application< stakeholder analysis <A**,**+,n$ Cri$,ri& 2."? 2.2? 2.#@ Gr&din) Cri$,ri& M"? M2? M#@ D"? D2? D#=@

T&*9 #8 ..* 1naly%e the alternative strategies that can be related to substantive growth' limited growth and retrenchment with respect to your chosen organi%ation ..- hoose appropriate strategy selection for a given organi%ation. 5evelop appropriate future strategy in details on basis of your chosen strategy. <A**,**+,n$ Cri$,ri& #."? #.2@ Gr&din) Cri$,ri& M"? M2? M#@ D"? D2? D#=

T&*9 :8 /.* With respect to your chosen firm' understand the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation. >ow' compare the roles and responsibilities for strategy implementation on the basis of parameters: !eam Aembers 1s an Individual )bjectives !argets )ther activities 0tc.

/.- 0"amine and judge carefully the resource re(uirements for new strategy implementation for a given organi%ation /.. +nderstand the process of monitoring of a strategy' from your chosen organi%ation. >ow' e"plain the monitoring of your chosen organi%ation with respect to achievements: !argets !imescales

<A**,**+,n$ Cri$,ri& :."? :.2? :.#@ Gr&din) Cri$,ri& M"? M2? M#@ D"? D2? D#=

S.0r-,* .2 In2.r+&$i.n T,A$7..9*8 "4 In$r.d0-$i.n $. B0*in,** S$r&$,)' 5 B' D&1id C&+p7, 24 B0*in,** S$r&$,)' 5 B' Bi1& B..9*

T%i* 7ri,2 %&* 7,,n 1,ri2i,d &* 7,in) 2i$ 2.r p0rp.*,8 A**,**.r8 Si)n&$0r,8 D&$,8 Mr. C%ir&) D%. &9i& In$,rn& B,ri2i,r8 Mr. M&'0r D& & Si)n&$0r,8 D&$,8

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