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Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339

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Evaluation of the anti-inammatory and analgesic effects of Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes derived from 2-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 -(1-(pyridin-2-1)ethylidene) acetohydrazide
Ola A. El-Gammal a,, Elsayed A. Elmorsy b,c, Yousery E. Sherif c,d

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, P.O. Box 70, Mansoura, Egypt Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine North Jeddah Branch, King Abd El-Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Clinical Pharmacology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt d Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Arts, Ulla, Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
b c

h i g h l i g h t s
 Preparation of complexes of 2-

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 -(1-(pyridin2-yl)ethylidene) acetohydrazide (HA2PNA) with Zn and Cu acetate.  Characterization of all compounds by elemental and spectral techniques.  Anti-inammatory and analgesic activity in rat model of collagen adjuvant arthritis and compared with piroxicam.

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
New Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of 2-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 -(1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene) acetohydrazide (HA2PNA) have been prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, spectral (IR, UVvisible, ESR and 1H NMR) as well as magnetic and thermal measurements. According to the data, the complexes assigned the formulae: [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O and [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)], respectively. IR data revealed that the ligand acts as before ONN and after morever ONN mononegative tridentate via deprotonated carbonyl oxygen (@CAOA) and both (C@N)imine and (C@N)pyridine nitrogen atoms. The bond lengths, bond angles, HOMO, LUMO, dipole moment and charges on the atoms have been calculated by using density functional theory (DFT) at B3LYP level with 6-31G and 6-31G(d,p) basis sets to conrm the geometry of the ligand and the investigated complexes. Also, the kinetic parameters were determined for each thermal degradation stage of the complexes using CoatsRedfern and HorowitzMetzger methods. Moreover, the complexes have been tested for anti-inammatory and analgesic activity in rat model of collagen adjuvant arthritis and compared with piroxicam. All the compounds showed a signicant anti-inammatory and analgesic effect versus piroxicam. 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 6 June 2013 Received in revised form 11 September 2013 Accepted 26 September 2013 Available online 10 October 2013 Keywords: Anti-inammatory Analgesic Acetohydrazide Copper Zinc

Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inammatory disease characterized by joint swelling, joint tenderness and destruction of synovial joints, leading to severe disability and premature mortality [1]. Persistent high disease activity leads to disability, comor-

Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 126712958.

E-mail address: (O.A. El-Gammal). 1386-1425/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339


bidities, and premature mortality. Consequently, development of treatment strategies to bring the disease under control quickly is of utmost importance [2]. Nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most widely used therapeutics, primarily for the treatment of pain and inammation, especially arthritis [3]. Piroxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inammatory drug and it has anti-inammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activity [4]. The role of zinc and copper in chronic inammatory diseases is of interest because they are co-factors of important enzymes involved in collagen and bone metabolism [5,6] immune system function [7,8] and antioxidant protection [9]. Furthermore, changes in serum zinc and copper levels observed in RA patients led some investigators to hypothesize that a marginal deciency in zinc and copper might contribute to the development of RA and to the progression of the disease itself [10]. Also, it has been shown that the inammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis can be reduced using copper complexes [11].Hydrazones are a versatile class of compounds which present innumerous chemical and pharmacological applications. They have shown to possess antimicrobial, anticonvulsant, analgestic, anti-inammatory, antiplatelet, antitubercular, antitumoral properties [1215]. Literature survey showed no pharmacological assay on the present hydrazone, 2(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 -(1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene) acetohydrazide (HA2PNA) has yet been undertaken. So, this work aims to study the anti-rhemuatic activity of the present hydrazone (HA2PNA) as well as its Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes.

Synthesis of a-naphthoxyacetylhydrazine

a-naphthoxyacetylhydrazine was synthesized by the literature method [16]. A solution of ethyl a-naphthoxyacetate (23 ml, 0.1 mol) and 100 ml of absolute ethanol were added to 5.0 ml of hydrazine hydrate (0.1 mol) and the mixture was reuxed for 3 h. The obtained solution was evaporated to one third its original volume. Then the product formed was cooled, ltered off, washed several times with diethyl ether and nally dried over anhydrous CaCl2; yield 16.2 gm; m.p: 158160 C.
Synthesisof2-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 -(1-(pyridin-2l)ethylidene)acetohydrazide(HA2PNA) 2-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 -(1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene)acetohydrazide (HA2PNA) was prepared by heating equimolar amounts of 2-acetylpyridine (11 ml, 0.1 mol) and a-naphthoxyacetylhydrazine (23.4 gm, 0.11 mol) in 150 ml absolute ethanol under reux for 2 h. On cooling, piege precipitate was separated. The product was ltered off, washed, recrystallized from absolute ethanol and nally dried in a vacuum desiccator over anhydrous calcium chloride. Yield 25.4 gm, m.p. 180 183 C. Synthesis of metal complexes A hot ethanolic or aqueous ethanolic solution of the respective metal acetate (1.0 mmol) was added to hot ethanolic solution of HA2PNA (0.296 g, 1.0 mmol). The resultant mixture was heated under reux for 1 h. The precipitates that formed were ltered off, washed with ethanol followed by diethyl ether and dried in a vacuum desiccator over anhydrous CaCl2. The physical and analytical data of the isolated complexes are listed in Table 1. The complexes are stable and readily soluble in DMF and DMSO. The values of molar conductivity of all complexes, lie in the range (5 7 ohm1 cm2 mol1) indicating their non-electrolytic nature [17]. Pharmacological test Animals Fourty eight SpragueDawley rats (200250 g) were fed on a standard rat chow and water and labium. Animal care and experiments were performed in accordance with NIH guide to the care and use of laboratory animals. The local ethical committee approved the study. Rats were housed under similar standard laboratory conditions. The animals were divided into two main groups [non arthritic control (n = 6) and arthritic group (n = 42)]. In the arthritic group, all rats had been inoculated by the reagent of collagen adjuvant arthritis into the left paw pad. Rats which developed right paw arthritic manifestations after 45 days were divided into seven groups each group contained 6 rats as follow, arthritic control, piroxicam treated, zinc acetate treated, copper acetate treated, (HA2PNA) treated, [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex

Experimental Instrumentation and materials All the chemicals were purchased from Aldrich and Fluka and used without further purication. Elemental analyses (C, H, N) were performed with a PerkinElmer 2400 series II analyzer. Molar conductance values (103 mol l1) of the complexes in DMF were measured using a Tacussel conductivity bridge model CD6NG. IR spectra (4000400 cm1) for KBr discs were recorded on a Mattson 5000 FTIR spectrophotometer. Electronic spectra were recorded on a Unicam UVvisible spectrophotometer UV2. Magnetic susceptibilities were measured with a Sherwood scientic magnetic susceptibility balance at 298 K. 1H NMR measurements in d6-DMSO at room temperature were carried out on a Varian Gemini WM300 MHz spectrometer at the Microanalytical Unit, Cairo University. Thermogravimetric measurements (TGA, DTA, 201000 C) were recorded on a DTG-50 Shimadzu thermogravimetric analyzer at a heating rate of 15 C/min and nitrogen ow rate of 20 ml/min. A powder ESR spectrum was obtained in a 2 mm quartz capillary at room temperature with a Bruker EMX spectrometer working in the X-band (9.78 GHz) with 100 kHz modulation frequency. The microwave power and modulation amplitudes were set at 1 mW and 4G, respectively. The low eld signal was obtained after four scans with 10-fold increase in the receiver again.

Table 1 Analytical and physical data of HA2PNA and its metal complexes. Compound empirical formula (F Wt) Color M.p. (C) % Found (Calcd.) M (HA2PNA) C19H17N3O2 (296.33) [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] ZnC21H21N3O5 (460.76) Grey Grey 183 260 14.10 (14.19) 8.46 (8.38) Cl C 71.38 (71.46) 54.46 (54.74) 63.79 (63.55) H 5.42 (5.37) 4.67 (4.59) 4.88 (4.77) 84 Yield (%)

[Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O CuC38H34N6O5 (718.14)

Dark green




O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339

treated and [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] complex treated groups. The compounds were given orally via gastric tube once daily in a dose which calculated according to Pagets table for seven days [18]. Most of the previous compounds are insoluble in water, thus it were suspended in 0.5% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose [SCMC] mg per 200 g of rat weight. This model of CollagenAdjuvant Arthritis [1921] is considered to be a representative of rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis in humans. Collagen II Freunds adjuvant emulsion (0.1 ml) was injected intradermally into the left hind foot paw-pad of each rat (if no arthritis developed within four weeks, some of the animals were challenged by a second inoculation). After 45 days, the systemic arthritis developed in both hind paws [22].

Results and discussion The data of elemental analysis together with some physical properties of the complexes are summarized in Table 1.The stiochiometries of the coordination adducts established by elemental analysis are conrmed by weight loss determination.

Molecular modeling The molecular structure along with atom numbering of HA2PNA and its metal complexes are shown in Structures (IIII).

Methods of measurement of joint inammation and pain tolerance Pain tolerance: measurement right paw pad pressure tolerance. This was determined for assessment of the analgesic activity of the used drugs; pressure was applied by the analgesimeter (Ugo Basile, Italy) on the rat pad of the right paw. The pressure was increased gradually (a certain number of grams per second until the rat either squeaks or tries to withdraw its limb). The force of pressure was continuously monitored by a pointer moving along a linear scale. Increased pressure tolerance of drug treated rats indicates analgesic activity of the administered drug [23,24]. This measurement of pressure tolerance was done at the 7th day of drug treatment (45 days after complete Freunds adjuvant injection).

Proximal joint (right ankle) mobilization tolerance (pain scoring). This was graded from one to four. Degree 1 corresponds to tolerance of complete exion 90; degrees two and three correspond to increasing degree of maltolerance according to a rat hind limb withdrawal, squeaking and when the exion becomes painful. Degree 4 corresponds to squeaking with just initiation of exion. Each of the six non-arthritic, non-treated rats had a score of one [23]. This measurement of mobilization tolerance was done at the 7th day of drug treatment (52 days after complete Freunds adjuvant injection).

Measurement of joint inammation: right ankle periarticular edema scoring (rheumatoid index). Scoring was based on severity and extent of the erythema and edema of the periarticular tissue, and the enlargement, distortion or ankylosis of the joints. Its inammation was graded from 1 to 4 [23]. Grading of 4 was when the joint was distorted and ankylosed, 3 when markedly enlarged, 2 when erythematous with edema, and 1 when normal [23]. Each of the six non-arthritic, non-treated rats had a score of 1. Right paw pad thickness and joint scoring were measured at the 7th day after starting drug treatment (45 days after complete Freunds adjuvant injection).

Molecular modeling. We performed cluster calculations using DMOL3 program [25] in Materials Studio package [26], which is designed for the realization of large scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations. DFT semi-core pseudopods calculations (dspp) were performed with the double numerical basis sets plus polarization functional (DNP). The DNP basis sets are of comparable quality to 6-31G Gaussian basis sets [27]. Delley and Kessi showed that the DNP basis sets are more accurate than Gaussian basis sets of the same size [28]. The RPBE functional [29] is so far the best exchangecorrelation functional [30], based on the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), is employed to take account of the exchanged correlation effects of electrons. The geometric optimization is performed without any symmetry restriction.

O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339


Analysis of the data in Tables (1S6S) (Supplementary materials) calculated for the bond lengths and angles for the bond, one can conclude the following remarks: (1) The N(15)AN(16), C(13)AN(15), C(13)AO(14) and N(16)AC(17) azomethine bond lengths in ligand (1.368, 1.399, 1.224 and 1.023 ) become largely longer in complexes(3.797, 3.114, 3.549 and 3.591 ) as the coordination takes place via N atoms of AC@NAC@NA group that is formed on deprotonation of OH group in both [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O and [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] complexes [31]. (2) The C(2)AO(4) bond distance in all complexes becomes longer due to the formation of the MAO bond which makes the CAO bond weaker [32]. (3) In [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex, C(4)AN(3) and C(26)AN(25) bond distances of the two pyridine rings pyridine are enlonged. This is referred to the formation of the MAO bond which makes the CAO bond weaker and forming a double bond character [33]. (4) The bond angles of the hydrazone moiety of HA2PNA are altered somewhat upon coordination; the largest change affects C(13)AN(15)AN(16) and O(14)AC(13)AN(15) angles which are reduced or increased on complex formation as a consequence of bonding [31].

(8) The lower HOMO energy values show that molecules donating electron ability is the weaker. On contrary, the higher HOMO energy implies that the molecule is a good electron donor. LUMO energy presents the ability of a molecule receiving electron [33]. (9) The bond angles within the hydrazone backbone do not change signicantly but the angles around the metal undergo appreciable variations upon changing the metal center [34].

IR spectra The principle IR bands of HA2PNA and its metal complexes are listed in Table 2. The IR spectrum of HA2PNA (Structure I) showed two bands at 1695 and 1626 cm1, attributable to m(C@O) and m(C@N) [35], respectively. The bands observed at 1581 and 950 cm1 are assigned to m(C@N) pyridine [36] and pyridine ring breathing mode [37], respectively. The medium intensity band at 1153 cm1 is attributed to m(NAN) [38], while the band at 3201 cm1 is assigned to the stretching NH group. The two medium intensity bands at 630 and 410 cm1 are assigned to the pyridine ring deformation and in plane ring deformation and out of plane deformation [39,40].

2 3 7 8 9

19 1 4 6 5 10
O 11 H2 C 12

20 17

21 C
O 22

H N 13

23 18
N 14 N 15

CH3 24



(5) The C(13)AN(15)AN(16) angle in ligand changes from 119.8 to 92.1 or 116.6 in[Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O and [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] complexes due to the formation of the N(8)ACuAO(13) and N(10)AZnAO(14) chelate ring [31]. (6) The bond angles around the metal ion in [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O and [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] complexes indicate that the complex adopts an octahedral arrangement predicting sp3 d2 hybridization. (7) The complexes can be arranged according to MANazomethine, MANpyridine and MAO bond lenghts as follows: Zn(25)AN(16), Zn(25)AN(24)>Cu(49)AN(8)){or Cu(49)AN (33)}, Cu(49)AN(3), Cu(49)AN(25)and Zn(25)AO(14) > Cu(49)AO(13){or Cu(49)AO(37)} reecting the great strength of the CuAN and CuAO bonds.

The IR spectra of [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] and [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complexes (Structures II and III) show that HA2PNA acts as a mononegative tridentate ligand, coordinating via the deprotonated carbonyl oxygen (@CAOA) and both (C@N)imine and (C@N)pyridine nitrogen atom. This mode of chelation (Structures II and III) is conrmed by the following observations: (i) the disappearance of m(C@O), m(C@N)imine and m(NH) [41] with simultaneous appearance of new bands in the range 12601270 and 15681588 cm1 assignable to m(CAO) and m(AC@NAN@CA), respectively [42,43] (iii) m(C@N)pyridine and pyridine ring breathing mode together with m(N-N) shift to higher wavenumber, and (iv) the appearance of new bands in the regions 485 510 and 420424 cm1 assignable to m(MAO) [44] and m(MAN) [45], respectively.

Table 2 Most important IR spectral bands of HA2PNA and its metal complexes. Compound HA2PNA [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O




1581 1592 1599

1569 1570

1260 1265

1153 1153 1172

Pyridine ring breathing mode 950 954 960

488 490

420 420


O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339

Table 3 Magnetic Moments, Electronic Bands and Ligand Field Parameters of Metal Complexes of HA2PNA. Compound Band position (cm1) Assignment transition Ligand eld parameters Dq (cm HA2PNA 36231 33783 29412 14493 17453 (p ? p) py (p ? p)C=N (p ? p)C=N
2 2 1

leff (B.M.)

B (cm


B1g ? 2Eg B1g ? 2A1g


10000 5000 0 -5000 -10000 -15000 -20000 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200

absorption band at 364231 cm1 assignable to p ? p transition of pyridine ring. A red shift is observed for this transition in the spectra of complexes as a result of coordination of the nitrogen of the pyridine ring [46]. Another intense absorption band in the region 33783 cm1 is due to p ? p transition of C@N group which shifts in complexes toward higher frequencies, supporting the coordination of the hydrazone via azomethine nitrogen atom. A third intense band appears at 29411 cm1 assignable to n ? p transition of carbonyl group [47]. In [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex, the bands are shifted by 150409 cm1. The electronic spectrum of the complex shows two bands at 14493 and 17543 cm1 attributed to 2B1g ? 2Eg and 2B1g ? 2A1g transitions, respectively, in an octahedral geometry. The magnetic moment value of the Cu(II) complex (2.1 B.M.) lies within the range of Cu(II) ions in a d9 system [48].

Electron spin resonance ESR spectra of Cu(II) complex provide s information about hyperne and super hyperne structures which are important in studying the metal ion environment in the complexes, i.e. the geometry, nature of the ligation sites from the Schiff bases of the metal and the degree of covalency of the metal- ligand bonds (Fig. 1).The spin Hamiltonian parameters of the complexes with Cu(II), S = 1/2, I = 3/2, were calculated and are summarized in Table 4. The room temperature solid state ESR spectra of the [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex exhibits an axially symmetric g-tensor parameters with g|| > 2.0023 indicating that the copper site has a dx2 y2 ground-state characteristic of square planar or octahedral stereochemistry [49]. In axial symmetry, the g-values are related by the expression, G = (g||/2)/(g\2) = 4. According to Hathaway [50], as value of G is greater than 4, the exchange interaction between copper (II) centers in the solid state is negligible, whereas when it is less than 4, a considerable exchange interaction is indicated in the solid complex. The calculated G value for the copper complex is less than 4 suggesting coppercopper exchange interactions. A forbidden magnetic dipolar transition for the Cu(II) complex is observed at half-eld (ca. 16000 G, g  4.0) but the intensity is very weak. The tendency of A|| to decrease with concomitant increase of g|| is an index of an increase of the tetrahedral distortion in the coordination sphere of copper. In order to quantify the degree of distortion of the Cu(II) complex, the we selected the f(a) = g||/A|| obtained from the ESR spectra which is regarded as an index of tetrahedral distortion. Values of f(a):110120 are typical for planar complexes, while the range of 130150 is characteristic of slight to moderate distortion and 180250 cm1 indicates considerable distortion [51,52]. The ratio g||/A|| for the present complex is 177 demonstrating the presence of signicant dihedral angle

Fig. 1. X-band ESR spectrum of [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O.

The 1H NMR H NMR spectrum of HA2PNA (Structure I) in DMSO-d6 showed signals at d = 11.05 ppm (s, 1H), 5.02 (s, 2H), and 2.30 (s, 3H) ppm assignable to the, NH, CH2 and CH3 protons, respectively. The signal due to NH proton disappears upon adding D2O. The signals due to pyridine ring protons appear at d:8.62 ppm {(m, 2H, HAC16@HAC17, J = 7.50 Hz),(H@C16@HAC20. J = 1.5, HAC17@H@C16, J = 7.5 Hz)}, d:8.50 ppm{(d, 2H, H@C19@HAC20, J = 7.5 Hz),: 8.2{2H, H@C17@H@C18)} and d:7.80 ppm {(d, 2H, H@C20@H@C17, J = 7.5 Hz)},(H@C20@H@C19, J = 7.5 Hz)} [46]. On the other hand the signals due to naphthyl protons appear at d:7.66 ppm{(dd, 2H, H@C10@H@C5, (H@C9@H@C10, J = 7.50, 1.50 Hz)}, d:7.64{(dd, 2H, H@C9@H@C10, J = 7.50, 1.50 Hz), (H@C8@H@C9, J = 7.50, 1.50 Hz), d:7.50 ppm{dd, HAC8@H@C7,H@C9@H@C8, J = 7.50 Hz)}; d:7.42 ppm{(dd, 2H, H@C1@H@C2), (H@C1@H@C3, J = 7.50, 1.50 Hz), d:7.40 ppm {(dd, 2H, HAC3@H@C2,),(H@C2@H@C3, J = 7.50, 1.50 Hz) and d:6.90 ppm {(dd, 2H, H@C1@H@C2,),(H@C1@HAC3, J = 7.50, 1.50 Hz), respectively. Electronic spectra and magnetic measurements The UVvisible spectral bands of the HA2PNA and its complexes in DMSO or Nujol mull as well as the magnetic moments and the ligand eld parameters are recorded in Table 3. The electronic spectra of the complexes are dominated by intense intra-ligand charge transfer bands. The spectrum of the ligand shows an intense
Table 4 ESR data of the some Cu(II) complex at room temperature. Complex [Cu(HA2PNA)2]H2O g|| 2.247 g\ 2.067

A|| 104 cm1 126.37

G 3.63

g||/A|| 177.00


b2 0.68

O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339


ln x n=1 ln x n=0.66 ln x n=0.33 lnx n=0 ln x n=0.5

ln x n=1



The values of a2 and b2 for Cu(II) complex indicates that the inplane r-bonding and in-plane p-bonding are covalent which originate from the fact that imine binding in the complex incorporates greater covalency in the metalligand bonding through delocalized dp Pp in-plane p-bonding as evidenced from higher b2 values [57]. On the other hand, the data for [Cu(HAPO)Cl](H2O) complex, shows that the in-plane r-bonding and in-plane p-bonding are appreciably ionic. These results are anticipated because there are appropriate ligand orbitals to combine with the dxy orbital of the Cu(II) ion. For the square planar geometry complexes, the lower values of b2 compared to a2 indicate that the in-plane p-bonding is more covalent than the in-plane r-bonding. These data are well consistent with other reported values [5860]. Thermogravimetric studies The stages of decomposition, temperature range, decomposition product as well as the weight loss percentages of complexes are given in Table 7S (Supplementary materials). One of the features in TGA data concerning the associated water or coordinated molecules within the complexes supporting the elemental analyses. Fig. 1S (Supplementary material) shows the TGA curve of [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex as a representative example which displays three degradation steps. The rst step at 35100 C with weight loss of 11.90 (Calcd. 11.68%) is attributed to the loss of one lattice water molecule. The second step with weight loss of 39.59 (Calcd. 39.09%) at 210332 C is corresponding to the removal of two naphthyl moiety. The third step at 391557 C with weight loss of 33.83 (Calcd. of 34.86%) is referring to the removal of 2 pyridyl + 2 OCH2 + N2 fragements. The residual part is CuO + 2C + C6H6O (Found 22.34, Calcd. 24.79%). Kinetic data




Fig. 2a. CoatsRedfern plot of rst degradation step [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex.

1.0 0.5

ln x n=1 ln x n=0.66 ln x n=0.33 ln x n=0 ln x n=0.5

ln x n=1

0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Fig. 2b. HorowitzMetzger plot of rst degradation step for [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O.

distortion in the xy-plane and the results are consistent with distorted octahedral geometry around the copper site. The molecular orbital coefcients, a2 (A measure of the covalency of the in-plane r-bonding between a copper 3d orbital and the ligand orbitals) and b2 (covalent in-plane p-bonding), were calculated by using the following equations [5356].

In order to assess the inuences of the structural properties of the chelating agent and the type of the metal on the thermal behavior of the complexes, the order (n) and the heat of activation Ea of the various decomposition stages were determined from the TG and DTG using the CoatsRedfern [61] and HorowitzMetzger [62] (Fig. 2). The obtained data were ain Tables 5 and 6. The rate of thermal decomposition of a solid d expressed by the Arrhenius dt equation has the following form:

a2 Ajj=0:036 g jj 2:0023 3=7g ? 2:0023 0:04

b2 g jj 2:0023E= 8ka2
where k = 828 cm1 for the free copper ion and E is the electronic transition energy. As a measure of the covalency of the in-plane r-bonding a2 = 1 indicates complete ionic character, whereas a2 = 0.5 denotes 100% covalent bonding, with the assumption of negligibly small values of the overlap integral. The b2 parameter gives an indication of the covalency of the in-plane p-bonding. The smaller the b2, the larger the covalency of the bonding.
Table 5 Kinetic parameters evaluated by CoatsRedfern equation for HA2PNA metal complexes. Complex [[Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O Peak 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Mid temp (K) 349.52 536.94 772.67 612.88 675.39 1021.19 Ea (kJ/mol) 8.06 83.18 153.34 208.73 374.12 487.09

  da Ea g a A exp dt RT

where Ea is the activation energy, A is the Arrhenius pre-exponential factor, R is the gas constant and g(a) is the differential conversion factor and equal (1 a)n where n is the reaction order, assumed to remain constant during the reaction[63,64]. A large number of decomposition processes can be represented as rst order reaction [65], particularly, the degradation of the investigated series of metal complexes. Under this assumption the integration of Eq. (1) leads to:

ln1 a

A b


  Ea dT Exp RT

A (S1) 5.71 10 1.34E + 06 2.04E + 08 9.72E + 15 2.57E + 27 1.01E + 23


DH (kJ/mol)
35.16 78.72 146.92 203.63 368.50 478.60

DS (kJ/mol K)
0.1743 0.1325 0.0937 0.0552 0.2730 0.1852

DG (kJ/mol)
96.08 149.88 219.35 169.82 184.12 289.44



O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339

Table 6 Kinetic Parameters evaluated by HorowitzMetzger equation for HA2PNA complexes. Complex [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O Peak 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Mid Te p (K) 349.52 536.94 772.67 612.88 675.39 1021.19 Ea kJ/mol 17.01 92.42 166.72 219.24 385.35 505.07 A (S1) 6.81 10 1.16E + 07 1.76E + 09

DH (kJ/mol) DH kJ/mol 35.66

87.95 160.29 214.14

DS (kJ/mol K)
0.1753 0.1146 0.0759 0.0727 0.2898 0.2031

DG (kJ/mol)
98.08 149.47 218.90 169.61 184.01 289.20


7.97E + 16 1.93E + 28 8.63E + 23

Table 7 Anti-inammatory effect and analgesic effect of Piroxicam, [Cu(AC)2]2H2O, Zn(Ac)2]2H2O HA2PNA, [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O complex and [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] complex in Collagen II Freunds adjuvant induced rheumatoid arthritis in rats (n = 6, M S.E). Group Dose (mg/200 g of rat weight) Rheumatoid index Analgesic effect Pain tolerance Non-arthritic non-treated Arthritic non-treated Piroxicam [Cu(AC)2]2H2O Zn(Ac)2]2H2O HA2PNA [Cu(A2PNA)2]H2O [Zn(A2PNA)(OAc)(H2O)] [SCMC] Solvent [SCMC] Solvent 0.36 0.22 0.22 0.36 0.96 0.97 1.00 0.00 3.88 0.19a 2.55 0.21a, b 3.4 0.29 a 3.53 0.29 a 1.53 0.1 b, c, d, e 1.47 0.11 b, c, d, e 1.42 0.13 b, d, e 12.50 0.56 3.92 0.30a 5.79 0.15a b 4.51 0.37 a 4.49 0.18 a 7.82 0.41a, b, 8.11 0.45a, b, 7.93 0.45a, b, Pain scoring 1.00 0.00 3.83 0.17a 2.43 0.19a b 3.32 0.26 a 3.24 0.12 a 1.41 0.11 b, c, 1.23 0.13 b, c, 1.32 0.12 b, c,

c, d, e c, d, e c, d, e

d, e d, e d, e

SCMC 0.5% sodium carboxymethyl cellulose. H P < 0.01 vs. HA2PNA. a P < 0.001 vs. non-arthritic control. b P < 0.01 vs arthritic control. c P < 0.01 vs. piroxicam. d P < 0.01 vs. [Cu(AC)2]2H2O. e P < 0.01 vs. Zn(Ac)2]2H2O.

On the basis of Eq. (2), it is possible to analyze experimental data by the integral method, in order to determine the degradation kinetic parameters A, Ea.The other thermodynamic parameters of activation can be calculated by Eyring equation [66,67]. From the results obtained, all decomposition steps show best t for n = 1 and the negative value of DS(entropy of activation) of some decomposition steps indicates that the activated fragments have more ordered structure than the undecomposed ones and the later are slower than the normal [68,69]. The positive sign of DH (activation enthalpy change) indicates that the decomposition stages are endothermic processes. The high values of Ea of the complexes reveal the high stability of such chelates due to covalent bond between central metal ion and the hetero atom of the ligand [70]. The positive sign of DG for the investigated complexes reveals that the free energy of the nal residue is higher than that of the initial compound, and hence all the decomposition steps are non-spontaneous processes.

which performs intracellular antioxidant functions [72]. Also, Copper is a constituent of ceruloplasmin, a powerful extracellular antioxidant enzyme [73]. The anti-inammatory activity of Cu-complexes is due to the physicochemical properties of the complex rather than its constituents [74]. There are several possible mechanisms for the antiinammatory activity of copper complexes. The copper may induce lysyl oxidase activity [75], decrease the permeability of human synovial lysosomes [76], modulate the physiological effects of histamine [77] and a number of copper(II) complexes have been reported to exhibit SOD-mimic activity and thus are viewed as alternative therapeutics to remove pro-inammatory superoxide anion radical in vivo [78,79]. Also, Copper induces an inhibition of PGE2 synthetase leading to a shift in synthesis from the inammatory PGE2 to anti-inammatory PGF series [80]. The analgesic effect The pain score was decreased and pain tolerance was increased by the 7th day in the treated groups with piroxicam, ligand (HA2PNA), Cu(II) complex and Zn(II) complex as compared with that of the arthritic non-treated group (Table 7). It is worth noting that HA2PNA, Cu(II) complex and Zn(II) complex showed a better activity in reducing pain score and increasing pain tolerance than of piroxicam (Table 7). [81] Presented similar results for naproxen in the model of abdominal writhing induced by acetic acid in mice and demonstrated that zincnaproxen had a greater antinociceptive effect in the abdominal writhing induced by acetic acid and in the tail-ick test than naproxen alone at the same concentration [81]. Zinc alleviates pain through high-afnity binding to the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit [82]. our results differ from those reported by Santos et al. (2004) who demonstrated that zincdiclofenac complex in rats does not change the antinociceptive effect of diclofenac [83]. Also, similar to our results complexation of NSAIDs with copper produced more potent analgesic agents [84]. The

Results and discussion: Pharmacology Anti-inammatory effect Animal treatment by piroxicam, (HA2PNA), Cu(II) and Zn(II) ligand complex induced a signicant anti-inammatory effect detectable by the 7th day big joint inammation as compared with that of the arthritic non-treated group (Table 7). Moreover, HA2PNA, Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes treated group showed a signicant decrease in Rheumatoid index by the 7th day versus piroxicam treated group (Table 7). The anti-inammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activity of piroxicam is through inhibition of prostaglandin synthetase, via inhibition of cyclooxygenase enzymes [4]. The anti-inammatory effects of copper and zinc have been documented in animals [71] and in humans [9]. Copper and zinc are constituents of the superoxide-dismutase (SOD) enzyme,

O.A. El-Gammal et al. / Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 120 (2014) 332339


enhanced analgesic activity of Copper complexes can be explained by activation of copper-dependent opioid receptors [85]. Up to our knowledge, Literature survey showed no pharmacological assay on the present hydrazone, 2-acetylpyridine-a-naphthoxyacetylhydrazone (HA2PNA) and the precise molecular mechanism(s) of its anti-inammatory and analgesic effects discovered in the present study need further investigations to be explained. Conclusion New Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes of 2-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)-N0 (1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene) acetohydrazide (HA2PNA) have been prepared and characterized by conventional measurements. The data revealed an octahedral geometry of the metal complexes. Also, the thermal behavior of the solid metal complexes and the corresponding kinetic parameters were evaluated using Coats Redfern and HorowitzMetzger methods. Moreover, the ligand and its complexes were screened for anti-inammatory and analgesic activity in rat model of collagen adjuvant arthritis and compared with piroxicam. All the compounds showed a higher activity of their reducing pain score and increasing pain tolerance than of piroxicam. The enhanced analgesic activity of Copper complexes may be explained by activation of copper-dependent opioid receptors and that of Zinc alleviates pain through high-afnity binding to the NMDA receptor NR2A subunit. However the precise molecular mechanism(s) of the anti-inammatory and analgesic effects discovered in the present study need further investigations to be explained. Appendix A. Supplementary material Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at References
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