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Index: ILWIS 3.0 User's Guide

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3D: 405 Display: 405 Editor: 405 Model: 405 View: 388, 405, 410 Adding vector layers: 411 With raster draping: 410

ACE: 513 Action column: 515 Add Annotation Text: 499 Data layer: 498 Grid lines: 500 Inset map or picture: 506 Text: 507 Affine transformation: 76, 81 Aggregate functions: 193 Anisotropic Kriging: 445 Anisotropy: 448 Annotation: 502, 510 Annotation Text: 499 ArcInfo .E00 format: 123 Area numbering: 352, 379 Areas: 28 Arithmetic operators: 178, 321 Aspect: 128, 365 Assignment symbol: 176, 318, 463 Attribute data: 13, 53, 71, 167 Attribute map: 293 AutoCad .DXF format: 123 Autocorrelation Of point data: 424 Of raster maps: 454 Autocorrelogram: 425 Axis of anisotropy: 448

Details: 8 Distance: 304 Entire map: 18 ILWIS: 8 Keep scale: 504 Layout editor: 502 Border: 503 Box: 503 Graticule: 503 Grid Lines: 503 Legend: 503 Map view: 503 North arrow: 503 Picture/Bitmap: 503 Scale bar: 503 Scale text: 503 List: 8 Measure Distance: 19 Normal: 19 Options: 15 Pan: 18, 212 Record: 23 Zoom In: 18 Zoom Out: 18

Calculating: 176, 302, 365, 397 Classified slope direction map: 365 Connectivity: 381 Distance with weights: 374 Distances: 375 Histogram: 219 Number of points: 302 Pocket line calculator: 177 Receiving cell map: 366 Segment density: 309 Slope shape: 397 With columns: 176 With value columns: 177 Catalog: 3, 58 Customizing: 5 Query: 58 Sort: 58 View: 58 Details: 58 List: 58 Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: 450 Check Up-to-date: 66 Check box: 15 Checking segments: 104 Class: 34, 37 Domain: 20, 34, 37, 486 Map colors: 487 Representation: 43

Bar graph: 494 Bicubic convolution: 246 Bilinear interpolation: 246 Binary filter: 356 Boolean statement: 288 Box: 509 Box classifier: 271 Break dependency link: 68 Button: 212, 304 Create: 14 Customize Catalog: 5

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide


Classification: 187, 262, 271 Box classifier: 271 Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier: 271 Minimum distance-to-mean classifier: 271 Minimum Mahalanobis distance classifier: 271 Post classification operations: 273 Supervised: 266 Unsupervised: 266, 275 Classify table: 296 Classifying data in a column: 187 CLFY function: 187, 300 Clipboard: 318, 458 Copy/paste information: 318 Clustered pattern: 420 Clustering: 275 Cochabamba: 26 Code consistency: 102 Codes: 39 CoKriging: 450 Color Selector: 488 Sliders: 488 Color composite: 230 False color: 230 Interactive: 231 Permanent: 233 Pseudo natural: 230 Colors: 482 Assigning colors to a class map: 487 For maps with an ID domain: 495 Hints: 485 HSI color system: 482 RGB color system: 482 YMC color system: 482 Column: 176 Action: 515 Properties dialog box: 23 Column semi-variogram: 439 Column statistics: 189 Command line: 9, 318 Copy/paste: 318 Working from the: 458 Commands: 457, 459 Copying ILWIS objects: 459 Deleting ILWIS objects: 459 Help: 459 Opening or editing an ILWIS objects: 459 Complete spatial randomness: 420 Composed bar: 494 Concatenation operation: 195 Conditional function: 180, 324 Confidence interval: 443 Conformal transformation: 81 Conformality: 129 Connectivity operations: 381 Container objects: 30 Context-sensitive menu: 7 Contiguity: 381 Contour lines: 101, 390 Contrast enhancement: 217 Control points: 76 Conversion: 146, 376 Class or ID domain to value domain: 160 Color domain to value domain: 164 Distances to travel time: 376 Domain: 159, 164 ID domain to class domain: 159 Overview: 146, 164 Picture domain to class domain: 163 Picture domain to image domain: 163 Raster to vector: 156 Value domain to class or ID domain: 161 Vector to raster: 148 Coordinate system: 47, 73, 238 Types: 73 Coordinate transformation: 136 Coordinates: 73 Digitizer: 73 Map: 73 Copy from the command line: 318 Copying files: 459 Correlation length: 426 Counting filter: 358 Covariable: 450 Covariance: 252 Creating: 73, 144, 170, 401 Coordinate system: 73 Cross-section from a DEM: 414 Demo: 515 Georeference: 148 Label point file: 110 Layout: 502 Legend: 505 Map border: 504 Polygon map: 104, 111 Polygon map from a segment map: 144 Script: 458, 461, 463 Segment map from a polygon map: 146 Slide show: 518 Slope map: 401 Sub map of a raster map: 150 Table: 170 Cross variogram: 450 Cross operation: 340, 343 Cross-section: 388, 414 Crossing: 341 Class maps: 341 ID map and value map: 343


ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide

Cubic convolution: 246 Customize segment editor: 97 Digitizing: 71, 80 Contour lines: 101 In point mode: 88 In stream mode: 88 Points: 83, 85 Segments: 92 Dilation: 353 Directional filter: 227 Displaying: 31, 100, 206, 282, 405 3D: 405 Attribute data: 21, 282 Data to be used in the final map: 480 Feature spaces: 270 Geographic data: 13 Multiple images: 212 Results as graphs: 206 Satellite images: 211 Segments in different colors: 100 Vector and raster maps: 31 Distance: 304, 352 Between points: 304 Calculation: 352, 372, 373, 374 Inverse: 430 Limiting: 430 Nearest neighbour: 421 Operation: 372 Domain: 20, 32, 151, 187, 296 Class: 20, 34, 37, 486 Combinations: 151 Conversion: 159 Editor: 20, 38 Group: 187, 296 Identifier: 34, 37, 39, 487 Image: 32, 37, 210 Value: 35, 37, 40, 486 System-defined: 41 User-defined: 41 Double-click action: 515 Drainage density: 343 Drop-down list box: 14 DTM: 387

Data: 28, 71, 146, 279 Add layer: 498 Analysis: 70 Attribute data: 53, 71 Combining layers: 498 Conversions: 146 Export: 513 Geographic: 70 Input: 70 Layer: 33 Management: 70 Objects: 30 Dependent: 64 Output: 70 Redundancy: 195 Retrieval: 279 Spatial data: 28, 71 Dead end in segment: 105, 108 Default values tab: 469 Defaults: 15 Definition symbol: 176, 318, 463 Deleting Files: 459 Point: 87 Segment: 99 DEM: 387, 390 Demos: 515 Densify segment coordinates: 142 Density slicing: 262 Dependency: 60, 63, 332 Break: 68 Links: 60, 334 Dependent: 64, 155, 176 Columns: 176 Data objects: 64 Map: 155 Details View: 58 Determining flat areas in a DEM: 367 DFDX: 396 DFDY: 396 Dialog boxes: 14 Digital Elevation Model: 387, 390 Digital Terrain Model: 387 Digital Number: 209, 213 Digitizer: 71, 73 Control points: 80 Coordinates: 73, 76 Resolution: 71 Setup Wizard: 75

Editing: 86, 154, 172 Annotation: 510 Columns: 172 Points: 86 Polygons: 112 Raster maps: 154 Editor: 20, 85, 405 Domain Class: 20 Georeference 3D: 405 Script: 468 Ellipsoid: 126 Empirical semi-variogram: 436

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide


Entities: 13 Equidistant: 129 Equivalence: 129 ERDAS GIS: 120 LAN: 120 Erosion: 353 Error map: 435, 441 Estimation Kriging: 435, 441 Export To Bitmap: 514 Maps: 513 Expressions: 457 Map and table calculation: 463 Extract boundaries: 146 Proximity: 381 Random: 474 RND: 496 Seek: 381 Spread: 381 System-defined: 474 User-defined: 475

Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier: 271 Gearys c: 424 Geo-coding a raster image by resampling: 245 GeoGateway: 118 Geographic Coordinate system: 126 Coordinates: 48 Data: 70 Geometric Corrections and image referencing: 235 Distortions: 235 Georeference: 50, 236, 405 3D: 237, 405 Corners: 50, 236 Direct linear: 237 Orthophoto: 237 Tiepoints: 50, 236 Georeferencing: 236 A raster image using reference points: 238 Image-to-image: 242 Using corner coordinates: 236 Geostatistics: 417 GeoTiff format: 120 Glue Raster maps: 151 Segment maps: 140 Goodness of Fit: 439 Gradient filter: 223, 396 Gradual representation: 486 Graphs: 206 Grid Cells: 29 Lines: 500 Gridding: 417 Ground control points: 239 Ground truth: 267 Group domain: 187, 296

False Easting: 130 False Northing: 130 Feature space: 270 Feature vector: 266 File Extensions: 460 Files Copying: 459 Deleting: 459 Filter: 222, 223, 396 Binary: 353, 356 Counting: 353, 358 Directional: 227 Gradient: 223, 396 High pass: 223, 226 Laplace: 223, 226 Low pass: 223, 224 Majority: 274, 353 Rank order: 353, 356, 399 Smoothing: 353, 355 Spatial frequency: 222 Undef majority: 274, 354 User-defined linear: 358 Filtering: 352, 353 Filters Applied on Digital Elevation Models: 395 Used to calculate internal relief: 399 Flow direction matrix: 366 Focal point: 406 Functions: 182, 324, 364, 474 Contiguity: 381 IFF function: 182, 324, 328, 335, 474 IFUNDEF function: 330 MinMax: 475 Neighbourhood: 364 Network: 381 Pre-programmed: 474

Hatching: 491 Haze correction: 217 Help: 9 High pass filter: 223, 226


ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide

Hill shading map: 388, 395 Histogram: 217 Equalization: 217, 222 Of point maps: 302 Of polygon maps: 312 Of raster maps: 313 Of segment maps: 307 History: 3 HTML Help: 10 Hue: 484 Hypotenuse: 401 Intensity-Hue-Saturation (IHS): 258 Interactive slicing: 263 Intermediate point: 88, 29 Internal relief: 399 Interpolation: 245, 390, 428 Contour: 390 Nearest neighbour: 245 Intersection without node: 105, 109 Inverse distance: 430 Iterations: 368

Identifier domain: 34, 39, 487 IDRISI IMG: 120 IFF function: 328, 335 IFUNDEF function: 330 IKONOS: 120 ILWIS Functions: 319 Help: 9 Icons: 11 Log file: 461 Objects: 11, 118 Extensions: 460 Image: 32 Arithmetics: 257 Classification: 262 Domain: 32 Enhancement: 217 Fusion: 258 Processing: 209 Ratios: 249 Image-to-image registration: 242 Import: 118, 174 Genuine: 118 Raster data: 119 Through General Raster import: 121 Through GeoGateway import: 120 Through ILWIS import: 119 Table Wizard: 174 Use As: 118 Vector data: 123 Through GeoGateway import: 124 Through ILWIS import: 123 Via GeoGateway: 118 Importing Digital attribute data: 174 Digital data: 118 Indicator Kriging: 444 Input of Spatial data: 71 Insert Mode: 85 Intensity: 484

Joining tables: 198, 200, 202, 203, 465

Kriging: 435 Anisotropic: 445 CoKriging: 450 Estimation: 435, 441 From raster: 456 Indicator: 444 Ordinary: 435 Simple: 443 Universal: 444

Laplace filter: 223, 226 Latitudes: 48 Layer management: 16, 33 Layout: 502 Adding Box: 509 Inset map or picture: 506 Legend: 505 Map border: 504 Map view: 503 North arrow: 508 Scale bar: 509 Scale text: 509 Text: 507 Copy and paste via Clipboard: 506 Creating: 502 Editor: 502 Page Setup: 503 Toolbar: 503 Export to Bitmap: 514 Least Squares Fit: 191, 431 Colomn operation: 191 Graph: 191 Legend: 505 Limiting distance: 430 Line graph: 494

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide


Linear stretching: 217, 220, 265 Piece-wise: 265 Lines: 28 Link: 53 Map with a table: 53 Non-spatial: 53 Links: 334 Dependency links: 334 List View: 58 Log file: 461 Logical operators: 179, 323 Longitudes: 48 Low pass filter: 223, 224 Slope: 365, 388, 401 Aspect: 388 Convexity/concavity: 388 Direction: 365, 388 Steepness: 388, 397 Source: 155, 372, 374 Thiessen: 376 Travel time : 374 Unique identifier map: 307 Vector map: 29 View: 498 Add Annotation text layer: 499 Add Grid lines: 500 Add Layer: 498 Primary content: 502 Secondary content: 502 Supportive content: 502 Volume: 388 Weight: 372, 375 Window: 16 Layer Management pane: 16 Map viewer: 16 Scale box: 16 Map Calculation: 287, 321 And dependencies: 332 Formulas: 287, 321 Resulting in class or ID maps: 335 Resulting in value maps: 321 Masking vector data: 142 Master image: 242 Mathematical morphology: 353 Measurement operations On point data: 302 On polygon maps: 312 On raster maps: 313 On segment maps: 307 Menu bar: 5 Meridians: 126 Message: 472 Minimum distance-to-mean classifier: 271 Minimum Mahalanobis distance classifier: 271 MinMax functions: 475 Mirror rotate: 152 Modes Insert: 85 Move point: 85 Select: 85 Split/Merge: 90 Modelling Semi-variogram: 438 Morans I: 424 Move point mode: 85

Main window: 2 Catalog: 3 Command line: 9 Menu bar: 6 Navigator: 2 Object selection toolbar: 8 Operation-list: 6 Operation-tree: 6 Operations/Navigator pane: 6 Standard toolbar: 8 Status bar: 7 Title bar: 5 Majority filters: 274, 353 Make up-to-date: 66 Map: 29, 73, 126, 257, 307, 318, 365 Annotation: 502 Border: 504 Calculation: 257, 318, 463 Script example: 464 Confidence interval : 443 Coordinates: 73 Cross: 341 Displaying maps: 31 Editing raster maps: 154 Editing annotation: 510 Error: 435, 441 Exporting: 513 Hill shading: 388, 395 Point map: 29, 486 Polygon map: 29, 486 Printing: 512 Projections: 48, 126, 128 Azimuthal: 128 Conical: 128 Cylindrical: 128 Raster map: 29, 486 Referencing: 76, 81 Scale: 509 Segment map: 29, 486 Shadow: 388


ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide

Moving A point: 86 Average: 430 Surface: 432 Multi-band Images: 230 Operations: 249 Statistics: 252 Multi-spectral image classification: 266 Operations: 140, 277, 317, 351 (Re)classification: 277 4-connected: 351 8-connected: 351 Area numbering: 379 Autocorrelation-semivariance: 454 Column semi-variogram: 439 Connectivity: 381 Contiguity: 381 Cross operation: 340, 343 Cross variogram: 450 Distance calculation: 372 Map calculation: 318, 463 Measurement: 277, 307, 312, 313 On polygon maps: 312 On raster maps: 313 On segment maps: 307 Neighbourhood: 278, 351, 361 Overlay: 277, 317 Retrieval: 277, 279 Spatial correlation: 424 Sub map: 140 Table calculation: 463 Variogram surface: 445 Operations/Navigator pane: 6 Operators: 178, 321, 352 Arithmetic: 178, 321 For class or ID columns: 181 Logical: 179, 323 Neighbourhood operator: 352 Practicing with operators and functions: 325 Relational: 179, 322 Option buttons: 15 Ordinary Kriging: 435

Navigator: 2 NDVI, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index: 250 Nearest neighbour: 428 Distance: 421 Reflexive: 421 Nearest point interpolation: 428 Neighbourhood: 351 Functions: 364 Multiple neighbours: 363 Operations: 351 4-connected: 351 8-connected: 351 Connectivity: 351 Filtering: 353 Using map calculation: 361 Operators: 352 Single neighbour: 361 Nested IFF function: 328 Network function: 381 Node: 29, 88 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): 250 North arrow: 508 Nugget: 438

Page setup: 503, 512 Parallels: 126 Parameters tab: 468 Paste information from clipboard: 318 Path radiance: 217 Pattern Analysis: 420 Clustered: 420 Random: 420 Regular: 420 PCI Geomatics: 118 PI: 477 Picture elements: 29, 209 Pie chart: 494 Piece-wise linear stretching: 217, 265 Pits in a DEM: 367 PIX format: 125

Object: 30 Collection: 118 Definition: 64 Definition file: 67 Extensions: 460 Properties: 60 Selection toolbar: 8 Types: 30 Objects: 30 Container objects: 30 Data objects: 30 Service objects: 30 Special objects: 30 Oblique: 128 Open as table: 483 Operation-list: 6 Operation-tree: 6

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide


Pixel: 29, 55, 155, 215, 279, 365 Editor: 155 Information window: 55, 279 Pixels and real world coordinates: 215 Point: 28, 84, 303, 392 Change position: 98 Deleting: 87 Density: 303 Digitizing: 85 Distance between points: 304 Editor: 84 Estimation: 435 In polygon operation: 305 Intermediate: 29, 88 Interpolation: 428 Moving average: 430 Nearest point: 428 Trend surface: 431 Map: 486 Visual variables: 492 Moving: 86 Pattern analysis: 420 Symbol: 493 Point mode: 88 Points as graphs: 494 Polygonization: 111 Polygon: 29, 104, 312 Editing: 112 Histogram: 312 Map: 104, 486 Unit hatching: 491 Post classification operations: 273 Predictand: 450 Presentation of results: 479 Principal components analysis: 254 Printing: 512 Layout: 512 Page setup: 512 Projections: 73, 130, 131, 247 Available in ILWIS: 131 Azimuthal: 131 Conformality: 129 Conical: 132 Cylindrical: 131 Dutch RD: 247 Equidistant: 129 Equivalence: 129 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area: 130 Other: 132 UTM: 134 Propagation: 368 Properties: 129 Property sheet: 60 Proximity function: 381

Random function: 496 Range: 438 Range of influence: 426 Rank order filter: 356, 399 Raster: 29, 150 Data: 150 Management: 150 Map: 29, 486 Model: 29 To vector conversion: 156 Rasterization: 29, 148 Of a polygon map: 148 Reclassification: 287, 289, 293 Record View: 23 Reflexive Nearest Neighbour: 421 Regionalized variables: 417, 435 Regular pattern: 420 Relational operators: 179, 322 Release disk space: 67 Remotely sensed data Remove false polygon: 107 Renumbering: 54 Representation: 43, 230 Class: 43 Colors: 482 Gradual: 486 System-defined: 45 Types: 44 Value: 44, 486 Resampling: 153, 236 Residuals: 77 Resolution of digitizer: 71 Retrieval: 279 Operations: 279 With a mask: 284 RGB transformation: 258 RND function: 496 Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): 235, 239 Rose diagrams: 309 Rotate: 152 Running scripts: 461, 471

Sample: 267 Set: 267 Statistics: 269 Sampling: 267 Saturation: 484 Scale Bar: 509 Box: 16


ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide

Factor: 449 Keep scale: 504 Text: 509 Scripts: 461 Correct script syntax: 461 Creating: 458, 461 Example For Map Calculation: 464 For Table Calculation: 465 In scripts: 471 Parameters: 468 Running: 461, 471 Special language: 472 Scrolling: 212 Seek function: 381 Segment: 29, 88, 307, 390 Color: 491 Density: 309 Directions: 309 Editor: 97 Histogram: 308 Line Type: 491 Width: 491 Map: 88, 307, 486 Digitizing: 88 Measurement operations: 307 Visual variables: 491 To raster conversion: 390 Select mode: 85 Self overlap: 105 Semi-variogram Empirical: 436 Modelling: 438 Nugget: 438 Range: 438 Sill: 438 Service objects: 30 Setup digitizer: 75 Shadow map: 388 Sigma: 80, 235, 239 Sill: 438 Simple Kriging: 443 Slave image: 242 Slicing: 263, 264, 296 Slide show: 518 Slope: 365, 388 Aspect: 388, 403 Convexity/concavity map: 388 Direction: 365, 388, 403 Map: 401 Shape: 397 Steepness: 388, 397 Smoothing filter: 355 Snap tolerance: 97 Snapping: 88, 96 Source map: 372, 374 Spatial: 28, 71, 117, 222, 277, 317, 351 Autocorrelation: 424, 454 Correlation: 424, 436 Bidirectional: 424, 447 Omnidirectional: 424 Data: 13, 28, 71 Input: 71 Data analysis: 277, 317, 351 Advanced: 457 Geostatistical tools: 417 Neighbourhood and connectivity: 351 Overlay operations: 317 Data management: 117 Enhancement: 222 Frequency filters: 222 Special objects: 30 Spheroid: 126 Split bar: 22 Split/Merge mode: 90 Spread function: 381 Standard toolbar: 8 Statistics: 189, 190 On columns: 189 Pane: 22, 189 Using the command line: 190 Status bar: 7 Stream mode: 88 Stretching: 493 Sub map: 140 Surface Moving: 432 Trend: 431 Variogram: 445 Symbol: 176, 318, 493 Assignment: 176, 318, 463 Definition: 176, 318, 463 Symbols as graphs: 494 System-defined: 41 Functions: 474 Representation: 45 Value domain: 41

Table: 170, 176, 346 Calculation: 176, 463 Formulas: 176 Script example: 465 Joining: 198, 465 Two-dimensional: 346 Window: 21

ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide


Split bar: 22 Statistics pane: 22 Table viewer: 22 Text box: 14 Thiessen map: 376 Thiessen polygons: 428 Three dimensional view: 388 Title bar: 5 Toolbar Object selection: 8 Standard: 8 Training phase: 267 Transformation: 76, 235 Affine: 76, 81 Conformal: 81 Transforming vectors: 138 Transverse aspect: 128 Travel time map: 374 Trend surface: 431 Truth tables: 329 Tunnel Segments: 89, 143 Tolerance: 97 Two-dimensional table: 346 Variogram: 426 Cross: 450 Empirical: 436 Modelling: 438 Surface: 445 Vector: 28, 140 Data: 140 Management: 140 Masking: 142 Map: 29 Model: 28 Operations: 144 View: 405 3D view: 405 Angle: 406 Axis: 406 Point: 405 Record view: 23 Table view: 23 Visual variables: 486 Maps without a user-defined representation: 493 Point maps: 492 Segment maps: 491 Segment color, line type and line width: 491 Visualization Multi-band images: 230 Single band images: 210 Volume Cubes: 494 Map: 388 Voronoi Tesselation: 428

Undef majority filter: 274, 354 Undefined: 38, 328 Undo all changes: 85 Unique IDs: 307, 379 Universal Kriging: 444 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM): 48, 134 Unsupervised classification: 275 User-defined: 41, 358 Coloring maps with an ID domain: 495 Functions: 475 Linear filters: 358 Value domains: 41 UTM: 134 Grid zone designations for the world: 135

Weight Factor: 375 Map: 372, 375 Windows: 119 Bitmap format (BMP): 119 Color dialog box: 489 WinTab: 75 Digitizer Setup Wizard: 76

Zooming In: 92, 211 Out: 211

Value: 35, 40, 177 Columns: 177 Domain: 35, 40 System-defined: 41 User-defined: 41 Representation: 44, 486


ILWIS 3.0 Users Guide

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