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February 4, 2014 Fellowship News

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2014 - ISSUE 03 February 4, 2014

Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) (562) 426-0428

Dear Church, Last week I enjoyed a visit from Sharon Stanley-Rea, who is the Director of Refugee and Immigration Ministries for the Disciples of Christ. She works to mobilize Disciples congregations around the country to offer hospitality to immigrants, to provide resettlement assistance to refugees, and to engage in advocacy on behalf of refugees and immigrants. Sharon was interested in Bixby Knolls Christian Church because of this congregations past involvement in this area. Indeed, some years ago BKCC (with help from several other Disciples congregations) did help resettle a Cambodian family. Is Bixby Knolls Christian Church ready to renew its commitment to immigrants and refugees? I told Sharon that I didnt know if we were in a position today to do what weve done in the past. However, as the conversation continued, I realized that things are not the same now as they were then. For one thing, Sharon told me that most refugees that come to the United States in 2014 are individuals or couples, rather than large families, which means a more manageable commitment for those who want to provide resettlement assistance. In other ways, BKCC is involved in providing hospitality to immigrants and refugees. Immigrants and refugees make up a large percentage of our congregations membership! And if one or two of our members take a special interest in this issue and are willing to provide some leadership, we may yet again become more actively involved in this important ministry. In the meantime, it is good to stay informed on issues of immigration. A good place to start is the Refugee and Immigration ministries website. Go to; at the bottom of the page, click on Refugee and Immigration Ministries link. Lately Ive been inspired to GO BIG when it comes to finding ways to share Gods love, and the hospitality BKCC has shown to refugees and immigrants throughout this congregations history is just one way we have done that. May we continue searching for ways to GO BIG in the months and years to come.
Blessings, Pastor Danny

February is for
Love. Pastor Danny is raising money to place the message LOVE IS FOR EVERYONE on a giant billboard in the heart of Bixby Knolls. Look for him at the corner of Atlantic & Carson collecting donations during the Feb. 7 First Fridays (6 to 9 pm), or give him your donation at church. African American History. On the three remaining Sundays of February, we will have special presentations during our 10:15 worship service celebrating African American History. Week of Compassion. With our fundraiser at Sorrento Italian Kitchen this week, and our special offering for Week of Compassion later this month, this is the time to celebrate and support this important aspect of our ministry: helping those in need.

Ladies, Tea Time is just around the corner on April 26, and preparations are underway. Hostesses are needed. While you are thinking about it take a moment to contact Sandy Jeglum 427.4387 and let her know you wish to host a table. Extra teapots, cups, saucers, plates and utensils are available to use.

Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobodys business. What we are asked to do is love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy.
-Thomas Merton
taken online from The Newsletter Newsletter

Prayer Concerns:

Marcia Solan, Sumbal Sardar, Virginia Lalla, Keri Clark,

Janie Oden (G. Kobel), Keri France (A. Hillig) Sean May (Kobels), Nargis & family in Pakistan (S. Sardar)

Just getting a little older note!

movements of the time had a Praise team practice Saturday was great fun. We were preparing for Boy Scout Sunday and Ethan B., one of our resident Boy Scouts, had picked all the music 10 days earlier. Great selections. Then Ethan, Tristan, T.J. Hillig and Maddy K. also came to join us regulars of Ken and Samantha K., Danny, Angela H and myself. What made it interesting was that Pete Seeger died this week and Danny decided to add one of his songs. Pete was considered a radical in his day and I of course grew up on If I had a Hammer and other folk songs I thought Peter, Paul and Mary had written (nope just had a #1 billboard hit). The song was written in 1949 and created great angst among the anti communists of the day. I of course am too young to The younger members of Sundays team all knew the song; according to Danny they had probably learned it at camp. However among our young adult members one had never heard the song before and the other had heard it but never played it! I tried to explain about the difference many of the folk songs made in the 60s and 70s. How many of the remember that! signature songremember I am Woman Hear Me Roar? They kept saying they didnt know about the movements and were too young to remember. I mentioned the movie A Mighty Wind detailing the folk music movement, but no one had heard of it! Wasnt it up for academy award for title song in 2003???? Aging yes, the Beatles just celebrated their 50 YEAR old appearance on Ed Sullivan. I remember as a small child watching my older sister BEG my parents to stay home from Sunday evening church so she could watch them on TV. She won by the way but had to babysit me! Yes I got to watch too! I remember going to tower records in the late 90s and being next to some teenagers looking at Beatle music, one says to the other. Oh, thats who Paul McCartney used to play with before he got famous with his group Wings! Talk about feeling old! I am currently working outside of church on the Sound of Music as vocal director. Our own Madison Kobel is one the kids (Marta?). Since I cut my teeth on this show and movie its amazing to me that my contemporary age directors dont know or remember anything about the movie. Its seems 10 years of age makes a HUGH difference. It has been 50 years since that movie premiered! So though the youth of our church have favorite hymns from the 1800s and earlier, the young adults (under 40) seem to lack in the knowledge of critical social movements with music attached! Things that shaped my life: the right for girls to wear pants to school and boys to wear their hair below the collar was all fought in the courts of Illinois where I grew up. My high school graduating class has the first verified married couple graduate together in the USA. (They are still together!) Music does tie us together and helps us learn to praise God more! Blessings..from only getting older.


Calling all Elders & Deacons

The Pacific Southwest Region Leadership Development Team has planned an exciting Learning Event for all Elders and Deacons! This event will include worship, including a message from one of the Disciples' most dynamic preachers, Rev. Jose Morales. There will be workshops with leaders from around the Region and the opportunity to mingle and break bread with Elders and Deacons from other congregations. SATURDAY, MARCH 1 Location: East Whitter Christian Church EVENT SCHEDULE 10:00 - 10:30 - Gathering/Snacks/Music 10:30 - 11:15 - Opening Worship 11:30 - 12:45 - Workshop 12:45 - 1:30 - Interactive Lunch 1:45 - 3:00 - Workshop 3:00 - 3:30 - Closing Worship Summer camp information packets are now There is no charge to attend! Please send RSVPs to Linda Gardner at or Branden Hendricks in the Regional Church office at or (626) 296-0385. available; pick one up next time you are at church! June 29-July 5: Junior (grades 4-6) July 6-9: Mini (grades 2-3) July 6-9: Special Needs July 10-12: Parent/child July 13-19: Chi-Rho (grades 7-8) July 20-26: CYF 1 (grades 9-10) July 27-Aug 2: CYF 2 (grades 11-12 & 14 grads)

2014 Summer Camp at Loch Leven

Pastor Danny recently enjoyed a visit with BKCC member Dorothy Volker, who said she enjoys looking through her copies of the Fellowship News and seeing the pictures of her church family. She agreed to let Pastor Danny take this photo so her church family could enjoy seeing her picture. A photo of the BKCC prayer circle at their most recent meeting. The prayer circle meets twice a month, on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday, at 10:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome.

Wednesday Night Dinner

This weeks Wednesday Night dinner is a special fundraiser for Week of Compassion at a brand new Italian restaurant located across the street from Bixby Knolls Christian Church. Clip out the flyer below and bring it with you, and Sorrento Italian Kitchen will donate 50% of all pasta & pizza proceeds to BKCC! The fundraiser lasts all day, so if you arent able to make it in the evening, you could stop by for lunch.

Founders Day at Chapman University

is an annual event sponsored by the Office of Church Relations, connecting students, faculty and community members with an outstanding scholar in the area of religion and a renewal and reunion event for Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ. In 2014, the Founders Education Day will be extended because of a partnership with Chapman's Department of Religious Studies. The scholar is John Dominic Crossan. Founders Day is March 13-15. More details, includ-

CCEJ Interfaith Breakfast

The California Conference for Equality and Justice (CCEJ) is a human relations organization dedicated to eliminating bias, bigotry and racism in America. Among CCEJs many programs is a special Building Bridges camp, which at least one BKCC youth has attended. The 23rd Annual CCEJ Interfaith/Intercultural Breakfast will take place Tuesday, February 11, at the Grand Ballroom of the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center. Featured speaker for this years breakfast is civil rights leader Rev. James Lawson, Jr. Pastor Danny has attended this breakfast the past several years, and this year he and Ginger invite you to join them. For more information, go to and click on Interfaith Breakfast, or talk to Pastor Danny.

ing a schedule of the days' events are available online at Registration is open now!

Worship at last years Founders Day Event.

From the Fleet and Family Support Center of Yokosuka, Japan, thank you for your continued support . February is designated as Military Saves month. During this time, service members and families living within the Yokosuka, Japan community are encouraged to save money in various ways to includes shopping with coupons. With your support of continuously proving the coupons on a monthly basis, families are able to take advantage of this special opportunity as well as apply the savings throughout the year. Smoke from the Colby Fire drifted over Bixby Knolls Christian Church on January 16. A few days later, Johnny Wray, interim director of Week of Compassion, contacted Pastor Danny to see if anyone in the BKCC family was affected. The actual fire was some distance away and fortunately no one in the BKCC family was impacted. But isnt it good to know that Week of Compassion is there if and when we need it? Week of Compassion provides disaster relief all year long, around the world, and right here at home. If you wish to learn more about the Yokosuka Fleet & Family Support Center please follow the link at With an increase in shipping cost, time involved with clipping and packing coupons, we offer the following reminders regarding utilization of coupons in an overseas location:

* *

Coupons are only valid for six month after the expiration date Coupons from companies such Target, WalMart and restaurants are non-usable.

Feb 14-17 Feb 17 Mar 5 Mar 5 Apr 13 Apr 20 Apr 26 FebCamp (high school) Presidents Day - office closed Ash Wednesday Music Dept Pancake fundraiser Palm Sunday Easter Sunday Ladies Tea

Pastor Danny, Sumbal, Rajal & Madu took part in last months Kidical Mass bike ride. This family-friendly event takes place every 3rd Sunday in Bixby Knolls.

Upcoming Scripture
February 9 - Genesis 1:1-2:4

Check us out on Facebook

The Fellowship News A publication of Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) 1240 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90807 Editor: Monica Lanz 562-426-0428 fax 562-426-0429 Pastor: Daniel Bradfield The Fellowship News is published twice monthly. website:

Submit your articles for newsletter by

the next

Monday, February 17



(Disciples of Christ)

SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday closed

BOARD OFFICERS: Ken Brown Pastor Daniel Bradfield -Board President -Minister Leo Dittemore Monica Lanz -Vice President -Church Secretary Pat Cohen Barbara Neal-Peebles -Secretary -Music Director/Organist Angela Hillig Christine Perkinson - Treasurer - Church Child Care Chrysan Naw Suzie Romero - Financial Secretary - Custodian -Church Clerk

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