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Bpi V Bpi Employees

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Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

G.R. No. 164301 August 10, 2010 BANK OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Petitioner, vs. BPI EMPLOYEES UNION-DAVAO CHAPTER-FEDERATION OF UNIONS IN BPI UNIBANK, Respondent. Ponente: LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: KP: Very long case. Again. Emergency Facts will suffice. Must read parts 1-4 of Complete Ratio. Gloss over dissenting opinion towards the latter part. Keyword: FEBTC employees absorbed by BPI in merger, Union Shop Clause EMERGENCY: Petitioner BPI was to merge with Far East Bank and Trust Co. (FEBTC), with BPI as the surviving corporation. The BSP approved the Articles of Merger and SEC approved the Article and Plan of Merger. Pursuant to the Article and Plan of Merger, all the assets and liabilities of FEBTC were transferred to and absorbed by BPI as the surviving corporation. FEBTC employees, including those in its different branches across the country, were hired by BPI as its own employees, with their status and tenure recognized and salaries and benefits maintained. Respondent UNION (UNION) is the exclusive bargaining agent of BPIs rank and file employees in Davao City. The former FEBTC rank-and-file employees in Davao City did not belong to any labor union at the time of the merger. Prior to the effectivity of the merger, UNION invited said FEBTC employees to a meeting regarding the Union Shop Clause of the existing CBA between BPI and the UNION. The parties both advert to certain provisions of the existing CBA. Relevantly, Section 2 of the CBA provides that New employees falling within the bargaining unit xxx who may hereafter be regularly employed by the Bank shall, within thirty (30) days after they become regular employees, join the Union as a condition of their continued employment. It is understood that membership in good standing in the Union is a condition of their continued employment with the Bank. After the meeting called by the UNION, some of the former FEBTC employees joined the union, while others refused. Later, however, some of those who initially joined retracted their membership. UNION then sent notices to the former FEBTC employees who refused to join, as well as those who retracted their membership and called them to a hearing regarding the matter. When these former FEBTC employees refused to attend the hearing, the president of the Union requested BPI to implement the Union Shop Clause of the CBA and to terminate their employment. After two months of management inaction on the request, UNION informed BPI of its decision to refer the issue of the implementation of the Union Shop Clause of the CBA to the Grievance Committee. However, the issue remained unresolved at this level and so it was subsequently submitted for voluntary arbitration by the parties. Voluntary Arbitrator ruled in favor of BPI. The Voluntary Arbitrator said that the employees form part of the assets and liabilities that were transferred to the surviving corporation. UNION filed MR, but the voluntary arbitrator denied the same. It appealed to the CA and the CA reversed and set aside the decision of the voluntary arbitrator, ruling in favor of. Hence, this petition by BPI. ISSUE: May a corporation invoke its merger with another corporation as a valid ground to exempt its absorbed employees from the coverage of a union shop clause contained in its existing CBA with its own certified labor union? NO

RATIO: It is the policy of the State to promote unionism to enable the workers to negotiate with management on the same level and with more persuasiveness than if they were to individually and independently bargain for the improvement of their respective conditionsthe purpose of a union shop or other union security arrangement is to guarantee the continued existence of the union through enforced membership for the benefit of the workers. All employees in the bargaining unit covered by a Union Shop Clause in their CBA with management are subject to its terms. However, under law and jurisprudence, the following kinds of employees are exempted from its coverage, namely, (1) employees who at the time the union shop agreement takes effect are bona fide members of a religious organization which prohibits its members from joining labor unions on religious grounds; (2) employees already in the service and already members of a union other than the majority at the time the union shop agreement took effect; (3) confidential employees who are excluded from the rank and file bargaining unit; and (4) employees excluded from the union shop by express terms of the agreement. When certain employees are obliged to join a particular union as a requisite for continued employment, as in the case of Union Security Clauses, this condition is a valid restriction of the freedom or right not to join any labor organization because it is in favor of unionism. This Court, on occasion, has even held that a union security clause in a CBA is not a restriction of the right of freedom of association guaranteed by the Constitution. Moreover, a closed shop agreement is an agreement whereby an employer binds himself to hire only members of the contracting union who must continue to remain members in good standing to keep their jobs. It is the most prized achievement of unionism. In legal parlance, human beings are never embraced in the term assets and liabilities; The Corporation Code does not mandate the absorption of the employees of the non-surviving corporation by the surviving corporation in the case of a merger. The Court believes that it is contrary to public policy to declare the former employees of the absorbed bank as forming part of the assets or liabilities that were transferred and absorbed by the other bank in the Articles of Mergerassets and liabilities, in this instance, should be deemed to refer only to property rights and obligations of the absorbed bank and do not include the employment contracts of its personnel; The employees of the absorbed bank retained the prerogative to allow themselves to be absorbed or not, otherwise, that would be tantamount to involuntary servitude. The Court should not uphold an interpretation of the term new employee based on the general and extraneous provisions of the Corporation Code on merger that would defeat, rather than fulfill, the purpose of the union shop clausethe provision of the Article 248(e) of the Labor Code in point mandates that nothing in the said Code or any other law should stop the parties from requiring membership in a recognized collective bargaining agent as a condition of employment. The effect or consequence of BPIs so-called absorption of former Far East Bank and Trust Company (FEBTC) employees should be limited to what they actually agreed to, i.e. recognition of the FEBTC employees years of service, salary rate and other benefits with their previous employerthe effect should not be stretched so far as to exempt former FEBTC employees from the existing CBA (CBA) terms, company policies and rules which apply to employees similarly situated.

Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

The rationale for upholding the validity of union shop clauses in a CBA (CBA), even if they impinge upon the individual employees right or freedom of association, is not to protect the union for the unions sakea strong and effective union presumably benefits all employees in the bargaining unit since such a union would be in a better position to demand improved benefits and conditions of work from the employer. In the hierarchy of constitutional values, this Court has repeatedly held that the right to abstain from joining a labor organization is subordinate to the policy of encouraging unionism as an instrument of social justice. COMPLETE At the outset, we should call to mind the spirit and the letter of the Labor Code provisions on union security clauses, specifically Article 248 (e), which states, "x x x Nothing in this Code or in any other law shall stop the parties from requiring membership in a recognized collective bargaining agent as a condition for employment, except those employees who are already members of another union at the time of the signing of the CBA." We find it significant to note that it is only the employer BPI that brought the case up to this Court via the instant petition for review; while the employees actually involved in the case did not pursue the same relief, but had instead chosen in effect to acquiesce to the decision of the CA which effectively required them to comply with the union shop clause under the existing CBA, which decision had already become final and executory as to the aforesaid employees. By not appealing the decision of the CA, the aforesaid employees are bound by the said CA decision to join BPIs duly certified labor union. In view of this, BPI should not have pursued this petition for review. However, even assuming that BPI may do so, the same still cannot prosper. FACTS Petitioner BPI was to merge with Far East Bank and Trust Co. (FEBTC), with BPI as the surviving corporation. On March 23, 2000, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) approved the Articles of Merger executed on January 20, 2000 by and between BPI and FEBTC. This Article and Plan of Merger was approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission on April 7, 2000. Pursuant to the Article and Plan of Merger, all the assets and liabilities of FEBTC were transferred to and absorbed by BPI as the surviving corporation. FEBTC employees, including those in its different branches across the country, were hired by BPI as its own employees, with their status and tenure recognized and salaries and benefits maintained. Respondent BPI Employees Union-Davao Chapter - Federation of Unions in BPI Unibank (hereinafter the "UNION," for brevity) is the exclusive bargaining agent of BPIs rank and file employees in Davao City. The former FEBTC rank-and-file employees in Davao City did not belong to any labor union at the time of the merger. Prior to the effectivity of the merger, respondent UNION invited said FEBTC employees to a meeting regarding the Union Shop Clause (Article II, Section 2) of the existing CBA between petitioner BPI and respondent UNION.

The parties discussed certain provisions of the existing CBA, thus: (KP: pay attention to Article 2, Sec 2. It basically states that the absorbed employees have to join the union as a condition for their continued employment) o ARTICLE I Section 1. Recognition and Bargaining Unit The BANK recognizes the UNION as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining representative of all the regular rank and file employees of the Bank offices in Davao City. o ARTICLE II Section 1. Maintenance of Membership All employees within the bargaining unit who are members of the Union on the date of the effectivity of this Agreement as well as employees within the bargaining unit who subsequently join or become members of the Union during the lifetime of this Agreement shall as a condition of their continued employment with the Bank, maintain their membership in the Union in good standing. Section 2. Union Shop - New employees falling within the bargaining unit as defined in Article I of this Agreement, who may hereafter be regularly employed by the Bank shall, within thirty (30) days after they become regular employees, join the Union as a condition of their continued employment. It is understood that membership in good standing in the Union is a condition of their continued employment with the Bank. (Emphases supplied.) After the meeting called by the Union, some of the former FEBTC employees joined the Union, while others refused. Later, however, some of those who initially joined retracted their membership. UNION then sent notices to the former FEBTC employees who refused to join, as well as those who retracted their membership, and called them to a hearing regarding the matter. When these former FEBTC employees refused to attend the hearing, the president of the Union requested BPI to implement the Union Shop Clause of the CBA and to terminate their employment pursuant thereto. After two months of management inaction on the request, respondent UNION informed petitioner BPI of its decision to refer the issue of the implementation of the Union Shop Clause of the CBA to the Grievance Committee. However, the issue remained unresolved at this level and so it was subsequently submitted for voluntary arbitration by the parties. VOLUNTARY ARBITRATOR RULING (SC disagrees): Voluntary Arbitrator Rosalina Letrondo-Montejo, ruled in favor of petitioner BPIs interpretation that the former FEBTC employees were not covered by the Union Security Clause of the CBA between the Union and the Bank on the ground that the said employees were not new employees who were hired and subsequently regularized, but were absorbed employees "by operation of law" because the "former employees of FEBTC can be considered assets and liabilities of the absorbed corporation." The Voluntary Arbitrator concluded that the former FEBTC employees could not be compelled to join the Union, as it was their constitutional right to join or not to join any organization. o MR of Respondent UNION was denied.

Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

Dissatisfied, UNION then appealed the Voluntary Arbitrators decision to the CA. CA RULING (SC agrees): CA reversed and set aside the Decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator. BPIs MR denied. The CA pertinently ruled in its Decision: o This Court agrees with the voluntary arbitrator that the ABSORBED employees are distinct and different from NEW employees BUT only in so far as their employment service is concerned. The distinction ends there. In the case at bar, the absorbed employees l ength of service from its former employer is tacked with their employment with BPI. Otherwise stated, the absorbed employees service is continuous and there is no gap in their service record. o This Court is persuaded that the similarities of "new" and "absorbed" employees far outweighs the distinction between them. The similarities lies on the following, to wit: (a) they have a new employer; (b) new working conditions; (c) new terms of employment and; (d) new company policy to follow. As such, they should be considered as "new" employees for purposes of applying the provisions of the CBA regarding the "union-shop" clause. o To rule otherwise would definitely result to a very awkward and unfair situation wherein the "absorbed" employees shall be in a different if not, better situation than the existing BPI employees. The existing BPI employees by virtue of the "union-shop" clause are required to pay the monthly union dues, remain as members in good standing of the union otherwise, they shall be terminated from the company, and other unionrelated obligations. o On the other hand, the "absorbed" employees shall enjoy the "fruits of labor" of the UNION and its members for nothing in exchange. Certainly, this would disturb industrial peace in the company which is the paramount reason for the existence of the CBA and the union. o Hence, the voluntary arbitrator erred in construing the CBA literally at the expense of industrial peace in the company. Hence, the current petition by BPI to SC. Petitioner BPIs CONTENTION (SC says WRONG!): that the former FEBTC employees are not new employees of BPI for purposes of applying the Union Shop Clause of the CBA: o Petitioner BPI argues that the term "new employees" in the Union Shop Clause of the CBA is qualified by the phrases "who may hereafter be regularly employed" and "after they become regular employees" which led Petitioner BPI to conclude that the "new employees" referred to were only those employees who were "new" to BPI, on account of having been hired initially on a temporary or probationary status for possible regular employment at some future date. (KP: in essence, BPI is saying that since the absorbed employees do not have to undergo probationary status in contrast to other NEW BPI employees, then the Union shop clause does not apply to the absorbed employees. WRONG!).

(1) May a corporation invoke its merger with another corporation as a valid ground to exempt its "absorbed employees" from the coverage of a union shop clause contained in its existing CBA (CBA) with its own certified labor union? NO, CANNOT INVOKE MERGER AS GROUND TO EXEMPT ABSORBED EMPLOYEES FROM UNION SHOP CLAUSE (2) WON the former FEBTC employees that were absorbed by petitioner BPI upon the merger between FEBTC and BPI should be covered by the Union Shop Clause found in the existing CBA between petitioner BPI and respondent UNION? YES, ABSORBED EMPLOYEES SHOULD BE COVERED BY UNION SHOP CLAUSE HELD: WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED, and the Decision dated September 30, 2003 of the CA is AFFIRMED, subject to the thirty (30) day notice requirement imposed herein. Former FEBTC employees who opt not to become union members but who qualify for retirement shall receive their retirement benefits in accordance with law, the applicable retirement plan, or the CBA, as the case may be. RATIO: (KP: Must Read parts 1-4 of ratio. Also, I dont remember if Atty. Cadiz is fond of asking about the dissenting opinions, so i just included the syllabus for that towards the latter part) Section 2, Article II of the CBA is silent as to how one becomes a "regular employee" of the BPI for the first time. There is nothing in the said provision which requires that a "new" regular employee first undergo a temporary or probationary status before being deemed as such under the union shop clause of the CBA. Part 1: Union Security, Closed Shop, Union Shop, and Maintenance of Membership, Explained (MUST READ) "Union security" is a generic term which is applied to and comprehends "closed shop," "union shop," "maintenance of membership" or any other form of agreement which imposes upon employees the obligation to acquire or retain union membership as a condition affecting employment. o There is union shop when all new regular employees are required to join the union within a certain period for their continued employment. o There is maintenance of membership shop when employees, who are union members as of the effective date of the agreement, or who thereafter become members, must maintain union membership as a condition for continued employment until they are promoted or transferred out of the bargaining unit or the agreement is terminated. o A closed-shop, on the other hand, may be defined as an enterprise in which, by agreement between the employer and his employees or their representatives, no person may be employed in any or certain agreed departments of the enterprise unless he or she is, becomes, and, for the duration of the agreement, remains a member in good standing of a union entirely comprised of or of which the employees in interest are a part. Liberty Flour Mills Employees v. Liberty Flour Mills, Inc., SC ruled that It is the policy of the State to promote unionism to enable the workers to negotiate with management on the same level and with more persuasiveness than if they were to individually and independently bargain for the improvement of their respective conditions. There is no question that these purposes could be thwarted if every worker were to choose to go his own separate way instead of


Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

joining his co-employees in planning collective action and presenting a united front when they sit down to bargain with their employers. It is for this reason that the law has sanctioned stipulations for the union shop and the closed shop as a means of encouraging the workers to join and support the labor union of their own choice as their representative in the negotiation of their demands and the protection of their interest vis--vis the employer. In other words, the purpose of a union shop or other union security arrangement is to guarantee the continued existence of the union through enforced membership for the benefit of the workers.

To reiterate, Petitioner BPI insists that the term "new employees," as the same is used in the Union Shop Clause of the CBA at issue, refers only to employees hired by BPI as non-regular employees who later qualify for regular employment and become regular employees, and not those who, as a legal consequence of a merger, are allegedly automatically deemed regular employees of BPI. However, the CBA does not make a distinction as to how a regular employee attains such a status. Moreover, there is nothing in the Corporation Law and the merger agreement mandating the automatic employment as regular employees by the surviving corporation in the merger.

Part 2: Exemptions from the Union Shop Clause (MUST READ) All employees in the bargaining unit covered by a Union Shop Clause in their CBA with management are subject to its terms. However, under law and jurisprudence, the following kinds of employees are exempted from its coverage, namely: o employees who at the time the union shop agreement takes effect are bona fide members of a religious organization which prohibits its members from joining labor unions on religious grounds; o employees already in the service and already members of a union other than the majority at the time the union shop agreement took effect; confidential employees who are excluded from the rank and file bargaining unit; o and employees excluded from the union shop by express terms of the agreement. When certain employees are obliged to join a particular union as a requisite for continued employment, as in the case of Union Security Clauses, this condition is a valid restriction of the freedom or right not to join any labor organization because it is in favor of unionism. Moreover, a closed shop agreement is an agreement whereby an employer binds himself to hire only members of the contracting union who must continue to remain members in good standing to keep their jobs. It is " the most prized achievement of unionism." It adds membership and compulsory dues. By holding out to loyal members a promise of employment in the closed shop, it wields group solidarity. o

Part 4: Absorbed FEBTC Employees are Neither Assets nor Liabilities (MUST READ) Petitioner BPI argues that the former FEBTC employees were absorbed by BPI merely as a legal consequence of a merger, that these absorbed employees are included in the "assets and liabilities" of the dissolved corporation. WRONG! In legal parlance, however, human beings are never embraced in the term "assets and liabilities." Moreover, BPIs absorption of former FEBTC employees was neither by operation of law nor by legal consequence of contract. There was no government regulation or law that compelled the merger of the two banks or the absorption of the employees of the dissolved corporation by the surviving corporation. In the present case, the merger was voluntarily entered into by both banks presumably for some mutually acceptable consideration. In fact, the Corporation Code does not also mandate the absorption of the employees of the non-surviving corporation by the surviving corporation in the case of a merger. 1 Significantly, too, the Articles of Merger and Plan of Merger did not contain any specific stipulation with respect to the employment contracts of existing personnel of the non-surviving entity which is FEBTC. The rule is that unless expressly assumed, labor contracts such as employment contracts and CBAs are not enforceable against a transferee of an enterprise, labor contracts being in personam, thus binding only between the parties. A labor contract merely creates an action in personam and does not
Section 80 of the Corporation Code provides: SEC. 80. Effects of merger or consolidation . The merger or consolidation, as provided in the preceding sections shall have the following effects: 1. The constituent corporations shall become a single corporation which, in case of merger, shall be the surviving corporation designated in the plan of merger; and, in case of consolidation, shall be the consolidated corporation designated in the plan of consolidation; 2. The separate existence of the constituent corporations shall cease, except that of the surviving or the consolidated corporation; 3. The surviving or the consolidated corporation shall possess all the rights, privileges, immunities and powers and shall be subject to all the duties and liabilities of a corporation organized under this Code; 4. The surviving or the consolidated corporation shall thereupon and thereafter possess all the rights, privileges, immunities and franchises of each of the constituent corporations; and all property, real or personal, and all receivables due on whatever account, including subscriptions to shares and other choses in action, and all and every other interest of, or belonging to, or due to each constituent corporation, shall be taken and deemed to be transferred to and vested in such surviving or consolidated corporation without further act or deed; and 5. The surviving or the consolidated corporation shall be responsible and liable for all the liabilities and obligations of each of the constituent corporations in the same manner as if such surviving or consolidated corporation had itself incurred such liabilities or obligations; and any claim, action or proceeding pending by or against any of such constituent corporations may be prosecuted by or against the surviving or consolidated corporation, as the case may be. Neither the rights of creditors nor any lien upon the property of any of such constituent corporations shall be impaired by such merger or consolidated.

Part 3: Absorbed employees do NOT fall within the EXCEPTION to the application of the Union Shop Clause (MUST READ) Indeed, the situation of the former FEBTC employees in this case clearly does not fall within the first three exceptions to the application of the Union Shop Clause discussed earlier. No allegation or evidence of religious exemption or prior membership in another union or engagement as a confidential employee was presented by both parties. The sole category therefore in which Petitioner BPI may prove its claim is the fourth recognized exception or whether the former FEBTC employees are excluded by the express terms of the existing CBA between Petitioner BPI and respondent.

Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

create any real right which should be respected by third parties. This conclusion draws its force from the right of an employer to select his employees and to decide when to engage them as protected under our Constitution, and the same can only be restricted by law through the exercise of the police power. Furthermore, this Court believes that it is contrary to public policy to declare the former FEBTC employees as forming part of the assets or liabilities of FEBTC that were transferred and absorbed by BPI in the Articles of Merger. Assets and liabilities, in this instance, should be deemed to refer only to property rights and obligations of FEBTC and do not include the employment contracts of its personnel. A corporation cannot unilaterally transfer its employees to another employer like chattel. Employment is a personal consensual contract and absorption by BPI of a former FEBTC employee without the consent of the employee is in violation of an individuals freedom to contract. It would have been a different matter if there was an express provision in the articles of merger that as a condition for the merger, BPI was being required to assume all the employment contracts of all existing FEBTC employees with the conformity of the employees. In the absence of such a provision in the articles of merger, then BPI clearly had the business management decision as to whether or not employ FEBTCs employees. FEBTC employees likewise retained the prerogative to allow themselves to be absorbed or not; otherwise, that would be tantamount to involuntary servitude.

Part 5: Legal Consequences of Mergers Although not binding on this Court, American jurisprudence on the consequences of voluntary mergers on the right to employment and seniority rights is persuasive and illuminating. We quote the following pertinent discussion from the American Law Reports: o Question is whether such transferring employees should be entitled to carry with them their accumulated seniority or whether they are to be compelled to start over at the bottom of the seniority list in the "new" job? It has been recognized in some cases that the accumulated seniority does not survive and cannot be transferred to the "new" job. Carver v Brien (1942): the shop work of three formerly separate railroad corporations, which had previously operated separate facilities, was consolidated in the shops of one of the roads. Displaced employees of the other two roads were given preference for the new jobs created in the shops of the railroad which took over the work. o A controversy arose between the employees as to whether the displaced employees were entitled to carry with them to the new jobs the seniority rights they had accumulated with their prior employers, that is, whether the rosters of the three corporations, for seniority purposes, should be "dovetailed" or whether the transferring employees should go to the bottom of the roster of their new employer. o US SC: Absent some specific contract provision otherwise, seniority rights were ordinarily limited to the employment in which they were earned, and concluding that the contract for which specific performance was sought was not such a completed and binding

agreement as would support such equitable relief, since the railroad, whose concurrence in the arrangements made was essential to their effectuation, was not a party to the agreement. Indeed, from the tenor of local and foreign authorities, in voluntary mergers, absorption of the dissolved corporations employees or the recognition of the absorbed employees service with their previous employer may be demanded from the surviving corporation if required by provision of law or contract.2 However, there are instances where an employer can validly discontinue or terminate the employment of an employee without violating his right to security of tenure. Among others, in case of redundancy, for example, superfluous employees may be terminated and such termination would be authorized under Article 283 of the Labor Code.3 Moreover, assuming for the sake of argument that there is an obligation to hire or absorb all employees of the non-surviving corporation, there is still no basis to conclude that the terms and conditions of employment under a valid CBA in force in the surviving corporation should not be made to apply to the absorbed employees. The Corporation Code and the Subject Merger Agreement are Silent on Efficacy, Terms and Conditions of Employment Contracts o The lack of a provision in the plan of merger regarding the transfer of employment contracts to the surviving corporation could have very well been deliberate on the part of the parties to the merger, in order to grant the surviving corporation the freedom to choose who among the dissolved corporations employees to retain, in accordance with the survivi ng corporations business needs. o Thus, we are not convinced that in the absence of a stipulation in the merger plan the surviving corporation was compelled, or may be judicially compelled, to absorb all employees under the same terms and conditions

The dissent of Justice Arturo D. Brion tries to make a distinction as to the terms and conditions of employment of the absorbed employees in the case of a corporate merger or consolidation which will, in effect, take away from corporate management the prerogative to make purely business decisions on the hiring of employees or will give it an excuse not to apply the CBA in force to the prejudice of its own employees and their recognized collective bargaining agent. In this regard, we disagree with Justice Brion. Justice Brion takes the position that because the surviving corporation continues the personality of the dissolved corporation and acquires all the latters rights and obligations, it is duty -bound to absorb the dissolved corporations employees, even in the absence of a stipulation in the plan of merger. He proposes that this interpretation would provide the necessary protection to labor as it spares workers from being "left in legal limbo."
2 3Art.

283. Closure of establishment and reduction of personnel. The employer may also terminate the employment of any employee due to the installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy, retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing or cessation of operation of the establishment or undertaking unless the closing is for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this Title, by serving a written notice on the workers and the Ministry of Labor and Employment at least one (1) month before the intended date thereof. In case of termination due to the installation of labor-saving devices or redundancy, the worker affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation pay equivalent to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher. In case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases of closures or cessation of operations of establishment or undertaking not due to serious business losses or financial reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six (6) months shall be considered one (1) whole year.

Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

obtaining in the dissolved corporation as the surviving corporation should also take into consideration the state of its business and its obligations to its own employees, and to their certified collective bargaining agent or labor union. As the Union likewise pointed out in its pleadings, there were benefits under the CBA that the former FEBTC employees did not enjoy with their previous employer. As BPI employees, they will enjoy all these CBA benefits upon their "absorption." Thus, although in a sense BPI is continuing FEBTCs employment of these absorbed employees, BPIs employment of these absorbed employees was not under exactly the same terms and conditions as stated in the latters employment contracts with FEBTC. This further strengthens the view that BPI and the former FEBTC employees voluntarily contracted with each other for their employment in the surviving corporation.

Part 6: Proper Appreciation of the Term "New Employees" Under the CBA The Union Shop Clause in the CBA simply states that "new employees" who during the effectivity of the CBA "may be regularly employed" by the Bank must join the union within thirty (30) days from their regularization. o There is nothing in the said clause that limits its application to only new employees who possess non-regular status, meaning probationary status, at the start of their employment. Petitioner BPI likewise failed to point to any provision in the CBA expressly excluding from the Union Shop Clause new employees who are "absorbed" as regular employees from the beginning of their employment. o What is indubitable from the Union Shop Clause is that upon the effectivity of the CBA, Petitioner BPIs new regular employees (regardless of the manner by which they became employees of BPI) are required to join the Union as a condition of their continued employment.4 Significantly, Petitioner BPI never stretches its arguments so far as to state that the absorbed employees should be deemed "old employees" who are not covered by the Union Shop Clause. This is not surprising. By law and jurisprudence, a merger only becomes effective upon approval by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the articles of merger. In other words, even though BPI steps into the shoes of FEBTC as the surviving corporation, BPI does so at a particular point in time, i.e., the effectivity of the merger upon the SECs issuance of a certificate of merger. In fact, the articles of merger themselves provided that both BPI and FEBTC will continue their respective business operations until the SEC issues the certificate of merger.

Considering the foregoing principle, BPI could have only become the employer of the FEBTC employees it absorbed after the approval by the SEC of the merger. If the SEC did not approve the merger, BPI would not be in the position to absorb the employees of FEBTC at all. Indeed, there is evidence on record that BPI made the assignments of its absorbed employees in BPI effective April 10, 2000, or after the SECs approval of the merger. In other words, BPI became the employer of the absorbed employees only at some point after the effectivity of the merger, notwithstanding the fact that the absorbed employees years of service with FEBTC were voluntarily recognized by BPI. Even assuming for the sake of argument that we consider the absorbed FEBTC employees as "old employees" of BPI who are not members of any union (i.e., it is their date of hiring by FEBTC and not the date of their absorption that is considered), this does not necessarily exclude them from the union security clause in the CBA. The CBA subject of this case was effective from April 1, 1996 until March 31, 2001. o Based on the allegations of the former FEBTC employees themselves, there were former FEBTC employees who were hired by FEBTC after April 1, 1996 and if their date of hiring by FEBTC is considered as their date of hiring by BPI, they would undeniably be considered "new employees" of BPI within the contemplation of the Union Shop Clause of the said CBA. o Otherwise, it would lead to the absurd situation that we would discriminate not only between new BPI employees (hired during the life of the CBA) and former FEBTC employees (absorbed during the life of the CBA) but also among the former FEBTC employees themselves. In other words, we would be treating employees who are exactly similarly situated (i.e., the group of absorbed FEBTC employees) differently. This hardly satisfies the demands of equality and justice. Petitioner BPI limited itself to the argument that its absorbed employees do not fall within the term "new employees" contemplated under the Union Shop Clause. o However, in law or even under the express terms of the CBA, there is no special class of employees called "absorbed employees." In order for the Court to apply or not apply the Union Shop Clause, we can only classify the former FEBTC employees as either "old" or "new." If they are not "old" employees, they are necessarily "new" employees. If they are new employees, the Union Shop Clause did not distinguish between new employees who are non-regular at their hiring but who subsequently become regular and new employees who are "absorbed" as regular and permanent from the beginning of their employment. The Union Shop Clause did not so distinguish, and so neither must we.

The dissenting opinion of Justice Brion dovetails with Justice Carpios view only in their restrictive interpretation of who are "new employees" under the CBA. To our dissenting colleagues, the phrase "new employees" (who are covered by the union shop clause) should only include new employees who were hired as probationary during the life of the CBA and were later granted regular status. They propose that the former FEBTC employees who were deemed regular employees from the beginning of their employment with BPI should be treated as a special class of employees and be excluded from the union shop clause.

Part 7: No Substantial Distinction Under the CBA Between Regular Employees Hired After Probationary Status and Regular Employees Hired After the Merger We see no cogent reason why the Union Shop Clause should not be applied equally to these two types of new employees, for they are undeniably similarly situated.

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The effect or consequence of BPIs so -called "absorption" of former FEBTC employees should be limited to what they actually agreed to, i.e. recognition of the FEBTC employees years of service, salary rate and other benefits with their previous employer. The effect should not be stretched so far as to exempt former FEBTC employees from the existing CBA terms, company policies and rules which apply to employees similarly situated. If the Union Shop Clause is valid as to other new regular BPI employees, there is no reason why the same clause would be a violation of the "absorbed" employees freedom of association.

Part 8: Non-Application of Union Shop Clause Contrary to the Policy of the Labor Code and Inimical to Industrial Peace A contrary interpretation of the Union Shop Clause will be inimical to industrial peace and workers solidarity. Petitioner BPIs restrictive reading of the Union Shop Clause could also inadvertently open an avenue, which an employer could readily use, in order to dilute the membership base of the certified union in the collective bargaining unit (CBU). By entering into a voluntary merger with a non-unionized company that employs more workers, an employer could get rid of its existing union by the simple expedient of arguing that the "absorbed employees" are not new employees, as are commonly understood to be covered by a CBAs union security clause. This could then lead to a new majority within the CBU that could potentially threaten the majority status of the existing union and, ultimately, spell its demise as the CBUs bargaining representative. o Such a dreaded but not entirely far-fetched scenario is no different from the ingenious and creative "union-busting" schemes that corporations have fomented throughout the years, which this Court has foiled time and again in order to preserve and protect the valued place of labor in this jurisdiction consistent with the Constitutions mandate of insuring social justice. Indeed, a union security clause in a CBA should be interpreted to give meaning and effect to its purpose, which is to afford protection to the certified bargaining agent and ensure that the employer is dealing with a union that represents the interests of the legally mandated percentage of the members of the bargaining unit. The union shop clause offers protection to the certified bargaining agent by ensuring that future regular employees who o (a) enter the employ of the company during the life of the CBA; o (b) are deemed part of the collective bargaining unit; and o (c) whose number will affect the number of members of the collective bargaining unit will be compelled to join the union. o Such compulsion has legal effect, precisely because the employer by voluntarily entering in to a union shop clause in a CBA with the certified bargaining agent takes on the responsibility of dismissing the new regular employee who does not join the union. Without the union shop clause or with the restrictive interpretation thereof as proposed in the dissenting opinions, the company can jeopardize the majority status of the certified union by excluding from union membership all new regular employees whom the Company will "absorb" in future mergers and all new regular

employees whom the Company hires as regular from the beginning of their employment without undergoing a probationary period. o In this manner, the Company can increase the number of members of the collective bargaining unit and if this increase is not accompanied by a corresponding increase in union membership, the certified union may lose its majority status and render it vulnerable to attack by another union who wishes to represent the same bargaining unit. o Or worse, a certified union whose membership falls below twenty percent (20%) of the total members of the collective bargaining unit may lose its status as a legitimate labor organization altogether, even in a situation where there is no competing union. In such a case, an interested party may file for the cancellation of the unions certificate of registration with the Bureau of Labor Relations. Plainly, the restrictive interpretation of the union shop clause would place the certified unions very existence at the mercy and control of the employer. Relevantly, only BPI, the employer appears to be interested in pursuing this case. The former FEBTC employees have not joined BPI in this appeal.

Part 9: Right of an Employee not to Join a Union is not Absolute and Must Give Way to the Collective Good of All Members of the Bargaining Unit In the past this Court has upheld even the more stringent type of union security clause, i.e., the closed shop provision, and held that it can be made applicable to old employees who are already regular and permanent but have chosen not to join a union. In the early case of Juat v. Court of Industrial Relations, the Court held that an old employee who had no union may be compelled to join the union even if the CBA (CBA) imposing the closed shop provision was only entered into seven years after of the hiring of the said employee. Freeman Shirt Manufacturing Co., Inc., et al. vs. Court of Industrial Relations: the closed-shop proviso of a CBA entered into between an employer and a duly authorized labor union is applicable not only to the employees or laborers that are employed after the CBA had been entered into but also to old employees who are not members of any labor union at the time the said CBA was entered into. In other words, if an employee or laborer is already a member of a labor union different from the union that entered into a CBA with the employer providing for a closedshop, said employee or worker cannot be obliged to become a member of that union which had entered into a CBA with the employer as a condition for his continued employment. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied.) Although the present case does not involve a closed shop provision that included even old employees, the Juat example is but one of the cases that laid down the doctrine that the right NOT to join a union is not absolute. Theoretically, there is nothing in law or jurisprudence to prevent an employer and a union from stipulating that existing employees (who already attained regular and permanent status but who are not members of any union) are to be included in the coverage of a union security clause. Even Article 248(e) of the Labor Code only expressly exempts old employees who already have a union from inclusion in a union security clause.

Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

NOTES: Part 10: OTHER MATTERS, mostly showing how the majority opinion points out the weaknesses of the dissenting opinions Contrary to the assertion in the dissent of Justice Carpio, Juat has not been overturned by Victoriano v. Elizalde Rope Workers Union40 nor by Reyes v. Trajano.41 The factual milieus of these three cases are vastly different. In Victoriano, the issue that confronted the Court was whether or not employees who were members of the Iglesia ni Kristo (INK) sect could be compelled to join the union under a closed shop provision, despite the fact that their religious beliefs prohibited them from joining a union. In that case, the Court was asked to balance the constitutional right to religious freedom against a host of other constitutional provisions including the freedom of association, the non-establishment clause, the non-impairment of contracts clause, the equal protection clause, and the social justice provision. In the end, the Court held that "religious freedom, although not unlimited, is a fundamental personal right and liberty, and has a preferred position in the hierarchy of values."42 However, Victoriano is consistent with Juat since they both affirm that the right to refrain from joining a union is not absolute. The relevant portion of Victoriano is quoted below: The right to refrain from joining labor organizations recognized by Section 3 of the Industrial Peace Act is, however, limited. The legal protection granted to such right to refrain from joining is withdrawn by operation of law, where a labor union and an employer have agreed on a closed shop, by virtue of which the employer may employ only member of the collective bargaining union, and the employees must continue to be members of the union for the duration of the contract in order to keep their jobs. Thus Section 4 (a) (4) of the Industrial Peace Act, before its amendment by Republic Act No. 3350, provides that although it would be an unfair labor practice for an employer "to discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or condition of employment to encourage or discourage membership in any labor organization" the employer is, however, not precluded "from making an agreement with a labor organization to require as a condition of employment membership therein, if such labor organization is the representative of the employees." By virtue, therefore, of a closed shop agreement, before the enactment of Republic Act No. 3350, if any person, regardless of his religious beliefs, wishes to be employed or to keep his employment, he must become a member of the collective bargaining union. Hence, the right of said employee not to join the labor union is curtailed and withdrawn.43 (Emphases supplied.) If Juat exemplified an exception to the rule that a person has the right not to join a union, Victoriano merely created an exception to the exception on the ground of religious freedom. Reyes, on the other hand, did not involve the interpretation of any union security clause. In that case, there was no certified bargaining agent yet since the controversy arose during a certification election. In Reyes, the Court highlighted the idea that the freedom of association included the right not to associate or join a union in resolving the issue whether or not the votes of members of the INK sect who were part of the bargaining unit could be excluded in the results of a certification election, simply because they were not members of the two contesting unions and were expected to have voted for "NO UNION" in view of their religious

affiliation. The Court upheld the inclusion of the votes of the INK members since in the previous case of Victoriano we held that INK members may not be compelled to join a union on the ground of religious freedom and even without Victoriano every employee has the right to vote "no union" in a certification election as part of his freedom of association. However, Reyes is not authority for Justice Carpios proposition that an employee who is not a member of any union may claim an exemption from an existing union security clause because he already has regular and permanent status but simply prefers not to join a union. The other cases cited in Justice Carpios dissent on this point are likewise inapplicable. Basa v. Federacion Obrera de la Industria Tabaquera y Otros Trabajadores de Filipinas,44 Anucension v. National Labor Union,45 and Gonzales v. Central Azucarera de Tarlac Labor Union46 all involved members of the INK. In line with Victoriano, these cases upheld the INK members claimed exemption from the union security clause on religious grounds. In the present case, the former FEBTC employees never claimed any religious grounds for their exemption from the Union Shop Clause. As for Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. National Labor Relations Corporation47 and Knitjoy Manufacturing, Inc. v. Ferrer-Calleja,48 the employees who were exempted from joining the respondent UNION or who were excluded from participating in the certification election were found to be not members of the bargaining unit represented by respondent UNION and were free to form/join their own union. In the case at bar, it is undisputed that the former FEBTC employees were part of the bargaining unit that the Union represented. Thus, the rulings in Philips and Knitjoy have no relevance to the issues at hand. Time and again, this Court has ruled that the individual employees right not to join a union may be validly restricted by a union security clause in a CBA49 and such union security clause is not a violation of the employees constitutional right to freedom of association.50 It is unsurprising that significant provisions on labor protection of the 1987 Constitution are found in Article XIII on Social Justice. The constitutional guarantee given the right to form unions51 and the State policy to promote unionism 52 have social justice considerations. In Peoples Industrial and Commercial Employees and Workers Organization v. Peoples Industrial and Commercial Corporation, 53 we recognized that "[l]abor, being the weaker in economic power and resources than capital, deserve protection that is actually substantial and material." The rationale for upholding the validity of union shop clauses in a CBA, even if they impinge upon the individual employees right or freedom of association, is not to protect the union for the unions sake. Laws and jurisprudence promote unionism and afford certain protections to the certified bargaining agent in a unionized company because a strong and effective union presumably benefits all employees in the bargaining unit since such a union would be in a better position to demand improved benefits and conditions of work from the employer. This is the rationale behind the State policy to promote unionism declared in the Constitution, which was elucidated in the above-cited case of Liberty Flour Mills Employees v. Liberty Flour Mills, Inc.54 In the case at bar, since the former FEBTC employees are deemed covered by the Union Shop Clause, they are required to join the certified bargaining agent, which supposedly has gathered the support of the majority of workers within the bargaining unit in the appropriate certification proceeding. Their joining the

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certified union would, in fact, be in the best interests of the former FEBTC employees for it unites their interests with the majority of employees in the bargaining unit. It encourages employee solidarity and affords sufficient protection to the majority status of the union during the life of the CBA which are the precisely the objectives of union security clauses, such as the Union Shop Clause involved herein. We are indeed not being called to balance the interests of individual employees as against the State policy of promoting unionism, since the employees, who were parties in the court below, no longer contested the adverse CA decision. Nonetheless, settled jurisprudence has already swung the balance in favor of unionism, in recognition that ultimately the individual employee will be benefited by that policy. In the hierarchy of constitutional values, this Court has repeatedly held that the right to abstain from joining a labor organization is subordinate to the policy of encouraging unionism as an instrument of social justice. Also in the dissenting opinion of Justice Carpio, he maintains that one of the dire consequences to the former FEBTC employees who refuse to join the union is the forfeiture of their retirement benefits. This is clearly not the case precisely because BPI expressly recognized under the merger the length of service of the absorbed employees with FEBTC. Should some refuse to become members of the union, they may still opt to retire if they are qualified under the law, the applicable retirement plan, or the CBA, based on their combined length of service with FEBTC and BPI. Certainly, there is nothing in the union shop clause that should be read as to curtail an employees eligibility to apply for retirement if qualified under the law, the existing retirement plan, or the CBA as the case may be. In sum, this Court finds it reasonable and just to conclude that the Union Shop Clause of the CBA covers the former FEBTC employees who were hired/employed by BPI during the effectivity of the CBA in a manner which petitioner describes as "absorption." A contrary appreciation of the facts of this case would, undoubtedly, lead to an inequitable and very volatile labor situation which this Court has consistently ruled against. In the case of former FEBTC employees who initially joined the union but later withdrew their membership, there is even greater reason for the union to request their dismissal from the employer since the CBA also contained a Maintenance of Membership Clause.

unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to law, which right shall not be abridged. Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; Self-organization means voluntary association without compulsion, threat of punishment, or threat of loss of livelihoodcompulsory membership is anathema to self -organization.The right of workers to selforganization means that workers themselves voluntarily organize, without compulsion from outside forces. Self-organization means voluntary association without compulsion, threat of punishment, or threat of loss of livelihood. Workers who s elforganize are workers who on their own volition freely and voluntarily form or join a union. Compulsory membership is anathema to self -organization. The right to selforganize includes the right not to exercise such right. Freedom to associate necessarily includes the freedom not to associate. Thus, freedom to join unions necessarily includes the freedom not to join unions. Same; Same; Same; Union Security Clauses; Words and Phrases; In a union shop, employees who are not union members at the time of signing of the contract need not join the union, but all workers hired thereafter must joinnon-members may be hired, but to retain employment must become union members after a certain period; In a closed shop, only union members can be hired by the c ompany and they must remain union members to retain employment in the company; A closed shop is so harsh that it must be strictly construed and that doubts must be resolved against it. To further strengthen the powers of a union, the State has allowed the inclusion of union security clauses, including a union shop (the type of union security clause involved in this case), in collective bargaining agreements (CBA). In a union shop, employees who are not union members at the time of signing of the contract need not join the union, but all workers hired thereafter must join. Non-members may be hired, but to retain employment must become union members after a certain period. The ponencia points out the validity in this jurisdiction of the more stringent unio n security of closed shop and its applicability to old employees who are non-union members at the time of effectivity of the CBA. In a closed shop, only union members can be hired by the company and they must remain union members to retain employment in the company. As explained in Guijarno, it was to further increase the effectiveness of [unions] that a closed shop has been allowed. However, this undertaking did not come without detrimental effects on the workers themselves, such that in Confederated Sons of Labor v. Anakan Lumber Co., 107 Phil. 915 (1960), we declared that a closed shop is so harsh that it must be strictly construed and that doubts must be resolved against [it]. We also ruled in Anakan that In order that an employer may be deeme d bound, under a collective bargaining agree- ment, to dismiss employees for non-union membership, the stipulation to this effect must be so clear and unequivocal as to leave no room for doubt thereon. Same; Same; Same; Same; In the United States, closed shops, which require compulsory union membership for all employees, have been declared unlawful since 1947, while union shops, which allow old employees to remain non-union members but require new employees to become members after a certain period, are generally allowed.In the United States, closed shops, which require compulsory union membership for all employees, have been declared unlawful since 1947, while

CARPIO, J., Dissenting Opinion: Labor Law; Labor Unions; Right of Association; This Court cannot adopt as part of its jurisprudence a practice that clearly violates a fundamental constitutional right just because the aggrieved employees gave up the fight to protect such right. BPI, independently of the absorbed FEBTC employees, has the right to challenge the constitutionality of the union shop clause as applied to the absorbed FEBTC employees because BPI is being compelled, against its best interests, to terminate their employment if they do not join the Union. Besides, this Court cannot adopt as part of its jurisprudence a practice that clearly violates a fundamental constitutional right just because the aggrieved employees gave up the fight to protect such right. The Constitution guarantees the fundamental right of all workers to self-organization. The right to self organization is a species of the broader constitutional right of the people to form

Labor2 Digest. ALS 2015. Digested by Karen Pascual. Atty. Cadiz.

union shops, which allow old employees to remain non-union members but require new employees to become members after a certain period, are generally allowed. Previously, closed shops, union shops and agency shops were all permitted under Section 8(3) of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (NLRA), also known as the Wagner Act. But in 1947, the US Congress reacted to widespread abuses of closed-shop agreements by banning such arrangements through the enactment of the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA), or the Taft-Hartley Act, which amended the NLRA by adding Section 8(a)(3). In National Labor Relations Board v. General Motors Corporation, the US Supreme Court explained that the Taft-Hartley Act amendments were intended to accomplish twin purposes, one of which is to abolish closed shop to eliminate serious abuses of compulsory unionism. Same; Same; Same; Same; Although United States laws and jurisprudence on closed shops and union shops, as they now stand, are different from our own laws, it may be worthwhile to treat them with careful regard since our Labor Code and its precursor, the Industrial Peace Act, are patterned after US labor laws; Union security agreements were adopted in our jurisdiction primarily to safeguard the rights of the working man where utilized to achieve a contrary purpose, these union devices should be curtailed and carefully maneuvered to remain within the periphery of labor protection. Although United States laws and jurisprudence on closed shops and union shops, as they now stand, are different from our own laws, it may be worthwhile to treat them with careful regard since our Labor Code and its precursor, the Industrial Peace Act, are patterned after US labor laws. We have previously ruled that when a statute has been adopted from another state or country and such statute has previously been construed by the courts of such state or country, the statute is deemed to have been adopted with the construction given to it. Where our labor statutes are based on statutes in foreign jurisdiction, the decisions of the high courts in those jurisdictions construing and interpreting the Act are given persuasive effects in the application of Philippine law. Union security agreements were adopted in our jurisdiction primarily to safeguard the rights of the working man. Where utilized to achieve a contrary purpose, these union devices should be curtailed and carefully maneuvered to remain within the periphery of labor protection. Same; Same; Same; Corporation Law; Corporate Mergers; The merger of two corporations does not authorize the surviving corporation to terminate the employees of the absorbed corporation in the absence of just or authorized causes as provided in Articles 282 and 283 of the Labor Code. The merger of two corporations does not authorize the surviving corporation to terminate the employees of the absorbed corporation in the absence of just or authorized causes as provided in Articles 282 and 283 of the Labor Code. Merger of two corporations is not one of the just or authorized causes for termination of employment. Not even a union shop agreement is just or authorized cause to terminate a permanent employee. A union shop clause is only a ground to terminate a probationary employee who refuses to join the union as a condition for continued employment. Once an employee becomes permanent, he is protected by the security of tenure clause in the Constitution, and he can be terminated only for just or authorized causes as provided by law. The right to security of tenure of regular employees is enshrined in the Constitution. This right cannot be eroded, let alone be forfeited except upon a clear and convincing showing of a just and lawful cause.


In this case, there is no showing that legal ground exists to warrant a termination of the FEBTC employees. Therefore, BPI is obligated to continue FEBTC employees regular employment in deference to their constitutional right to security of tenure. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; A merger is a legitimate management prerogative which cannot be opposed or rejected by the employees of the merging entities. The FEBTC employees had no choice but to accept the absorption by way of merger. A merger is a legitimate management prerogative which cannot be opposed or rejected by the employees of the merging entities. Hence, the absorption by BPI of the FEBTC employees was not within the FEBTC employee s control, and the latter had no choice but to be absorbed by BPI, unless they opted to give up their means of livelihood. Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; To compel the absorbed employees to join the Union at the risk of losing their jobs is violative of their constitutional freedom to associate.To require these absorbed employees to join the Union at the risk of losing their jobs is akin to forcing an existing non-union BPI employee to join the Union on pain of termination. In the same way that an existing non-union BPI employee is given the constitutional right to choose whether or not to join a union, an absorbed employee should be equally given the same right. And this right must be conferred to the absorbed employee upon the effectivity of the merger between FEBTC and BPI. Indisputably, the right to join or not to join a Union is part of the fundamental constitutional right to form associations. In Sta. Clara Homeowners Association v. Gaston, 374 SCRA 396 (2002), we held that, The constitutionally gua ranteed freedom of association includes the freedom not to associate. The right to choose with whom one will associate oneself is the very foundation and essence of that partnership. It should be noted that the provision guarantees the right to form an association. It does not include the right to compel others to form or join one. Thus, to compel the absorbed FEBTC employees to join the Union at the risk of losing their jobs is violative of their constitutional freedom to associate.

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