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9 11 Essay

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Austin T.


9-11 Essay

On September 11, 2001 a terrorist organization know as Al-Qaeda put in motion the

largest terrorist attack against the United States of America ever. Al-Qaeda, which is lead by

Osama Bin Laden, planned to hijack several civilian airplanes and crash them into multiple

buildings on American soil. On 8:46 am on the morning of September 11, 2001 Flight 11,

which was one of the hijacked planes slammed into the north World Trade Centre Tower and

several minutes’ later flight 175 another civilian aircraft crashed into the south world trade

centre tower. 2,752 people were killed on September 11, 2001 making it the largest terrorist

attack against the United States of America ever.

My reaction to the 9-11 film I saw in class was the indifferent. In indifferent I mean

that I had already knew most of the information from previous year`s videos. I learned one

new thing and that was that there were 4 planes, I had thought that there were only 3 planes.

The film I previewed was a newer version from what I saw other years in that it wasn’t just of

the crash, it was more in depth of what happened on “the inside”.

The memorials of 2009 that I found were of the following;

*NEW YORK (CNN) -- President Obama spoke at the Pentagon on Friday to those

who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001, telling them no words would heal their pain yet

calling for a renewed resolve against the ones who attacked the country eight years ago.

*Hobokenites remember their fallen neighbours during last year's Sept. 11 service. In

the foreground is Hoboken's 9/11 "Tear Drop" memorial in Pier A Park.

*The City of Kirkland held its annual memorial service at 8.m. Friday, Sept. 11 for

Patriot Day/09-11-01. The service was held at the flag pavilion on the north side of Kirkland

City Hall. The ceremony commemorates the sacrifice of the heroes of the terrorist attacks in

New York, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001. The service was

presented by the Kirkland Police and Fire Departments.

I think 9-11 was a very tragic event and don’t get me wrong, it was dramatic and

many people lost their lives but I don’t think we should hold huge events every year. During

9-11 I was walking home from school, it was an average day and when I got home my mom

told me about it. 9-11 had no impact on my life and that is my reasoning behind my logic of

9-11 not being this big deal every year. I do have sympathy toward these people`s deaths and

the whole event but like I said, I don’t think it should be a huge deal.
During 9/11 almost every channel had the attacks on without commercial breaks,

CNN which is considered the world’s most recognized news station had the attacks and

everything to do with the attacks on its stations for weeks after it took place. After the attacks

the price of crude oil started to rise and is still on the rise because of the War on terrorism.

Everything that happens in the world today has a great impact on everyday life. 2,752 people

were killed on September 11, 2001 making it the largest terrorist attack against the United

States of America ever.

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