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Challenges in design, development, system integration, testing, evaluation and production of Surface to Air Tactical Missile system Akash

Ajit Chaudhary*, AN Margaret **, G.N.Rao*, G Chandramouli *


Akash, the Surface to Air Missile (SAM) system developed by DRDO was successfully produced, subjected to all the field validation flight trials and thus became the first indigenous SAM system to be inducted in to the Indian Armed Forces. During the course of its development, production and induction of the weapon system, many technical and managerial challenges / issues / constraints were faced by the teams that were handling the project. Technology establishment, technology upgrades, weapon system integration, obsolescence, performance improvements, customization, user operational requirements, User trials, technology transfer, vendor development, quality assurance, Inspection methodology, project management etc are some of the areas issues addressed and resolved by the lead design agency DRDO. Exclusive software's for various weapon system elements were to be developed at module level, system level and weapon system level to facilitate an integrated automated operation of the equipment. Large scale software and hardware integration had to be under taken to make a network of radars, control centres, launchers and missiles to work in tandem. The integrated air defence functionality of weapon system was demonstrated to Users as a single entity from target detection onwards till kill assessment of the target. Various trial methodologies were evolved and the weapon system capability has been exhaustively evaluated to gain the Users confidence on such complex system. This paper presents various techniques / methods adopted by DRDO in design, development, realization, testing, evaluation and production of one of the cost effective tactical missile systems in the world. 1. Introduction:

Design and development of surface to air missile systems are typically complex in nature as there are number of weapon system elements like radars, control centers, launchers and missiles etc are required to be developed and to be integrated to function as a single entity to meet the main objective defending an area or point from aerial threats. Complete air defence sequence of operations starting from surveillance of aerial space, detection of targets, tracking, identification, threat evaluation, prioritization, assigning the targets to respective firing units, launching, acquiring the missile, tracking, guiding the missile till target interception etc events have to be executed by the weapon system elements working in tandem. The complexity goes up particularly when it is required to engineer the systems in a specific space, size, weight constraint to facilitate different mobility and transportation conditions. Configuring each element of weapon system with optimized weight, size and meeting the performance at system level calls for additional attention. This paper discusses various technical / managerial challenges / issues that were encountered during design, development, production and deployment of indigenous surface to air Akash missile system (AMS) which was successfully inducted. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Defence Research and Development Laboratory (DRDL), Hyderabad

** Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), Bangalore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


System configuration:

Akash missile system consists of a set of radars, control centres, launchers, missiles and associated ground support systems. A typical configuration of AMS is shown in Fig 1. A surveillance radar (3D CAR) detects the aerial targets and passes track data to central control centre (CCC) where complete air picture is monitored and displayed. The weapon allocation to respective combat batteries is carried out by CCC after necessary threat evaluation, prioritization. Weapon control processors located control centres (TCC) launch and guide the missile with the help of multi function fire control radar (TLR). In auto mode, multiple missiles are simultaneously launched and guided for intercepting multiple targets with the help of logics incorporated in various computers. For meeting Indian Air Force requirement, the equipment were reconfigured and mounted on trailers. For meeting Army requirement, the weapon system elements are reconfigured and mounted on high mobility wheeled vehicles.






Battery - 1





Group HQrs

Battery -2

Fig 1 Configuration of Akash missile system


Features and Capabilities of AMS :

a) Mobile multi-directional, point / area defence system, b) Simultaneously engagement of air targets (8 missiles against 4 targets), c) Autonomous /centralized mode of operation, d) Automated C4I air defence functions (such as programmable surveillance, target detection, target acquisition, tracking, identification, threat evaluation, prioritization, assignment and engagement), e) Secured wireless communication links, f) Advanced Electronic Counter Counter Measures (ECCM), g) Modular and mobile wheeled truck or trailer mounted, h) Operatable between altitudes 30 m to 18 km altitude and slant ranges between 3 km to 27 km, i) High performance Pre-fragmentation warhead j) Digital radio proximity fuze coupled with five level safety arming mechanism, k) Supersonic missile powered by solid integral ramjet rocket propulsion system which covers 25 km range in 35 Sec.


Technology development :

Thirteen (13) DRDO labs, Nineteen (19) Public Sector Units (PSUs), Five Ordnance Factories (OFs), Three (3) National Laboratories, Six (6) Academic Institutions and nearly 200 private industries have actively participated during the development of Akash weapon system. Several technologies / schemes established / developed (with current and latest trends) for both onboard missile system and ground systems. Three major technology developments a) Integral Ram Rocket Propulsion technology, b) Multifunction Phased Array Radar technology, c) Active seeker technology were attempted as part of the mission mode project. After developing few active seekers, due to weight and range constraints, this technology was not further pursued to be a part of mission mode project. Some of the other important related minor technologies developed for Akash are a) Multi beam 3D Surveillance Radar System, b) Command, Control, Computers, Communication and Intelligence (C4I) System hardware and software for Air Defence application, c) Robust radar to missile command link, d) Digital coded guidance schemes for multiple missile tracking, e) Pre-fragmented warhead with high explosives for better density of kill, f) Integrated Mathematical models representing the functionality of weapon system and its elements, g) Digital signal processing techniques to increase the flexibility of changes, h) Software Algorithms for automatic controlling of weapon system, i) Simulators and training aids to demonstrate capability of system. As the content of technology development is more in mission mode projects, it is seen the time over runs and cost overruns will become high. 5. Systems realized and Trials conducted:

Three sets of combat elements of weapon systems like Battery Level Radars, Battery Control Centers and Self Propelled Launchers were made on BMP-I, BMP-II and T-72 chassis with modifications on hulls suitable to fit the equipments. All these systems were used in demonstrating the performance of the weapon system during development trials and user trials. A total of 38 vehicle based systems were developed on both Tracked and Wheeled vehicles. All these elements were used to demonstrate the capability of the system through flight testing of nearly 60 Akash missiles.

5.1 The consistency and performance of Akash missile system was demonstrated through various flight tests in different mission profiles like a) Far boundary interception, b) Near boundary interception, b) High altitude interception, c) Crossing and receding target interception, d) Low altitude and near boundary, e) Multiple target interception, f) Low altitude and far boundary interception, g) mid altitude and mid range, h) crossing and approaching etc. 5.2 During flight testing, missiles were launched against various moving targets like Nishant, PTA Lakshya with tow bodies, Mirach and Para-barrels etc. All automated air defence functions starting from target detection onwards till kill assessment were verified. The consistent in-flight performance of propulsion, control, guidance, radio proximity fuze, safety arming system and warhead systems were conclusively demonstrated.

Fig 2 Akash launch from wheeled vehicle

Fig 3 Akash launch from tracked vehicle

5.3 In addition, the system was tested for its performance in intense jamming environment from aerial targets and proving for its resistance in intense EMI/EMC environment from adjacent AD systems. The system was also tested for its functionality through summer desert field trials as a part of user trials. Overall weapon system performance in various other boundary conditions was verified by team of users on the simulation test bed. The flight test data was compared with predicted (simulation data) and the Monte Carlo simulation results affirmed the consistency in guidance scheme functionality and repeatable performance of system. 6. Design and development challenges :

6.1 During design and development of AMS, numbers of technical / managerial challenges were encountered for both onboard missile system and for ground system elements like radars, control centres, launchers and other ground support systems.


Integral Ramjet Rocket (IRR) Technology for Missile:

Akash missile is powered by Integral Ramjet Rocket propulsion system in which the booster rocket motor casing used as a secondary combustion chamber in the second stage propulsion. The configuration of IRR system is shown in Fig. 4.









Fig 4 IRR propulsion system - Akash Both booster and sustainer propellants are free standing and the entire liner of the booster motor casing exposed to high pressure 135 Ksc, high temperatures of the order of 3300 deg K and high erosive gaseous medium right from ignition. The design of such a liner system has almost taken 13 years for perfection after five iterations. Since the booster propellant had to be a free standing grain, its mechanical properties had to be higher to suite dynamic loads of transportation conditions. To achieve required thrust-time profile to meet mission requirements under wide operating temperature conditions of -20 Deg to + 55 deg, the burn rates have to be optimized by tailoring the ingredients and composition. Process had to be frozen for realizing of booster propellant grains with finalized specification and consistency had to be recorded and performance had to be evaluated through static testing at sub scale level and full scale motor level. This activity calls for design of moulds, handling tools, extraction tools, establishing number of facilities like mixers, blenders, sieves, storage facilities, ovens etc. The curing cycle had to be optimized to achieve the required mechanical properties and performance parameters. Number of debates / meetings had to be held at various stages and mid course alternate actions to be arrived at in iterations and considerable amount of time. Initially composite double based propellant was developed and used for few development flight tests. However due micro crack development with respect to storage time, booster grain with composite propellant had to be developed, performance was evaluated in various ground / flight tests which finally met all mission requirements. The magnesium powder based sustainer propellant was also developed after establishing number of exclusive facilities / equipment like presses, moulds, tools. The process had to be frozen after good number of iterations. The design of compression moulded components, rocket motors, nozzle ejection mechanisms, air intakes also were finalized to withstand the rigorous internal pressure, temperature and flight dynamic environment. All these elements of IRR propulsion system were first time developed in mission mode

project and the technology could be established successfully. The flight vehicle had to be extensively instrumented for measurement of temperatures, strains, vibration, pressures and integration for measurement of nearly 80 physical channels, cable routing, clamping, interface connectors in the presence of air intakes was a challenge without which improvement in design of IRR propulsion system could not have taken place. 6.3 Phased Array Radar Technology:

For development of multi function phased array radar, number of sub-systems like phase control modules (PCM) the basic sensing elements, antenna platform, PCM Integration technology, the beam steering units, digital signal processor, solid state receiver system, transmission system, cooling systems, missile coding units, radar data processors, antenna pattern measurement facility, elevation control mechanisms, azimuth slewing systems etc have to be developed for the first time. All these modules have to be reconfigured to meet the requirement of housing in different tracked vehicles and wheeled platforms as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 5 Phase control Module (PCM)

Fig. 6 Integration of PCM in antenna

Testing of C-Band Array

Fig 7 Testing of phased array antenna

Fig 8 Multifunction Phased Array Radars


Design of Launcher system :

Akash launcher system is designed such a way to facilitate launching of missiles in required azimuth and elevation angles with a provision of remote operation. Processor controlled electro mechanical servo drive system facilitates accurate slewing and tracking features. The modular design of launch beam also facilitates mounting on tracked as well as on wheeled platforms. The health of the missile sub-systems is checked automatically by a set of processors before launching. Fig 9 shows launchers realized on different platforms.


ASPL- I (1991)

ASPL II (1993)

AAFL- I (1998)

ASPL III (2006)

A AL (2013)






Fig 9 Lauchers on different platforms


Configuration control of missile:

To make an effective tactical surface to air missile meeting the intended objective, it is essential to optimize the designs of Airframe system, propulsion system, aerodynamics, control, guidance, warhead, fuze and safety arming systems. This obviously can be achieved through some iterative process of realizing hardware, instrumenting, integrating the systems, flight testing and obtaining the in-flight data and fine tuning the designs. For achieving fine tuned configuration, all individual sub system performances need to be modeled and simulated. Performance of system to be studied considering possible lower and upper bounds of each sub system and their combination of bounds.

Nose Cone

War Head Section 1 Section 2


Air Intake
Fairing Booster Motor Section 5 Fin TCP

Pneumatic Bay Section 3

A/I Cap
Sustainer Motor Section 4

Front Launch Shoe

Pitot Tube
Rear Launch Shoe C.G. Antennae

The predicted performance, an outcome of mathematical modeling through six degrees of freedom (6 DOF) is compared with flight obtained data and mathematical modeling is fine tuned. In few flight tests, this 6 DOF model is validated and used for predicting the outcome of various mission profiles without conducting the flight trials. In AMS, the 6 DOF has been perfected and has been extensively used for predicting the outcome of various mission profiles and Monte Carlo simulations. Some major overhauling was required to be done w.r.t. initially planned missile configuration. The missile length has to be reduced, booster motor casing length had to be increased, sustainer length reduced, booster grain had to be changed. Each time a major change is done design qualification and verification cycle is a time consuming process and some time the design cycle need to be repeated. 7.3 Generation of Aerodynamic data :

Akash Missile with four axi-symmetric air intakes and ramjet engine, flying at supersonic speeds calls for generating new aero coefficients with varying Mach numbers and Angles of attack. Numbers of wind tunnel tests have to be conducted with varying angles of attack and mach numbers. Maintaining the stability of missile during entire flight (even during maneuvering) calls for specific care to be taken in design of the control system. To gather actual aero data from flight it was required to flight test the missile in ballistic mode in which nearly 65 kgs ballast was necessary to be located in the nose cone of the missile. 7.4 Design of control system:

To meet the varying requirements of aero coefficients, system requirements, a control system with electro pneumatic actuation system was designed. There was an uncertainty of hinge moment and loads assisting and opposing the pneumatic actuators. To get in flight hinge moment, the actuator eye end was mounted with a set of strain gauges and load coming on actuator due to movement of wings was

measured. Rotary potentiometers were mounted and calibrated to measure in flight angle measurement. Variation of hinge moment under different flight maneuvers was measured and catered in the design of auto pilot system. The actuators were resized to keep the margins under maximum loaded flight condition. 7.5 Design of Guidance system:

The command guidance scheme was evolved between ground based phased array radar and the missile with appropriate coding to cater for multiple missile tracking and guidance. The digital beam switching is designed such a way that it looks at the target and the missile at different intervals of time. The whole activity is controlled by a set of computers located in the radar utilizing software algorithms. 7.6 Design of Radio Proximity Fuze system:

Verification of design of radio proximity fuze in dynamic condition almost became impossible. After trying out various test set ups through towers and sledge set ups with rocket motor firings etc it could not give the true condition and was giving erroneous results. Finally by flying the fighter aircraft at 50 m from the ground overflying the missile front three sections, the design of RPF system could be deterministically validated. Later the consistency of RPF system could be demonstrated in various end game geometrical conditions. Later the same design is adopted for other missile projects.


Software development and Weapon system integration :

For facilitating automated air defence functioning (from target detection to kill of the target) of weapon system there was a need to integrate surveillance radars, multi function phased array radars, control centres, launchers and missiles. The sequence of events such as programmable surveillance, target detection, target acquisition, tracking, identification, threat evaluation, prioritization, assignment, missile launching, missile acquisition, missile tracking, guidance, engagement and kill assessment. Interface between each elements were so designed such that overall sequence and functioning of weapon system is ensured. To clear each element, simulators corresponding to other element were designed and interfaces were verified. Softwares developed for various elements of weapon system are integrated and validated at each interface between subsystems with respective hardware.

To verify the software for functionality of complete weapon system, simulation test beds were designed at Laboratory level before porting the softwares in the respective elements. The integrated functioning of weapon system was verified by flying the helicopters and fighters. The missile and radar command link is verified by mounting missile guidance unit in the helicopter and tracking it. The bias of ground sensors also are verified by mounting digital GPS units onboard helicopters and fighter aircrafts. The sequence of various air defence events and timings are verified through these ground tests.


Some hurdles faced and solved :


Switching over from BMP chassis and reconfiguring systems on T-72 Chassis

During development, combat equipment of firing unit (Multi function phased array radar, Missle launcher, Control centre) were realized on BMP tracked vehicle. For improved mobility, the equipment were reconfigured and mounted on T-72 tracked chassis on which the user trials were conducted. These systems were realized on tracked vehicles specifically designed to mount modules of phased array radar, missile launcher, and control centres. The hulls were made of indigenously developed armoured plates sourced from Rourkela steel plants. Engine, transmission and suspension systems were reassembled on to new hulls and all modules were integrated and tested for their functionality. Later these equipment were used in flight testing of development missiles. For meeting these challenges, the configuration control activities were centrally taken up by Project group with the help of other associated DRDO laboratories. Periodical design reviews were conducted and meticulous progress monitoring was done to meet schedules for different configurations. The activity of re-engineering of tracked vehicles to suite missile system is an involved activity which takes considerable amount of time. 8.2 In flight pressure rise in sustainer phase:

After initial development flight tests, in one of the flight trials, it is observed that sustainer chamber pressure started increasing abnormally after approximately 3 seconds of ignition and the flight vehicle used to get disintegrated. This phenomina was consistently observed in three flights. To identify the reason, technical review committees were formed and ground tests were done. It was observed that the inhibition of sustainer grain was getting disturbed during the boost phase compressive loads since, the grain is bonded to the liner of rocket motor casing. Sustainer grain is manufactured by pressing powder based composition by using a 1000 Tonne press. Inherently the sustainer grain had the resistance to compression. Since the tapered portion of the grain (which was assisting the grain to take the in-flight compressive loads) was altered for ease of manufacturing, the load transfer was found getting shifted to inhibition through rocket motor and liner. In the process, the inhibition was getting ripped off from propellant exposing more burning area causing pressure to rise beyond permissible value causing the mission to fail. Later, the sustainer grain integration method was changed making as a free standing grain and consistent inflight performance of the grain was demonstrated.









Fig 10 Abnormal sustainer pressure

Fig 11 Revised Sustainer Configuration


Autonomous wing oscillations:

Interaction between bending frequency and torsion frequencies of wing resulted in in-flight autonomous oscillations thus driving the electro pneumatic actuator to one end and causing disturbance to the missile. By redesigning the wing with bi-metallic (steel and aluminum alloy) configuration and maintaining center of gravity of wing at hinge line, interaction of frequencies was isolated.


Planform view of Old Wing

Planform view of New Wing

Steel panel Xcp Xcg Xcg


Al alloy wing

Al alloy + steel panel wing

Fig 12 Old and revised wing configurations 6.4 Performance Improvement done after the User trials:

Possible performance improvements were taken up by Project in various weapon system elements for production after user feedbacks. Multifunction phased array radar system was upgraded for production with Programmable Signal Processor, Usage of Indigenous Microwave Power Module (MPM) for XBand, Digital Radar Scan converter as replacement of Analog CRT display, Automatic PRF Selection, Low level tracking, New algorithms for weapon control computer, new tracker algorithms, Modular and compact low power microwave receiver subsystems etc. Similarly for Launcher, certain features like Improved Operation and Maintenance features, Human Machine Interface (HMI), Automatic switching of power source and continuous on line health monitoring, Increased ground clearance and higher capacity prime mover etc were implemented. Missile is loaded in container with air bottle charged, wings and fins fitted ready to be fired condition. Auto launch time has been reduced, maneouvarbility of missile increased. Missile check out facilities upgraded with state of the art data acquisition system. Ethernet based LAN communication, Automatic Bias estimation and correction, Manual backup for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion (MSDF), Integration with Higher Echelons were incorporated in control centres for production.


Experience Gained (during Development ) :

Some major technologies and sub systems were developed to meet the intended Qualitative Requirements (QRs) of the Services (Army and Air Force). During the course, many lessons were learned in the areas. Few of them are listed as follows

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Establishment of number of test facilities, infrastructure at OFs, DPSUs, DRDO labs Evolved new and innovative ground and flight test methods Developed mathematical models of number of elements of weapon system as well as entire system. Building of multi specialty teams Managing technology development and weaponization together in mission mode project Planning, scheduling, progress monitoring, control and reporting of multi work centre based tasks. Integration and testing of multi discipline technical sub systems Planning and conduction of various ground validation trials Understanding user operational requirements and HR interactions with users during development, evaluation trials and user trials Preparation fof task directives for phase wise user evaluation trials and user trials.

10. 10.1

Production of AMS: Production orders :

Based on the various field evaluation trials and user trials, Indian Air Force has ordered for Eight Squadrons (2 Sqns in Dec 2008, 6 sqns in Dec 2010) of Akash missile system. Later Indian Army has also placed an order for Two Regiments of Akash missile system in Mar 2011 10.2 Production methodology adopted :

First time production of Indigenous SAM system involving these many elements and systems are attempted in the country. A special care has to be taken to protect the experiences gained by the Industry to be used for production. The Industries who were associated with development were also given the production resposibilities. For IAF, the overall AMS production, delivery and product support is done by BEL. For Indian Army, the responsibility was given to BDL. The vendors who have contributed during development at subsystem level and sub-subsystem level also were allotted the production work load. Approximately 160 technology transfer documents were made by Project for subsystems of both missile and ground systems with the data of specifications, qualification test requirements, acceptance test plans, inspection flow charts, raw material test reports, test equipment requirement, test set ups, procedure of testing, responsibility of inspection, acceptance methodology, packing, transportation instructions, environment test requirements etc. These documents were supplied to BDL, BEL for their study, understanding and finalization of scope of works etc. BDL and BEL intern supply these ToT documents to the respective production agencies for preparation of Quality Assurance Plans (QAP). All the QAP documents were scruitnized and signed by representatives of Project, QA Agencies and Production Agencies after due deliberatiions and discussions. Any amendment / changes to these documents are done through discussions in respective Standing Design Review Committee (SDRC) meetings in which representatives from these organizations are present. Similarly all the drawings are controlled through ToT group and any amendments to them also will be carried out after necessary SDRC recommendations. Regular progress review meetings were conducted by Project and Production agencies in realizing the critical and complex weapon system elements.


Trials conducted on the production version equipment:

Integration tests on production version radars, control centers, launcher systems with electronic missiles were carried out before fielding the weapon system for flight tests. User training was provided on production version equipments and simulators. Flight testing was carried out by the users and the performance of system with all improvements was found to be satisfactory. 10.3 Deployment :

The infrastructure required for storing and preparation of missile, operation and maintenance of radars, control centers, launchers and all other ground support equipments were created as a turnkey project by the production agencies. All the necessary approvals on building drawings and layout were obtained from CFEES lab for storing the explosives before commencement of construction. The location of combat equipment and group equipment were finalized after surveying the user sites. All necessary hardstands and platforms were created for operation of equipment. After the validation flight tests, all the equipments were handed over to users after sight acceptance tests. 11 Conclusions:

Design and development of tactical surface to air missile system involves solving many interlinked issues among various subsystems of missile as well as ground systems like radars, launchers and control centres. Fine tuning the designs and configurations of various elements requires appropriate technical / managerial decision making skills. Development of tracked vehicle based radars, control centers and missile launchers takes considerable time frames compared to wheeled vehicle based designs. Minimum modifications are to be carried out on working configurations. For mission mode projects, content of technology development to be kept minimum to avoid time over runs and cost over runs. Specific test set ups to be evolved for validating new technologies. Demonstration of consistent performance is mandatory to obtain Users confidence. Improvement in performance of system may have to be done after user trials on production version equipment. For deploying the weapon system, all related infrastructure needs to be designed and established parallelly before delivery of system. Performance demonstration on production version equipments is necessary to ensure transfer of technology to production agencies. 12. Acknowledgements :

The authors acknowledge the contributions made by the System Managers, Project Managers, teams from various DRDO Laboratories, Public Sector Undertakings, Ordnance Factories, Industry, Academia, Quality agencies etc in successful accomplishment of design, development, system integration, evaluation, testing, production and deployment of AMS. Our special thanks to Dr Prahlada, Vice Chancellar DIAT, Late Dr RR Panyam, who as Project Directors of Akash, have lead various teams and made significant contributions in taking the Indigenous AMS in to production. Authors would also like to thank Shri AK Chakrabarti, Director DRDL, Shri Avinash Chander, CC R&D (MSS) and Dr VK Saraswat, SA to RM for providing the opportunity.

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