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Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database

Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database In this chapter Data Retrieval Techniques Screening for Financial Criteria Selecting Companies Selecting Individual Companies Selection by Specific Groups Terminology Accessing Annual Data Calendar Year Data New Data Years Accessing Quarterly Data New Data Quarters Fiscal Quarters Calendar Quarters Historical and Restated Annual Data Restated Quarterly Data Specific Uses for COMPUSTAT (North America) Specific Uses for the COMPUSTAT Prices, Dividends and Earnings (PDE) File Availability of Market Index Data Specific Uses for the COMPUSTAT Business Information File Segment Classifications COMPUSTAT Business Information Files Segment NAICS File NAICS Reference File Codes Reference File of SIC Codes Database Comparability i 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 15 15 17 19 20 20 21


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database

Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank)

22 48


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


In this chapter
Standard & Poors COMPUSTAT (North America) applications include financial analysis, as well as investment and portfolio management. The more broadly based the use of COMPUSTAT within your organization, the greater will be the return on your investment in the service. To obtain the best possible results, users must have personnel with expertise in the areas of financial analysis, quantitative methods, and mainframe computer technology. Good communication among these individuals is essential.

Data Retrieval Techniques

To best accommodate data retrieval, you or your programming staff should have a basic understanding of the concepts involved in COMPUSTAT (North America) data and file design. You or your programming staff should also be familiar with the specific formats used before programming. This manual contains information that applies to both financial analysts and programmers. The Standard & Poors COMPUSTAT Technical Guide contains technical programming specifications for IBM 360/370 General and Character ASCII file formats.

Screening for Financial Criteria

You can form company groups by screening the database for specific company data. Criteria for companies can be determined from your own investment concepts and objectives. For example, you can form company groups by applying concepts such as Price/Earnings Ratio, Dividend Yield, Operating Profit Margin, After-tax Margin, or Return on Equity, and then defining an acceptable range for the results.

Selecting Companies
Select companies on either an individual company or group basis.

Selecting Individual Companies

Most users select companies on the basis of industry groups, stock exchange(s), an S&P Index, or specific financial criteria. You can also select individual companies by industry and/or company number.


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database

Selection by Specific Groups

Extract groups of companies from the Industrial Annual and Quarterly files by checking each company for specific codes. The following list identifies these groups. Refer to Chapter 5, Data Definitions, for full lists of these codes. Files The File Identification Code identifies the companies on specific COMPUSTAT files. For example, to identify companies on the Primary Industrial file, check the File Identification Code for a 01 or 11. Supplementary file companies can be extracted by checking for a 04, and Tertiary file companies can be selected by checking for 03. The Exchange Listing (ZLIST) and S&P Major Index Codes identify companies on a specific stock exchange. For example, to identify companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, check the Exchange Listing Code for a 01, 02, 03, 04, or 10. Both the File Identification Code and Exchange Listing and S&P Major Index Code identify companies comprising specific S&P Indexes. To identify companies comprising the S&P 500 Index, check the S&P Index constituent markers or the Exchange Listing Code for a 01, 02, 03, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, or 24. To identify companies comprising the S&P Industrial Index, check the S&P Index constituent markers or the Exchange Listing Code for a 01, 11, 15, or 21. To identify companies comprising the S&P Utilities Index, check the Exchange Listing Code for a 02, 12, 16, or 22. To identify companies comprising the S&P Transportation Index, check the Exchange Listing Code for a 03, 13, 17, or 23. To identify companies comprising the S&P Financial Index, check the Exchange Listing Code for a 10, 14, 18, or 24. Industries The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes identify companies according to economic, subsector and industry groups. For example, to identify companies in Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing, check the NAICS code for the number 332312. The Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) codes classify companies according to their economic sector. These economic sectors are further divided into industry groups, industries and sub-industries.

Stock Exchanges

S&P Index Companies

Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


The following is a list of some terms you may find in this Users Guide:

COMPUSTAT Business Information Files

The COMPUSTAT Business Information Files are companions to the Industrial Annual files and consist of 2 auxiliary files and 9 subset files: the Reference File of SIC Codes, Reference File of NAICS Codes, Segment Company File, Segment Source File, Segment Customers File, Segment Products File, Segment Detail File, Segment Item Value File, Segment NAICS File, Segment Geo Area Codes File and Segment Currency Rate File. Historical back data is available. The Reference File of SIC Codes and Reference File of NAICS Codes are auxiliary files designed for use in conjunction with the COMPUSTAT Business Information File. These files are only available in ASCII format. The Reference File of SIC Codes provides a source for the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) names that correspond to the SIC variables included on the COMPUSTAT Business Information Segment NAICS file. The Reference File of NAICS Codes provides a source for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and a textual description of each code included on the COMPUSTAT Business Information Segment NAICS file. A period of one year beginning with January 1 and ending with December 31. Indicates that data for an item is combined with another data item.

Calendar year

Combined figure data code Company descriptor (Quarterly) FASB

Data that describes a company, such as a CUSIP Issuer Code, Stock Ticker Symbol and Company Name. These items are not identified by item numbers. This data category is not referenced on the Industrial Annual file. Acronym for Financial Accounting Standards Board. COMPUSTAT (North America) definitions may often refer to particular statements issued by FASB that may affect reporting of certain items. An accounting period of 12 months. Fiscal years do not necessarily correspond to calendar years. The footnote system for COMPUSTAT (North America) supplies supplemental information to the financial data of specific companies. Twocharacter footnote codes indicate that the data for a fiscal year reflects a change from previous years data due to an accounting change, discontinued operations and/or acquisition, that a particular data item is inconsistent with the Standard & Poors definition due to the companys method of reporting, or the accounting method used by companies in calculating certain key items such as accumulated depreciation, inventories, and earnings per share for the financial statements.

Fiscal year



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Acronym for Global Industry Classification Standard codes. These codes are a result of a collaboration between Standard & Poors and Morgan Stanley Capital International and are based upon a hierarchy of economic sectors, which can be further divided into industry groups, industries and subindustries. Economic sectors have a two-digit identification code, industry groups have a four-digit identification code, industries have a six-digit identification code and sub-industries have an eight-digit identification code. A weighted composite of companies. A security traded on a public exchange. A company may have one or multiple issues. Acronym for North American Industrial Classification System. These 6 digit codes identify company economic activity, subsector, and industry information. Data that describes time-period data, such as Data Year, Data Quarter, Report Date of Quarterly Earnings, and Format Code (Statement of Cash Flows). Additionally youll find S&P debt ratings in period descriptors. These items are not identified by item numbers. This data category is not referenced on the Industrial Annual file. Data is no longer collected for these companies for reasons such as merger, acquisition, and bankruptcy, etc. Statement of Financial Accounting Standards. Ruling(s) issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Acronym for Standard Industrial Classification. These four-digit codes identify the principal products manufactured or major services provided by each company. COMPUSTAT data is standardized to ensure consistency and accurate comparisons of information across companies and across time. For example, comparing sales figures published in annual reports can be misleading if some companies report sales figures that include excise taxes and others that exclude excise taxes. In COMPUSTAT, Sales always excludes excise taxes so that you accurately compare data that is undistorted by different reporting methods. Letters and/or numbers that identify a security for trading purposes.

Index Issue


Period Descriptor (Quarterly)

Research companies SFAS



Ticker symbol

Variable data item These data items are not identified by item numbers. Variable items are classifications of annual data items, which are not assigned an item number. Variable data items can also be categorized as company descriptors or period descriptors on the quarterly file. See the definitions for Company descriptor and Period descriptor.

Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Accessing Annual Data

Calendar Year Data
Standard & Poors COMPUSTAT (North America) carries many annual market data items (including high, low, and close prices and shares traded) on a calendar-year rather than a fiscal year basis. The calendar year basis allows you to compare market data among companies based on a particular point in time. These calendar year items are adjusted for stock splits and dividends that occur at the end of a companys fiscal year and calendar quarter. The cumulative adjustment factor allows you to evaluate market data on a comparable basis.

New Data Years

COMPUSTAT formats present a maximum of 20 years of annual data. During the third calendar quarter of each year, a new data year is added and the earliest year is deleted from these files and added to the back data files. This occurs at the August month-end production. Advance notification is given to clients when the addition of a new year is pending. COMPUSTAT Business Information Files formats present 7 years of information per company, when available. As each new year is added to the file to accommodate newly reporting fiscal years, the earliest year is deleted. There are consecutive years of information available for companies with no missing years. There may be a variable number of years of information for each company depending on the amount of information which is available to Standard & Poors.

Accessing Quarterly Data

New Data Quarters
During the first production in July, four new quarters of data are added to the quarterly files. The oldest four quarters are then removed from the quarterly files and added to the back data file.

Fiscal Quarters
COMPUSTAT formats present a maximum of 48 quarters of quarterly data on a fiscal quarter basis. To determine whether quarterly data reflects a fiscal year change, check the period descriptor Fiscal Year-end Month of Data. To make accurate financial analyses, you must understand the concept of current fiscal quarters. The following examples illustrate the months and fiscal quarters for May, June, and December fiscal year companies.


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


For a May (05) fiscal year company, Fiscal Year 1999 contains months in the following quarters. Months June, July, and August 1999 September, October, and November 1999 December 1998, and January and February 1999 March, April, and May 2000 Fiscal Year 1999 1999 1999 1999 Fiscal Quarter 1 2 3 4


For a June (06) fiscal year company, Fiscal Year 1999 contains months in the following quarters. Months July, August, and September 1998 October, November, and December 1998 January, February, and March 1999 April, May, and June 1999 Fiscal Year 1999 1999 1999 1999 Fiscal Quarter 1 2 3 4


For a December (12) fiscal year company, Fiscal Year 1999 contains months in the following quarters. Months January, February, and March 1999 April, May, and June 1999 July, August, and September 1999 October, November, and December 1999 Fiscal Year 1999 1999 1999 1999 Fiscal Quarter 1 2 3 4

Calendar Quarters
A COMPUSTAT (North America) calendar quarter indicates the period in which a fiscal quarter ends. Calendar quarters are derived based on the ending month of each fiscal quarter. The months included in each calendar quarter are: Calendar Quarter 1 2 3 4 Calendar Months February, March, April May, June, July August, September, October November, December, January

Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database



For a company which ends its fiscal year in December (12), the fourth fiscal quarter (comprised of October, November and December) corresponds to the fourth calendar quarter. The first fiscal quarter (comprised of January, February and March) corresponds to the first calendar quarter. The second fiscal quarter (comprised of April, May and June) corresponds to the second calendar quarter. The third fiscal quarter (comprised of July, August and September) corresponds to the third calendar quarter. For a company which ends its fiscal year in August (08), the fourth fiscal quarter (comprised of June, July and August) corresponds to the third calendar quarter. The first fiscal quarter (comprised of September, October and November) corresponds to the fourth calendar quarter. The second fiscal quarter (comprised of December, January and February) corresponds to the first calendar quarter. The third fiscal quarter (comprised of March, April and May) corresponds to the second calendar quarter. For a fiscal year ending in June (06), the fourth fiscal quarter (comprised of April, May and June) corresponds to the second calendar quarter. The first fiscal quarter (comprised of July, August and September) corresponds to the third calendar quarter. The second fiscal quarter (comprised of October, November and December) corresponds to the fourth calendar quarter. The third fiscal quarter (comprised of January, February and March) corresponds to the first calendar quarter.

Historical and Restated Annual Data

COMPUSTAT (North America) annual files provide both historical and restated data. The historical presentation allows analysts to evaluate a companys actual performance in relation to market data (market data is never restated). The historical data series includes Income Statement items, Balance Sheet items, Statement of Cash Flows items, pension items, and supplementary data. The restated data series allows analysts to compare current years with prior years that have been restated for mergers or acquisitions, accounting changes, or discontinued operations. Restated data is collected from summary presentations reported by the company. COMPUSTAT provides up to 10 years of restated data and presents prior years as Not Available. The restated data series contains the most commonly reported Income Statement and Balance Sheet items. The Business Information Files allow Segment clients to review annual restated segment data. This information is significant when a company has had a complete change to their segment reporting. Segment clients will get two years with each source year when data is restated.


Three years of data are presented with each source year. When the Source Year does not match the Data Year, the information presented in that record will be Restated Data. Source Fiscal Year-end Month 12 12 12 12 Data Fiscal Year-end Month 12 12 12 12

Source Year 1999 1999 1999 1998

Data Year 1999 1998 (Restated) 1997 (Restated) 1998


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database

Restated Quarterly Data

COMPUSTAT (North America) quarterly files provide data on a restated basis. This presentation allows analysts to determine financial trends, growth rates, and year-to-year changes using data that is reported on a comparable basis. Additionally, with the restructuring of the Business Information Files, restated quarterly segment data will also be available. When a company reports for a new quarter and at the same time reports different data than originally reported for the corresponding quarter of the prior year, that data for the corresponding quarter of the prior year is changed and said to be restated. These restatements can be due to such things as mergers, acquisitions, discontinued operations, and accounting changes. Restatements tend to affect 12-month moving earnings per share items for prior quarters in that from one to three quarters of a four-quarter total may contain restated data, whereas the other quarters may not. A similar situation occurs when a company reports in a manner which includes either six, nine, or twelve months of an acquisition or excludes either six, nine, or twelve months of discontinued operations in a particular quarter. This will tend to overstate or understate certain 12month moving earnings per share data. In these cases a footnote which indicates the amount and type of data either included or excluded will be applied to the Sales figure (i.e., CA footnote designates that 6 months of a merger or acquisition is included). When a company changes its fiscal year, both the current and prior years are restated on the quarterly files. Annual data is not restated for the prior year. If the company issues an annual report covering less than nine months on its new fiscal year basis, only Balance Sheet data is collected. Income Statement data contains Not Available data codes. The following examples illustrate how restated data is collected. No Restatement Restatement at First Quarter If no restatement occurs, the quarterly files reflect historical information. When an accounting change, acquisition, or discontinued operation occurs in the first quarter, the first quarter of the prior year is adjusted to make it comparable with the current years data. at 1st Qtr 1999 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 40 75 125 60 185 35 220 30 (restated from 99-1)

at Year end 1998 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 50 75 125 60 185 35 220 1999

Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Restatement at Second Quarter

When an accounting change, acquisition, or discontinued operation occurs in the second quarter, the first quarter of the current year and the first and second quarters of the prior year are adjusted. The adjustment to the first quarter data is made by subtracting second quarter data from six months data. Similar treatment occurs in the corresponding quarters of the prior year. at 2nd Qtr 1999 50 75 125 60 185 35 220 30 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 40 20 60 60 185 35 220 60 25 85 (restated from 99-2) (restated from 99-2)

at 1st Qtr 1999 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr



(restated from 99-2)

Restatement at Third Quarter

When an accounting change, acquisition, or discontinued operation occurs in the third quarter, the second quarter of the current year and the second and third quarters of the prior year are adjusted. Subtracting third quarter data from nine months data makes the adjustment to the second quarter. Similar treatment occurs in the corresponding quarters of the prior year. at 3rd Qtr 1999 50 75 125 60 185 35 220 60 25 85 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 50 100 150 50 200 35 220 60 50 110 25 135

at 2nd Qtr 1999 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos

(restated from 99-3) (restated from 99-3)



(restated from 99-3)


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database

Restatement at Fourth Quarter

When an accounting change, acquisition, or discontinued operation occurs in the fourth quarter, the third quarter of the current year is adjusted. Subtracting fourth quarter data from 12 months data makes the adjustment to the third quarter. The prior year is not adjusted unless the restatement from a prior quarter is already in progress. at Year end 1999 50 75 125 60 185 35 220 60 50 110 25 135 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 50 75 125 60 185 35 220 60 50 110 40 150 100 250

at 3rd Qtr 1999 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos



(restated from 99-4)

Restatement in Progress Fourth Quarter

If another restatement is already in progress when fourth quarter occurs, the third quarter of the current year and the third and fourth quarters of the prior year are adjusted. Subtracting fourth quarter data from 12 months data makes the adjustment to the third quarter. Similar treatment occurs in the corresponding quarters of the prior year. However, data in the third quarter of the prior year is distorted because it contains the 12 months effect of the new restatement. at Year end 1999 50 75 125 60 185 35 220 60 50 110 25 135 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 50 50 150 100 250 50 300 60 50 110 40 150 100 250

at 3rd Qtr 1999 1998 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos

(restated from 99-3) (includes effects of both restatements) (restated from 99-4)



(restated from 99-4)


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Restatement in Subsequent Quarters

As the next fiscal year reports, each quarter is adjusted in turn to reallocate the effect of the restatement through all four quarters of the prior year. The adjustment is made to the first quarter of the prior year by subtracting the sum of restated first quarter and original second quarter from six months data.

(with 3rd Qtr restatement) at Year end 1999 1999 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 50 50 150 50 200 35 135 2000 1999 at 1st Qtr 2000 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 6 Mos 3rd Qtr 9 Mos 4th Qtr 12 Mos 1st Qtr 60 50 150 50 200 35 220 30 (restated from 00-1) (restated from 00-1)

Specific Uses for COMPUSTAT (North America)

COMPUSTAT (North America) is a valuable research tool that can be used to identify relationships between companies, industries, the market and the economy. This comprehensive database provides the flexibility to develop your own computer programs to calculate ratios and growth rates, prepare portfolio reports, screen the database for specific criteria and apply advanced analytical concepts to the raw data. Although COMPUSTAT (North America) is very broad in scope, the following information highlights a few of its financial applications: Comparative Analysis Managers can develop spreadsheets to compare their companys profitability, financial risk and growth with that of their competitors. Corporate planners can identify new business opportunities by comparing their companys results with those of corporations with different product and business lines. The ability to screen on COMPUSTAT data allows users to focus on specific data to determine whether participation in a potential product or business area would be best accomplished by acquisition, merger or start-up. Company decision-makers can easily identify potential buyers for operations, divisions or businesses that they want to divest and determine another company's ability to purchase. Portfolio managers and corporate executives responsible for overseeing employee plans can produce studies of portfolio characteristics (such as risk, return and beta) including comparisons to major market indexes such as the S&P 500.

Corporate Planning


Portfolio Management


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database


Marketing Managers

Marketing managers can screen the database for potential customers. In addition, company financial characteristics can be identified for use in marketing strategy. Managers can evaluate their companys vulnerability to takeover. By comparing their companys financial characteristics with others in the same industry (and with companies recently involved in unfriendly takeover attempts), managers can develop contingency plans to deal with potential takeovers. Decision-makers seeking company growth through merger or acquisition can determine financial characteristics that make a candidate desirable and then identify companies exhibiting those characteristics. In addition, managers can compute book and market values and identify the most beneficial terms to offer acquisition candidates. Securities analysts can prepare reports with a greater degree of detail and clarity. Users performing company financial and stock performance analyses and company-to-industry comparisons can benefit from the extensive data available on COMPUSTAT.

Merger/Acquisition Defense

Merger/Acquisition Offense

Securities Analysis

Specific Uses for the COMPUSTAT Prices, Dividends and Earnings (PDE) File
Perhaps the single most valuable asset of the COMPUSTAT Prices, Dividends and Earnings (PDE) File is the possibility for mass manipulation of market data. This enables you to apply many quantitative tools to the data. Most PDE file users find that the first step is to write a program that provides a formatted printout (dump) of each of the data items for each year. This is valuable in individual company analysis, as well as for checking the calculated results of other, more sophisticated programs. You may want to begin by generating some routine reports on individual companies. You may wish to include the actual PDE file data items along with calculated results on these reports. It is relatively simple to produce various ratios, calculate growth rates, screen through the data for various criteria and prepare rudimentary reports on portfolio performance. Beyond generating initial reports, the PDE file offers untold benefits to subscribers wanting to apply increasingly advanced analytical and quantitative techniques to the data. The ultimate use of the PDE files is as a research tool for uncovering the characteristics of and the relationships between companies, industries, the market, and the economy. Here are just a few illustrations of how these files can be put to use:


Retrieveraw source data for individual companies. Generate ratios and market data on individual companies.

Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database



Calculate industry composites on an aggregate or relative basis. Perform industry comparison studies indicating the relative position of individual companies within industries and the relative performance of different industries. This affords you with the opportunity to compare industry characteristics such as growth rates, yields, and price/earnings ratios with those of other industries, with the S&P 500, with other composites, and with those of individual companies within the industry. Use the PDE file to screen for certain criteria. For example, the computer can readily identify all companies with a given growth in earnings per share over the last five years or a given return on book value. Additionally, multiple screens can be performed in succession to filter out those companies passing all screens. Apply regression analysis to generate various growth rates and stability indexes. Utilize the PDE file in the area of portfolio performance evaluation and portfolio selection. In this connection, it provides the necessary data and company coverage required for beta studies. Screen on GICS codes


Availability of Market Index Data

The following chart indicates the availability of data items for Market Index Data. It should be noted that not all Market Index Data begins in 1962. The ' indicates that the data item is available.

American Stock Exchange Banks Composite Brokerage Firms Capital Goods Chemicals Composite Consumer Goods Dow Industrials 30 Dow Transportation 20 Dow Utilities 15 High Grade Common Insurance Composite Low Priced Common

I0004 I6020 I6200 I0750 I2899 I0775 I0005 I0006 I0007 I0600 I6300 I0700

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' '


' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database

Miscellaneous NASDAQ Index Composite NASDAQ 100 NASDAQ National Market Composite NY Stock Exchange Composite Oil Composite Pharmaceutical Composite Preferred Stocks Last Trading Wednesday Retail Composite Russell 1000 Growth Russell 1000 Index Russell 2000 Index Russell 3000 Index Russell MidCap S&P 100 Last Trading Day S&P 100 Last Trading Wednesday S&P 500 Last Trading Day S&P 500 Last Trading Wednesday S&P 500/BARRA Growth Index S&P 500/BARRA Value Index S&P 1500 Super Composite S&P Financial Index S&P Industrials Last Trading Day S&P Industrials Last Trading Wednesday S&P Industries S&P MidCap 400 S&P OTC 250 Index S&P REIT Composite S&P SmallCap 600 S&P Transportation Index S&P Utilities Index S&P/TSE 60 Toronto Stock Exchange 300 Comp Toronto Stock Exchange Industries

I9998 I0008 I0028 I0011 I0009 I1310 I2839 I0650 I5300 I0021 I0021 I0026 I0024 I0022 I0014 I0015 I0003 I0010 I0017 I0018 I0020 I6000 I0002 I0001 I0016 I0027 I0019 I4000 I0491 CI0029 CI0051

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' '

' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '

' '

' '



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Specific Uses for the COMPUSTAT Business Information File

The COMPUSTAT Business Information File provides segment information on companies found on the COMPUSTAT (North America) Primary, Supplementary, Tertiary and Full Coverage files. Beginning February 2000, the concepts of industry and geographic segments have been replaced by operating segments as defined by the companys management. These can be defined by product, service, market, customer base, geography, divisions, subsidiaries, etc. The format that Standard & Poors uses enables us to provide an unlimited number of operating segments, unlimited number of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes per segment and information about the type of segment reporting. The revised COMPUSTAT Business Information Files will provide Product and Customer information and Historical and Restated data.

Segment Classifications
The following classifications contain the Segment Ids, Segment Names, Descriptions and other information specific to each segment. Segment Company Segment Source Segment Detail Segment Products Segment Customers Segment Item Value Segment NAICS Segment Geographic Area Codes Segment Currency Rate

The Record lengths for each segment file are: Segment Company Segment Source Segment Detail Segment Customers Segment Products Segment Item Value Segment NAICS Segment Geo Area Codes Segment Currency Rate 369 bytes 78 bytes 2321 bytes 154 bytes 693 bytes 842 bytes 52 bytes 46 bytes 84 bytes


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database


Segment Type can have the following values: BUSSEG (Business Segment) GEOSEG (Geographic Segment) OPSEG (Operating Segment mixed business and geographic) STSEG (State Segment)

Geographic Segment Type can have the following values: 1 = Total 2 = Domestic 3 = Nondomestic

Operating Segment Type can have the following values: OPER (Operating) DIV (Divisions) GEO (Geographic) MARKET (Market) PD_SRVC (Products & Services)

The Business Information Files can be used for a variety of purposes, including: Business Segment Analyze the unique business of a specific company or similar business of a group of companies. Review and analyze a companys exposure in both domestic and foreign markets and evaluate the companys dependence on foreign sales. Analyze a companys activities in comparison to other companies in a segment area(s) that is a hybrid of business and geographic types. Research the domestic activity of a North American company particular to the United States and Canada. Provides new comparability statistics about business activity across North America.

Geographic Segment

Operating Segment

State Segment

Segment North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) File


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


COMPUSTAT Business Information Files

An unlimited number of different segment types, both historical and restated, can be reported for the following items:


Net Sales Operating Income Before Depreciation Depreciation and Amortization Operating Income After Depreciation Capital Expenditures Identifiable/Total Assets Equity in Earnings Investments at Equity Employees Research and Development Order Backlog Export Sales Intersegment Eliminations Pretax Income Income Before Extraordinary Items Net Income Operating Profits

Each of the data items presented is assigned a specific numeric identification code. This provides you with a consistent code and allows easy comparison of a segment area across years within one company or across companies. Segment Products File


Product Identifier Product Name NAICS Code for Each Product External Revenues

Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database



Segment Link Segment Type Segment Link Segment Identifier

Segment Customers File Customer Identifier Customer Type Customer Name Customer Revenues Geographic Area Code Geographic Area Type Segment Link Segment Type Segment Link Segment Identifier

NAICS codes for each operating segment Specific applications include:


Provide a perspective on the businesses in which the corporation is involved Allow the analyst to review the companys businesses over time and evaluate their performance Screen all companies and identify companies operating in particular industry segments Assist in the identification of acquisition candidates Identify the dependence of a company on a limited number of customers

Suggested ratios: Sales for each segment as a percent of the total company sales isolates businesses that are growing versus businesses that indicate some deterioration, when reviewed over five years Year-to-year change in segment sales can be performed for the individual segments of one company or for a group of companies competing in the same business Operating income for each segment as a percent of total operating income indicates segments that are significant contributors to profitability Year-to-year change in segment operating income


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database



Segment operating income as a percent of segment sales review margins of competitors businesses and businesses of acquisition candidates Return on Assets (segment operating income as a percentage of segment assets)

Ratios such as these and an analysis of items such as depreciation, capital expenditures, and research and development expense can provide a valuable insight into the businesses of a company. Notes: Footnotes: The footnotes are important for correct use of the Segment Item Value file because they identify reporting differences with the annual COMPUSTAT files. For example, the inclusion of excise taxes, intercompany sales or an unconsolidated subsidiary is footnoted. See Chapter 6, Footnotes, in this guide for a complete list of footnotes in alphabetical order. Totals: On June 30, 1997, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued the pronouncement for the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131, Disclosure about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information (SFAS 131). The statement establishes the standards for the way companies will report information related to operating segments in their annual and interim financial reports and supersedes SFAS 14. When using company totals (such as total sales, total operating income), it is advisable to total the items for the individual segments rather than use the annual COMPUSTAT files. SFAS 131 has elected to make the new reporting more relevant than consistent or reliable. It specifically states that both relevance and comparability will not be achievable in all cases, and audit systems should be the overriding concern. Because FASB has determined that internal performance and audit systems will be the source for the new segment data, this data will not need to reconcile to the consolidated statements. Therefore, there are situations where the total of the operating segments does not equal the annual file figure.

Segment NAICS File

In 1997, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) elected to adopt the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for the United States to replace the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) for statistical purposes. NAICS will provide a consistent framework for the collection, tabulation, presentation and analysis of industrial statistics used by government agencies, academics and researchers, the business community and the public. NAICS is based on the production-oriented concept, which means that establishments using the same production processes are grouped together. The system strives for compatibility with the two-digit level of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) of the United Nations. The Segment NAICS file is a subset file of the Business Information File and provides unlimited North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for each of the companies currently in the COMPUSTAT database. The NAICS codes are intended to cover the entire field of economic activities: agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting and trapping; mining; construction; manufacturing; transportation, communication, electric, gas and sanitary services; wholesale and retail trade; finance, insurance and real estate; personal, business, repair and other services; and public administration.


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database


NAICS employs a 6-digit coding system where the first two digits designate the sector, the third digit designates the subsector, the fourth digit designates the group, the fifth digit represents the NAICS industry and the sixth digit designates the individual country-level national industries. NAICS codes can be used in a variety of screen and company identification applications: Corporate Planning


Identification of potential suppliers of a particular product Evaluation of the degree of concentration within an industry Analysis of the horizontal and/or vertical integration within a company Identification of competitors for particular products or services

Marketing Selection of companies in a particular line of business for a targeted sales campaign

Acquisition/Divestiture Analysis Identification of companies in specific industries that would be potential acquisition candidates due to complementary product lines Identification of companies that may be potential buyers for a division or subsidiary to be divested

Security Selection

Assistance in the preliminary review of companies that are competing in specific industries

NAICS Reference File Codes

The NAICS Reference File provides complete alphabetic and numeric lists of NAICS codes and names. These lists should be used before screening the codes to ensure accurate product identification.

Reference File of SIC Codes

The Reference File of SIC Codes provides complete alphabetic and numeric lists of SIC codes and names. These lists should be used before screening the codes to ensure accurate product identification.


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Database Comparability
Starting on the next page are tables listing annual and quarterly COMPUSTAT (North America) data items by number and their comparability to other Standard & Poors files/products. This list indicates whether an industrial data item is available for utilities and banks. It serves as a crossindex of comparable data items on non-industrial files. Data item numbers or calculations that produce the result of the item are presented to the right of the data item names. If Not Available appears in the utility or bank columns, the industrial data item is not available for those files. Legend * New or revised data items Not available on Canadian file


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North American) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Cash and Short-Term Investments 1

Cash Special Deposits, Working 161 + 162 Funds and Temporary Cash Investments Receivables (Net) plus Accrued Revenues Unbilled 437 + 165

Cash and Due from Banks plus Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreement to Resell Loans (Gross) minus Unearned Discount/Income plus Direct Lease Financing minus Reserve(s) for Bad Debt Losses on Loans Real Estate Other Than Bank Premises plus Assets Held For Sale Not available Not available Total Assets (Gross) Not available Bank Premises, Furniture, and Fixtures 28 36 1 + 11

Receivables Total

23 - 24 + 31 - 78

Inventories Total

Inventories plus Gas Stored Underground Current Assets Total Current Liabilities Total Assets Total/Liabilities and Stockholders Equity Total Utility Plant Gross Utility Plant Gross minus Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Accumulated or Utility Plant Net Debt Long-Term Total Preferred Stock at Liquidating Value Common Equity Total plus Premium on Subsidiary Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preference Stock minus Intangibles

163 + 166

29 + 40

Current Assets Total Current Liabilities Total

4 5

69 435 2 1 18

Assets Total/Liabilities and 6 Stockholders Equity Total Property, Plant, and 7 Equipment Total (Gross) Property, Plant, and 8 Equipment Total (Net)

152 6 253 175 + 177 + 179 + 181 158 Calculation Available Total Book Value minus Intangible 99 - 34 Assets

Long-Term Debt Total Preferred Stock Liquidating Value Common Equity Tangible

9 10 11


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Sales (Net) 12

Operating Revenues Total (Income Statement) 12

Total Current Operating Revenue 124 + 153 plus Net Pretax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed minus Non-Recurring Income Current Operating Earnings Before 145+ 142 Income Tax plus All Other Current Operating Expenses minus NonRecurring Income

Operating Income Before Depreciation


Depreciation and Amortization Interest Expense Income Taxes Total

14 15 16

Operating Revenues Total (Income Statement) minus (Operation Expense Total (Income Statement) plus Maintenance Expense Total plus Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Total) Depreciation Expense Total Interest Charges Total Operating Income Taxes Total plus Nonoperating Income Taxes (Net) Special Items plus Abandonments and Disallowances Adjustment Net Income Before Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations and After Minority Interest plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends Preferred Dividend Requirements plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends plus Preference Dividend Requirements Available for Common After Adjustments for Common Stock Equivalents Common Dividends

12 - (95 + 14 + 115)

16 23 129 + 134

Depreciation and Amortization Total Interest Expense

79 CF

Special Items


512 + 457 26 + 141

Income Taxes Applicable to 146 - 157 Current Operating Earnings minus Tax Effect on Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed Special Items 94 Net Income 161

Income Before Extraordinary 18 Items

Dividends Preferred


27 + 141 + 145

Preferred Dividend Deductions


Income Before Extraordinary 20 Items Adjusted for Common Stock Equivalents Dividends Common 21


Net Income Available for Common 164


Cash Dividends Declared on Common Stock



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Price High Price Low Price Close Common Shares Outstanding Dividends per Share by Ex-Date (Gross) Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) by Ex-Date Common Shares Traded Employees 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Price High Price Low Price Close Common Shares Outstanding Common Dividends Paid per Share by Ex-Date (Gross) Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) by Ex-Date Common Shares Traded Employees (Average) Total Utility Plant Additions (Gross) 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 68 239

Market Price High Market Price Low Market Price Close Number of Shares Outstanding Common Dividends Paid per Share Ex-Date (Gross) Adjustment Factor Cumulative Ex-Date Common Shares Traded Number of Employees Not available 203 204 205 90 201 232 206 125

30 Property, Plant, and Equipment Capital Expenditures (Schedule V) Investments and Advances 31 Equity Method Investments and Advances 32 Other

Investments in Subsidiaries


Other Property and Investments 160 Miscellaneous

Intangibles Debt in Current Liabilities

33 34



Investments in Non-Consolidated 30 Subsidiaries U.S. Treasury Securities plus 2+3+5+7 + 10 Securities of Other U.S. Government Agencies plus Other Securities (Taxable) plus Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions plus Trading Account Securities Intangible Assets 34 Calculation

Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit (Balance Sheet)


Retained Earnings


Debt Long-Term Due Within 72 + 191 One Year plus Debt Short-Term Total 80 + 9 Investment Tax Credit Accumulated Deferred (Balance Sheet) plus Income Taxes Accumulated Deferred (Balance Sheet) Retained Earnings 90

Not available

Undivided Profits plus Reserves for Contingencies and Other Capital Reserves

96 + 97


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Invested Capital Total 37

Capitalization 187

Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries plus Capital Notes and Debentures plus Long-Term Debt Not Classified as Capital plus Preferred Stock Par Value plus Total Book Value plus Mortgage Indebtedness minus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries Not available 77 + 84 + 67 + 86 + 99 + 71 - 16

Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) Convertible Debt and Preferred Stock Common Shares Reserved for Conversion Total Cost of Goods Sold

38 39

Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) Debt Convertible plus Preferred/Preference Stock (Convertible) Not available Operation Expense-Total plus Maintenance Expense-Total plus Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Total Labor and Related Expense Total Pension and Retirement Expense

82 60 + 238


40 41

95 + 14 + 115

Number of Shares Reserved for Conversion Total Interest Expense plus Provision for Loan Losses

91 * 1000 137 + 135

Labor and Related Expense 42


Pension and Retirement Expense Debt Due in One Year Advertising Expense

43 44 45


Salaries and Wages of Officers and Employees plus Pension and Employee Benefits Available CF (Data Code) Not available Not available

126 + 127

Debt Long-Term Due Within One 72 Year Not available Not available Rent Expense 226

Research and Development 46 Expense Rental Expense 47

Occupancy Expense of Bank Premises Net minus Rental Income

136 - 138


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Minority Interest (Income Account) 48 49

Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Minority Interest (Income Statement) 75 143

Total Extraordinary Items Net of 185 Taxes Minority Interest (Income Account) 148 - 159 minus Minority Interest in After-Tax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed Not available

Deferred Taxes (Income Account)


Investment Tax Credit (Income Account)


Net Operating Loss Carry 52 Forward Unused Portion Earnings per Share (Basic) 53 Including Extraordinary Items 54 Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings per Share (Basic) Equity in Earnings 55 Preferred Stock 56 Redemption Value Earnings per Share (Diluted) 57 Excluding Extraordinary Items Earnings per Share (Basic) 58 Excluding Extraordinary Items

Deferred Income Taxes (Net) (Income Statement) plus Investment Tax Credits (Net) (Income Statement) minus Income Tax (Nonoperating)Deferred minus Income Tax (Nonoperating) Investment Tax Credit Investment Tax Credit Amortized plus Flowed Through Investment Tax Credits Not available Earnings per Share (Basic) Including Extraordinary Items Common Shares Used to Calculate Basic Earnings per Share Equity in Earnings of Unconsolidated Subsidiaries Not available Earnings per Share (Diluted) Excluding Extraordinary Items Earnings per Share (Basic) Excluding Extraordinary Items

122 + 125 492 - 493

124 + 230

Not available

Not available 148 Net Income per Share Including Extraordinary Items Common Shares Used in Calculating Earnings per Share Not available Calculation 149 Net Income per Share Excluding 198 Extraordinary Items Diluted Net Income per Share Excluding 194 Extraordinary Items 195






Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Inventory Valuation Method 59 Common Equity Total 60

Not available Common Equity Total plus Premium on Subsidiary Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preference Stock minus Treasury Stock-Dollar Amount-Preferred Nonoperating Income (Net) Total minus Nonoperating Income Taxes (Net) plus Allowance for Funds Used During Construction Borrowed Funds Portion minus Abandonments and Disallowances Interest Income Income Taxes Current Federal (Income Statement) minus Income Tax (Nonoperating)Current Not available Depreciation Expense Total Depreciation of Fixed Assets Discontinued Operations Not available Current Assets Other Deferred Debits Total 438 439 175 + 177 + 179 + 181 429

Not available Total Book Value minus Treasury 99 - 16 Stock Dollar Amount Preferred

Nonoperating Income (Expense)


138 - 134 + 144 -512 457

Depreciation and Amortization 79 142 minus All Other Current Operating Expenses plus Non-Recurring Expense

Interest Income Income Taxes Federal

62 63

497 17 - 491

Not available Not available

Income Taxes Foreign Amortization of Intangibles Discontinued Operations Receivables Estimated Doubtful Current Assets Other Assets Other

64 65 66 67 68 69

Not available 16 - 481 489 Not available Available Not available Not available Customers Liability to this Bank 32 + 33 - 40 on Acceptances Outstanding plus Other Assets minus Assets Held for Sale


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Accounts Payable Income Taxes Payable Current Liabilities Other 70 71 72

Accounts Payable Trade Taxes Accrued Preferred/Preference Stock Sinking Fund Requirement plus Current Liabilities Other plus Accounts Payable minus Accounts Payable Trade Construction Work in Progress Electric plus Construction Work in Progress Gas/Construction Work in Progress Water Income Taxes Accumulated Deferred (Balance Sheet) Customer Advances for Construction plus Operating Reserves plus Deferred Credits and Operating Reserves Other Not available Not available Not available Debt (Convertible) Not available Not available Not available Not available Debt (Long-Term Lease Obligations) Common Stock 184 70 60 499 193 401 + 440 + 192 - 499

Total Deposits Worldwide Not available Not available 53

73 Property, Plant, and Equipment Construction in Progress (Net) Deferred Taxes (Balance Sheet) Liabilities Other 74 75

244 + 245

Not available

9 195 + 196 + 197

Not available Acceptance Executed By or For the Amount of This Bank and Outstanding plus Other Liabilities (Excluding Valuation Reserves) Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Common Stock Par Value 88 72 + 73

Inventories Raw Materials 76 Inventories Work in Process Inventories Finished Goods Debt Convertible Debt Subordinated Debt Notes Debt Debentures Long-Term Debt Other Debt Capitalized Lease Obligations Common Stock 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Treasury Stock Memo 86 Entry Treasury Stock Number of 87 Common Shares Treasury Stock Total 88 Dollar Amount Pension Costs Unfunded 89 Vested Benefits Pension Costs Unfunded 90 Past or Prior Service Debt Maturing in 2nd Year 91 Debt Maturing in 3rd Year 92 Debt Maturing in 4th Year Debt Maturing in 5th Year Rental Commitments Minimum Five Years Total Rental Commitments Minimum 1st Year Retained Earnings Unrestricted Order Backlog Retained Earnings Restatement Common Shareholders Interest Expense on LongTerm Debt 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101

Not available Not available Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Common plus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Unfunded Pension Costs Vested Benefits Unfunded Pension Costs Past or Prior Service Long-Term Debt Maturing in Second Year Long-Term Debt Maturing in Third Year Long-Term Debt Maturing in Fourth Year Long-Term Debt Maturing in Fifth Year Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Common Shareholders Interest on Long-Term Debt plus Amortization of Debt Discount, Expense and Premium (Net) 409 21 + 139 428 + 429

Treasury Stock Cost Number of Treasury Shares Held 92 93

254 255 249 250 251 252

Treasury Stock Dollar Amount 12 + 16 Common plus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Available Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Excise Taxes Depreciation Expense (Schedule VI) Short-Term Borrowings Average Short-Term Borrowings Average Interest Rate Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Common and Preferred Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Investments (Statement of Cash Flows) Funds From Operations Total (Statement of Changes) 102 103 104 105 106

Not available Not available Not available Not available Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Preferred/Preference Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) plus Sale of Common Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Investments (Statement of Cash Flows) Total Funds from Operations (Statement if Changes) minus Working Capital (Source) Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Changes) Long-Term Debt Issuable (Statement of Cash Flows) Total Sources/Applications of Funds (Statement of Changes) Working Capital Source (Statement of Changes) minus Short-Term Debt Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Investments Increase (Statement of Flows) 513

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available



Not available


209 + 210

Not available

109 110

480 207 - 205

Not available Not available

Long-Term Debt Issuance 111 (Statement of Cash Flows) Sources of Funds Total 112 (Statement of Changes)

208 214 - 205 211

Not available Not available

Increase in Investments (Statement of Cash Flows)



Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Long-Term Debt Reduction (Statement of Cash Flows) Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) Uses of Funds Total (Statement of Changes) Sales (Restated) 114

Long-Term Debt Retirement (Statement of Cash Flows) 218

Not available


116 117

Purchase of Preferred/Preference 219 + 220 Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) plus Purchase of Common Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) Not available Operating Reserves Total (Income Account) (Restated) Subsidiary Preferred Dividends (Restated) plus Net Income Before Extraordinary Items and After Minority Interest (Restated) Earnings Per Share (Basic) Excluding Extraordinary Items (Restated) Assets (Total)/Liabilities and Stockholders Equity (Total) (Restated) Current Assets Total (Restated) minus Current Liabilities Total (Restated) Not available 334 359 + 362

Not available

Not available Not available Net Income (Restated) 183

Income Before Extraordinary 118 Items (Restated)

Earnings per Share (Basic) 119 Excluding Extraordinary Items (Restated) Assets Total (Restated) 120


Net Income per Share Excluding 100 Extraordinary Items (Restated) Average Assets (Restated) 225


Working Capital (Restated)


379 - 392

Not available

Pretax Income (Restated)


Income Before Extraordinary 123 Items (Statement of Cash Flows)

Net Income Before Extraordinary 199 Items and After Minority Interest (Statement of Cash Flows)

Current Operating Earnings Before 180 + 182 Income Tax (Restated) plus Net After-Tax and After-Minority Interest Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed (Restated) Net Income 161


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Statement of Cash Flows) Depreciation and Amortization (Statement of Cash Flows) Deferred Taxes (Statement of Cash Flows) 124

Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Statement of Cash Flows) Depreciation and Depletion (Statement of Cash Flows) plus Amortization (Statement of Cash Flows) Deferred Income Taxes Net (Statement of Cash Flows) plus Investment Tax Credit Net (Statement of Cash Flows) Cash Dividends on Preferred Preference Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) plus Cash Dividends on Common Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) Not available Acquisitions (Statement of Cash Flows) Subsidiary Preferred Stock at Carrying Value plus Preferred Stock at Carrying Value plus Preference Stock at Carrying Value Operation Expense Total (Income Account) (Restated) plus Maintenance Expense Total (Restated) plus Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Total (Restated) Not available 463

Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes Not available 185


200 + 201


202 + 203

Not available

Cash Dividends (Statement of Cash Flows)


216 + 217

Cash Dividends Declared on Common Stock plus Cash Dividends Declared on Preferred Stock Not available

177 + 178

Capital Expenditures (Statement of Cash Flows) Acquisitions (Statement of Cash Flows) Preferred Stock Carrying Value

128 129 130

471 176 + 178 + 180

Not available Preferred Stock Par Value 86

Cost of Goods Sold (Restated)


340 + 341 + 342

Not available

Selling, General, and Administrative Expense (Restated)


Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Depreciation and 133 Amortization (Restated) Interest Expense (Restated) 134 Income Taxes Total (Restated) Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Restated) Earnings per Share (Basic) Including Extraordinary Items (Restated) Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings per Share (Basic) (Restated) Earnings per Share (Diluted) Excluding Extraordinary Items (Restated) Earnings per Share (Diluted) Including Extraordinary Items (Restated) Property, Plant, and Equipment Total (Net) (Restated) Long-Term Debt Total (Restated) Retained Earnings (Restated) Stockholders Equity (Restated) 135

Depreciation Expense Total (Restated) Interest Charges Total (Restated) Operations Income Taxes Total (Restated) minus Non-Operating Income Taxes Net (Restated) Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Restated) Per Share (Basic) Including Extraordinary Items (Restated) Common Shares Used to Calculate Basic Earnings per Share (Restated) Earnings per Share (Diluted) Excluding Extraordinary Items (Restated) Earnings per Share (Diluted) Including Extraordinary Items (Restated) Utility Plant Net (Restated) 343 356 348 - 351

Not available Not available Income Taxes Applicable to Current Operating Earnings (Restated) Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes (Restated) Not available 181










Common Shares Used in Calculating Earnings per Share (Restated) Not available




Not available



Not available

142 143 144

Long-Term Debt Total (Restated) Not available


Average Long-Term Debt (Restated) Not available Calculation


Capitalization (Restated) minus 391 - 389 Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) 390 (Restated) minus Long-Term Debt (Total) (Restated)


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Capital Expenditures (Restated) Employees (Restated) Interest Capitalized Long-Term Debt Tied to Prime Auditor/Auditors Opinion Foreign Currency Adjustment (Income Account) Receivables Trade 145 146 147 148 149 150

Not available Not available Allowance for Funds Used During 24 Construction Total Not available Available Not available

Not available Number of Employees (Restated) 140 Not available Not available Not available Foreign Exchange Gains and Losses 165 + 458 Not available 104


Deferred Charges Accrued Expense Debt Subordinated Convertible Property, Plant, and Equipment Buildings (Net) Property, Plant, and Equipment Machinery and Equipment (Net) Property, Plant, and Equipment Natural Resources (Net) Property, Plant, and Equipment Land and Improvements (Net) Property, Plant, and Equipment Leases (Net)

152 153 154 155 156

Accrued Unbilled Revenues (Balance Sheet) plus Accounts Receivable Trade Deferred Debits Total minus Assets Miscellaneous Other Accrued Expense and Deferred Income Current Not available Not available Not available

439-505 510

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Prepaid Expense Income Tax Refund Cash 160 161 162

Prepaid Expense and Accrued Income Not available Cash 508

Not available Not available 161 Cash and Due from Banks minus Due from Banks (Memorandum Entry) Rental Income Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available 150 Net Income per Share Including 199 Extraordinary Items Diluted Current Operating Earnings Before 145 + 153 Income Tax plus Net Pretax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed 1-4

Rental Income Rental Commitments Minimum 2nd Year Rental Commitments Minimum 3rd Year Rental Commitments Minimum 4th Year Rental Commitments Minimum 5th Year Compensating Balance

163 164 165 166 167 168

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Earnings per Share (Diluted) Including Extraordinary Items Income Before Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations and After Minority Interest plus Nonoperating Income Taxes (Net) plus Operating Income Taxes Total plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends plus Minority Interest (Income Statement) Common Shares Used to Calculate Diluted Earnings per Share


Earnings per Share (Diluted) 169 Including Extraordinary Items Pretax Income 170

26 + 134 + 129 + 141 + 143

Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings per Share (Diluted)



Common Shares Used in Calculating Diluted Earnings per Share



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Net Income (Loss) 172

Net Income Before Extraordinary 26 + 141 + 75 Items and Discontinued Operations and After Minority Interest plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends plus Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Income Taxes Current State 79 (Income Statement) Not available Redeemable Preferred Stock Not available Subsidiary Preferred Dividends (Restated) plus Net Income Before Extraordinary Items and After Minority Interest (Restated) plus Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Restated) Operating Income Taxes Total plus Operating Income Total 359 + 362 + 368 61

Net Income plus Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes 161 + 185

Income Taxes State Depletion Expense (Schedule VI) Preferred Stock Redeemable Blank Net Income (Loss) (Restated)

173 174 175 176 177

Not available Not available Available Not available Net Income (Restated) plus Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes (Restated) 183 + 98

Operating Income After Depreciation


129 + 19

Working Capital (Balance Sheet) Working Capital Change Total (Statement of Changes)

179 180

Current Assets Total minus 69 - 435 Current Liabilities Total Short-Term Debt Decrease 221 - 211 + (Increase) minus Short-Term 223 - 205 Debt Increase (Decrease) plus Working Capital (Use) Increase (Decrease) minus Working Capital (Source) Decrease (Increase)

Current Operating Earnings Before 145 + 142 + Income Tax plus All Other Current 153 - 79 Operating Expense plus Net Pretax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed minus Depreciation and Amortization Not available Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Liabilities Total 181

Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) 82 + 6 + 435 plus Long-Term Debt (Total) plus + 441 Current Liabilities Total plus Deferred Credits and Operating Reserves Total Utility Plant minus Utility Plant 1 - 241 Net Additions Accounting Charges Cumulative 476 Effect Utility Plant Retirements 50

Total Liabilities (Excluding 76 + 77 + Valuation Reserves) plus Minority 84 Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries plus Capital Notes and Debentures Not available

Property, Plant, and Equipment Beginning Balance (Schedule V) Accounting Changes Cumulative Effect Property, Plant, and Equipment Retirements (Schedule V) Property, Plant, and Equipment Other Changes (Schedule V) Inventories Other Property, Plant, and Equipment Ending Balance (Schedule V) Debt Senior Convertible Selling, General, and Administrative Expense


183 184

Not available Not available


Utility Plant Other Entries


Not available

186 187

Not available Utility Plant Gross 1

Not available Not available

188 189

Not available Not available

Not available Salaries and Wages of Officers 126 + 127 + and Employees plus Pension and 136 + Employee Benefits plus 139 Occupancy Expense of Bank Premises Net plus Furniture and Equipment: Depreciation, Rental Cost, Servicing, Etc. Not available

Nonoperating Income (Expense) Excluding Interest Income


Common Stock Equivalents 191 Dollar Savings


Nonoperating Income (Net) Total minus Nonoperating Income Taxes Net plus Allowance for Funds Used During Construction Borrowed Funds Portion minus Abandonments and Disallowances Adjustment minus Special Items minus Interest Income Savings Due to Commons Stock Equivalents

138 - 134 + 144 - 512 457 - 497


Savings Due to Common Stock Equivalents


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Extraordinary Items Short-Term Investments 192 193

Extraordinary Items 490

Available Due from Banks plus Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased Under Agreements to Resell Not available Not available Not available 4 + 11

Special Deposits, Working Funds, 162 and Temporary Cash Investments

Receivables Current Other Current Assets Other Excluding Prepaid Expense Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization (Accumulated) (Balance Sheet) Price Fiscal Year High Price Fiscal Year Low Common Shares Reserved for Conversion by Convertible Debt Dividends per Share by Payable Date Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) by Payable Date Common Shares Reserved for Conversion Preferred Stock Goodwill Assets Other Excluding Deferred Charges Notes Payable

194 195 196

Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets Miscellaneous Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Accumulated Not available Not available Available Not available

507 509 8

197 198 200

Not available Not available Available Not available

Price Fiscal Year Close* 199

201 202

Common Dividends Paid Per 329 Share by Payable Date Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) 427 Payable Date Not available

Available Available


Not available

204 205 206

Not available Assets Miscellaneous Other Debt Short-Term Total 505 191

Not available Not available Available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Current Liabilities Other 207 Excluding Accrued Expense

Current Liabilities Miscellaneous plus Preferred/Preference Stock Sinking Fund Requirement plus Accounts Payable minus Accounts Payable Trade Investment Tax Credit Accumulated Deferred (Balance Sheet) Subsidiary Preferred Stock at Carrying Value plus Preferred Stock at Carrying Value plus Preferences Stock at Carrying Value minus Redeemable Preferred Stock Common Stock Premium on plus Paid-In Capital Other plus Premium on Subsidiary Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preference Stock Income Tax Residual Not available Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment and Sale of Investments Loss (Gain) (Statement of Cash Flows) Preferred/Preference Stock (Convertible) Not available 464 511 + 401 + 192 - 499

Not available

Investment Tax Credit (Balance Sheet) Preferred Stock Nonredeemable



Not available


176 + 178 + 180 - 61


Capital Surplus


173 + 174 + 177 + 179 + 181



Income Taxes Other Blank Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment and Sale of Investments Loss (Gain) (Statement of Cash Flows) Preferred Stock Convertible Common Shares Reserved for Conversion Stock Options Stockholders Equity Total

211 212 213


Not available Not available Not available

214 215


Not available Not available


Capitalization minus Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) minus Debt Long-Term Total

187 - 82 - 6

Preferred Stock Par Value plus 86 + 99 - 16 Total Book Value minus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Funds From Operations Other (Statement of Cash Flows) 217

442- 204 Other Internal Sources Net (Statement of Cash Flows) minus Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (Statement of Cash Flows) Not available Not available Not available

Not available

Sources of Funds Other (Statement of Changes) Uses of Funds Other (Statement of Changes) Depreciation (Accumulated) Beginning Balance (Schedule VI) Depreciation (Accumulated) Retirements (Schedule VI) Depreciation (Accumulated) Other Changes (Schedule VI) Depreciation (Accumulated) Ending Balance (Schedule VI) Nonoperating Income (Expense) (Restated)

218 219 220

Not available Not available Not available

221 222

Not available Not available

Not available Not available


Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization Accumulated Nonoperating Income (Net) Total (Restated) minus NonOperating Income Taxes Net (Restated) plus Allowance For Funds Used During Construction Borrowed Funds Portion (Restated) Minority Interest (Income Account) (Restated) Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Common Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Not available

Not available


354 - 351 + 357

Not available

Minority Interest (Restated) Treasury Stock (Dollar Amount) Common Treasury Stock (Dollar Amount) Preferred Currency Translation Rate

225 226 227 228

361 428 429

Minority Interest (Income 85 Accounts) (Restated) Treasury Stock Dollar Amount 12 Common Treasury Stock Dollar Amount 16 Preferred Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Common Shares Reserved for Conversion Warrants and Other Retained Earnings Cumulative Translation Adjustment Retained Earnings Other Adjustments Common Stock Per Share Carrying Value Earnings per Share from Operations ADR Ratio 229

Not available

Not available


Not available


231 232 233 234

Not available Not available Earnings per Share from Operations Not available Not available Working Capital (Use) Increase 223 - 205 (Decrease) (Statement of Changes) minus Working Capital (Source) Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Changes) Not available 477

Available Available Available Not available Calculation Not available

Common Equity 235 Liquidation Value Working Capital Change 236 Other Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Changes)

Income Before Extraordinary Items Available for Common Marketable Securities Adjustment (Balance Sheet) Interest Capitalized Net Income Effect Inventories LIFO Reserve


Net Income minus Preferred Dividend Deductions Calculation Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

161 - 162

238 239 240

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Actuarial Present Value of Vested 402 Accumulated Plan Benefits

Debt Mortgages and Other 241 Secured Dividends Preferred In 242 Arrears Pension Benefits Present 243 Value of Vested


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Pension Benefits Present Value of Nonvested Pension Benefits Net Assets Pension Benefits Assumed Rate of Return Pension Benefits Information Date Acquisition Income Contribution Acquisition Sales Contribution Property, Plant, and Equipment Other (Net) Depreciation (Accumulated) Land and Improvements Depreciation (Accumulated) Natural Resources Depreciation (Accumulated) Buildings Depreciation (Accumulated) Machinery and Equipment Depreciation (Accumulated) Leases Depreciation (Accumulated) Construction in Progress Depreciation (Accumulated) Other Net Income Adjusted for Common Stock Equivalents 244

Actuarial Present Value of Non Vested Accumulated Plan Benefits Assets (Net) Available for Benefits Assumed Rate of Return Available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Available for Common After Adjustment for Common Stock Equivalents plus Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations 28 + 75 403

Not available

245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258

404 405

Not available Available Available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Net Income Available for Common 164 + 185 plus Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Retained Earnings Unadjusted Property, Plant, and Equipment Land and Improvements at Cost Property, Plant, and Equipment Natural Resources at Cost Blank Property, Plant, and Equipment Buildings at Cost Property, Plant, and Equipment Machinery and Equipment at Cost Property, Plant, and Equipment Leases at Cost Property, Plant, and Equipment Construction in Progress at Cost Property, Plant, and Equipment Other at Cost Debt Unamortized Debt Discount and Other Deferred Taxes Federal Deferred Taxes Foreign Deferred Taxes State Pretax Income Domestic Pretax Income Foreign 259 260

Not available Not available

Available Not available


Not available

Not available

262 263

Not available Not available

Not available Not available


Not available

Not available

265 266

Not available Not available

Not available Not available

267 268 269 270 271 272 273

Not available Unamortized Premium and Discount Net Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Cash and Cash Equivalents Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Not available 456 186

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

Cash and Cash Equivalents 274 Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Blank 275

Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
S&P Major Index Code Historical S&P Industry Index Code Historical Fortune Industry Code Fortune Rank S&P Senior Debt Rating Blank S&P Common Stock Ranking S&P Commercial Paper Rating Historical Pension Vested Benefit Obligation Pension Accumulated Benefit Obligation Pension Projected Benefit Obligation Pension Plan Assets Pension Unrecognized Prior Service Cost Pension Other Adjustments Pension Prepaid/Accrued Cost Pension Vested Benefit Obligation (Underfunded) Periodic Post Retirement Benefit Cost (Net) Pension Accumulated Benefit Obligation (Underfunded) Pension Projected Benefit Obligation (Underfunded) 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293

Available Available Available Available Available Not available Available Available Pension Vested Benefit Obligation Pension Accumulated Benefit Obligation Pension Projected Benefit Obligation) Pension Plan Assets Pension Unrecognized Prior Service Cost Pension Other Adjustments Pension Prepaid/Accrued Cost Pension Vested Benefit Obligation (Underfunded) Periodic Post Retirement Benefit Cost (Net) Pension Accumulated Benefit Obligation (Underfunded) Pension Projected Benefit Obligation (Underfunded) 410 411 412 413 414 448 416 417 459 418

Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available





Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Periodic Pension Cost (Net) 295 Pension Plan Assets (Underfunded) Pension Unrecognized Prior Service Cost (Underfunded) Pension Additional Minimum Liability) Pension Other Adjustments (Underfunded) Pension Prepaid/Accrued Cost (Underfunded) Changes in Current Debt (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounts Receivable Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Cash Flows) Inventory Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Income Taxes Accrued Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Blank Assets and Liabilities Other (Net Change) (Statement of Cash Flows) 296 297

Periodic Pension Cost (Net) Pension Plan Assets (Underfunded) Pension Unrecognized Prior Service Cost (Underfunded) Pension Addition Minimum Liability) Pension Other Adjustments (Underfunded) Pension Prepaid/Accrued Cost (Underfunded) Short-Term Debt Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounts Receivable and Unbilled Revenues Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Cash Flows) Inventory Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Taxes Accrued Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Not available Deferred Fuel Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) plus Other Assets and Liabilities Net Change (Statement of Cash Flows) 460 420 421

Available Available Available

298 299 300 301

422 449 424 211

Available Available Available Not available



Not available



Not available



Not available



Not available

306 307

Not available 514 + 450 Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Operating Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Short-Term Investments Change (Statement of Cash Flows) Investing Activities Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Investing Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Financing Activities Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Financing Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Exchange Rate Effect (Statement of Cash Flows) Interest Paid Net (Statement of Cash Flows) Blank Income Taxes Paid (Statement of Cash Flows) Format Code (Statement of Cash Flows) Blank S&P Subordinated Debt Rating Interest Income Total (Financial Services) Contingent Liabilities Guarantees Debt Finance Subsidiary Debt Consolidated Subsidiary 308

Operating Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Not available 451

Not available


Not available

310 311

Investing Activities Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Financing Activities Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Financing Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows)

452 453

Not available Not available

312 313

454 455

Not available Not available

314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 327 328 329

Exchange Rate Effect (Statement 478 of Cash Flows) Interest Paid Net (Statement of 461 Cash Flows) Not available Income Taxes Paid (Statement of 462 Cash Flows) Available Not available Available Not available Contingent Liabilities Guarantees Debt Finance Subsidiary Debt Consolidated Subsidiary 430 431 432

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Interest Income Total (Financial 19 Services) Available Available Available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Annual COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Postretirement Benefit Asset (Liability) (Net) Pension Plans Service Cost Pension Plans Interest Cost Pension Plans Return on Plan Assets (Actual) Pension Plans Other Periodic Cost Components (Net) Pension Plans Rate of Compensation Increase Pension Plans Anticipated Long-Term Rate of Return on Plan Assets Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Tier 1 Blank Interest Expense Total (Financial Services) Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent) Nonperforming Assets Total Provision for Loan/Asset Losses Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses Net Interest Margin Blank Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Total Net Charge-Offs 330 331 332 333 334

Postretirement Benefit Asset/(Liability) (Net) Pension Plans Service Cost Pension Plans Interest Cost Pension Plans Return on Plan Assets (Actual) Pension Plans Other Periodic Cost Components (Net) Available Pension Plans Return on Plan Assets (Actual) Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available 474 469 479 470 474 475

Available Available Available Available Available

335 336

Available Available

337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345-347 348 349

Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Tier 1 Not available Available Available Available Calculation Calculation Net Interest Margin Not available Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Total Net Charge-Offs


42 64 190


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Selling, General, and Administrative Expense 1

Not available

Salaries and Wages of Officers and Employees plus Pension and Employee Benefits plus Occupancy Expense of Bank Premises Net plus Furniture and Equipment: Depreciation, Rental Costs, Servicing, Etc. Total Current Operating Revenue plus Net Pretax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed minus Non-Recurring Income Minority Interest (Income Account) minus Minority Interest in After-Tax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed Not available Depreciation and Amortization 97 + 98 + 107 + 108

Sales (Net)

Operating Revenues Total (Income Statement)

96 + 118

Minority Interest (Income Account)

Minority Interest (Income Account)


116 - 122

Research and Development 4 Expense Depreciation and 5 Amortization Income Taxes Total 6

Not available Depreciation Expense Total Operating Income Taxes Total 8 13


Earnings per Share (Diluted) 7 Including Extraordinary Items Income Before Extraordinary 8 Items

Earnings per Share (Diluted) Including Extraordinary Items


Income Taxes Applicable to 114 - 121 Current Operating Earnings minus Tax Effect on Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed Net Income per Share Including 147 Extraordinary Items Diluted Net Income 124

Net Income Before Extraordinary 27 + 25 Items and Discontinued Operations and After Minority Interest plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility), COMPUSTAT (Bank), and Property & Casualty and Life Insurance Companies (cont.)
COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Earnings per Share (Diluted) 9 Excluding Extraordinary Items Income Before Extraordinary 10 Items Adjusted for Common Stock Equivalents Earnings per Share (Basic) 11 Including Extraordinary Items Price Close 1st Month of 12 Quarter Price Close 2nd Month 13 of Quarter Price Close 3rd Month of 14 Quarter 15 Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings per Share (Basic) Dividends per Share by 16 Ex-Date Adjustment Factor 17 (Cumulative) by Ex-Date Common Shares Traded 18 Earnings per Share (Basic) 19 Excluding Extraordinary Items Dividends Common 20 Indicated Annual Operating Income Before 21 Depreciation

Earnings per Share (Diluted) Excluding Extraordinary Items Available for Common After Adjustments for Common Stock Equivalents Earnings per Share (Basic) Including Extraordinary Items Price Close 1st Month of Quarter Price Close 2nd Month of Quarter Price Close 3rd Month of Quarter Common Shares Used to Calculate Basic Earnings per Share Common Dividends Paid per Share by Ex-Date Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) by Ex-Date Common Shares Traded Earnings per Share (Basic) Excluding Extraordinary Items 40

Net Income per Share Excluding 146 Extraordinary Items Net Income Available for Common 127



Net Income per Share Including 139 Extraordinary Items Market Price Close 1st Month of Quarter Market Price Close 2nd Month of Quarter Market Price Close 3rd Month of Quarter Common Shares Used in Calculating Earnings per Share 155 158 161 140

135 138 141 38

142 145 144 34

Common Dividends Paid per 162 Share by Ex-Date Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) by 165 Ex-Date Common Shares Traded 164 Net Income per Share Excluding 138 Extraordinary Items Annualized Dividend Rate 163

Common Dividends Indicated 143 Annual Rate Operating Revenues Total 4 - (5 + 6 +7) (Income Statement) minus (Operation Expense Total (Income Statement) plus Maintenance Expense Total plus Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Total)

Current Operating Earnings Before 113 + 110 + 118 Income Tax plus All Other Current Operating Expenses plus Net Pretax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed minus NonRecurring Income


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Interest Expense Pretax Income 22 23

Interest Charges Total Net Income Before Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations and After Minority Interest plus Minority Interest (Income Statement) plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends plus Operating Income Taxes Total minus Nonoperating Income Taxes (Net) Preferred Dividend Requirements plus Subsidiary Preferred Dividends plus Preference Dividend Requirements Available for Common Before Adjustments for Common Stock Equivalents Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Earnings per Share (Basic) Excluding Extraordinary 12Months Moving Common Shares Used to Calculate Basic Earnings per Share 12-Months Moving Not available Operation Expense Total (Income Account) plus Maintenance Expense Total plus Taxes Other Than Income Taxes Total 22 27 + 26 + 25 + 13 - 16

CF (Data Code) Current Operating Earnings Before Income Tax plus Net Pretax Profit or Loss on Securities Sold or Redeemed 113 + 118

Dividends Preferred


28 + 25 + 29

Preferred Dividend Deductions


Income Before Extraordinary 25 Items Available for Common Extraordinary Items and 26 Discontinued Operations Earnings per Share (Basic) Excluding Extraordinary Items 12-Months Moving Common Shares Used to Calculate Earnings per Share 12-Months Moving Interest Income Total (Financial Services) Cost of Goods Sold 27


Net Income minus Preferred Dividend Deductions Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes Net Income per Share Excluding Extraordinary Items 12-Months Moving Common Shares Used in Calculating 12-Months Moving Earnings per Share Interest Income Total (Financial Services) Total Interest Expense plus Provision for Loan Losses

124 - 125

33 79

132 142




29 30

17 104 + 106



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Nonoperating Income (Expense) 31

Nonoperating Income (Net) 20 - 16 + 23 Total minus Nonoperating Income 189 - 191 Taxes (Net) plus Allowance for Funds Used During Construction Borrowed Funds Portion minus Abandonments and Disallowances Adjustment minus Special Items Abandonments and 189 + 191 Disallowances Adjustment plus Special Items Not available Not available

Depreciation and Amortization 51 - 110 minus All Other Current Operating Expenses plus Non-Recurring Expense

Special Items


Special Items


Discontinued Operations Foreign Currency Adjustment (Income Account) Deferred Taxes (Income Account)

33 34

Available Foreign Exchange Gain & Loss 86


Cash and Short-Term Investments


Deferred Income Taxes Net (Income Account) plus Investment Tax Credit (Net) Income Account Cash plus Special Deposits, Working Fund and Temporary Cash Investments Receivables (Net) Inventories

11 + 12

Not available

93 + 94

Receivables Total Inventories Total

37 38

95 96

Current Assets Other Current Assets Total

39 40

Current Assets Other Current Assets Total Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Accumulated Utility Plant Net

97 98 87

Cash and Due from Banks plus 1 + 11 Federal Funds Sold and Securities Purchased under Agreements to Resell Loans (Gross) plus Direct Lease 14 + 22 Financing Real Estate Other than Bank 20 + 18 Premises plus Assets Held For Sale Not available Not available Not available

Depreciation, Depletion, and 41 Amortization (Accumulated) (Balance Sheet) Property, Plant, and 42 Equipment Total (Net)


Bank Premises, Furniture, and Fixtures



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Assets Other 43

Other Property and Investments 92 + 99 Total (Net) plus Deferred Debits Total

U.S. Treasury Securities plus Securities of Other Government Agencies and Corporations plus Other Securities (Taxable) plus Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions plus Trading Account Securities plus Investments in Nonconsolidated Subsidiaries plus Customers Liability to this Bank on Acceptances Outstanding plus Other Assets plus Intangible Assets minus Assets Held For Sale Total Assets (Gross) Available 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 10 + 21 + 23 + 24 + 25 - 18

Assets Total/Liabilities and 44 Stockholders Equity Total Debt in Current Liabilities 45

Accounts Payable Income Taxes Payable Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Other

46 47 48 49 50

Assets Total/Liabilities and Stockholders Equity Total Debt Long-Term Due Within One Year plus Debt Short-Term Total Accounts Payable Taxes Accrued Interest Accrued plus Current Liabilities (Other) Current Liabilities Total Deferred Credits and Operating Reserves Total

100 119 + 120


121 122 123 + 124 125 128

Total Deposits Worldwide Not available Not available Not available Acceptances Executed by or For Account of This Bank plus Liabilities (Excluding Valuation Reserves) Calculation Not available


53 + 54

Long-Term Debt Total Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit (Balance Sheet)

51 52

Debt Long-Term Total Income Taxes Accumulated Deferred (Balance Sheet) plus Investment Tax Credit Accumulated Deferred (Balance Sheet)

117 126 + 127


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) Liabilities Total 53 54

Minority Interest (Balance Sheet Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) plus Long-Term Debt (Total) plus Deferred Credits and Operating Reserves Total plus Current Liabilities (Total) Preferred Stock at Carrying Value plus Preference Stock at Carrying Value plus Subsidiary Preferred Stock at Carrying Value Common Stock Premium on Common Stock plus Paid in Capital Other plus Premium in Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preference Stock plus Premium on Subsidiary Preference Stock Retained Earnings 111 111 + 117 + 129 + 125

Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries Total Liabilities (Excluding Valuation Reserves) plus Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries plus Capital Notes and Debentures Preferred Stock Par Value 58 57 + 58 + 64

Preferred Stock Carrying Value


107 + 109 + 147


Common Stock Capital Surplus

56 57

101 103 + 104 + 108 + 110 + 148

Common Stock Par Value Surplus

67 69

Retained Earnings



Common Equity Total


Stockholders Equity Total 60

Common Shares Outstanding


Common Equity Total plus Premium on Preferred Stock plus Premium on Preference Stock plus Premium on Subsidiary Preferred Stock Capitalization minus Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) minus Long-Term Debt (Total) Common Shares Outstanding

106 + 108 + 110 + 148

Undivided Profits plus Reserves 70 + 71 for Contingencies and Other Capital Reserves Total Book Value minus Treasury 73 - 16 Stock Dollar Amount Preferred

118 - 111 117 102

Preferred Stock Par Value minus 66 - 16 + 73 Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred plus Total Book Value Number of Shares Outstanding 68


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Invested Capital Total 62

Capitalization 118

Total Book Value plus Preferred Stock (Par Value) plus Minority Interest in Consolidated Subsidiaries plus Long-Term Debt Not Classified as Capital plus Capital Notes and Debentures plus Mortgage Indebtedness minus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Price High 1st Month of Quarter Price High 2nd Month of Quarter Price High 3rd Month of Quarter Price Low 1st Month of Quarter Price Low 2nd Month of Quarter Price Low 3rd Month of Quarter Net Income plus Total Extraordinary Items Net of Taxes 73 + 66 + 58 + 48 + 64 + 52 - 16

Price High 1st Month of Quarter Price High 2nd Month of Quarter Price High 3rd Month of Quarter Price Low 1st Month of Quarter Price Low 2nd Month of Quarter Price Low 3rd Month of Quarter Net Income (Loss)

63 64 65 66 67 68 69

Interest Expense Total (Financial Services) Preferred Stock Redeemable Dividends per Share by Payable Date

70 71 72

Price High 1st Month of Quarter Price High 2nd Month of Quarter Price High 3rd Month of Quarter Price Low 1st Month of Quarter Price Low 2nd Month of Quarter Price Low 3rd Month of Quarter Subsidiary Preferred Dividends plus Net Income Before Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations and After Minority Interest plus Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Interest Charges Total Redeemable Preferred Stock Common Dividends Paid per Share by Payable Date

133 136 139 134 137 140 25 + 27 + 33

153 156 159 154 157 160 124 + 132

23 149 151

Total Interest Expense Available Common Dividends Paid per Share by Payable Date




Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Working Capital Changes Other Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Changes) Cash and Cash Equivalents Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Changes in Current Debt (Statement of Cash Flows) Income Before Extraordinary Items (Statement of Cash Flows) Depreciation and Amortization (Statement of Cash Flows) Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations (Statement of Cash Flows) Deferred Taxes (Statement of Cash Flows) Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) (Statement of Cash Flows) Funds From Operations Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Funds From Operations Total (Statement of Changes) Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment (Statement of Cash Flows) Sale of Common and Preferred Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) 73

Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available

75 76

Not available Not available

Not available Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available

79 80

Not available Not available

Not available Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Sale of Investments (Statement of Cash Flows) Long-Term Debt Issuance (Statement of Cash Flows) Sources of Funds Other (Statement of Changes) Sources of Funds Total (Statement of Changes) Cash Dividends (Statement of Cash Flows) Capital Expenditures (Statement of Cash Flows) Increase in Investments (Statement of Cash Flows) Long-Term Debt Reduction (Statement of Cash Flows) Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock (Statement of Cash Flows) Acquisitions (Statement of Cash Flows) Uses of Funds Other (Statement of Changes) Uses of Funds Total (Statement of Changes) Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent) Treasury Stock Total Dollar Amount Nonperforming Assets Total 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available


Not available

Not available

94 95 96 97 98

Not available Not available Not available Not available Treasury Stock Dollar Amount 185 + 186 Common plus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Not available

Not available Not available Not available Net Interest Income (Tax Available Equivalent) Treasury Stock Dollar Amount 15 + 16 Common plus Treasury Stock Dollar Amount Preferred Assets Nonperforming Available



Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Adjustment Factor (Cumulative) by Payable Date Working Capital Change Total (Statement of Changes) Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment and Sale of Investments Loss (Gain) (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounts Receivable Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Cash Flows) Inventory Decrease (Increase) (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Income Taxes Accrued Increase (Decrease) (Statement of Cash Flows) Assets and Liabilities Other (Net Change) (Statement of Cash Flows) Operating Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Short-Term Investments Change (Statement of Cash Flows) Investing Activities Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Investing Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) 100

Available 150

Adjustment Factor Cumulative by Payable Date Not available 136


Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available


Not available

Not available

110 111

Not available Not available

Not available Not available


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility) and COMPUSTAT (Bank) (cont.)

COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Financing Activities Other (Statement of Cash Flows) Financing Activities Net Cash Flow (Statement of Cash Flows) Exchange Rate Effect (Statement of Cash Flows) Interest Paid Net (Statement of Cash Flows) Income Taxes Paid (Statement of Cash Flows) Accounting Changes Cumulative Effect Property, Plant, and Equipment Total (Gross) Property, Plant, and Equipment Total (Gross) Extraordinary Items 112 113

Not available Not available

Not available Not available

114 115 116 117 118

Not available Not available Not available Not available Utility Plant Net plus Depreciation, Depletion and Amortization Accumulated Gross Utility Plant plus Construction Work in Progress Not available Savings Due to Common Stock Equivalents Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Earnings per Share from Operations 203 88 + 87

Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available

118 119

85 + 86 Available 31 Savings Due to Common Stock Equivalents Not available Not available Provision for Loan/Asset Losses Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses Net Interest Margin Regulatory Risk-based Capital Ratio Tier 1 Regulatory Risk-based Capital Ratio Total Net Charge-Offs Earnings per Share from Operations Calculation Calculation 28 29 45 133 Available 126

Common Stock Equivalents 120 Dollar Savings Currency Translation Rate 121 Blank Provision for Loan/Asset Losses Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses Net Interest Margin 122 - 170 171 172 173

Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio 174 Tier 1 Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio 175 Total Net Charge-Offs 176 Earnings per Share from Operations 177


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


Quarterly COMPUSTAT to COMPUSTAT (Utility), COMPUSTAT (Bank), and Property & Casualty and Life Insurance Companies (cont.)
COMPUSTAT Industrial Data
Earnings per Share from Operations 12 Months Moving Blank 178

Earnings per Share from Operations 12 Months Moving Not available 204

Earnings per Share from Operations 12 Months Moving Not available Available

179 - 232


Chapter 2 Understanding the COMPUSTAT (North America) Database


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