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The international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential



Part 1: Grammar (multiple choice)
1. Each July we A. are going 2. He A. has left 3 A. Did you see B. go to Spain for a holiday. C. goes

D. were going D.left D. Are you seeing

just a few minutes ago. B. leaves Chad left Jane lately? B. Do you seeC. Have you seen

4. Sorry we're late, we the wrong turning. A. had taken B. were takingC. took D. are taking 5. Wait here until I A. will call you. B. am calling C. am going to D. call

6. I wont be able to meet you next week, I in London for a few days. A. will stay B. am staying C. will staying D. stay 7. Next month I A. will have known your sister for 10 years. B. know Cam knowing D. will have been knowing a taxi. C had to get D. must get

8. The car broke down and we A. must have got B. had got to get 9. She A. was able to 10. I could A. have got

leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born. B. could C. can D. Is able to much more for the painting if I'd sold it overseas. B. get C. have D. has got

11. We into the state of the Swedish car industry. A. did some researches B. made some research C made research D.did some research 12. The new computer system A. is being installed by people D. is been installed 13 A. What you next month B. is be installed C. is being installed

want to do this weekend? B. Which do you C. What do you

D. What you do D. to Frank to take

14. She encouraged the job. A. to take the job B. that Frank should take 15. What have we got ? A. for the dinner B. for a dinner

C. Frank to take

C. for dinner

D. to dinner

16. If I a more reliable car, I to Spain rather than fly. A. would have...would drive B. had...had driven C. had...would drive D. would have had ...would drive

The international platform for young peopletodiscover and develop their potential


17. If Tom A. had stopped

the car immediately, the accident wouldn't have happened. B. stopped C. would stopped D. would had stopped the middle of May, I think.' "Yes, it's her birthday C. D. a heart attack. D.from....of

18. 'Ifs Ann's birthday some time the 21 *.'

A. at...on B. in...on 19. Last years he was suffering Aon...out B. of out

cancer, but he died C. from....on

20 people trying to get into the football stadium. A There were too much B. There were too many C. It was too many D. There was too many

Part 2: Vocabulary (multiple choice) 21. It's absolutely outside, so wear your gloves. A. cold B. chilly C. freezing D. raining 22. She was A. hijacked by a man who threatened to tell her employer about her past. B. blackmailed C. afraid D. terrified

23. Most people today know how important it is to have a diet. A. equal B. even C. careful D. balanced 24. Each family produces its own individual version of Spanish omelette to the season and the availability of vegetables. A. depending B. relying C. according D. corresponding 25. In Australia most children A. attend B. assist primary school from the age of five. C. go D. visit

26. I was not very with my results in the test. A. satisfied B. interested C. good D. proud 27. Most young animals a lot of time playing, but they're not just fun. A. have ... making B. have ...feeling C. spend ... having D. make ... doing 28. The sharp sticks at the bottom of the hole could have clothes saved her. A. broken B. damaged C. spoiled D. hurt her badly, but her

29. Most schools a hot but some students bring sandwiches instead. A. present... meal B. provide ... meal C. provide ... food D. bring ... dish 30. If you go to Scotland, you will see some beautiful A. nature B. countryside C. country 31. After all the rain, the A. ground B. floor D. scenery

was very wet under my feet when I went for a walk. C. earth D. land

The international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential

Hill III I I K

32. He was lost on the mountains all night, but luckily he was warm clothes, so he was all right. A. putting on B. dressing C. wearing D. getting dressed 33. I'm hoping to apply A. for B. on 34. My heart was first time. A. running

a job with an international company. D.with

fast as I stood at the edge of the cliff with my hang glider for the B. beating C. moving D. rushing

35. January 15 1999 was no A. contrasting B. separate

from any other winter day in the seaside town. C. altered D. different of money. D. value

36. It's believed that he owes the bank a considerable A. number B. sum Clot

37. The job offers a number of such as free travel and mediacal care. A. prospects B. qualifications C. benefits D. experiences 38. In the end he decided that it wasn't possible to meet her girlfriend any more so he their relation. A. broke up B. cut down C. put off D. went out 39. She was at the college and couldn't to come to England. A. spare B. spend C. afford D. account 40. Friends Reunited is a website which puts old school and college friends back in with one another. A. connection B. association C. meeting D. touch 41. She's not quite sure what it A. certainly B. factually 42. I A. got by means, but she's sure of what she wants. C. surely D. actually

cycling by accident, but once I had started, I loved it. B. got over C. got through D. got into unnecessary risks when you are doing dangerous C. have D.give up strictly enough. D. held D. winked

43. It's not a good idea to sports. A. make B.take

44. My grandmother thinks children today are not A. brought B. drawn C. grown 45. He A. frowned his head in agreement. B. nodded C. waved

The international platformforyoung people to discover and develop their potential

Part 3: Word formation fuse the word given in capitals to form a word correctly, an example is igven.)
Would you like to be famous?

Most peoplefindthe idea of fame (0) But would you (46) want to be famous? Many people do, but they don't always realise how many (47) there are for those who live in the public eye. They just see the (48) things about being a star, or the (49) benefits, and ignore the problems that go along with it-things like having (50) around you wherever you go, and (51) writing things about you in the newspapers that may be (52) untrue. With this kind of pressure, it's not easy to keep up (53) with friends, and some people do regret making the (54) to seek fame. Once you've become well-known you can't go back. So is it actually wort it? It's a (55) choice but I would hate it! ATTRACTIVE 5if


I i

Part 4: Reading (read the text and choose ticking the correct word for each space.} HOUDINI Harry Houdini was bom in 1847 in Budapest, (0) when he was four his family moved to America. They were very poor, and so he left school (56) the age of twelve and got a job selling newspaper. When he was a teenager he began (57) card tricks, and soon he was giving performances of magic in (58) In 1894 he met his wife, a dancer, and they got married after only two weeks. Soon (59) Houdini started the escape acts which made him famous. He would ask people to lock him up in different (60) , and he always (61) to escape. He escaped from strong chains, locked boxes (62) of water, and even a big paper (without tearing the paper). (63) of his last performances (64) to escape after being buried (65) No one ever found out how he did it.
0 Abut

56 57 58 59

Aon A saying A theatre A before

Bso Bat B having B public B afterwards

C because C with C making C crowd C latar

D or Dto D doing D television D next

60 61 62 63 64 65 A methods B reasons C forms C managed C crowded C each C was C living D ways D meant D complete D one D happened D awake A succeeded B could A full A some A tried A alive B packed B all Bhad Blive

The international platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential

The weather

Rains, clouds, sunshine, wind - what (66) them? And why are they important to us? The weather influences farming, fishing and every part of our daily life, and so we (67) to know in advance (68) it will be like. Weather forecasters try to (69) us with details o weather conditions for at (70) 24 hours ahead, and often for up to a week. To do this they depend (71) thousands of separate (72) of information about the weather, which are (73) from all over the world. But the weather not only changes the what people do every day, it can (74) change the wat they feel. (75) example, the warm, dusty wind of the Mediterranean is famous for (76) people feel annoyed. And it's true that we all feel better when it's sunny rather than when it's raining!

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

A causes A must A how A give A last A on A pieces A made A again A as A making

Bdoes B can Bwhat B show B once B with B words B moved Balso Bin B having

C goes C should C where C provide C least Cat C numbers Ctold Ctoo CFor C seeing

Dgets D need D when Dtell D first D from D facts D collected Dso Dby D going

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