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Unit 6 Test

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Fill in the blanks with the following: Down-and-out, a dead end, big guns, the rat race, at full stretch, the jet set, call the shots, live rough, slippery slope, adopt a low profile 1. 2. 3. !. #. '. *. +. ,. He is on the __________ to a life in crime. The software company has done well in areas ignored by _________ such as Microsoft and Lotus. With staff shortages and appalling weather conditions, the emergency ser ices were ____________. "ll he e er wanted was to be a part of ___________. He will still be organising 13,$$$ olunteers into bringing some %ind of &hristmas to 12#,$$$ needy, lonely or _______________ people. (t was a )ob in which she was able to ______________. &hildren are forced into _____________ for higher salary and prestige. This girl is se enteen, apparently homeless, __________, presenting with an ulcerated throat and se ere anaemia. He reali-ed that the )ob at which he had been aiming all these years seemed to him to be ______________.

1$. ( decided to ______________, after all ( was a guest.

II. 1. The ...... of the ............/ the highest position in one0s profession 2. "s ......... as a ....... ......../ e1tremely poor 3. 2rom ...... to ........../ from being ery poor to being ery rich !. 3p4and4........./ li%ely to become successful #. ........ man .......... / close and trusted assistant '. Ha e5got6 ....... ........ in the ........./ to ha e se eral options7pro)ects at the same time *. ...... a bac% ........../ to ta%e a position of less importance7influence +. ......... ...... on one0s ......../to ha e spare time ,. 8o one0s ...... ......./ to do whate er one wants 1$. ........ up with the .........../ to be in competition with other people for a higher social standard

I.fill in the blanks with the following: lay down, call in, pluck up, crop up, slip up, sit on, show sb around, , !easure up to, see to, bow to 1. 2. 3. !. #. '. *. +. ,. 9o on, you go out. (:ll _________ the washing up. The go ernment then ____________ troops to deal with the disturbances. He was the first )ournalist to ______________ the management committee. How will the ;ecretary 9eneral ____________ his new responsibilities< Management has been ______________ the possibility of )ob losses. The company apologi-ed for ___________ so badly. 8uring the 1,*$s and 1,+$s, treatment centers ______________ all o er the nation. When they came out to isit, my dad told me to ________ my cousin ____________ town. He finally ____________ enough courage to as% her out. __________ public pressure and lift the arms embargo.

1$. &ongress may

II call, pass 1. Human =ights groups are ______ the release of political prisoners. 2. 3. !. (:m afraid (:ll ha e to __________ that offer of coffee. ( regularly ____________ his office for news. The tradition has been ____________ from father to son for generations.

#. The 3> has ____________ both sides to obser e the ceasefire. '. *. +. ,. With my hair cut short, ( could ha e ____________ a boy. &ould you _________ on Mum on your way home< ( thin% we:d better _________ that last remar%. =escuers had to _____________ the search because of worsening weather conditions.

1$. That %ind of abuse is really not ____________. 11. ( nearly ____________ when ( saw all the blood. 12. Will you be _______________ the supermar%et on your way home<

13. ( don:t thin% you should ___________ the opportunity to go to uni ersity. 1!. The army was _______________ to help fight fires.

III. 1. 8e1ter li%ed the picture editor and felt at ___ ______ him. 2. ____ of ______ for the wishes of her family, the affair was not reported in the media.

3. We will ha e &hristmas decorations on a _____ with anything on show at the Metro&entre. !. ?ou would almost ha e thought that we were on ___ _____ fro! something.

#. (:ll v_______ for the @uality of the report. ( read it last night. '. ( added cheerfully, but Lilly g_______ at me, and we ate our cinnamon toast in silence. *. "______ with me a minute, and (:ll chec% if Mr 9arrard:s in. +. (:m reluctant to p_____ with any of the %ittens, but we need the money. ,. ;he:s been in _________ with a long term bac% disorder. 1$. (:ll write you a che@ue, and you can pay me bac% in _____ later.

I#. 1. 2. " shar% can smell blood at a _______ of half a %ilometer. Marshall recited Martin Luther Aing Br.:s famous speech fro! ________.

3. $__________ fro! what you say in your letter, you don:t sound well. !. ( tried to r_________ with her, but she0s hopeless. #. (t:s ob ious that ha ing a girlfriend )ust doesn:t _______ in with your plans. '. Much of this information is pic%ed up by _______of ___________ from pre ious students. *. (n the end he had to be thrown out of the house by f_________. +. 8o you a_________ of doctors using human embryos for research< ,. 2lattering belted )ac%ets are in _________ again this year. 1$. The children don:t go far ________home because they0re afraid of getting lost.

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