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IHC Brochure

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Concept of the Symbol

The symbol has three basic elements. The downward pointing triangle within the male figure encircled by the words India Habitat Centre. The figure of the man, developed from a prototype of a rock painting from Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh, represents the anthropomorphic personification of Shiva, the Creator - Demiurge, as the Divine Archer. The bow in his left hand has been deleted for purpose of design. The figure depicts the phenomenon of the expanding form, quintessential to the eternal repose, peace and order in the universe. The downward pointing triangle is a female symbol representing Shakti. It is based on Shri Yantra, a general term for instruments of worship which include geometric forms. An amalgamation of the two forms symbolize the creative activity of the cosmic male and female energies in successive stages of evolution. It is the archetypal marriage represented in abstract form, a key to the secret of cosmic and universal harmony. Encircling them is the Universe, shown by the typographical use of the words India Habitat Centre placed in a perfect circle. The symbol in its entirety would represent the aim of the India Habitat Centre to resolve and restore at every level - Environmental and Ecological, a balanced, harmonious and improved way of life.

:: India Habitat Centre (IHC) :: The Mission :: Aims and Objects :: Unique Institutional Model :: Layout of India Habitat Centre :: The Habitat Library and Resource Centre (HLRC) :: Library Lounge :: IHCs Visual Arts Gallery :: Awards :: Membership :: Programmes at India Habitat Centre :: Banquets for Conferences and Seminars :: The Film Club :: Restaurants :: Information Centre :: Mode of Payment (For Members) 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 22 23 26 27

Published by India Habitat Centre, 2010.

India Habitat Centre (IHC)

India Habitat Centre (IHC) was conceived to provide a physical environment, which would serve as a catalyst for a synergetic relationship between individuals and institutions working in diverse habitat related areas and would therefore maximize their total effectiveness. To facilitate this interaction, the Centre provides a superb range of facilities. Representative of ecology by design, India Habitat Centre was Steins largest project. It is perhaps most successful as a work of urban design, a place that handles transportation and an enormous variety of public and private activities, from housing to banking to entertainment to food. A city within a city, it is an intellectual shopping centre that provides cheap green curry, great theatre, cutting edge art, ., and wonderful outdoor spaces that are comfortable even in summer. The IHC has made an extraordinary contribution to the city of Delhi (Source: An Innocent Abroad: Joseph Stein in India, by Professor Jeffrey M Chusid. Occasional Publication 18, India International Centre). Spread over an area of nine acres the IHC campus has been designed and built by Joseph Stein, Doshi and Bhalla who have created an island of architectural excellence in the busy metropolis of Indias capital, Delhi. The campus weaves in a unique interplay of institutions, supporting infrastructure and facilities such as conference venues, auditoria, hospitality areas, the library and resource centre, and art galleries. Elegantly designed, the campus is a hub of activity while simultaneously being serene. The architectural and design elements that Stein has built in enable this paradoxical blend. The landscaping, horticulture and fountains add to the pleasing ambience of the campus. The campus is wi-fi enabled.

The Mission
To bring a holistic approach to problem solving in areas of environmental and regional planning, energy efficiency, appropriate technology options, transport and communication, lifestyle choices, socio-cultural linkages and information technology.

Aims and Objects

Develop an integrated physical environment in which various professions and institutions dealing with different facets of habitat and habitat related environmental issues would function, interact and attempt to resolve habitat related problems in a coordinated manner. Promote awareness in regard to habitat related environmental issues including water, air, noise and waste pollution, energy and its conservation, water and human waste management and other such matters. Promote better urban and rural settlements relevant to the Indian social, cultural, and economic context and related to the lifestyle of its people. Inculcate better awareness and sensitivity in regard to all aspects of creative human activity including the significance of art in habitat. Document all relevant information pertaining to habitat, human settlements and environmental issues. Advise and if needed, assist the Government in the formation and implementation policies relating to habitat, and human settlements. Promote education, research, training and professional development on habitat and human settlement and environment related issues. Organise and promote conferences, seminars, lectures, public debates and exhibitions in matters relating to habitat, human settlements and environment. Offer awards, prizes, scholarships and stipends in furtherance of the objectives of the Centre. Cooperate and collaborate with other national and international institutions in furtherance of the objectives of the Centre. Acquire, hold, improve and develop lands and construct buildings and related facilities on behalf of members of the Centre. Organise and maintain residential hostels, restaurants and other amenities for its members, their guests and nonmembers invited by the Centre. Maintain and keep in good repair all buildings and common services. Constitute or cause to be constituted Regional Centres at convenient places to promote the objectives of the Centre. Do all such other lawful activities as the Centre considers conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.

Unique Institutional Model

Based on their common concern for the habitat, the following organisations have come together to participate in an exciting venture of institution building, evolving a unique equation of synergy within the India Habitat Centre campus: All India Brick & Tile Manufacturers Federation, Core 6A, 3rd Floor All India Housing Development Association, Core 4A, 5th Floor Association of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, Core 4B, 5th Floor Building Materials & Technology Promotion Council, Core 5A, 1st Floor Central Building Research Institute, Core 6A, 2nd Floor Centre for Development Studies and Activities, Core 6A, 3rd Floor Centre for Science and Environment, Core 6A, 4th Floor Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries, Core 6A, 2nd Floor Confederation of Indian Industry, Core 4A, 4th Floor Consultancy Development Centre, Core 4B, 2nd Floor Council for Advancement of Peoples Action and Rural Technology, Core 5A, 2nd Floor Council of Architecture, Core 6A, 1st Floor Delhi Management Association, Core 6A, 1st Floor Delhi Policy Group, Core 5A, 1st Floor Delhi Urban Art Commission, Core 6A, UG Floor Foundation for Universal Responsibility, Core 4A, UG Floor Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited, Core 7A, Ground - 6th Floor Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited, Core 6A, 5th Floor

Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Core 6A, 4th Floor Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited, Core 4A, 1st Floor Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research, Core 5B, Ground Floor Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited, Core 4B, 4th Floor Institute of Social Studies Trust, Core 6A, UG Floor International Labour Organisation, Core 4B, 3rd Floor MacArthur Foundation, Core 5A, 1st Floor MCD Slum & JJ Department, Core 6A, Ground & 3rd Floor National Capital Region Planning Board, Core 4B, 1st Floor National Foundation for India, Core 4A, UG Floor National Housing Bank, Core 5A, 3rd - 5th floor National Institute of Design, Core 6A, 3rd Floor National Institute of Urban Affairs, Core 4B, 1st & 2nd Floor Population Council, Core 5A, Ground Floor Research and Information System for Developing Countries, Core 4B, 4th Floor Society for Development Studies, Core 6A, 2nd floor The Energy and Resources Institute, Core 6C University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India, Core 5A, 1st Floor Vikram Sarabhai Foundation, Core 4A, 5th Floor

For more information on the IHC Institutions please call: Habitat Library & Resource Centre at +91 11 43662022 or write to

Layout of India Habitat Centre

Gate 4

Location Footprint Margosa Lawn Silk Cotton Lawn Emerald Garden Amphitheatre The Plaza The Hub Convention Centre Silver Oak Lawn

Gates Gate 1 Gate 2 Gate 3 Gate 4

Gate No.1 Use core 4A from basement parking for: Rooms Block Restaurants Fitness Centre Amphithreatre Chauffeur driven cars can use drop off points for above listed facilities. Gate No.2 Use core 5A, 5B or 7A from basement parking for: Visual Art Gallery Emerald Garden

Silk Cotton Lawn Margosa Lawn IHC Information Office To be used to access offices of Institutions. Gate No.3 Use core 4A from basement parking for: Convention Centre Cultural Venues Habitat Library & Resource Centre Library Lounge Balance Outdoor Area Chauffeur driven cars can drop off guests at Convention Centre porch.

The Habitat Library and Resource Centre (HLRC)

The Habitat Library & Resource Centre (HLRC) is the intellectual hub of the India Habitat Centre and provides a serene haven for those interested in pursuit of knowledge, in finding a quiet corner for their research and writing or even just catching up on the happenings of the day and the goings-on in the world through the newspapers and Internet. It is a place to read, surf, learn, disseminate and debate. It is state-of-the-art and has a range of computers that can be used to browse the Internet or for researching and writing. It is also wi-fi enabled and users can bring their laptops if they wish to. The niche collections Delhi Documenta collating the different dimensions of Delhi, Joseph Stein Alcove bringing together the material on architecture and design, the Institutions Section showcasing the work of the different institutions in IHC, the growing Translations and Award-Winning Books Sections all add value to the collection of information resources in the HLRC. The HLRC offers a range of services and facilities to its users. This includes: Use of multi-media information resources including Newspapers, Periodicals, Electronic Information, Audio-Visuals, Music, Books Internet Access in half-hour slots Services such as Borrowing, E-mail - based Information Alerts, Event Alerts, New Arrivals Alerts Learning Programme on Manage Your Life with IT to help members appreciate the power of IT and use it to enrich their lives The IHC Authors Corner showcasing the publications of the members and enabling dissemination of the intellectual issues through Authors Corner Discussions organised in the Library Lounge Access to the web-based Members Habitat an exclusive space for members to access information Screening of documentaries on weekends Use of Study Carrels for members pursuing serious reading and research Coffee/Tea vending machines to enable uninterrupted use of the HLRC

Library Lounge
The Library Lounge provides a relaxing conversational space for members and it is also wi-fi enabled. It has a seating capacity of 50 persons. The open terrace seating area with 20 seats provides a panoramic view of South Delhi. Magazines and newspapers are available for general reading and light refreshments, tea and coffee are available on cash payment basis. Members may be accompanied by four guests. HLRC organises IHC Authors Corner Discussions and screens documentaries in the Library Lounge on weekends. Members Evenings are also held in Library Lounge.

IHCs Visual Arts Gallery

Where art is nurtured, where art matures, where art is simply about creativity. Established by India Habitat Centre in 2000, the Gallery has become the hub of art activity which spans different genres, crossing many boundaries. From hanging art to Cross Talks and now traversing the path of the digital world, the Gallery has a finger on the pulse of contemporary art trends leading to a union of energies and sharing of ideas. Along with two other venues at the India Habitat Centre the Open Palm Court Gallery and the Experimental Art Gallery it has been distinguished by path breaking and prestigious events that have proven successful our attempts at the creation and evolution of a critical art vocabulary. A monthly calendar of the exhibitions and other activities at the Visual Arts Gallery is sent to all the members. Members are requested to inform the IHC Information Centre if the calendars are not received regularly.



The Visual Arts Gallery of India Habitat Centre has instituted the following four awards which are given out each year to one individual based on a process of competition and selection. In order to derive synergy through collaborations and partnerships, three of our awards are done in partnership with other organisations as indicated below: 1. 2. 3. 4. Photography Award IHCs Flagship Award. Most Promising Artist Award in association with Art India. Ceramicist of the Year in association with Delhi Blue Pottery. Living in Harmony with Nature Photography Award in association with All-India Disaster Mitigation Institute.

More information on the awards is available at


Types of Membership Corporate Membership: Any organisation, society, institution or corporate body which has abiding interests in the proper development of human settlements and related areas of environment management & design, energy & ecology. a. Charitable & Non-Profit Organisations/Societies/Trusts/Universities/Institutes/R&D Organisations: Entrance Fee: ` 1,00,000/- (2 cards) Annual Subscription: ` 6,000/- (Per card) b. Each additional card up to a limit of 4 making a total of 6 for the organisation will be available for an entrance fee of ` 25,000/-. The grant of additional cards will be subject to IHC approval. Offices of U.N. Organisations in India/International Research and Development Organisations/Diplomatic Missions located in India: Entrance Fee: US $ 7,500 (2 cards) Annual Subscription: US $ 650 (Per card)

c. Other Corporate Organisations: All corporate bodies who are engaged in trade and industry can become corporate members. Entrance Fee: ` 12 lakhs (For organisations with Turnover up to and including ` 300 crores) ` 15 lakhs (For organisations with Turnover of ` 301 - ` 750 crores) ` 20 lakhs (For organisations with Turnover ` 751 crores and above) Annual subscription: ` 15,000/- (Per card)

Each Corporate Member, in this category, on admission will be entitled to nominate, subject to IHC approval, 10 members of the organisation to use the facilities of the Centre provided for individual members. For additional cards over and above the entitled number, up to a maximum of 5, the entrance fee would be ` 1,50,000/per card. The annual subscription will remain the same.

Individual Membership: The Council may admit any person, associated with or interested in habitat activities and other areas like the arts, culture, journalism or other areas of public life in any one of the following classes of membership, on payment of prescribed fees and subscription.
Associate Members: Entrance Fees: Annual Subscription:

` 35,000/` 4,000/- per year

NRIs and Individual Overseas Members: Entrance Fees: US $ 2,000 Annual Subscription: US $ 650
* Taxes as applicable will be added to the charges above.

All correspondence related to membership may be addressed to: The Director Core 5A, 6th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 * Membership of IHC is closed as on date.


Programmes at India Habitat Centre

The India Habitat Centre has established itself as a locus, a platform for cultural and intellectual activity, which provides an opportunity to display creative talents or witness excellence on display. The endeavour has been to bring to the people, the cultural dimensions of our times embodied by fine art, performance, oratorical skills and discourses on key issues. A rich variety of programmes over a broad and varied spectrum take place at the India Habitat Centre. The Convention Centre and hospitality areas are designated as Habitat World. A monthly calendar informs the members about the programmes and other activities at India Habitat Centre.


Banquets for Conferences and Seminars

Habitat World provides one of the finest convention centres in the country that is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in the conference halls, auditorium, guest rooms and documentation centre. Members and non-members can both avail of the facilities of banquets/conferences based on rates available at the Banquet Office. Confirmation of an event is based on first-come, first-served basis. There are special rates for members guests. A brief description of the various venues is given below:

Auditoria and Conference Venues

Joseph Stein Auditorium One of the best auditoria in the country, the Joseph Stein Auditorium is equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure enabling direct telecast, 35 mm projection and simultaneous interpretation in four languages. The auditorium is ideal for large conferences, seminars, film screenings, presentations, theatre and cultural performances of various types. The Theatre - Amaltas, Kadamba, Rudraksha This trinity of rooms is an extremely flexible set with individual as well as combined usage possibilities. Ideal for workshops, board meetings and theatre/ cultural performances of all types when combined to form a large space, they can also be used as individual meeting rooms.

Mahogany This is a hall best suited for small gatherings and has an attached kitchenette. It is ideal for VIP requirements, when used in conjunction with the Auditorium. Gulmohar This is a large fixed-seating hall with excellent acoustics and state-of-the-art multimedia facilities. Each table is equipped with a set of mikes. Ideal for large seminars, corporate presentations, press interactions, product launches etc. Chinar & Willow The two rooms are ideal for small functions like conferences, board meetings, presentations, workshops, seminars and parties. They can be used separately or together with possibilities of combining the foyer as well. Silver Oak One of the finest halls at Habitat World, Silver Oak also has outdoor attachments in the form of a patio as well as garden space. Ideally located on the ground floor level, the hall allows versatile use of space for various requirements - ranging from exhibitions, conferences, seminars to the finest banquet parties in the evening. The hall can be divided into two separate sections, further enhancing its versatility.


Jacaranda Elegantly carpeted, Jacaranda could be used as one large space or divided into two independent units. It is ideal for corporate meetings, seminars, workshops and fine parties. Casuarina A fixed-seating hall equipped with state-of-the-art multimedia facilities. Each table is equipped with a set of mikes. It is ideal for seminars, corporate presentations, press interactions, product launches etc. Magnolia A free-seating hall, allowing flexible seating options suited for both conference and party usage. Maple Maple has been elegantly done up for an exclusive party or a small conference. Documentation Centre The Documentation Centre at Habitat World has six cabins as well as six workstations which can be hired for variable periods of time. Fitted with all modern business aids, the Documentation Centre also provides an ideal setting for a secretariat for large international conferences.


Guest Rooms and Suites

The guest rooms at Habitat World are tastefully done up to suit a discerning guests aesthetic sense. Number of Rooms: 58 Booking: To be made by members only for themselves and their guests. Members can book up to two rooms at a time based on availability. More rooms for large conferences can be booked based on availability. Room reservations can be made for a maximum of 15 days at a stretch. Extension shall be reviewed on the 16th day and confirmed subject to availability. For block bookings consisting of around two rooms for five days (i.e. equivalent to room nights) or similar number of room nights, an advance of 50% would be payable.

Guest Room


Categories Standard Superior Suite Apartments LTT (FN) Standard Superior Suite Apartment US $ 55 US $ 68 US $ 90 US $ 95 US $ 75 US $ 90 US $ 110 US $ 115 Single ` 2,200/` 2,700/` 3,750/` 4,100/Double ` 3,050/` 3,650/` 4,750/` 5,100/-

Extra Bed: ` 400/A members guest staying in the room has to seek temporary membership to use the facilities. The charges are a minimum of ` 650/US $ 20 to cover two days for members guests and foreigners respectively with further renewals. This shall entitle them to use all the facilities that a member has during the stay, other than the special charges as in the case of Fitness Centre etc.

Cancellation Charges: In case a guest does not arrive despite having a confirmed reservation or cancels a booking at short notice, cancellation charges are billed, which are as listed below: Cancellation charges for rooms up to 4 in number: Up to 4 days notice Up to 3 days notice Up to 2 days notice Up to 1 day/same day No charges 25% of room rent (1 night) 50% of room rent (1 night) 100% of room rent (1 night)

Cancellation charges for more than 5 rooms: Up to 4 weeks notice Up to 3 weeks notice Up to 2 weeks notice Up to 1 week notice No charges 25% of room rent (1 night) 50% of room rent (1 night) 100% of room rent (1 night)

Even if no advance has been paid, in the event of a cancellation, the member has to pay cancellation charges. Members, who do not pay cancellation charges, bear the risk of having their membership revoked.

Check in/Check out Time: 12 Noon. Check in before 0700 hrs Check in between 0700-0900 hrs Check out between 1500-1800 hrs Check out after 1800 hrs Full-day tariff charged Half-day tariff charged Half-day tariff charged Full-day tariff charged

Guest occupying the room only during the day (between 0600 hrs and 1800 hrs) shall be charged 1.5 days room rent. The management shall not permit non-resident guest of occupants in their rooms after midnight. The management is not responsible for any valuables left in the room. Safe deposit boxes are available free of charge at the reception. India Habitat Centre reserves the right to amend tariff/norms without notice.
* Taxes as applicable will be added to the charges above.


Lite Zone (Fitness Centre, Swimming Pool, Gym, Spa)

Lite Zone provides a range of services and activities to its members and residential guests. Among the citys finest fitness facilities it includes one of the most comprehensive gyms, a soothing spa with sauna, steam room & jacuzzi and a roof-top swimming pool. Charged Annually Full Day Membership (7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.) - ` 20,460/Mid Day Membership (10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) - ` 17,540/Full Day Membership for a Couple - ` 32,740/Mid Day Membership for a Couple - ` 24,550/ Dependents 18 years and below for Pool only from April to October. (10.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.) - ` 1,405/ Dependents between 18 years and 25 years for Pool and Gym for any three months of the year (10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.) - ` 6,500/* Taxes as applicable will be added to the charges above.


The Film Club

The Habitat Film Club was started in March 2000. Member of the Federation of Film Societies of India, Habitat Film Club promises film buffs a rich fare of meaningful and entertaining films from across the world, interactive sessions with Directors, Producers, Actors, their retrospectives and much more. Members are exposed to the wealth and variety of cinema from across the globe - from the early classics to the avant garde styles of the new film makers as well as films from mainstream cinema showcasing the works of the legends and rising stars of Indian & world cinema. It also aims to help interested members arrive at an understanding of the history of cinema as well as keep abreast of contemporary trends.
Film Club Membership Fee Annual Fee Single Double Student (Over 18 years) IHC Members ` 400/` 600/Non-Members ` 750/` 1,000/` 300/-

Membership Forms are available at the IHC Information Centre and Convention Centre (Programme Desk/Lobby).
* Taxes as applicable will be added to the charges above.


Habitat World has a variety of highly casual and fine-dining restaurants with elaborate menu options prepared by some of the top chefs from within and outside the country.

For Members Only

Delhi O Delhi pays a nostalgic tribute to the Capital and the diversity that India has to offer in regional Indian cuisine. Past Times, the Members Bar, transports you to the England of yore. Oriental Octopus is among the Capitals most elegant and authentic far eastern cuisine restaurants. The Deck menu features cuisines of the Mediterranean & Red Seas. Delhi O Delhi The Members Dining Room on the 6th Floor has a good view of the citys eclectic skyline: views of monuments from the pages of history alongside the classic dignity of Lutyens Dehi. Celebrating the spirit of the city that is the melting pot for the nation, this Saffron & Green eatery brings to you the best that India has to offer in regional cuisine. Timings: 12.30 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. Additional guest other than member and spouse and their children (above 21 years) will be charged ` 20/- per additional guest (other than members children) Children below 10 can use the restaurant before 1.45 p.m. in the afternoon and 9.45 p.m. in the evening on weekdays and on weekends. Children of all ages are allowed


Oriental Octopus As the name suggests, this restaurant features cuisine from eight countries of the Orient: China, Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan & Singapore. The art deco interiors are done in orchid and steel and the outlet plays a wide variety of Jazz music. Timings: 12.30 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. - 11.30 p.m. Additional guest other than member and spouse will be charged ` 20/- per additional guest. (Other than members children) Children only above 18 years can use the restaurant from Monday to Friday. However, on weekends children below 10 are allowed Past Times The Members Bar at India Habitat Centre transports you into the England of yore, of gentlemens sports, of ladies with parasols, of light pub fare to wash down with every conceivable spirit. A Billiards Room is attached to the pub. Timings: 12.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m. Additional guest other than member and spouse and their children will be charged ` 20/- per additional guest All guests should be 25 years and above The Deck The Deck menu features cuisines of the Mediterranean & Red Seas a mix of Italian, Lebanese and Mediterranean. Enjoy the laidback ambience with great cocktails, Mezze platter and Tuscan flavours. Timings: 12.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. - 11.00 p.m.

Restaurants for Members and Non-Members

Eatopia Eatopia, Food Court and more, is Delhis bonafide multi-cuisine Food Court. Eatopias five express food counters offer a never before choice of cuisine from across the globe, under one roof in a trendy and fun ambience. And more a happening cyber cafe, funky video games and a play area for children complete a world class food court experience. Eatopia is open to both members and non-members of India Habitat Centre. Timings: 12:00 noon to 11:00 p.m. The All American Diner An old-world American restaurant with the ambience of the 1960s and 70s that offers a great meal experience. Typically, breakfast is available throughout the day. Timings: 7 a.m. to 12 midnight


Information Centre
The Information Centre of the India Habitat Centre is located in Core 6C and provides information on all enquiries related to membership. The working hours are as follows: Monday - Friday Saturday 10.00 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. 10.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.

Membership fees may be paid at the Information Centre. For detailed information on the Rules & Facilities, please get in touch with the concerned departments of the relevant facilities. IHC reserves the right to change any rule or rates mentioned at any time. IHC Information Centre No.s: IHC Facilities: Visual Arts Gallery (VAG): HLRC: +91 11 43662044, 43662045, 43662046 +91 11 43663333 +91 11 43662024, 43662025 +91 11 43662021, 43662022, 43662023

E-mail: Website: The Directors Office: Core 5A, 6th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 (India).


Mode of Payment (For Members)

Cash/Cheque (in the name of India Habitat Centre) All major credit cards are accepted. India Habitat Centre offers its own IHC-Citibank Affinity Card. However, annual subscription for membership and payments at Visual Art Gallery can be made vide cheque/cash only No signing/credit facilities are provided by India Habitat Centre

Reciprocal Arrangement
IHC has reciprocal arrangement with Royal Over-Seas League in London, UK. For details, please contact IHC Information Centre.



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