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E Galore Park English Course Is A Complete Course For

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The document discusses an English course published by Galore Park that covers a range of subjects and year levels.

The Galore Park English course covers subjects like grammar, spelling, punctuation, and reading comprehension for years 3 through 8.

The Junior English books provide engaging reading passages, ideas for written work, and are suitable for different year levels.



The Galore Park English course is a complete course for to English lessons while the So you really want to learn
independent school English departments, from Years range builds the knowledge required for the Common
3 to 8. The new Junior range is the perfect introduction Entrance syllabus.

• A complete course for Years 3-8 • Lively reading passages
• So you really want to learn range endorsed by • Guidance for punctuation and spelling
the ISEB • Accompanying answer books
• Clear grammar rules

Junior English 1 Junior English 2 Junior English 3

The ideal introduction to formal English lessons with Building on the work of Book 1, this text is full of The ideal bridge between Years 5 and 6, this book
grammar, spelling and punctuation blended in with wonderful extracts to enthuse pupils, together with feeds naturally to our popular So you really want to
engaging reading passages and ideas for written work. lively written exercises. learn range.
■ Suitable for use in Year 3 ■ Suitable for use in Year 4 ■ Suitable for use in Year 5
Junior English 1 @ £7.99 Junior English 2 @ £9.99 Junior English 3 @ £11.99
Junior English 1 Answer Book @ £6.99 Junior English 2 Answer Book @ £8.99 Junior English 3 Answer Book @ £10.99

So you really want to learn So you really want to learn So you really want to learn
English 1 English 2 English 3
The first text in the So you really want to learn series, this Sections on poetry introduce pupils to the joys of The perfect textbook for Year 8 pupils, So you really want
is a thorough course in grammar and comprehension literary criticism through discussion of metaphor, to learn English 3 includes more enchanting passages,
skills with lively reading passages and suggestions for symbolism, rhyme, alliteration and metre. stretching exercises and ideas to enthuse learners. Covers
written work. the syllabus for the scholarship exam.
■ Suitable for use in Year 7
■ Suitable for use in Year 6 English 2 @ £13.49 ■ Suitable for Year 8
English 1 @ £13.49 English 2 Answer Book @ £10.49 English 3 @ £13.49
English 1 Answer Book @ £10.49 English 3 Answer Book @ £10.49

New! New for


English ISEB Revision Guide English Practice Exercises 11+ & 13+ English Year 9
This brand new revision guide is designed for use These new books provide an excellent bank of practice The first in a brand new range, English Year 9 bridges
with pupils working towards Common Entrance questions for any English department. Each book the gap between Common Entrance and GCSE as
examinations at 11+ and 13+. Sample questions are contains a range of practice papers to provide you with well as maintaining pupil’s stimulation into Year 9. The
drawn from past Common Entrance papers with ample practice material for your English pupils. perfect launching pad for pre-GCSE success provides
worked examples followed by examples for candidates a thorough course to prepare pupils for the rigour of
English Practice Exercises 11+ @ £7.95
to practise. public examination.
English Practice Exercises 11+ Answers @ £5.95
English ISEB Revision Guide @ £9.50 English Practice Exercises 13+ @ £7.95 English Year 9 @ £14.49
English Practice Exercises 13+ Answers @ £5.95

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW
Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web


The Galore Park approach to mathematics is traditional examples for clarification. An outstanding feature of
and thorough with a focus on grasping the basics and our courses lies in the vast quantity of exercises for each
building on this knowledge. Clear, comprehensive topic which will enable pupils to stretch themselves to
explanations introduce every concept with worked achieve the best they can.

• A complete course for Years 3–8 • Covers the objectives of the new
• Material to challenge pupils of all abilities Numeracy Framework
• So you really want to learn range endorsed • Answer Books and Teacher’s Worksheets
by ISEB featuring photocopiable material also available

New For
New! New! 2009!

£12.99 £12.99 £12.99

Junior Maths 1 Junior Maths 2 Junior Maths 3

The first book in the Junior Maths series builds The second book in the series continues to cover the The final book in the series completes the
the foundation for mathematical study and covers objectives of the Numeracy Framework and features material required for Year 5 pupils and feeds
the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication explanations and exercises to stretch pupils of all abilities. directly into So you really want to learn Maths 1 for
and division, before moving onto more advanced use in Year 6.
■ Suitable for use in Year 4
Junior Maths 2 @ £12.99 ■ Suitable for use in Year 5
■ Suitable for use in Year 3 Junior Maths 2 Answer Book @ £10.99 Junior Maths 3 @ £12.99
Junior Maths 1 @ £12.99 Junior Maths 2 Worksheets @ £29.99 Junior Maths 3 Answer Book @ £10.99
Junior Maths 1 Answer Book @ £10.99 Junior Maths 3 Worksheets
Junior Maths 1 Worksheets @ £29.99

£14.49 £14.49 £14.49

So you really want to learn Maths So you really want to learn Maths So you really want to learn Maths
Book 1 Book 2 Book 3
The first book in the series provides a thorough This book introduces further mathematical concepts The final book in the series features more advanced material
grounding in mathematical techniques and provides including probability, algebra and data exercises. The clear for Key Stage 3 study. Topics covered include indices and
plenty of practice exercises to ensure pupils have grasped explanations and extensive practice exercises will give algebra, simultaneous equations and trigonometry.
the material covered. pupils confidence in understanding the material required ■ Suitable for use in Years 7/8
■ Suitable for use in Years 5/6 for Key Stage 3.
Maths Book 3 @ £14.49
Maths Book 1 @ £14.49 ■ Suitable for use in Years 6/7 Maths Book 3 Answer Book @ £13.49
Maths Book 1 Answer Book @ £13.49 Maths Book 2 @ £14.49
Maths Book 2 Answer Book @ £13.49 So you really want to learn Maths
So you really want to learn Maths Book 3 Worksheets CD
Book 1 Worksheets CD So you really want to learn Maths Featuring worksheets to accompany Maths Book 3, this CD
Featuring worksheets to accompany Maths Book 1, this Book 2 Worksheets is the ideal resource for teachers using the So you really want
CD is the ideal resource for teachers using the So you Featuring worksheets to accompany Maths Book 2, this to learn Maths range.
really want to learn Maths range. download is the ideal resource for teachers using the So
Maths Book 3 Worksheets (CD) @ £31.49
you really want to learn Maths range.
Maths Book 1 Worksheets (CD) @ £31.49
Maths Book 2 Worksheets (Download) @ £31.49

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW
Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web

The ISEB range of textbooks, revision guides and ISEB Revision Guide which consolidates all the
past exam papers provide excellent preparation material needed for their examination into one
for Common Entrance at 11+ and 13+. The two book. The perfect companion to the Mathematics
textbook ranges provide an excellent bank of ISEB Revision Guide, Mathematics Pocket Notes
practice material for maths departments while contains all those facts pupils need to know to pass
every pupil should have a copy of the Mathematics their exams.

• Suitable for Key Stage 2/3 pupils • Mathematics ISEB Revision Guide revised to
• Ideal for preparing your pupils for entrance reflect the new syllabus
exams at 11+ and 13+ • Mathematics Pocket Notes ideal for revision
• Textbook ranges offer an incredible bank of on the move
practice material • Complements the Galore Park maths ranges

Mathematics Questions at 11+ Mixed Maths Exercises

The two books in this series contain practice questions for Key Featuring questions on the whole range of mathematical topics learned
Stage 2 maths pupils. Book A covers exercises relating to Number, in Years 6-8, these are the ideal texts to use with your pupils for practice
Calculation and Problem Solving with Book B covering Algebra, and revision.
Shape, Space and Measures and Handling Data.
Mixed Maths Exercises – Pupil Book Year 6 @ £5.95
Mathematics Questions at 11+ (Book A) Questions @ £11.95 Mixed Maths Exercises – Pupil Book Year 7 @ £5.95
Mathematics Questions at 11+ (Book A) Answers @ £10.95 Mixed Maths Exercises – Pupil Book Year 8 (Lower) @ £5.95
Mathematics Questions at 11+ (Book B) Questions @ £11.95 Mixed Maths Exercises – Pupil Book Year 8 (Upper) @ £5.95
Mathematics Questions at 11+ (Book B) Answers @ £10.95 Mixed Maths Exercises Answers @ £3.99 each

Mathematics ISEB Revision Guide Mathematics Pocket Notes

This revision guide has been fully revised to meet the demands of This handy pocket book distils the core information required for your
the new syllabus and will prove to be the perfect revision tool for pupils at Key Stage 2/3 into a convenient pocket format. Ideal for
any of your students preparing for examinations at 11+ and 13+. revision on the move, these notes will allow your pupils to revise the key
information required to ensure their examination success.
Mathematics ISEB Revision Guide (2nd Edition) @ £9.50
Mathematics Pocket Notes @ £3.99

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW
Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web


The Galore Park Science course is a a five-part course
Intfig 15-2

supported by a range of extra material including

for independent schools. Each textbook in the series answer books and resource CDs and downloads.
contains all three sciences in one textbook and is

Saturn Uranus


Earth Mercury Mars



• A five-part course for Years 3-8 Intfig 15-1 • Material presented in a clear, comprehensive
• So you really want to learn range endorsed by and colourful way
the ISEB • Accompanying answers and Teacher’s
• Plenty of graded exercises throughout Resources also available
each book

New! New for

New for

Junior Science 1 Junior Science 2 Junior Science 3

Junior Science 1 begins the course by asking ‘What The second book in the series covers plants, solids, As pupils move into Year 5, they are introduced to more
is science?’ and stimulates scientific interest through liquids and gases, electrical circuits and more. advanced material such as habitats, chemical changes and
topics such as our bodies, rocks and dinosaurs, and Challenging exercises and scientific activities will forces. Junior Science 3 feeds directly into So you really want to
light and shadow. engage your pupils with an active interest in science. learn Science 1 for a seamless transition in learning.
Junior Science 1 @ £12.99 Junior Science 2 @ £12.99 Junior Science 3 @ £12.99
Junior Science 1 Answers Junior Science 2 Answers Junior Science 3 Answers
Junior Science Book 1 Teacher’s Resource, (Download) Junior Science Book 2 Teacher’s Resource (Download) Junior Science Book 3 Teacher’s Resource (Download)

So you really want to learn Science Book 1 So you really want to learn Science Book 2
The first of a two-part, ISEB approved course, this text brings all 3 sciences to life Designed to be used over 2 years, this book completes the topics required for Key Stage 3
with colour diagrams and extensive graded questions. and the Common Entrance syllabus for all three sciences in one volume.
■ Suitable for Years 6/7 ■ Suitable for Years 7/8
Science Book 1 @ £15.49 Science Book 2 @ £20.99
Science Book 1 Answer Book @ £13.49 Science Book 2 Answer Book @ £13.49
Science Book 1 Teacher’s Resource (Download) @ £31.49 Science Book 2 Resource (CD) @ £79.99

Also available New for


Science Pocket Notes Science ISEB Revision Guide

This series of ISEB revision guides, designed to fit easily into a pocket, contain brief This brand new revision guide is designed for use with pupils working
reminders of important ideas in the relevant syllabus area. Each book contains an towards the Common Entrance examinations at 11+ and 13+. Edited by
introduction on scientific inquiry including notes on common areas of confusion. the Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB), it provides guidance
for pupils on how to approach the examination and what to include in their
Science Pocket Notes – Living Things @ £3.00 answers.
Science Pocket Notes – Materials and Their Properties @ £3.00
Science Pocket Notes – Physical Processes @ £3.00 Science ISEB Revision Guide @ £11.99

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW

Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web GP360



The Galore Park History course runs through years, they will know how the Ancient World links to
history in a chronological way, telling the story from our own and will have covered the major part of British
the earliest times. By the time pupils get to their GCSE history from 1066 in the order that it happened.


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• Suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3 • ‘How do we know’ boxes encourage pupils to
• Chronological approach develops an understand the importance of evidence
understanding of what happened when • Source-based questions develop key
and why analytical skills

£8.99 £10.99 £12.99

Junior History Book 1 Junior History Book 2 Junior History Book 3

This first book takes the pupil through history from The second book continues the story by exploring The third book starts by looking at the Roman
the dinosaurs to the dark ages. Its lively, narrative the world of Ancient Greece and Rome. Many pupils invasions of Britain under Caesar and Claudius, and
approach starts at the beginning of time, with of this age will be beginning their first steps in Latin, then examines the period of settlement by Vikings
dinosaurs and Stone Age man, and goes on to explore and this book provides the perfect introduction to the and life in Anglo-Saxon Britain.
the wonders of Ancient Sumer, Egypt, the Minoans and wonders of the classical world.
Mycenaean Greece.
■ Suitable for use in Year 5
■ Suitable for use in Year 4 Junior History 3 @ £12 .99
■ Suitable for use in Year 3 Junior History 2 @ £10.99 Junior History 3 Answers @ £3.99
Junior History 1 @ £8.99 Junior History 2 Answers @ £3.99
Junior History 1 Answers @ £3.99

So you really want to learn History So you really want to learn History
Book 1 Book 2
This book, designed to be used over one or two This book, designed to be used over one or two
years, covers the Key Stage 3 topic of Britain 1066 years, covers the Key Stage 3 topic of Britain
– 1500. It is written by Bob Pace, the Chief ISEB 1500-1750. The style of exercises, and the way the
History Setter. material is presented, is ideal for pupils preparing
for Common Entrance at 13+.
■ Suitable for use in Years 6/7
History Book 1 @ £13.49 ■ Suitable for use in Years 7/8
History Book 1 Answer Book @ £10.49 History Book 2 @ £13.49
History Book 2 Answer Book @ £10.49

New for New for

2009! 2009!

History ISEB Revision Guide History Practice Exercises 13+

This revision guide consolidates all the key information pupils need to know for This comprehensive guide contains 30 essay questions and 108 evidence
the 1066-1500 and 1500-1750 periods into one convenient resource. Ideal for questions to test and challenge pupils whilst familiarising them with the
those working towards History entrance examinations at 13+. 13+ Common Entrance examination format. Perfect for prep or extra
practice at home!
History ISEB Revision Guide @ £10.99
History Practice Exercises 13+

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW
Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web


Galore Park is pleased to offer an exciting new course syllabus. As with all Galore Park textbooks, this
for Geography departments. So you really want to course stretches pupils with demanding content in
learn Geography is suitable for Years 6-8 and fully order that they can achieve their academic best.
meets the needs of the revised ISEB Geography

• A complete two-part course for Years 6-8 • Places emphasis on topic case studies in line
• Covers every aspect of the Common Entance with the recently revised syllabus
syllabus in detail • Material presented in a clear and
• Rigorously tests pupils with challenging comprehensive way
questions • Accompanying answer books available

Available Available
now! now!

So you really want to learn Geography Book 1 So you really want to learn Geography Book 2
The first in the Geography range covers mapwork, environmental issues, This second volume consolidates key skills introduced in the first, as well
tectonic processes, economic activities and location knowledge. With as providing a thorough and comprehensive grounding in the Key Stage 3
content that reflects the recently revised ISEB Geography syllabus and topics of landform processes, settlement, and weather and climate. There
exercises to stretch pupils of all abilities, this is the ideal course for your is also a section devoted to the location knowledge topic of the Common
Geography students. Entrance paper, as well as essential hints and tips on exam technique.
■ Suitable for use in Years 6/7 ■ Suitable for use in Years 7/8
Geography 1 @ £15.49 Geography 2 @ £15.49
Geography 1 Answer Book @ £13.49 Geography 2 Answer Book @ £13.49


Geography ISEB Revision Guide Revision Crosswords for Common Entrance and
The new edition of this revision guide has been fully updated in line with Scholarship Geography
the revised Geography syllabus and provides valuable information for any This booklet contains 23 crosswords to help pupils prepare for Common
pupils working towards Common Entrance. The text is divided into topics Entrance and scholarship. The crosswords cover all the topics required
with clear explanations and diagrams of key terminology and concepts. for the exam with two crosswords of varying difficulty per topic.

Geography ISEB Revision Guide @ £9.50 Revision Crosswords for Common Entrance and Scholarship Geography @ £5.99

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW

Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web GP362


ISEB Religious Studies

ISEB publish a range of resources for Religious Studies the 13+ Common Entrance paper. Preparing for Common
departments. Bible Stories for Today is ideal for Junior Entrance Religious Studies and the forthcoming Religious
departments with Religious Studies for Today providing Studies ISEB Revision Guide will prove ideal for all your
commentary and practice exercises for Sections 1 and 2 of pupils working towards their exams at 13+.

• Edited and endorsed by ISEB • Revision aids fully updated in line with the new
• Suitable for use with pupils in Years 5-8 syllabus
• Ideal for Common Entrance preparation • Textbooks offer extensive practice exercises

Preparing for Common Entrance Religious Studies ISEB Revision Guide

Religious Studies (Second edition) This brand new revision guide consolidates the
The new edition of this guide has been fully updated key information required for the revised Common
in line with the revised ISEB syllabus and is ideal for all Entrance Religious Studies exam (Syllabus A) into one
students approaching their Religious Studies Common convenient resource. Ideal for use in conjunction with
Entrance or Scholarship exams. The guide features Preparing for Common Entrance Religious Studies, this
plenty of examples of actual examination answers with guide is ideal for your students as they approach their
commentary and analysis and there is also information examination.
on coursework and suggestions for further reading.
■ Suitable for use in Years 7-8
■ Suitable for use in Years 7-8 Religious Studies ISEB Revision Guide @ £9.50
Preparing for Common Entrance Religious Studies @ £9.50

Written by the chief setter, it is a truly authoritative guide – candidates can approach the exams in
the knowledge that they have had ‘tips from the top’!’
Oliver Bullock, Beechwood Park School on Preparing for Common Entrance Religious Studies

Bible Stories for Today Religious Studies for Today

This textbook provides a Bible-based course for Junior This textbook provides commentary and practice
school pupils. It covers the chapters suggested for exercises for Sections 1 and 2 of the 13+ Common
study as background preparation for the 13+ Religious Entrance exam. Each chapter includes work which
Studies Common Entrance examination paper. links the text to contemporary issues and concludes
with practice questions on the topic.
■ Suitable for use in Years 5-8
Bible Stories for Today @ £11.95 ■ Suitable for use in Years 5-8
Religious Studies for Today @ £11.95

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW

Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web GP363



Galore Park offer an unrivalled range of resources for Latin studies. Each series features the clear explanations
Classics departments. The So you really want to learn and challenging exercises that are the hallmark of the
Latin and Latin Prep textbook series are supported by a Galore Park range.
range of revision resources to help pupils excel in their

So you really want to learn Latin So you really want to learn Latin Prep
This three-part course starts from scratch and takes learners up to GCSE level. Latin Prep is a clear, colourful, structured course written by Theo Zinn, formerly
No prisoners are taken in this no-nonsense, rigorous course hailed by the Daily Head of Classics at Westminster. What Theo can’t teach your pupils about Latin
Telegraph as the course “that everyone who wants to learn Latin now and in the isn’t worth teaching.
future should have.”
Latin Prep Book 1 @ £13.49
Latin Book 1 (Hardback) @ £13.49 Latin Prep Book 1 Answer Book @ £10.49
Latin Book 1 Answer Book @ £10.49
Latin Prep Book 2 @ £13.49
Latin Book 2 (Hardback) @ £13.49 Latin Prep Book 2 Answer Book @ £10.49
Latin Book 2 Answer Book @ £10.49
Latin Prep Book 3 @ £13.49
Latin Book 3 (Hardback) @ £15.49 Latin Prep Book 3 Answer Book @ £10.49
Latin Book 3 (Paperback) @ £13.49
Latin Book 3 Answer Book @ £10.49 New!
So you really want to learn Latin Prep 1 Audio (Download) @ £19.55
So you really want to learn Latin Prep 1 Audio (CD) @ £24.46

So you really want to learn Latin

So you really want to learn Latin
Prep Workbooks 1A and 1B
Designed to be used alongside Latin Prep 1,, these
This lively set of Latin passages for translation
two Workbooks cover chapters 1 – 5
into English are suitable for those taking their
and 6 – 10 respectively and include grammar
first steps in Latin and are geared to the
and translation exercises as well as exercises
grammar and syntax of So you really want to
for consolidation.
learn Latin Book 1.
Latin Workbook 1A @ £6.99
Latin Translations @ £11.49
Latin Workbook 1A (Pack of 10) @ £49.99
Latin Workbook 1B @ £6.99
Latin Workbook 1B (Pack of 10) @ £49.99
Latin Prep 1 Workbook Answers @ £6.99

So you really want to learn

A Taste of Latin Poetry
Latin Puzzles
This text contains English translations from
Julian Morgan’s wonderful addition to our
some of the greatest writers of all time. From
Latin range includes crosswords, puzzles and
the grandeur of Virgil to the humour of Ovid,
word searches for pupils in their first year
these poems bring the wonders of the Roman
of Latin. Perfect for light relief as well as
world to life.
vocabulary revision.
A Taste of Latin Poetry @ £11.49
Latin Puzzles @ £10.49
Latin Puzzles (Pack of 10) @ £59.99

New For
Latin Galore Nil Desperandum
Latin Galore is an interactive revision Nil Desperandum is an interactive program
program for pupils to use at home. The for teachers to use in the classroom with their
program runs on PCs and allows pupils to pupils. It contains a massive repository of tests
practise translation, revise their grammar and aimed at Common Entrance levels 1-3 and
vocabulary and perform a whole range of useful scholarship. A free demo is available on our
drills to ensure that they master this website for you to try before you buy.
wonderful language.
Nil Desperandum @ £129.99
Latin Galore @ £14.99

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW

Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web GP364


ISEB Classics
ISEB publishes a range of popular resources suitable and translation resources which are ideal for practice
for Classics departments. The Latin Practice Exercises and consolidation. Greek – A New Guide for Beginners is
textbook series is supported by a range of revision guides also available for those starting this language.
Latin Practice Exercises*
ISEB Latin Practice Exercises is a three-part series leading up to Common
Entrance. Written by Bob Bass, ISEB Chief Setter for Classics, this series
features extensive practice exercises to ensure that students have grasped
the material covered. All books complement the Galore Park Latin textbook
series to provide unrivalled preparation for Common Entrance at 13+.
Latin Practice Exercises Level 1 (previously Ab Initio 1) @ £9.99
Latin Practice Exercises Level 1 Answer Book @ £8.99
Ab Initio II (To be replaced by Latin Practice Exercises Level 2) - £7.95
Latin Practice Exercises Level 3 (previously Ab Initio 3) @ £12.99
Latin Practice Exercises Level 3 Answer Book @ £11.99

* Please note that Latin Practice Exercises was previously titled Ab Initio. The new books are not
greatly different from Ab Initio; the pagination and page layout is slightly different and there have
been some occasional changes here and there, largely to even out the mark allocation.

A Latin Revision Reference Book for The Jason Story Ab Initio – A Latin Reference Grammar
Common Entrance A Latin Reader This booklet contains all the grammar required at Key
These two pocket-sized books contain all the grammar This reader is suitable for those who have Stage 3, Common Entrance and scholarship. It is ideal
and vocabulary prescribed for Common Entrance Levels attained a high level of Latin competence. for any Latin student regardless of the Latin course
1 and 2. Both are ideal revision aids for any student Section 1 contains manageable reading passages being followed.
working towards the Common Entrance exam. followed by vocabulary. Section 2 reviews the
Ab Initio – A Latin Reference Grammar @ £6.50
major constructions (purpose clauses, indirect
A Latin Revision Reference Book for Common Entrance
commands, consecutive clauses, verbs of fearing
Level 1 @ £2.99
and indirect statements) followed by vocabulary.
A Latin Revision Reference Book for Common Entrance
Level 2 @ £2.99 The Jason Story – A Latin Reader @ £7.95

Latin Vocabulary for Key Stage Latin Flash Cards Edition!
3 and Common Entrance* This set of Latin Flash Cards comprises all the
Latin words required at Key Stage 3, Common
Written by Bob Bass, ISEB Chief Setter for
Entrance and scholarship. Each card gives the
Classics, this slim volume contains all the
Latin word, grammatical information, meaning,
vocabulary for Common Entrance in one volume
exam level and, where relevant, an English
with each word shaded according to its level for
derivation to help with remembering the
ease of use.
word. These cards are ideal for vocabulary
Latin Vocabulary for Key Stage 3 and Common Entrance building and exam revision.
@ £5.99
Latin Flash Cards @ £11.99

* Please note that this title was previously titled Latin Word List and has been renamed Latin Vocabulary for Key Stage 3 and Common
Entrance to bring it in line with the ISEB vocabulary books in French, German and Spanish.

Greek: A New Guide for Beginners

This is a beginners’ textbook for all learners of Ancient Greek. A vocabulary
list and grammar summary are included at the back of the book together with
practice passages and translation exercises.
Greek - A New Guide for Beginners @ £6.50

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW
Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web


The Galore Park French course is a language course for solid language learning. All books are supported
with substance. Verb tables, grammar rules, translation by audio material and answer books while assessment
exercises... all these elements build the foundation CDs provide extra material for learners.

• A three-part course for Years 5-8 • Audio CDs feature authentic native speakers
• All Common Entrance topics covered • Photocopiable assessment material available
• Encourages gradual vocabulary acquisition • Accompanying answer books

So you really want to learn French So you really want to learn French So you really want to learn French
Book 1 Book 2 Book 3
The first in the three-part course, this book builds the French Book 2 covers the remaining topics needed The final book in the French course, Book 3
foundation for language learning. Clear explanations for the Common Entrance exam. Students will gain contains revision of all topics previously covered
are supported by demanding exercises to ensure that confidence working through the challenging exercises in Books 1 and 2 and extension work suitable for
students are quickly engrossed in the challenges of and extensive grammatical practice. scholarship preparation.
this subject.
■ Suitable for Years 6/7 ■ Suitable for Years 7/8
■ Suitable for Years 5/6 French Book 2 @ £14.49 French Book 3 @ £14.49
French Book 1 @ £14.49 French Book 2 Answer Book @ £13.49 French Book 3 Answer Book @ £13.49
French Book 1 Answer Book @ £13.49 French Book 2 Audio (CD) @ £20.55 French Book 3 Audio (CD) @ £24.45
French Book 1 Audio (CD) @ £20.55 French Book 2 Assessment Pack @ £30.80 French Book 3 Audio (Download) @ £19.55
French Book 1 Assessment Pack @ £30.80

French Vocabulary for Key Stage 3 Common Entrance French Grammar Skeleton French
and Common Entrance (2nd Edition) Handbook Skeleton French focuses on the ‘bare bones’ of French
This handy booklet is a guide to the core This handy booklet is a guide to the essential grammar and provides clear explanations and examples to
vocabulary encountered at Common Entrance. grammatical knowledge expected at Common demystify the essentials. The accompanying CD features
All eighteen topics required for the exam are Entrance. It contains an explanation of all spoken examples of passages throughout the book to
covered with vocabulary divided into basic and grammatical definitions as well as a full set of develop listening skills as well as an authentic French
more advanced. verb tables. accent.
French Vocabulary for Key Stage 3 and Common Entrance Common Entrance French Grammar Handbook @ £5.50 Skeleton French @ £15.49
(2nd Edition) @ £5.99

New for
French Practice Exercises 13+
French Practice Exercises 13+ is the perfect resource for those working towards French entrance examinations at 13+. All four
skills of speaking, reading, listening and writing are covered to ensure that pupils are fully prepared for every aspect of the exam.

French Practice Exercises 13+ at £8.95

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW

Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web GP365



The Galore Park Spanish course teaches Spanish from well as an Assessment Pack to support Spanish Book 1.
scratch right up to Common Entrance and Scholarship Verbs, grammar and translation are all tested within the
level and is supported by answer books and audio CDs as four key skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

• A complete course for prep schools • Full, realistic vocabulary lists
• Strong emphasis on grammar • Photocopiable material available
• Native speakers on audio CDs • Accompanying answer books

So you really want to learn Spanish So you really want to learn So you really want to learn
Spanish Book 1 Spanish Book 2 Spanish Book 3
Written by a senior examiner, Book 1 brings Spanish to The second book in the series provides pupils with a The final book in the series takes students right up to
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Elizabeth Holtom

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throughout the text and use it as a constant guide to future success.
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Exercises to improve your

Fascinating information about how you learn
study techhnique
8 Study Skills Chapter 1: All about you 9 10 Study Skills

Brain-friendly dishes of the day

All about you Here are a few dishes for you to choose from. Think positively
You want to get the best out of your brain so you must become a positive, can-
do student. Your brain is very trusting. It believes what you tell it.
1.1 Your amazing brain Breakfast
Tell yourself you are a great student who is going to do well. Your brain will
Clench your two fists and hold them next to each other. Homemade muesli
with grains, seeds believe you.
This is about the size of your brain. Scientists believe it Add yoghourt/milk and dried fruit.
contains more than one hundred billion neurons or brain
Porridge topped with Tell your brain ‘I can’t do this’ and it will believe that instead.
cells. You learn by making connections between neurons. dried fruit and honey
Your brain is capable of more connections than there are Eggs - poache d/boile
d - with multi-grain Even when you have something tough to learn, tell your brain ‘I can do this but
atoms in the known universe. Yes, it really is amazing! Banana and apple toast
smoothies I am going to need a little help.’
Dried fruit/fresh Give your brain positive messages so it will want to study.
Dandrites fruit
Toast and peanut
Mixed nuts and raisins
Cell body
Blueberry/cranberry Exercise 1.1: Positive thinking
cookies Here’s a good way to train yourself to think positively:
Axon connects
with dantrites of
other neurons
Spinach and noodle £°ÊThink of an activity you really enjoy.
Spaghetti with sun-dr Ó°ÊClose your eyes or look up.
ied tomatoes, basil
Salmon fish cakes and pine nuts
with a couscous salad ΰÊPicture yourself enjoying this activity.
Look after your brain Tuna and grated carrot
salad {°ÊNotice how good you feel – focus on that warm glow
Your brain is really special so it makes sense to find out how to look after it. Caesar salad
you have inside you.
Sesame beef stir
fry x°ÊPicture yourself walking into the room where you
Get plenty of exercise Lean beefburgers
with a bulgar wheat are going to take a test or exam.
Believe it or not, your brain is greedy. BBQ lamb pizza on salad
a wholemeal base
It is only about 2% of your body weight, but Fresh fruit salad with with green salad È°ÊKeep that warm glow inside as you smile, look calmly at
it uses 20% of the oxygen energy that you dried fruits, seeds the paper, knowing you are ready to do your best.
and natural yoghou
produce. Your brain needs lots and lots of rt
oxygen to keep it working well. Positive thinking gets the best out of your brain. Be proud
of all of your successes and enjoy that warm feeling you
The best way to boost your oxygen levels is Watch out! get inside.
by getting plenty of exercise. All that deep Junk food full of additives will damage your concentration.
breathing you have to do when you run around will force more oxygen into Sugar-coated breakfast cereals will give you a quick energy
Keep calm.
your lungs and increase the amount of oxygen in your blood stream. This burst but are followed by a much longer energy slump. Fizzy
Your brain is very sensitive. It can cope with small amounts of
means more oxygen gets sent to the brain. Just standing up will increase your drinks are rich in sugar too and can make you hyperactive. This
stress. Indeed,
heartbeat by ten beats per minute so think what a good run around will do. will block concentration. So, if you love this kind of food and
a little stress can produce just the right amount of adrenaline to
What do you already do to boost oxygen to the brain? drink, keep them for a treat when you are not learning.
help you finish a project on time, learn for that test or be ready for
Eat a healthy diet exams. However, large amounts of stress are bad for it. Have you
Dehydration will also damage your concentration. Make sure
Smart learners know how important it is to eat a brain-friendly diet to help ever thought ‘My mind has gone blank’? This means your thinking
you drink plenty of water while you are studying.
boost their grades. Here are some of the things on their menu. Make sure your brain has shut down because it is under too much stress. So make
diet is brain-friendly too. sure that you keep calm.

Valuable advice on exam technique Practical tips on how to retain information

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Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web


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A 50-step synthetic phonics course
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Galore Park – Shortlisted for IPG Educational Publisher of the Year 2007

Verbal Reasoning
Galore Park distributes the Learning Together Verbal teachers with many years’ experience of preparing pupils
Reasoning books which provide excellent practice for entrance examinations at 11+, each book features
for pupils being tested on this discipline. Written by material to stretch and challenge pupils of all abilities.

• Ideal for pupils working towards entrance • How to do book provides explanations and
exams at 11+ exercises
• Plenty of practice exercises in all books • Preparation for books provide a set of
• Answers provided at the back of the books tests which can be performed under
exam conditions


Give the next letter in each series. The alphabet is printed to help you.
How to do Verbal Reasoning
A Step by Step Guide

Look at these examples.

1. B, D, F, H, J , ..L...,

This book is ideal for those who are new to verbal

The answer is L, because the pattern is to count forwards in twos from the first given letter.

B CD EF GH I J, and now K L

2. Z, Y, W, T, P, .K...,
reasoning and provides explanation and exercises for
a wide range of verbal reasoning tasks. An explanation
The answer is K, because the pattern is to count backwards from the first given letter:-
first one, then two, then three, then four, and lastly five.


of how to approach the task is provided on the left
THINGS TO LOOK FOR:- hand page with ten practice exercises on the right hand
• BE CAREFUL WITH MIXED PATTERNS (LIKE EXAMPLE 2) page. ‘Things to look out for’ are highlighted and a full
STEP 1:-

STEP 2:-
Look to see if the series is going forwards or backwards.

Mark the patterns on the alphabet, as in the two examples above.

set of answers is provided at the back of the book.
STEP 3:- Check the pattern.

How to do Verbal Reasoning – A Step by Step Guide @ £5.99

STEP 4:- Continue the pattern correctly to find the next letter in the series.

Step by Step Verbal Reasoning sample provided for Galore Park Books by
Page 16


Which letter appears once in TUMBLED but twice in RESTAURANT?

Which letter appears once in ROMANTIC but not at all in FORMATION?


Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests
Verbal Reasoning Books 1-4
3. Two times ten is the same as a number multiplied by four. What is the number? (____________)

4. A banana and 2 apples cost 86p. Two bananas and 2 apples cost £1.16.
How much is an apple? (____________)

In the questions below TWO words must change places so that the sentences make sense.
Underline the TWO words that must change places.

Look at this example: The wood was made of table.

Each of these books contains five tests comprising
85 questions. The questions increase in difficulty
5. The television was breakfast on after switched.

6. A car outside down broke the garage.

as pupils progress through the series; Book 1 is

7. Take great care crossing when a busy road.

8. Not a pen I can without do my homework.

ideal for beginners with the later books suitable for

9. Making a foolish decision is sometimes hasty.

those more experienced in verbal reasoning. Space

The table below gives some information about the subtraction of numbers in the top row from
numbers in the left hand column. Complete the table.

10. 2.6 4.9 for writing the answers is provided and a full set of
11, 12. 7.8 2.9
answers is included at the back of the book. Please
13, 14. 5.3 1.2

note that these books do not include any explanation.

Verbal Reasoning Book 2 sample pages provided for Galore Park Books by
Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests - Verbal Reasoning @ £5.99 each

Six shoppers E, F, G, H, I and J queue at a supermarket check-out.

E is four places in front of I.
H is three behind E.
F is nearer the front of the queue than J.
There are two shoppers in front of G and none behind I.
List the shoppers in the queue from first to last.
Verbal Reasoning Challenge Tests
1 (_______) 1st

2 (_______) 2nd
Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests
3 (_______) 3rd

These are the most advanced verbal reasoning tests available

4 (_______) 4th

5 (_______) 5th

6 (_______) 6th from Learning Together. The pack contains three tests each
comprising 100 extended verbal reasoning questions of
Five towns are situated close together. Town A is North East of town B and South East of town C.
C is North of B and West of town D which is North East of A. Town E is South of D and East of B.
Which direction is it from?
the type which requires the pupil to deal with a number
7 Town C to town E. (______________________) of pieces of information at the same time. Answers are
8 Town D to town B. (______________________)
provided in a separate answer booklet.
9 Town A to town E. (______________________)

10 Town E to town C. (______________________)

Verbal Reasoning Challenge Tests - Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests @ £5.99
Verbal Reasoning Challenge Test samples provided by
Test 2 page 1

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW
Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web

Non-Verbal Reasoning
The Learning Together books provide excellent practice stretch and challenge pupils of all abilities and answers
for the increasing number of pupils being tested on are provided at the back of the book.
Non-Verbal Reasoning. Each book features material to

• Ideal for pupils working towards entrance • How to do book provides explanations and
exams at 11+ exercises
• Both multiple choice and standard format • Preparation for books provide a set of
tests available tests which can be performed under
• Answers provided at the back of the books exam conditions


Give the next letter in each series. The alphabet is printed to help you.
How to do Non-Verbal Reasoning
A Step by Step Guide

Look at these examples.

1. B, D, F, H, J , ..L...,

This book is ideal for those who are new to non-

The answer is L, because the pattern is to count forwards in twos from the first given letter.

B CD EF GH I J, and now K L

2. Z, Y, W, T, P, .K...,
verbal reasoning and provides explanation and
exercises for a wide range of non-verbal reasoning
The answer is K, because the pattern is to count backwards from the first given letter:-
first one, then two, then three, then four, and lastly five.


tasks. Step by step instructions on how to approach
THINGS TO LOOK FOR:- the exercises is provided on the left hand page with
• BE CAREFUL WITH MIXED PATTERNS (LIKE EXAMPLE 2) ten practice exercises on the right hand page. A full
STEP 1:-

STEP 2:-
Look to see if the series is going forwards or backwards.

Mark the patterns on the alphabet, as in the two examples above.

set of answers is provided at the back of the book.
STEP 3:- Check the pattern.

How to do Non-Verbal Reasoning – A Step by Step Guide @ £5.99

STEP 4:- Continue the pattern correctly to find the next letter in the series.

Step by Step Verbal Reasoning sample provided for Galore Park Books by
Page 16

1. Which letter appears once in TUMBLED but twice in RESTAURANT? (____________)

2. Which letter appears once in ROMANTIC but not at all in FORMATION? (____________)

3. Two times ten is the same as a number multiplied by four. What is the number? (____________)

4. A banana and 2 apples cost 86p. Two bananas and 2 apples cost £1.16.
How much is an apple? (____________)

In the questions below TWO words must change places so that the sentences make sense.
Underline the TWO words that must change places.
Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests
Look at this example: The wood was made of table.


The television was breakfast on after switched.

A car outside down broke the garage.

Non-Verbal Reasoning
7. Take great care crossing when a busy road.

8. Not a pen I can without do my homework.

Multiple choice or standard format available

9. Making a foolish decision is sometimes hasty.

The table below gives some information about the subtraction of numbers in the top row from
numbers in the left hand column. Complete the table.

10. 2.6 4.9

Each of these books contains five tests
11, 12. 7.8 2.9
comprising 75 questions. The questions
13, 14. 5.3 1.2

increase in difficulty as pupils progress

through the series; Book 1 is ideal for
Verbal Reasoning Book 2 sample pages provided for Galore Park Books by
beginners with Book 2 suitable for those
more experienced in non-verbal reasoning.
Which shape is the same but facing the opposite direction? Select one
Please note that these books do not
include any explanation.
letter each time and mark it on the answer sheet.
Look at B
this example. C

NB These two books are available as either

multiple choice or standard format. Each book
contains the same questions; it is the answer
format which is different.
Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests – Non-Verbal
Reasoning standard @ £5.99 each
Preparation for 11+ and 12+ tests – Non-Verbal
Reasoning multiple choice @ £5.99 each

MC Non-Verbal Reasoning Book 1 samples provided for Galore Park Books by

Galore Park Publishing, 19/21 Sayers Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6BW

Order line +44 (0)1580 764242 Web GP367

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