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Wendt - Social Theory of International Relations

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The key takeaways are that the course will examine social theory and its application to international relations. It will look at IR as a social science and the relationship between material conditions and ideas. It will also examine micro-theories, macro-theories and process theories in relation to the agent-structure problem.

The three approaches to the agent-structure problem examined are: 1) micro-theories, which focus on the interaction of parts and explain in bottom-up fashion; 2) macro-theories, which start with structure and explain top-down; and 3) process theories, which seek to transcend the agent-structure binary altogether.

The three course requirements are: 1) active participation in class discussions, 2) writing three 2-page memos on weekly readings, and 3) writing either one 25-page research paper or two 10-12 page critical review essays.


Alexander Wendt Office: Hours: Phone: Email: Derby 2180 and Mershon 204C As needed by appointment. 2-9219

Overview Social theory is a trans-disciplinary but essentially philosophical inquiry into the ontology and epistemology of social life in general into how we should think about thinking about society rather than its concrete manifestations in actually existing societies. This is not a course in social theory per se, but in social theory of International Relations, which brings this problematic to bear on the particular subject matter of world politics and its study. The course is organized into two parts. Part I briefly takes up the question of IR as a social science and then the relationship between material conditions and ideas. Part II then examines in more depth three approaches to the agent-structure problem, or how the parts of the international system should be understood to relate to the whole: 1) micro-theories, which focus on the interaction of parts and explain in bottom-up fashion; 2) macro-theories, which start with structure and explain top-down; and 3) process theories, which seek to transcend the agent-structure binary altogether. Readings There are no books required for this course; all the required readings are articles or chapters available online through Carmen. However, students will be assumed to have read, and studied, three books already: Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics (Addison-Wesley, 1979); Robert Keohane, After Hegemony (Princeton University Press, 1984), and my Social Theory of International Politics (Cambridge University Press, 1999). In case refreshment is called for, parts of these books are listed below as assumed background. Expectations There are three course requirements. 1) All students are expected to attend class and participate actively and in an informed fashion in class discussions. (20% of the final grade) 2) All students will write three 2-page memos on three weeks readings of their choice, 1

with memos due the night before that class session (20%). 3) All students will write EITHER: a) One 25 page research paper (60%). OR b) Two 10-12 page critical review essays (30% each). Journal Abbreviations APSR = American Political Science Review EJIR = European Journal of International Relations IO = International Organization IS = International Security ISQ = International Studies Quarterly ISR = International Studies Review IT = International Theory JCMS = Journal of Common Market Studies JIRD = Journal of International Relations and Development RIPE = Review of International Political Economy RIS = Review of International Studies

CALENDAR Jan. 4: COURSE INTRODUCTION Background: Wendt, Social Theory, chapter 1. Required: Wendt, Alexander (2004) The state as person in international theory, RIS, 30, 289316, 289-316. Further Reading: On State Personhood: Franke, Ulrich and Ulrich Roos (2010) Actor, Structure, Process: Transcending the State Personhood Debate by Means of a Pragmatist Ontological Model for IR Theory, RIS, 36, 1057-1077. Schiff, Jacob (2008) Real? As if! Critical reflections on state personhood, RIS, 34, 363-77. Krolikowski, Alanna (2008) State Personhood in Ontological Security Theories of 2

International Relations and Chinese Nationalism: A Sceptical View, Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2, 109-133. Faizullaev, Alisher (2007) Individual experiencing of states, RIS, 33, 531-54. Neumann, Iver (2004) Beware of Organicism: The Narrative Self of the State, RIS, 30, 259-268. Wight, Colin (2004) State Agency: Social Action without Human Activity?, RIS, 30, 269-280. Jackson, Patrick (2004) Hegels House, or People are States Too, RIS, 30, 281-288. Ringmar, Erik (1996) On the Ontological Status of the State, EJIR, 2, 439-466. On Constructivism Generally: Klotz, Audie, and Cecelia Lynch (2007) - Strategies for Research in Constructivist International Relations, M.E. Sharpe. Guzzini, Stefano and Anna Leander, eds. (2006) Constructivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and his Critics, Routledge. Hopf, Ted (2002) Social Construction of International Politics, Cornell University Press. Adler, Emanuel (2002) Constructivism and international relations, in W. Carlsnaes, et al., eds., Handbook of International Relations, Sage. Zehfuss, Maja (2002) Constructivism in International Relations, Cambridge University Press. Sterling-Folker, Jennifer (2002) Realism and the constructivist challenge, ISR, 4, 73100. Finnemore, Martha and Kathryn Sikkink (2001) Taking stock: The constructivist research program in international relations and comparative politics, Annual Review of Political Science, 4, 391-416. Keohane, Robert, et al. (2000) - Forum on Alexander Wendt, RIS, 26, 123-180. Kratochwil, Friedrich (2000) - Constructing a new orthodoxy? Wendts Social Theory of International Politics and the constructivist challenge, Millennium, 29, 73102. Checkel, Jeffrey (1998) - The constructivist turn in international relations theory, World Politics, 50, 324-48. Hopf, Ted (1998) The promise of constructivism in international relations theory, IS, 23, 171-200. Schmidt, Brian (1998) The Political Discourse of Anarchy: A Disciplinary History of International Relations, SUNY Press. Adler, Emanuel (1997) - Seizing the middle ground: Constructivism in world politics, EJIR, 3, 319-62. Kratochwil, Friedrich (1989) - Rules, Decisions, and Norms, Cambridge University Press. Onuf, Nicholas (1989) World of Our Making, University of South Carolina Press. Wendt, Alexander (1987) The agent-structure problem in international relations theory, IO, 41, 335-370. 3

PART I: PHILOSOPHICAL PRELIMINARIES Jan 11: CAN PRAGMATISM END THE 3rd DEBATE? Background: Waltz, Theory, chapter 1. Wendt, Social Theory, chapter 2. Wight, Colin (2002) Philosophy of social science and international relations, in W. Carlsnaes, et al., eds., Handbook of International Relations, Sage. Required: Wendt, Alexander (1998) - On constitution and causation in international relations, RIS, 24, special issue, 101-117. Sil, Rudra and Peter Katzenstein (2010) Analytical Eclecticism in the Study of World Politics, Perspectives on Politics, 8, 411-431. Monteiro, Nuno and Keven Ruby (2009) IR and the False Promise of Philosophical Foundations, IT, 1, 15-48. Friedrichs, Jorg and Friedrich Kratochwil (2009) On Acting and Knowing: How Pragmatism Can Advance IR Research and Methodology, IO, 63, 701-731. Price, Richard (2008) Moral Limit and Possibility in World Politics, IO, 62, 191-220. Further Reading: Jahn, Beate (2009) Liberal Internationalism: From Ideology to Empirical Theory and Back Again, IT, 1, 409-438; lengthy subsequent exchange with Moravcsik in the following issue. Kurki, Milja (2008) Causation in International Relations, Cambridge University Press. Suganami, Hidemi (2008) Narrative Explanation and International Relations: Back to Basics, Millennium, 37, 327-356. Best, Jacqueline (2008) Ambiguity, Uncertainty, and Risk: Rethinking Indeterminacy, International Political Sociology, 2, 355-74. Aalberts, Tanja and Rens van Munster (2008) From Wendt to Kuhn: Reviving the Third Debate in International Relations, International Politics, 45, 720-746. Pouliot, Vincent (2007) Sobjectivism: Toward a Constructivist Methodology, ISQ, 51, 359-384. Acharya, Amitav and Barry Buzan (2007) Why is There No Non-Western International Relations Theory?, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 7, 287-312. Lebow, Richard Ned and Mark Lichbach, eds. (2007) Theory and Evidence in Comparative Politics and International Relations, Palgrave. Various authors (2007) Forum: Scientific and Critical Realism in International Relations, Millennium, 35, 343-416 Kratochwil, Friedrich (2006) History, action and identity, EJIR, 12, 5-29. 4

Chernoff, Fred (2006) The Power of International Theory: Reforging the Link to Foreign Policy-Making through Scientific Enquiry, Routledge. Kurki, Milja (2006) Causes of a divided discipline: rethinking the concept of cause in International Relations theory, RIS, 32, 189-216. Ish-shalom, Piki (2006) Theory as a Hermeneutical Mechanism: The DemocraticPeace Thesis and the Politics of Democratization, EJIR, 12, 565-98. Tickner, Ann (2005) What Is Your Research Program? Some Feminist Answers to International Relations Methodological Questions, ISQ, 49, 1-21. Walt, Stephen M. (2004) The Relationship between Theory and Policy in International Relations, Annual Review of Political Science, 8, 23-48. Elman, Colin and Miriam Fendius Elman, eds. (2003) Progress in International Theory, MIT Press. Goertz, Gary and Harvey Starr, eds. (2003) Necessary Conditions: Theory, Methodology, and Applications, Rowman and Littlefield. Herrmann, Richard (2002) Linking theory to evidence in international relations, in W. Carlsnaes, et al., eds., Handbook of International Relations, Sage. Chernoff, Fred (2002) Scientific realism as a meta-theory of international politics, ISQ, 46, 189-208. Cochran, Molly (2002) Deweyan pragmatism and post-positivist social science in IR, Millennium, 31, 525-48. Elman, Colin and Miriam Fendius Elman, eds. (2001) Bridges and Boundaries: Historians, Political Scientists, and the Study of International Relations, MIT Press. Locher, Birgit and Elisabeth Prugl (2001) Feminism and constructivism: worlds apart or sharing the middle ground?, ISQ, 45, 111-29. Wendt, Alexander (2001) - What is IR for?: Notes toward a post-critical view, in R. Wyn Jones, ed., Critical Theory and World Politics, Lynne Rienner. Bernstein, Steven, et al. (2000) God gave physics the easy problems: Adapting social science to an unpredictable world, EJIR, 6, 43-76. Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2000) Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference, Princeton University Press. Patomaki, Heikki and Colin Wight (2000) After postpositivism? The promises of critical realism, ISQ, 44, 213-37. Milliken, Jennifer (1999) The Study of Discourse in International Relations: A Critique of Research and Methods, EJIR, 5, 225-254. Price, Richard and Christian Reus-Smit (1998) Dangerous liaisons? Critical international theory and constructivism, EJIR, 4, 259-94. Weberman, David (1997) The nonfixity of the historical past, Review of Metaphysics, 50, 749-68. Neufeld, Mark (1993) Interpretation and the science of international relations, RIS, 19, 39-61. Hollis, Martin and Steve Smith (1990) Explaining and Understanding International Relations, Clarendon Press. Lapid, Yosef (1989) The Third Debate: on the prospects of international theory in a 5

post-positivist era, ISQ, 33, 235-54. Onuf, Nicholas (1989) - World of Our Making: Rules and Rule in Social Theory and International Relations, University of South Carolina Press. Jan 18: ONTOLOGY I: THE POWER OF MATERIAL CONDITIONS? Background: Waltz, Theory, chapter ### Wendt, Social Theory, chapter 3. Required: Brooks, Stephen and William Wohlforth (2000/01) Power, globalization, and the end of the Cold War: Reevaluating a landmark case for ideas, IS, 25, 5-53. Deudney, Daniel (2000) - Geopolitics as theory: Historical security materialism, EJIR, 6, 77-107. Bieler, Andreas, and Adam David Morton (2007) The Deficits of Discourse in IPE: Turning Base Metal into Gold? ISQ, 52, 103-28. Aradau, Claudia (2010) Security that Matters: Critical Infrastructure and Objects of Protection, Security Dialogue, 41, 491-514. Wapner, Paul (2002) The Sovereignty of Nature? Environmental Protection in a Postmodern Age, ISQ, 46, 167-88. Further Reading: Meyer, Christoph and Eva Strickmann (2011) Solidifying Constructivism and European Defence, JCMS, 49, 61-81. Thies, Cameron (2010) State Socialization and Structural Realism, Security Studies, 19, 689-717. Manjikian, Mary McEvoy (2010) From Global Village to Virtual Battlespace: The Colonizing of the Internet and the Extension of Realpolitik, ISQ, 54, 381-401. Neumann, Iver (2008) The Body of the Diplomat, EJIR, 14, 671-695. Sorensen, Georg (2008) The Case for Combining Material Forces and Ideas in the Study of IR, EJIR, 14, 5-32. Wagner, R. Harrison (2007) War and the State: The Theory of International Politics, University of Michigan Press. Deudney, Daniel H. (2006) Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village, Princeton University Press. Gartzke, Erik and Kristian Gleditsch (2006) Identity and conflict: Ties that bind and differences that divide, EJIR, 12, 53-87. Bell, Duncan (2006) Beware of False Prophets: Biology, Human Nature and the Future of International Relations Theory, International Affairs, 82, 493-510. Martin, John Levi (2005) The objective and subjective rationalization of war, Theory 6

and Society, 34, 229-275. Williams, Michael C. (2005) The Realist Tradition and the Limits of International Relations, Cambridge University Press. Brooks, Stephen G. (2005) Producing Security, Princeton University Press. Freyberg-Inan, Annette (2004) What Moves Man: The Realist Theory of International Relations and Its Judgment of Human Nature, SUNY Press. Neocleous, Mark (2003) Off the map: On violence and cartography, European Journal of Social Theory, 6, 409-425. Reid, Julian (2003) Foucault on Clausewitz: conceptualizing the relationship between war and power, Alternatives, 28, 1-28. Comor, Edward (2001) The role of communication in global civil society, ISQ, 45, 389-408. Kaufman, Stuart J. (2001) Modern Hatreds: The Symbolic Politics of Ethnic War, Cornell University Press. Deudney, Daniel (2000) Regrounding Realism, Security Studies, 10, 1-42. Brooks, Stephen (1999) The Globalization of Production and the Changing Benefits of Conquest, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 43, 646-70. Williams, David (1999) - Constructing the economic space: The World Bank and the making of homo oeconomicus, Millennium, 28, 79-99. Schoppa, Len (1999) - The social context in coercive international bargaining, IO, 53, 307-42. Jan 25: ONTOLOGY II: THE POWER OF IDEAS? Required: Tannenwald, Nina (1999) - The nuclear taboo: The U.S. and the normative basis of nuclear non-use, IO, 53, 433-68. Barkin, Samuel (2010) Materialism, Chapter 3 in Realist Constructivism, Cambridge University Press, pp. 31-49. Krebs, Ronald and Patrick Thaddeus Jackson (2007) Twisting Tongues and Twisting Arms: The Power of Political Rhetoric, EJIR, 13, 35-66. Evans, Tony (2005) International Human Rights Law as Power/Knowledge, Human Rights Quarterly, 27, 1046-1068. Harrington de Santana, Anne (2009) Nuclear Weapons as the Currency of Power: Deconstructing the Fetishism of Force, Nonproliferation Review, 16, 325-345. Further Reading: Barkin, Samuel (2010) Realist Constructivism, Cambridge University Press. Abdelal, Rawi, Mark Blyth and Craig Parsons, eds. (2010) Constructing the International Economy, Cornell University Press. Lupovici, Amir (2010) The Emerging Fourth Wave of Deterrence Theory, ISQ, 54, 705-732. 7

Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus (2008) Foregrounding Ontology: Dualism, Monism, and IR Theory, RIS, 34, 129-53. McDonald, Matt (2008) Securitization and the Construction of Security, EJIR, 14, 563-587. Williams, Michael C. (2007) Culture and Security: Symbolic Power and the Politics of International Security, Routledge. Hansen, Lene (2006) Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War, Routledge. Constantinou, Costas (2006) States of Political Discourse: Words, Regimes, Seditions, Routledge. Tannenwald, Nina (2005) Stigmatizing the Bomb: Origins of the Nuclear Taboo, IS, 29, 5-49. Williams, Michael (2005) What is the national interest? The neoconservative challenge in IR theory, EJIR, 11, 307-337. Guzzini, Stefano (2005) The Concept of Power: a Constructivist Analysis, Millennium, 33, 495-521. Mattern, Janice Bially (2005) Ordering International Politics: Identity, Crisis, and 0 Representational Force, Routledge. Mattern, Janice Bially (2005) Why Soft Power Isnt So Soft: Representational Force and the Sociolinguistic Construction of Attraction in World Politics, Millennium, 33, 583-612. Barnett, Michael and Raymond Duvall, eds. (2005) Power in Global Governance, Cambridge University Press. Smith, Philip (2005) Why War? The Cultural Logic of Iraq, the Gulf War, and Suez, University of Chicago Press. Tannenwald, Nina (2005) Ideas and Explanation: Advancing the Theoretical Agenda, Journal of Cold War Studies, 7, 13-42. Adler, Emanuel (2005) Communitarian International Relations, Routledge. Barnett, Michael and Duvall, Raymond (2005) Power in international politics, IO, 59, 39-75. Williams, Michael (2004) Why Ideas Matter in International Relations: Hans Morgenthau, Classical Realism, and the Moral Construction of Power Politics, IO, 58, 633-665. Barkin, J. Samuel (2003) Realist constructivism, ISR, 5, 325-42. Williams, Michael (2003) Words, images, enemies: Securitization and international politics, ISQ, 47, 511-53? Howes, Dustin (2003) When states choose to die: reassessing assumptions about what states want, ISQ, 47, 669-92. Forsberg, Tuomas (2003) The ground without foundations? Territory as a social construct, Geopolitics, 8, 7-24. Parsons, Craig (2003) A Certain Idea of Europe, Cornell University Press. Widmaier, Wes (2003) Keynesianism as a constructivist theory of international political economy, Millennium, 32, 87-108. Cowan, Jane (2003) Whos afraid of violent language? Honor, sovereignty, and 8

claims-making in the League of Nations, Anthropological Theory, 3, 271-91. Fierke, Karin (2002) Links across the abyss: language and logic in international relations, ISQ, 46, 331-54. Nau, Henry (2002) At Home Abroad: Identity and Power in American Foreign Policy, Cornell University Press. Farrell, Theo (2002) Constructivist security studies: portrait of a research program, ISR, 4, 48-72. Bially Mattern, Janice (2001) The power politics of identity, EJIR, 7, 340-97. Williams, Michael and Iver Neumann (2000) - From alliance to security community: NATO, Russia, and the power of identity, Millennium, 29, 357-388. Brubaker, Rogers and Frederick Cooper (2000) - Beyond identity, Theory and Society, 29, 1-47. Neumann, Iver (1999) - Uses of the Other: The East in European Identity Formation, University of Minnesota Press. Risse, Thomas, et al, eds. (1999) - The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change, Cambridge University Press. Weldes, Jutta (1999) - Constructing National Interests, University of Minnesota Press. McSweeney, Bill (1999) - Security, Identity and Interests, Cambridge UP. Kahl, Colin (1998/99) - Constructing a separate peace: constructivism, collective liberal identity, and democratic peace, SS, 8, 94-144. Desch, Michael (1998) Cultural clash: Assessing the importance of ideas in security studies, IS, 223, 141-170. Adler, Emanuel and Michael Barnett, eds. (1998) - Security Communities, Cambridge University Press. Buzan, Barry, et al. (1998) Security analysis: conceptual apparatus, in Buzan, et al., Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner. Laffey, Mark and Jutta Weldes (1997) Beyond belief: ideas and symbolic technologies in the study of international relations, EJIR, 3, 193-237. Hall, Rodney (1997) Moral authority as a power resource, IO, 51, 591-622. Price, Richard (1997) - The Chemical Weapons Taboo, Cornell University Press. Katzenstein, Peter, ed. (1996) - The Culture of National Security, Columbia UP. Jabri, Vivienne (1996) Discourses on Violence, Manchester University Press. Weingast, Barry (1995) - "A rational choice perspective on the role of ideas: Shared belief systems and state sovereignty in international cooperation," Politics and Society, 23, 449-464. Klotz, Audie (1995) - Norms in International Relations: The Struggle Against Apartheid, Cornell University Press. Goldstein, Judith and Robert Keohane (1993) Ideas and foreign policy: an analytical framework, in Goldstein and Keohane, eds., Ideas and Foreign Policy, Cornell University Press. Cohn, Carol (1987) - "Sex and death in the rational world of defense intellectuals", Signs, 12, 687-718.

PART II: THE AGENT-STRUCTURE PROBLEM Feb 1: MICRO I: LOGICS OF ACTION AND THE 4th DEBATE. Required: Glaser, Charles (2010) Setting Up the Theory, Chapter 2 in Rational Theory of International Politics, Princeton University Press, pp. 23-50. Hurd, Ian (1999) - Legitimacy and authority in international politics, IO, 53, 379-408. Sending, Ole (2002) Constitution, choice and change: problems with the logic of appropriateness and its use in constructivist theory, EJIR, 8, 443-70. Mller, Harald (2004) Arguing, bargaining and all that: Communicative action, rationalist theory and the logic of appropriateness in international relations, EJIR, 10, 395-435. Kornprobst, Markus (2010) The Agents Logics of Action: Defining and Mapping Political Judgment, IT, 3, forthcoming. Further Reading: Bjola, Corneliu (2008), Legitimacy and the use of force: bridging the analytical normative divide, RIS, 34, 627-44. Hurd, Ian (2007) After Anarchy: Legitimacy and Power in the United Nations Security Council, Princeton University Press. Johnston, Alastair Iain (2007) Social States: China in International Institutions, 19802000, Princeton University Press. Reus-Smit, Christian (2007) International Crises of Legitimacy, International Politics, 44, 157-74. (Special Issue) Kornprobst, Markus (2007) Argumentation and Compromise: Irelands Selection of the Territorial Status Quo Norm, IO, 61, 69-98. Steffek, Jens (2006) Incomplete agreements and the limits of persuasion in international politics, Journal of International Relations and Development, 8, 229-256. Mulligan, Shane (2006) The Use of Legitimacy in International Relations, Millennium, 34, 349-75. Checkel, Jeffrey (2005) International Institutions and Socialization in Europe: Introduction and Framework, IO, 59, 801-826. Schimmelfennig, Frank (2005) Strategic Calculation and International Socialization, IO, 59, 827-860. Goodman Ryan and Derek Jinks (2004) How to Influence States: Socialization and International Human Rights Law, Duke Law Journal, 54, 620-703. Hurd, Ian (2005) The Strategic Use of Liberal Internationalism: Libya and the UN Sanctions, 1992-2003, IO, 59, 495-526. Bjola, Corneliu (2005) Legitimating the Use of Force in International Politics: A Communicative Action Perspective, EJIR, 11, 266-303. 10

Kydd, Andrew H. (2005) Trust and Mistrust in International Relations, Harvard University Press. Sjursen, Helene (2004) Changes to European Security in a Communicative Perspective, Cooperation and Conflict, 39, 107-128. Fehl, Caroline (2004) Explaining the International Criminal Court: A Practice Test for Rationalist and Constructivist, EJIR, 10, 357-394. Steffek, Jens (2003) The legitimation of international governance: a discourse approach, EJIR, 9, 249-76. Hemmer, Christopher and Peter Katzenstein (2002) Why is there no NATO in Asia? Collective identity, regionalism, and the origins of multilateralism, IO, 56, 575608. Lynch, Marc (2002) Why engage? China and the logic of communicative action, EJIR, 8, 187-230. Ellis, Jaye (2002) International regimes and the legitimacy of rules: a discourse-ethical approach, Alternatives, 27, 273-300. Fearon, James and Alexander Wendt (2001) Rationalism v. constructivism? A sceptical view, in W. Carlsnaes, et al., eds., Handbook of International Relations, Sage. Johnston, Alastair Iain (2001) Treating international institutions as social environments, ISQ, 45, 487-515. Payne, Rodger (2001) Persuasion, frames, and norm construction, EJIR, 7, 37-61. Schimmelfennig, Frank (2001) The community trap: liberal norms, rhetorical action, and the eastern enlargement of the EU, IO, 55, 47-80. ONeill, Barry (2001) Honor, Symbols, and War, University of Michigan Press. Risse, Thomas (2000) - Lets argue!: communicative action in world politics, IO, 54, 139. Fearon, James and David Laitin (2000) - Violence and the social construction of ethnic identity, IO, 54, 845-877. Fierke, K. (2000) - Logics of force and dialogue: the Iraq/UNSCOM crisis as social interaction, EJIR, 6, 335-371. March, James and Johan Olsen (1998) - The institutional dynamics of international political orders, IO, 52, 943-969. Ruggie, John (1998) - What makes the world hang together? Neo-utilitarianism and the social constructivist challenge, IO, 855-86. Barnett, Michael (1998) - Dialogues in Arab Politics, Columbia University Press. Moravcsik, Andrew (1997) Taking Preferences Seriously, IO, ####. Wendt, Alexander (1992) Anarchy is what states make of it, IO, 46, 391-425. Feb 8: MICRO II: INDIVIDUALS AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Required: Mercer, Jonathan (2010) Emotional Beliefs, IO, 64, 1-31. 11

Rathbun, Brian (2009) It Takes All Types: Social Psychology, Trust, and the International Relations Paradigm in Our Minds, IT, 1, 345-380. Hopf, Ted (2010) The Logic of Habit in International Relations, EJIR, 16, 539-561. Mitzen, Jennifer (2006) Ontological Security in World Politics, EJIR, 12, 341-70. Wolf, Reinhard (2010) Respect and Disrespect in International Politics: The Significance of Status Recognition, IT, 3, forthcoming. Further Reading: Murer, Jeffrey (2010) Institutionalizing Enemies: The Consequences of Reifying Projection in Post-Conflict Environments, Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society, 15, 1-19. Murray, Michelle (2010) - Identity, Insecurity, and Great Power Politics: The Tragedy of German Naval Ambition before the First World War, Security Studies, 19, 656688. Gallagher, Julia (2009) Can Melanie Klein help us understand morality in IR? Suggestions for a psychoanalytic interpretation of why and how states do good, Millennium, 38, 295-316. Lebow, Richard Ned (2008) A Cultural Theory of International Relations, Cambridge University Press. Bleiker, Roland and Emma Hutchison (2008) Fear No More: Emotions and World Politics, RIS, 34, special issue, 115-135. Gammon, Earl (2008) Affect and the Rise of the Self-Regulating Market, Millennium, 37, 251-278. Houghton, David Patrick (2007) Reinvigorating the Study of Foreign Policy Decision Making: Toward a Constructivist Approach, Foreign Policy Analysis, 3, 24-45. Widmaier, Wesley (2007) Constructing Foreign Policy Crises: Interpretive Leadership in the Cold War and War on Terrorism, ISQ, 51, 779-94 Steele, Brent (2007) Ontological Security in International Relations: Self-Identity and the IR State, Routledge. Ross, Andrew (2006) Coming in from the Cold: Constructivism and Emotions, EJIR, 12, 197-222. Mercer, Jon (2006) Human Nature and the First Image: Emotion in International Politics, JIRD, 9(3), 288-303. Flockhart, Trine (2006) Complex socialization: A framework for the study of state socialization, EJIR, 12, 89-118. Mercer, Jonathan (2005) Rationality and Psychology in International Politics, IO, 59, 77-106. Gries, Peter Hays (2005) Social Psychology and the Identity-Conflict Debate: Is a China Threat Inevitable?, EJIR, 11, 235-265. Pupavac, Vanessa (2004) War on the Couch: The Emotionology of the New International Security Paradigm, European Journal of Social Theory, 7, 149-170. Callahan, William A. (2004) National Insecurities: Humiliation, Salvation, and Chinese Nationalism, Alternatives, 29, 199-218. 12

Palacios, Margarita (2004) On Sacredness and Transgression: Understanding Social Antagonism, Psychoanalysis Culture & Society, 9, 284-297. Kinnvall, Catarina (2004) Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security, Political Psychology, 25, 741-767. Huddy, Leonie (2004) Contrasting Theoretical Approaches to Intergroup Relations, Political Psychology, 25, 947-967. Castano, Emanuele, et al. (2003) The perception of the Other in international relations: evidence for the polarizing effect of entitativity, Political Psychology, 24, 44968. Theiler, Tobias (2003) Societal security and social psychology, RIS, 29, 249-68. Petersen, Roger (2002) Understanding Ethnic Violence: Fear, Hatred, and Resentment in 20th Century Eastern Europe, Cambridge University Press. Hopf, Ted (2002) Social Construction of International Politics, Cornell University Press. Edelstein, David (2002) Managing uncertainty: beliefs about intentions and the rise of Great Powers, Security Studies, 12, 1-40. Byman, Daniel and Kenneth Pollack (2001) Let Us Now Praise Great Men: Bringing the Statesman Back In, IS, 25, 107-146. Harkavy, Robert E. (2000) Defeat, National Humiliation, and the Revenge Motif in International Politics, International Politics, 37, 345-368. Crawford, Neta (2000) The passion of world politics: propositions on emotion and emotional relationships, IS, 24, 116-56. Wight, Colin (1999) They Shoot Dead Horses Dont They? Locating Agency in the Agent-Structure Problematique, EJIR, 5, 109-125. Levy, Jack (1997) Prospect theory, rational choice, and international relations, ISQ, 41, 87-112. Hermann, Richard K. and Micheal P. Fischerkeller (1995) Beyond the enemy image and spiral model: cognitive-strategic research after the cold war, IO, 49, 415-50. Mercer, Jonathan (1995) Anarchy and identity, IO, 49, 229-252. Feb 15: MACRO I: RETHINKING STRUCTURE Background: Waltz, Theory, chapter 5. Wendt, Social Theory, chapter 4. Required: Goddard, Stacie and Daniel Nexon (2005) Paradigm lost? Reassessing Theory of International Politics, EJIR, 11, 9-61. Donnelly, Jack (2009) Rethinking Political Structures: From Ordering Principles to Vertical Differentiation and Beyond, IT, 1, 49-86. Buzan, Barry and Mathias Albert (2010) Differentiation: A Sociological Approach to 13

International Relations Theory, EJIR, 16, 315-337. Goodman, Ryan and Derek Jinks (2003) Toward an institutional theory of sovereignty, Stanford Law Review, 55, 1749-1788. Hafner-Burton, Emilie, Miles Kahler and Alexander Montgomery (2009) Network Analysis for International Relations, IO, 63, 559-592. Further Reading: Dillon, Michael and Luis Lobo-Guerrero (2008) Biopolitics of security in the 21st century: an introduction, RIS, 34, 265-92. Helmig, Jan, and Oliver Kessler (2007) Space, Boundaries, and the Problem of Order: A View from Systems Theory, International Political Sociology, 1, 240-56. Linklater, Andrew (2007) Critical Theory and World Politics: Citizenship, Sovereignty and Humanity, Routledge. Linklater, Andrew, and Hidemi Suganami (2006) The English School of International Relations: A Contemporary Reassessment, Cambridge University Press. Wight, Colin (2006) Agents, Structures and International Relations: Politics as Ontology, Cambridge University Press. Sending, Ole Jacob, and Iver Neumann (2006) Governance to Governmentality: Analyzing NGOs, States, and Power, ISQ, 50, 651-72. Lawson, George (2006) The Promise of Historical Sociology in International Relations, ISR, 8, 397-423. Rosenberg, Justin (2006) Why is There No International Historical Sociology? EJIR, 12, 307-40. Hafner-Burton, Emilie M. and Alexander H. Montgomery (2006) Power Positions: International Organizations, Social Networks, and Conflict, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 50, 3-27. Buzan, Barry (2004) From International to World Society?, Cambridge University Press. Paris, Roland (2003) Peacekeeping and the constraints of global culture, EJIR, 9, 441-74. Suganami, Hidemi (2002) The international society perspective on world politics reconsidered, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 2, 1-28. Bukovansky, Mlada (2002) Legitimacy and Power Politics: The American and French Revolutions in International Political Culture, Princeton University Press. Linklater, Andrew (2002) The problem of harm in world politics: implications for the sociology of state systems, International Affairs, 78, 319-38. Jung, Dietrich (2001) The political sociology of world society, EJIR, 7, 443-74. Friedrichs, Jorg (2001) The meaning of new medievalism, EJIR, 7, 475-502. Copeland, Dale (2000) - The constructivist challenge to structural realism: A review essay, IS, 25, 187-212. Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri (2000) Empire, Harvard University Press. Albert, Mathias (1999) Observing World Politics: Luhmanns Systems Theory of Society and International Relations, Millennium, 28, 239-265. 14

Brenner, Neil (1999) - Beyond state-centrism? Space, territoriality, and geographical scale in globalization studies, Theory and Society, 28, 39-78. Linklater, Andrew (1998) - The Transformation of Political Community, University of South Carolina Press. Ruggie, John (1998) - Constructing the World Polity, Routledge. Chase-Dunn, Christopher (1998) Global Formation, Rowman and Littlefield. Pasha, Mustapha and David Blaney (1998) - Elusive paradise: The promise and perils of global civil society, Alternatives, 23, 417-50. Archibugi, Daniele, et al., eds. (1998) - Re-Imagining Political Community, Stanford University Press. Meyer, John, et al. (1997) - World society and the nation-state, American Journal of Sociology, 103, 144-81. Finnemore, Martha (1996) Norms, Culture, and World Politics: Insights from Sociologys Institutionalism, IO, 50, 325-47. Barkdull, John (1995) Waltz, Durkheim, and International Relations: The International System as an Abnormal Form, American Political Science Review, 89, 669-680. Buzan, Barry, Charles Jones and Richard Little (1993) The Logic of Anarchy, Columbia University Press. Buzan, Barry (1993) From international system to international society, IO, 47, 327352. Kratochwil, Friedrich (1989) - Rules, Decisions, and Norms, Cambridge University Press. Feb 22: MACRO II: THE CONSTITUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL. Background: Waltz, Theory, chapter 6. Wendt, Social Theory, chapter 6. Required: Reus-Smit, Christian (1997) - The constitutional structure of international society and the nature of fundamental institutions, IO, 51, 555-90. Walker, Neil (2008) Taking Constitutionalism Beyond the State, Political Studies, 56, 519-543. Sending, Ole Jacob, and Iver Neumann (2007) The International as Governmentality, Millennium, 35, 677-701. Hurd, Elisabeth Shakman (2004) The Political Authority of Secularism in International Relations, EJIR, 10, 235-262. Wendt, Alexander and Raymond Duvall (2008) Sovereignty and the UFO, Political Theory, 36, 607-633. Further Reading: 15

Jones, Branwen Gruffydd (2008) Race in the Ontology of International Order, Political Studies, 56, 907-927. Habermas, Juergen (2008) The Constitutionalization of International Law and the Legitimation Problems of a Constitution for World Society, Constellations, 15(4), 444-455. Cohen, Jean (2008) A Global State of Emergency or the Further Constitutionalization of International Law, Constellations, 15(4), 456-484. Nardin, Terry (2008) Theorising the international rule of law, RIS, 34, 385-401. Straumann, Benjamin (2008) The Peace of Westphalia as a Secular Constitution, Constellations, 15(2), 173-188. Duvall, Raymond, and Jonathan Havercroft (2008) Taking sovereignty out of this world: space weapons and empire of the future, RIS, 34, 755-75. Booth, Ken (2007) Theory of World Security, Cambridge University Press. Callinicos, Alex (2007) Does Capitalism Need the State System?, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 20, 533-549. Hurrell, Andrew (2007) On Global Order: Power, Values, and the Constitution of International Society, Oxford University Press. De Wet, Erika (2006) The International Constitutional Order, International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 55, 51-76. Bickerton, Christopher, Philip Cunliffe, and Alexander Gourevitch, eds. (2006) Politics Without Sovereignty: A Critique of Contemporary International Relations, Routledge. Mitzen, Jennifer (2005) Reading Habermas in anarchy: Multilateral diplomacy and global public spheres, APSR, 99, 401-417. Agnew, John (2005) Sovereignty regimes: Territoriality and state authority in contemporary world politics, Annals of the Association of American Geography, 95, 437-461. Mendelsohn, Barak (2005) Sovereignty under attack: the international society meets the Al Qaeda network, RIS, 31, 45-68. Kratochwil, Friedrich (2005) Religion and (inter-)national politics: On the heuristics of identities, structures, and agents, Alternatives, 30, 113-140. Reus-Smit, Christian (2003) Politics and international legal obligation, EJIR, 9, 591625. Foote, Rosemary, John Gaddis and Andrew Hurrell, eds. (2003) Order and Justice in International Relations, Oxford University Press. Keohane, Robert (2002) Ironies of sovereignty: The European Union and the United States, JCMS, 40, 743-65. Grovogui, Siba (2002) Regimes of sovereignty: international morality and the African condition, EJIR, 8, 315-38. Falk, Richard (2002) Revisiting Westphalia, discovering post-Westphalia, The Journal of Ethics, 6, 311-52. Teschke, Benno (2002) Theorizing the Westphalian system of states, EJIR, 8, 5-48. Reus-Smit, Christian (2001) Human rights and the social construction of sovereignty, RIS, 27, 519-38. 16

Krasner, Stephen (1999) Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy, Princeton University Press. Reus-Smit, Christian (1999) - The Moral Purpose of the State, Princeton University Press. Hall, Rodney (1999) - National Collective Identity, Columbia University Press. Barkin, Samuel (1998) - The evolution of the constitution of sovereignty and the emergence of human rights norms, Millennium, 27, 229-52. Biersteker, Thomas and Cynthia Weber, eds. (1996) - State Sovereignty as Social Construct, Cambridge University Press. Thomson, Janice (1995) - "State sovereignty in international relations: Bridging the gap between theory and empirical research," ISQ, 39, 213-234. Barkin, Samuel and Bruce Cronin (1994) - "The state and the nation: Changing norms and the rules of sovereignty in international relations", IO, 48, 107-130. Ruggie, John (1993) - "Finding our feet in territoriality: Problematizing modernity in international relations", IO, 47, 139-74. Milner, Helen (1991) - "The assumption of anarchy in international relations theory: A critique", RIS, 17, 67-85. Mar 1: PROCESS I: MACRO Background: Wendt, Social Theory, chapter 7. Required: Tang, Shiping (2010) Social Evolution of International Politics: From Mearsheimer to Jervis, EJIR, 16, 31-55. Gat, Azar (2009) So Why Do We Fight? Evolutionary Theory and the Causes of War, EJIR, 15, 571-599. Cederman, Lars-Erik and Luc Girardin (2010) Growing Sovereignty: Modeling the Shift from Indirect to Direct Rule, ISQ, 54, 27-48. Wendt, Alexander (2003) Why a world state is inevitable, EJIR, 9, 491-542. Albert, Mathias, Oliver Kessler and Stephan Stetter (2008) On Order and Conflict: International Relations and the Communicative Turn, RIS, 34, special issue, 43-68. Further Reading: Linklater, Andrew (2010) Global Civilizing Processes and the Ambiguities of Human Interconnectedness, EJIR, 16, 155-178. Greenhill, Brian (2008) Recognition and Collective Identity Formation in International Politics, EJIR, 14, 343-68. Cox, Robert (2007) The International in Evolution, Millennium, 35, 513-27. Adler, Emanuel (2005) Cognitive evolution, in Adler, Communitarian International 17

Relations, Routledge, chapter 3, pp. 65-88. Shannon, Vaughn (2005) Wendts violation of the constructivist project: Agency and why a world state is not inevitable, EJIR, 11, 581-587. Wendt, Alexander (2005) Agency, teleology and the world state: A reply to Shannon, EJIR, 11, 589-598. Pepinsky, Thomas (2005) From Agents to Outcomes: Simulation in International Relations, EJIR, 11, 367-394. Setear, John (2005) Room for Law: Realism, Evolutionary Biology, and the Promise(s) of International Law, Berkeley Journal of International Law, 23, 146. Fazal, Tanisha M. (2004) State Death in the International System, IO, 58, 311-344. Linklater, Andrew (2004) Norbert Elias, the civilizing process, and the sociology of international relations, International Politics, 41, 3-35. Bowden, Brett (2004) In the name of progress of peace: The standard of civilization and the universalizing project, Alternatives, 29, 43-68. Thayer, Bradley (2004) Darwin and International Relations: On the Evolutionary Origins of War and Ethnic Conflict, University Press of Kentucky. Harste, Gorm (2004) Societys war. The evolution of a self-referential military system, in M. Albert and L. Hilkermeier, eds., Observing International Relations: Niklas Luhmann and World Politics, Routledge. Hui, Victoria (2004) Toward a dynamic theory of international politics: Insights from comparing ancient China and Early modern Europe, IO, 58, pp? Cederman, Lars-Erik and Christopher Daase (2003) Endogenizing corporate identities: the next step in constructivist IR theory, EJIR, 9, 5-36. Blaney, David and Naeem Inayatullah (2002) Neo-modernization? IR and the inner life of modernization theory, EJIR, 8, 103-38. Crawford, Neta (2002) Argument and Change in World Politics, Cambridge University Press. Albert, Mathias (2002) Governance and democracy in European systems, RIS, 28, 293-310. Cederman, Lars-Erik (2001) Back to Kant: Reinterpreting the democratic peace as a macrohistorical learning process, APSR, 95, 15-31. Wendt, Alexander (2001) Driving with the rearview mirror: On the rational science of institutional design, IO, 55, 1021-1051. Koremenos, Barbara, Charles Lipson and Duncan Snidal (2001) The rational design of international institutions, IO, 55, 761-99. Cederman, Lars-Erik (2001) Modelling the democratic peace as a Kantian selection process, JCR, 45, 470-502. Thompson, William, ed. (2001) Evolutionary Interpretations of World Politics, Routledge. Thayer, Bradley (2000) - Bringing in Darwin: Evolutionary theory, realism, and international politics, IS, 25, 124-151. Denemark, Robert, et al., eds. (2000) World System History: The Social Science of Long-Term Change, Routledge. 18

Kahler, Miles (1999) Evolution, choice, and international change, in D. Lake and R. Powell, eds., Strategic Choice and International Relations, Princeton University Press. Albert, Mathias (1999) Observing world politics: Luhmanns systems theory of society and international relations, Millennium, 28, 239-65. Cederman, Lars-Erik (1997) Emergent Actors in World Politics, Princeton University Press. Jervis, Robert (1997) System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life, Princeton University Press. Florini, Ann (1996) The evolution of international norms, ISQ, 40, 363-89. Cusack, Thomas and Richard Stoll (1994) Collective security and state survival in the interstate system, ISQ, 38, 33-59. Spruyt, Hendrik (1994) - The Sovereign State and its Competitors, Princeton University Press. Beyerchen, Alan (1992/93) Clausewitz, nonlinearity, and the unpredictability of war, IS, 17, 59-90. Fukuyama, Francis (1992) The End of History and the Last Man, Avon Books. Modelski, George (1990) Is world politics evolutionary learning?, IO, 44, 1-24. Mar 8: PROCESS II: and MICRO? Required: Campbell, David (1998) Writing Security, 2nd edition, University of Minnesota Press, Epilogue. Doty, Roxanne (1997) Aporia: a critical exploration of the agent-structure problematique in international relations theory, EJIR, 3, 365-92. Adler, Emanuel and Vincent Pouliot (2011) International Practices, IT, 3, forthcoming. Jackson, Patrick and Daniel Nexon (1999) - Relations before states, EJIR, 5, 291-332. Wendt, Alexander (2010) Flatland: Quantum Mind and the International Hologram, in Mathias Albert, Lars-Erik Cederman, and Alexander Wendt, eds., New Systems Theories of World Politics, Palgrave. Further Reading: Guillaume, Xavier (2011) International Relations and Identity: A Dialogical Approach, Routledge. Pouliot, Vincent (2008) The Logic of Practicality: A Theory of Practice of Security Communities, IO, 62, 257-88. Adler, Emmanuel (2008) The Spread of Security Communities: Communities of Practice, Self-Restraint, and NATO's Post-Cold War Transformation, EJIR, 14, 195-230. Odysseos, Louiza and Fabio Petito, eds. (2007) The International Political Thought of 19

Carl Schmitt, Routledge. Guillaume, Xavier (2007) Unveiling the International: Process, Identity and Alterity, Millennium, 35, 741-58. Kessler, Oliver (2007) From agents and structures to minds and bodies: of supervenience, quantum, and the linguistic turn, Journal of International Relations and Development, 10, 243-72. Keeley, James (2007) To the Pacific? Alexander Wendt as Explorer, Millennium, 35, 417-430. Wendt, Alexander (2006) Social Theory as Cartesian science: An auto-critique from a quantum perspective, in S. Guzzini and A. Leander, eds., Constructivism and International Relations: Alexander Wendt and his Critics, Routledge. Huysmans, Jef (2006) International Politics of Exception, Alternatives, 31, 135-165. Prozorov, Sergei (2005) X/Xs: Toward a general theory of the exception, Alternatives, 30, 81-112. Roach, Steven C. (2005) Decisionism and humanitarian intervention: Reinterpreting Carl Schmitt and the global political order, Alternatives, 30, 443-460. Tilly, Charles (2004) Social Boundary Mechanisms, Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 34, 211-236. Inayatullah, Naeem and David Blaney (2004) International Relations and the Problem of Difference, Routledge. Neumann, Iver (2002) Returning practice to the linguistic turn: the case of diplomacy, Millennium, 31, 627-52. Guillaume, Xavier (2002) Foreign policy and the politics of alterity: a dialogical understanding of international relations, Millennium, 31, 1-26. Carty, Anthony (2001) Carl Schmitts critique of liberal international legal order between 1933 and 1945, Leiden Journal of International Law, 14, 25-76. Laffey, Mark (2000) - Locating identity: performativity, foreign policy and state action, RIS, 26, 429-444. Edkins, Jenny, et al., eds. (1999) Sovereignty and Subjectivity, Lynne Rienner. Wight, Colin (1999) They shoot dead horses dont they? Locating agency in the agentstructure problematique, EJIR, 5, 109-42; with reply from Doty, 387-90. Weber, Cynthia (1998) - Performative states, Millennium, 27, 77-95. Weber, Cynthia (1996) Simulating Sovereignty, Cambridge University Press. Abbott, Andrew (1995) - Things of boundaries, Social Research, 62, 857-882. Bartelson, Jens (1995) - A Genealogy of Sovereignty, Cambridge University Press. Walker, R.B.J. (1993) - Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory, Cambridge University Press. Ashley, Richard (1988) - "Untying the sovereign state: a double reading of the anarchy problematique", Millennium, 17, 227-62. Ashley, Richard (1987) - The geopolitics of geopolitical space, Alternatives, 12, 403434.


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