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Staff Morale Questionnaire

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Staff Morale Questionnaire.

Adapted by Dr. Ramesh Mehay(2010) from The Assessment of Work Env ronment !"hd#$e% (AWE!) deve$oped or & na$$y by 'o$an(1(()) at !heff e$d *n ver sty. This questionnaire focuses on 6 senses that people who love their jobs tend to get: 1. A sense of security: To feel free from physical threat and rebuke and recognition of the physical and emotional demands of the work . A sense of continuity: !ood working relationships and teamwork with stable core staff ". A sense of belonging: To be part of a coherent team #. A sense of purpose: To have a clear and shared therapeutic approach $. A sense of achievement: To use skills and abilities to the full 6. A sense of significance: To have a clear and shared therapeutic approach


There are + $ tt$e se"t ons to th s s#rvey. The ,ho$e s#rvey , $$ hopef#$$y on$y take 10-12 m n#tes of yo#r t me. We are do n& th s s#rvey be"a#se ,e%ve not "ed that staff mora$e seems to be $o, and ,e%d $ ke to try and make th n&s better for yo#. We "an on$y do that f yo# "omp$ete th s s#rvey n an open and honest manner . te$$ n& #s abo#t yo#r tr#e tho#&hts and fee$ n&s. We "an reass#re yo# that everyth n& s th s s#rvey s anonymo#s and ,e , $$ '/T be ask n& for yo#r name. 0#t $ ke, se1 p$ease don%t name any nd v d#a$s ,hen "omp$et n& th s s#rvey (#se t t$es $ ke the n#rses%1 the "aterers% and so on nstead). 2f yo#%re fee$ n& at the moment that noth n& , $$ "han&e%1 "an ,e re3#est that yo# s mp$y & ve #s a "han"e. The 3#est onna re s based on the dea that E4ER50/D5 matters. %ate 1&$ on each of the following questions 'e(cept where a comment is indicated) 1. strongly disagree . disagree ". neither agree or disagree #. agree $. strongly agree

The workload is shared fairly The amount of work * am given to do is reasonable The level of responsibility * am given is reasonable

There is sufficient time to provide the type of care * would like to +taffing levels are adequate for the workload !enerally, what do you think of your workload- *s there a problem- 'comment) .ow can the workload situation be made better- 'comment)


'o, ,e6re &o n& to ask a fe, 3#est ons abo#t ,hat yo# &enera$$y th nk abo#t the 3#a$ ty of "are be n& prov ded by yo#r ,orkp$a"e as a ,ho$e. After a$$1 that6s ,hy ,e are here. The overall quality of care provided is high There is enough equipment and other resources to provide good care .ow do you think the quality of care where you work can be improved- 'comment)


We6d $ ke to kno, a b t more abo#t ho, yo# fee$ abo#t the ,ork n& re$at onsh ps bet,een var o#s teams , th n yo#r ,ork p$a"e. 7eop$e ,ho $ove the r 8obs do so be"a#se9 a) there are &ood ,ork n& re$at onsh ps and team,ork , th stab$e "ore staff ("ont n# ty) and b) they fee$ part of a "oherent team (a sense of be$on& n&). 7$ease remember not to ment on any nd v d#a$6s name. *se the r ,ork t t$e nstead e.&. the n#rses.. * get on well with my co&workers * feel like * am part of a team * am able to get easy access to my manager * can talk to my manager if something at work is worrying me All the staff here agree on what patients need * feel * know patients and their backgrounds quite well * am well informed about changes within the organisation 'i.e. you know what/s going on) * am well informed about any changes regarding patients .ow do you feel working relationships at your workplace can be improved'comment)


Th s b t re$ates to ho, empo,ered yo# fee$ abo#t yo#r ,ork rather than s mp$y "arry n& o#t nstr#"t ons & ven by others. A&a n1 p$ease be as honest as yo# "an. Don6t ment on nd v d#a$s6 names. 2nstead1 refer to the r ro$e nstead. 7eop$e ,ho $ove the r 8obs do so be"a#se9 a) they have a "$ear and shared therape#t " approa"h (a sense of p#rpose) and b) they are en"o#ra&ed to #se the r sk $$s and ab $ t es to the f#$$ (and hen"e a sense of a"h evement). * am involved in making important decisions about patients/ care * have the opportunity to make decisions on my own * have the opportunity to take on a leadership role if * want 0ould you like to add any comments: 'comments)

2t6s mportant that ,e make the ,orkp$a"e as nterest n& and en8oyab$e as poss b$e. 7art of that means prov d n& yo# opport#n t es to b# $d on yo#r kno,$ed&e1 sk $$s and att t#des. 2f th s doesn6t happen1 peop$e "an often be"ome bored , th the r 8ob and fee$ sta$e. Does that happen yo#r ,orkp$a"e: A&a n1 p$ease be honest and remember1 th s s#rvey ;A' '/T dent fy yo#. The training and orientation program * was given when * first started was really good. 1y work is interesting * have the opportunity to perform the type of work * do best * am actively encouraged to develop my knowledge and skills There are enough opportunities for me to take part in further training * would be supported if * asked for time to study * am encouraged to try out new ideas * have received enough training to do my job well There are enough opportunities to discuss important things about works with colleagues * feel * total understand the procedures, policies, and responsibilities that are part of my job


2t doesn6t matter ,hat ,e do n $ fe or at ,ork... ,e are a$$ peop$e at the end of the day. That means that ,e A<< need to be treated , th respe"t and re"o&n sed for the ,ork ,e do. 2n ,ork p$a"es ,here there s a $ot of respe"t and re"o&n t on of ea"h other1 the ,orkers &enera$$y fee$ $oads happ er and 6$ove6 "om n& nto ,ork. Respe"t and re"o&n t on & ves yo# a sense of p#rpose1 a sense of a"h evement and a sense of s &n f "an"e. Does th s happen at yo#r ,orkp$a"e: A&a n1 be honest as yo# "an. * am consulted when changes in working conditions are planned *t is possible to influence the decisions of management * get informal praise and appreciation when * do things well 1y opinions are listened to by my manager *f * do something wrong, my manager tells me in a sensitive way * am respected by my manager 2atients value what * do for them 3amilies value what * do * feel that the company cares about its people 'patients and staff)

"A# = "A##I ESS& in'lu(in) E %IRO ME T an( MOTI%ATIO

5o#6$$ be &$ad to kno, that th s s the $ast se"t on of th s 3#est onna re. A&a n1 p$ease be honest ,hen ans,er n& th s $ast $ tt$e b t. And remember1 everyth n& n th s 3#est onna re s "onf dent a$ and yo# ;A' '/T be dent f ed. 1y overall working conditions are good This is a really good place to work The team spirit 'or morale) in this work environment is good 4verall, * am really happy with my job * am very committed to working here and * see myself staying her for a long term career. * feel proud to work here

If there was a vacancy, I would definitely recommend this place to a friend as a place to work. 0hy do you come to work every day- 'comment) 0hat do you like least about your job and5or the company- 'comment) 0hat do you like most about the job and5or the company- 'comment 0hat would you change if you were in total charge- 'comment) * really think this survey will change things '1&$)

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