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Jan Mar CDC Report Partnership Programme

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Report Period: 1st Quarter  2nd Quarter □ 3rd Quarter □ 4th Quarter □



Project Nº in CDC Database Record: 980015

Project Start Date: 01 – January – 2007 Project Completion Date: 30 – June – 2011
Project Location (Province or City): Phnom Penh District:
Project Staff Expatriate: 0 Local Staff: 12 (4 women)
Total Project Cost (USD): N/A
Total Project Allocation for the year 2009: US$ 691,325.00

Nº Donor’s Name Budget for the Year (USD) Disbursement by quarter (USD)

1 NYSED US$ 48,976.28

US$ 181,327.00
2 ICCO US$ 19,596.51
US$ 72,553.00
3 CWSNZ US$ 14,434.91
US$ 53,443.00
4 UMCOR US$ 13,736.70
US$ 50,858.00
5 NCCA US$ 37,450.00 US$ 10,115.21
6 DIPECHO US$ 39,866.10
US$ 147,598.00
7 CWSNY US$ 148,096.00 US$ 40,000.73
US$ 691,325.00 US$ 186,726.44

Total Expenditure Period (USD): US$ 186,726.44

Project Activities Detail Expenses

Indirect Cost Direct Cost

1- Partnership Program (PP)

Partnership Program of CWS Cambodia has two sub-projects that currently operate in four different
provinces; KTP Partnership Project provides financial support and technical assistances to KORCD and
CIDC to implement Integrated Community Development (ICD) in Baray, Santuk and Prasath Balangk
districts; and BTB&BTM Partnership Project provides financial support and technical assistances to
KCDA, ADOVIR, CFEDA, KNTO, DYBTB, DYMB in Samlout, Bavel and Sangke districts of
Battambang province, and Ou Chrov, Malai and Mongkul Borei districts of Banteay Meanchey province,
and Banteay Ampil district of Oddar Meanchey province. The Partnership Program Office provided
overall management support to the two projects also provided capacity building, financial and technical
support to CNGOs partners in Phnom Penh and across Cambodia.

 The Partnership Program Office staff organized Square Table

Meeting on the “13/17 years of social change through capacity
building in partnership” with 84 participants (28 CWS staff). 35
gallery displays of 35 different Cambodian Organizations were
developed and displayed during the day.

 Three Cambodian organizations namely; CFED, ADOVIR and

KNTO were assisted by the Partnership Program staff to review
their Strategic Plans. Similarly, KDCA new holistic partner of The
BTB&BTM Partnership project was also assisted to develop its
strategic plan.

 As usual, The Program Partnership staff provided ongoing

coaching to the director of Children Support Foundation on the
proposal development for fundraising (CSF) and conducted board
meeting with 4 participants. Additionally, three CNGO partners
(ADOVIR, KNTO and CFEDA) were participated in a follow up
training conducted by the Partnership Program from 8-11 January

 The Partnership staff attended the working group meeting

discussing about the future plan of NGO Code Compliance where
CWS engaged partners to apply for voluntary certificate. Within the
quarter, the partnership staff also participated in the Coalition
Workshop organized by ICCO in Phnom Penh. US$34,009.62 US$6,001.71

2-The Kompong Thom Partnership Project

• Project staff provided coaching to KORCD staff on format of

monthly narrative report and new format of financial report after
receiving the training from Partnership Program and Financial
Program Manager of CWS in Phnom Penh to all KORCD staff.

 Project staff accompanied 26 people (six KORCD and three CIDC

staff and 17 community’s people) to visit and learn World Vision’s
child club at Mreak village, Salavisai commune Prasat Balangk
district on 12 March 2009.

 Conduct Monitoring on Leadership & Management Training from 16-

17,February, facilitated by two KORCD staff who received TOT from
Partnership Program Officer.

 Project staff accompanied visitor from CWSNZ and Partnership

Program Manager to visit KORCD both field and office and Child
club of CIDC and meeting at the office on 22-23 and 24 am March

 Two CNGO partner staff from CIDC and KORCD were sent to
attend a five-day training on Sphere, Orientation on Accountability,
and Anti-corruption workshop from 23-27 February at CWS
Kampong Thom provincial office.

 Six CNGOs (two from KORCD, one from CIDC, one from COWS,
one from network and one from Atsu church) were sent to attend
square table meeting at Phnom Penh, which conducted by CWS/C.

 One staff from KORCD was sent to attend in Youth Retread at

Peace Center Phnom Penh from 5-7 March.

 Two weaving groups in Kang Meas and Tang Krasang villages,

formed by KORCD staff and they run smoothly and achieved total
120 kromas to this quarter.

 KORCD conducted Leadership and Management Training course to

36 VDCs (17 women from 10 target villages) on 16-17 February in
KORCD office at Tang Krasang village.

 KORCD conducted the Women’ Day on 6 March in Pnov Pagoda,

Pnov village, Pnov commune, Santuk district which supported by
CWS/C, with 207 participants (139 women) including District leader,
three commune leaders, 10 village leaders and representative people
from 10 villages.

 In this quarter, 13 vegetable groups [in 10 villages of KORCD]

consisted of 166 members including 139 women, earned amount
4,316,500 riels from selling vegetables beside of each family has
enough vegetable to supply their domestic need and shared to the

 17 rice bank groups consisted of 320 members including 216 women

in nine target villages of KORCD have returned the borrowing rice to
community banks. The total rice in the rice bank is 15,548.6

 CIDC formed four children clubs with 315 members (189 girls) in
three villages (Smaonh, Trapeing Knong, Sochul village).

 CIDC provided 554 children (300 girls) story books 824, reading book
and math book: 460, color pen 80 boxes, 8 rams paper A4, and some
sport materials: volley ball and foot ball 42, tennis racket 8 couple,160
jump ropes, with a total cash of US$ 1,646.23.

 In this quarter, project staff conducted 10 times of visits to office and

field of KORCD and CIDC. In addition, the project staff attended five
monthly meeting (three times with KORCD staff and two times with
CIDC staff) with.

US$16,909.34 US$2,984.00
3-The BTB&BTM Partnership Project in Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey

 The BTB and BTM Project staff provided coaching and support to
CNGO partner staff of CFEDA, KNTO, ADOVIR and KCDA
regarding program planning and implementation of their Integrated
Community Development Program (ICDP) in 59 villages of
Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey provinces.
In addition, The Project disbursed US$ 23,167.00 to those
organizations while another US$ 4,240.00 was granted to
Dhammayeatra Mongkol Borei (DYMB), which implemented its
program in 158 villages of Mongkol Borei, to support Building a
New Life Center’s income generation project (BNLC) through skill
provision to people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) and their
families. The skill training includes artificial flowers and bead-
jewelry making and sewing.

 Provided coaching and support to staff of CFEDA, KNTO and

KCDA to support and assist RCVs, VDCs and VCs to provide two-
days Echo-training on CBDRM to 453 key villagers (195 women)
in 32 villages in Samlout, Ou Chrev, Malai, and Preah Netr Preah
and Banteay Ampil Districts.

 Organized two training courses [five days each] on Community

Based First Aid (CBFA) in Banteay Meanchey and Oddar
Meanchey for 37 RCVs (24 women) from 16 target villages of
CFEDA, and KNTO. The trainings were provided by Oddar
Meanchey and Banteay Meanchey provincial Red Crosses.

 Organized three training courses[ five days each] on CBDRM in

Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey for 73 participants (20
women) from RCVs, and VCs in 27 target villages of CFEDA, and
KNTO. The trainings were provided by ER staff from CWS/C
Phnom Penh Office.

 Organized three training courses [four days each] on CBDRM and

CDP in Battam Bang and Banteay Meanchey for 77 participants (6
women) who came from CCDM, DCDM, PCDM, DFT and PFT.
The trainings were provided by NCDM and MOP.

 ADOVIR supported communities in Takhiev village, Ampil Pram

Daeum commune to dig a community pond (20mx40mx3m) for 23

 KCDA provided a three-day training on SHG; its concept,

principles and bookkeeping to 24 SHG committee members (21
women) from nine villages in Ta Tok commune, Samlout District.

 KNTO supported four families in So Pheap, Tbeng Chas, Tbeng

Thmey and Kdol villages in Ampil Commune, Banteay Ampil
District to build four latrines. KNTO also provided materials
(cooking pots, plates, soup bowls and megaphone etc) to three
funeral associations in three villages (So Pheap, Tbeng Chas, and
Tbeng Thmey) for use in their villages.

 CWS/C supported CFEDA to distribute 13,700 kg of white rice to

137 persons from 28 food shortage families (10 kg of rice per
family member) in Banteay Ti Muoy village, Toul Pongro
commune, and in Ou Sa Om village, Ou Sampor commune, Malai
district. In addition, CFEDA built 930 meters of road in Banteay Ti
Muoy village, Toul Pongro commune, Malai District.

 CFEDA and KNTO celebrated International Women Day in

cooperation with commune councils on March 05 in Toul Pongro
Commune and on March 04 in Ampil Commune, with 673 persons
(451 women) from selected villagers, VDCs, SHG members,
Village Chiefs, school students and teachers, health center staff and
CCs of 14 villages.

 Contributed 15 boxes of drinking water to BTB Department of

Women Affairs to celebrate International Women Day on March 0
in Battam Bang province. US$107,798.51 US$19,023.26

Sub Total: US$158,717.47 US$28,008.97

Grand Total: US$186,726.44

Date: /
Director for Programming

Chhouk Chantha

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