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Michael Jackson

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There was nothing
The black and white about
Michael Jackson’s life…

Anu Gulmohar pays
HIStory homage to the late
King of Pop…
l i f e michael jackson - a tribute

From left to
right: The
Jackson 5, MJ
performing at
the Dangerous
World Tour, MJ
with ex-wife
Lisa Marie
Presley, MJ with
younger sister
Janet, a young
Michael poses
for the camera

O n 26th June, a day af-

ter the King of Pop’s
life came to an abrupt
end, Lisa Marie Presley,
daughter of Elvis and Michael’s
was addicted to Demerol in par-
ticular, and after his death a con-
coction of 14 drugs were found
in his system. People were
shocked, crushed and devastat-
bro Jaermaine, and the group
from then on came to be known
as The Jackson 5. “Michael Jack-
son was a child prodigy. A child
who becomes famous may focus
In 1978, Michael acted in the
musical, “The Wiz”, and this is
where he met Quincy Jones, who
went on to produce his solo album
– “Off The Wall” – which went on
focussed equally on his dance, and
it was at a live performance of the
same song that he premiered his
signature step – the Moonwalk.
With every song, his dance
lupus that considerably lightened
the colour of his skin. Michael lit-
erally reinvented himself via sev-
eral cosmetic surgeries, a transi-
tion that drew much flak from the
he suffered from the Peter Pan
Syndrome is best answered by
someone who has known him
closely, but many of the charac-
teristics of Peter Pan were seen
vestigations followed, TV chan-
nels and newspapers wouldn’t
stop deriding ‘wacko Jacko’, and
Michael’s dependency on drugs
increased and his health deterio-
ex-wife, wrote on her blog – ed at the death of the King of on his field of interest exclusively to sell 20 million copies. Both of evolved and strangely enough, public and the media. in him as well,” says Dr Sonali rated. Though he was acquitted
“Years ago Michael and I were Rock 'n' Roll, much like people and exclude interactions with his them worked together for Mi- Michael was even able to make Most of his adult years were Bali. He preferred the friendship on all counts, the world still
having a deep conversation about of the world are now, some in peers, as a result of which he may chael’s next album too. This time movements like touching one’s lonely; his relationships with of children to adults, for he felt labelled him a paedophile.
life in general. tears, others in silent prayer. find himself alone and this may the result – “Thriller” – sold more crotch iconic! Prabhu Deva, often women fleeting and his two mar- that he could trust them. Alas, People across generations and
I can't recall the exact subject Best-Selling Pop Male Artist lead to depression and anxiety,” than a 100 million copies. While referred to as India’s MJ says, riages were short lived. One, is this eccentric habit was misinter- across the continents have appre-
matter but he may have been of the Millennium, a double-in- says Dr Sonali Bali, Consultant Michael was declared a “blinding- “Dance suddenly became a rage in now speculated to have been all a preted and exploited by conniv- ciated and enjoyed Michael Jack-
questioning me about the circum- ductee of the Rock and Roll Hall Psychiatrist, VIMHANS, Delhi. ly gifted vocalist” by some, others India because of MJ. India was sham. For while Lisa left him ing people. He was first accused son’s music. More than his death,
stances of my father’s death. of Fame, Guinness World Record Michael’s cherubic charm and compared his style with the shocked to see a man who could when she realised that she could of sexually abusing a child in perhaps the reason why the
At some point he paused, he holder for Most Successful En- angelic voice wooed the people “breathless, dreamy stutter” of Ste- dance like him and I too was not save him, Debbie Rowe has 1993, by 13-year-old Jordan mourning for the King of Pop
stared at me very intensely and tertainer of all time and winner and the group delivered hits like vie Wonder. Michael also put in a shocked and inspired by him. He revealed post his demise that she Chandler and his father, and doesn’t seem to pause is because
stated with an almost calm of 13 Grammy Awards, Michael “ABC” and “I Want You Back”. But lot of effort, and money too, in his had a unique dance style, it wasn’t had agreed to bear him children while the child’s mother severely we all realise that we loved him for
certainty, "I am afraid that I am Jackson is not someone the behind this picture perfect band videos. And so he triumphed in break dance … it was just typical to help him and to keep him from refuted their accusations, investi- his rare talent and we were witness
going to end up like him, the world will forget in a hurry. “Mi- was a controlling father who creating videos like that of “Billie Jackson Style!” being lonely, and that while she gations were carried out where to the last act of his life and did
way he did." chael was an incredible singer would mentally and physically Jean”, which incidentally paved the Growing up in the 90s, I didn’t was artificially inseminated, Mi- many children in Michael’s fami- nothing as we saw him consumed
I promptly tried to deter him and a brilliant dancer. He had the torture the boys. Michael, in an way for black artists to be aired on believe people when they told me chael was not the biological father ly were interrogated and he was by misery and loneliness. The
from the idea, at which point he dance flair of Fred Astaire and interview years later, was in tears MTV, and also brought the chan- that MJ was really a black guy. of the children! Michael went on even subjected to a strip search. drugs might have put him to sleep
just shrugged his shoulders and the voice of an angel/devil. He as he described the abuse. nel into mainstream attention. He Soon enough I found out that the to have a third child via a surro- The public and media lambasted for good, but then legends never
nodded almost matter of fact as if was absolutely mesmerising guy I was in love with was the gate mother. him, Michael couldn’t cope with die. Like Jackson said in 2007,
to let me know, he knew what he
knew and that was kind of that.”
when on stage,” says Alyque Pad-
amsee. Michael’s incredible jour-
As his dance evolved, product of several cosmetic sur-
geries. In 1979, Michael had his
Michael never experienced a
normal childhood or adulthood,
the stress and it was then that he
began to take painkillers. Suffi-
“Music has been my outlet, my gift
to all of the lovers in this world.
The end wasn’t all that differ- ney began when he was six- Michael was even able to first rhinoplasty after breaking his for he was the man who lived in cient evidence was not found Through it, my music, I know I

make movements like touch-

ent. If an overdose of the drug years-old. He joined his brothers nose during a dance routine. This 'Neverland' – a place where peo- and Michael eventually coughed will live forever.” RIP Michael.
Demerol is being blamed for in their band Jackson Brothers, was followed by many more sur- ple don’t grow old. “Michael up $22 million to put an end to

ing one’s crotch iconic!

taking Michael Jackson away at and by the time he turned eight, geries. In the mid 80s, Michael Jackson has been labelled as the the episode. Similar charges re- With inputs from Aakriti Bhardwaj
the young age of 50, Elvis too he turned lead singer along with was diagnosed with vitiligo and Peter Pan of Pop music. Whether turned to haunt him in 2003. In- and Ravi Inder Singh

the sunday indian 48 12 july 2009 the sunday indian 49 12 july 2009

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