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Tender Document of Internal Control Proc 2007

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Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Higher Education Authority Review of Internal Control Procedures and proposals for an Internal Audit Service Tender Document

Awarding Authority!

The Higher Education Authority" #loor $ne" %roo&lawn House" Shel'ourne Road" Du'lin ( *+,- ./,0,++ *+,- ./,0,0. info3hea ie
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Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Ta'le of Contents

Section 1. 2. 3. Introduction Background to Higher Education Authority O er ie! and detai"# o$ Interna" Audit %unction &e'uire(ent#. In#truction# to *enderer# &e$erence Site# -ontractua" arrange(ent# Additiona" in$or(ation and a//endice#

Page 3-5 6-8 8-16 16-1+ 2, 2, 2,

). 5. 6. ..

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

, ,,

Introduction Purpose of Tender Documentation *he /ur/o#e o$ thi# docu(ent i# to a##i#t tenderer# in /re/aring /ro/o#a"# $or the #u//"y o$ Interna" Audit Ser ice# to the Higher Education Authority. *hi# docu(ent re(ain# the /ro/erty o$ the A!arding Authority and i# i##ued on"y to a##i#t you in #u0(itting a detai"ed re#/on#e to the re'uire(ent# #/eci$ied. *he in$or(ation contained herein i# to 0e treated a# con$identia" and (u#t not 0e di#c"o#ed to any third /arty !ithout /rior !ritten con#ent $ro( the -hie$ E1ecuti e2 Higher Education Authority2 %"oor One2 Brook"a!n Hou#e2 She"0ourne &oad2 3u0"in ). A"" 'uerie# !ith re#/ect to the *ender 3ocu(entation and re'ue#t# $or additiona" in$or(ation #hou"d 0e (ade to Head o$ Ad(ini#tration at the a0o e addre##. *e"e/hone 4u(0er5 6,17 231.1,, $a1 nu(0er 6,17 231.1.2 e-(ai" addre## /(e"" *enderer# (u#t not contact any other /er#on or di#cu## the /ro/o#a"# !ith any other /er#on in the Authority.


A!arding Authority. *he a!arding authority i# *he Higher Education Authority.


*a1ation o0"igation#. It !i"" 0e a condition o$ the a!ard o$ any contract# that the tenderer !i"" 0e re'uired to /roduce a a"id ta1 c"earance certi$icate $ro( the Iri#h &e enue -o((i##ioner#. In the ca#e o$ a non-re#ident tenderer2 a #tate(ent o$ #uita0i"ity on ta1 ground# $ro( the &e enue -o((i##ioner# !i"" 0e re'uired. Pro$e##iona" Ser ice# &etention *a1 6PS&*7 !i"" 0e deducted $ro( certain /ay(ent# $or audit #er ice# /ro ided 0y the #ucce##$u" tenderer. It #ha"" 0e the re#/on#i0i"ity o$ tenderer# the(#e" e# to o0tain a"" nece##ary docu(entation and to en#ure that they co(/"y !ith a"" re"e ant Iri#h ta1ation re'uire(ent#.

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation


O er ie! o$ -ontent#. *he *ender 3ocu(entation contain# $our #ection# a# out"ined 0e"o!. Section ) re'uire# #/eci$ic /ro/o#a" re#/on#e#. Section , Section . Section / Section ( e1/"ain# the /ur/o#e o$ the docu(ent2 /ro ide# genera" in#truction on the /re/aration o$ /ro/o#a"# and gi e# guidance on ho! they !i"" 0e e a"uated9 /ro ide# 0ackground in$or(ation on the Authority. gi e# detai"# o$ the re'uire(ent#9 /ro ide# a te(/"ate $or *enderer re#/on#e# !hich (u#t 0e co(/"eted a# #/eci$ied. *he $or(at and content# o$ *enderer /ro/o#a"# i# #/eci$ied in thi# #ection. %ai"ure 0y a tenderer to adhere to the /re#cri0ed $or(at o$ re#/on#e (ay re#u"t in the re:ection o$ that tender.

1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3

Instructions to Tenderers *enderer# (u#t /ro ide a"" the in$or(ation re'ue#ted in Section ) o$ the *ender 3ocu(entation2 in the #a(e #e'uence and u#ing the #a(e re$erence nu(0ering $or(at a# that u#ed in the tender docu(ent. A"" rea#ona0"e re'ue#t# $or additiona" in$or(ation !i"" 0e addre##ed and #uch in$or(ation !i"" 0e (ade a ai"a0"e to a"" other tenderer# in a"" ca#e#. *enderer# (u#t #u0(it $our 6)7 0ound co/ie# and one 617 un0ound co/y o$ their /ro/o#a"#. *he /ro/o#a"# (u#t 0e enc"o#ed in a #ea"ed en e"o/e (arked ;Interna" Audit Ser ice#< and addre##ed to5 5r Padraic 5ellett Head of Administration" Higher Education Authority ,st #loor" %roo&lawn House" Shel'ourne Road" Du'lin ( *he A!arding Authority !i"" not 0e "ia0"e $or any co#t# incurred 0y /ro/o#er# in the /re/aration and #u0(i##ion o$ re#/on#e 6#72 inc"uding any !ork2 e$$ort or e1/en#e# re'uired to co(/"ete the /ro/o#a". *he A!arding Authority re#er e# the right to a(end or a"ter any in$or(ation contained in the#e docu(ent# at any ti(e. Partici/ating /ro/o#er# !i"" 0e in$or(ed o$ any a(end(ent# or a"teration#. =n!arranted or ina//ro/riate atte(/t# 6inc"uding can a##ing7 to in$"uence the deci#ion o$ the A!arding Authority 0y /ro/o#er#2 or 0y any /arty acting on 0eha"$ o$ a /ro/o#er !i"" auto(atica""y di#'ua"i$y the /re/are#. 3uring the e a"uation /roce##2 the *enderer (ay 0e re'uired to gi e $or(a" /re#entation# o$ their /ro/o#a"# to re/re#entati e# o$ the A!arding Authority. &e$erence #ite i#it# (ay a"#o 0e undertaken.

1.5.) 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5..

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation


In$or(ation /ro ided in /ro/o#a"# and in #u0#e'uent di#cu##ion# and !ritten co((unication#2 /rice#2 a ai"a0i"ity date# and #er ice# o$$ered 0y the *enderer# !i"" 0e con#idered to $or( /art o$ the 0a#i# o$ any contractua" arrange(ent# in the e ent o$ a /ro/o#a" or /ro/o#a"# 0eing acce/ted 0y the A!arding Authority. *he $o""o!ing !i"" $or( /art o$ the contract docu(ent $or the /ro/o#ed #er ice#5 *hi# *E43E& 3O-=>E4*A*IO4 and *enderer re#/on#e# to the &e'ue#t $or *ender >odi$ication# and a(end(ent# to the a0o e docu(ent# $or(a""y agreed 0et!een the /artie# to the contract *he $ina" ter(# and condition# agreed 0et!een the /artie# to the contract. *he o$$icia" order $or the #er ice# i##ued 0y the A!arding Authority.


*enderer# are re'ue#ted to ackno!"edge recei/t o$ the *ender 3ocu(entation and to noti$y in !ording2 or 0y $a1 or e-(ai" >r. Padraic >e""ett2 Head o$ Ad(ini#tration2 6$a1 ,1?231.1.22 e-(ai" /(e""ett8hea.ie7 !ithin ten day# o$ recei/t o$ the tender docu(entation o$ their intent to #u0(it a /ro/o#a". 5ain Selection Criteria *he $o""o!ing (atter# !i"" 0e a(ong the #e"ection criteria $or the a!ard o$ any contract5 *he ca/a0i"ity o$ the *enderer to #ati#$y the re'uire(ent# #/eci$ied in thi# docu(ent. *he /ro en ca/a0i"ity o$ the *enderer to de e"o/ and de"i er the #er ice# #/eci$ied in thi# docu(ent. Pro/o#er# (ay 0e re'uired to /ro ide e idence o$ co(/etence and e1/erience o$ /ro iding #i(i"ar #er ice# 0y /ro iding detai"# o$ re$erence #ite# and contact#2 and 0y de(on#trating the /re#ence o$ a #u$$icient nu(0er o$ #uita0"y 'ua"i$ied and e1/erienced /er#onne" to /ro ide #uch #er ice#. 3etai"# o$ the /er#onne" !ho !i"" 0e undertaking thi# a##ign(ent and their e1/erience# to date !i"" 0e re'uired. E idence that the *enderer ha# a good under#tanding o$ the /u0"ic #ector 6and /articu"ar"y the Iri#h Higher Education #ector7 and inherent i##ue# re"ating to thi# ty/e o$ en iron(ent. Annua" co#t# inc"uding %ee#2 *ra e" and Su0#i#tence2 other re"ated co#t# 6inc"u#i e o$ @a"ue Added *a12 a# a//ro/riate7 Agree(ent o$ a//ro/riate contractua" arrange(ent# 0et!een the *enderer and the A!arding Authority. *he 'ua"ity and co(/"etene## o$ the re#/on#e /ro ided and co(/"iance !ith the #/eci$ied nu(0ering and $or(at.


1.6.1 1.6.2

1.6.3 1.6.) 1.6.5 1.6.6

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

%ac&ground to Higher Education Authority HEA DESCRIPTI$) 7 D8TIES *he HEA i# the #tatutory 0ody re#/on#i0"e $or ad i#ing the >ini#ter $or Education and Science and the Ao ern(ent on /o"icy de e"o/(ent $or higher education and re#earch. It a""ocate# /u0"ic $unding $or teaching2 "earning and re#earch to higher education in#titution# and it carrie# out regu"atory and re ie! $unction#. *he 4ationa" O$$ice $or E'uity o$ Acce## to Higher Education i# e#ta0"i#hed !ithin the HEA and the Authority (anage#2 on 0eha"$ o$ the >ini#ter $or Education and Science2 the Progra((e $or &e#earch in *hird Be e" In#titution#. In addition it i# the $unding agency $or the uni er#itie# and a nu(0er o$ de#ignated In#titution# o$ Education =ni er#ity -o""ege2 3u0"in =ni er#ity -o""ege2 -ork 4ationa" =ni er#ity o$ Ire"and2 Aa"!ay. 4ationa" =ni er#ity o$ Ire"and2 >aynooth. =ni er#ity o$ 3u0"in2 *rinity -o""ege. =ni er#ity o$ Bi(erick2 3u0"in -ity =ni er#ity >ary I((acu"ate -o""ege 6$unded through =B7 St. PatrickC# -o""ege 3ru(condra 6$unded through 3-=7 >ater 3ei In#titute 6$unded through 3-=7 St. Ange"aC# -o""ege 6$unded through 4=IA7 and the $o""o!ing de#ignated in#titution# 4ationa" -o""ege o$ Art and 3e#ign &oya" Iri#h Acade(y *he recent"y enacted In#titute# o$ *echno"ogy Act2 2,,6 /ro ide $or the de#ignation o$ the In#titute# o$ *echno"ogy. It i# antici/ated that the HEA !i"" a##u(e re#/on#i0i"ity $or $unding the In#titute# o$ *echno"ogy ery #hort"y once the >ini#ter #ign# the co((ence(ent order. *he Authority con#i#t# o$ 18 /art ti(e (e(0er# 6at "ea#t #e en (e(0er# (u#t 0e acade(ic (e(0er# and at "ea#t #e en (e(0er# (u#t 0e other than acade(ic7 and a -hair(an !ho are a//ointed 0y the Ao ern(ent on the ad ice o$ the >ini#ter $or Education D Science. *he Authority ha# an E1ecuti e o$ 6,.

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

HEA DESCRIPTI$) 7 D8TIES >eeting# o$ the Higher Education Authority are nor(a""y he"d e ery other (onth. *he Authority ha# t!o #tanding co((ittee# !hich re/ort# to it5 #inance *hi# -o((ittee dea"# /ri(ari"y !ith recurrent $unding o$ the uni er#itie# and de#ignated in#titution# and the /roce##ing o$ annua" 0udget# and e#ti(ate#. Audit *hi# -o((ittee i# re#/on#i0"e $or re ie!ing the re"ia0i"ity o$ $inancia" re/orting2 (onitoring co(/"iance !ith regu"atory (atter# and the HEAC# o!n /o"icie# and /rocedure#. In addition the -o((ittee !i"" 0e re#/on#i0"e $or o er#eeing 0road-0a#ed ri#k (anage(ent and contro"2 re ie!ing the /"anned #co/e o$ interna" auditing acti itie# $or the year and /re/aring a code o$ conduct in re"ation to $inancia" (atter#. *he -o((ittee2 !ith the a##i#tance o$ the interna" audit #er ice2 recent"y re ie!ed it# ter(# o$ re$erence. *he Authority /eriodica""y #et# u/ ta#k $orce#. *he Authority i# a"#o the Iri#h contact /oint $or a nu(0er o$ E= /rogra((e# e.g. Socrate#?Era#(u#2 *e(/u# and >iner a. *he Authority a"#o o er#ee# the 0udgeting2 accounting and $inancia" re/orting o$ uni er#itie# and de#ignated in#titution#. It ha# i##ued a ;%ra(e!ork $or %inancia" (anage(ent and &e/orting $or Iri#h =ni er#itie#< 0a#ed on 0e#t accounting /ractice and !ith a ie! to achie ing con#i#tency2 co(/rehen#i e accounting and tran#/arency acro## the #ector. A/art $ro( ad i#e on /ay2 the uni er#itie# ha e autono(y o$ o/eration !ithin the o era"" /ayro"" $ra(e!ork. *he Authority ha# agreed !ith the -on$erence o$ Head# o$ Iri#h =ni er#itie# docu(ent entit"ed ;*he %inancia" Ao ernance o$ Iri#h =ni er#itie# E Ba"ancing2 Autono(y and Accounta0i"ity. *he Authority i# in negotiation# !ith the Iri#h =ni er#itie# A##ociation to u/date thi# docu(ent. *he (ain #ection# in the Authority in o" ed in a""ocation and /ay(ent o$ grant# are9 6a7 &ecurrent grant#. 607 Phy#ica" de e"o/(ent 6c7 &e#earch Progra((e# E in addition /ay(ent# a//ro ed 0y the Iri#h &e#earch -ounci"# $or the Hu(anitie# and Socia" Science# 6I&-HSS7 and Science2 Engineering and *echno"ogy 6I&-SE*7 are (ade 0y the HEA through re#earch /rogra((e#.

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

6d7 4ationa" O$$ice $or E'uity o$ Acce## to Higher Education 6e7 Euro/ean Progra((e# 6E= $unded7 6$7 Per#onne" and account# E thi# #ection i# re#/on#i0"e $or the HEAC# o!n ad(ini#trati e 0udget 6c. F6(7 in addition to i##uing /ay(ent# to the ariou# in#titution# on the 0a#i# o$ re'ue#t# $ro( the ariou# #ection# out"ined a0o e. A# indicated a0o e the HEA !i"" #hort"y a##u(e re#/on#i0i"ity $or $unding the In#titute# o$ *echno"ogy.

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.) 3.5 3.6 3.. 3.8

$verview and Details of Internal Audit #unction re9uirements Introduction >i##ion State(ent O0:ecti e# Sco/e Authority &e/orting &e"ation#hi/# &e"ation#hi/ !ith - D AA Procedure# $or the conduct o$ a 'ua"ity interna" audit !ork /rogra((e

Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation


Introduction *he Authority ha# agreed on the need $or an inde/endent interna" audit #er ice.


5ission Statement *he (i##ion o$ Interna" Audit i# to /ro ide an inde/endent a//rai#a" $unction !ithin the Authority to (ea#ure and e a"uate the e$$ecti ene## and e$$iciency o$ it# o/eration inc"uding it# interna" contro"#.


$':ectives *he o0:ecti e o$ Interna" Audit i# to $urni#h the Authority and a"" "e e"# o$ (anage(ent !ith ana"y#e#2 a//rai#a"#2 reco((endation# and re"e ant in$or(ation concerning the acti itie# re ie!ed. *he Interna" Audit %unction i# concerned !ith any acti ity !here it !i"" 0e o$ #er ice to the Authority. It i# #tre##ed that the #co/e o$ the interna" audit $unction !i"" e(0race a"" o/erating contro"# and /rocedure#. *he In#titute o$ Interna" Auditor# de$ine Interna" Auditing9 Interna" Auditing i# an inde/endent2 o0:ecti e a##urance and con#u"ting acti ity de#igned to add a"ue and i(/ro e an organiGation# o/eration#. It he"/# an organiGation acco(/"i#h it# o0:ecti e# 0y 0ringing a #y#te(atic2 di#ci/"ined a//roach to e a"uate and i(/ro e the e$$ecti ene## o$ ri#k (anage(ent2 contro" and go ernance /roce##.


Scope *he #co/e o$ the Interna" Audit %unction !i"" co er interna" contro" re ie!#. A"" o$ the Authoritie# acti itie#2 $unded $ro( !hate er #ource2 $a"" !ithin the re(it o$ the Interna" Audit %unction. An interna" contro" #y#te( enco(/a##e# the /o"icie#2 /roce##e#2 ta#k#2 0eha iour# and other a#/ect# o$ a co(/any that taken together %aci"itate it# e$$ecti e and e$$icient o/eration 0y ena0"ing it to re#/ond a//ro/riate"y to #igni$icant 0u#ine##2 o/erationa"2 $inancia"2 co(/"iance and other ri#k# to achie ing the co(/anyH# o0:ecti e#. He"/ en#ure the 'ua"ity o$ interna" and e1terna" re/orting. He"/ en#ure co(/"iance !ith a//"ica0"e "a!# and regu"ation2 and a"#o !ith interna" /o"icie# !ith re#/ect to the conduct o$ 0u#ine##. Interna" contro" i# de$ined a#5 *he !ho"e #y#te( o$ contro"#2 $inancia"2 ri#k (anage(ent and other!i#e e#ta0"i#hed in order to /ro ide rea#ona0"e a##urance o$5


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

6a7 607 6c7

e$$ecti e2 re"ia0"e and e$$icient o/eration#9 the #a$eguarding o$ a##et# again#t ina//ro/riate or unauthoriGed u#e or $ro( "o## and $raud9 e$$ecti e $inancia" contro"#2 inc"uding the (aintenance o$ /ro/er accounting record# and re"ia0i"ity and integrity o$ $inancia" in$or(ation u#ed !ithin the Authority5 the e$$ecti ene## and e$$iciency o$ o/eration#2 the re"ia0i"ity o$ interna" and e1terna" re/orting and o$ co(/"iance !ith Ao ern(ent guide"ine# and E= regu"ation#.


*he Interna" Audit %unction doe# not ha e any (anage(ent re#/on#i0i"ity or authority $or the $unction# or acti itie# it re ie!#. Interna" Audit ha# di#charged it# re#/on#i0i"ity !hen it ha# (ade a $u"" re/ort o$ the #igni$icant actua" or /otentia" !eakne## or /ro0"e(2 together !ith (anage(entC# re#/on#e2 to the Audit -o((ittee e#ta0"i#hed 0y the Authority. It i# the re#/on#i0i"ity o$ the AuthorityC# (anage(ent to i(/"e(ent the deci#ion# 0y the Authority in regard to the Interna" Audit re/ort#. /; Authority *he Interna" Audit %unctionH# authority deri e# $ro( the Audit -o((ittee and !i"" re/ort to the Audit -o((ittee !hich ha# 0een e#ta0"i#hed 0y the Authority. *he -o((ittee (eet# at "ea#t $our ti(e# /er annu( and re/ort# on it# acti itie# to the Authority. *hi# inc"ude# the authority to carry out #uch audit !ork and (ake #uch en'uirie# and in e#tigation#2 a# it con#ider# nece##ary to achie e it# o0:ecti e#. *hi# authority inc"ude# the right o$ unre#tricted acce## to a"" Authority record#2 #y#te(# and #ta$$. /6 Reporting Relationships *a- Reporting Arrangements to the Authority *he HEA i# autono(ou# !ith it# o!n Authority2 E1ecuti e and (anage(ent #tructure#. It i# en i#aged that the interna" audit $unction !i"" re/ort !ithin thi# #tructure. *he interna" audit $unction !i"" re/ort to the Audit -o((ittee !ho in turn re/ort# to the Authority.


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation


Relationship with the Comptroller and Auditor <eneral *C7A<*he Interna" Audit %unctionH# !ork !i"" co(/"e(ent the !ork o$ the - D AA #o a# to a oid du/"ication. A"" Interna" Audit re/ort# and !orking /a/er# !i"" 0e a ai"a0"e to the - D AA. *he - D AA !i"" 0e ad i#ed o$ the e1tent o$ hi# re"iance on interna" audit !ork and re/ort# and (ay reduce the e1tent o$ hi# audit according"y and re/ort# and (ay reduce the e1tent o$ hi# audit according"y.

Procedures for the Conduct of a =uality Internal Audit 4or& Programme Introduction So a# to achie e it# (i##ion and o0:ecti e# and !orking !ithin it# de$ined #co/e2 authority and re/orting re"ation#hi/# a# #et out in / , to / 0 a0o e the $o""o!ing /rocedure# !ou"d 0e con#idered the (ini(u( $or the conduct o$ a Iua"ity Interna" Audit Jork Progra((e.

Internal Audit 4or& Programme *he Interna" Audit %unction !i"" de e"o/2 in con:unction !ith the Audit -o((ittee2 an annua" /"an and !ork /rogra((e. *he (ain ai( o$ thi# !ork /rogra((e !i"" 0e to ena0"e the Interna" Auditor to re/ort to the Audit -o((ittee o$ the HEA at "ea#t once a year on the ade'uacy o$ interna" contro"#. *he !ork /rogra((e !i"" 0e #tructured to co er each o$ the AuthorityH# (ain acti itie# at "ea#t once e ery $our year#. *he Audit -o((ittee !i"" re ie! the e1tent to !hich the Annua" P"an and Jork Progra((e !ere actua""y e1ecuted and rea#on# $or #igni$icant de iation#. Area#?acti itie# !i"" 0e #e"ected $or audit a# $o""o!#5

State(ent o$ Interna" %inancia" -ontro"5 *he Authority i# re'uired on an annua" 0a#i# to /re/are a #tate(ent o$ the #y#te( o$ interna" $inancia" contro"#. *he interna" audit #er ice !i"" 0e re'uired to re ie! thi# #tate(ent and ad i#e the -o((ittee !here a//ro/riate. &i#k Ana"y#i#5 *he Interna" Audit %unction !i"" re ie! the o/eration o$ the HEAC# ri#k (anage(ent $ra(e!ork. &ando( Audit#5 &ando( audit# !i"" 0e conducted to identi$y !eakne##e# !hich re'uire a (ore in de/th re ie!. Pro/o#a"# a# to ho! rando( audit# cou"d 0e carried out #hou"d 0e (ade. S/ecia" &e ie!#5 *he#e !i"" 0e conducted $o""o!ing a re'ue#t $ro( the Audit -o((ittee2 the $u"" Authority or #enior (anage(ent !ithin the E1ecuti e.


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Other ta#k# a# ad i#ed 0y the HEA inc"uding /ro i#ion o$ training to (e(0er# o$ the -o((ittee2 Authority or e1ecuti e on (atter# re"ating to go ernance2 ri#k and co(/"iance. Internal Audit Approach *he a//roach to 0e taken 0y the Interna" Audit %unction to each a##ign(ent !i"" 0e a# $o""o!#5 Scope of Review



An Interna" Audit &e ie! !i"" e1a(ine the o/eration and e$$ecti ene## o$ ri#k (anage(ent and o$ contro"#2 co(/"iance !ith /rocedure#2 and the ade'uacy o$ $inancia" and other in$or(ation. Interna" Audit !i"" /ro(ote e$$ecti e contro" and !i"" reco((end ne! regu"ation# and /rocedure# !here nece##ary.



Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Planning 3. ). 5. 6. .. Initia" (eeting !ith (anage(ent o$ area under re ie! to di#cu## ter(# o$ re$erence#2 o0:ecti e# o$ the re ie! and an#!er 'ue#tion#. Pre"i(inary re ie!5 to de e"o/ an o er ie! o$ the area under re ie!. 3etai"ed /"an $or re ie!. -arry out re ie!. Pro i#ion o$ /ractica" ad ice in re"ation to /otentia" i(/ro e(ent# and other i##ue#.

Reporting 8. +. 1,. 3i#cu## and dra$t re/ort5 di#cu## indi idua" /oint# !ith #ta$$ and (anage(ent $ro( the area? acti ity under re ie! and re i#e dra$t re/ort a# re'uired. %ina" >eeting5 (eet (anage(ent $ro( area under re ie! and re i#e dra$t re/ort a# re'uired. %ina" re/ort5 i##ue re/ort2 inc"uding (anage(ent re#/on#e#2 to the (anage(ent o$ area under re ie!2 the E1ecuti e >anager# and Audit -o((ittee. Audit #ollow 8p 11. It i# (anage(entH# re#/on#i0i"ity to i(/"e(ent the reco((endation# (ade 0y Interna" Audit $o""o!ing the co(/"etion o$ a re ie!. Interna" Audit !i"" $o""o! u/ !ith (anage(ent to deter(ine the #tatu# o$ i(/"e(entation o$ the reco((endation# (ade. Interna" Audit !i"" re/ort to the re"e ant Audit -o((ittee on the #tatu# o$ i(/"e(entation o$ reco((endation# (ade. *he Audit -o((ittee !i"" not 0e ad i#ed o$ any !eakne## in interna" contro"# or any other /ro0"e(# identi$ied unti" the (atter ha# 0een re/orted to and di#cu##ed !ith the (anager !ho ha# re#/on#i0i"ity $or that area?acti ity and i# re#/on#i0"e $or correcting the /ro0"e(. In certain #eriou# circu(#tance#2 it (ay 0e nece##ary to in$or( the Audit -o((ittee 0e$ore the re"e ant (anager ha# 0een con#u"ted. *he Interna" Audit %unction !i"" o/erate in accordance !ith docu(ented /ro$e##iona" #tandard# and /rocedure#. / Internal Audit Recommendations


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Interna" Audit reco((endation# !i"" 0e categori#ed a# $o""o!#5 1. 2. Serious 4ea&ness - (atter# !hich cou"d re#u"t in "o## to the Authority. *he#e reco((endation# (u#t 0e acted u/on 0y (anage(ent i((ediate"y. Control 4ea&nesses - (atter# !hich need to 0e corrected or i(/"e(ented in order to i(/ro e the #y#te( o$ interna" contro". *he#e (atter# #hou"d 0e i(/"e(ented in accordance !ith a ti(eta0"e a# agreed !ith Interna" Audit. $ther Points - co er other (atter# !hich Interna" Audit rai#e !ith (anage(ent. *hi# !ou"d inc"ude #y#te( enhance(ent#2 /rocedura" change# and other (atter# !hich are not !eakne##e# in interna" contro"# 0ut cou"d re#u"t in i(/ro ed o/eration# and?or greater e$$iciency. >anage(ent are encouraged to i(/"e(ent the#e reco((endation#.



Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Seriou# -ontro" !eakne##e# !i"" 0e $urther ranked a# A2B2 or -. *he $o""o!ing /oint# !i"" 0e taken into account !hen deciding the a//ro/riate ranking to u#e5 A2 -ou"d re#u"t in a $inancia" "o## greater than F1,,2,,, the !eakne## i# #o critica" that it# $inancia" e1/o#ure can not 0e 'uanti$ied or the !eakne## ha# a #igni$icant ri#k o$ a di#a#ter occurring or no contro"# e1i#t in ita" Authority #y#te(# or no Authority /o"icy e1i#t#. %2 -ou"d re#u"t in a $inancia" "o## o$ F5,2,,, 0ut "e## than F1,,2,,, or the !eakne## cou"d "ead to a (a:or $inancia" e1/o#ure or /oor contro"# e1i#t in ita" Authority #y#te(# or contro"# are not 0eing o/erated /ro/er"y or Authority /o"icy i# not 0eing $u""y i(/"e(ented. C2 -ou"d re#u"t in a $inancia" "o## o$ "e## than F5,2,,, or the !eakne## cou"d de e"o/ into a /ro0"e( or contro"# need to 0e i(/ro ed !ithin the #y#te( or o/erationa" contro"# are /oor or the Authority (ay need to i##ue guide"ine#?/rocedure# to acco(/any it# /o"icy. *he Audit -o((ittee !i"" 0e ad i#ed 0y the Interna" Audit %unction o$ in#tance# !here #eriou# or contro" reco((endation# ha e not 0een ado/ted 0y (anage(ent !ithin the agreed ti(e $ra(e. *he Audit -o((ittee can re/ort thi# $ai"ure to act on Interna" Audit reco((endation# to the Authority. ( (, Instructions to Tenderers 2 Summary Proposed format *he tenderer (u#t #et out the re#/on#e to the *ender 3ocu(entation e1act"y in accordance !ith the in#truction# 0e"o!. *he in#truction# $or co(/"etion o$ the /ro/o#a" (u#t 0e $o""o!ed and the /re#cri0ed nu(0ering #e'uence (u#t 0e u#ed. *he /ro/o#a" (u#t 0e #tructured a# $o""o!#5 617 627 Introduction >anage(ent #u((ary 2.1 Pro/o#ed o er ie! 2.2 Ser ice #u((ary co#t# 2.3 3e"i ery a//roach and ti(e#ca"e


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

637 6)7 657 667 6.7 (.

3etai"ed annua" #er ice co#t# *enderer /ro$i"e &e$erence #ite# -ontractua" arrange(ent# Additiona" in$or(ation and a//endice#

Instructions for completion of each section of the proposal *enderer# (u#t #et out c"ear"y and una(0iguou#"y in their /ro/o#a"# a"" in$or(ation re'ue#ted in the $o""o!ing #ection#. *he /ro/o#a" (u#t 0e di ided into #ection# a# #/eci$ied 0e"o! and (u#t 0e nu(0ered according"y. *enderer# #hou"d e#/ecia""y note that cro##-re$erence#2 re$erence# to 0rochure# or re$erence# to other docu(ent# !i"" not con#titute a #u$$icient or ade'uate re#/on#e to a re'uire(ent. *enderer# are a"#o ad i#ed #trong"y that nonin$or(ati e re#/on#e# !i"" not 0e con#idered a"id re#/on#e#. *enderer# (ay inc"ude #a"e# and /ro(otiona" (ateria" in #e/arate a//endice# to the (ain /ro/o#a".


Proposed contents 3etai"ed in#truction# $o""o! on ho! each #ection o$ the /ro/o#a" i# to 0e co(/"eted. 4ote that the nu(0ering u#ed i# that !hich tenderer# !i"" u#e $or their re#/on#e#.


Instructions to Tenderers 2 Detail ).).1 *he *enderer (ay gi e a 0rie$ introduction #etting out the 0ackground to the $ir( together !ith a #tate(ent o$ ho! the #er ice re'uire(ent# can 0e (et. 5anagement Summary


).).2.1 Proposal $verview Pro ide an o er ie! o$ the #tructure o$ the /ro/o#a"2 and a #tate(ent that it con$or(# to the #/eci$ied $or(at. Out"ine the key $eature# o$ the /ro/o#a" a# !e"" a# any other re"e ant in$or(ation. *hi# #ection #hou"d not e1ceed one /age. *he /ro/o#a" #hou"d out"ine the key cha""enge# $acing the Higher Education Authority. ).).2.2 Service Summary costs

A# the nature o$ !ork !i"" ary 0et!een annua" re ie! o$ interna" contro"#2 o/eration o$ the ri#k (anage(ent $ra(e!ork and (ore #/eci$ic interna" audit


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

re ie!# it i# $e"t that co#t# can 0e#t 0e a##e##ed 0y the tenderer /ro iding the $o""o!ing in$or(ation9 617 Annua" &e ie! o$ Interna" -ontro"# 4u(0er o$ day# in/ut 0y /artner and co#t /er day 4u(0er o$ day# in/ut 0y (anager and co#t /er day 4u(0er o$ day# in/ut 0y audit #enior and co#t /er day Any other co#t# E /"ea#e /ro ide detai"# 627 O/eration o$ &i#k >anage(ent %ra(e!ork 4u(0er o$ day# in/ut 0y /artner and co#t /er day 4u(0er o$ day# in/ut 0y (anager and co#t /er day 4u(0er o$ day# in/ut 0y audit #enior and co#t /er day Any other co#t# E /"ea#e /ro ide detai"# 637 S/eci$ic &e ie!# -o#t /er day $or in/ut 0y Partner -o#t /er day $or in/ut 0y >anager -o#t /er day $or in/ut 0y audit #enior Any other co#t# P"ea#e indicate !hether a di#count (ay a//"y and i$ #o under !hat circu(#tance#. A"" co#t# to 0e inc"u#i e o$ @A* !here a//ro/riate. ((./ Delivery approach and timescale A de#cri/tion o$ the de"i ery a//roach and the "ike"y ti(e#ca"e (u#t 0e /ro ided2 taking into account the $act that a $our year cyc"e i# en i#aged. 4ote in /articu"ar that a rea"i#tic re#ource /"an (u#t 0e inc"uded $or 0oth the *enderer and Authority #ta$$. (; (;, Tenderer profile Tender information *he $o""o!ing in$or(ation (u#t 0e /ro ided5 ).5.1 Bega" na(e ).5.1.2 Ho"ding2 /arent or #u0#idiary re"ation#hi/# 6i$ any7 (;. Head o$$ice addre## and tota" #ta$$ e(/"oyed there. ).5.2.1 Phone nu(0er2 $a1 nu(0er2 e-(ai" addre## ).5.2.2 >ain contact /er#on $or thi# tender


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

).5.2.3 3ate $ounded


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation


=uality certification *enderer# !ho ha e o0tained 'ua"ity a##urance certi$ication #hou"d /ro ide detai"# o$ #uch certi$ication.

(0 )...1

Tenderer staff *enderer# (u#t identi$y 0y na(e tho#e /eo/"e !ho !i"" 0e a##igned to the interna" audit #er ice#2 #hou"d they 0e #ucce##$u". *he $o""o!ing detai"# (u#t 0e /ro ided $or each /er#on5 )...1.1 )....1.2 )...1.3 )...1.) )...1.5 &e"e ant 'ua"i$ication# and training Bength o$ ti(e !ith the tendererH# $ir( Po#ition he"d in the tendererH# $ir( and "ength o$ ti(e #o he"d. &o"e en i#aged $or the#e #er ice# E1/erience and ro"e on a"" (a:or a##ign(ent# 6!hether !ith the tenderer or not7 o er the "a#t $i e year#. E1/erience and ro"e on #i(i"ar a##ign(ent# o er the /a#t $i e year#

*enderer# #hou"d note that !here it i# /ro/o#ed to #u0#titute a /er#on other than tho#e identi$ied a0o e #i(i"ar in$or(ation in re#/ect o$ that /er#on (u#t 0e /ro ided 0e$ore the Authority !i"" acce/t the #u0#titution. Jhere the Authority dee(# a /ro/o#ed /er#on to 0e un#uita0"e or un'ua"i$ied $or the ta#k# en i#aged it (ay re$u#e that /er#on# a//oint(ent. Jhere thi# occur# the *enderer !i"" 0e dee(ed to ha e $ai"ed to co(/"y !ith thi# re'uire(ent unti" a #uita0"e #u0#titute i# /ro ided.


Higher Education Authority Internal Audit Services Tender Documentation

Reference sites Bi#t three re$erence# #ite# !hich2 a# $ar a# /o##i0"e2 ha e a /ro$i"e #i(i"ar to the Authority and /ro ide a contact na(e and nu(0er and an indication o$ the e1tent o$ your in o" e(ent in the /ro i#ion o$ #er ice# to the re$erence #ite#.

6 6,

Contractual arrangements Terms and conditions

6.1.1. *he *enderer (u#t /ro ide a co/y o$ the /ro/o#ed ter(# and condition# $or the contract !ith their tender#. *hi# #hou"d inc"ude the /ro i#ion o$ a//ro/riate !orking /a/er# and $i"e# 0eing (ade a ai"a0"e to the Authority2 i$ re'ue#ted. It #hou"d a"#o out"ine a /ro/o#ed /roce## to ar0itrate in the ca#e o$ di#/ute# or other di$$icu"tie# that (ay ari#e. 6. Payment schedule *enderer# (u#t /ro ide a /ro/o#ed /ay(ent #chedu"e 0a#ed on /ro:ected annua" co#ting#. 0 Additional information and appendices *enderer# (ay /ro ide additiona" in$or(ation and a//endice# a# they con#ider a//ro/riate.


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