List of Academic Fields: Atural Ciences
List of Academic Fields: Atural Ciences
List of Academic Fields: Atural Ciences
Please list the 3- or 4-letter abbreviation for the academic field, and the corresponding numerical code, that best reflects your area of research or study. This information is required in assigning applications for review.
Agriculture AGR 0 0 AGR 0 0! AGR 0 03 AGR 0 04 AGR 0 0" AGR 0 0# AGR 0 0% AGR 0 0& AGR 0 0' AGR 0 AGR 0 ! AGR AGR AGR AGR AGR 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 " 0 '' Agricultural economics Agricultural production Agricultural sciences Agronomy Animal sciences $ishery sciences $ood sciences $orestry and related sciences (orticulture Par)s and recreation management Plant sciences *e+cept agronomy, see 0 04, Rene-able natural resources Resource management .oil sciences /ildlife management Agriculture 0 other
Earth, Atmospheric, and arine Sciences 6A7 0"0 Atmospheric sciences 6A7 0"0! 6nvironmental sciences 6A7 0"03 Geochemistry 6A7 0"04 Geology 6A7 0"0" Geophysics and seismology 6A7 0"0% 7eteorology 6A7 0"0& 3ceanography 6A7 0"0# Paleontology 6A7 0"'' 6arth, atmospheric, and marine sciences 0 other !ealth and edical Sciences (6A 0#0 Allied health (6A 0#0! Audiology (6A 0#03 4hiropractic (6A 0#04 5ental sciences (6A 0#0" 6nvironmental health (6A 0#0# 6pidemiology (6A 0#0% (ealth science administration (6A 0#0& 2mmunology (6A 0#0' 7edical sciences (6A 0#! 7edicinal chemistry (6A 0# 0 8ursing (6A 0# & 3ccupational therapy (6A 0# 3ptometry (6A 0# ! 3steopathic medicine (6A 0# 3 Pharmaceutical sciences (6A 0# ' Physical therapy (6A 0# 4 Podiatry (6A 0# " Pre-medicine (6A 0# # Public health (6A 0#!0 .peech;language pathology (6A 0# % <eterinary medicine (6A 0#!! <eterinary science (6A 0#'' (ealth and medical sciences 0 other athematical Sciences 7A9( 0%0 Actuarial sciences 7A9( 0%0! Applied mathematics 7A9( 0%03 7athematics 7A9( 0%04 Probability and statistics 7A9( 0%'' 7athematical sciences 0 other "hysics and Astronomy P(= 0&0 Astronomy P(= 0&0! Astrophysics P(= 0&03 Atomic;molecular physics P(= 0&04 8uclear physics P(= 0&0" 3ptics P(= 0&0& Physics P(= 0&0# Planetary science P(= 0&0% .olid state physics P(= 0&'' Physics and astronomy 0 other Natural Sciences # $ther 8A9. 0''' 8atural sciences 0 other
68G 68G
003 0''
Engineering # Ci&il >ist of Academic $ields Page 68G 0 Architectural engineering 68G 0! 4ivil engineering 68G 03 6nvironmental;sanitary engineering 68G '' 4ivil engineering 0 other Engineering # Electrical and Electronics 68G !0! 4ommunications engineering 68G !0 4omputer engineering 68G !03 6lectrical engineering 68G !04 6lectronics engineering 68G !'' 6lectrical and electronics engineering 0 other Engineering # Industrial 68G 30 2ndustrial engineering 68G 30! 3perations research 68G 3'' 2ndustrial engineering 0 other Engineering # 68G 40 68G 40! 68G 403 68G 404 68G 4'' aterials 4eramic engineering 7aterials engineering 7aterials science 7etallurgical engineering 7aterials engineering 0 other
of !
Biological Sciences 123 0!0 Anatomy 123 0!! 1acteriology 123 0!0! 1iochemistry 123 0!03 1iology 123 0!04 1iometry 123 0!!! 1iophysics 123 0!0" 1otany 123 0!0# 4ell and molecular biology 123 0!0& 5evelopmental biology 123 0!0% 6cology 123 0!0' 6ntomology and parasitology 123 0! 0 Genetics 123 0! 7arine biology 123 0! ! 7icrobiology 123 0! 3 8eurosciences 123 0! 4 8utrition 123 0! " Pathology 123 0! # Pharmacology 123 0! % Physiology 123 0! & Radiobiology 123 0! ' 9o+icology 123 0!!0 :oology 123 0!'' 1iological sciences 0 other Chemistry 4(67 030! 4(67 030 4(67 0303 4(67 0304 4(67 030" 4(67 030# 4(67 03'' Analytical chemistry 4hemistry, general 2norganic chemistry 3rganic chemistry Pharmaceutical chemistry Physical chemistry 4hemistry 0 other
Engineering # echanical 68G "0 6ngineering mechanics 68G "0! 7echanical engineering 68G "'' 7echanical engineering 0 other Engineering # $ther 68G #0 Aerospace engineering 68G #0! Agricultural engineering 68G #03 1iomedical engineering 68G #04 6ngineering physics 68G #0" 6ngineering science 68G #0# Geological engineering 68G #0% 7ining engineering 68G #0& 8aval architecture and marine engineering 68G #0' 8uclear engineering 68G # 0 3cean engineering 68G # Petroleum engineering 68G # ! .ystems engineering 68G # 3 9e+tile engineering 68G #'' 6ngineering 0 other
Anthropology and Archaeology .3. %0 Anthropology .3. %0! Archaeology .3. %03 Gender studies Economics .3. &0! .3. &0 6conometrics 6conomics
Computer and Information Sciences 42. 040 4omputer programming 42. 040! 4omputer sciences 42. 0403 5ata processing 42. 0404 2nformation sciences 42. 040" 7icrocomputer applications 42. 040# .ystems analysis 42. 04'' 4omputer sciences 0 other
Engineering # Chemical 68G 00 4hemical engineering 68G 00! Pulp and paper production
!ome Economics (64 4#0 4onsumer economics (64 4#03 $amily counseling (64 4#0! $amily relations (64 4#'' (ome economics 0 other La' >A/ " 0! >a-
Architecture 4ity and regional planning 6nvironmental design 2nterior design >andscape architecture Arban design Architecture and environmental design 0 other
"olitical Science .3. '04 Gender studies .3. '0 2nternational relations .3. '0! Political science and government .3. '03 Public policy studies .3. ''' Political science 0 other "sychology .3. !00 .3. !00! .3. !003 .3. !004 .3. !00" .3. !00# .3. !00% .3. !00& .3. .3. .3. .3. .3. .3. .3. .3. .3. !00' !0 0 !0 !0 # !0 ! !0 3 !0 4 !0 " !0'' 4linical psychology 4ognitive psychology 4ommunity psychology 4omparative psychology 4ounseling psychology 5evelopmental psychology 6+perimental psychology 2ndustrial and organi?ational psychology Personality psychology Physiological psychology Psycholinguistics Psychology Psychometrics Psychopharmacology @uantitative psychology .ocial psychology Psychology 0 other
Education # E&aluation and Research 65A4 3403 6ducational psychology 65A4 340 6ducational statistics and research 65A4 340! 6ducational testing, evaluation, and measurement 65A4 3404 6lementary and secondary research 65A4 340" (igher education research 65A4 340# .chool psychology Education # !igher 65A4 3"0 6ducational policy 65A4 3"0! (igher education Education # Secondary 65A4 3#0 .econdary education 65A4 3#0! .econdary level teaching fields Education # Special 65A4 3%0 6ducation of gifted students 65A4 3%0! 6ducation of handicapped students 65A4 3%03 6ducation of students -ith specific learning disabilities 65A4 3%04 Remedial education 65A4 3%0" .pecial education 65A4 3%'' .pecial education 0 other Education # Student Counseling and "ersonnel Ser&ices 65A4 3&0 Personnel services 65A4 3&0! .tudent counseling Education # $ther 65A4 3'0 Adult and continuing education 65A4 3'0& Agricultural education 65A4 3'0! 1ilingual;cross cultural education 65A4 3'03 6ducational media 65A4 3'04 Dunior high;middle school education 65A4 3'0' Physical education 65A4 3'0" Pre-elementary education 65A4 3'0# .ocial foundations 65A4 3'0% 9eaching 6nglish as a second language;foreign language 65A4 3' 0 <ocational;technical education 65A4 3''' 6ducation 0 other
Communications 437 4"0 Advertising 437 4"0! 4ommunications research 437 4"03 Dournalism and mass communications 437 4"04 Public relations 437 4"0" Radio, 9<, and film 437 4"0# .peech communication 437 4"'' 4ommunications 0 other English Language and Literature (A7 !"0! American language and literature (A7 !"03 4reative -riting (A7 !"0 6nglish language and literature (A7 !"04 /omenBs literature (A7 !"'' 6nglish language and literature 0 other ,oreign Languages and Literatures (A7 !#0 Asian languages (A7 !#0' 4lassical languages (A7 !#0! $oreign literature (A7 !#03 $rench (A7 !#04 Germanic languages (A7 !#0" 2talian (A7 (A7 (A7 (A7 (A7 !#0# !#0% !#0& !# 0 !#'' Russian .emitic languages .panish /omenBs literature $oreign languages 0 other All philosophy fields
"u(lic Administration PA1A 4&0 Public administration Sociology .3. ! .3. ! .3. ! .3. ! 03 0 0! 04 Gender studies 5emography .ociology /omenBs studies
Social Sciences # $ther .3. !!0# American studies .3. !!0 Area studies .3. !!0! 4riminal Custice;criminology .3. !!03 Geography .3. !!0% Gerontology .3. !!04 Public affairs .3. !!0" Arban studies .3. !!'' .ocial sciences 0 other Social )or* .34/ "00 .ocial -or)
Religion and Theology R6> 4'03 3rdained ministry;rabbinate R6> 4'0 Religion R6> 4'0! 9heology !umanities # $ther (A7 !'0 4lassics (A7 !'0! 4omparative language and literature (A7 !'03 >inguistics (A7 !'04 Religious studies (A7 !''' (umanities 0 other !istory .3. !%0 .3. !%0! .3. !%03 .3. !%04 .3. !%'' American history 6uropean history (istory of science /omenBs history (istory 0 other
Accounting 1A. 400 1A. 400!
Ban*ing and ,inance 1A. 4 0 4ommercial ban)ing 1A. 4 0! $inance 1A. 4 03 2nvestments and securities Business Administration and anagement 1A. 4!0 1usiness administration and management 1A. 4!0! (uman resource development 1A. 4!03 2nstitutional management 1A. 4!04 >abor;industrial relations 1A. 4!0" 7anagement science 1A. 4!0# 3rgani?ational behavior 1A. 4!0% Personnel management 1A. 4!'' 1usiness management 0 other Business # $ther 1A. 430 1usiness economics 1A. 430! 2nternational business management 1A. 4303 7anagement information systems 1A. 4304 7ar)eting and distribution 1A. 430" 7ar)eting management and research 1A. 43'' 1usiness 0 other
Arts # !istory, Theory, and Criticism AR9 !30 Art history and criticism AR9 !30! 7usic history, musicology, and theory AR9 !3'' Arts 0 history, theory, and criticism 0 other Arts # "erformance and Studio AR9 !40 Art AR9 !40! 5ance AR9 !40" 5esign AR9 !403 5rama;theatre arts AR9 !40# $ine arts AR9 !40% 2ndustrial design AR9 !404 7usic AR9 !4'' Arts 0 performance and studio 0 other Architecture and En&ironmental +esign
Education # Administration 65A4 300 6ducational administration 65A4 300! 6ducational supervision Education # Curriculum and Instruction 65A4 3 0 4urriculum and instruction Education # Early Childhood 65A4 3!0 6arly childhood education Education # Elementary 65A4 330 6lementary education 65A4 330! 6lementary level teaching fields
Interdisciplinary "rograms 25P " 0 2nterdisciplinary programs
Li(rary and Archi&al Sciences >21 4%0! Archival science >21 4%0 >ibrary science