Personal Wealth Management
Personal Wealth Management
Personal Wealth Management
2. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Wealth Management .................................................................................................................... 3 Personal Wealth Management ............................................................................................. 3
2.1.1 2.2
Problem Definition ........................................................................................................................ 4 Background of the Problem .................................................................................................. 4 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................... 4 Objectives of the project....................................................................................................... 4
Literature review .................................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 3.2 Eight Principles of Strategic Wealth Management ....................................................................... 5 The future begins now .................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 4.3 4.4 3.2 Details of Family and Dependent............................................................................................ 9 Other Details ................................................................................................................................. 9 Regular commitments ........................................................................................................... 9 Insurance details (all insurance policies held by family): ...................................................... 9 Existing investments ........................................................................................................... 10
Financial Details.................................................................................................................................. 10 5.1 5.2 5.3 Position Statement of Mr. JINESH JANARDHAN .................................................................... 10 Cash flow Statement of Mr. JINESH JANARDHAN ....................................................................... 12 Ratio Analysis .............................................................................................................................. 14 Basic solvency ratio ............................................................................................................. 14 Liquidity ratio ...................................................................................................................... 14 Savings Ratio ....................................................................................................................... 15 Debt to asset ratio............................................................................................................... 16 Solvency ratio ...................................................................................................................... 16
Personal Goal Setting ......................................................................................................................... 17 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Analysing Financial Values .......................................................................................................... 17 Knowing Spending Habits ........................................................................................................... 18 Knowing Credit Habits................................................................................................................. 19 Goals for Mr. Jinesh Janardhan ................................................................................................... 19 Short Term Goals (Upto 2 years)......................................................................................... 20 Mid- Term Goals (2 to 5 years) ........................................................................................... 21 Long Term Goals (More than 5 years) ................................................................................ 22
PLANNING .......................................................................................................................................... 24 7.1 7.2 Tax Planning ................................................................................................................................ 24 Tax-planning Ways ...................................................................................................................... 24 Make full use of the entire Section 80C deduction ............................................................ 24 Reduction of tax liability beyond Section 80C deductions ................................................. 25
Retirement Planning ................................................................................................................... 27 INSURANCE PLANNING ............................................................................................................... 27 Insurance policies suggested to Mr. Jinesh......................................................................... 28
7.5.1 7.6
INVESTMENT PLANNING ............................................................................................................. 28 Analyzing the Current situation of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan: .................................................. 28
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 29 Limitation of Study ............................................................................................................................. 30 References ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Annexure ......................................................................................................................................... 32 Questionnaire 1: Analysis of Financial Values ........................................................................... 32 Questionnaire 2: Are you in Debt Trap? ..................................................................................... 33 Questionnaire 3: Knowing Credit Habits .................................................................................... 34 Questionnaire 4: Knowing Spending Habits ............................................................................... 35 Questionnaire 5: Risk Profiler..................................................................................................... 36
| Introduction|
Wealth management is an investment advisory discipline that incorporates financial planning, investment portfolio management and a number of aggregated financial services. High Net worth Individuals (HNWIs), small business owners and families who desire the assistance of a credentialed financial advisory specialist call upon wealth managers to coordinate retail banking, estate planning, legal resources, tax professionals and investment management. Wealth managers can be an independent Certified Financial Planner, MBAs, Chartered Strategic Wealth Professional, CFA Charter holders or any credentialed professional money manager who works to enhance the income, growth and tax favoured treatment of long-term investors.
Estate planning is an important part of anyone's personal wealth management program. The future of a client's potential heirs is a very important concern. Clients work a lifetime for assets that they wish to see passed to the next generation. Careful estate planning can limit the bite that taxes can take out of a client's holdings after death. Without careful management, valuable assets can be frittered away. There are many benefits associated with personal wealth management. By turning these complex issues over to experts in the financial field, a client is free to handle other life priorities with reduced stress and less distraction. Seasoned professionals can look at the life goals of the client and zero in on the best way to meet those goals. Solid planning can address current as well as future issues.
5. To know the status of insurance (both life and non-life) and e-fund 6. To Do Risk profiling and comment on special situation planning 7. To Analyze existing personal investments 8. To study retirement and estate planning 9. To Identify Tax Planning
Author: Stuart E. Lucas , Wharton school publishing
Over the last 25 years of managing other people's money, my personal finances, and our family's wealth, I have developed what I consider to be a useful set of principles for effective long-term wealth management. They apply equally well whether you're managing a nest egg of $1 million or $1 billion. They apply regardless of time horizon and family complexity, and they apply whether your ambitions are aggressive or conservative. For anyone concerned about managing wealth, they provide a source of stability and a critical frame of reference. The Eight Principles of Strategic Wealth Management are at the heart of what I do every day. They are: 1. Take charge and do it early.
| Literature review|
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Align family and business interests around wealth-building goals and strategies. Create a culture of accountability. Capitalize on your family's combined resources. Delegate, empower, and respect independence. Diversify but focus. Err on the side of simplicity where possible. Develop future family leaders with strong wealth management skills.
Every decision I make, whether it involves choosing an investment manager, thinking about tax strategy, or working with my family to set goals for next year, gets filtered through these principles. Let's examine them now in detail.
Here is nothing new about saving money; most people have some type of savings account. However, the reasons people save and the manner in which they do it has changed over time, and modern banking is determined to help. In the past, saving was about security, peace of mind and knowing that you had options should you run into difficulty somewhere down the line. These days it is a little more structured and goal-oriented, resulting in a more thorough analysis of savings options before a decision is taken. Governments actively encourage saving and nowadays many parents attempt to instil a saving mentality in their children from an early age. Deeming it wise to be prudent and knowing that it certainly cannot hurt, people now are prepared to search a little further than their local bank for the best deal in savings. Many ambitious young people are planners, constantly thinking ahead with regards to property, travel, career and family. All of these require money and thus a savings account is the next step after taking care of their regular obligations with a current account.
| Literature review| 6
The days when savings were for a rainy day are long past. Now savings play a much more significant role in peoples long term finances. Savings are incorporated into plans for homes, holiday property, economic downturns, having children, interest rate jumps affecting mortgages, health cover and child trust funds to mention a few. Banks and other financial institutions have responded to the reasons why people save and their range of savings products reflects this shift in attitude amongst the public. To the consumer, a bank savings account now often represents a firmer, more focused commitment to a personal goal. The amounts moved to savings accounts are now more substantial and with a more specific purpose in mind. The more organized and financially aware among us realize the benefits of long term planning and seek out those providing the savings accounts that best suit their wishes as well as those providing the best rate of return or value for money. People are also becoming more aware of the pitfalls of inadequate financial planning and the need to have extra resources at hand to deal with them. Fluctuating interest rates and slowing economic growth can affect both the job and mortgage markets. Savings are not just a quick fix to these problems, but a sound investment that gives people more options for the long-term. Modern savings accounts help people achieve their personal goals by being flexible and adaptable while still retaining the original merits of saving such as security. People now look at them in terms of a useful tool as they have shed their static and rigid image and are now looked upon as a helpful and significant long term allay.
| Literature review|
Name Sex Age D.O.B. Marital Status Educational Qualification Occupational Status Profession Company
Jinesh Janardhan Male 28 25 - 04 1986 Married B. Com, Hotel Management Earning Accountant ACE Global Chartered Accountatnts
Location E- Mail
No. of Family Members No. of Dependents Wifes Occupation No. of Children Siblings
Existing investments
Investment in Real estate (Return as per the current market price-70%)
5.1 POSITION STATEMENT OF MR. JINESH JANARDHAN Amount Assets Investment Assets Investment in Real estate Investment in gold Liquid Assets Cash in hand Cash in savings A/c Fixed deposit 35,000 50,000 150,000 235,000 2,80,000 12,50,000 15,30,000 (INR) Amount (Total) (INR)
| Financial Details|
Cash value of life insurance Real Estate Personal Possessions Market Value of Automobile (CAR) Furniture and appliances Jewellery Home computer Total Assets
600,000 50,00,000
Liabilities Current Liabilities Chit fund outstanding Long-Term Liabilities Loan for real estate outstanding Car loan outstanding Total liabilities NET WORTH Table: Personal Position Statement of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan
| Financial Details| 11
Personal Wealth Management Total Compensation per month of Mr. Jinesh RS.90,000
5.2 CASH FLOW STATEMENT OF MR. JINESH JANARDHAN Cash Flow Statement of Income and Outflows (Annual) in INR -2011 Income (Cash Inflows in INR) Salary Returns on Investments Fixed Bonus Provident Fund Performance Linked and other Variable Bonus GROSS INCOME 12,63,790 Expenses (Cash Outflow) Cell Phone Internet Connection Rent Housing totals Other Living Expenses 52,000 6,000 1,80,000 2,38,000 1,80,000 10,00,000 30,000 1,24,000 9,790 1,00,000
| Financial Details|
Daily living totals Gas/fuel Insurance Air travel Public transportation Transportation totals Movies Restaurants Entertainment totals Clothing Gifts Personal totals Financial totals Savings & Term Payments Misc. payments totals TOTAL EXPENSES (Annual) Cash Surplus
180,000 10,000 6,000 40,000 6,000 62,000 15,000 35,000 50,000 30,000 5,000 35,000 2,40,400 70,000 50,000 9,25,000 3,38,790
You can also call it as emergency or contingency planning ratio. This ratio helps you prepare for unforeseen problems.
Formula Used: Basic solvency ratio = Cash / Monthly expenses (this ratio is not mentioned in percentage)
Ideal Basic Solvency Ratio = 3 In Case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan: Immediate cash from liquid assets = 235,000 Monthly Expenses = (9,25,000 / 12) = 77,083 Basic Solvency ratio = 235,000/77,083= 3.04 Analysis: The basic in the case of Mr. Jinesh is pretty good, as it is little more than the ideal value. Apart from that, there is no member in his family with some illness or he dont have any kids. So he is keeping his basic solvency very well as per the financial conditions.
| Financial Details|
Net worth would include your total assets less total liabilities. It shows what you are worth after paying off all your liabilities.
Ideal Liquidity Ratio = 15% In Case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan: Liquid Assets (Calculated in Position Statement)= 14,85,000 Net Worth (Calculated in Position Statement) = 66,20,000 Liquidity Ratio = 3720000/ 16831800 = 22.43%
Analysis: Therefore, more than 22 percent of his portfolio is comprised of liquid assets, that is, he should be able to sell them off at a short notice and convert it into cash! That much liquidity in a portfolio, he has. This is pretty good as he has convertible assets in case of any emergency.
Formula Used:
Ideal ratio = 10% It was found that Mr. Jinesh invests 100,000 in gold regularly. | Financial Details| 15
Personal Wealth Management In case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan Savings = 100,000+ 50,000+150,000 = 300,000 Gross Income = 12, 63,790 Savings Ratio = 300,000/12, 63,790 = 23.73 %
Analysis: It is really good saving as compared to that of Income. So from this, we can understand that, Mr. Jinesh is a regular saver who tries to invest profitably by saving regularly.
Formula Used:
Debt to asset ratio = Total liabilities / Total assets In Case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan: Total Assets = 8,540,000 Total Liabilities = 19,20,000 Debt to Asset Ratio = 19,20,000 / 8,540,000 = 22.48% Analysis: Debt to asset ratio is healthy in his case as it should be less than 50%. In this case Mr. Jinesh can easily payoff all his debts by using 22.5% of his assets and that is pretty good.
Formula Used:
Solvency ratio = Total net worth / Total assets (total net worth divided by total assets) | Financial Details| 16
In Case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan Total Net Worth = 6,620,000 Total Assets = 8,540,000 Solvency Ratio = 6,620,000/ 8,540,000 = 77.5% Analysis:Yes, The ideal solvency ratio should be at least 50 percent. Anything less than 50 per cent would lead to financial trouble in the long run. Therefore it is very good here.
Benefits of personal goal setting: Clear and focused direction giving a sense of security and purpose. Maximum use of time. Enthusiasm is high for what you want. Moving steadily towards and achieving the results you really want and ultimate success. Boosted self-esteem, confidence and belief in your ability to make things happen and feel in control One convenient way of creating your list of goals is to fill in the blanks under the following categories:
What you want to BE What you want to DO What you want to HAVE What you want to GIVE What you Dont want to BE, DO, HAVE, and GIVE
Values are relatively permanent personal beliefs about what you regard as important, worthy, desirable or right. Values tend to reflect your upbringing or other important events, and change very little without conscious effort over a lifetime. These values are reflected in your attitude and the more harmonious your values, attitudes and goals will be the greater will the likelihood of attaining them. Values are beliefs or ideas that you consider import or desirable. Everyone has values, but everyone does not value the same things equally Number of times circled each item in the pair activity:
Car Charitable Giving Education Hobbies/Sports Housing Personal Care Retirement/investment Social Vacation/Travel
3 2 4 0 1 0 5 2 3
The item of utmost importance for Mr. Jinesh Janardhan is retirement planning. He is right now having a vacation with his wife now. The Secondary Important items include education and is followed by car and vacation. From these preferences, it is obvious that Mr. Jinesh is a saving person who does not want to spend more but rather like to spend that in social and charitable activities. He gives little importance to hobbies and personal care and does not want to much money in recreational activities.
According to the answer got in regard to spending habits of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan, he always spends judiciously. He does not use a credit card for his purchases instead, he buys almost everything in cash. . He never shop or spend money as a result of feeling depressed, disappointed, angry, scared or lonely. He never lies to others about purchases made or how much you have spent. He never feels a rush of both euphoria and anxiety when spending money. He is doing fair in terms of his spending Habits. On an all, he is a wise spender and does not purchase anything out of emotions.
Refer Questionnaire: Knowing Credit Habits in Annexure From the answers I got from these sets of questions, Mr. Jinesh is not a credit card user and almost all the buying he does is on cash basis. He is not using any credit cards now and he does not believe in using credit card for purchases. He is almost current on all of his payments and gives much importance to paying back his debts. Very rarely he come across emergencies and in such situations, he will ask help either from his parents or relatives or his friends where he dont have to pay the interest. Overall Mr. Jinesh is a wise spender and a good saver.
Vision: To achieve the desired goals and build a retirement corpus to lead a healthy lifestyle. Mission: To make rational financial decisions and live a healthy life without spending on unnecessary purchases. Goal: To achieve the desired financial objectives.
Goal No.1: Paying car loan Specific: Paying off the car loan outstanding which is a high interest bearing debt Measurable: Attainable: Realistic: Time Bound: To pay total of remaining 1.7 Lakhs It can be attained by proper debt management Mr. Jinesh is Earning and has good savings. By Year 2014
Action to Achieve: As getting free from debt is the top priority of anybody. Mr. Jinesh Janardhan should first pay off the car Loan of his brother.
Goal No.2: buying a bike for his brother Specific: Measurable: Attainable: Realistic: Time Bound: Collecting Corpus for bike To Build a corpus of 1 Lakh It can be attained by regular savings Mr. Jinesh is Earning and has good savings. By Year 2014
Action to Achieve: Mr. Jinesh wants to buy a bike for his brother when he joins his job. He can save Rs. 8-10 Thousand per month to build a corpus of Rs. 1 Lakh in a year. He can also take recurring deposit for that purpose.
6.4.2 Mid- Term Goals (2 to 5 years)
Goal No.3: First kid Specific: Collecting Corpus for all the expenses associated with the birth of his first kid Measurable: Attainable: Realistic: To Build a corpus of 2 Lakh It can be attained by using done saving Mr. Jinesh and his wife is alos earning. So collecting 2 lakhs is not a huge task. Time Bound: By Year 2015
Action to Achieve: He can make use of savings made by his parents for his brothers marriage. He can put money on fixed deposit for 3-4 years. Also his sister will start earning in some months and he will not have any liabilities to made he can save money for marriage.
Goal No.4: saving a corpus for buying a home Specific: Measurable: Attainable: Collecting Corpus buying home To Build a corpus of 20 lakhs margin money Separate saving is to be done for building this corpus. He is already saving more than 3 lakhs for this and have an investment in gold. Realistic: Time Bound: Mr. Jinesh is Earning and has ample Net worth. By Summers 2016
Action to Achieve: Mr. Jinesh wish to buy a home by the year 2016, before his brothers marriage and for that he want to save 20 lakhs of money for margin money and the rest he wish to take home loan.
6.4.3 Long Term Goals (More than 5 years)
Goal No.5:Childs Education Specific: Measurable: Attainable: Realistic: Collecting Corpus for Childs Education To Build a corpus of 20 Lakh It can be attained by using saving, Sips Mr. Jinesh is Earning & He has good investment
Action to Achieve: Mr. Jinesh wish to have 2 kids and he wants to build a corpus of 25 lakhs by the year 2030 for providing good education to his children. He should invest in fixed deposit so as to get tax benefit and build corpus both which he is already doing.
Goal No.6: Buying a farm house Specific: Measurable: Buying a farm house To build a corpus of 2 crore to buy a farm house in Ooty to spend his retirement life after 30 years Attainable: It can be attained by using saving, Sips, PF and other savings. Realistic: Mr. Jinesh and his wife are earning and they both are saving enough to build this corpus by the time they retire. Time Bound: By Year 2040
Action to Achieve: He can invest in post office schemes where he will have sure returns and also tax benefits. Which will help him in building corpus for buying farm house.
Tax Planning in India is an application to reduce tax liability through the finest use of all accessible allowances, exclusions, deductions, exemptions, etc, to trim down income and/or capital profits. Salaried individuals in India are not fully aware of the tax planning exercise which is why they rush at the end of the tax-planning season and make investments to reduce their tax liability. This has negative effect on tax payable by them and they eventually end up paying more taxes than they are required to.
Public Provident Fund Accrued interest on National Saving Certificate Life Insurance Premium National Saving Certificate Tuition fees paid for children's education (maximum 2 children) Principal component of home loan repayment 5-Year fixed deposits with banks and Post Office
Application in Case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan: As he is working abroad now and he dont have a plan to settle there, he is not at all making any investments there, he is paying the tax for the salary as per the tax laws of UAE. But almost all the investments, spending and savings he does in India only. He is getting tax deductions on, Life insurance Premiums, Bank Fixed deposits. He is paying the NRI tax as per the laws.
Medical insurance: A deduction of upto Rs 15,000 pa under section 80D is applicable under this. At Present Mr. Jinesh has no medical insurance, but he should plan for his family medical insurance
Donations: Tax advantages under Section 80G entitle the donations to particular funds/institutions. At Present Mr. Jinesh is not making any Charity
Suggestion: Mr. Jinesh is spending most of the money here in India only. So he will have to spend judiciously to save the tax. He is not at all investing in high rist-high return investments such as equity and mutual funds. So considering his risk averseness, he can invest in govt. bonds and other institutional investments, as he can get tax deductions through these spendings.
Allowing you to choose in advance how you want your property to be distributed. Appointing a guardian for your minor children or other individual who requires guardianship. Choosing the executor of your estate. Designating a successor custodian in cases where you are serving in a custodial capacity for a minor or special-needs adult.
Providing for individuals who would otherwise not have been eligible to receive property you leave behind.
A will can also allow you to donate property to charities of your choice and choose the assets that would be used in the donation. Moreover there are many vital changes that may take place in his current life and hence he needs to change the will and update it with respect to events such as:
Marriage or remarriage; Divorce or separation; Moving in with a partner; The birth of children and grandchildren; Retirement; Acquiring a large asset; or The loss or sale of assets disposed of by specific gift.
Personal Wealth Management So, Mr. Jinesh Janardhan is suggested to have a Valid Will and proper estate Planning.
Lifetime annuity: annuity for life. Life annuity certain for 5, 10, 15 years: Annuity is paid for chosen term and for life thereafter. Life annuity with return of purchase price: life annuity with return of purchase price on death to the beneficiary.
Joint Life, last survivor annuity: life annuity to you and then to your spouse with return of purchase price to the beneficiary on death of last survivor. You can choose these options at any time, but before 6 months of the vesting date.
Eligibility: Minimum age limit is 18 and maximum is 55 years. The minimum sum assured one needs to apply for is Rs. 50,000 and the minimum term is 10 years. The vesting age can be between 45 and 65. So he can buy a policy to build the corpus for his business start.
1. It is recommended to Mr. Jinesh to plan for any contingency such as losing his job or immediate return to India. In that case, he will have to keep an emergency fund for all the living expense for at least 6 months. Now he has enough basic solvency to meet his expenses for 3 months. 2. As getting free from debt is the top priority of anybody. Mr. Jinesh should first pay off the car Loan he has taken as soon as possible as it is high interest bearing loan. He should first pay off the loan EMI every month he receive his salary. 3. Mr. Jinesh wants to have a bike for his brother before he joins his job within 6 months.. He can save Rs. 8-10 Thousand per month to build a corpus of Rs. 1 Lakh in a year. He can also take recurring deposit for that purpose. 4. Being a salaried individual, he does not have much by way of savings. Hence Mr. Janardhan needs to provide this cover for his family. He should invest some more money into term insurance. He should opt for life insurance cover him up till the age of 60.The amounts being, Rs 1 lacs each for him and his wife. In this manner they also end up getting savings on tax. 5. He can invest in post office schemes where he will have sure returns and also tax benefits. Which will help him in building corpus for his Childs education 6. He can make use of savings made by his parents for his brothers marriage. He can put money on fixed deposit for 3-4 years. Also his brother will start earning in some months and he will not have any liabilities to make he can save money for marriage. 7. At Present Mr. Jinesh and his family does not have any medical insurance coverage. So it is highly recommended to buy a family floater policy which covers all the members as his parents are growing old and there will medical expenses in the near future. 8. Mr. Jinesh is highly risk averse person, he can invest in bonds and start investing in mutual funds as an entry to equity market for higher yield.
| Recommendations|
The study couldnt test about the 100% accurate wealth management and financial planning as respondent may skip some information and he might not want to share 100% correct information. The results are based on the data collected from one respondent only based on his wealth planning. It cannot be applied to any other person as it used the data collected from a UAE based accountant, Mr. Jinesh Janardhan. As he is working in UAE, and the taxes he pays are according the tax law which is existing in that state, there was a confusion in the tax planning of him for the investment he does in India. There was a proper communication problem as all the responses I got from him through phone calls and mails, lot of information were missing and the availability of time for the respondent was also limited. So this created some problems.
| Limitation of Study|
10. REFERENCES 7f7-fd19-44d1-a788-8351bbb75ffd ssessRiskTolerance.aspx Tata Mc Graw Hill, Dun & Bradstreet: Wealth Management
| References|
If you had an extra Rs. 1.5 lac, on which one of the two items (in each row) would you spend your money? You must make one choice in each pair. Option 1 1 2 3 4 Housing (Dream Home) Education: Self/Others Retirement Savings/Investment Hobbies/Sports Vacation/Travel 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Charitable Giving/Religious Activity Social Activities/Eating Out Housing (Dream House) Education: Self/Others Hobbies/Sports Option 2 Investments/Retirement Savings Vacation/Travel Hobbies/Sports Charitable Giving/Religious Activity Personal Appearance/Grooming/Clothes Social Activities/Eating Out Car Retirement Savings/Investments Housing (Dream House) Housing (Dream House)
Personal Appearance/Grooming/Clothes Car Charitable Giving/Religious Activity Retirement Savings/Investment Social Activities/Eating out Hobbies/Sports
Personal Appearance/Grooming/Clothes Vacation/Travel Hobbies/Sports Retirement Savings/Investments Housing ( Dream House) Education : Self/Others Vacation/Travel Car Social Activities/Eating Out Vacation/Travel Car Charitable Giving/Religious Activities
| Annexure|
You have more than three credit cards. You are using your savings to pay current expenses. You have a habit of buying in instalments even if you have enough cash in hand You dont know how much you owe. You make late payment a habit. You charge more on your cards each month than you make in payments. Has a collection agency called recently about an overdue bill? Are you threatened with repossession of your car, cancellation of your credit cards, or other legal action?
No No No
No No No
| Annexure|
This questionnaire is to know about your credit habits. Please fill to the best of your knowledge 1. I pay my bills when they are due a) Always b) Almost always c) Sometimes
2. After paying my regular bills each month, I have money left from my income a) Yes b) Sometimes c) Never
3. When I get behind in my payments, I ignore the past due notices a) Never or not applicable b) Sometimes c) Always
4. When I need more money for my regular living expenses, I take out a loan or overdraft or saving account a) Never b) Sometimes c) Often
5. My credit record shows that I am current on all my loans a) Yes b) Dont Know c) No
6. To pay off my current credit and charge card accounts it would take me. a) 4 months or less b) 5-8 months c) Over 8 months d)Not Applicable
7. My consumer loans (including car loan, but not home loan payment) each month always average more than 20% of my take-home pay. a) No 8. b) Sometimes c) Always
If I had serious credit problems, I would ask help from my parents or friends. a) Yes b) Probably c) No
| Annexure|
1) Your Age is
a. Under 25 b. 25 30 c. 31 50 d. 51 65 e. Over 65
2) What is you working status? I have a job In Case of Mr. Jinesh Janardhan: Total Assets = 8,540,000 Total Liabilities = 19,20,000 Debt to Asset Ratio = 19,20,000 / 8,540,000 = 22.48% a. I am practicing professional
a. Less than a year b. Since 2 3 years c. Since 3 5 years d. More than 5 years
a. 0 b. 1 2 c. 3 4
| Annexure| 36
d. Above 4
5) Do you own your home?
a. Yes b. No
a. Only in fixed income such as bank deposits, PPF, etc b. Mainly in fixed income and a portion in real estate and gold c. Mainly in equity mutual funds d. Mainly in direct equity
8) Are you satisfied with the returns you are getting on your existing investments?
a. Unsatisfied too low b. Somewhat satisfied c. Satisfied d. Satisfied but too high for comfort
a. No wealth built up b. Very little wealth built up c. Build up is satisfactory d. Build up is very satisfactory
| Annexure| 37
10) Usually, how much of your total investment do you invest in a single scrip? (in share of one company)
a. Less than 10% b. About 15% - 30% c. About 30% - 50% d. More than 50% e. I dont generally invest in equity
11) A few years ago you bought shares of a reputed company. The company experienced a severe decline in profits and the share price dropped drastically. You sold at a substantial loss. The company has restructured and most experts expect its shares to produce better than average returns. Would you buy the shares now?
a. Definitely b. Probably yes c. Probably not d. Definitely yes e. I dont invest in equity
12) What is your approach in making final decisions?
a. Make a quick decision based on information received b. Make a decision after validating information received c. Make a decision after validating information received and collecting additional
d. Usually make a decision after tremendous pondering and speaking to almost all the people I
| Annexure|
13) You personally know a company's promoters. The company is expected to do extremely well. The promoters themselves say that they have put in all their personal wealth behind the company and its stock. Would you invest? If yes, to what extent?
a. I would invest a significant and meaningful amount in the scrip b. I would invest an amount that I would have regularly invested in a single scrip c. I would invest a very modest amount d. I would not invest in the scrip
14) When you think of the word 'risk' in a financial context, which of these options come first to your mind?
| Annexure|