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Catholic Church Liturgical Year

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Circular Diagram Calendar Of The Catholic Liturgical Year


The liturgical year, also known as the church year, consists of the cycle of liturgical seasons in Christian churches which determines when feast days, including celebrations of saints, are to be observed, and which portions of Scripture are to be read either in an annual cycle or in a cycle of several years. Distinct liturgical colors may appear in connection with different seasons of the liturgical year. The dates of the festivals vary somewhat between the different churches, though the sequence and logic is largely the same. In both East and West, the dates of many feasts vary from year to year, usually in line with the variation in the date of Easter, with which most other movable feasts are associated. The extent to which feasts and festivals are celebrated also varies between churches; in general, Protestant churches observe far fewer than Catholic and Orthodox, in particular with regard to the feasts of the Virgin Mary and the other Saints. The liturgical cycle divides the year into a series of seasons, each with their own mood, theological emphases, and modes of prayer, which can be signified by different ways of decorating churches, colors of paraments and vestments for clergy, scriptural readings, themes for preaching and even different traditions and practices often observed personally or in the home. In churches that follow the liturgical year, the scripture passages for each Sunday (and even each day of the year in some traditions) are specified in a Lectionary. After the Protestant Reformation, Anglicans and Lutherans continued to follow the Lectionary of the Roman Rite. Following a decision of the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church revised that Lectionary in 1969, adopting a three-year cycle of readings for Sundays and a two-year cycle for weekdays. Adaptations of the revised Roman Rite Lectionary were adopted by Protestants, leading to the publication in 1994 of the Revised Common Lectionary for Sundays and major feasts, which is now used by many Protestant denominations, including also (Methodists, Reformed,United, etc.) has increased. This has led to a greater awareness of the Christian year among Protestants, especially among mainline denominations. The Catholic Church sets aside certain days and seasons of each year to recall and celebrate various events in the life of Christ. In its Roman Rite the liturgical year begins with Advent, the time of preparation for both the celebration of Jesus' birth, and his expected second coming at the end of time. This season lasts until 24 December (Christmas Eve). Christmastide follows, beginning with First Vespers of Christmas on the evening of 24 December and ending with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Lent is the period of purification and penance which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Thursday. The Holy Thursday evening Mass of the Lord's Supper marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum, which includes Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. These days recall Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples, death on the cross, burial, and resurrection. The seven-week liturgical season of Easter immediately follows the Triduum, climaxing at Pentecost. This last feast recalls the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus' disciples after the Ascension of Jesus. The rest of the liturgical year is commonly known as Ordinary Time. There are many forms of liturgy in the Catholic Church. Even putting aside the many Eastern rites in use, the Latin liturgical rites alone include the Ambrosian Rite, the Mozarabic Rite, and the Cistercian Rite, as well as other forms that have been largely abandoned in favour of adopting the Roman Rite. Of this rite, what is now the "ordinary" or, to use a word employed in the Letter of Pope Benedict XVI accompanying the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum , the "normal" form is that which developed from the Second Vatican Council to the present day, while the form in force in 1962 is authorized as an extraordinary form of the Roman Rite without restriction in private celebrations and under certain conditions in public celebrations. The liturgical calendar in that form of the Roman Rite (see General Roman Calendar of 1962) differs in some respects from that of the present ordinary form, as will be noted below, and also from the earlier General Roman Calendar of Pope Pius XII, the still earlier General Roman Calendar of 1954 and the original Tridentine Calendar. These articles can be consulted with regard to the Roman-Rite liturgical year before 1962.

Advent is a season observed in many Western Christian churches as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. The term is an anglicized version of the Latin word adventus, meaning "coming." It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday. The Eastern churches' equivalent of Advent is called the Nativity Fast, but it differs both in length and observances and does not begin the church year, which starts instead on September 1. At least in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Moravian, Presbyterian and Methodist calendars, Advent starts on the fourth Sunday before December 25, which is the Sunday from November 27 to December 3 inclusive. Latin adventus is the translation of the Greek word parousia, commonly used in reference to the Second Coming of Christ. For Christians, the season of Advent anticipates the coming of Christ from two different perspectives. The season offers the opportunity to share in the ancient longing for the coming of the Messiah, and to be alert for his Second Coming. The Advent season is the time of waiting and preparing for the coming of Jesus. This refers both to the anniversary celebration of the Incarnation, as well as the second and final coming for which we are waiting and preparing. Advent begins the Sunday closest to the feast of St. Andrew, which is November 30th. Therefore Advent always falls sometime between November 28th and December 3rd, and lasts until the Nativity of the Lord. The season always has somewhere between 21 and 28 days. The liturgical colors of Advent are Purple and Rose, with Rose being used only on the third Sunday of Advent.

Christmas (also Christmastide or the Christmas season) is one of the seasons of the liturgical year of most Christian churches. It tends to be defined (with slight variations) as the period from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. This period is also commonly known as the Twelve Days of Christmas, as referred to in the Christmas carol of the same name, or Yuletide, as in "Deck the Halls". Many Protestant churches add an Epiphany season after the Christmas season, extending the celebration of Christmas for forty days until the feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) on 2 February (or a nearby Sunday)[citation needed]. In the Missal and Breviary of the Roman rite, since 1970, the Christmas season runs a shorter period, from Christmas Eve to the Baptism of the Lord, which depending on the place and the year can occur between 7 January and 13 January. In the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the season runs from Vespers on 24 December till Compline on 2 February. During the season, various festivities are traditionally enjoyed and buildings decorated. In some countries[which] the superstition has arisen that it is bad luck to leave the decorations up after Twelfth Night. The Christmas season begins with the celebration of the birth of Jesus, Christmas day, or as a vigil on Christmas Eve. The Feast of Christmas lasts 12 days, until Epiphany. However, the time from Epiphany until the Baptism of the Lord is also included in the Christmas season. Traditionally, Epiphany had been fixed to January 6th, and the Baptism celebrated on the octave of Epiphany, which was January 13th. In most countries, the Epiphany is now celebrated on the Sunday closest to January 6th, and the Baptism celebrated the following Sunday. The Christmas season is a time of rejoicing in the Incarnation. The liturgical color of Christmas is white.

Ordinary Time is a season of the Christian liturgical calendar, particularly the calendar of the ordinary form of the Roman rite of the Catholic Church, although some other rites in Western Christianity also use this term. The English name "ordinary time" translates the Latin term Tempus per annum (literally "time through the year"). Since 1970 in the ordinary form of the Roman rite in the Catholic Church, Ordinary Time comprises two periods: one beginning on the day after the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (the end of the Christmas season) and ending on the day before Ash Wednesday, the other beginning on the Monday after Pentecost (the conclusion of Eastertide) and continuing until the Saturday before Advent Sunday (the First Sunday of Advent). The Church numbers the weeks of Ordinary Time, although several Sundays bear the names of the feasts or solemnities celebrated in those days, including Trinity Sunday and the Feast of Christ the King. Ordinary Time after the Baptism focuses on the early life and childhood of Christ, and then on His public ministry. The liturgical color of Ordinary Time is green; however, as in all seasons, other appropriate colors are worn on particular feast days. (For example, blue is typically worn for Marian feast days.)


Septuagesima (in full, Septuagesima Sunday) is the name for the ninth Sunday before Easter, the third before Ash Wednesday. The term is sometimes applied also to the period that begins on this day and ends on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins. This period is also known as the pre-Lenten season or Shrovetide. The other two Sundays in this period of the liturgical year are called Sexagesima and Quinquagesima, the latter sometimes also called Shrove Sunday. The earliest date on which Septuagesima Sunday can occur is January 18 (Easter falling on March 22 in a non-leap year) and the latest is February 22 (Easter falling on April 25 in a leap year). In the Roman Rite (pre-1970 form), and in similar Anglican and Lutheran uses, a pre-Lenten season lasts from Septuagesima Sunday until Shrove Tuesday[1] and has thus also been known as Shrovetide. The form of the Roman Rite that includes this special period of 17 days refers to it as the season of Septuagesima. The liturgy of the period is characterized by violet vestments (except on feasts), the omission of the Alleluia before the Gospel, and a more penitential mood. Fasting does not commence until the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday.(The earliest the Pre-Lenten season can begin is January 18 and the latest it can end is March 9) In the Eastern Orthodox Church and those Eastern Catholic Churches which follow the Byzantine Rite, the preLenten season lasts three weeks, beginning on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and continuing through the Sunday of Forgiveness (the day before the beginning of Great Lent). Since the liturgical day begins at sunset, and Great Lent begins on a Monday, the point at which Great Lent begins is at Vespers on the night of the Sunday of Forgiveness, with a "Ceremony of Mutual Forgiveness" (in some monasteries, this ceremony is performed at Compline instead of Vespers). Thus begins the first day of the Great Fast, which is known as Clean Monday. The weeks of pre-Lent and Great Lent are anticipatory by nature; they begin on Monday and end on Sunday, each week being named for the theme of the upcoming Sunday. The hymns used during the PreLenten and Lenten seasons are taken from a book called the Triodion. The weeks of the Pre-Lenten Season break are: *Zacchaeus Sunday (Slavic tradition) is sometimes regarded as a pre-Lenten Sunday because of its place in the Slavic lectionary. In that tradition, it is the 11th Sunday before Pascha (Easter). There are no hymns proper to this Sunday, however; its only distinguishing feature is the reading of the Gospel concerning Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-

10 ). This lectionary reading is sometimes also appointed on the same Sunday in the Byzantine ("Greek") lectionary, as well. The week following this Sunday is a normal, non-Lenten time, since it falls outside the Triodion. *The Publican and the Pharisee: 10th Sunday before Pascha (70 days). The week following this Sunday is a fastfree week, lest the faithful be tempted, like the Pharisee to boast about fasting. *The Prodigal Son: 9th Sunday before Pascha (63 days). The week following this Sunday is the last during which the laity may eat meat or meat products. *The Last Judgment or Meat-Fare Sunday (the last day meat may be eaten): 8th Sunday before Pascha (56 days). The week following this Sunday is called Cheese-Fare Week and is a fast-free week, with the exception that meat and meat products are forbidden. *Sunday of Forgiveness or Cheese-Fare Sunday: 7th Sunday before Pascha (49 days). This Sunday is the last day dairy products may be consumed. Throughout Great Lent, fish, wine, and olive oil will be allowed only on certain days


Lent (Latin: Quadragesima, "fortieth") is an observance in the liturgical year of many Christian denominations, lasting for a period of approximately six weeks leading up to Easter. In most Western denominations Lent is taken to run from Ash Wednesday to Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) or to Easter Eve. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial. Its institutional purpose is heightened in the annual commemoration of Holy Week, marking the death and resurrection of Jesus, which recalls the events of the Passion of Christ on Good Friday, which then culminates in the celebration on Easter Sunday of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During Lent, many of the faithful commit to fasting or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of penitence. The Stations of the Cross, a devotional commemoration of Christ's carrying the Cross and of his execution, are often observed. Many Roman Catholic and some Protestant churches bare their altars of candles, flowers, and other devotional offerings, while Crucifixes, religious statues, and other elaborate religious paraphernalia are often veiled in violet fabrics in observance of this event. In certain pious Catholic countries, grand processions and cultural customs are observed, and the faithful attempt to visit seven churches during Holy Week in honor of Jesus Christ heading to Mount Calvary. Lent is traditionally described as lasting for forty days, in commemoration of the forty days which, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus spent fasting in the desert before the beginning of his public ministry, where he endured temptation by Satan.However, different Christian denominations calculate the "forty days" of Lent differently. In most Western tradition the Sundays are not counted as part of Lent; thus the period from Ash Wednesday until Easter consists of 40 days when the Sundays are excluded. However in the Roman Catholic Church Lent is now taken to end on Holy Thursday rather than Easter Eve, and hence lasts 38 days excluding Sundays, or 44 days in total. This event, along with its pious customs are observed by Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Anglicans, as well as some Baptists and Mennonites.

Passiontide (in the Christian liturgical year) is a name for the last two weeks of Lent, beginning on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, long celebrated asPassion Sunday, and ending on Holy Saturday. In the Roman Catholic Church, and in Anglo-Catholic churches, all crucifixes and images may be covered in veils (usually violet, the color of vestments in Lent) starting on Passion Sunday: "The practice of covering crosses and images in the church may be observed, if the episcopal conference decides. The crosses are to be covered until the end of the celebration of the Lord's passion on Good Friday. Images are to remain covered until the beginning of the Easter Vigil."[1] (Specifically, the veils are removed during the singing of the Gloria.) The veiling was associated with Passion Sunday's Gospel (John 8:46-59), in which Jesus "hid himself" from the people. In the Tridentine Mass, Psalm 42 (43) is omitted at ferial Masses until Holy Thursday inclusive, as is the short doxology (Gloria Patri) at the Introit and the Psalm Lavabo at Mass. It is likewise omitted in Psalm 94 at Matins, and the responds at Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, and Compline. In the 1955 Holy Week revisions, Passion Sunday was formally renamed from Dominica Passionis or Dominica de Passione ("Sunday of the Passion") to Dominica I Passionis, "First Sunday of the Passion" or "First Sunday of Passiontide". Palm Sunday, formerly Dominica in Palmis("Sunday in Palms") became Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis ("II Sunday of the Passion or in Palms"). Since the revision of the General Roman Calendar in 1969, the name "Passiontide" is no longer used for the last two weeks of Lent, although the former usage is somewhat preserved in the formal name for the Sunday before Easter, "Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion". However, the Preface called that of the Passion of the Lord I (The Power of the Cross) is used in the fifth week of Lent and the Preface of the Passion of the Lord II (The Victory of the Passion) is used on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week. Passiontide is observed in many provinces of the Anglican Communion, for example in the Church of England. In the Common Worship liturgy, material proper to Passiontide is used from Evening Prayer on the Eve of the Fifth Sunday of Lent to the evening of Easter Eve. Such "proper material" includes prefaces to the Eucharistic Prayer, special orders for Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, and seasonal material for Night Prayer and Prayer During the Day. Although the Sarum Use used crimson as the liturgical colour for the whole of Passiontide, Common Worship recommends continuing in purple (or Lenten array) throughout the fifth week of Lent, changing to red for Holy Week.

Easter Triduum, Holy Triduum, Paschal Triduum, or The Three Days, is the period of three days that begins with the liturgy on the evening ofMaundy Thursday (the vigil of Good Friday) and ends with evening prayer on Easter Sunday, the three-day period therefore from the evening of Maundy Thursday (excluding most of Thursday) to the evening of Resurrection Sunday. It recalls the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, as portrayed in the canonical Gospels. Since the 1955 reform by Pope Pius XII, the Easter Triduum, including as it does Easter Sunday, has been more clearly distinguished as a separate liturgical period. Previously, all these celebrations were advanced by more than twelve hours. The Mass of the Lord's Supper and the Easter Vigil were celebrated in the morning of Thursday and Saturday respectively, and Holy Week and Lent were seen as ending only on the approach of Easter Sunday. After the Gloria in Excelsis Deo at the Mass of the Lord's Supper all church bells are silenced and the organ is not used. The period that lasted from Thursday morning to before Easter Sunday began was once, in Anglo-Saxon times, referred to as "the still days".

In the Roman Catholic Church, weddings, which were once prohibited throughout the entire season of Lent and during certain other periods as well,are prohibited during the Triduum. Lutherans still discourage weddings during the entirety of Holy Week and the Triduum.

Easter (Old English: ostre) or the Pasch or (among Eastern Orthodox) Pascha (Latin: Pascha; Greek: , Paskha; Aramaic: Pasa; from Hebrew: Pesa) is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. Easter is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday, commemorating Maundy and the Last Supper, as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Easter is followed by a fifty-day period called Eastertide or the Easter Season, ending with Pentecost Sunday. The festival is referred to in English by a variety of different names including Easter Day, Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day and Resurrection Sunday. Easter is a moveable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the northern hemisphere's vernal equinox. Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March (even though the equinox occurs, astronomically speaking, on 20 March in most years), and the "Full Moon" is not necessarily the astronomically correct date. The date of Easter therefore varies between 22 March and 25 April. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian calendar whose 21 March corresponds, during the 21st century, to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar, in which the celebration of Easter therefore varies between 4 April and 8 May. Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by much of its symbolism, as well as by its position in the calendar. In many languages, the words for "Easter" and "Passover" are etymologically related or homonymous. Easter customs vary across the Christian world, but attending sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb, are common motifs. Additional customs include egg hunting, the Easter Bunny, and Easter parades, which are observed by both Christians and some non-Christians


Ordinary Time, under various names, follows the Easter season and the feasts of Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost. In the post-1969 form of the Roman rite, Ordinary Time resumes on Pentecost Monday, omitting the Sunday which would have fallen on Pentecost. In the earliest form, where Pentecost is celebrated with an octave, the Time after Pentecost begins at Vespers on the Saturday after Pentecost. It ends on the Saturday before the First Sunday of Advent. The Sundays resume their numbering at the point that will make the Sunday before Advent the thirty-fourth, omitting any weeks for which there is no room (present-day form of the Roman Rite) or are numbered as "Sundays after Pentecost" (pre-1970 Roman Rite, Eastern Orthodoxy and some Protestants) or as "Sundays after Trinity" (some Protestants). Feasts during this season include: Trinity Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost. Corpus Christi (Roman Rite and some Anglican and Lutheran traditions), Thursday of the second week after Pentecost, often celebrated on the following Sunday. Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Roman Rite), Friday in the third week after Pentecost.

Feast of Christ the King, last Sunday before Advent (Roman Rite, Lutherans, Anglicans) or last Sunday in October (1925-1969 form of the Roman Rite).

In the final few weeks of Ordinary Time, many church's direct attention to the coming of the Kingdom of God, thus ending the liturgical year with aneschatological theme that is one of the predominant themes of the season of Advent that began the liturgical year. For instance, in the pre-1970 form of the Roman Rite, the Gospel of the Last Sunday is Matthew 24:15-35 and in the later form of that rite all the last three Sundays have similar themes. While the Roman Rite adopts no special designation for this final part of Ordinary Time, some denominations do, and may also change the liturgical color. The Church of England uses the term "Sundays before Advent" for the final four Sundays and permits red vestments as an alternative. Other denominations, including the United Methodist Church and the Christian Church - Synod of Saint Timothy, speak of "Kingdomtide". The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) uses the terms "Third-Last, Second-Last and Last Sunday in the Church Year" and does not change from green. The LCMS does not officially celebrate a "Feast of Christ the King." The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) uses the term "Period of End Times" and assigns red vestments to the first and second Sundays. Kingdomtide was a liturgical season formerly observed in the autumn by the United Methodist Church, in the United States, and some other Protestant denominations.

Kingdomtide was a liturgical season or sub-season observed only by Protestant churches, especially Methodists and Presbyterians. Green was traditionally the color of the day throughout this season as it is a part of the season of Ordinary Time. In 1937, the Federal Council of Churches (now known as the National Council of Churches) recommended that the entire part of the Christian calendar between Pentecost and Advent be named Kingdomtide; however, two years later the Methodist Episcopal Church adopted the term only for the second half of this time period. Precise criteria for determining when Kingdomtide began varied in different localities. The most common practice was to start the season on the Sunday on or nearest August 31, which gave Kingdomtide 13 Sundays every year; in some places, Kingdomtide began on the last Sunday in August, giving the season 13 Sundays in some years and 14 in others. The last Sunday before Advent begins is observed as the Feast of Christ the King. The liturgy for Kingdomtide stressed charity and assistance to the poor, in contrast to the preceding Sundays after Pentecost, when a more spiritual mission was emphasized. Green vestmentsand paraments were used at church services during Kingdomtide, replacing the red used on the Sundays after Pentecost (in churches that did not recognize Kingdomtide as a separate season, green was generally deployed throughout the entire period between Pentecost and Advent). By 1992, the United Methodist Church was the only denomination still using the term Kingdomtide, and even within the United Methodist Church the observance has almost completely ceased, with most congregations adopting the more common ecumenical pattern of a season of Ordinary Time between Pentecost and Advent.

1 21 22

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mary the Blessed Virgin 2 St. Basil the Great 3 Epiphany of the Lord; St. Genevieve 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 5 St. John Neumann 6 St. Andre Bessette 7 St. Raymond of Pennafort 8 St. Thorfinn 9 St. Adrian, Abbot 10 St. William of Bourges 11 St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch 12 St. Marguerite Bourgeoys 13 St. Hilary of Poitiers 14 St. Felix of Nola 15 St. Paul the Hermit 16 St. Fursey 17 St. Anthony the Abbot 18 St. Volusian 19 St. Fillan 20 St. Fabian 21 St. Agnes 22 St. Vincent Pallotti 23 St. Ildephonsus 24 St. Francis de Sales 25 St. Peter Thomas 26 St. Timothy 27 St. Angela Merici 28 St. Thomas Aquinas 29 Sts. Sarbelius & Barbea 30 St. Aldegunais 31 St. John Bosco

St. Severian St. Margaret of Cortona 23 St. Polycarp 24 St. John Theristus 25 St. Tarasius 26 St. Isabel of France 27 St. Leander of Seville 28 St. Hilary, Pope 29 St. Aubin

1 2


St. Brigid of Ireland Joan de Lestonnac 3 St. Blaise 4 St. Joan of Valois 5 St. Agatha 6 St. Paul Miki 7 St. Moses 8 St. Jerome Emiliani 9 St. Apollonia 10 St. Scholastica 11 St. Paschal 12 St. Buonfiglio Monaldo 13 St. Catherine de Ricci 14 St. Valentine 15 St. Walfrid 16 St. Daniel 17 St. Alexis Falconieri 18 St. Simon 19 Bl. Alvarez of Corova 20 St. Wulfric
2 St.

St. David Bl. Charles the Good 3 St. Katharine Drexel 4 St. Casimir 5 St. John Joseph of the Cross 6 St. Colette 7 St. Paul the Simple 8 St. John of God 9 St. Frances of Rome 10 St. John Ogilvie 11 St. Constantine 12 St. Fina 13 Bl. Agnello of Pisa 14 St. Matilda 15 St. Louise de Marillac 16 St. Abban 17 St. Patrick 18 St. Cyril of Jerusalem 19 The Solemnity of Joseph; St. Joseph 20 Bl. John of Parma 21 St. Enda 22 St. Lea 23 St. Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo 24 St. Aldemar 25 St. Dismas 26 St. Margaret Clitherow 27 St. Rupert 28 St. Venturino of Bergamo 29 St. Berthold 30 St. Peter Regulatus 31 St. Benjamin

St. Hugh of Grenoble St. Francis of Paola 3 St. Richard of Wyche 4 St. Isidore of Seville 5 St. Vincent Ferrer 6 St. William of Eskilsoe 7 St. John Baptist de la Salle 8 St. Julie Billiart 9 St. Waldetrudis 10 St. Michael de Sanctis 11 St. Marguerite d'Youville
1 2

St. Julius Pope Saint Martin I 14 St. Lydwine 15 St. Paternus 16 St. Bernadette 17 St. Anicetus 18 St. Apollonius the Apologist 19 St. Alphege 20 St. Marian 21 St. Anselm 22 St. Abdiesus 23 St. George 24 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen 25 St. Mark 26 St. Cletus 27 St. Zita 28 St. Peter Chanel 29 St. Catherine of Siena 30 St. Pius V, Pope
12 13

St. Marculf St. Athanasius 3 St. James the Lesser 4 St. Florian 5 St. Hilary of Arles 6 Bl. Edward Jones 7 St. Rose Venerini 8 St. Peter of Tarantaise 9 St. Pachomius 10 St. Solange 11 St. Ignatius of Laconi 12 Sts. Nereus & Achilleus 13 St. John the Silent 14 St. Matthias 15 St. Dymphna 16 St. Simon Stock 17 St. Paschal Baylon 18 St. Pope John I 19 St. Celestine 20 St. Bernardine of Siena 21 St. Eugene de Mazenod 22 St. Rita 23 St. John Baptist Rossi 24 St. David I of Scotland 25 St. Mary Magdalene de Pazzi 26 St. Philip Neri 27 St. Augustine of Canterbury 28 Bl. Margaret Pole 29 St. Maximinus of Trier 30 St. Joan of Arc 31 St. Mechtildis
1 2

St. Boniface of Mainz St. Norbert 7 St. Willibald 8 St. William of York 9 St. Ephrem 10 St. Getulius 11 St. Barnabas 12 St. John of Sahagun 13 St. Anthony of Padua 14 St. Methodius I 15 St. Germaine Cousin 16 St. John Francis Regis 17 St. Emily de Vialar 18 St. Gregory Barbarigo 19 St. Romuald 20 St. Vincent Kaun 21 St. Aloysius Gonzaga 22 St. Thomas More 23 St. Joseph Cafasso 24 St. John the Baptist 25 St. William of Vercelli 26 St. Anthelm 27 St. Cyril of Alexandria 28 St. Irenaeus 29 St. Peter, First Pope 30 First Martyrs of the See of Rome
5 6

Bl. Junipero Serra 2 St. Bernardino Realino 3 St. Thomas 4 St. Elizabeth of Portugal 5 St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria 6 St. Maria Goretti 7 Bl. Ralph Milner 8 St. Grimbald 9 St. Veronica Giuliani 10 Sts. Perpetua and Felicity 11 St. Benedict of Nursia 12 St. John Gaulbert, Abbot 13 St. Henry 14 St. Kateri Tekakwitha 15 St. Bonaventure 16 St. Carmen 17 Carmelite Nuns of Compiegne 18 St. Frederick 19 St. Arsenius the Great 20 St. Margaret of Antioch 21 St. Lawrence of Brindisi 22 St. Mary Magdelene 23 St. Bridget of Sweden 24 St. John Boste 25 St. James the Greater 26 Sts. Joachim and Anne 27 St. Pantaleon 28 St. Innocent I 29 St. Martha 30 St. Peter Chrysologus

St. Justin Martyr Sts. Marcellinus and Peter 3 St. Charles Lwanga and Companions 4 St. Francis Caracciolo
1 2


St. Ignatius Loyola

St. Alphonsus Marie Liguori St. Eusebius of Vercelli 3 St. Lydia Purpuraria 4 St. John Vianney 5 St. Addal 6 St. Hormisdas Pope 7 St. Cajetan 8 St. Dominic 9 St. Edith Stein 10 St. Lawrence - Martyr 11 St. Clare 12 St. Michael My 13 St. Hippolytus 14 St. Maximilian Kolbe 15 St. Alipius 16 St. Stephen the Great 17 St. Clare of Montefalco 18 St. Helena 19 St. John Eudes 20 St. Bernard of Clairvaux 21 St. Pius X 22 St. Andrew the Scot 23 St. Philip Benizi 24 St. Bartholomew 25 St. Louis King of France 26 St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars 27 St. Monica 28 St. Augustine of Hippo 29 St. Sabina 30 St. Rumon 31 St. Raymond Nonnatus
1 2

St. Thomas of Villanueva St. Padre Pio 24 Martyrs of Chalcedon 25 St. Finbar 26 Sts. Cosmas & Damian 27 St. Vincent de Paul 28 St. Lorenzo Ruiz 29 St. Michael, the Archangel 30 St. Jerome
22 23

St. Therese of Lisieux St. Leger 3 St. Ewald & Ewald 4 St. Francis of Assisi 5 St. Faustina Kowalska 6 St. Bruno 7 St. Artaldus 8 St. Pelagia 9 Sts. Denis, Rusticus, and Eleutherius 10 St. Francis Borgia 11 St. Damien of Molokai 12 St. Wilfrid 13 St. Edward the Confessor 14 St. Callistus I 15 St. Teresa of Avila 16 St. Gerard Majella 17 St. Ignatius of Antioch 18 St. Luke 19 Sts. Isaac Jogues and Rene Goupil 20 St. Paul of the Cross 21 St. Hilarion 22 Bl. Pope John Paul II 23 St. John of Capistrano 24 St. Anthony Mary Claret 25 St. Daria 26 St. Bean 27 St. Frumentius 28 St. Jude Thaddaeus 29 St. Narcissus 30 St. Alphonsus Rodriguez 31 St. Wolfgang
1 2

St. Giles, Abbot St. Ingrid of Sweden 3 Pope Saint Gregory the Great 4 St. Rosalia 5 Bl.Teresa of Calcutta 6 St. Eleutherius 7 St. Cloud 8 The Birth ofBlessed Virgin Mary; St. Adrian 9 St. Peter Claver 10 St. Salvius of Albi 11 St. Paphnutius 12 St. Ailbhe 13 St. John Chrysostom 14 St. Notburga 15 St. Valerian 16 St. Cornelius 17 St. Robert Bellarmine 18 St. Joseph of Cupertino 19 St. Januarius 20 Sts. Andrew Kim Taegon, Paul Chong Hasang, and Companions 21 St. Matthew
1 2

St. Valentine Berrio-Ochoa St. Victorinus of Pettau 3 St. Martin de Porres 4 St. Charles Borromeo 5 St. Elizabeth 6 St. Leonard 7 St. Achillas 8 St. Castorius 9 St. Benignus 10 St. Leo the Great 11 St. Martin of Tours 12 St. Josaphat of Polotsk 13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 14 St. Lawrence O'Toole
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St. Albert the Great St. Margaret of Scotland 17 St. Hugh of Lincoln 18 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 19 St. Nerses the Great 20 St. Edmund Rich 21 St. Gelasius 22 St. Cecilia 23 Bl. Miguel Pro 24 St. Andrew Dung Lac 25 St. Catherine of Alexandria 26 St. John Berchmans 27 St. James Intercisus 28 St. Catherine Laboure 29 St. Saturninus 30 St. Andrew
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St. Eligius St. Bibiana 3 St. Francis Xavier 4 St. John of Damascus 5 St. Sabas 6 St. Nicholas 7 St. Maria Giuseppe Rossello 8 St. Romaric 9 St. Juan Diego 10 Pope Saint Gregory III 11 Pope Saint Damasus I 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe 13 St. Lucy 14 St. John of the Cross 15 St. Mary Di Rosa 16 St. Ado of Vienne 17 St. Olympias 18 St. Rufus 19 St. Nemesius 20 St. Dominic of Silos 21 St. Peter Canisius 22 St. Chaeromon 23 St. John of Kanty 24 St. Adele 25 St. Eugenia 26 St. Stephen 27 St. John the Apostle 28 St. Anthony the Hermit 29 St. Aileran 30 St. Anysia 31 St. Sylvester
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