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Frontal Lobe Changes in Alcoholism: A Review of The Literature

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In a number of ways, the study of the frontal lobes might

be described as the study of the qualities that differentiate a
human being from other animals. In 1928 the American
neurologist Tilney suggested that the entire period of human
evolutionary existence could be considered the age of the
frontal lobe. A great deal of indirect evidence supported such
a claim (Stuss and Benson, 1984).
Current literature emphasized a primary hypothesis
concerning the nature and extent of frontal lobe involvement
in alcoholism. Considerable research has focused on the
pattern of anterior brain deficit. Tarter (1975a) has suggested
that prolonged alcohol abuse results in effects that are most
pronounced in the anterior region of the brain, extending from
the frontal lobe through the dorsomedial nucleus of the
thalamus and associated basal regions.
This review will cover the current state of knowledge of
frontal lobe dysfunction in alcoholism. The frontal lobe
dysfunction will be presented with a major focus on changes
that occur in adult humans. References to the animal literature
will be limited, except for the sections on neuroanatomy and
neurophysiology, where non-human data are the basis.
Anatomically, the frontal lobes are the massive cerebral
area anterior to the rolandic fissure and above the sylvian
fissure. There are two roughly symmetrical lobes, each of
which can be divided into three areas: dorsallateral, medial,
and basilarorbital. Actually, the frontal lobe may be divided
in any number of different ways (Stuss and Benson, 1984).
Frontal lobes compose the single largest cortical region in
the brain. The prefrontal cortex is the most complex and
highly developed of the neocortical regions in the human
brain. Functioning as a massive association cortex, it has
afferent and efferent connections to all other neocortical
regions i.e. parietal, temporal and occipital, as well as to
cingulate, limbic, and basal ganglia structures. The thalamus
serves as a major junctional complex that modulates input
to the prefrontal cortex, and it has been proposed that
the prefrontal cortex should be defined on the basis of its
anatomical relationship with the medial dorsal thalamic
nucleus (Nauta, 1971, 1972).
The importance of the frontal lobes derives from rich
connections, both afferent and efferent, with almost all other
parts of the central nervous system. Frontal connections with
cortical sensory areas, providing information from the external
milieu, occur either by direct corticalcortical afferents or via
the thalamus. The occipital, parietal, and temporal sensory
association cortices connect to both the anterior temporal and
inferior parietal areas; in turn, each of these has direct afferent
connections to the frontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex receives
projections from olfactory sensation; it is thus the only cortical
area interacting with all four sensory modalities. The frontal
lobe also has well-developed connections with limbic and
subcortical areas that provide monitoring of the internal milieu
(Nauta, 1971, 1972).
The prefrontal cortex is the single largest brain region in
human beings, having been estimated to constitute 29% of the
total cortex (Nauta, 1971; Goldman-Rakic et al., 1984; Fuster,
1986; Stuss and Benson, 1986) (see Figs 1 and 2).
The specific functions of the different frontal lobe regions
are still in the process of being mapped. Studies of experi-
mental lesions in animals and traumatic or disease-induced
lesions in humans have indicated that injury to the prefrontal
cortex leads to disorders of categorizing (Andreasen et al.,
1986). Furthermore, a decrease in voluntary motor behaviour,
2001 Medical Council on Alcohol
Alcohol & Alcoholism Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 357368, 2001
Birmingham Addiction Research Group, Regional Addictive Behaviour Centre, Northern Birmingham Mental Health NHS Trust Headquarters,
71 Fentham Road, Erdington, Birmingham B23 6AL, UK
(Received 2 December 1999; in revised form 20 February 2001; accepted 28 February 2001)
Abstract Alcohol can induce a wide spectrum of effects on the central nervous system. These effects can be recognized at
the neurophysiological, morphological and neuropsychological levels. Several studies of the effect of alcohol on the frontal lobes were
identified for review from MedLine, PsychLIT databases and by manual searching. In this review article, the different changes are
examined in detail. Computed tomography studies have reported changes of frontal lobe in alcoholism, while magnetic resonance
imaging studies supported these findings. Neurophysiological studies with positron emission tomography and single photon emission
computed tomography have reported a decreased frontal lobe glucose utilization and reduced cerebral blood flow. There is also evidence
from neuropsychological studies that there are specific deficits in alcoholism that suggest frontal lobe dysfunction. Considered
together, these studies lend a strong credence to the concept of frontal lobe pathology in alcoholism. However, frontal lobe is not an
isolated part of the brain and should be considered with its heavy connections to different cortical and subcortical areas of the brain.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
decreased will and energy, a tendency to engage in repetitive
or preservative behaviour, difficulty in shifting response set,
and abnormalities of affect and emotion, particularly apathy,
indifference, and shallowness also occur (Jacobson, 1935;
Hebb, 1945; Nauta, 1964, 1971; Drewe, 1975; Damasio,
1979). Other symptoms consistent with dysfunction of the
frontal lobes can include problems with short-term memory,
planning, problem solving, impulsivity, disinhibition, and
poor motivation (Krans and Maki, 1997). The frontal lobe is
involved in functions such as creative thinking, planning of
future actions, decision making, artistic expression, aspects of
emotional behaviour, as well as spatial working memory,
358 H. F. MOSELHY et al.
Fig. 1. Cerebral cortex viewed from its right lateral aspect, showing the lobes and large sulci.
Fig. 2. Medial aspect of right cerebral hemisphere, showing structures that form the limbic system and medial aspect of temporal lobe connects to
frontal lobe.
language and motor control (Miotto et al., 1996; Semendeferi
et al., 1997), sustaining attention over time (Rueckert and
Grafman, 1996), and smooth pursuit eye movement (Heide
et al., 1996).
Efforts have been made to understand frontal lobe deficits
in terms of cognitive psychology and artificial intelligence
theory (Shallice and Evans, 1978; Shallice, 1982). Shallice
(1982) postulated two separate operations in problem solving.
Contention scheduling is the term used to describe the fast,
efficient, routine use of limited resources. With the intro-
duction of non-routine factors (e.g. a new problem), a general
programming, planning, and monitoring system, the super-
visory attentional system (SAS) is made operational (Stuss
and Benson, 1984). Shallices theory appears to fit many
examples from daily life. For routine tasks, contention
scheduling is adequate. Thus a person may drive home and not
truly be aware of his behaviour. The SAS can rest or deal with
other information, and contention schemas correctly handle
the routine behaviours. Capture errors may occur (Norman,
1981). A strong trigger might activate contention scheduling
and lead to incorrect response. The SAS, not monitoring the
routine behaviour, would be unaware until later (Stuss and
Benson, 1986).
Positron emission tomography (PET) studies
Mapping the functional activity of the brain is just one of
the current applications of PET. In this context, functional
anatomy is described as the relationship between the
topography of neural activity and cognitive behavioural or
psychomotor tests. The basic principle behind functional
mapping is the matching of neuronal activity to motor states,
psychological states or pathological states (Dolan, 1992). PET
uses as tracers compounds labelled with short-lived positron-
emitting isotopes. By tomographically recording their dis-
tribution in the body, PET allows the assessment of parameters
of tissue function regionally, quantitatively and non-
invasively. Two early studies have reported measurements of
regional cerebral glucose metabolism in chronic alcoholics.
One report found normal absolute values of metabolic rates of
glucose in all regions, but a significantly reduced regional
distribution index (ratio between regional value and mean
cortical value) was found in the medial frontal cortex (Samson
et al., 1986). The second study found significantly lower cerebral
metabolic rates of glucose in the alcoholic group, than in
normal controls; in addition, the alcoholics had fewer significant
interregional correlations and also failed to show the normal
response of increasing right hemisphere glucose metabolism
following a non-verbal auditory stimulus (Sachs et al., 1987).
Later literature revealed decreased local cerebral metabolic
rates for glucose bilaterally in the medialfrontal area of the
cerebral cortex in alcohol-dependent patients (Gilman et al.,
1990; Adams et al., 1993). Also PET has shown decreased
glucose utilization in the medialfrontal regions of
neurologically unaffected alcoholic patients (Samson et al.,
1986). Volkow et al. (1993) investigated the effect of
lorazepam on regional brain glucose metabolism in 12 normal
subjects and 10 alcoholic subjects with the use of PET
and [
F]fluorodeoxyglucose. They found that lorazepam
decreased whole brain glucose metabolism in both the normal
subjects (13%) and the alcoholic subjects (10% change), and
the response was correlated with the concentration of
lorazepam in occipital and cerebellar metabolism; the
alcoholic subjects showed significantly less response than the
comparison subjects in the thalamus, basal ganglia, and
orbitofrontal cortex. The rate of response in the orbitofrontal
cortex was significantly correlated with cerebellar metabolism
at baseline. Adams et al. (1993) examined the behavioural
correlates of medialfrontal lobe glucose hypometabolism in
31 chronically alcohol-dependent patients, assessed by PET
and neuropsychological correlates [Wisconsin Card Sorting
Test (WCST) and Halstead Category Test]. Results suggest
that chronic alcohol intakes result in impaired function of
cerebral tissue in the medial frontal region, affecting tissue
metabolic rates and the behaviour correlates of these rates.
Furthermore, Adams et al. (1995) investigated the correlation
of neuropsychological function using the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Test (WCST) and Halstead Category Test (HCT), with
the rate of metabolism in subdivisions of the frontal lobes of
older alcoholic patients measured with PET. They found that
impaired performance on the summary subtest of the HCT
was correlated with local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose
in all three frontal subdivisions (cingulate, dorsolateral and
orbitomedial), whereas the impairment in the summary WCST
measure of categories was correlated only with local cerebral
metabolic rate in the cingulate region. They suggested that
these abnormalities in functioning of the subdivisions of the
frontal lobe might contribute to different aspects of the
behavioural impairment seen in older alcoholic patients.
Additionally, Adams et al. (1998) evaluated the possible
relationships between family history status and neuro-
psychological and neuroimaging results using PET. Forty-
eight subjects, who had histories of severe chronic alcohol
dependence, were divided into two groups: 27 with a first-
degree relative with chronic alcoholism and 21 without a
first-degree relative with chronic alcoholism. No differences
were found between groups on either neuropsychological or
neuroimaging tests. These results suggest that a family history
of alcoholism does not moderate the damaging effects of
severe chronic alcoholism on the functioning of the medial
frontal lobe. However, Harden and Pihl (1995), in assessing
the profile of cognitive dysfunction drawn from neuro-
psychological tests designed to assess the functional integrity
of the frontal lobes, observed a relationship between high-risk
status in sons of male multigenerational alcoholics and their
performance on frontal lobe tests. Nevertheless the sample
size was small (14 boys with, and 14 without, a positive family
history of alcoholism).
Other recent studies (Deckel et al., 1995; Gilman et al.,
1996) suggested that severe chronic alcoholism damages
neurons containing GABA
/benzodiazepine receptors in the
superior medial aspects of the frontal lobes and that
disturbance in integrity of the anterior neocortex may be a risk
factor in the development of alcohol-related behaviours.
Single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) studies
Techniques for measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) have
been available for about five decades. Initially, global CBF
was measured by determining the arteriovenous difference of
the inert gas nitrous oxide. Later, the external detection of flow
markers labelled with single photon emitting isotopes allowed
more regional measurement of CBF. SPECT essentially
measures regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) by following
the transport of a single photon-emitting radioisotope tracer to
the brain and measuring the resultant activity with detectors.
There are three main SPECT tracers for blood flow.
Tc-labelled hexamethylpropylene amine-oxine (HMPAO),
I-labelled IMP (iodoamphetamine).
Early studies generally showed reduction in CBF in chronic
alcoholics and patients with Korsakoffs syndrome (Meyer
et al., 1985; Ishikawa et al., 1986). However, several studies
suffered from serious shortcomings: the invasiveness of the
procedures, usually involving catheterization of one carotid
artery, made it difficult to have really normal control groups;
also, patients were often on pharmacotherapy with sedating
drugs, while being studied. In several interesting reports, CBF
was measured by the non-invasive
Xe inhalation method in
222 volunteers recruited for a study of the effects of ageing,
risks factors for cerebrovascular disease and dementia on
CBF. Gray matter CBF significantly inversely correlated
with the average alcohol consumption over previous years,
which ranged from nil to heavy social drinking. This was
regardless of whether or not risk factors for cerebrovascular
disease were present (Roger et al., 1983). Flow measurements
were reported in patients with WernickeKorsakoff syndrome
(Meyer et al., 1985) and in chronic alcoholic patients without
signs of WernickeKorsakoff syndrome (Ishikawa et al.,
1986). Both gray and white matter flow were reduced by
~20% in the WernickeKorsakoff patients. In chronic
alcoholic subjects, values for gray matter flow were normal.
Patients were restudied after several weeks of abstinence (and
thiamine treatment in the case of the WernickeKorsakoff
patients). In the compliant subgroups, flow values increased to
normal in both sets of patients.
A French study looked at the relation between hepatic
pathology and CBF in chronic alcoholics. Reductions in flow
were found to correlate with the severity of the hepatic
histological abnormalities, though not with the results of the
usual biochemical liver function tests (Valmier et al., 1986).
These findings are in line with one of the first CBF studies in
alcoholism where the results showed the greatest flow
reduction in patients with cirrhosis (Shimojo et al., 1967).
Additionally, later pathological studies supported the
contribution of alcohol, thiamine deficiency and cirrhosis of
the liver to cerebral cortical damage in alcoholics (Harper and
Kril, 1985; Kril, 1995).
Berglund and Risberg (1981) made serial bilateral
measurements of regional rCBF by the
Xe inhalation
method, during 13 withdrawal periods in 12 male alcoholics
with pronounced physical dependence. A significant global
reduction of rCBF was found during the first two days of
withdrawal. Tutus et al. (1998) Performed [
brain SPECT on the day of admission in non-medicated
conditions and again after all the withdrawal symptoms had
subsided in the patients. Results indicated that there were
significantly reduced left frontal and right frontal, parietal and
temporal rCBF values in the patients during alcohol
withdrawal compared to those of their remitted state, which
were not different from those in the control group.
Nicolas et al. (1993) studied the prevalence of central
nervous system damage due to ethanol. They evaluated
40 asymptomatic chronic alcoholics and 20 age-matched
controls. Studies included neuropsychological testing, brain
Tc]HMPAO SPECT, and morphometric analysis by CT
scan. In the quantitative analysis, 30 of the 40 alcoholics
showed hypoperfusion areas on the SPECT scan. In the
semiquantatitive analysis, alcoholics exhibited significant
reduction in the rCBF ratio of all brain lobes, compared to
controls (P < 0.001). The rCBF ratio was specially reduced in
frontal lobes (by 65%).
Benson et al. (1996) described a case of acute alcoholic-
induced Korsakoff amnesia in a 32-year-old female. SPECT
showed hypo-perfusion in the orbital and medialfrontal lobe
regions and the medial diencephalic area. They repeated the
SPECT 4 months later. This showed a return to normal
perfusion in the frontal brain areas, but little improvement in
the medial diencephalic region. However, it is difficult to
generalize from only one case report.
Kuruoglu et al. (1996) examined 40 patients with alcohol
dependency, including 15 with antisocial personality disorder,
as defined in DSM-III-R, and 10 age- and sex-matched
healthy controls. The alcoholics were studied after termination
of withdrawal symptoms, using high resolution SPECT, CT,
and brain stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEP). The
authors found a significant reduction in regional cerebral
blood flow (rCBF) measurements of the alcoholic patients.
Low flow in frontal regions encountered in 67.5% of the
patients was associated with the duration of alcohol
consumption, whereas no such relationship existed with the
amount of daily intake. However, patients with antisocial
personality exhibited more marked frontal hypo-perfusion.
Meanwhile, Jagannathan et al. (1996) assessed the brain
metabolic changes in alcoholism by using localized
proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. They studied the
brain metabolic changes in 10 alcoholic patients in the
frontal lobe, cerebellum, and thalamus regions. The results
obtained were characterized by a reduced N-acetyl-aspartate
(NAA):choline (Cho) and NAA:total creatine ratios relative
to age-matched (n = 27) controls. These decreased ratios
correspond to depleted concentration of metabolite levels.
Reduction of NAA is consistent with neuronal loss, whereas
reduction in Cho suggests significant changes in the
membrane lipids of alcoholics.
Interestingly, Gansler et al. (2000) examined the relation-
ship between cerebral hypo-perfusion and residual deficits in
the functioning of frontal brain systems in abstinent alcoholics
long-term. CBF was observed through the use of SPECT
perfusion images. Results showed a positive relationship
between perfusion levels in the left inferior frontal brain
region and years of sobriety. Alcoholics with less than 4 years
of sobriety had significantly reduced left inferior frontal
perfusion, compared with both non-alcoholic controls and
alcoholics having longer periods of sobriety. The findings
support the hypothesis that frontal brain abnormalities in
alcoholics may subside with extended abstinence.
Additionally, both electroencephalographic (EEG) and
evoked potential studies support the presence of neuro-
physiological changes in brains of alcoholics, particularly in
the frontal lobe (Pribram and Luria, 1973; Begleiter et al.,
1980; Porjesz et al., 1980; Michael et al., 1993; Bauer
360 H. F. MOSELHY et al.
et al., 1994; OConnor et al., 1994; Cohen et al., 1996).
These studies led Begleiter et al. (1980) to suggest that
the presence of electrophysiological deficits even in the
absence of apparent structural damage may possibly indicate
the occurrence of neurochemical or subtle morphological
changes not readily detectable by CT scan. They speculated
that these electrophysiological deficits might reflect the
imminent onset of overt structural changes.
Post-mortem studies
Courville (1955), on the basis of neuropathological studies,
noted the presence of cortical atrophy, more marked in the
frontal lobes, but often widespread, with ventricular enlarge-
ment and meningeal thickening. The microscopic picture was
one of cell loss, architectural disruption of the cortical
laminae, pigmentary degeneration and proliferation of glial
elements. In his experience, this picture was sometimes
accompanied by marked arteriosclerotic changes. This
description was supported by other authors (Warner, 1934;
Hecaen and Ajuriaguerra, 1956; Mancall, 1961).
The picture of cortical atrophy, particularly involving
the frontal lobes, may occur alone or in combination with
other lesions. Victor et al. (1971) noted macroscopic cortical
atrophy in 27% of their 72 patients, who showed the
periventricular gray-matter lesions characteristic of
WernickeKorsakoffs encephalopathy. Cortical atrophy has
also been described in combination with degeneration of the
corpus callosum in cases of MarchiafavaBignami syndrome
(Jequier and Wildi, 1955; Delay et al., 1960).
A quantitative neuropatholological necropsy study of
22 control and 22 chronic alcoholic subjects showed a
statistically significant loss of brain tissue in the chronic
alcoholic group. The loss of tissue appeared to be from
the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, rather than the
cerebral cortex (Harper et al., 1985). In addition, a quantitative
neuropathological necropsy study of the human cerebral
cortex showed that the number of cortical neurones in the
superior frontal cortex in chronic alcoholic patients is
significantly reduced compared with that in controls matched
for age and sex (Harper et al., 1987). An analysis of brain
weights has demonstrated a decrease of mean values in male
alcoholics, when compared with controls. This weight loss
occurred independently of the presence of Wernickes
encephalopathy, indicating that alcohol consumption is more
important than nutritional deficiency in causing a reduction in
brain weight (Harper and Blumbergs, 1982). However, the
loss of brain tissue in chronic alcoholic patients was later
found to be more severe in those who had nutritional vitamin
deficiencies or alcoholic liver damage (Harper and Kril, 1985;
Kril, 1995).
It has been suggested that the loss of white matter could be
caused by changes in hydration, mainly loss of water (Carlen
and Wilkinson, 1980). Such a hypothesis was supported by
reports of altered body water balance in relation to the
ingestion of alcohol and during the withdrawal phase in
alcoholics (Eisenhofer and Johnson, 1982). However, post-
mortem studies of the specific gravity and water content of the
white matter negate this hypothesis (Harper et al., 1987,
The neuropathological lesions encountered in chronic alco-
holics are likely to be the end result of a variety of aetiological
factors. Post-mortem studies, and perhaps more so those based
on forensic autopsies, often suffer from poor ante-mortem docu-
mentation. Some of these studies tend to be based on groups
of elderly patients who have long drinking histories and may
well also suffer from dietary deficiencies. Reporting, inevitably,
tends to be selective. The presence of cerebral atrophy in a pro-
portion of these patients is clear, but it is difficult to extrapo-
late these findings to the alcoholic population as a whole.
Recently, a series of studies of the effect of alcohol on
receptors in the frontal cortex has been completed (Volkow
et al., 1993; Dodd et al., 1996; Freund and Anderson, 1996;
Gilman et al., 1996; Lewohl et al., 1997; Marchesi et al.,
1997). These studies concluded that chronic alcoholism leads
to moderate increases in the density of the N-methyl-D-
aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptors in the
frontal cortex. This up-regulation may represent a stage of
alcohol-induced chronic neurotoxicity.
Neuroradiological studies
Until the introduction of CT and MRI scanning, the method
required for visualization of cerebral structures was the
injection of air in the subarachnoid space (pneumo-
encephalogram, PEG). As this technique carries a certain
morbidity and discomfort, its application is limited to those
patients in whom clear clinical indicators are present, such as
the need to exclude a space-occupying lesion (Ron, 1977).
Brewer and Perrett (1971) examined 33 alcohol problem
patients, using PEG, admitted to a psychiatric hospital. The
mean age of the patients was 50 years. It was concluded that
cortical atrophy was present in 30 out of 33 patients and that
the ventricles were enlarged in 24. Only two patients were
regarded as having a normal PEG. Frontal atrophy appeared
to be especially common and was noted in 28 patients of the
30 with cortical atrophy.
Numerous other studies have reported PEG changes in
chronic alcoholics with cortical and subcortical atrophy, often
involving frontal lobes (Tumarkin et al., 1955; Lafon et al.,
1956; Lerebouillet et al., 1956; Postel and Cossa, 1956; Ledesma
Jimeno, 1958; Riboldi and Garavaglia, 1966; Haug, 1968;
Carlsson et al., 1970; Ferrer et al., 1970; Iivanainen, 1975).
Some of the difficulties in evaluating PEG studies could be
overcome if adequate control groups were available. To find a
group of healthy volunteers is practically and ethically im-
possible. A different approach is to use groups of psychiatric
patients as controls (Haug, 1968). Unfortunately, however, it is
possible that a number of such patients might have some
degree of brain damage and it would be inaccurate to equate
their PEG appearance with those of normal controls. Further-
more, deviations from the norm in psychiatric patients may mask
or minimize the abnormalities in the group under scrutiny. On
the other hand, if the differences between the two groups are
clear their significance is probably greater (Ron, 1977).
As the morbidity of PEG has restricted its usage, the advent
of CT scanning and MRI has made it possible for the first time
to study large and carefully selected groups of alcoholics, to
repeat the investigation after a follow-up period, and to
examine a normal population for comparison.
Fox et al. (1976) used the CT scan to study hospitalized
alcoholic patients. They reported significantly increased
ventricular size in alcoholic patients when compared to
normal controls. Carlen et al. (1976) reported that all of the
alcoholic patients they studied demonstrated neuro-
radiological evidence for cortical atrophy. Epstein et al.
(1977) conducted CT examination in a group of 46 alcoholics
and found that 61.4% showed evidence of cortical atrophy.
Myrhed et al. (1976) and Bergman et al. (1980) found cortical
atrophy in their alcoholic patients. Sixty per cent of these
patients showed clear cut to high grade brain damage,
whereas 8% showed none. Ninety five per cent had widened
parietal sulci, and 69% of these also had widened sulci in the
frontal locations. Cala et al. (1978) observed cortical atrophy
in 73% of their sample. They noted that enlargement of
cortical sulci was most prominent in the frontal and parietal
areas. Ron (1977) found that 65% of his sample of alcoholics
showed evidence of brain damage. Wilkinson and Carlen
(1980) have also noted a high incidence of cortical atrophy
among alcoholic patients. Ron et al. (1980) performed CT in
100 alcoholics and 41 controls. In their series, radiological
abnormalities were detected in a considerable proportion of
chronic alcoholics, when compared with normal controls. The
radiological abnormalities extended both to cortical structures
and to the ventricular system. However, regional variations did
not appear to be very obvious. These latter authors suggested
that, with the current lack of knowledge of the underlying
pathology, it is better to refer to them as brain shrinkage
rather than brain atrophy, which assumes more specific
neuropathological lesions. Rosse et al. (1997) suggested that
frontal lobe pathology is associated with negative symptoms
in patients with chronic alcoholism. The authors examined
19 chronic alcoholic in-patients (aged 1860 years) in an
alcohol treatment unit and found a significant relationship
between severity of frontal atrophy measured by CT and
negative symptoms, measured by the Scale for the Assessment
of Negative Symptoms.
The contribution of gender and drinking history to CT brain
changes in alcoholics was studied. CT scan studies of male
alcoholics have revealed larger ventricles, and wider cerebral
sulci and fissures, compared with control groups (Bergman
et al., 1980; Ron, 1983). Similar findings have been
demonstrated in a controlled study of female alcoholics, who
showed an equivalent pattern of CT brain scan abnormalities,
but after a shorter period of excessive drinking and lower
estimated peak alcohol consumption than reported in studies
with male alcoholics (Jacobson, 1986). Consecutive series of
male and female alcoholics, Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)
members and controls were examined by interview and with a
CT brain scan. The CT scan findings persisted after
accounting for body weight and after matching for age and
length of drinking history. The CT scan parameters of female
AA members approached control values more completely and
after briefer abstinence than did those of male AA members.
These findings are consistent with sex differences in the
vulnerability of the brain to alcohol toxicity, and its recovery
with abstinence (Jacobson, 1986).
MRI studies supported the CT scan findings on the effect of
alcohol on frontal lobe volume. Pfefferbaumet al. (1997) used
MRI to quantify the extent and pattern of tissue volume deficit
and cerebrospinal fluid volume enlargement in younger,
versus older, chronic alcoholics and relative to normal
controls. They divided their group of 62 alcoholic men into a
younger group (n = 33, mean age 37.5 years, range 2644) and
an older group (n = 29, mean age 52.7 years, range 4563) to
examine whether, in addition to extent, the two age groups
differed in pattern of tissue type and regional brain volume
abnormalities quantified with MRI. The younger group had
significant cortical gray, but not white, matter volume deficits
and sulcal and ventricular enlargement, relative to age-
matched controls. The older group had volume deficits in both
cortical gray and white matters and sulcal and ventricular
enlargement that significantly exceeded the younger alcoholic
group. An analysis of six cortical regions revealed that,
although both age groups had gray matter volume deficits
throughout the cortex, the older alcoholic group had a
selectively more severe deficit in prefrontal gray matter,
relative to the younger alcoholic group. Similarly, the cortical
white matter volume deficit in the older alcoholics was
especially severe in prefrontal and frontal regions. The
difference in brain dysmorphology between the two alcoholic
groups cannot easily be attributed to potential alcohol history
differences typically related to age, because the two groups
had similar disease durations and amounts of lifetime alcohol
consumption. These results provide evidence that the frontal
lobes are especially vulnerable to chronic alcoholism in older
men. In another study, Sullivan et al. (1996) used MRI to
study the relationship between alcohol withdrawal seizures
and temporal lobe white matter volume deficits. They exam-
ined 11 alcoholics who had experienced one or more alcohol-
related seizures and 35 seizure-free alcoholics, relative to
controls. Each alcoholic group showed significant bilateral
volume deficits of the anterior hippocampus and frontal
parietal and temporal gray matter, relative to controls.
MRI parameters also provide information about brain
water. Two studies in chronic alcoholism have produced
contradictory results, one describing changes suggestive of
decreased free water content during withdrawal (Besson et al.,
1981), the other reporting an increase in free water during
chronic alcohol consumption with a decrease during with-
drawal (Smith et al., 1985). In both reports, patient numbers
were small (six and nine patients respectively). Harper et al.s
(1988a,b) post-mortem studies of brain water and brain-
specific gravity supported the findings of the second of the
above two MRI reports.
The conclusion is therefore that the occurrence of
morphological abnormalities in brains of chronic alcoholics
who appear clinically intact has been recognized. Neuro-
pathological changes have been described, neuroradiological
studies have demonstrated abnormalities compatible with
cerebral atrophy, and the changes have often been detectable.
However, the relative roles of alcohol toxicity, thiamine
deficiency and cirrhosis of the liver in the pathogenesis of
alcohol-related brain damage are still unclear.
Although general measures of intelligence, especially those
with a large verbal component, do not reveal deficits in
performance in alcoholics (Tarter, 1975b, 1980; Parsons,
362 H. F. MOSELHY et al.
1987), detailed testing across different cultures has shown
deficits in cognitive flexibility, problem solving, verbal and
non-verbal abstraction, visuo-motor co-ordination, learning,
conditioning, and memory (Jones, 1971; Jones and Parsons,
1972; Parsons, 1975, 1977; Tarter, 1976; Butters et al., 1977;
Cala et al., 1978; Jenkins and Parsons, 1979; Tarter, 1980;
Bergman, 1985; Miller, 1985; Acker, 1986; Wilkinson, 1987;
Nicolas et al., 1993; Beatty et al., 1996; Nixon and Bowlby,
To detect lesions in the frontal lobes, standard intelligence
tests tend to be of limited value. Special psychometric
procedures may be more rewarding. Standard intelligence
tests have nevertheless been used frequently in surveys of
alcoholics, and their main contribution has been to
demonstrate that there is no significant difference in IQ
between large groups of chronic alcoholics and the normal
population (Amark, 1951; Peters, 1956; Bauer and Johnson,
Attempts have been made to find a typical pattern of
performance of chronic alcoholics in the subtests of the
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). Wechsler (1941)
studied a group of 29 chronic alcoholics of normal
intelligence, aged from 36 to 55 years, and found that the
subtests that offered most difficulty were the Similarities,
Digit Symbol, Digit Span and Object Assembly. From
this pattern of performance, he concluded that chronic
alcoholics were relatively poor at abstract reasoning, per-
ceptual organization, learning and retention. Goldstein and
Shelly (1971) made a similar attempt.
More striking results have been obtained when tests
especially designed to be sensitive to frontal lobe damage
were used. Among these, the Porteus Maze test (PMT;
Porteus, 1965) is worthy of mention. The test consists of a
number of labyrinths, each increasing in difficulty. The subject
must find the most direct route from beginning to end
without entering blind alleys or crossing through lines. The
subject must not lift the pencil while tracing the route and
must keep within the side boundaries. As soon as an error is
made, the same labyrinth is presented for a second trial, with
a limit of two to four trials, depending on the degree of
difficulty of the test. Two types of scores are obtained. A test
age compares the particular achievement based on the number
of repeated trials with a maximum score of 17, and a
qualitative score assesses the type of production errors
(e.g. cutting corners, touching the side). The Wisconsin Card
Sort Test (WCST; Milner, 1963) requires subjects to learn the
correct way to sort cards. On each trial, the subject must
generate an attempt, sorting the cards according to the shape,
colour, or number of symbols on it. The subject learns by trial
and error on the basis of feedback provided by the tester. On
this task, the subject does not learn a specific response, but
rather a rule that governs their responses. Once they have
learned to sort by one rule (such as sorting by shape), the rule
is changed and the subject must sort by another rule (such as
sorting by colour). When the subject has learned that rule, the
rule is again changed, and so on until the subject has sorted all
the cards.
The most widely used category identification test is the
Halstead Category Test (HCT; Lezak, 1983), which consists of
seven subtests, the first six measuring non-verbal abstraction-
concept formation in which a series of slides are presented,
each with different figures and patterns. The subject is
instructed that something will suggest a number between
1 and 4; he then presses one of the four buttons and receives
a feedback tone or buzzer telling him if the answer is correct.
At the completion of each group, the examiner states that
another group of items will be presented and the main idea may
be the same or different. The seventh and final group demands
memory of previous stimuli (Stuss and Benson, 1986).
Finally, two new batteries of tests have been prepared from
the lifetime experience of the Russian neuropsychologist
Luria. A selection of his tests has been translated into English
by Christensen (1986), and a second, independent battery
(LuriaNebraska Neuropsychological Battery) designed to
conform to current American psychological practices has been
developed (Golden, 1986; Golden et al., 1991). Theoretically,
with the Luria approach comparatively subtle frontal lobe
disturbance can be sought and isolated. In particular, subtests
such as rhythm tapping, go/no-go, alternating figures, and
others are suggested as particularly relevant to frontal lobe
Fitzhugh et al. (1960, 1965) studied a group of 35
alcoholics tested after an average of 12 days of abstinence and
compared them with another group of 35 patients with well-
documented brain damage and with 35 normal controls. The
alcoholics were indistinguishable from the controls in terms of
IQ. When the Trail Making test and Halstead Battery tests
were used, the alcoholic group performed much worse than
the control group and even worse than the patients with brain
damage. Several other studies confirmed these findings and
found evidence of frontal lobe damage by using the same tests
or other frontal lobe tests (Jones and Parsons, 1971; Smith et al.,
1973; Long and McLachlan, 1974; Cutting, 1978; Hill, 1980;
Goldstein and Shelly, 1982; Parsons, 1987; Sullivan et al.,
1993). However, Joice and Robins (1991) found that the
impairment of alcoholic non-Korsakoff patients did not appear
to be related to frontal lobe dysfunction, compared to
Korsakoff patients. Non-Korsakoff patients exhibited fewer
impairments that could not be attributed to deficits in either
planning or spatial working memory.
Another important area of research was information
processing. Previous research has demonstrated an impair-
ment of information processing following alcohol adminis-
tration (Koelega, 1995). However, it is not known whether this
impairment is on all stages of information processing or on the
early stages of it.
Studies examined different stages of information pro-
cessing. The early stages of information processing have
been described as those which involve the detection of, and
response to, simple stimuli (Koelega, 1995). A task that
assesses this function is the inspection time (IT) task, which
involves the ability to make an observation/inspection of
sensory input on which a discrimination of relative magnitude
is based, in contrast to tasks such as reaction time (RT), which
generally involve more response-oriented measures of total
decision-making time, that constitute total information
processing (Tzambazis and Stough, 2000). Several studies
on the effect of alcohol on the early stages of information
processing have found an impairment of speed of detection
(Maylor et al., 1990); attenuated auditory event-related
potential (Jaaskelainen et al., 1995); or increased reaction time
and impaired stimulus detection (Krull et al., 1994).
On the other hand, there has been considerable research into
the effects of alcohol on total information processing,
measured by RT, vigilance and attention tasks and tasks
assessing cognition ability. Generally, results suggest that,
when demands are higher, such as under dual-task conditions,
the impairment in performance due to alcohol becomes more
significant (Maylor et al., 1990, 1992; Bartl et al., 1996).
Tzambazis and Stough (2000) used IT as a predictor
variable in a linear regression analysis to examine whether a
disruption of the early stages of information processing
accounted for changes in total information processing after
alcohol administration. Results indicated that alcohol
significantly slowed total information processing, in-
dependently of the early stages of information processing.
Acker (1986) assessed the contribution of gender and
drinking history to neuropsychological deficits. Alcoholic in-
patients were selected for cognitive assessment on a routine
consecutive admission basis. The male and female alcoholic
groups (72 males and 33 females) performed significantly
worse on the cognitive tests than matched controls. The
females performed worse on tests of immediate recall, and
psychomotor speed. The author concluded that females
are more susceptible than males to the harmful effects
of prolonged heavy drinking on cognitive performance.
Alternatively, it may be that those females who become
alcoholic are at risk in some unspecified way, which is
reflected in the performance difference.
A large number of neuropsychological studies have
examined individuals at risk for developing alcoholism, such
as sons of alcoholics (Schaeffer et al., 1984; Drejer et al.,
1985; Tarter et al., 1989; Peterson et al., 1992; Knop et al.,
1993). They found that sons of alcoholic men exhibited
increased impulsivity, decrements in attention, planning
ability, and at-risk adolescents differed from low risk ones in
Category test, memory tests, tests of abstracting/problem
solving, Trail Making test, and significantly more errors on
Halstead Category test and the Porteus Maze test. Collectively,
these findings suggest that individuals at risk for alcoholism
demonstrate a cluster of deficits that may somehow link
anterior brain dysfunction to the risk of developing
Recently, it was reported that neuropsychological tests
that assess anterior brain functioning are predictive of
alcohol-related expectancies (Deckel et al., 1995). Evidence
of anterior neocortex involvement in the generation of these
expectancies was also found through an examination of
electrophysiological and structural data in some of these
As mentioned above, Adams et al. (1993) studied the
behaviour correlates of medial frontal lobe glucose hypo-
metabolism in chronically alcohol-dependent patients. Thirty-
one male patients who were detoxified, medically stable, and
free of other central nervous system risk factors for neuro-
psychological impairment were examined with anatomical
imaging (CT or MRI), functional imaging with PET and a
battery of neuropsychological tests, including the Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test and the Halstead Category Test. The
findings suggested that chronic alcohol intake resulted in
impaired function of cerebral tissue in the medial frontal
region. The impairment pertains both to tissue metabolic rates
and behavioural correlates of these rates. These findings have
been supported by other studies (Bergman et al., 1980; Ciesielski
et al., 1995; Deckel et al., 1995; Nicolas et al., 1997).
In summary, the impairment of neuropsychological
function of the frontal lobe is particularly noticeable in the
ability to perform complex psychomotor tasks and in some
functions usually attributed to the frontal lobes, such as
the ability to solve problems or to manipulate abstract concepts.
These studies illustrate the fact that these deficits can be found
in subjects whose IQ is average or even above average.
In everyday clinical practice, these tests for frontal lobe
damage are seldom used and lesions in this area could easily
be overlooked. Behavioural symptoms of frontal lobe
impairment could readily be interpreted as part of the make-
up of the alcoholics personality (Ron, 1977).
The relationship between abstinence and recovery of frontal
lobe deficits in chronic alcoholics is only partly understood.
Adequate clarification would require following up a group of
chronic alcoholics remaining abstinent for long periods, with
careful repeat mapping of performance on appropriate
Page and Linden (1974) tested 20 hospitalized chronic
alcoholics during the first week of abstinence. The WAIS,
TMT and Benton Visual Retention tests were used. The
authors observed an improvement in short-term memory,
abstract reasoning, spatial ability, and visuo-motor co-
ordination. By comparing successive performances the bulk of
the improvement seemed to occur during the first 2 weeks of
abstinence. This pattern of improvement was also found by
Jonsson et al. (1962), Carlsson et al. (1973), Templer (1975)
and Reed et al. (1992).
Clarke and Haughton (1975) studied a group of alcoholics
at 2, 6 and 10 weeks after withdrawal: 130 patients were
initially seen, but only 55 were tested three times. At
psychological assessment, some improvement took place in
the first 6 weeks of abstinence, but very little change was
recorded thereafter. At 10 weeks, it was still possible to
demonstrate impaired performance in psychomotor speed and
abstract reasoning. In an attempt to rule out depression as a
cause of poor test performance, the patients were asked to
complete self-rating scales for depression at regular intervals.
By the end of 6 weeks the patients rated themselves as
normal, while psychological tests continued to show
The brain shrinkage was followed by re-scanning at
6 months to 3 years (Ron et al., 1982; Ron, 1983). In the
majority, appearances were unchanged, although some
showed worsening, and an important group showed regression
of the shrinkage. The factor clearly related to possibilities of
improvement was the degree of abstinence achieved during
the assessment period. These findings confirmed earlier ones
(Carlen et al., 1978; Carlen and Wilkinson, 1980). These
findings were further checked in a group of patients drawn
from AA (Jacobson, 1986; Lishman et al., 1987). Despite
earlier drinking histories, their scans were closer to those of
normal controls than to those of current alcoholics; some
degree of residual ventricular dilatation was suspected.
364 H. F. MOSELHY et al.
In summary, therefore, frontal lobe changes are potentially
reversible to some degree with abstinence for several months
or years, but even after several years the brain may remain
The occurrence of morphological abnormalities in the
frontal lobes of chronic alcoholics who appear clinically
intact has been recognized. Neuropathological changes
have been described, and neuroradiological studies have
demonstrated abnormalities compatible with cerebral atrophy.
The neuroradiological changes have occasionally been
accompanied by cognitive deficits, detectable on careful
psychometric testing, and were at least partly reversible.
Several PET and SPECT studies in alcoholics have already
been reported and a clearer picture has begun to emerge.
However, our understanding of the nature of the frontal lobe
changes caused by alcohol, its clinical correlates, and its
relation to prolonged drinking or abstinence, remains
The possibility that neurophysiological, neuropathological,
and neuropsychological changes may antedate the alcoholism
is considered, as is the possibility that alcohol may be
particularly damaging to the impaired brain. Evidence is
accumulating that cognitive deficit is an important predictor of
outcome following treatment. In the management of states of
frontal lobe changes, attention should be paid to remedying
nutritional deficiency and the general principles of
rehabilitation should be borne in mind.
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