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Black Is The Color

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Black is the Color

Original - Chords
Am F G Am Black is the colour of my true love's hair. F G E7 Her lips are like some roses fair. F G E7 She's the sweetest smile and the entlest hands. F G Am ! love the round where on she stands. "" Am F G Am ! love my love " well she knows. F G E7 ! love the round where on she oes. F G E7 ! wish the day it soon would come F G Am #hen she and ! could $e as one.

Am F G Am ! o to the %lyde and mourn and weep F G E7 Satisfied ! never can $e. F G E7 ! write her a letter& 'ust a few short lines F G Am And suffer death a thousand times. "" Am F G Am For Black is the colour of my true love's hair. F G E7 Her lips are like some roses fair. F G E7 She's the sweetest smile and the entlest hands. F G Am ! love the round where on she stands.

Ride On Christy Morre

(capo na terceira casa) [p i m i a m i m: 2X por acorde]cordas:2 a 6 Am F True you ride the finest horse,i've ever seen G Am standing sixteen one or t o ith eyes i!d and green Am F you ride the horse so e!! hands !ight too the touch G Am i cou!d never go ith you no matter ho i anted too Chorus 2x: Am F ride on,see you G i cou!d never go Verse:2 hen you run your i turned and !oo# eye Chorus 2X Verse:3:instrumental

ith you no matter ho

Am anted too

ride into the night ithout a trace "ehind c!a a!ong my gut,one !ast time to face an empty space, here you used to !ie for the spar# that !ights the night through the teardrop in my

Son David ( June Tabor and Oysterbands Arrange)

Son (avid& as performed $y )une *a$or and the +yster$and& is a traditional murder $allad. !t is a variant of the $allad& 'Edward'& which is also known as '#hat ,ut the Blood'.

%apo at -rd Fret

G #hat's the $lood on the point of your sword& G + Son (avid& my Son (avid. G #hat's the $lood on the point of your sword& G F % ,romise& tell me true. G *hat's the $lood of my rey mare G + /ady 0other& my /ady 0other1 G *hat's the $lood of my rey mare " G F % She would not rule $y me. ,romise& tell me true.

Em *hat's the $lood of my $rother )ohn& ( + /ady 0other& my /ady 0other1 % *hat's the $lood of my $rother )ohn& % F % He drew his sword to me. Em #hat did you fall out a$out& ( + Son (avid& my Son (avid. % !t's all for a little holly $ush % F % *hat'll never row to a tree. G !'ll set my foot on a $ottomless $oat& G + /ady 0other& my /ady 0other1 G Set my foot on a $ottomless $oat& G F % Sail upon the sea. G #hen will you come $ack a ain& G + Son (avid& my Son (avid. G #hen will you come $ack a ain. G F % ,romise& tell me true. Em #hen the Sun and 0oon meet in yonder len& ( + /ady 0other& my /ady 0other1

G 2our rey mare's $lood was never so red& G + Son (avid& my Son (avid1 G 2our rey mare's $lood was never so red& G F % ,romise& tell me true. Em *hat's the $lood of my hawkin hound& ( + /ady 0other& my /ady 0other1 % *hat's the $lood of my hawkin hound& % F % She would not rule $y me. G 2our hawkin hound's $lood was never so clear& G + Son (avid& my Son (avid1 G 2our hawkin hound's $lood was never so clear& G F %

% #hen the Sun and 0oon meet in yonder len& % F % And that will never $e.


!ome "n #erry $y Christy Moore

Tom $rigina!: %m &m 'm (n )*+, e sai!ed out to sea % &m $ut from the s eet to n of -erry &m 'm .or &ustra!ia "ound if e didn't a!! dro n % &m &nd the mar#s of our fetters e carried &m 'm (n our rusty iron chains e sighed for our eans &m 'm $ur good omen e !eft in sorro &m 'm &s the mainsai!s unfur!ed, our curses e hur!ed % &m $n the 'ng!ish, and thoughts of tomorro /horus / % $h00$h000 ( / % $h00$h000 ( &m ish ( &m ish ( % &m as "ac# home in -erry % &m as "ac# home in -erry

&t the mouth of the .oy!e, "id fare e!! to the soi! &s do n "e!o dec#s e ere !ying $'-oherty screamed, o#en out of a dream 1y a vision of "o!d 2o"ert dying The sun "urned crue! as e dished out the grue! -an $'/onnor as do n ith a fever 3ixty re"e!s today "ound for 1otany 1ay 4o many i!! meet their receiver /4$253 ( cursed them to he!! as her "o fought the s e!! $ur ship danced !i#e a moth in the fire!ight 6hite horse rode high as the devi! passed "y Ta#ing sou!s to 4ades "y t i!ight .ive ee#s out to sea, e ere no forty7three $ur comrades e "uried each morning (n our o n s!ime e ere !ost in a time $f end!ess night ithout da ning /4$253 8an -iemen's !and is a he!! for a man To !ive out his ho!e !ife in s!avery 6here the c!imate is ra and the gun ma#es the !a 9either ind nor rain care for "ravery T enty years have gone "y, ('ve ended my "ond :y comrades ghosts a!# "ehind me & re"e! ( came 7 ('m sti!! the same

$n the co!d

inters night you

i!! find me

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