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Neal, Complaint For Quiet Title

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The document appears to be a legal petition filed by Janet and Robert Neal seeking to quiet title on their property and remove any claims or interests that various respondents may have on the property.

The document is a legal petition filed in a United States District Court regarding a property located at 906 Jones Mill Road in Cartersville, Georgia.

The petitioners are Janet and Robert Neal. The respondents include various companies that may claim an interest in the property such as Tribeca Lending Corp, Franklin Mortgage Asset Trust 2009-A, and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.





VERIFIED PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF TO QUIET TITLE O.C.G.A. 23-3-60 ET. SEQ. COME NOW the Petitioners, Janet C. Neal and Robert L. Neal, Sr. and Petition this Honorable Court to Quiet Title to Petitioners property and to Declare that Respondents, and each of them, have no interest in and to Petitioners property, and as grounds therefore would state as follows:

IDENTITY OF PARTIES AND LAND 1. Petitioners are citizens of the State of Georgia, County of Bartow, and purchased residential property in Bartow County, Georgia, known and referred to as 906 Jones Mill Road, Cartersville, Georgia 30120 and more particularly described as follows: TRACT 1 All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 27 of the 4 th District and 3rd Section of Bartow County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the point which marks the intersection of the western right-ofway of Jones Mill Road and the northern right of way of Pine Vista Circle and from said point run in a generally northerly direction North 03 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds East and following the arc of the curvature of said Jones Mill Road right of way an arc distance of 46.12 feet to an iron pin which marks the true point of beginning. From said true point of beginning run North 29 degrees 38 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 177.02 feet to an iron pin; thence run North 20 degrees 28 minutes 42 seconds West a distance of 170.41 feet; thence run South 4 degrees 04 minutes 21 seconds West a distance of 302.33 feet to an iron pin and other true point of beginning. Said tract containing 0.647 acres, more or less.

TRACT 2 All that tract or parcel of land lying and being on the west side of Jones Mill Road in Lot of Land Number 237 and 238 of the 4th District of the 3rd section of Bartow County, Georgia, more particularly described as being subdivision lot number 6 of the Thomas H. Bennett subdivision, a plat of which is recorded in said deed records in Plat Book 4, Page 2, to which reference is made for a more definite description, said lot beginning at the point where the west side of Jones Mill Road intersects the north right of way line of the Georgia Power Transmission right of way, and running thence in a northerly direction 200 feet, more or less, along said public road to the property of Francis H. (Pete) McDaniel; thence North 84 degrees 32 minutes West along said McDaniel property a distance of 209 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of said McDaniel property; thence South 5 degrees 28 minutes West 303 feet, more or less, to the north right of way line of said Georgia Power Company transmission line easement; thence North 70 degrees 13 minutes East along said transmission line right of way 248 feet, more or less, to the beginning point. Being the fee simple property which, by general warranty deed dated March 23, 1998, and recorded in the office of the registrar of deeds of the County of Bartow, County, in Book 1103, Page 229, was granted and conveyed by Janet C. Neal unto Janet C. Neal and Robert L. Neal, Sr. Hereinafter, this address and legal

description as well as all improvements thereon shall be known and referred to as Petitioners Property. 2. Respondent Tribeca Lending Corp. is a New York corporation and a citizen of New York, doing business at 101 Hudson Street, 25th Floor, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302. This company is currently active according to the New York Secretary of States Office. Said Respondent was the originating lender in regard to the subject transaction. 3. Respondent Franklin Credit Management Corp is a New York corporation and citizen of the State of New York, doing business at 101 Hudson Street, Jersey City, New Jersey 07302, engaged in servicing and resolution of performing and nonperforming residential mortgage loans and is servicer for the subject loan for Respondent Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 4. Respondent Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is a national banking association and a citizen of the State of California doing business at 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, California 94163 and is listed as certificate trustee in trust for the registered holders of VNT Trust Series 2010-2. 5.

Respondent VNT Trust Series 2010-2 is a securitized trust formed January 6, 2010 and is registered in and a citizen of the State of Delaware, doing business at 919 North Market Street, Suite 1600, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. 6. Respondents John Does 1-500 are the certificate holders of certificates issued by the VNT Trust, Series 2010-2. Respondent Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is Listed as the agent for trustee Wells Fargo Delaware Trust Company, N.A. at 919 North Market Street, Suite 1600, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 7. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1332 for reasons set forth below. 8. Petitioners property is located in Bartow County, Georgia and the territorial boundaries of this District Court embrace this county. Petitioners are citizens of the State of Georgia.


Respondents are citizens of the States of New York, California and Delaware. There is complete diversity of citizenship between Petitioners and Respondents. 10. Petitioners seek to quiet title to Petitioners property for $150,000.00. The amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.00. 11. This is an in rem proceeding pursuant to O.C.G.A. 23-3-60 et. seq. directed against Petitioners property situated within the boundaries of Bartow County, Georgia. By virtue of a Note and Security Deed dated June 15, 2007, Petitioners acquired an equitable interest in the title. Petitioners can live on this land and only petitioners have the right to sell this home. 12. Respondents have recorded an interest in Petitioners Property or claim some interest in Petitioners Property. 13. On June 15, 2007 Petitioners agreed to borrow $150,000.00 from Tribeca Lending Corp., secured by Petitioners Property. Two instruments were signed by Petitioners on this date, the Adjustable Rate Note and the Security Deed. Since

Petitioners are the signatories, the Adjustable Rate Note and Security Deed are both bearer instruments. 14. Paragraph 1 of the Adjustable Rate Note states in pertinent part: I understand that the Lender may transfer this Note. Lender or anyone who takes this Note by transfer and who is entitled to receive payments under this Note is called the Note Holder. 15. U.C.C. 3-110 (c) stipulates how a negotiable instrument may identify the person to who it is made payable. In pertinent part, this statute states: (c) A person to whom an instrument is payable may be identified in any way, including by name, identifying number, office or account number. 16. In the vernacular of the Uniform Commercial Code, Petitioners note has been made payable to the person entitled to receive Petitioners payments. 17. Paragraph 7 (c) of Petitioners Note states in pertinent part: (C) Notice of Default If I am in default, the Note Holder may send me a written notice telling me that if I do not pay the overdue amount by a certain date, the Note Holder may

require me to pay immediately the full amount of Principal which has not been paid and all the interest that I owe on that amount.. 18. The substantive law governing enforcement of a negotiable instrument is set forth in U.C.S. 3-301 and states in pertinent part: Person entitled to enforce an instrument means (i) the holder of the instrument, (ii) a nonholder in possession of the instrument who has the rights of a holder. 19. Paragraph 1 of Petitioners Note declares who takes this Note by transfer and who is entitled to receive payments under this Note is called the Note Holder. By stipulating that the Note Holder is the person entitled to Plaintiffs payment, this paragraph rejects part (i) of U.C.C. 3-301 and adopts instead part (ii), a nonholder who has the rights of a holder. 20. Paragraph 7 (C) stipulates that only the Note Holder can send out a Notice of Default. Paragraphs 1 and 7 (C) of Petitioners Note reserve enforcement exclusively to the person [or persons] entitled to receive Petitioners payment. This person is the Note Holder. These terms are embedded as indelibly into the

foundation document of this transaction as are the names of the parties and the amount being loaned. 21. The unambiguous meaning of Paragraphs 1 and 7 (C) of Petitioners Note state that only the party entitled to Petitioners payments can been the Note Holder and successor in interest to the Lender. From this factually incontrovertible premise, this legal corollary is self-evident. Since the Note Holder is the only party that can initiate a foreclosure proceeding, this act of enforcement can only be performed by the person [or persons] that are entitled to receive Petitioners payments. 22. The first paragraph of Petitioners Note names the person entitled to payments as the beneficiary. This same person is authorized to exercise the power to sell clause in a Security Deed in Georgia. The only person who can exercise the power to sell clause in Georgias non-judicial foreclosure statute is the party entitled to the borrowers payments. 23. For reason which will become apparent after examining documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission search engine, the person entitled to enforce Petitioners Note within the meaning of U.C.C. 3-301 (ii) is in fact a group of

people. The parties entitled to Petitioners payments are current holders of mortgage-backed certificates owning a pro rata share of Petitioners Note. Selfauthenticating documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission declare this group to be the owners of these Notes for all purposes whatsoever. 24. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) is described as a nominee for Tribeca Lending Corp. and its successors in interest. Although the Security Deed establishes MERS as the beneficiary, by its own self-imposed admission, MERS is not making any contribution worthy of this designation. Paragraph 2 of MERSs Terms and Conditions states in pertinent part: 2. The Member, at its own expense, shall promptly, or as soon as practicable, cause MERS to appear in the appropriate public records as the mortgagee of record with respect to each mortgage loan that the Member registers on the MERS System. MERS shall serve as mortgagee of record with respect to all such mortgage loans solely as a nominee, in an administrative capacity, for the beneficial owner or owners thereof from time to time. MERS shall have no rights whatsoever to any payments made on account of such mortgage loans, to any servicing rights related to such mortgage loans, or to any mortgaged properties securing such mortgage loans. MERS agrees not to assert any rights (other than rights specified in the Governing Documents) with respect to such mortgage loans or mortgaged

properties. References herein to mortgage(s) and mortgagee of record shall include deed(s) of trust and beneficiary under a deed of trust and any other form of security instrument under applicable state law. MERS is not a vehicle for creating and transferring beneficial interests. Paragraph 6. MERS and the Member agree that: (i) the MERS System is not a vehicle for creating or transferring beneficial interests in mortgage loans, (ii) transfers of servicing interests reflected on the MERS System are subject to the consent of the beneficial owner of the mortgage loans, and (iii) membership in MERS or use of the MERS System shall not modify or supersede any agreement between or among the Members having interests in mortgage loans registered on the MERS System. 25. MERS has ruled out any entitlement to Petitioners payments. This also means that MERS cannot qualify as the Note Holder under paragraph 1 of Petitioners Note. 26. The inability of MERS to hold any interest greater than just legal title, which is no ownership interest whatsoever, is also affirmed in its Terms and Conditions. See paragraph 6 of MERS Terms and Conditions.


27. Under this Security Deed, the powers of the Lender are pervasive. This is declared in the Transfer of Rights in Property clause. 28. In pertinent part, the Transfer of Rights paragraph secures to Lender: (i) The repayment of the Loan and (ii) performance of Borrowers covenants

under this security instrument. Under Acceleration, Remedies, only the Lender at its option, can invoke the power of sale and pursue foreclosure. No other party but the Lender or their successor in interest is allowed to exercise this authority. 29. Under well settled property law concepts, only a party with an ownership interest in the note can enforce the security deed. The Restatement (Third) of Property, Mortgages 5-4(c) states, a mortgage may be enforced only by, or on behalf of, a person who is entitled to enforce the obligation the mortgage secures. A mortgage servicer and MERS have no ownership interest in the note. 30. After Petitioners loan was made, this Note and Security Deed was subjected to a series of transfers and a succession of new beneficial owners. The purpose served by these transfers was to convert these debt instruments into a debt commodity suitable for serving as collateral for newly issued mortgage-backed

securities. Petitioners Note and Security Deed became part of a pool of mortgage for a secured transaction listed on the Securities and Exchange Commissions EDGAR search engine. 31. After these sales, Petitioners Security Deed was bundled and sold to a trust called VNT Trust Series 2010-2 [hereinafter referred to as the Trust]. The transfer of security deeds and mortgages to this Trust is documented in the Trust Agreement. A special purpose vehicle used by VNT Trust for bundling and transferring mortgages is the Depositor of loans. 32. After assigning all of its right, title and interest to Petitioners Note and Security Deed to this Trust, Tribeca Lending Corp. could no longer claim any entitlement to Petitioners payments. When Tribeca Lending Corp. lost its entitlement to these payments, it relinquished as well its right to be called the Note Holder on Petitioners Note and to be called the Lender on Petitioners Security Deed. 33. This Trust acts as an apparatus for converting mortgages into a debt commodity. Each mortgage has now been transferred to VNT Trust Series 2010-2, Mortgage-backed securities are issued to this Trust and bonded to a pool of

mortgages. When this is complete, mortgage-backed securities and their assigned pool of instruments become inseparable. This transformation if documented in the Trust Agreement. 34. This Trust is authorized to issue pass-through securities pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 671to 670 for the Internal Revenue Service grantor trust rules. 35. In a Persons Deemed Owners clause, the Certificate holders or investors, own the beneficial interest in these instruments. The Persons Deemed Owners clause appears in every pass-through securities offering. This pass-through feature enables the trust to be tax exempt, since it owns nothing. 36. Statements made in a filing for the Securities and Exchange Commission are subject to the heightened standard imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. This Act makes signatories accountable for the accuracy of all information disclosed and subject to penalties ranging from being delisting to multimillion dollar fines and imprisonment. This statement in the Persons Deemed Owners clause also runs against the interest of the maker. Statements running against the interest of the maker are extremely difficult to overcome. The guilty plea aspect of


this statement, coupled with its presence in a filing before the Securities and Exchange Commission, makes this statement worth of belief. 37. This Persons Deemed Owners clause closes the loop opened in the first paragraph of Petitioners Note by identifying the persons entitled to receive Plaintiffs payments. Holders of mortgage-backed certificates owning a fractional share of Petitioners note are entitled to these payments. Under grantor trust rules of the IRS for pass-through securities, money generated by assets held in this Trust estate can only be paid to these owners; and this arrangement cannot be altered. 38. Because of their fractional ownership interests in Petitioners Note and Security Deed, privity of contract is established been these note holders i.e. investors and Petitioner. This new alignment is permanent. It cannot be disturbed. 39. Certificate holders, i.e. investors, hold the only financial stake in Petitioners Note. They are the only parties benefitted or injured by the outcome. 40. Since holders of mortgage-backed securities are permanently entitled to Plaintiffs payments, these parties are also identified under the Uniform Commercial Code as the Note Holder. Pursuant to U.C.C. 3-110 (c), Petitioners

Note is payable to these investors and no one else. In accord with U.C.C. 3-301 (ii), only investors can initiate an enforcement action. 41. Paragraph 22 of Petitioners Security Deed states that the Lender, at its option may accelerate payment. Current holders of mortgage-backed securities owning a pro rata share of Petitioners Note and Security Deed are exclusively entitled to enforce this instrument. These investors are the Lenders successor in interest. 42. Under the terms of the Note and Security Deed, the only parties entitled to issue a Notice of Default and require accelerated payments are holders of mortgage-backed certificates owning fractional shares of Petitioners Note, collectively exceeding a majority of the ownership interests outstanding. 43. Holders of mortgage-backed certificates owning pro rata shares of Petitioners loan are not disclosed at the Bartow County Recorders Office. There is no document on file at the Recorders Office attesting to the fact that these beneficial owners authorized anyone to act on their behalf. The Lenders true successor in interest and the real party in interest at this time, has been excluded from the one place where all ownership interests must necessarily be reflected.

44. Mortgage backed certificates will not be issued in the name of each investor. Instead, Certificates are sent to a Depository Trust. Depository Trust provides centralized administrative services for funding sources and their recipients. Its mission is to route and connect a source of funds to each recipient. Depository Trust also has a pseudonym called Cede & Co. 45. Every mortgage-backed certificate will reflect the pseudonym as owner of record instead of these investors. Depository Trust is no just the passive recipient of mortgage-backed securities. Depository Trust is inserted between the Trustee Bank and the investors. It acts as the investors authorized representative, empowered to speak on behalf of all Certificate holders. Depository Trust can act as the authorized representative for investors. 46. The rights of investors which can be exercised are restricted to just the rules and agreements of Depository Trust. 47. Investor names are not on ownership records. Investors are subordinated to a company that can be counted upon to behave in a submissive and accommodating

manner. They have no right to communicate with anyone but Depository Trust, and then they may discuss rules relating to Depository Trust. Investors are systematically and methodically ostracized from playing any role whatsoever in mortgage backed transactions. Investors are not even allowed to discover what is taking place. There is no functioning lender. 48. The Trust Agreement provides that the Trustee is to protect present and future Certificate-holders welfare. A framework has been established blocking all access and communication lines between investors and the Indenture Trustee. The legal principal is that specific contract terms always trump general contract terms. The following specific terms overrule these ambiguous and general terms of protection. 49. The Trustee has blanket immunity from all risk and no accountability for protecting the interest of Certificate-holders. 50. The Trustee will incur no liability or obligation toward any investor. 51. Granting the Trustee Bank immunity from risk of loss and rendering them harmless from incurring any liability, obligation or duty toward an investor

undermines any pretense of an agency or fiduciary relationship. The agent must take responsibility for the principals welfare, particularly when this principal has been rendered defenseless by barriers erected around them. Equally as important, no such relationship is established at the local recorders office with investors. 52. On June 24, 2010 Tribeca Lending Corporation assigned its interest to Franklin Mortgage Asset Trust 2009-A, and referencing the MERS document security deed. On June 28, 2012, Franklin Asset Trust 2009-A assigned its interest to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Certificate Trustee not in its individual capacity but solely as Certificate Trustee in Trust for Registered Holders of VNT Trust Series 2010-2, also referencing the security deed where MERS was listed as mortgagee. 53. The signers of these Assignments, M. Arndt and Glenn Murphy, respectively, are acting as Vice President and Senior Vice President. These signatories are MERS Certifying Officers. M. Arndt and Glenn Murphy are also full time employees and officers of the mortgage servicers servicing this loan. These mortgage servicers appointed this MERS Certifying Officer to this position and are totally responsible for all acts which they perform.


54. The standard Resolution Appointing a MERS Certifying Officer gives them authority to assign the lien of any mortgage loan naming MERS as the mortgagee, if the mortgage loan if the mortgage loan is registered on the MERS system. M. Ardnt and Glenn Murphy have exercised this authority in favor of Franklin Mortgage Asset Trust and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Certificate Trustee not in its individual capacity but solely as certificate trustee in trust for registered holders of VNT Trust Series 2010-2. 55. Assigning the full beneficial interest of a security instrument is not a servicing obligation. This can only be done by a party holding the full beneficial interest, which can only be the certificate holders. Neither the mortgage servicers nor MERS holds any ownership interest in Petitioners loan. Mortgage Servicers cannot perform acts reserved to owners. 56. The true successors in interest to the Lender are investors whose authority has been so circumscribed and marginalized they do not even have the right to discover what actions are taken concerning loans which they own.


57. If a mortgage servicer were to first consult with the Lenders true successors in interest, consisting of enough investors to collectively own more than 50% of the debt, they would have to make hundreds of telephone calls and then they would be talking to people with little knowledge of this business. The task of making hundreds of telephone calls is not just bizarre, it would be unthinkable. 58. Calling Depository Trust, which is the owner of record for all issued securities, would not satisfy this approval requirement. Depository Trust is not listed in the local recorders office. It holds no recorded ownership interest in any of these mortgages. Secondly, Depository Trust has nothing to gain or lose from the outcome and nothing invested. 59. MERS Certifying Officers and person signing on behalf of mortgage servicers get their instructions from the mortgage servicers that write their paycheck, and the ladder of authority stops there. All of the decisions are made without consulting the Lenders successor, the certificate holders, for one very good reason. There is no functioning lender. Decisions made by Certifying Officers are all null and void for lack of authority.


60. Pursuant to U.C.C. 3-308 (a), Petitioners challenge the authenticity and legitimacy of the signatories of the Assignments of Mortgage and the authenticity and legitimacy of them to effect any change or transfer of the beneficial ownership of Petitioners security deed. 61. The Statute of Frauds invalidate these Assignment of Mortgage (Security Deed). The Statute of Frauds requires (1) a writing relinquishing the last recorded owners interest in the security instrument ; and (2) this writing must be signed by an authorized officer of the owner. When formalities for the statute of frauds are followed, the new owner acquires the original lenders contractual relationship with the borrower. This is a borrower approved interest in land. Foreclosure statutes require the acquisition of the borrower approved interest in land as a prerequisite for asserting the statutory power of sale. If this borrower approved interest in land is not acquired, foreclosure cannot be pursued. 62. Respondents never acquired the borrowers approved interest in land, because the formalities of the statute of frauds were never followed. There is not even a signature on the Security Deed confirming a relationship between the original lender and Respondents. As a result, Respondents have not acquired the

original lenders contractual relationship with the borrower and the borrower approved interest in land. Respondents cannot convey an interest that they never acquired. 63. U.C.C. 3-203 addresses the transfer of a bearer instrument by a person other than its issuer for the purpose of giving another person the right to enforce its terms. This statute is relevant because Petitioners Note and Security Deed are bearer instruments. Every assignment is a prelude to enforcement. 64. U.C.C. 3-203 (b) dictates what must take place when a bearer instrument is transferred for the purpose of enforcement and states in relevant part: (b) Transfer of an instrument, whether or not the transfer is a negotiation, vests in the transferee any right of the transferor to enforce the instrument, including any right as a holder in due course. 65. Pursuant to paragraph (b) of U.C.C.3-203, ownership rights in land are also subject to principals of property law independent of Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code. Because of special safeguards in the form of recording statutes, the owner of an interest in land must prove rightful possession. This means that an


assignor must prove that their prior holder was endowed with the full beneficial interest. Official comment 2 for U.C.S.3-203 (b) explains how this works. Because the transferees rights are derivative of the transferors rights those rights must be provedThe instrument, by its terms, is not payable to the transferee and the transferee must account for possession of the unendorsed instrument by proving the transaction through which the transferee acquired it. (a) In an action with respect to an instrument, the authenticity of, and authority to make, each signature on the instrument is admitted unless specifically denied in the pleadings. If the validity of a signature is denied in the pleadings, the burden of establishing validity is on the person claiming validity, but the signature is presumed to be authentic and authorized unless the action is to enforce the liability of the purported signer and the signer is dead or incompetent at the time of trial of the issue of validity of the signature. If an action to enforce the instrument is brought against a peson as the undisclosed principal of a person who signed the instrument as a party to the instrument, the plaintiff has the burden of establishing that the defendant is liable on the instrument as a represented person under subdivision (a) of Section 3402. (b) If the validity of signatures is admitted or proved and there is compliance with subdivision (a), a plaintiff producing the instrument is entitled to payment if the plaintiff producing the instrument is entitled to payment if the plaintiff proves

entitlement to enforce the instrument under Section 3301, unless the defendant proves a defense or claim in recoupment. If a defense or claim in recoupment is proved, the right to payment of the plaintiff is subject to the defense or claim, except to the extent the plaintiff proves that the plaintiff has rights of a holder in due course which are not subject to the defense or claim. 66. Restatement (Third) of Property, Mortgages 5-4 (c) a mortgage may be enforced only by, or on behalf of, a person who is entitled to enforce the obligation the mortgage secures. The Restatement is considered authoritative because it is compiled by experts. Cases frequently cite restatement provisions as authority to support their rulings. 67. By stipulating for an unendorsed instrument, a seller must prove the transaction through which it was acquired, this Comment is specifically referring to the contractual relationship with the borrower and the borrower approved interest in land is bundled and inextricably intertwined with that contractual relationship. This comment is also referencing proof that the original holder of this contractual relationship has relinquished this contractual interest in the sellers favor. These terms are all direct references to the statute of frauds.


68. U.C.C. 3-203 (d) sets forth the rule of law that if anything less than the entire beneficial interest is conveyed; the transferee can receive no greater interest than that which was held by the transferor. This rule of law applies to the assignments referenced in this Petition. The true holder of this ownership interest in land cannot be ascertained from terms in this assignment. If the holder of a beneficial interest cannot be established, the interest being conveyed is also illusory and inadequate for enforcement. 69. In addition Respondents are barred by their membership rules in MERS from acquiring any beneficial interest in its own name for a property posted on the MERS Registry. 70. Respondents cannot prove that they hold rightful possession of the full beneficial interest in Petitioners instruments. Respondents cannot even prove that they hold any beneficial interest whatsoever in Petitioners Note and Security Deed. Three problems are presented, and each can be independently fatal. (1) The full beneficial interest test imposed by U.C.C. 3-203 (b) and (d). (2) Its failure to follow formalities imposed by the statute of frauds subjects it to the deterrent in

this law and renders the transfer invalid. (3) It has not specified the source of authority directing them to take this action. FIRST QUIET TITLE CLAIM 71. Petitioners challenge the interest held by Respondent and Petitioners maintain that the interest of these parties lacks authenticity in essence. 72. The true beneficial owners of Petitioners Property are investors, each holding a proportional and typically miniscule interest in Petitioners Note and Security Deed. The only parties with something to gain or lose from the outcome of Petitioners loan are those investors. Investors are exclusively entitled to Petitioners payments. Under the terms in the Note, these investors are the Note Holder, and they alone are entitled to accelerate payments and initiate foreclosure. 73. Investors are the real parties in interest. 74. Respondents are wrongfully attempting to assert authority reserved exclusively to the beneficial owner. Respondents own no interest whatsoever in Petitioners lien or note. Respondent do not represent the Investors. Respondents


are not entitled to Petitioners payments. Respondents have nothing to benefit or lose. 75. The fact that Petitioners cannot keep pace with the escalating rate of interest on the Note does not make Petitioners outlaws subject to having their home seized by Respondents or by any bank or entity acting in the name of Respondents. To pursue foreclosure, respondents must follow the law dictated by their foundational documents. No party can stand above the law, not even these Respondents. 76. Accordingly, named Respondent acquired nothing from MERS or any other assignor because MERS and these Respondents did not hold the full beneficial interest or any beneficial interest in Petitioners Property. The parties that do hold this full beneficial interest are investors of VNT Trust Series 2010-2. These parties are not disclosed. In this quiet title action, Petitioners seek Declaratory Relief in the form of a ruling stipulating that these Investors are the true beneficial owners of Petitioners title and, before any foreclosure action can be brought, these Investors must be joined as indispensable parties and their interests must be recorded at the Bartow County Recorders Office, like every other ownership interest in real property.


SECOND QUIET TITLE CLAIM 77. Petitioners challenge the interest held by the named Respondents and the validity of the assignments to the Respondent assignees because the formalities of the statute of frauds and U.C.C. 3-203 were not satisfied. 78. The terms of the security instrument state that MERS can only act on behalf of and as the nominee for the Lender Tribeca Lending Corp. or their successor or assign. 79. The exercise of these powers cannot elude the net cast by the Statute of Frauds. No interest in land can pass without satisfying its formalities. 80. It is an irrefutable fact that this lender never signed a writing disposing of its interest in Petitioners Property. The ownership interest in land is still parked with the last recorded beneficial owner and unless and until the statute of frauds is satisfied, foreclosure cannot be pursued. 81.


The subject Assignments are invalid for two reasons. For failing to accommodate formalities in the statute of frauds, these transfers are ruled invalid because the deterrent attached to the statute of frauds declares all such transfers to be unenforceable. It also fails to transfer the full beneficial interest for a bearer instrument, thereby violating U.C.C. 3-203 (b) and (d). THIRD QUIET TITLE CLAIM 82. A cloud on a title has been described as an outstanding claim which appears to be valid on its face, but can be shown by extrinsic proof to be invalid. 83. On the dates of the Assignments Respondents filed said Assignments maintaining that assignee held a lien as beneficiary of Petitioners security instrument. 84. Extrinsic evidence retrieved from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissions search engine reveals transfers of beneficial ownership affecting Petitioners Property, all occurring prior to the dates of the subject Assignments of Mortgage (Security Deed). This extrinsic evidence can all be found under the corporate filing of VNT Trust Series 2010-2, and Wells Fargo Delaware Trust


Company, N.A. None of these transfers of beneficial ownership were recorded. All of them qualified as recordable transactions. 85. All of this extrinsic evidence qualifies as a fact plausible on its face for invalidating these Assignments. Each and every one of these facts also supports a cognizable legal theory for invalidating each assignment. These prior beneficial transfers are published by the federal government as official documents and their integrity and legitimacy cannot be reasonable disputed. 86. The sole support for these assignments is a formulaic term in the Security Deed. Petitioners extrinsic evidence is worth of belief and it supports a cognizable legal theory for repudiating this formulaic term. FOURTH QUIET TITLE CLAIM 87. MERS holds only a ministerial interest in this transaction at most. Through legal trickery, as described throughout this Petition, Respondents have attempted to Maneuver a ministerial interest into the appearance of a full beneficial interest. To reach this end, it has engaged the fallacy that it is acting on behalf of the Lenders successor in interest.


88. Respondents are actually acting upon instructions from the mortgage servicer. There is no functioning lender. Through legal trickery, Respondents are placing themselves in a position to exercise legal leverage that they have no authority whatsoever to exercise. 89. O.C.G.A. 23-3-60 et. seq. provides that clouds against Petitioners title can be removed through Quieting Title to the Petitioners Property. 90. Petitioners hold an equitable interest in Petitioners Property by virtue of a Note and a Security Deed. 91. The documents filed and recorded in the public records of Bartow County Georgia by the named Respondents constitute a cloud upon Petitioners Property. 92. For purposes of the statute, the date of filing of this Petition shall also serve as the date in which a determination is sought. 93. Petitioners bring this Quiet Title action against these Respondents and requires that Respondents demonstrate how any transfer of the contractual

relationship with the borrower, which includes the borrower approved interest in land, can take place without fulfilling statute of frauds formalities prior to the dates of the Assignments. 94. Petitioners bring this action against these Respondents and asks these Respondents to demonstrate how each of them could be in a position to hold and convey the full beneficial interest in Petitioners security instrument and Note when it had no ownership interest in the note, the statute of frauds had been ignored, and each Respondent could not prove the full beneficial transfer of ownership for this bearer instrument from its seller, as U.C.C. 2-203 requires. 95. Petitioners ask each named Respondent to prove that it is entitled to payments made by Petitioners for its own use. Under terms in the Note, the only party with the right to enforce this obligation is the party entitled to payments for their own use. 96. Petitioners concede that a mortgage loan was signed and Petitioner is indebted to the rightful owner of this lien. Petitioners contend that the true owner is known but not identified and their names are not discoverable. Petitioners ask this Court to use its Declaratory Judgment authority to expose those imposters by

removing these clouds and false claims of ownership to Petitioners Security Deed and Note appearing in this chain of title at the Bartow County Recorders Office by ordering the following relief. Prayer for Relief A. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 23-3-60 et. seq., Petitioners respectfully ask this Court to issue a declaratory judgment finding that the interest of these Respondents In Petitioners Note and Security Deed was void and of no legal force. B. Pursuant to O.C.G.A 23-3-60 et. seq. Petitioners ask this Court to declare that each and every one of these Respondents should be disqualified from enforcing Petitioners Note and Security Deed and to order Respondents to summon the true owners consisting of holders of mortgage backed securities owning at least a majority interest in Petitioners Note and Security Deed. C. That this Courts declaratory judgment should further address each and every one of the clouds upon Petitioners Property and order such legal and equitable relief as is necessary for removing these clouds. D. Petitioners further request reimbursement of all expenses paid in connection with this legal proceeding, including court costs and reasonable attorneys fees. E. Petitioners further request any other relief in the form of specific


performance and compensation warranted by evidence in the record and that the Court grant such other and further relief as the Court deems equitable, appropriate and just. Respectfully submitted this ____day of January, 2014.

______________________________ Janet C. Neal, Petitioner 906 Jones Mill Road Cartersville, Georgia 30120 Phone:

______________________________ Robert L. Neal, Sr., Petitioner 906 Jones Mill Road Cartersville, Georgia 30120 Phone:



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