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Analisa Kegagalan Pada Pipa Elbow A234-Wpb Akibat Korosi Di Bawah Insulasi

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HaqiMuftia[2],Prof. Dr. Ir. Sulistijono, DEA[1], Budi AgungKurniawan, ST, M.Sc[1] Lecturer Dept. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember (ITS), Surabaya [2] Student Dept. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Technology InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember (ITS), Surabaya

Abstract At the time of periodic inspection conducted on the elbow pipe A234-WPB, a reduction of pipe thickness a process of depletion is found. The nominal thickness of pipe is 3,91 mm while elbow pipe itself only has a thickness of 3,71 mm. this pipe services for steam condensate that circulated water (H2O) at temperature of 50 C. Pipe is firstly coated, then isolated by calcium silicate and sealed by aluminum jacketing as the outer protection pipe. Depletion of thickness on the pipe due to corrosion under insulation (CUI). When the macroscopic observation is being conducted, the rough surface is able to be observed due to corrosion that spreads on one part of the pipe surface. In order to analyze the factors both the causes of CUI and its mechanism, some tests are being conducted.The study beginswiththe chemicalcomposition testand the hardness of the pipe.Then the series of tests continued by conducting the X-ray Difraction (XRD), scanningElectronMicroscopic(SEM) and metallography. From the research results, it can be analyzed that the specification of pipe materials does not fulfill lthe material specifications standard of ASTM (under specification). It can be concluded as a result of the test composition, hardness tests and the micro structureof pipes are different compared with the standard. This under specification standards make the pipe is easier to be exposed by pipeline corrosion under the insulation.Based on the SEM test, it can be analyzed that the corrosion occurred is uniform corrosion. After conducting XRD test, the corrosion products generated by corrosion under insulation pipe is Fe2O3 and Fe3O4,which is the reaction of the pipe and the watertrapped in the insulation. Keywords: Elbow pipe A234-WPB, Corrosion, Corrosion Under Insulation

1. Introduction Nowadays, the problems that often occur in Oil and Gas company that uses lots of water vapor pipeline facilities is a failure

on a given pipe insulation. The problem is the failure of the pipe corrosion under thermal insulation. Thus, it is given special attention to be seen as a function of the installation of the pipe itself, which is very

important to support the production process. In accordance with API Recommended 530, the installation of pipes is between the ranges from 20 - 175 C. The range is according to the operating temperature, type of material, time of operation are used to reach 100.000 hours of operation will be susceptible to CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation). Based on the API in 1993 the issue of CUI (Corrosion Under Insulation) got the main and special attention. This corrosion is corrosion that occurs in insulated or isolated parts, corrosion is localized corrosion formed. CUI is difficult to observe because it lies below the pipe insulation. This leads to an insulated pipe can experience a sudden crack so that it can cause leaks in the pipeline with the potential danger. Corrosion is usually found at pipe connection elbow caused by the elbow where the water is suspected easy entry. Besides, some of them influence the effect caused by gravity, where water or moisture will accumulate at a point then it will quickly spread to several adjacent points. Thispaper learn to do the factors that cause the elbow pipe A234 WPB an insulated attacked corrosion under insulation, as well as studying the mechanism of corrosion occurring.

Figure 1.The side of pipe where attacked corrosion

Figure 2.The side of pipe where no found corrosion attack

2.2 Chemical Composition From the testing by using an OES (Optical Emission Spectroscopy) machine, the element molybdenum does not fit standard (Table 1), its value is 0.001% while the value in the ASTM minimum of 0.15%. These percentage differences are known to have a much different value so that it can be concluded that the pipe material is under the specification or doesnt pass the standard pipe material.

2. Identification of Failure 2.1 Macroscopic Observations On visual observation, it can be seen any uneven surfaces or profiles due to corrosion of the elbow pipe. The dominant profile layout can be found on one surface of the pipe (Figure 1), whereas the flat surface can not be found on the profile behind the pipe (Figure 2). This is due to corrosion under insulation that form localized corrosion.

Table 1.Chemical Composition Result Failed Elbow Pipe A234-WPB 0,291 0,401 0,027 0,001 0,359 0,021 0,027 0,020 0,380 Table 2.Hardness Test Result Position 1 2 3 4 5 HV (0,5) 160,3 153,6 152,3 151,3 148,3 159,4 137,2 134,9 141,8 145,1 148,4 197,0 Figure 3.Specimen for Hardness Test with the Indentor Location

Element (%) Carbon Mangan Nickel Molybdenum Silicon Chromium Phosfor Sulfur Ceq

ASTM 0,3 max 0,29 1,06 0,40 max 0,15 min 0,10 min 0,40 max 0,050 max 0,058 max 0,485

2.3 Hardness In hardness testing, it is a need to do a preparation of specimen, and then take 10 test points on the specimen pipe with a transverse distance of about 5 mm (Figure 3) by using a Micro Vickers Hardness. The results obtained hardness value at the pipe failure is lower than the ASTM standard (Table 2). So the next to do is calculate the carbon equivalent. The calculation of carbon equivalent in the failure pipes shows a lower value compared to the standard. The testing is in accordance with the test composition in which the molybdenum is lower than the standard.

6 7 8 9 10 Average ASTM E18

2.4 Analysis of Corrosion Products In order to observe the corrosion products in pipelines, XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) with Cu cathode is being used through specimen that had already been prepared to do the shooting with the

electrons. The data obtained from XRD (Figure 4) then being processed by using PCPDFWIN cards and Search Match method manually. It can be analyzed that corrosion products formed are Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 which is the reaction with water pipes that are trapped in the insulation.

The magnified part

Figure 5. Specimenof SEM Test


B Figure 4. XRD Test Result


Morphology Pipe

To find out more clearly the morphology of the pipe, the elbow pipe that has failed due to corrosion, it is a need to do SEM testing. Pipe specimens (Figure 5) is cleaned, then placed on a holder and being observed with a magnification of 25, 500 and 1000 times (Figure 6).From the results, it can be seen that the profile due to corrosion spreads on the surface of the pipe. So it can be inferred that the type of corrosion that attacks corrosion on the pipe is evenly (Uniform Corrosion). From the test results can also be seen that the profiles that have a little deeper in basins compared with other profiles, which can be regarded as the beginning of the attack which, if corrosion pitting corrosion it lasts longer then the pitting corrosion can occur.

Figure 6.Magnified SEM Result (A) 25x, (B) 500x, (C) 1000x

2.6 Metallography In this test, the pipe as specimens were prepared and then observed with an optical microscope. Microstructure of ferrite and pearlite is formed with higher ferrite content (Figures 7 and 8), these results do not correspond to the standard that can be seen in the metallographic atlas showing ferrite and pearlite has a value that is not much different. In the results obtained, when it is linked with a failure occurs then the amount of ferrite present in the microstructure of the state that the pipeline will be more susceptible to corrosion than

the pearlite as the principal constituent of the microstructure, since perlite is a compound that would be more resistant to corrosion attack, while the ferrite will be susceptible to corrosion attack because it is not a compound and allowed to bond to and react to form corrosion products.

outside the pipe. If jacketing is still less than perfect then there will be a gap to allow water to pass through or penetrate the insulation. The water is then headed into the bottom of the pipe due to the influence of gravity, because the pipeline system is a closed system so that the resulting water deposited or trapped and can not evaporate completely. Pipe working temperature is 50C is also not enough to make the water evaporates and make the water deposited on the insulation is still in the liquid state. Water trapped between proficiency level and pipe insulation jacketing. Insulation on the elbow pipe uses a type of calcium silicate insulation. By the nature of calcium silicate which is able to absorb water (hygroscopic), it can absorb water with very high ability to cause high pH and damage the coating. Since there is no longer functioning as a barrier so water is not blocked anymore and will continue through until the pipe section. Elbow pipe A234-WPB after testing showed that the pipe material does not conform to the standards contained in ASTM. It was observed from 3 kinds of testing that has been done which is testing the chemical composition, hardness testing and metallographic pipe. In testing the chemical composition is known that the content of molybdenum element is less than the ASTM standard material, the percentage difference reaches 0.15%. From the nature of the element molybdenum point of view, then the difference can be said to have a role in the failures that occurred. On the hardness testing results obtained hardness values on the pipe with malfunctioning lower hardness compared with the ASTM standard while the amount of ferrite in metallographic testing of pipeline failure more than the pearlite. It is different from the results obtained from the micro structure of the

Figure7.200x Zoomed Metallography Result



Figure 8.500x Zoomed Metallography Result

3. Failure Analysis Elbow pipe is one part that is very susceptible to CUI. The water enters the elbow pipe will get stuck and trapped in it because this pipe is a closed pipe system. In this case it can be said that incoming water from splashing rain water pipes is at risk because of the location with the condition. Water enters through the jacketing is less than perfect. Jacketing itself serves as the primary protection against the pipe to be unaffected by the environment

atlas that shows the values of ferrite and pearlite have nearly the same ratio. Because these 3 things, the ability of the pipe on the working conditions is not optimal and makes the failure occurs in the pipe due to corrosion.

presence of water that intake. b. Make sure the specifications of the pipe material is appropriate with the standard. 2. From its failure mechanism point of view, it is necessary to inspecting periodically on the pipeline which is susceptible to CUI. Inspections that are carried out preferably use NDT in order not to damage the insulation on the pipe.

4. Conclusions and Recommendations 4.1 Conclusion According to the results, analysis and discussion that has been done then obtained the following conclusions: 1. There are two factors that could cause insulated elbow pipe A234-WPB attacked by corrosion, those are: a. Presence of water that deposited on the pipe b. Under Specification Pipe 2. The mechanism of failure due to corrosion that occurs under the insulation on the elbow pipe A234-WPB start with the rain water that enters to the jacketing pipe which then attacks the isolation pipe and continued to the coating pipe. When there is no barrier, the pipe will react with water and create the corrosion. This corrosion causes failure of the pipe with the depletion of thickness.

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4.2 Recommendations The recommendations that can be given after an analysis is as follows: 1. Noticing the factors that could cause the insulated elbow pipe A234-WPB which affected by corrosion, there are: a. Make sure insulation installation procedures have been done correctly or according to standards, to minimizing the


TN. Salam. 2006. InspeksidanInvestasikondisipipau ap air tehadapkorosidibawahisolasi.

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