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Bishop Rey

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The Most Rev. Reynaldo G.

Evangelista, OFS, DD, is the current bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Imus, appointed by ope Francis on !pril ", #$%&, his first appointment in the hilippines. 'e replaced (ishop )uis Ta*le after he +as installed as the !rchbishop of Manila in December #$%%. (ishop ,van*elista +as installed as the fifth (ishop of Imus on -une ., #$%&. 'e previously served as the third (ishop of (oac in Marindu/ue province from December %%, #$$0 until his recent appointment. (io*raphy (ishop ,van*elista +as born on May ", %12$ in (r*y. San -ose in Mabini, (atan*as province. 'is father, (en3amin C. ,van*elista, of (r*y. San -ose, and his mother, Rufina 4. 4onda, of (r*y. Tala*a, both ori*inated from Mabini, (atan*as. Reynaldo is the youn*est of nine siblin*s5 his only brother !ntonio, and his seven sisters Teresita 6Ro*a7, Melba 6del ,spiritu Santo7, ,velyn 6)lanes7, 4loria 6Sanche87, Rosita 6!tien8a7, Cecilia 6Ferrer7 and )ea 6!spi7. 'is father died on -anuary %", %1"&. ,ducation The youn* Reynaldo attended primary school in %129 at the !nilao ,lementary School in !nilao, (atan*as. 'e attended intermediate school in %19$ at the Mabini Central ,lementary School. 'e +ent on to continue his hi*h school education at the St. Francis de Sales Minor Seminary in )ipa City. !fter hi*h school, Reynaldo entered the seminary in %199 ma3orin* in hilosophy at the St. Francis de Sales Re*ional Colle*e Seminary in (r*y. Mara+oy, )ipa City. 'e ma3ored in Theolo*y in %1"% at the St. !lphonsus School of Theolo*y in )ucena City in :ue8on province. !fter his ordination in %1"2, he too; astoral Counselin* in %1"9 at the Summer Institute of the !teneo de Manila <niversity. 'e traveled in %11" to Rome, Italy, to attend the Course on Seminary Formation at the ontifical !thenaeum Re*ina !postolorum. Ordinations (ishop ,van*elista +as ordained a deacon on February #2, %1"2 at the Carmel of St. -oseph Monastery in )ucena City by Most Rev. Ruben T. rofu*o, D.D., (ishop of )ucena. 'e +as ordained a priest on -une %1, %1"2 at the San Sebastian Cathedral in )ipa City by Most Rev. Mariano 4. 4aviola, D.D., !rchbishop of )ipa. Father ,van*elista +as eventually appointed as the (ishop of (oac on December %%, #$$0 before his ordination. On -anuary #2, #$$., at the San Sebastian Cathedral in )ipa City, he +as ordained as bishop by Most Rev. !ntonio Franco, D.D., the !postolic =uncio to the hilippines. 'e +as installed at (ishop of (oac on February ##, #$$.

(ishop of Imus ,van*elista +as installed as the fifth (ishop of Imus on -une ., #$%&. The installation mass +as led by the !postolic =uncio to the hilippines, !rchbishop 4iuseppe into, at the Imus Cathedral. resent Manila !rchbishop )uis !ntonio Cardinal Ta*le, ,van*elista>s predecessor, alon* +ith Manila !rchbishop?,meritus 4audencio Cardinal Rosales and Cebu !rchbishop?,meritus Ricardo Cardinal @idal, +itnessed the installation Ministries as a priest

%1"2?%11. A rofessor at the St. Francis de Sales Minor Seminary in )ipa City %1"2?%1"9 A !ssistant refect of Discipline, St. Francis de Sales Minor Seminary, )ipa City %1"9?%11$ A !ssistant Spiritual Director, St. Francis de Sales Minor Seminary, )ipa City %1"9?%11& A Moderator, !ssociation of )ipa !rchdiocesan Seminarians %1""?%11$ A !ssistant Director, !rchdiocesan Bouth Commission %11$?%11% A @ice Rector, St. Francis de Sales Minor Seminary, )ipa City %11%?%11. A Rector, St. Francis de Sales Minor Seminary, )ipa City %11%?%11. A Ex Officio Member, !rchdiocesan Council of Council7 %11#?%119 A Member, !rchdiocesan (oard of Consultors %110?#$$$ A Ordinary Confessor, Missionary Catechists of the Sacred 'eart 6MCS'7, Saban*, )ipa City %11.?#$$$ A Rector of St. Francis de Sales Re*ional Colle*e Seminary, Mara+oy, )ipa City %11.?#$$$ A Ex Officio Member A !rchdiocesan Council of Council7 %119 A Member, Commission on Cler*y, !rchdiocese of )ipa %11" A (oard Member A Capisanan ni San Francisco de Sales %111 A Director A Capisanan ni San Francisco de Sales #$$$?#$$0 A arish riest, San 4uillermo arish, Talisay, (atan*as #$$$?#$$0 A Director and Chaplain, San 4uillermo !cademy, Talisay, (atan*as riests 6 resbyteral riests 6 resbyteral

#$$%?#$$& A ,lected Member of the !rchdiocesan Council of !rchdiocese of )ipa


#$$0 A Rector of St. Francis de Sales Re*ional Colle*e Seminary, Mara+oy, )ipa City #$$0 A Chairman of the Commission on Cler*y, !rchdiocese of )ipa #$$0 A ,lected Member of the !rchdiocesan Council of )ipa riests, !rchdiocese of

Ministries as bishop

#$$.Apresent A Member of the (oard of Trustees of St. !lphonsus Re*ional Seminary, )ucena City #$$.Apresent A 'onorary chairman of the Marindu/ue Council For ,nvironmental Concerns 6M!C,C7 #$$.?#$$1 A Member of the Office on Domen, Catholic (ishops> Conference of the hilippines 6C(C 7 #$$.Apresent A Member of the ,piscopal Commission on Seminaries, Catholic (ishopsE Conference of the hilippines 6C(C 7 #$$1Apresent A Member of the (oard of Directors of the Dechant Foundation in Dod*e City, Cansas, <.S.!. #$$1?#$%% A Member of the ,piscopal Commission on Cler*y, Catholic (ishopsE Conference of the hilippines 6C(C 7 #$$1Apresent A resident of Commission on @ocations, Catholic (ishopsE Conference of the hilippines 6C(C 7F#G #$%%Apresent A Member of the Conference of the hilippines 6C(C 7 ermanent Council, Catholic (ishopsE ondo n* inoy Community

#$%#Apresent A Member, (oard of Trustees, Foundation, Inc.

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