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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

By the Faculty at

Chocolate University Online

101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

*ho else #a%ts to beco+e a chocolate e,pert%ou love chocolate don&t you' The wonderful flavor, the way it melts in your mouth, the way it reminds you of your childhood, the way it can lift your mood( $hat if you could go beyond your current chocolate e)perience' $hat if you could be a chocolate e)pert, the people your friends and family turn to with their chocolate questions. *aybe they already do( +i, my name is ,ryn -irk. I am the course facilitator at Chocolate University Online. $e have a fantastic chocolate training course that will take you by the hand .and taste buds/ to give you even greater en"oyment with every bite of chocolate. %ou will easily discover0 Ho# to taste a%& &escribe the .lavors i% chocolate The key elements you need to know about chocolate and your health Your .avorite +ilk a%& &ark chocolates The secret to pairing chocolate and wine for a great taste e)perience Ho# to get real chocolate to har&e% properl$ #ithout a&&itives or re.rigeratio% 1and much, much more( Our curriculum provides the easiest way to learn everything you&d ever want to know about chocolate, with lessons delivered via email at weekly intervals. Oh, and did I mention that $ou get to eat $our ho+e#ork! Classes start continuously. 2et started now( #or more details see us at chocolate!school.html I&m looking forward to having you in class. 3ream in chocolate,

Bryn Kirk
4.5. If enrollment is full you can get on a waiting list.

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

1. 2. 3. !. 5. Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree. Cacao pods contain nibs that are crushed to make unsweetened chocolate. When the cacao nibs are crushed, there are fats and solids remaining. The fats are called cocoa butter. The solids are ground into cocoa powder. The first European to drink chocolate was Christopher Columbus in 15 2. 52 percent of ".#. adults rank chocolate as their number one fa$orite fla$or. %ern&n Cort's de (onro) ) *i+arro ,often referred to as %ernan Corte+-, #panish con.uistador and leader of an e/pedition in 1510 to (e/ico, returned to #pain in 1521 bearing the 2+tec recipe for /ocoatl ,chocolate drink-. The #panish planted cacao in #panish territories like the 4ominican 5epublic, Trinidad, and Ecuador in the 13 6s. 8rance introduced cacao to (artini.ue, #t 9ucia, the 4ominican 5epublic, :ra+il, and ;renada. England started growing cacao in <amaica and the 4utch in Cura=ao. Cacao is grown in countries within 1 degrees >orth and 1 degrees #outh of the E.uator where the climate is optimal for growing cacao trees.

3. 7. 1. 0.

1 . The largest cacao producing countries are C?te d@A$oire, ;hana, and Andonesia. 11. The natural habitat of the cacao tree is in rainforest. At has e$ol$ed to utili+e the shade of the hea$) canop). At is shade tolerant and moisture lo$ing, and in the wild is often found

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

along ri$ers. 12. Cacao is dried in the sun for about 7 da)s before shipped from the countr) of origin to the chocolate manufacturer. 13. Cocoa powder is made b) pressing some of the cocoa butter out of roasted cacao beans. 1!. An the store )ou will usuall) find B4utchedB cocoa powder and BnaturalB cocoa powder. 4utch processing means the cocoa has been alkali+ed to reduce harshness and acidit). B>aturalB cocoa has not been chemicall) treated and is lighter in color and more acidic than 4utched cocoa. 15. Chocolate 9i.uor is the ground up nib of the cocoa bean. 13. 8ermentation is an important step in the transformation of cacao beans to chocolate. Without fermentation cacao beans ha$e little or no chocolate fla$or. 17. At takes appro/imatel) fi$e )ears for a cacao tree to begin bearing fruit ,cacao pod-. 11. The seed pods of the cacao tree grow directl) off the trunk, not on the ends of the branches. 10. Each pod is about the si+e of a pineapple and holds thirt) to fift) seeds. At takes between ! C5 seeds to make one pound of chocolate. 2 . Cacao flowers are pollinated b) midges which are like tin) flies. Anterestingl), midges ha$e the fastest wingCbeats in the worldD 1, times per secondE 21. Cacao seeds are not sweet. The) contain caffeine and theobromine, which are bitter in taste. 22. The scientific name of the cacao tree, Theobroma, means Ffood of the gods.G 23. Cacao is not related to the coca plant, the source of cocaine. 2!. At takes ! cacao seeds to make 1 ounce of milk chocolate, and 12 seeds to make 1 ounce of dark chocolate. 25. Cacao seeds contain significant amounts of fla$onoids, substances also found in red wine, green tea, and fruits and $egetables. 8la$onoids ma) reduced risk of cardio$ascular

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

disease and some cancers. 23. 2mericans consume an a$erage of 12 pounds ,!.5 kg- of chocolate per person per )ear. 27. 2mericans spend H13 billion a )ear on chocolate. 21. 4uring the 102 6s in 2merica, there were appro/imatel) ! , different cand) bars.

20. There are ! C5 million people who depend on cacao for their li$elihood. 3 . The a$erage ser$ing of chocolate has less caffeine than a cup of 4ECcaffeinated coffee. 31. The acidit) of Champagne and sparkling wines reacts with chocolate causing a bitter taste. 32. An 1173, 4aniel *eter of #wit+erland, in$ented the first milk chocolate. 33. >e$er gi$e a dog chocolate because it contains theobromine, which is a central ner$ous s)stem stimulant. 2s little as 2 ounces can kill a small dog. Af )ou@re a student at Chocolate "ni$ersit) Inline, )ou@ll want to make sure )our dog does not eat )our homeworkE 8or completel) different reasons )ou@ll want to make sure that )our husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, and father sta) awa) from )our homework tooE 3!. 2ppro/imatel) 3 , tons of chocolate is consumed in the world each )ear.

35. 33 million %ershe) Jisses are produced in one da) in %ershe), *enns)l$ania. Curiousl), the cit) was originall) named 4err) Church, *enns)l$ania. At was renamed %ershe) in 10 3 ,one )ear before the Jiss was de$eloped- after the growing popularit) of %ershe)@s Chocolate. 33. The ancient (a)a and 2+tecs used cocoa beans as currenc) in the marketplace. An fact the beans were a common currenc) throughout (esoamerica and the Caribbean before the #panish con.uest. 37. The 2+tec people made a bitter drink from cacao beans called /ocoatl. 31. (ousse is the 8rench word for foam. 5ecipes, including those of chocolate mousse, were recorded b) 11thCcentur) 8rench writer (enon. %is book Suppers at Court, published in 1755, describes 9ouis KL@s fa$orite chocolate drink as a mi/ture of melted chocolate, boiling water, and beaten egg. The 10thCcentur) painter and cook %enri de ToulouseC 9autrec wrote a similar recipe, calling it chocolate ma)onnaise.

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

30. An 10 (ilton %ershe) sold his caramel compan) and began to concentrate on chocolate manufacturing. ! . Chocolate Truffles were named after their resemblance to the highl) $alued fungus of the same name. !1. An 1570, English pirates raided a #panish ship. The ship6s cargo contained precious cocoa beans but the crew mistook the beans for sheep dung and destro)ed the cargo. !2. There are four t)pes of cacaoD Trinitario, Criollo, 8orestero, and >acional. !3. #tearic acid is a saturated fat found in chocolate but does not raise 949 cholesterol le$els. !!. An 1031, chocolate was included in field rations for the "# armed forces. !5. An 2lfred %itchcock6s mo$ie, F*s)cho,G chocolate s)rup was used to simulate blood in the famous shower scene. %ow can chocolate s)rup look like blood in a mo$ieM 5emember this mo$ie was in black and white. !3. :onbon is a 8rench and ;erman term for FsweetnessG. At stems from the 8rench word FbonG which literall) means Fgood.G !7. Cou$erture is chocolate that contains at least 32N cocoa butter which is higher than regular chocolate. !1. ;anache is a mi/ture of chocolate and cream with origins that date to about 115 . !0. *ot de crOme is a 8rench dessert that is a cream) baked chocolate custard. 5 . Tempering is a process in the making of chocolate that hardens the cocoa butter so that the chocolate has a good FsnapG and a nice shine. 51. 2 cacao nib is the FmeatG of the cocoa bean after the shell is remo$ed. 52. :ittersweet Chocolate is the same as semiCsweet chocolate. The) both must contain a minimum of 35N Bchocolate li.uor.B 53. 2 compound or confectioner) coating is a mi/ture of cocoa powder, sugar and $egetable

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

oil and cannot legall) be called chocolate. 5!. Chocolate FbloomG is a sand), white film that sometimes forms on the surface of chocolate. 2lthough not pleasant to look at it is a harmless defect. :loom can be formed from cocoa butter or sugar that has risen to the surface. 55. (ilk Chocolate must contain at least 1 N chocolate li.uor and 12N milk solids. 53. 2 molinillo is used to whip chocolate drinks. The molinillo is held between the palms and rotated b) rubbing the palms together. This rotation creates froth in the drink. 57. White Chocolate does not contain cocoa solids but can be called chocolate b) ".#. 842 standards. At must contain cocoa butter. 51. 5uth Wakefield in$ented chocolate chips and the chocolate chip cookie in 103 . 50. (ocha is a mi/ture of chocolate and coffee. 3 . The first known published recipe for BbrowniesB appeared in the #ears, 5oebuck Catalog in 1107. :rownies are a flat cake with a fudg) te/ture. At is thought that a careless cook failed to add baking powder to a chocolateCcake batter and created the first brownies. 31. Chocolate manufacturers use ! percent of the world@s almonds and 2 percent of the world@s peanuts. 32. Chocolate melts in )our mouth because the melting point of cocoa butter is Pust below human bod) temperature. 33. Close to 35 percent of 2merican cand) brands ha$e been around for more than 5 )ears. 3!. 71N of 2merican chocolate eaters prefer milk chocolate. This Pust goes to show that sometimes the maPorit) are wrong. D35. The cocoa bean is the richest source of magnesium in nature. 33. (ore than 33 million heartCshaped bo/es of chocolate are sold e$er) )ear for Lalentine@s 4a). 37. #nickers bars are the Q1 %alloween cand) bar. The) are also the Q1 best selling chocolate bar of all time with annual global sales of near "#H2 billion.

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

31. >inet) million chocolate Easter bunnies are produced each )ear. (ost of them lose their ears before the other parts of their bod). 30. Chocolate eggs were a popular Easter cand) first made in Europe in the earl) 11 s. 7 . 8or o$er two hundred )ears, earl) in chocolate histor), the Catholic church debated whether or not chocolate was a food and whether it could be allowed on fast da)s, including 9ent. 71. :ritish scientists ha$e de$eloped a $ehicle that is powered b) waste from chocolate factories. The car runs on $egetable oils and chocolate waste that has been turned into biofuel. 72. Children are more likel) to prefer chocolate when the) are between 0C11 )ears old than when the) are )ounger. 73. (edical studies show chocolate is not ph)sicall) addicti$e and does not cause acne. ,If course A recommend eating it, not rubbing it on )our faceE7!. While #wiss consumers eat about 21 pounds ,0.5 kg- of chocolate per person per )ear, the Chinese consumer eats about 1R3 pound ,15 grams- per person per )ear. 75. The outer co$ering of the cacao bean, called the cocoa shell, can be used for mulch. The shell contains 2.5N >itrogen, 1N *hosphate, and 3N *otash with a p% of 5.1. 73. <ames :aker started 2merica6s first chocolate compan) in 4orchester, (assachusetts in 1735, based on the ad$ice of <ohn %annon, a penniless Arish immigrant. 77. 8lorence >ightingale, founder of the modern nursing profession, is said to ha$e considered chocolate a basic ingredient of healthcare. 71. The 2+tecs belie$ed chocolate was an aphrodisiac. 2lthough science isn6t read) to pro$e it to be true, chocolate does contain phen)leth)lamine ,*E2- which creates a chemical reaction in the brain similar to that of falling in lo$e. 70. Chocolate was such a lu/ur) among the 8rench elite that 9ouis KAL, also known as the F#un Jing,G established a court position entitled 5o)al Chocolate (aker to the Jing.

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

2n)one want that PobM 1 . 5odolphe 9indt, the founder of 9indt Chocolates, in$ented the FConcheG which is still used toda) in mi/ing and heating chocolate to enhance its fla$or .ualit). 11. The original 3 (usketeers :ar, introduced in the 103 s, had three partsD chocolate, $anilla, and strawberr) and cost 5 cents. :ecause of rising costs, and wartime restrictions on sugar, the $anilla and strawberr) pieces were phased out in fa$or of the chocolate. 12. B8air TradeB chocolate means farmers and laborers are paid a fair price for the product rather than being e/ploited. *roducts become 8air Trade Certified based on the standards determined b) 8airtrade 9abeling Irgani+ations Anternational. 13. Irganic chocolate is made from ingredients, including the cacao bean, that are grown without the use of s)nthetic pesticides or genetic modifications. An the ".#., the "#42 must inspect a farm before its products can be labeled organic. 1!. Chocolate bars ma) ha$e FN CacaoG or FN CocoaG printed on the label. This percentage refers to the total content of the cacao ,or cocoa- solids. 15. At is said that 2+tec emperor (onte+uma drank as man) as 5 goblets of hot chocolate e$er) da). At@s good to be the kingE 13. 2merican and 5ussian space flights ha$e alwa)s included chocolate as a high energ) food. 17. %awaii is the onl) "# state that grows cacao beans to produce chocolate. 11. 1 N of ".#. 5ecommended 4ail) 2llowance of iron is found in one ounce of unsweetened baking chocolate. Chocolate also contains Litamins 21, :1, :2, C, 4 and E. 10. The world@s first chocolate cand) was made b) 4utch chocolateCmaker Conrad Lan %outen in 1121. %e pressed the fat from roasted cacao beans to isolate the cocoa butter, and then added it to cocoa powder and sugar. 0 . The a$erage person will consume 1 , chocolate bars in a lifetime. With an a$erage lifespan of about !, weeks that@s 2S bars per week. 4o )ou need to make up for lost timeM 01. At has been reported that >apoleon carried chocolate with him on his militar) campaigns,

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101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate!

and ate it when he needed .uick energ). 02. 9ecithin is an emulsifier used to reduce the $iscosit) of chocolate. At will decrease the amount of cocoa butter needed to meet the manufacturing re.uirements. 03. The (ilk) Wa) cand) bar was cheaper to produce than pure chocolate. At got its malt) fla$or from nougat, a mi/ture of egg whites and corn s)rup. 0!. Chocolate has o$er 5 fla$or componentsE This is more than twice the number found in strawberr) and $anilla. 05. T#ingleCorigin6 chocolate indicates that the cocoa beans used to produce the bar are from one region or countr). 03. 4>2 e$idence suggests that the first wild cacao trees originated from the 2ma+on in :ra+il. 07. 2fter fermentation, cacao beans are sun dried to less than si/ per cent moisture. This will pre$ent mold from growing when shipped. At also allows them to be safel) stored for up to four to fi$e )ears. 01. An the 11 6s, 8rench pharmacies de$eloped chocolate lo+enges which the) ad$ertised as good for )our mood and digestion. 00. Chocolate manufacturers must still purchase cacao from farmers who grow, har$est, ferment, dr), and pack the seeds b) hand. 1 . An (e/ico chocolate is used to make offerings during the 4a) of the 4ead festi$al, which is a time for remembering lo$ed ones who ha$e died. 1 1. An countries like ;hana and A$or) Coast, people rarel) eat chocolate because it is worth more to them as a trade product than as food. 2nd, a bonus tip... 1 2. The best place to learn more about chocolate is Chocolate University Online at www ChocolateUniversityOnline com

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