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Work Readiness Skills Among Students With Mild Mental Retardation

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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No.

1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Work Readiness Skills among Students with Mild Mental Retardation

Vanitha. C1 , Ramaa. S2 vanileela.c@gmail.com1, ramaa.vijayan@gmail.com2 Research Scholar, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT)1 Professor of Education, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Mysore, Karnataka2 INDIA

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the present study was to determine the percentage of male and female students with mild mental retardation (MR) in exhibiting different levels of work readiness (WR) in Karnataka state. The major result of the study was that the majority of students with mild MR (75%) exhibited independent level of performance in WR. Less than 25% of students with mild MR exhibited dependent level of performance in WR- (a) leading peer group in simple activities under social behaviour skills, (b) numbering, purchasing, financing and timing subskills under functional academics skills, (c) washing cloths and cooking subskills under domestic behaviour skills, (d) understanding and completing a task under occupational skills. In all the skills of WR, more percentage of students with mild MR exhibited independent level of performance compared to female students with mild MR. Where as, female students with mild MR exhibited more independent level of performance compared to male in cooking and washing cloth subskills under domestic behaviour skills. Hence it can be concluded that more percentage of the students with mild MR were able to perform at independent level in WR. Only in certain skills of WR, more percentage of male performed at independent level compared to female students with mild MR. There is a need to identify the reasons for their dependent level of performance in the skills. For their difficulty in certain skills of WR, more training is required to enhance their level of performance. Keywords Mental retardation (MR), work readiness (WR) I. INTRODUCTION An adult has to work to earn his livelihood for his existence. However persons with mental retardation (MR) who are at present not given the opportunity for such employment, possess the potential to work, earn and live in the community as respectable citizens, if provided with necessary skills and training. Thus a systematic training is required to develop individual personality to a worker. Further, Pre-vocational training is one which is a systematic training by which an individual acquire such skills and behaviour which are
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necessary for a particular vocation. The main objectives of pre vocational training are- to develop skills needed for functional living, to prepare students for outside work experience, to maximize independence and to promote survival skills, to facilitate success in every accomplished course and developed skills, and to prepare for vocational course. Ultimately, pre-vocational training aims to provide prerequisite skills required for work to be carried out. The prerequisite skills required for work is called as Work readiness (WR) skills. This includes cognitive, personal,


Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

social, emotional, physical and sensory motor, life survival, and work related skills. There are well documented research studies that assessed the performance of the students with MR on these skills. Reference [1] studied on the communication skills of the students with MR and found out that they were significantly impaired in the use of nonverbal pragmatics than students without mild MR. Several studies found out that students with MR can acquire minimal literacy level. Reference [2] studied on the literacy performance of the students with mild and moderate MR and found out that they can recognize words, comprehend a narrative passage, write at least two letters and write at least two words. Reference [3] found out that the majority of students with MR made at least one error in their attempts to identify the numerals from both sources. Reference [4] assessed the reading skills of the students with MR and found out that 29.3% do not read at all, 6.8% read at a logographic stage, 31.9% at an orthographic level and writing achievements are lower on average. Reference [5] analysed the variability in performance of the children with MR in cognitive tasks and found out that there is no relation between performance on the cognitive tasks and childrens IQ scores. Reference [6] studied the social skills adult with MR and found out that 48% of adults are found to have functional social skills, 4% are found to be moderately functional, 34% show poor functional social skills and 14% are very poor in functional social skills. No one is nonfunctional. Reference [7] compared the motor performance of children with mild MR and borderline, and found out that both groups demonstrated a relative weakness in the area of manual dexterity. Reference [8] assessed the physical performance of the individuals with MR and found out that there was a static balance and manual dexterity improved from
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early to late adolescence and decline during adulthood. Reference [9] studied the relationship between work behaviour and work performance among subjects and found out that there was statistically significant relationship between work behaviour and work performance among adults with mild and moderate MR. Thus from review of related literature it was found out that students with mild MR perform better in literacy, reading, number and social skills than physical and communication skills. But, a very limited study conducted at the state level especially in Karnataka state. This type of bottom level of study helps in accurate measurement of the deficits and to a grater extent negative adult outcome on this population may be reduced. It helps the special educators, parents, school personnel and higher authorities to determine the students level of performance on work readiness and plan for improvement. So the investigators were interested to conduct a study at this level. The main objective of the study was to determine the percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of work readiness in Karnataka state. II. MATERIALS AND METHOD A. Research design Exploratory and descriptive study B. Population of the study All the 70 special schools for MR in Karnataka state comprised population of the study. They are from the following districtsBangalore, Mysore, Mandhya, Kodagu, Hassan, Udupi, Dakshina Kannada, Kolar, Ramanagara, Koppal, Davangeri, Gadag, Haveri, Dharwad, Raichur, Belgaum. C. Selection of sample From the population of 70 special schools, 42 from 6 districts were considered. The reason was, as the population being very large in number and vastly distributed. It was very


Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

difficult to conduct within the limited resources of the investigator. Hence only 42 special schools were considered. They are from Bangalore 27, Mysore 7, Kodagu 1, Hassan 1, Udupi 3, and Dakshina Kannada 3. Among these special schools, those met the criteria were only selected as sample. For this a preliminary survey was conducted with the following criteria. 1) The criteria were, i. Special schools should be recognized by the Department for the Empowerment of Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, Government of Karnataka. ii. There should be students with mild MR studying with valid IQ certificate from authorized institution. iii. All the components of Life centered career education (LCCE) should be provided in the special schools. (LCCE a curriculum designed to prepare special needs learners for adult life success- it is imparted to the students with mild mental retardation which consists of 3 major components such as daily living skills, personal-social skills and occupational skills with 22 competencies and 102 sub competencies. For students with moderate mental retardation, it consists of 3 major components with 20 competencies and 75 subcompetencies. iv. The special educators concerned with LCCE should be qualified. (The minimum qualification for special educator under Rehabilitation Council of India- SSLC/PUC with certificate course in special education for pre primary, Diploma in special education (MR) for primary, Bachelor degree in special education (MR) for secondary level). v. Necessary facilities should be available in the special schools. vi. Special schools meeting above mentioned criteria with prevocational training were considered for further study. With these criteria for selection of sample, investigator visited special schools and conducted preliminary survey. Through
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survey, it was found out that, 4 special schools- do not exist, 3 special schools changed their location, 6- only for the students with severe and profound MR, 1- changed from MR to other disabilities, 7- not providing all the components of LCCE and 2- changed from LCCE to other programmes. Hence these 23 special schools not met the criteria and so excluded from the study. While, remaining 19 special schools met all the criteria and were retained (details given in Table1). TABLE 1 Retained and excluded special schools
Districts No. of Retained Special Schools 9 5 1 2 2 19 Number of Excluded Special Schools 18 2 1 1 1 23

Bangalore Mysore Kodagu Hassan Udupi Dakshina Kannada Total

The retained 19 special schools were selected as sample for the study. As 19 special schools were providing pre-vocational training, to determine the WR skills among students with MR all these schools were only considered. In these special schools, there are 117 male and 89 female students with mild MR with 12 to 22 age range. Since maximum special schools were starting pre-vocational training at 15 years of age. So in the study, students with MR above 15 years of age were only considered. The number of students above 15 years of age enrolled in prevocational training is given in Table 2. TABLE 2 No. of students with MR in pre-vocational training
Age Range 15 22 Students with Mild MR Male Female 59 40


Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

D. Sampling Technique Multi stagic purposive sampling E. Tool and technique of the study

The following Table 3 includes variable, source of data, method of data collection and tool used.

Variables Work readiness skills among students with (Reference mild MR this

TABLE 3 Tools and technique of the study Informant/ Method of data Source of data collection Vocational trainers Administering the tools concerned with orally with explanation pre-vocational where required training

Tool used Generic skills assessment checklist. [10] developed checklist)

F. Description of the Tool Generic skills assessment checklist developed by Kutty in 1998. It assesses the independent or dependent performance of generic skills of the students with MR above 15 years of age. It provides information on WR skills which are prerequisite skills for vocational training for persons with MR. The checklist consists of 8 skills and 80 sub-skills (given in Table 4). TABLE 4 Skills and Sub-skills of the Generic skills
Skills No. of Sub-Skills Personal Skills 4 Communication Skills 5 Social Behaviour Skills 10 Functional Academics Skills 30 Safety Skills 7 Domestic Behaviour 3 Mobility and Hand Functioning Skills 5 Occupational Skills 6

(without the help of special educators or any one else) or dependently perform WR skills (with the help of special educators or any one else) then response was noted as Yes or else No. This was recorded by the investigator itself. H. Analysis of data The analysis was done qualitatively. On the basis of the responses by the informants (Yes) or (No), an arbitrary score of 1 and 0 were allotted. For each sub-skill, independent or dependent level of performance of the students was calculated and percentages were computed separately. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The percentages of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of work readiness are discussed in Table 5. It was observed from the above Table 5 that all the male and female students with mild MR exhibited independent level of performance in personal skills. Reference [11] contradicts this finding, i.e., they noticed that many individual with MR have significant limitation in social responsibility and personal independence.

G. Procedure of data collection The skills and sub-skills in the Generic skills assessment checklist were read out to the informants- vocational trainers. If the students with MR independently perform WR skills
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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

TABLE 5 Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Personal Skills
Personal Skills 1. Anticipates needs, uses toilets independently 2. Maintains cleanliness unaided (brushing, bathing, combing) 3. Eats properly and observes manners in a family situation without supervision 4. Manages dressing unaided and maintains a neat appearance Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 100% 0 0 100% 100% 0 0

TABLE 7 Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Social Behaviour Skills
Social Behaviour Skills 1. Sits properly in class room situation 2. Greets peers and elders appropriately 3. Cooperates in group situation 4. Offers help when needed without prompting 5. Behaves acceptably and makes visitors feel welcome 6. Recognizes and protects his own property 7. Asks permission to use the property of others 8. Maintains discipline in a given situation 9. Leads peer group in simple activities 10. Follows routine Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0







I - Independent

D - Dependent

TABLE 6 Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Communication Skills
Communication Skills 1. Can use gestures as an adjunct to verbal communication 2. Communicates Using words 3. Gesturally or verbally makes himself understood to others 4. Communicates properly in sentences 5. Engages in meaningful Conversation Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 0



100% 100% 89.8% 100%

0 0 10.2% 0

100% 100% 82.5% 100%

0 0 17.5 0

It was observed from the above Table 6 that all the male and female students with mild MR exhibited independent level of performance in communication skills. Reference [12] finding a generally well developed level of conversational competence in adults with mid MR, found out that specific deficiency in the use of indirect speech acts. Reference [1] also contradicts this finding.

It was observed from the above Table 7 that more percentage of male students with mild MR (90%) and female students with mild MR (83%) exhibited independent level of performance in social behaviour skills. Less than 10% of male students with mild MR and 18% of female students with mild MR exhibited dependent level of performance in the sub-skill Leads peers group in simple activities. This shows that more percentage of male exhibited independent level of performance compared to female student with MR. Reference [13] contradicts this finding. i.e., they found out that children with MR, by nature of their cognitive impairments and deficits in adaptive behavior, are at risk for a number of negative outcomes, including social-emotional problems.


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TABLE 8 Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Functional Academics Skills
Functional Academics Skills 1. Reads his/her name 2. Reads his/her address 3. Reads survival words 4. Comprehends what is read by him/her 5. Reads simple sentences 6. Writes his/her name 7. Writes his/her address 8. Copies simple sentences 9. Writes simple sentences 10. Counts meaningfully up to 10 11. Identifies and writes the numbers up to 10 12. Counts up to 100 13. Identifies and writes the numbers up to 100 14. Does simple single digit addition 15. Does simple double digit addition 16. Does simple single digit subtraction 17. Does simple double digit subtraction 18. Identifies coins of all denominations 19. Identifies rupee notes of all denominations 20. Exchange coins for one rupee 21. Makes purchases and gets balance for 1 rupee 22. Makes purchases and gets balance for 5 rupees 23. Makes purchases and gets balance for 10 rupees 24. Answers correctly day or night, morning or afternoon, yesterday, today or tomorrow 25. Tells the position of the long and short hand on the clock 26. Reads the numbers on the clock 27. Tells his/her date of birth 28. Tells time to the minute on the clock 29. Tells hours, 30 mnts, 15 mnts, 45 mnts., 30. Associates time to the daily routine . Counts up to 100 Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 100% 0 89.8% 10.2% 82.5% 17.5% 89.8% 10.2% 82.5% 17.5% 89.8% 10.2% 82.5% 17.5% 89.8% 10.2% 82.5% 17.5% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5%

89.8% 10.2% 82.5% 17.5% 89.8% 10.2% 82.5% 17.5% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 89.8% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 10.2% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 82.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5% 17.5%

It was observed from the above Table 8 that more percentage of male students with mild MR (90%) and female students with mild MR (83%) exhibited independent level of performance in the subskills- reading and writing. Less than 10% of male students with mild MR and 18% of female students with mild MR exhibited dependent level of performance in the subskills mathematics,
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financing and timing skills. This shows that more percentage of male exhibited independent level of performance compared to female student with MR. Contradictory to the finding, it was observed from earlier studies that- Reference [14] found out that adult with MR have rare ability to read and comprehend text, References [15], [16] noticed that individuals with MR are weak understanding


Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

of basic financial concepts, References [17], [18] found out that individuals with MR are weak in mathematical problem solving. Where as, Reference [2] support the findings of the present study. TABLE 9 Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Safety Skills
Safety Skills Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Domestic Behaviour Skills
Domestic Behaviour Skills 8. Buys necessary things for cooking if listed and given Prepares coffee 10. Prepares and serves a meal 11. Rides a bicycle 12. Can retain verbal messages and convey to the respective person 13. Can attend to telephone call Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D



1. Uses stairs and corridors in a safe manner 2. Aware of hazards in the Environment 3. Knows dangers of fire 4. Aware of traffic signals 5. Crosses street safely 6. Uses sharp objects safely 7. Uses household electrical items safely

79.7% 42.4% 86.4%

20.3 % 57.6 % 13.6 %

95% 75% 52.5%

5% 25% 47.5%



It was observed from the above Table 9 that all the male and female students with mild MR exhibited independent level of performance in the safety skills. Reference [19] support the finding of the study, who reported that students with disabilities competent to bandage real-life injuries of siblings and treat self injuries as reported by their parents. TABLE 10 Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Domestic Behaviour Skills
Domestic Behaviour Skills 1. Sweeps rooms 2. Dusts the furniture 3. Sets a table for lunch 4. Washes and dries dishes 5. Operates a grinder or mixie 6. Washes clothes 7. Dries clothes Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 0 100% 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 79.7% 100% 0 0 0 0 20.3% 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 100% 0 0 0 0 5% 0



It was observed from the above Table 10 that all the male and female students with mild MR exhibited independent performance in the subskills- washing and cleaning, drying clothes, buying, retaining and conveying verbal message and attend telephone call. While a small percentage of students exhibited dependent performance in the subskills- washing clothes, cooking, riding bicycle. Reference [20] found that students with MR along with other specific skill deficits, 80% of these individual who failed in living independently lacked meal preparation skills and found from five year follow up that cooking skills as essential variable for successful placement. Table 11 presents the percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Mobility and Hand Functioning Skills.


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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 1, No. 1 | December 2013 _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Mobility and Hand Functioning Skills
Mobility and Hand Functioning Skills 1. Walks independently 2. Climbs and descents with alternate feet 3. Can pour without spilling 4. Can cut a drawn rectangle with scissors 5. Can pick up pins from a surface using fingers Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 0 100% 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0 100% 100% 100% 100% 0 0 0 0

It was observed from the above Table 11 that more percentage of male students with mild MR (86%) and female students with mild MR (80%) exhibited independent level of performance. Less than 14% of male students with mild MR and 20% of female students with mild MR exhibited dependent level of performance in the subskills Understands and completes a task. This shows that more percentage of male exhibited independent level of performance compared to female student with MR. Reference [22] also found out that young adults with MR can maintain work quality. IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION From the results obtained in the study, it can be concluded that more percentage of the students with mild MR were able to perform at independent level in WR. Only in certain skills of WR, more percentage of male performed at independent level compared to female students with mild MR. There is a need to identify the reasons for their dependent level of performance in the skills. For their difficulty in certain skills of WR, more training is required to enhance their level of performance. REFERENCES
[1] Bufkin, L. J., & Altman, R. (1995). A developmental study of nonverbal pragmatic communication in students with and without mild mental retardation, Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 30(3): 199-207. [2] Katims, D. S. (2001). Literacy assessment of students with mental retardation: An exploratory investigation, Education and Training in Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 36(4): 363-372. [3] Hanrahan, J., Bernstein, G., & Franz, E. (2002). An analysis of the errors made by intellectually disabled students when attempting to identify numerals from 1 to 9, International Journal of Special Education, 17(2): 78-81.

It was observed from the above Table 11 that all the male and female students with mild MR exhibited independent level of performance in the Mobility and hand functioning skills. Reference [21], [7] contradicts this finding, i.e., they found that person with MR as motor and affective deficits. TABLE 12
Percentage of male and female students with mild MR in exhibiting different levels of WR in Occupational Skills
Occupational Skills 1. Attends to an assigned task without disturbing others for one hour 2. Goes to an assigned area without reminder in a routine daily programmes 3. Understands and completes a task 4. Increases speed of work when guided 5. Rises and leaves from residence to school on time 6. Travels by bus independently Student with Mild MR Male Female I D I D 100% 0 100% 0



86.4% 100% 100% 100%

13.6% 0 0 0

80% 100% 100% 100%

20% 0 0 0


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