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AMERICAN LITERATURE ENG 250Y5Y M 6-9, CC 2130 Fall 2013 PROFESSOR JEANNINE DELOMBARD Phone: (905) 828-3736 (rather

than calling, lea!e c"#e t" "$$ice h"%r! "r e#ail #e) Office: &'M N"rth (%il)ing *#+ 298 E-mail: ,+)el"#-ar).%t"r"nt"+ca Office Ho !": M"n / '%e! 30301030

TEACHIN# ASSISTANT: STEPHEN COU#HLIN Email: !te hen+c"%ghlin.#ail+%t"r"nt"+ca COURSE DESCRIPTION0 2n intr")%ct"r3 !%r4e3 "$ #a,"r 5"r6! in 2#erican literat%re, thi! c"%r!e e7 l"re! 5"r6! in a 4ariet3 "$ genre!+ *e4ie5ing the #a,"r eri")! in &+8+ literar3 hi!t"r3, the c"%r!e al!" !tri4e! t" re re!ent the c%lt%ral )i4er!it3 "$ 2#erican literat%re+ RATIONALE: 'hi! c"%r!e i! )e!igne) t" ac9%aint 3"% 5ith the )e4el" #ent "$ 2#erican c%lt%re a! !een thr"%gh it! literat%re+ 'he critical 4"ca-%lar3 3"% 5ill -e enc"%rage) t" ac9%ire in thi! cla!! 5ill re are 3"% t" anal3:e a rich arra3 "$ c%lt%ral te7t!, -"th in an) "%t!i)e the c"%r!e+ Y"% 5ill ha4e the " "rt%nit3 t" attain $l%enc3 in thi! ne5 ter#in"l"g3 thr"%gh 3"%r c"ntri-%ti"n! t" cla!! )i!c%!!i"n an) in 5ritten a!!ign#ent!+ 'he 4er-al !6ill! 3"% attain -3 rea)ing an) anal3:ing cla!!ic 5"r6! "$ literat%re 5ill -e "$ ine!ti#a-le 4al%e n"t "nl3 in 3"%r "ther %ni4er!it3 c"%r!e! -%t in 3"%r li$e an) career a$ter gra)%ati"n+ TE$TBOO%S FOR PURCHASE: 'he $"ll"5ing -""6! #a3 -e %rcha!e) in the &'M (""6!t"re "r "nline, a! 3"% re$er+ o ;$ 3"% ac9%ire -""6! el!e5here, lea!e tr3 t" get the !a#e e)iti"n, a! the c"ntent "$ -""6! can 4ar3 greatl3 5ith e)iti"n+ 8h"rter re9%ire) rea)ing! are a4aila-le thr"%gh (lac6-"ar)+


FALL TERM: <+ =ect"r 8t+ <"hn )e Cr>4ec?%r, Letters from an American Farmer (@"4er) Ala%)ah E9%ian", Interesting Narrative (Beng%in) 8%!anna *"5!"n, Charlotte Tem le ((e)$"r)) Mar6 '5ain, A!vent"res of #"c$le%err& Finn (N"rt"n) 1

WINTER TERM: 8ec"n)-ter# rea)ing! 5ill -e !electe) -3 the r"$e!!"r in c"n!%ltati"n 5ith !t%)ent!+ ;! there a "!t-1900 5"r6 "$ 2#erican literat%re 3"%C4e -een c%ri"%! a-"%t rea)ingD N"5C! 3"%r chanceE Fe 5ill nee) t" c"4er a range "$ eri")!, genre!, an) 4"ice!, -%t 5e !h"%l) -e a-le t" #a6e % a great li!t -et5een %!E M"re )etail! t" $"ll"5 in cla!!+ 1 'er#in"l"g3 G%i::e!0 12+5H each DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT

2 'er# Ba er! (5-7 )0 25H each Bartici ati"n0 E7tra Cre)it


PAPER: &ni4er!it3 !t%)ent! are a!!%#e) t" ha4e #a!tere) the $%n)a#ental! "$ 5ritten e7 re!!i"n, !%ch a! gra##ar, %nct%ati"n, ! elling, !entence an) aragra h !tr%ct%re, )icti"n, an) r" er %!age+ 8t%)ent! enr"lle) in a 200-le4el Engli!h c"%r!e are $%rther e7 ecte) t" -e $a#iliar 5ith the ele#entar3 c"n4enti"n! "$ critical anal3!i!, !%ch a! )e4el" ing an) !tating the!e!, re!enting an) anal3:ing te7t%al a!!age!, an) )"c%#enting i)ea! a r" riatel3+ If you are experiencing ifficu!"y in any of "#e$e area$% "#i$ i$ your oppor"uni"y "o rec"ify "#e $i"ua"ion& Man3 !t%)ent! 5ill $in) the3 can a))re!! #an3 c"##"n r"-le#! -3 re4ie5ing an Engli!h c"# "!iti"n 5e-!ite "r han)-""6+ Ather! #a3 $in) it hel $%l t" 4i!it the 2ca)e#ic 86ill! Centre+ 'he *"-ert Gille! ie 2ca)e#ic 86ill! Centre (*""# 390, =a:el McCalli"n 2ca)e#ic Iearning CentreJ 905K828-3858J 555+%t#+%t"r"nt"+caKa!c) "$$er! a range "$ 5"r6!h" !, !e#inar! an) in)i4i)%al c"n!%ltati"n! t" hel !t%)ent! )e4el" the re9%i!ite aca)e#ic !6ill!+ A$ c"%r!e, the r"$e!!"r i! al5a3! a4aila-le )%ring "$$ice h"%r! t" )i!c%!! h"5 3"% #ight !trengthen 3"%r the!i! "r 3"%r literar3 anal3!i! in a artic%lar a!!ign#ent+ A&&i'ionall() one cla"" "e""ion *e! 'e!m +ill ,e &e-o'e& 'o an in'en"i-e +!i'in. +o!/"ho*0 Y"% are re9%ire) t" 5rite "ne a er thi! ter#+ E# l"3ing the c"n4enti"n! "$ critical anal3!i! (!ee a-"4e), the a er !h"%l) re!ent an inter reti4e arg%#ent a-"%t ri#ar3 te7t! rea) $"r the cla!!J it !h"%l) !% "rt that arg%#ent thr"%gh )etaile) te7t%al inter retati"n, a! "%tline) in the LBa er G%i)eline!M "!te) "n (lac6-"ar)+ F"r $"r#atting 9%e!ti"n!, incl%)ing a r" riate #eth")! "$ 9%"tati"n an) the li!t "$ 5"r6! cite), !ee the Chicago 'an"al of St&le Online , a4aila-le thr"%gh the &ni4er!it3 "$ '"r"nt" Ii-rar3 5e-!ite (htt ())sim lelin$*li%rar&*"toronto*ca)"rl*cfm)+,-+- )+ 2ll a er! !h"%l) %!e ChicagoC! n"te!-an)--i-li"gra h3 $"r#at (!ee 11+11)+ Incorrect ."otation or citation of so"rces/ as 0ell as a nota%le a%sence of roofrea!ing 0ill res"lt in the a er gra!e lo0ering %& at least half a gra!e* (8ee L2ca)e#ic ;ntegrit3,M -el"5+)
NB: If (o +an' &e'aile& +!i''en commen'" on (o ! *a*e!) *lea"e " ,mi' +i'h 'he *a*e! a "elf-a&&!e""e&) "'am*e& en-elo*e 'i"# correc" po$"age0 1UI22ES:

;n a))iti"n t" the )e4el" #ent "$ 3"%r inter reti4e !6ill!, thi! c"%r!e e# ha!i:e! -a!ic rea)ing c"# rehen!i"n, ac9%i!iti"n "$ critical 4"ca-%lar3, an) retenti"n "$ literar3 an) hi!t"rical -ac6gr"%n) in$"r#ati"n+ Y"%r 6n"5le)ge in the!e area! 5ill -e a!!e!!e) thr"%gh a !erie! "$ ter#in"l"g3 9%i::e!+ 'he!e e7erci!e! !h"%l) n"t r"4e )i$$ic%lt t" th"!e 5h" care$%ll3 c"# lete the a!!igne) rea)ing!, atten) cla!! reg%larl3, an) ta6e care$%l cla!! n"te!+ LATE ASSI#NMENT AND MA%E-UP POLICIES PAPERS: 2! !tate) in &ni4er!it3 g%i)eline!, it i! in !t%)ent!C -e!t intere!t $"r $ac%lt3 t" en$"rce )%e )ate! rig"r"%!l3, granting e7ten!i"n! "nl3 5hen !t%)ent! re!ent c"# elling rea!"n! $"r their ina-ilit3 t" #eet a )ea)line, 5ith !ati!$act"r3 )"c%#entati"n in !% "rt "$ the re9%e!t+ @%ring the $ir!t ten )a3! a$ter the )%e )ate, late a er! 5ill -e #ar6e) )"5n $"%r ercentage "int! "r "ne "rti"n "$ a gra)e er )a3, inc!u ing 'ee(en $ (i+e+, a ( a er 5"rth 76H 5hich i! t5" )a3! late 5"%l) -e #ar6e) )"5n t" 68H "r CN)+ 'he a!!ign#ent 5ill n"t -e acce te) therea$ter+ 1UI22ES: *ather than re aring an) a)#ini!tering #a6e-% 9%i::e!, the r"$e!!"r 5ill increa!e the 5eighting "$ "ther gra)e) 5"r6 -3 the a#"%nt "$ the #i!!e) a!!ign#ent+ RELI#IOUS OBSER3ANCES: ;t i! &ni4er!it3 "lic3 that n" !t%)ent !h"%l) !%$$er aca)e#ic enalt3 -eca%!e "$ the "-!er4ance "$ hi! "r her $aith+ 8t%)ent! ha4e a re! "n!i-ilit3 t" alert #e#-er! "$ the teaching !ta$$ in a ti#el3 $a!hi"n regar)ing % c"#ing religi"%! "-!er4ance! an) antici ate) a-!ence!+ E4er3 e$$"rt 5ill -e #a)e t" a4"i) !che)%ling c"# %l!"r3 acti4itie! at the!e ti#e!+ ;$ thi! i! %na4"i)a-le, e4er3 rea!"na-le " "rt%nit3 5ill -e gi4en t" the!e !t%)ent! t" #a6e % 5"r6 that the3 #i!!+ h''*:44+++0.o-e! ncil0 'o!on'o0ca4*olicie"4! "0h'm PARTICIPATION POLIC5: Y"% !hare 5ith 3"%r $ell"5 !t%)ent! the re! "n!i-ilit3 $"r c"n)%cting in$"r#e), engage) )i!c%!!i"n! "$ the te7t! an) i!!%e! at han)+ To prepare for eac# c!a$$% "#en% you $#ou! no" on!y rea "#e a$$igne 'or($% )u" a!$o for*u!a"e cri"ica! +ue$"ion$ an co**en"$ for your c!a$$*a"e$ an in$"ruc"or "o con$i er an i$cu$$, Iearning t" re!ent, challenge, an) )e$en) a range "$ intellect%al an) critical "!iti"n! i! a cr%cial c"# "nent "$ 3"%r e)%cati"n+ (eca%!e learning in the =%#anitie! i! a c"lla-"rati4e en)ea4"r, 3"%r in4"l4e#ent i! e9%all3 i# "rtant t" the learning "$ 3"%r cla!!#ate!, $"r 5h"!e e)%cati"n 3"% are, in art, re! "n!i-le+ Fe !h"%l) all !tri4e t" c"ntri-%te t" an) learn $r"# the cla!! )i!c%!!i"n in a re! ect$%l, e9%ita-le $a!hi"n+ S' &en'" "ee/in. e6'!a c!e&i' fo! *a!'ici*a'ion "ho l& "'!i-e 'o: B"!e critical 9%e!ti"n! "r "$$er anal3tical c"##entar3 "n the te7t! an) t" ic! %n)er c"n!i)erati"nJ 2nch"r !%ch c"ntri-%ti"n! t" cla!! )i!c%!!i"n 5ith te7t%al re$erence! ()irecting cla!! #e#-er! t" artic%lar age!, $"r e7a# le)J (e a! clear an) c"nci!e a! "!!i-le in their "ral e7 re!!i"nJ 3

Engage (4ia -"th e3e-c"ntact an) 4er-al e7 re!!i"n) 5ith "ther !t%)ent!J an) (alance 7 an'i'( 5ith 7 ali'( in c"ntri-%ti"n! t" cla!! )i!c%!!i"n

A&&i'ional fo!m" of *a!'ici*a'ion can al"o ,e 7 i'e -al a,le 'o 'he cla"": 2!6ing the r"$e!!"r "r $ell"5 !t%)ent! t" clear % an3 c"n$%!i"n that #a3 ari!e in cla!! )i!c%!!i"nJ A$$ering t" rea) a artic%lar a!!age "$ te7tJ "r =el ing cla!! #e#-er! l"cate a artic%lar a!!age Ane $%rther n"te "n c"##%nicati"n0 in a large cla!! li6e "%r!, it i! "$ten )i$$ic%lt $"r a r"$e!!"r t" ercei4e !t%)ent c"ncern! a-"%t the cla!!r""# cli#ate, e)ag"g3, e7 ectati"n!, a!!ign#ent!, an) gra)ing 5ith"%t )irect c"##%nicati"n+ ;$ 3"% ha4e an3 c"ncern! a-"%t the!e "r an3 "ther a! ect! "$ the cla!!, lea!e rai!e the!e i!!%e! 5ith the r"$e!!"r )irectl3, either 4ia e#ail "r )%ring "$$ice h"%r!+ En)-"$-ter# e4al%ati"n! r"4i)e an " "rt%nit3 t" e7 re!! !%ch c"ncern! an"n3#"%!l3, "$ c"%r!e, -%t %!%all3 it i! #"re r")%cti4e $"r r"$e!!"r! an) !t%)ent! t" #eet in er!"n t" )i!c%!! #atter! ertaining t" the c"%r!e 5ell %efore the c"%r!e i! "4er+ ACADEMIC INTE#RIT5 Pla.ia!i"m an& o'he! fo!m" of aca&emic &i"hone"'( a!e clea!l( &efine& in Uni-e!"i'( ma'e!ial"8 in"'ance" of *la.ia!i"m o! chea'in. +ill ,e ac'i-el( * !" e& 'o 'he *oin' of fail !e of 'he co !"e an& *o""i,le &i"mi""al f!om 'he Uni-e!"i'(0 8ee 8ecti"n ( "$ the L&ni4er!it3 "$ '"r"nt" C")e "$ (eha4i"%r "n 2ca)e#ic Matter!M0 htt !0KKregi!trar+%t#+%t"r"nt"+caK!t%)entKcalen)arKcalen)arO)etail2+ lD '" icP2ca)e#icH20="ne!t3//8earch!tringP lagiari!# STUDENT CONDUCT S' &en'" a!e e6*ec'e& 'o &e*o!' 'hem"el-e" in a ma' !e) *!ofe""ional manne! a**!o*!ia'e 'o a ni-e!"i'( en-i!onmen'0 (eca%!e 3"%r re!ence at %ni4er!it3 i! %rel3 4"l%ntar3, it i! a!!%#e) that 3"% ha4e )eci)e) t" atten) a artic%lar !e!!i"n a! a c"##itte), engage) #e#-er "$ the c"%r!e+ #i-en 'ha' 'he follo+in. ac'i-i'ie" can ,e * !" e& el"e+he!e m ch mo!e *lea"an'l( 9fo! (o : an& m ch le"" &i"! *'i-el( 9fo! 'he cla"":) i' ma/e" no "en"e fo! (o 'o come 'o cla"" an& 'al/) +!i'e no'e" 'o o'he! "' &en'") " !f 'he in'e!ne') !ea& o! -ie+ o '"i&e ma'e!ial") o! en.a.e in elec'!onic comm nica'ion0 (eca%!e the in!tr%ct"rC! r"le i! t" teach Q n"t t" "lice -eha4i"%r Q !t%)ent! )i!r% ting cla!! 5ill -e !%##aril3 re9%e!te) t" lea4e $"r the )%rati"n "$ the !e!!i"nJ !h"%l) thi! "cc%r, it i! the !t%)entC! re! "n!i-ilit3 t" %r!%e the #atter 5ith the in!tr%ct"r+ E-CULTURE POLIC5 Ii6e "ther $"r#! "$ 4er-al c"##%nicati"n, e#ail i! c"nte7t-!en!iti4e+ Blea!e 6ee in #in) that 3"%r e#ail a ear! in 3"%r r"$e!!"rC! in--"7 al"ng!i)e #e!!age! $r"# c"lleag%e! at "ther in!tit%ti"n!, $ell"5 & "$ ' $ac%lt3 #e#-er!, ,"%rnal an) -""6 e)it"r!, a)#ini!trat"r!, gra)%ate !e#inar #e#-er!, )"ct"ral 4

a)4i!ee!, an) "ther %n)ergra)%ate !t%)ent!+ I' i" 'he!efo!e *a!'ic la!l( im*o!'an' 'ha' 'he 'one of (o ! me""a.e ,e ma' !e) !e"*ec'f l) an& li'e!a'e0 A co !'eo ") +ell-con"i&e!e& email 'o (o ! *!ofe""o! +ill en" !e 'ha' (o !ecei-e a !e"*on"e in /in&0 9Con-e!"el() ina**!o*!ia'e me""a.e" ma( ,e !e' !ne& nan"+e!e& fo! !e-i"ion an& !e" ,mi""ion0: S'(le0 Blea!e %!e the !a#e !tan)ar)! "$ 5ritten Engli!h in e#ail that 3"% 5"%l) %!e $"r 3"%r 5ritten a!!ign#ent!+ In *a!'ic la!) (o "ho l& e"che+ "lan. an& o'he! info!mal mo&e" of e6*!e""ion8 "'!i-e fo! co!!ec' * nc' a'ion) ca*i'ali;a'ion) an& "*ellin.8 an& ,e ca!ef l 'o *!oof!ea& (o ! me""a.e ,efo!e "en&in.0 9Af'e! all) 'he !eci*ien' of (o ! me""a.e i" 'he "ame *e!"on +ho +ill ,e e-al a'in. (o ! 'e!m *a*e!<: Con'en': Blea!e )" n"t e#ail #e regar)ing e7ten!i"n! "r "ther alternati4e arrange#ent! $"r c"%r!e re9%ire#ent!+ 2lth"%gh generall3 )i!c"%rage), !%ch re9%e!t!, i$ %rgent, #%!t -e #a)e in er!"n, re$era-l3 )%ring "$$ice h"%r!+ ;n an3 ca!e, n" !%ch re9%e!t! 5ill -e c"n!i)ere) 5ithin t5" 5ee6! "$ a gi4en a!!ign#ent )%e )ate+ T !n-A!o n& Time: Y"% !h"%l) all"5 at least 3-5 -%!ine!! )a3! t" recei4e a re! "n!e $r"# 3"%r r"$e!!"rJ $"r thi! rea!"n, 3"% #a3 re$er t" c"ntact her in er!"n, $"ll"5ing % -3 e#ail i$ nece!!ar3+ DROP POLIC5 = CHAN#ES TO THE S5LLABUS ;n 6ee ing 5ith %ni4er!it3 "licie!, 3"% 5ill ha4e #ar6e) a!!ign#ent! 5"rth a c"#-ine) t"tal "$ at lea!t 25H "$ the t"tal ret%rne) t" 3"% -3 the la!t reg%lar cla!! #eeting "$ the $ir!t 5ee6 "$ cla!!e! in <an%ar3+ 2lth"%gh e4er3 atte# t 5ill -e #a)e t" $"ll"5 the !3lla-%!, it i! !%-,ect t" change+ ACCESSABILIT5 POLIC5 8t%)ent! 5ith )i4er!e nee)! are 5elc"#e in thi! c"%r!e+ 'he &'M 2cce!!2-ilit3 *e!"%rce Centre "$$er! !er4ice! t" a!!e!! ! eci$ic !t%)ent nee)!, r"4i)e re$erral!, an) arrange a r" riate acc"##")ati"n!+ 8t%)ent! 5ith 9%e!ti"n! a-"%t )i!a-ilit3Khealth acc"##")ati"n! are enc"%rage) t" c"ntact their in!tr%ct"r an)K"r the 2cce!!2-ilit3 *e!"%rce Centre 5hen the c"%r!e -egin!+ 'he 2cce!!2-ilit3 *e!"%rce Centre !ta$$ can -e c"ntacte) -3 h"ne (905-5691699), e#ail (acce!!.%t#+%t"r"nt"+ca) "r in er!"n (*""# 2017, 8"%th (%il)ing)+


Blea!e rea) the a!!igne) #aterial! in a)4ance "$ the )e!ignate) )ate an) ,!in. 'he a"" !ea&in." 'o cla"" fo! 7 ic/) ea"( !efe!ence0
>4> ;ntr")%cti"n 1ac$gro"n! Rea!ing( <"hn Finthr" , L2 M")el "$ Chri!tian Charit3M (( 2nne (ra)!treet, L=ere F"ll"5 8"#e Rer!e! % "n the (%rning "$ A%r ="%!e, <%l3 10th, 1666M (( >4?@ Neal 8ali!-%r3, LMar3 *"5lan)!"n an) =er *e#"4e!,M Bart! 1 / 2 (( Mar3 *"5lan)!"n, The Sovereignt& an! 2oo!ness of 2o! (( >4AB 8a#!"n Acc"#, 8electe) Br"!e / @"c%#ent! (( >4BC Cr>4ec?%r, Letters from an American Farmer (L2)4erti!e#ent!,M L'" the 2--S *a3nal,M Ietter! ;-;T, T;;) ?C4D Ala%)ah E9%ian", Interesting Narrative (L'" the *ea)erM thr"%gh Cha ter R;) 1ac$gro"n! Rea!ing( Bhilli! Fheatle3, 8electi"n! $r"# Poems on 3ario"s S"%4ects/ Religio"s an! 'oral (( ?C4?E THAN%S#I3IN# F ENJO5< ?C4A? Ala%)ah E9%ian", Interesting Narrative (Cha ter! R;;-T;;) ?C4AG 8%!anna *"5!"n, Charlotte Tem le 1UI2 ??4E Falt Fhit#an, Song of '&self (( ??4?? HRITIN# HOR%SHOP ??4?G Mar6 '5ain, The A!vent"res of #"c$le%err& Finn0 LN"ticeM- Cha ter TTT; 1ac$gro"n! Rea!ing( Nathaniel =a5th"rne, Bre$ace t" The #o"se of Seven 2a%les (( =enr3 <a#e!, L'he 2rt "$ Ficti"nM (( 2l-i"n '"%rgSe, L'he UClai#C "$ *eali!#M (( ??4AI '5ain, #"c$le%err& Finn( Cha ter TTT;;-En) ?A4A PAPERS 1UI2






A4?D *ea)ing Fee6 B4B? Ba er! )%e at the -eginning "$ cla!!

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