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ADSL Backhaul Via Broadband Satellite

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IPSTAR Solution:

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) via IPSTAR Satellite Backhaul

Department of Science and Technology (DoST) and Vietnam Telecom

International (VTI) Join Forces to Link Rural Vietnam to the World
Broadband Internet is increasingly taking center stage as a critical factor
to the economic development of Vietnam. But until now, only 15 million
people in the country are able to connect to rich digital resources
available online, a mere 17% out of Vietnam's 86 million population.

Rural Vietnam, like many other non-urban parts of Asia-Pacific, has very
limited access to broadband Internet. ADSL connectivity is very scarce
outside of major cities Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh, and households, businesses
and government offices in rural areas still have to rely on traditional
communication systems - like the telephone and dial-up Internet - with
no short term prospect of benefiting from the rollout of broadband
Internet from telecom operators and service providers.

Provide rural villages in Vietnam with access to information and
economic opportunities through broadband Internet
Benefits Implement a community-shared broadband access model that can
overcome distance and terrain barriers, and can deliver Internet
Cost-effective speeds comparable to ADSL
IPSTAR delivers high performance broadband Create a cost-effective ADSL network via IPSTAR satellite backhaul
connectivity to any location, regardless of that can be deployed into other underserved communities in Asia-Pacific
distance and terrain barriers, and avoids the
utilization of cost-prohibitive wired Solution
technology, such as fiber optic cable. Deploy ADSL network via IPSTAR satellite backhaul, a cost-effective
solution in delivering shared broadband access to communities
Nationwide Coverage without access to terrestrial networks - thus providing instant
IPSTAR provides telecom operators and coverage, and flexible and rapid infrastructure rollout to rural areas
service providers with complete satellite
infrastructure anywhere on its footprint - The high operational and capital expenses normally involved in providing
enabling them to easily extend their service remote villages in Vietnam with high speed Internet means that these
operations to rural, as well as urban areas. areas face an indefinite wait - perhaps for many years - before telecom
operators and service providers reach them.
Fast Deployment
IPSTAR enables rapidly deployable But the solution to providing broadband Internet access to remote
satellite-based network for businesses and communities in Vietnam is now underway, thanks to the ADSL connectivity
govern-ments who have remote project - called "VSAT-IP to Bring Broadband Internet to the Countryside" -
communication needs, and Internet service initiated by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and Vietnam
providers planning to expand their market. Telecom International (VTI), the National Service Provider of IPSTAR in
Vietnam. The pilot project implemented in the remote village of Cat Tien
May 2009

in Dong Nai province has led to a highly cost-effective solution that is now
extending to other villages across the province as well.
IPSTAR Empowering Asia-Pacific

ADSL Modem

RJ - 45
Virtual Splitter
Overlay RJ - 11



Telco Authentication
ADSL Gateway

ADSL network via IPSTAR configuration

The Situation Proof-of-Concept

Rural communities, like Cat Tien, have to overcome major DoST and VTI's rural connectivity project in Vietnam is a major
challenges when it comes to availing high speed broadband milestone in the deployment of ADSL network via satellite
connection. Remote villages are typically far from any backhaul. IPSTAR plays a major role in the rapid installation of ADSL
Internet backbone or Point of Presence (PoP). Wired to far-flung areas, which would otherwise not be economically
infrastructure, like fiber optics, usually does not exist or is viable with fiber optic cable or other broadband backhaul. In
unviable to provide ADSL backhaul for far-flung areas. In addition, the satellite platform helps in reducing the capital
addition, the population density in Cat Tien is lower expense of the project to 3,500 USD, a critical factor in the
compared to metropolitan areas, requiring telecom implementation of a sustainable business model.
operators and service providers higher capital and
operational expenses in deploying an ADSL network The pilot project implemented in Cat Tien village demonstrates a
infrastructure for the village. valuable case study in addressing a range of issues related to
providing broadband Internet service to remote, isolated areas
The Solution across Vietnam. The satellite-enabled ADSL network delivers
broadband Internet to thousands of village residents - most of
them for the first time.
The primary focus of the project 'VSAT-IP to Bring Broadband
Internet to the Countryside' is to demonstrate that it is both
technically and economically feasible to provide broadband Capital Expenditure:
Internet access to remote communities by using ADSL via IPSTAR Satellite Backhaul vs. WiMAX and Fiber Optics
commercially available satellite technology. The system
utilized in the project uses ADSL technology via IPSTAR
satellite to deliver high speed Internet access to community Technology Total Cost Details
residents of Cat Tien. The broadband Internet connection is
distributed among households, businesses and government ADSL via IPSTAR 3,500 USD IPSTAR terminal: 1,800 USD
Satellite Backhaul @ 24 Users DSLAM (24 ports): 1,400 USD
offices across the village by deploying a single IPSTAR user
Transportation and
terminal, and connecting it to a Digital Subscriber Line installation: 300 USD
Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) - a network device that can link
up to 24 Internet end users to the ADSL network.
ADSL via WiMAX 30,000 USD WiMAX was deployed in 2007
Backhaul @ 40 Users to provide broadband Internet
The pilot project enables DoST and VTI to provide high speed
to 40 subscribers in Ta Van,
and always-on Internet access to Cat Tien, delivering a highland community in
broadband connection speeds similar to that of major Lao Cai Province, Vietnam
metropolitan cities. The IPSTAR solution enables the delivery
of Internet to various destinations within Cat Tien -
ADSL via Fiber 400,000 USD For a 230-kilometer distance,
including government offices, school, medical center, police
Optic Backhaul @ 29 Users at least 400,000 USD will be
station and residential homes - with distances ranging from spent for an ADSL network
200 to 2,000 meters away from the central node. The shared over fiber optic backhaul
satellite link is able to provide a download speed of 2 Mbps
and upload speed of 512 kbps.

IPSTAR is the world's largest and most advanced commercial satellite serving
up to 10 million users in Asia-Pacific. The breadth of IPSTAR's geographical
reach in the region - covering an area inhabited by 4 billion people or
roughly 60 percent of the world's population - positions IPSTAR as the
preferred gateway in 14 countries across Asia-Pacific. IPSTAR has achieved a
critical milestone in its pursuit to bridge the digital divide in the region. With
a combined 70,000 subscribers in Australia and New Zealand alone and
growing, IPSTAR has become the single largest VSAT network operator in both
countries. Across the region, IPSTAR has sold nearly 200,000 user terminals.
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