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Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 905–910

Usability of synchronization for cognitive modeling

Hans H. Diebner *, Florian Grond
Center for Art and Media, Lorenzstr. 19, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany


We discuss the synchronization features of a previously introduced adaptive system for dynamics recognition in
more detail. We investigate the usability of synchronization for modeling and parameter estimations. It is pointed
out inhowfar the adaptive system based on synchronization can become a powerful tool in modeling. The adaptive sys-
tem can store modules of pre-adapted dynamics and is potentially capable of undergoing self-modification. We compare
the stored modules with pre-knowledge that a modeler puts into his or her models. In this sense the adaptive system
functions like an expert system.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

In recent time the application potential of synchronization mechanisms of dynamical systems has been recognized
and increasingly brought up for discussion (cf. e.g. [1]). The applications cover different fields of control [2], parameter
estimation [3] and pattern replication [4]. A link of chaos control mechanisms to brain dynamics has been proposed by
Skarda and Freeman [5] and elaborated by others, for a comprehensive review cf. [2].
In this paper we focus on the potentiality of synchronization mechanisms within the fields of life science and cog-
nitive modeling. We point out that synchronization may play an important role in cognitive science and that, therefore,
nonlinear science and artificial intelligence studies are closely related. In a recent work [6] we proposed such an adaptive
cognitive system that circumvents some of the drawbacks of earlier applications. The most important improvement is a
pool of dynamical modules that can be seen as a storage of adapted mirror dynamics which avoid adaptations from
scratch. This accounts for two important features of cognitive systems namely the simulation or mirroring capability
as discussed in [7,8] and the usage of a priori information.
The paper in hand discusses open problems we encountered in the afore-mentioned work. Specifically we investigate
the efficacy of synchronization with respect to the chosen mode of coupling and the dynamical behavior. We therefore
briefly recapitulate the underlying basic mechanism. Assume x and x 0 to be the states of two dynamical systems of the
same dimension d and the same dynamics f which are given by the differential equations
x_ ¼ fðx; bÞ; b ¼ ðb1 ; b2 . . . ; bm Þ
x_ 0 ¼ fðx0 ; b0 Þ; b0 ¼ ðb01 ; b02 . . . ; b0m Þ

Corresponding author. Fax: +49 721 8100 1139.
E-mail address: (H.H. Diebner).

0960-0779/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
906 H.H. Diebner, F. Grond / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 905–910

where b and b 0 are sets of m fixed parameters. Assume further that at least one of the parameters of the unprimed sys-
tem is different from the corresponding one in the primed system, bk 6¼ b0k (for at least one k). If now the difference of at
least one pair of corresponding variables multiplied by a factor Ki is added to the unprimed system,
x_ 1 ¼ f1 ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xd ; bÞ þ K 1 ðx01  x1 Þ
x_ 2 ¼ f2 ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xd ; bÞ þ K 2 ðx02  x2 Þ
.. ð2Þ
x_ d ¼ fd ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xd ; bÞ þ K d ðx0d  xd Þ

K i P 0ðK j > 0 for at least one j 2 f1; . . . ; dgÞ;

this system will be forced to the dynamics of the primed controlling system. The success of this forcing depends on cou-
pling modes and dynamical features as investigated in the sequel.
Before we proceed with this investigation we briefly outline the scheme of the adaptive system which is depicted in
Fig. 1. An external system—experienced through a stimulus—forces internal modules each according to Eq. (2). One of
the modules which we call simulus undergoes an adaptation to the external system. The other modules constitute a set
of dynamics that more or less resemble the external one and are compared to it. The resemblance is supposed to be
reflected in the magnitude of the forcing. The information on the difference or resemblance is used in a superpositional
manner to construct a simulus.
For example, assume given a Rossler system as external dynamics represented as time series of at least one variable
x 0 i then the modules may be defined through a set of Rossler systems differing in the value of a certain parameter.
Assume the value of the corresponding external parameter to lie within the span of the internal parameter values.
The idea now is to vary the parameter value of the simulus until the forcing term x0i  xsimulus
i vanishes (for all used com-
ponents i) which indicates adaptation. This adaptation can in principle been done without using the modules. The mag-
nitudes of the forcing terms x0i  xi of the modules, however, supply additional information and are used as storage
of previously experienced dynamics.
Basic parameter estimation procedures have been described in [9,10] where a priori knowledge on the type of exter-
nal dynamics was used. The usage of modules that span a grid around the external dynamics in our model considerably
enhanced the performance of the adaptive system. Additionally, the model allows to abandon a priori knowledge to a
certain degree. The modules play the role of previously experienced dynamics that allow a quicker re-adaptation and
fine tuning. The a priori knowledge, so to say, is part of the artificial cognitive system itself.
To start the adaptation without any a priori knowledge one may formulate a general n–dimensional model,
n n X
X n
x_ i ¼ bi00 þ bij0 xj þ bijk xj xk þ . . . ; ð3Þ
j¼1 j¼1 k¼1

Internal Representations



External Mirror
Dynamics Dynamics

D5 S I M U L U S


Fig. 1. Cognitive system that adapts a simulus to a ÔperceivedÕ stimulus using pre-adapted modules for an efficient adaptation.
H.H. Diebner, F. Grond / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 905–910 907

up to a necessary but still manageable order (according to OccamÕs razor). Since the adaptation performance depends
on the number of free parameters one can increasingly benefit from pre-adapted modules in the course of time, i.e. from
stored a priori knowledge. We mention in passing that a self-modifying feature can be introduced through forcing
between the internal modules in combination with appropriate evolutionary criteria of fitness. We expect further
improvement with respect to an evolutionary optimization (cf. [11]).
At a first glance it is obvious to use the magnitude of the forcing terms F i ¼ jx0i  xsimulus
i j as a criterion for the goodness
of synchronization or adaptation, respectively. This surely holds if the Fi almost vanish at every time instant. However, a
larger Fi does not necessarily imply that the module does not resemble the target system well due to the fact that some
dynamical types are extremely hard to synchronize although they are quite similar. Depending on the mode of forcing
even identical dynamics differing only in the initial state may be hard to synchronize. For example, we observed that two
Lorenz systems require a relatively large forcing strength Ki in a certain parameter range in order to be synchronized even
if the two systems differ only in the initial states. This behavior has to be taken into account when constructing an adap-
tive system using synchronization mechanisms. In the following we explore this behavior in more detail.
We start by investigating the Rossler system. Assume given a set of modules defined by
x_ ij1 ¼ xij2  xij3
x_ ij2 ¼ xij1 þ bi xij2 ð4Þ
x_ ij3 ¼ 0:2 þ xij1 xij3  aj xij3 ;
with bi = 0.02 + 0.0014i and aj = 3.0 + 0.025j; i,j = 0, . . . ,n  1; n = 200. All n · n modules are forced according to Eq.
(2) by an external system defined through a fixed pair of parameters (b0 6 b 0 6 bn  1, a0 6 a 0 6 an  1) that lies within
the parameter range, i.e.,
x_ 01 ¼ x02  x03
x_ 02 ¼ x01 þ b0 x02 ð5Þ
x_ 03 ¼ 0:2 þ x01 x03  a0 x03 :
Fig. 2 shows a series of six screenshots that illustrate the evolution of the n · n forcing magnitudes F ij ¼ jx01  xij1 j.
The magnitudes Fij are depicted as grey code on the {i, j}-plane, whereby the grey code has been re-scaled for each
screenshot. Black areas code for almost vanishing Fijs and white areas indicate large differences between external system
and module. The parameter of the external system is marked as a filled white circle.
The simulation has been started with zero forcing (Ki = 0 for all three components i) but with identical initial states
of all modules and the external system. Therefore, all Fij = 0 for t = 0. The first screenshot depicts the Fijs after a small
time duration t = 148 (iteration steps) where emerging differences can be observed indicated through the bright areas.
After a further time duration (at t = 1433) the chaotic regime can be clearly recognized by a heavily fluctuating area
emerging in the upper right corner indicating the absence of phase correlations between the neighbored modules. In
other areas, however, one observes standing wave-like oscillations indicating a constant phase relation of the neigh-
bored modules but with different amplitudes of the oscillations. The ‘‘iso-phases’’ can be clearly recognized and distin-
guished from the jittered uncorrelated area. This feature is more pronounced after a further time duration at t = 4120
seen in the third screenshot. One can distinct areas of horizontal from areas of curved iso-phases suggesting periodic
regimes of similar frequencies that lie outside and, in form of ‘‘islands’’, inside the chaotic regime, respectively.
The three screenshots of the second row show the behavior of the Fijs after setting K1 = 0.5 at t = 4120. The leftmost
screenshot shows an emerging synchronization at t = 6969. A remaining small area of non-correlated phases can be
observed in the upper part. Please note, that the grey code has been re-scaled. Otherwise a homogeneous grey value
would indicate lower differences in the mean compared to the beginning hindering to recognize spatial inhomogeneous
behavior which we want to emphasize here. Screenshots five and six have been taken at t = 9954 and t = 17364, respec-
tively. The fifth image unmasks the upper left corner as a synchronization resistant area in the given forcing mode.
Therefore K1 has been increased to K1 = 0.87 at t = 9954 which leads to a stronger synchronization shown in the last
The ‘‘live’’ visualization reveals some features that are hard to capture with static screenshots. The dynamical behav-
ior of the Fijs shows a characteristic spiral-like wave front moving around the point in the parameter plane that marks
the external system. Because of this waxing and waning behavior there is a remaining uncertainty when taking the Fijs as
an instantaneous measure for the difference of dynamical systems. However, if one cumulates the Fijs over a time inter-
val, T, according to1

We restrict the coupling to the first component.
908 H.H. Diebner, F. Grond / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 905–910

Fig. 2. Synchronization behavior of RosslerÕs system. The plane of each screenshot shows the increments of the parameter space that
define an array of the 200 · 200 controlled systems. The white circle marks the pair of parameters (a 0 = 5.7, b 0 = 0.2) that defines the
control system. The differences in the first variable between control and controlled systems is depicted as grey code. Cf. text for a
detailed description.

1 X
T 1
S ij ¼ jx0  xij1 j; ð6Þ
T t¼0 1

one observes an emerging stationary ‘‘potential’’ surface Sij as depicted in Fig. 3. The function Sij can be interpreted as a
likelihood-based function that is to be minimized with respect to the free parameters as pointed out in [9]. If the systems

Fig. 3. Cumulated forcing terms shown as a surface function over the parameter space. The defining parameter pair of the control
system is shown as a white mark. Cf. text for a detailed description.
H.H. Diebner, F. Grond / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 905–910 909

do not synchronize the cumulated forcing term of Eq. (6) leads simply to the average distance between the states of
control and un-controlled system. With respect to the momentarily given differences Fij the resulting ‘‘potential surface’’
Sij is stationary and smoothed. However, as can be clearly seen in Fig. 3 the potential surface can lead to unpronounced
minima with respect to particular parameters, b in the given example.
In a realistic situation one has only a scalar time series available which is expected to represent one variable of a
dynamical system. This is the main reason why we use only one coupling variable although we would have all three.
The exact number of variables is usually not even known and the measured time series may be a lumped variable of
the underlying system. What can be seen from attempts to synchronize the Rossler system in different variables
is the fact that coupling in the first and the second one leads to relatively accurate synchronization results whereas syn-
chronization throughP coupling ijin the third variable fails. However, we experienced in similar cases that using the mod-
T 1 jx0 x j
ified function S ij ¼ T1 t¼0 e 1 1 synchronization is possible. In general, the synchronizability also strongly depends on
the number of free parameters and many other settings. This indicates that experienced modelers are often capable of
tackling the problem nevertheless, for example by reducing the number of parameters or formulating a modified like-
lihood as mentioned. In this context we want to emphasize a possible support by a cognitive system. The stored pre-
adapted modules of the adaptive system may serve as a kind of expert system that amends the experience of the modeler
The following example demonstrates that it is possible to start the adaptive procedure with little a priori knowledge
and without pre-adapted modules. Therefore, we use the maximum likelihood approach to generate a first module by
applying it to a modified Rossler system that is relatively hard to synchronize due to a more complex dynamical behav-
ior of the switching variable as can be seen in the left part of Fig. 4. We use the first variable x1 of

x_ 01 ¼ 0:97x02  0:97x03
x_ 02 ¼ x01 þ 0:19x02  1:024x03 ð7Þ
x_ 03 ¼ 0:2 þ x01 x03  5x03

as an ‘‘observed’’ time series produced with an integration time step of Dt = 0.08 and total length of T = 10000 steps. As
model system that is to be adapted to the time series we choose

x_ 1 ¼ b1 þ b2 x1 þ b3 x2 þ b4 x3 þ b5 x1 x2 þ b6 x1 x3 þ b7 x2 x3
x_ 2 ¼ b8 þ b9 x1 þ b10 x2 þ b11 x3 þ b12 x1 x2 þ b13 x1 x3 þ b14 x2 x3 ð8Þ
x_ 3 ¼ b15 þ b16 x1 þ b17 x2 þ b18 x3 þ b19 x1 x2 þ b20 x1 x3 þ b21 x2 x3

without any a priori information on the 21 free parameters. In other words, we start with zero initial values for all 21
parameters. The initial values of the model variables
P have0 been set to the ‘‘observed’’ values. The forcing strength is
chosen to be K1 = 0.5. The minimization of S ¼ T1 9999t¼0 jx1 ðtÞ  x1 ðtÞj, is executed by using a standard Nelder–Mead
minimization procedure. The model output has been computed with a fourth order Runge–Kutta algorithm using a
time step of Dt = 0.08 to mimick the same sampling frequency as the ‘‘measured’’ time series. We repeated the minimi-
zation, as usual in minimization procedures with multi-parameter functions, with randomly chosen initial guesses for
the parameter values. We stopped the procedure after 100000 runs that did not lead to further improvement of the

Fig. 4. Phase space of the modified Rossler system of Eq. (7) (left part) and the estimated attractor (right part).
910 H.H. Diebner, F. Grond / Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 25 (2005) 905–910

The optimization resulted in the following set of parameter values:

b1 ; . . . ; b7 ¼ 0:90; 1:15; 1:92; 2:31; 0:00; 0:00; 0:00
b8 ; . . . ; b14 ¼ 0:31; 0:86; 0:92; 0:26; 0:07; 0:29; 0:00 ð9Þ
b15 ; . . . ; b21 ¼ 0:29; 0:18; 0:94; 5:05; 0:21; 0:93; 0:01:
The right part of Fig. 4 shows the estimated attractor. It remains to be shown that the estimated attractor is affine to
the original one.
To summarize, we presented evidence that synchronization has the potentiality to become a powerful method in the
fields of dynamics recognition. The success of modeling by means of synchronization quite frequently depends on subtle
modifications by an experienced modeler. There is a lack of both a clear criterion which mode of application of the
synchronization procedure will be successful and an absolute criterion of success. For example, in a noisy or distorted
time series the synchronization may be ‘‘successful’’ with respect to the distortion. This has to be tested from case to
case. We argue that to unfold the power of synchronization new approaches are necessary to tackle this lack of full
mathematical analyticity. We investigated a recently proposed cognitive system under this aspect where synchronization
reflects a basic mimetic feature in a more general sense as pure parameter estimation. The main idea behind this adap-
tive system is to mimick to some degree the experience-based modus operandi of experts by bringing in a priori knowl-
edge. We also demand for an opening of scientific principles to a more performative approach that includes simulations
and visualizations as a serious tool to gain knowledge. Since the process of understanding obviously takes place in a
highly nonlinear system we think that artificial intelligence research and nonlinear science should go hand in hand.


We dedicate this article to our friend Mohamed ElNaschie on the occasion of his 60th birthday and express our deep
respect towards his unique openness and generosity.


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