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Hummingbirds Complete

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Hummingbird Lapbook

You will need a copy of Zoobooks Hummingbirds in order to complete this lapbook. Check your library or you can order from Rainbow Resource. Additional Information What are hummingbirds? Hummingbirds are a family of birds that contain the smallest birds in the world. There all 400 known kinds of hummingbirds, but 19 of them live in the United States. Hummingbirds get their name from the humming sound their wings make as they fly, not because they hum or sing. Where do the United States do hummingbirds live? Hummingbirds live only in the Western Hemisphere. The ruby-throated hummingbird lives east of the Mississippi River. The Allens, Annas black-chinned, calliope, rufous hummingbirds live in Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. The Black-chinned and broad tailed hummingbirds live in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. The Rufous hummingbird lives in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri. Oklahoma and Arkansas. Black-chinned, ruby-throated, magnificent hummingbirds live in Texas and Louisiana. What do hummingbirds eat? Hummingbirds find food in the nectar of flowers. They like tubular shaped flowers like honeysuckle, fuchsias, hibiscus and trumpet vine. Also the color red seems to attract hummingbirds. It probes its long thin bill into the flower and sucks up the nectar which is high energy food. A hummingbird can lap up nectar like a kitten lapping milk. It can flick its tongue 13 times in one second. How fast can you? Hummingbirds also need to eat insects for protein, minerals and vitamins. You can also put out a hummingbird feeder to help supply the sweet nectar they need. Dissolve 1 cup of sugar in 4 cups of warm water and let it cool then put it in the feeder. You should replace the sugar water at least once a week, because it can get rancid.

What is a hummingbirds lifecycle? The females build the nest themselves. They use spider silk and bits of plants and cover it with lichens. It is vey tiny and nothing bigger than a penny fits inside! She then choose a male and the mate in midair. She will lay two eggs in her nest; they are about the size of peas. She will sit on her nest for 2-3 weeks to keep her eggs warm. The tiny hummingbirds hatch, they are born blind and naked. These tiny birds must eat 2-3 times and hour. The mother feeds them regurgitated nectar and insects that she found. She is a very busy mama the next couple weeks feeding her babies and also herself. After about 3 weeks the babies are ready to fly. Vocabulary words torpor a deep sleep to conserve energy. It heartbeat slows down and its body temperature drops fledglings-- baby hummingbirds are learning to fly Size Comparison The smallest hummingbird is from Cuba, it is called the Bee hummingbird and it is 2 inches long and weighs 2 grams. The largest hummingbird is the Giant Hummingbird, it lives in South America and is 8 inches long and weighs 20 grams. The ruby-throated hummingbird is about 4 inches long and weighs 3 grams, less than one penny.

Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use. Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share

Do Hummingbirds Live?

Where in the United States

Cut book out as one piece and fold flaps in glue map to the inside of book.


Black-chinned, ruby-throated, magnificent

Allens, Annas, Calliopes, Rufous, Black-chinned Black-chinned, broad-tailed Rufous

Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use. Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share

Cut book out. Fold on lines (matchbook style).

Hummingbird Diet

What does a hummingbird eat? And where does it find its food? Use the lined boxes below to record the information you found about a hummingbirds diet.

Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use. Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share

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Cut out as one piece. Fold left side in. Fold right side in. Fold top down. Paste cover piece on top.


The Migration of Hummingbirds

Cut out book and map. Trace the general route of hummingbirds or pick a specific hummingbird and find out where it migrates.

Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use. Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share

This is the way a Hummingbird Flies

How does a hummingbird fly? Record what you have learned about how a hummingbird flies. Cut out the book as one shape and fold in half.

Cut out rectangles. Stack together (smallest to largest) with cover on top and staple. Do some research: What plants are the favorites of hummingbirds? Use the pictures to paste to your pages, if desired.

Hummingbird Garden

Vines Trees


Annuals Perennials
Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use. Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share

Columbine Azalea shrub Honeysuckle vine

Foxglove Dahlia

Fuchsias Geranium

Morning Glory Vine Gladiolus Petunia Nasturtium

Trumpet Vine

Weigela Bush


Cut on solid lines. Fold on dotted. Record definitions for vocabulary words under the flaps.




Cut out book as one piece and fold matchbook style, using the dotted lines as your guide. Use the inside of the book to compare and contrast the two topics.

Cut out rectangles. Stack together (smallest to largest) with cover on top and staple. Using the Zoo book pages 4 5 record info learned about the different bills, tails of different hummers.



Fancy Tails Special Bills

Special Feathers & Colorful Crests

Cut out book as one piece. Fold in half. Open book. List the animals that prey on hummingbirds. Extra clipart to decorate Lapbook.

Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use. Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share

Cut pocket out as one piece. Fold back up. Wrap flaps around the back and glue down. Store copy work page in pocket.

Winged Jewel unknown With wings spun of silver and hearts of gold, These tiny creatures our hearts behold. With angelic features and colors so bright, Make even the heaviest heart seem light. The magical way they flit through the sky, They appear, then vanish in the blink of an eye. They're sending a message for us to retrieve, Anything's possible for those who believe!

Copywork Suggestions

The Hummingbird by Steven F. White

The Hummingbird Sylvia Finegan The Hummingbird is cute and tiny; Sometimes his wings look very shiny. His beak is long and comes to a point; And in it you won't find a joint.

Kiss these flowers, drink their colors, in the garden where I'm sleeping. They're like whirlpools, all these flowers, their throats of gold, yours of ruby. He's stays around the feeder, and protects his food; Give me the force, give me the light He's sometimes aggressive, with a lot of atto be the message of your wings. titude. Sketch above me with your long beak. A humming sound, he seems to mutter; Let your design of healing fall. His wings are so fast, you might see them flutter. Mark my body with my singing so you'll know me when I flourish. He'll go from flower, to feeder, to flower; Your eyes are now a field of eyes He'll fly through a water mist, to take his in the garden's flow of flowers. shower. Can I call you when I need you? Will you help me when I'm frightened? Drink my colors, they're like whirlpools. Kiss this flower, my open mouth. A brand new feeder, he has found; One he can eat from, and buzz all around. At the end of the summer, you must fly away; But I know you'll be back, again someday.

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Hummingbird Coloring Book

Cut out book as one piece and fold in half. Color the pictures and glue in book.

Label the hummingbird: eye, tail, wing, gorget, feet, beak. Fold diagram in half and paste cover to the front.

Hummingbird Diagram

Books Ive Read About Hummingbirds

PRINT ON CARDSTOCK. Cut each piece out on the solid black lines (you will have five pieces when finished) and secure with a brass fastener or staple. If you need more than five pieces, print another sheet of this template.

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