Geotechnical GEO5 Fem en
Geotechnical GEO5 Fem en
Geotechnical GEO5 Fem en
Geotechnical Software
The program is applicable to the modeling of a wide range of geotechnical
problems such as terrain settlement, sheeting and underpinning of structu- Boundary conditions
res, slope stability, beams on foundation, excavation, etc. The program contains an automatic generator of boundary conditions, so
Material models that in most applications the user does not have to worry about this task. If
A reliable and accurate response of a given soil or rock mass can be ob- needed, additional boundary conditions (fixed, hinge, spring, forced displa-
tained by using a suitable material model. The present release offers the cement) can be introduced anywhere in the soil body.
following models: Beams
• Linear elastic model Beam elements serve to introduce beams, tunnel lining or sheeting structu-
• Modified linear elastic model res into the analysis. As a result of the analysis the program gives the distri-
• Mohr-Coulomb model bution of internal forces (bending moment, normal and shear forces) along
• Drucker-Prager model the beam. Beam elements are specified along lines already existing in the
• Cam Clay model topology. The beam parameters, however, can be adjusted in individual sta-
Built-in geometrical model correction, automatic mesh generation ges (e.g., gradually increasing beam thickness) or the beam can be com-
The program includes built-in correction of the input geometrical model. pletely removed in one step.
All material interfaces, new structures or calculation stages (tunnel exca- Anchors, geotextiles, geogrids
vation, excavation of a foundation ditch) can be specified independently The program allows the introduction of any number of anchors into the
from each other. Before running the mesh generator the program auto- analysis. Each anchor is fully determined by its starting point, end point
matically locates the intersections of all specified lines, all closed regions and its stiffness. The anchor end points are automatically mapped onto
and creates a corresponding geometrical model. Introducing even a fairly the existing finite element mesh, so that an anchor can be placed anywhe-
complicated structure into the program thus becomes a relatively simple re within the soil body. To further simplify input, the anchor starting point
task. can be placed on the terrain or on individual interfaces.
Mesh generator Surcharge
The program contains a built-in automatic mesh generator that considerably The program allows the specification of any number of surcharges (strip,
simplifies construction of the finite element mesh. Both 3-node and 6-node trapezoidal, line loading). The surcharge can act either on a specified inter-
triangular elements are available. The density of the finite elements face or anywhere in the soil/rock body. In a subsequent stage the existing
mesh is assumed constant for the entire model but it can easily be refi- surcharge can be either modified by changing its magnitude or entirely re-
ned in local areas as required. Preparing an effective mesh for a com- moved from the analysis.
plex structure thus requires only a few minutes of the user‘s time.
The Tunnel program is built upon the FEM program platform.
The program performs the analysis of foundation and roof plates of arbi-
trary shape using the finite element method. It features:
• Automatic mesh generator for both triangular and quadrilateral elements
with mesh refinement around points or lines
• Modeling of subsoil or piled foundation under the plate
• Concentrated and distributed supports (fixed, spring)
• Simple introduction of beams using the cross-sectional parameters
• Loading due to prescribed forces or displacements
• Any number of loadcases
• Determination of the required bending and shear reinforcement